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Syllabus outcomes
5.5.3 Describes and compares key roles and responsibilities of
people in the field of information and software technology.

This chapter examines the roles and responsibilities of people in the
field of information and software technology. Careers are divided
into three sections: system development; operations and
maintenance; and end user support. Each section describes a range
of career opportunities and career paths.
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6.1 System development

People in system development are involved in the planning, design
and construction of a computer system. There are a number of
career opportunities, such as project managers, systems analysts,
programmers, software engineers, computer engineers, multimedia
specialists and web designers.

Project managers
Project managers supervise all aspects of a project (see Figure 6.1).
Project managers are required to determine the goals of the project,
a costing of the project and
ensure the project is delivered
on time. Project managers are
also responsible for resolving
any conflicts and checking the
work of each member of the
team. A project manager only
needs a broad understanding
of the information technology
industry. However, project
management does require
good interpersonal and
Figure 6.1 Project managers supervise their teams leadership skills.

Systems analysts
Systems analysts solve computer problems and enable information
technology to meet the needs of the user. They help an organisation
realise the maximum benefit from its investment in equipment and
personnel. Systems analysts are involved in the planning,
implementation and maintenance of the computer system. They
must have good management and personal skills to be able to
interview users of the system, determine their hardware and
software requirements and develop a plan of action.
Most systems analysts have university degrees in either
computer science or business. They must have a broad knowledge
of computers and keep up-to-date with recent developments in
information technology. They are often required to test new
products. Systems analysts are given a variety of titles such as
computer analyst, systems consultant, or systems officer.

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Programmers design and write software. A programmer depends on
a systems analyst to provide a detailed description of the users
requirements. This description is called the design specifications. A
programmer writes programs using a programming language such
as Visual BASIC, PROLOG, Java or C++. It is common for several
programmers to work together as a team under a senior
programmers supervision. Programmers usually have completed a
degree at university. There are two types of programmers, the
systems programmer and the application programmer.
A systems programmer writes the systems software such as the
operating system. For example, they could make changes to the
way the CPU communicates with peripheral devices or the
relationship between workstations on a network.
An application programmer writes software to handle a specific
job such as a program to track inventory. The software may be
written by revising an existing software package. Application
programmers are usually focused on business, engineering or

Software engineers
Software engineers design, create and modify
software to solve a computer problem. They
are focused on developing software
products including the certification,
maintenance and testing of the software.
Most software is very large and complex. It
is often built by a team of experts guided by
a software engineer. The team includes
programmers, engineers, designers and
marketing people. Software engineers must
have good programming skills and a
detailed understanding of software
technologies. They are more concerned with
developing algorithms than writing the
program code. Project management is an
important feature of software engineering.
Software engineers require a university
degree in information technology and Figure 6.2 A job advertisement for
programming (see Figure 6.2). a software engineer

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Multimedia specialists
Multimedia specialists are involved in the integration of text,
graphic, audio, animation and video. They could be involved in
authoring commercial CD and DVD products, designing websites
or creating promotional demonstrations. Multimedia specialists
require a combination of skills and experience in different areas.
IT skills in greatest
The development of a multimedia product may require content
demand at present providers and technical staff:
are in the areas Content providers are people who provide the material for the
of clientserver
multimedia product. This may include text, drawings, video
Internet, footage and audio tracks. Generally these people are skilled in
multimedia, data- their field without necessarily having any technical skills in the
base management software or hardware areas.
and system
software support. Technical staff modify the material developed by the content
providers into the appropriate format for the final product.
They include design staff who work to develop the overall
theme and look of the product.

Web designers
Web designers are
responsible for the
creation and
management of a website
(see Figure 6.3). They
must have a good
knowledge of
programming, excellent
writing skills and a
detailed understanding of
design. Web designers
must be able to sell a
design idea to their
client. They work closely
with clients and must
develop websites to meet
Figure 6.3 A web designer works closely with others to their clients needs. Web
develop products to meet a clients needs designers are often
required to work long
and irregular hours to meet deadlines. They must be flexible and
able to work under pressure. Web designers usually operate within
a team and must enjoy working closely with people. Web

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designers need to be competent in database development and

have a high proficiency in HTML and Java.

