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People should help refugees simply because it is morally right.

If the country in question

sells any tools of war to anyone then it is their ethical obligation to welcome refuges of other
Why? Because your country is generating profit by creating refugees.
Whatever actions we do (on a personal, business, or political level) we must accept the
consequences. Countries have an obligation to deal with refugees, but not always to take them in
permanently. For instance, giving them working papers for x numbers of years and then seeing if
the situation improves?
There should be a formula, based on a number of factors such as population, resources, culture
and such in order to make sure each country takes in a proportional share, as some countries
which neighbor war zones are overwhelmed. Countries should be free to make demands of
refugees, such as language acquisition and also not allowing ethnic enclaves to form, thereby
spreading out the refugee population so they can integrate. Furthermore, any refugees taken in
should make every possible effort to integrate into society, learn the language and be productive.
If countries know that incoming refugees will simply be a drain on resources, housing and
welfare, the incentive to take them in plummets and just generates resentment among the citizens
of that country.

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