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It would be very unethical for Roe to accept the contract and make the gifts as described.

It can be
said that these gifts are considered as a bribe to the government official. There are not any
conditions that such practice is considered ethical. Except there are some official commission
allow for the government officials by the government itself. But that is also included in the cost of
the contract.
In countries of third world, there is not a loud and aggressive style of bargaining. Instead, its a
slow, thoughtful process that allows relationships to develop. It is essential not to lose patience
when working out the details of a business arrangement. Trying to force a close too early will not
work. But when a business deal is closed, its often appropriate to exchange a small gift amongst
the government official involved in the negotiations.
If the Parliament or Government make a law that benefits some individuals or cause loss to some
individuals, it is perfectly legal. When you draft a tender condition in such a way that only your
chosen vendor qualifies, or you allow the allotment of minerals and other national assent based on
subjective satisfaction of the minister, it is a corruption which is not illegal.
It is common for civil servants to form a society and get huge chunks of land in prime locality
allotted from Government. Thereafter, everyone is allotted plots/flats at very cheap rates. Officials
can use it or sell it and make lots of moneyall legally. These official were allowed to sell the
plot and pocket the profit lawfully.
There are many colors of corruption in government like the multiple colors of the spectrum of
light. Transparency International (TI) defines corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for
private gain. TI further differentiates between "according to rule" corruption and "against the
rule" corruption. It is true that you can be corrupt without breaking any rule and without any
possibility of facing consequence of corruption and yet you can make a great loss to the
It is common for government officials to accept gifts from private persons, particularly on some
occasions like New Year or on the occasion of wedding. Some officials invite several private
persons on the wedding and even specifically print on the cards Please dont bring any gifts.
(Just to remind them not to forget it). If 100 such people have given a gift of $5000 each, you can
calculate the amount of benefit. Such cases are difficult to prove.
Imagine that you are a victim of a crime committed by a very powerful man, who has great
connections with bureaucrats, criminals and politicians. Now the police officer refuses to act
according to law, because he fears the consequence of taking action the powerful person or see the
benefit of making such powerful person happy. He closes the case without proper investigation
but without taking any money from the criminal. Such acts are not covered under corrupt practices,
but these are actually the acts of corruption since he may use such favors for his advantage at later
date. Even if he doesnt use such favor, he has at least been able to retain his chair and have peace
of mind by following his cowardly act and by refusing to discharge his duties. However, such
officials cant be punished by any law.
1. If Roe lives in the USA it is very likely that he will not give gifts to the government official
as the people of USA have very good sense of ethics. They prefer ethics over anything else.
2. If Roe lives in Mexico he can offer the gifts to the official as there is a lot of corruption in
the general culture of Mexico,
3. If Roe is an Arab living in Cairo and Egypt there is fifty percent chance of both possibilities.
As the Arab are Muslims they have a very strong sense of ethics. But due to tight economies
some people also involve in such practices.
4. If Roe is a Japanese citizen, he will not give any type of gifts as the rules regarding
corruption are very strong in Japan.

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