Computer engineers
Computer engineers design and invent new hardware and software.
They are involved in a range of projects such as the design,
development, testing and supervision of new integrated circuits.
Computer engineers are attracted to new developments such as
robotics and machines with artificial intelligence. Computer engineers
usually construct prototypes before building the new product. They
work as part of a team. A career as a computer engineer requires a
university degree in engineering or computer science.

Exercise 6.1
1 What career am I?
a Designs and invents new hardware and software.
b Designs, creates and modifies software to solve a computer
c Supervises all aspects of a project.
d Solves computer problems and enables information technology
to meet the needs of the user.
2 True or false?
a Systems analysts are often required to test new products.
b Software engineers are concerned with writing program code.
c Web designers usually operate within a team.
d Computer engineers depend on systems analysts to provide a
detailed description of the users requirements.
3 Copy and complete the following by replacing the letter in brackets
with a suitable term:
A web designer is responsible for the creation and management of
a (a). They must be able to sell their (b) to their client. Web
designers must be flexible and able to work under (c). They need to
be competent in (d) development.
4 a What is the role and responsibility of a project manager?
b Describe the role of the systems analyst.
c How does a programmer write programs?
d Explain the difference between a systems programmer and an
application programmer.
e What is a multimedia specialist?
f List a project that would involve a computer engineer.

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5 The most important qualification for employing people in the
information technology industry is experience. Do you agree with
this statement? Give reasons for your answer.
6 Research the newspaper or the Internet to find the employment
opportunities and pathways for careers in system development.
Write a brief report that summarises the result of your
7 Design an advertisement for a job opportunity for a programmer.

6.2 Operations and

Operations and maintenance people keep the system working
efficiently. They ensure the system is achieving its purpose. Career
opportunities include managers, computer operators, technicians,
data entry operators, network administrators and database

Managers oversee the computer
operation and ensure that
personnel and machines are
working efficiently. Managers
must have leadership skills as
well as technical knowledge
about systems development, so
a degree in business and
information systems is
generally required. They have a
variety of titles, with slightly
different roles, including
information systems manager
(see Figure 6.4). An
information systems manager
plans and oversees all the
information resources in the
Figure 6.4 An information systems manager
oversees the computer operation in an

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Computer operators
Computer operators look after computing resources in a large
computer system such as a mainframe. Their tasks often include
preparing, starting up, and running the computers and peripheral
devices. A computer operator is responsible for the maintenance of
hardware and software, security, virus scanning, regular backups
and providing consumables. If the equipment breaks down they
attempt to fix the problem and, if necessary, liaise with a technician
to fix the problem. Many computer operators receive their training
on-the-job, although university qualifications are becoming necessary.
They need a logical mind and to be able to work under pressure.

Technicians install, maintain and repair the hardware of a computer
system. To prevent the computer from breaking down, they
perform routine checks and service. This may involve checking for
loose connections, cleaning any moving parts and running
diagnostic programs to check that everything is working correctly.
If a component such as a motherboard is not working they replace
it and take it back to a workshop for repair. Technicians must have
a thorough understanding of information technology and usually
have a strong background in electronics.

Computer service technician

Fadia is a computer service technician who enjoys her work.
She is dealing with cutting edge technology each
day. Fadia gets to use equipment that other
people dream about. It is exciting playing
with the latest CPU and using the best
quality graphic cards. Fadia travels to
homes or offices each day to fix a
clients problem. The hardest task for a
technician is finding the cause of the
problem. It often takes some detective
work. You need a logical mind to
identify the problem.
Fadia not only fixes computers but
also assembles them. She inserts
components onto the motherboard and
connects peripheral devices. Fadias role
involves setting up computers for people who
have just purchased a new system. She spends most

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of her time dealing with hardware but also needs to install software
and run tests on computers to make sure they are working correctly.

