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Extraordinary Rescue of entire Village of abandoned, starving

animalsGoats. Cows. Bullocks. Sheep. Pigs.

The Rescue

Ive never heard of anything like thisSome of the principal people from PETA-India, FIAPO,
and others have showered us with thanks and blessings

I got a call on Wednesday (12 July) involving creatures that needed rescuing 75 kms from
here (Tiruvannamalai) in a small village called Mathura Arasanoor.

A local political figure, five days before, had been killed by six men from that village. The six
were all related. The families fled for their lives, abandoning their animals, perhaps never to
return. Sympathizers of the murdered political figure burned down their houses.

Further, under threat of death, the sympathizers warned the six remaining households not to
feed or care for the abandoned animals. 85 of them. And sothey were slowly starving
Goats. Cows. Calves. Bullocks. Sheep. Pigs.
Word reached us mid-afternoon five days after the happening. Five animals had already died.
We approached the Collector (like a regional governor). By 8pm an order was issued for the
police to impound the starving, abandoned animals, and it specified that our Shelter
(Arunachala Animal Sanctuary & Rescue Shelter) do the entire rescue, and care for them.

My Director of Operations, Vishwa, did not hear of this until 7pm. I told him what was
unfolding, and that time was of the essence. He said hed be ready to move by 8am in the
morning. I was almost unbelieving, and said, Babe, are you sure?No problem, Sir.

The following morning we were set to move. Four very large lorries with drivers, and a small
sized one with three cages for the pigs. And Vishwa, of course, to hands on orchestrate the
rescue, plus six carefully selected men (three of whom were from our Staff) to catch and
load. Myself, to oversee the operation. Dr. Raja, our head veterinarian doctor.

Our emergency task force first went to the principal government office in Chengam, the
main town 35 miles from the village. Passions were high, and it was a dangerous, potentially
explosive situation. For protection the head government official there assembled a
contingent of half a dozen police. To observe, he also assembled seven influential
government officials from various departments.

We then headed towards the village. The roads were bad and it took almost two hours. On
the way we, picked up the vice-president of the village. He was afraid and had not gone there
since the murder. There were six families that had stayed.

Before proceedingLet me tell you that gathering and loading took four intense hours, and
rescued were 56 goats, 2 sheep, 4 pigs (including a large, and as we learned, belligerent male
close to 300 lbs, i.e 135 kg) 17 cows/calves/bulls, and 6 large bullocks.

They were not in good shape. It was most clearly seen in the cows, and bullocks.

This poor guy should be big, strong, and proud.

This poor babe is just downcast.

This little one is so young to have suffered like this.

Was this fellow tied up for six days?

Looking over entire scene. Planning.

Vishwa, Leslie, Dr. Raja.

With Vishwa orchestrating, the catching and loading took four hours of intense effort. I was
humbled by how intensely, and professionally, our people moved, without a break. They held
nothing back and were fearless. There were many, many places where they could have been
badly hurt, especially in the loading of the cows, bulls, and bullocks.
First, the goats were loaded.
They were put into two large lorries. They were in contained areas, meaning they didnt have
to be caught and gathered. They didnt weigh much, and since they were gentle creatures, it
went rather fast.

After the first, they went willingly. The first must have been the leader.

Lorry One, loaded. Vishwa confirming count with policeman, below.

We loaded the two sheep with the goats.

Next, the cows, calves, bulls, and
bullocks were loaded.
They went into the two remaining large lorries. But first they had to be gathered, lead ropes
put on, and tethered, which took at least an hour.

Rounding the Precious Ones up, putting on leads, and tethering.

Then the difficult partLOADING. Most did not get on the lorries willingly. They had to be
pushed and lifted. It was intense. Especially the six large bullocks. The calves were not a
problem. They simply were lifted and put on. This is a short paragraph, but let me tell you the
rescue was fraught with unbelievable effort requiring almost superhuman strength. And it
was dangerous. Thank God there were no major injuries.

It was a struggle.

Almost all were very resistant.

Lorry One loaded, and set to go.

And last loaded, the four pigs.

Then with some difficulty, the four pigs were caught, put in cages, and loaded onto the
smaller lorry. Two of the younger ones were fast and ran all over the place. It took half a
dozen people a half hour to catch them. The smaller adult posed no special problems. It was
getting the large male into the cage that was very intense. And then (remember he weighs
300 lbs135 kg) lifting and loading the cage onto the lorryPigs are intelligent and
affectionate creatures--but they can become seriously aggressive. And a pig bite is very, very
heavy. Tho Vishwa never says anything negative, I know that he was a little concerned at
how it might unfold.

Two cages loaded. One to go.

Big Guy weighs 300 lbs.

Thats it. Set to travel.


Dr. Raja and Leslie speaking to Ready to roll.

the Press Corp.

We will most likely have these Precious Ones for several monthsIt will cost 100,000 rupees
a month just for the ten caretakers. With food costs over 150,000 rupees were looking at
$4,000 a month.

