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Strife Zones

Ganger Militia Quick Reference Sheet

Basic Ganger
Defense: 4 (3 +1Ar), Move: 3, Actions: 2
Zanth (Zoanthrope) Ganger
Defense: 4 , Move: 4, Actions: 2
Weapons Range Damage Special:
Fist Near D6 If used as pair: Roll Twice, only highest
Claws Near D6+1 counts.
Pistol Near 15 D10-1 If used as pair: Roll Twice, only highest
Carbine 2 30 D8 counts.
Metal Club Near D8+1
Thick Chain Near 2 D8 If firing Burst: Damage: D12-2, can't be
Knife Near D8 Aimed.

Flex: Cannot be parried with normal Parry.

If used as pair: Roll Twice, only highest

Aiming Action: Take 1 Action to use 1 step higher die for the Damage roll.

Zanth Extras: Special:

Pounce A Claw-attack that follows 2+ straight movement towards Target
that is neither Large nor Dodging, also causes Target to get Prone
if it hits. Prone Targets has -2 Armor, or -1 Defense if not wearing
Gyro Tail Only falls Prone on a 1 when dropping 2 floors or less. May use
dropping down a floor or two as a Pounce Attack in addition to any
fall damage.
Feral Bite Max 1 Near Attacked opponent may not move nor attack anyone
except the Zanth, and also suffers a D8 Damage Attack if doing so.

Community Ganger
Defense: 3, Move: 3, Actions: 2

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