1 Fadia gets to use equipment that other people dream about.
Describe the latest equipment that people dream about.
2 Does a career as a computer service technician interest you?
Give reasons for your answer.
ICT 6.1

Data entry operators

Data entry operators are people who accurately and quickly enter,
modify and delete data. Data entry operators work with large
computer systems and are trained on-the-job, although good
typing skills are required. Smaller companies may employ a
secretary whose job would include data entry.
TAFE courses
provide specialist Network administrators
training and
qualifications Network administrators are responsible for the security and
that are widely administration of a network. They also design and implement
recognised in
the information
systems to keep the network working in the event of a power failure
technology or emergency. The duties of a network administrator include
industry. There are installing new hardware and software, maintaining peripherals on
a range of courses
the network, training staff, changing passwords, enforcing licensing
that cater for most
careers. agreements, developing a storage system and providing routine
Network administrators
need a good understanding
of network hardware and a
detailed knowledge of at
least one major network
operating system (see Figure
6.5). Network related
problems are often very
complex so a network
administrator should enjoy
solving challenging
problems. A network
administrator is also
required to adapt to new
technology and to have
good communication skills.
Figure 6.5 A job advertisement for a network administrator

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Database administrators
Database administrators install, maintain and control databases.
The Internet and the expansion of e-commerce have resulted in a
rapid increase in job opportunities for database administrators.
Determining the best structure of a database to meet a clients
needs is an important role of the database administrator. However,
they also need to maintain the security of the database and ensure
the data is not accessed or altered by unauthorised users. Most
database administrators work for a medium or large business and
need to have completed a university degree. They require a broad
knowledge of information technology and excellent
communication skills.

Exercise 6.2
1 Copy and complete the following by replacing the letter in brackets
with a suitable term:
A network administrator (a) new hardware and software, maintains
(b) on the network, trains staff, changes (c), enforces licensing
agreements and provides (d) backups.
2 Copy and complete the following sentences:
a Computer operators may liaise with a _______ to rectify a
b Technicians would _______ a component if it is not working.
c Network related problems are often very _______.
d The _______ has resulted in a rapid increase in job opportunities
for database administrators.
3 What career am I?
a Installs, maintains and repairs the hardware of a computer
b Responsible for the security and administration of a network.
c Oversees the computer operation and ensures personnel and
machines are working efficiently.
d Looks after the computer resources in a large computer system.
4 a Describe the qualifications required by a manager.
b What are the tasks performed by a computer operator?
c How does a technician perform routine checks and service?
d What is the role of a data entry operator?
e List the knowledge required to be a network administrator.
f Describe an important role performed by a database

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5 Research the newspaper or the Internet to find the employment
opportunities and pathways for careers in operations and
maintenance. Write a brief report that summarises the result of
your investigation.
6 Design a job advertisement for a job opportunity for a technician.
7 Investigate information technology courses at your local TAFE.
Briefly outline the career paths for each course, the content taught
and any requirements for admission.

6.3 End user support

An end user or user is a person or a group of people who make use
of the information technology. They operate the computer system
to perform a particular task. Users have different levels of skills,
from inexperienced beginners to information technology
professionals. They require support in a range of tasks, such as
using a piece of software, installing new equipment or simply
understanding the basics of a computer system. Career
opportunities involved in end user support include training
specialists, support staff, consultants and sales staff.