We need help with thisPlease DONATE

And so we started our journey back.
It was after 4pm.
To care for the animals, Vishwa had arranged for:
A good cowshed in Tiruvannamalai for the cows, calves, bulls, and bullocks. Five
experienced caretakers (three for day, two for night) for around the clock careand a
good food supply.
For the goats and two sheep, he had a semi-grassy (remember theres a drought here),
shaded area 25 kms outside of Tiru with a good water supplyand hired an additional
five caretakers to give them 24 hour care. Most nutrition will come from grazing. It will
be supplemented by oil cakes and purchased fresh grass.
What happened with the four pigs and their housing is almost a horror story that I will
develop later.

Vishwa first went with the cows to get them settled in. It was after 7pm and dark when they
got there. It took an hour to unload the 23 from the lorries.(Even in the dark, the young calves
found their moms in a few minutes.)

They were given dry grass, water, and rice bran. The following morning, oil cakes were
added, and a second kind of rice bran. On the following day, fresh green grass was added.
(Because of the drought, Vishwa couldnt get the fresh grass locally.) Om Namah Shivaya.

Vishwa checking after the cows were unloaded, fed, and settled in.
In the meantime the goats had been unloaded in their place 25 kms away. They had been
given water when they arrived, but nothing else. It was too late to arrange anything. Vishwa
made it there at around 10pm. He set up a temporary net enclosure for the night. In the
morning he built a permanent net enclosure (see photo, below), and the Sweeties (they
really are gentle, vulnerable creatures) were taken for extended foraging (9am thru 5pm)
which they loved. The following day oil cakes and peanut plants, both of which are favorites,
were added to their diet.

Everything went well except for the pigs. Their lorry reached the Shelter at 6:30pm. They
were left in the cages to be picked up at 8:30pm by a person who was going to drive them
to a good place. He didnt show. They stayed in the cages overnight.

Theyre intelligent, sensitive creatures, capable of forming close bonds with humans, but
theyd not been fed for six days, and the people caring for them were gone. When we arrived,
they probably thought of us as aggressive strangers who roughly put them in three cages.
Then, having lost everything theyd ever known, for three hours they were driven on a lorry
cramped in small cages.

The Staff tried to mitigate their suffering. The pigs accepted the water and two grains that
had been prepared for them, but nothing else. They were aggressive and so traumatized that
they wanted no one near them.

Vishwa tried all the next day to find a good place, but couldnt. I tried, unsuccessfully. I did
make contact with a good lady who had a half acre near Chennai, a four hour ride away,
where the pigs would run free. But the males had to be sterilized, which we couldnt do
because for one month the owners have a right to reclaim them.

6pm that second day, I said to Vishwa that if the best we could do is get a pen for them to be
cared for, then I trust no one more than us. We agreed that the thought of them staying in the
cramped cages for another night was almost unthinkable. So he set out to gather materials
needed to build a 12 x 20ft pen. We spoke at 9:30pm. It would be set up within an hour.

But another major problema biggie. They couldnt get them thru the front gate. Vishwa
had to arrange to lift the cages over our six foot wall encircling the Shelter, and the large
male weighed 300 lbs. At that point, I felt we just couldnt do it, and it would have to wait for
morning. But Vishwa said, Sir, we can do it.6:30am the next morning I went to see what
had happened. And there, in a 12 x 20ft pen, were the four pigs. This is now eight days since
the rescue, and their pain has melted away. They have been fed piggie delicacies along
with their regular fareand are feeling good. (A note to Vishwa. Dont know if hell ever see
itFor everything you do. For your beautiful Heart. I place my head at your feet.)

Addendum: Written on the 8th day after Rescue. It feels so good to see the profound change
in the state of all the cowshed creaturesphysically and emotionally.

Their care regimen is:

24 hours a day they have dry grass and water.
Twice a day, 10am and 5pm, they get oil cakes, two kinds of bran, and fresh green
The shed is cleaned every two hours.
For two hours every morning theyre taken to a huge fields and are allowed to fun free.
There are two that try to run away. They are kept on 30 ft ropes.
The caretakers are very good.
They have a lot of room in the shed. The vibration of the place is pure. And its clear
that the Precious Ones are content.
Following are photos of all of them taken some days after the
RescuePay close attention to the last four photos. They are
Before Rescue and 8 day after the Rescue photos of two of
the cows. The change is truly heartening.

Goats and two sheep.

Morning after Rescue. Pen. Goats are out grazing.


Cows, calves, bulls, and bullocks.

Second day after Rescue.

Your nightmare is over Dear Ones.


You poor babes have had a really tough time.

But youre safe now. Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy.
Om Namah Shivaya.


Photo taken during Rescue. Photo taken 8 days after Rescue.


Photo taken during Rescue. Photo taken 8 days after Rescue.

The owners will never be able to safely return to their village. Were hoping that theyll be in
places where they can reclaim the creatures. If not, the cows will go to a permanent
sanctuary where they can live out their lives. We think we have a place for the pigs. Were
still looking for a place for the goats.

In the meantime, it costs 100,000 rupees a month just for the ten caretakers. With food costs
over 150,000 rupees were looking at $4,000 a month.

We need help with this. Please DONATE

With love,

PS And, pleaseGive this broad circulation.

Wishes for all things, good.

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