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Nama : Helena Juniarti

Kelas : XII IPS 2

Absen : 07


One of the biggest things a students must figure out upon entering school is what to
do with all that time. Free to schedule as they please and free from the obligations of life at
home, students find themselves with a wealth of time they may or may not have.

There are things which you might consider working. First of al, if you want to be cool
and go out with your classmates and buy some cool stuff, well you need money ! By getting a
job, you get money. Of course, you have yo work for it, but still, it can-and probably will be
useful. There is not only money to consider thought. Experience is an important asset for
after finishing school. When you work during your school year and add it to your resume, it
will show your future employers that you are able to manage to pursue two activities at the
same time, or more if you are involved elsewhere. Another interesting thing to consider is the
contacs you might make by working. By contacs, I mean people that can be useful to you
later in life. If you have different jobs, you make new references you can later add to your CV
along with the experience. Also, if you are lucky enough to get a job in your area of studies, it
may later become a permanent job.

The main disadvantage on your life is that you will have less time for schoolwork-and
social life of course. This also means you get less free time to just hang out or party or do
other stuff than work and study. This is an important part of your life if you do not want to go
all crazy ! It is also important if you want to be cool. Having a job can also add another
source of stress to your life. Depending on the type of job you are looking for, you may get a
boss that always wants more hours and presses you to be more avaliable. One of the things
you can do is to set yourself a maximum number of hours you want to work per week and
make this clear with your employer at the beginning of the year.

My biggest recommendation is not to rush into anything. It's perfectly acceptable to

spend the first few weeks of school adjusting and having fun, and then slide a job into the
mix when you've grown comfortable with everything else. Finally, never allow an outside job
to get in the way of your health and school years in general. While work may keep you
motivated and get you needed money, it's not worth losing your education of well being over.
Obtain what you need, but if you feel yourself slipping take some time off, or find a better
place to work. You'll have plenty of time to work post school.
Helena : Hai .... dewi how are you today?

Dewi : Hai... helena Im fine, how about you?

Helena : I,m fine too

Dewi : Can I ask you something?

Helena : Yes, of course

Dewi : Did you take a part time job?

Helena : Yes, how you know that?

Dewi : Just wondering. Why did you take a part time job

Helena : Because I think its had lot of advantage

Dewi : Really? What kind of advantage?

Helena : Its like you can have money your own hard work

Dewi : That amazing

Helena : Yeah..

Dewi : What is this advantage from your part time job?

Helena : Yeah...

Dewi : Can you explain to me about that?

Helena : Its like that you will have less time for schoolwork and social of course

Dewi : Did you feeling happy?

Helena : Yes, of course

Dewi : Why?

Helena : Because I dont need to spend of my time

Dewi : Glad to hear that

Helena : I have to go

Dewi : Ok. See you tommorow

Helena : Bye
1. What is the kind of the text?
2. What is the title of the story above?
3. What does the word they in paragraph 1 line 2 refer to?
4. What is the word disadvantage closest in meaning to?
5. What can learn from the text above?
6. What is rocommended by the writer?
7. Can work keep your motivation
8. Is it worth it to lose your education?
9. What do you do if you feel yourself slipping?
10. What is the purpose of the text above?

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