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Logically, the needs of the many must outweigh the needs of the few (or the one.

) Our society as a
whole is what is important, not any individual, once this is realized then much can be understood.
Knowing this, you will want to do your best to serve and uphold the law (even if it's purpose is
sometimes unclear to you.) Equally, you can accept the (sometimes harsh) punishment for falling
foul of it, because you and I are not what matters most. It is not that the rights of the individual are
unimportant, quite the reverse, they are paramount, and this is why no one person (or group) can be
allowed to prevail against them.
This quote only makes sense when it is considered from a personal perspective: put the needs of
others before your own. This logic will never compute for those whose minds reject selflessness.
Beware the tyranny of the majority. Do unto others as you would like to be treated. Respect the
wishes and rights of people who disagree with you. No system is infallible, and you cannot predict
every outcome, no matter your good intentions. Act with caution, whenever possible.

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