Training specialists
Training specialists teach users how to operate their computer
systems. Training is needed in the installation of a new computer
system and to ensure users are efficiently using software
applications. There are many opportunities for qualified instructors
in schools, TAFEs, universities and private industry. Trainers
present information to individuals, at meetings, workshops or
conferences (see Figure 6.6). They may be asked to develop training
documentation, multimedia presentations or create a tutorial for
the computer. It is essential that trainers keep pace with the latest
developments in information technology. Trainers usually require
industry qualifications such as a Microsoft Certification.
Future growth in
demand for IT Support staff
skilled people is Support staff provide hardware and software support to a range of
expected to
increase by over
users. Their roles and responsibilities may include advice on backup
24 per cent in the and virus detection, undertaking preventative maintenance,
next three years. installing hardware and software, documenting solutions and
responding to problems. Support staff need a broad knowledge of

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Figure 6.6 Trainers at a workshop

information technology and to be completely familiar with the

specific products of their employer.
People working on the help desk are support staff. Help desk
staff receive notification of problems by phone or email. Help desk
staff enter details of problems into help desk software, prioritise
problems, solve problems and, if necessary, refer problems to more
qualified staff. Most information technology organisations employ
help desk support staff to answer a wide range of questions on their

Help desk
Alexis works on the help desk for a business called IT Results.
His day involves answering a constant stream of phone
callsfrom people who have forgotten their
passwords to people whose computers do
not work. Most problems can be dealt
with immediately. However, if this is not
possible, Alexis records the problem
and passes it to a technician. Alexis
enjoys his job but it can be quite
stressful. When people have deadlines
and their computer is not working they
can get very angry. For this reason, help
desk staff need excellent communication
skills and the ability to solve problems
quickly and effectively.

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Help desk staff are most needed when there is a new or updated
system being installed. Users will have questions and need help until
they become familiar with the new software, or hardwares operation.
Alexis has been able gain a huge variety of knowledge and skills
working on the help desk. The experience gained has the potential to
open career opportunities in the future. Alexis would like to move
from help desk into help desk management where you actually visit
the user or client to fix problems.

1 Would you be interested in working on a help desk? Give reasons
for your answer.
2 Developments in information technology will make the help desk
unnecessary. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for
your answer.

Consultants are experts who charge a fee for providing advice or
service. They draw on their experience gained in one or more areas,
such as education, finance or engineering. Consultants must have
good technical skills and the ability to communicate their
suggestions effectively to their clients (see Figure 6.7).

Sales staff
Sales staff are
employed by an
organisation to sell the
companys products.
Sales staff provide
information to
customers to enable
them to choose a
product that meets
their needs. Sales staff
in information
technology may have
customers who want
to purchase a new
computer, a piece of
software or who are
Figure 6.7 Searching for a job on the Internet (screen capture taken
inquiring about a new
23 July 2004) computer game. They

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are required to provide basic technical support to their customers.

For this reason they must have a broad understanding of
information technology and a specific knowledge of the products
they are selling. This requires sales staff to learn new technologies
and keep pace with constant changes in hardware and software.
Sales staff require good people skills and the ability to communicate Tutorial
effectively. There are many job opportunities for sales staff with
developers of hardware and software as well as through retailers.

Exercise 6.3
1 Copy and complete the following sentences:
a The _______ is a person who makes use of information
b Trainers develop training _______, multimedia presentations or
create computer tutorials.
c _______ staff receive incoming problems for service from the
phone or email.
d Sales staff need to keep pace with the constant _______ in
hardware and software.
2 What career am I?
a Experts who charge a fee for providing advice or service.
b Teach users how to operate their computer systems.
c Provide hardware and software support to a range of users.
d Employed by an organisation to sell their products.
3 Unjumble these words:
a ephl keds
b nde rues
c raetinr
4 a Describe the type of support provided for end users.
b Describe some of the opportunities for training specialists.
c What are the roles and responsibilities of support staff?
d Why do most information technology organisations employ
help desk support staff?
e List the skills needed to be a consultant.
f Describe the knowledge required by sales staff in information

5 Some software companies charge a fee to provide user support. Do
you agree with a user-pays system? Give reasons for your answer.
6 Research the newspaper or the Internet to find the employment
opportunities and pathways for careers in end user support. Write
a brief report that summarises the result of your investigation.
7 Design a job advertisement for a job opportunity for a help desk
staff member.

