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Prof Viviana Vladutescu

Phone 718 260 4915 or 5300; Email:
Office: Rm#V740

Post Laboratory Report Format

The post laboratory report will consist of a written report to be handed by all members of
the group. These reports are to be handed in the week after the lab is completed. They
will be graded for technical content and returned as soon as possible. Late reports will be

Unless otherwise indicated in the experiment, or by your laboratory, instructor, the format
of the laboratory report is as follows:

Report cover page

1. The college were the student is registered for the course.

2. The laboratory course number and section.
3. The title and number of the particular laboratory unit
4. The semester the course is taken. Date of the experiment.
5. The instructors name.
6. Name and ID numbers of the student and their partners.

Lab Report Contents

Write up the report assuming the reader does not have a copy of your lab manual but has
the same technical background as someone that has taken the prerequisites courses for
this lab. Use software only. Always use full sentences and sequential page numbering
The lab report for each unit must consist of the following sections:
1. Introduction


A statement of the aim or aims of the particular laboratory unit


1. Procedure

design of experiment,

A paragraph regarding the procedures which will be implemented to fulfill the

stated aims
schematic diagram

The circuit or system should be clearly displayed using the computer generated

the pre-lab (software) and laboratory (experimental) results

An analysis section were the pre-lab (software) and laboratory (experimental)

results are compared by superimposing the data or by other means. In addition,

2. Theoretical approach

types of analyses performed and

the corresponding mathematical relations

3. Results of measurement and analyses:


calculations (few examples),


interpretations of the graphs and results

Any data tables or graphs developed in the course of the lab with an explanation
of the table or graph. The graphs must have their axes labeled. (use Matlab for
plots and Microsoft Word or Excel for tables) This section should contain the
formulas and samples of the calculations with these formulas performed towards
the analysis of the data.

answers to the questions posed in the lab manual.

4. Conclusions

A conclusion section where you assess how successfully the goals of the
laboratory were met and the efficacy of the procedures used to obtain them. You
should also point out any limitations and other possible methods, which can be

5. References

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