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Group Members:-

1. Sachin Jose
2. Anto Antony
3. Febin Mathew
A Power Generating System for Mobile Electronic Devices
Using Human Walking Motion


In the design of mobile electronics, power is one of the most difficult restrictions to overcome;
and current trends indicate this will continue to be an issue in the future. Consumer electronic
equipments are becoming small, portable devices that provide users with a wide range of
functionality, from communication to music playing. The battery technology and the power
consumption of the device limit the size, weight and autonomous lifetime. One promising
alternative to batteries is to use parasitic energy dissipated in the movement of the wearer of
device to power it. In this paper we designed a system included a rotary arm extending down
from the sole, which ultimately drove the small electrical generator through a stepped-up
gearbox. A one- way clutch mechanism was used to transmit torque to the gearbox. This allowed
for additional spin following the initial impact of a step, also preventing lockup due to rotary
inertia in the gears. The entire generator system was designed to fit in the heel of a standard
running shoe, with the rotary arm compressing once during each heel strike.
Regenerative Braking System For Energy Harvesting From
Railways And Vehicles


When brake is applied in vehicles and in trains, a significant amount of kinetic energy that is
available because of the movement of the vehicle is wasted in the form of both the power used
for applying the brake and also the power lost as heat in the break. This power is a significant
amount of power and if it could be saved then it can be used for additional applications also. This
can be achieved using regenerative braking.

In regenerative braking instead of the conventional frictional braking system, a different

mechanical system is used, wherein when the brake is applied instead of a conventional frictional
braking system, a generator is mechanically connected to the wheel. The generator acts as a huge
load and stops the vehicle. But in the time duration between the brake being applied and the
vehicle coming to a total halt, the generator is running using the rotation of the wheel.

The rotation of the generation in the duration between the braking and the vehicle coming to a
halt produces significant power. This power can be stored in any power storage device like a
battery or a capacitor bank. Additionally this power can be used for powering other electrical
devices within a vehicle or a train.

In this project a prototype of a regenerative braking system will be demonstrated. For the
demonstration of the project a wheel will be used to which a small regenerative braking system
will be connected to demonstrate the power being produce through regenerative braking.
Additionally in the project a labview based interface will be used to simulate and present the
results of the regenerative braking system.
Power Theft Detection And Electricity Billing

Power generation and distribution in India is among the government departments that lead to
huge losses. One of the main reasons that lead to power loss is because of unauthorized usage of
power and power theft at the consumer side. As of now there are no existing systems present to
stop or prevent the power theft that happens. This is partly because it is not possible to monitor
all the streets and areas manually.

This project proposes a novel idea to detect power theft accurately at a street level on a real time
basis where the information is updated in the span of a few seconds. For the implementation of
the project a new kind of energy meter will be constructed that can in addition to recording the
units can monitor the power being used by the home in real time using an inbuilt embedded

The meter can communicate the power consumption of the home in real time to a receiving
device fitted in the distribution transformer of the street. The transformer is also provided with a
simple power monitoring device that can monitor the power given out on the transmission line to
the street. If the power transmitted and the power consumed by the homes is equal then that
means that no power is being stolen. Alternatively if someone is stealing power then there will
be a difference between the power that is given out by the transformer and the power that is
being legitimately used by the users. Thus using the difference the excess power that is being
stolen can be calculated.

Once if power theft is detected then using some communication device either Zigbee, GSM or
PLCC the theft information can be intimated to the nearest EB office and from the EB office to
the line man in the area, who can then inspect the street and take necessary action against the
violators. If required even, automatic SMS updates can be sent to the line man directly so they
can take a faster action.

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