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Part A: Multiple choice questions 6 What does the work of a computer

Select the alternative (a), (b), (c) or (d) operator involve?
that best answers each question. a Prepares, starts up and runs the
computers and peripheral devices
1 What do you call a person who is b Oversees the computer operation
involved in system development of a and ensures that personnel and
computer system? machines are working efficiently
a Computer operator c Responds to incoming problems
b Technician from the phone or email
c Programmer d Needs a good knowledge of
d Support staff programming

2 What does the work of a 7 What do you call a person who

programmer involve? installs, maintains and repairs the
a Designs and invents new hardware hardware of a computer system?
and software a Data entry operator
b Writes programs using b Technician
programming language c Hardware repairer
c Plans implements and maintains a d Computer operator
computer system
8 What do you call a person who is
d Focuses on developing software
products involved in end user support?
a Training specialist
3 What do you call a person who is b Information system manager
concerned with developing software c Network administrator
products? d Computer engineer
a Software engineer
9 What does the work of a consultant
b Software analyst
c Programmer
d Computer engineer a Installs, maintains and controls a
4 What do you call a person who b Supervises all aspects of a project
solves problems and enables c Plans implements and maintains a
information technology to meet the computer system
needs of the user? d Charges a fee for providing advice
a Project manger or service on which they are
b Software engineer expert
c System analyst 10 What do you call a person who
d User support staff receives incoming problems for
5 What do you call a person who is service from the phone or email?
involved in the security and a End user
maintenance of a computer system? b Sales staff
a System analyst c Help desk staff
b Software engineer d Consultant
c Consultant
d Network administrator

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Part B: Matching the term

For each of the following statements (1 to 10), select from the list of terms (a to j)
the one that most closely fits the statement.
1 A person who solves computer 6 A person who looks after computing
problems and enables information resources in a large computer system
technology to meet the needs of the such as a mainframe.
user. 7 A person who installs, maintains and
2 A person who determines the goals repairs the hardware of a computer
of the project, a costing of the system.
project and ensuring the project is 8 A person who is an expert in one or
delivered on time. more areas and charges a fee for
3 A person who designs and writes providing advice or service.
software. 9 A person who teaches users how to
4 A person who designs, creates and operate their computer system.
modifies software to solve a 10 A person who provides hardware and
computer problem. software support to a range of users.
5 A person who accurately and quickly
enters, modifies and deletes data.
a Computer operator f Software engineer
b Consultant g Support staff
c Data entry operator h Systems analyst
d Programmer i Technician
e Project manager j Training specialist

Part C: Extended response questions

Write at least one paragraph for each of the following:
1 Describe three careers in system and responsibilities of database
development. Which career would you administrators? What qualifications
prefer? Give reasons for your answer. are required to be a database
2 Explain the difference between the administrator?
role of a software engineer and that 5 Describe three career opportunities
of a programmer. in end user support. Which career
3 Describe three careers in operations would you prefer? Give reasons for
and maintenance. Which career your answer.
would you prefer? Give reasons for 6 Help desk staff have stressful jobs.
your answer. Do you agree with this statement?
4 There has been a rapid increase in Explain your answer by referring to
job opportunities for database the role of help desk staff.
administrators. What are the roles

e Tester

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Project: Careers
Create an employment database of the career opportunities in the field of
information technology. The careers described in this chapter will provide a basis
for the database. However, students are expected to find recent information on
each career and other careers not specified in this chapter. The employment sites
on the Internet and newspapers have appropriate information. Each career will be
a record in the database. Suitable fields for each record should be chosen, such as
name, job description, qualifications, personal qualities and salary. Students are
expected to create forms for data entry and to be able to search the data for
specific information.

ICT 6.1

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