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August 8th, 2010 Published by: technama

Our-Cats.Com Weekly
One of the other ways that you can use is to divert the cat’s
Thunderstorms Phobia in Cats attention during a storm. You can play with your cat or try to
– Cats and Thunderstorms train your cat using your cat’s favourite food! Good food does
By Cato on August 8th, 2010 just as well with cats as it does with humans. This way your cat
will associate thunderstorms with good things instead of fear.
While training, don’t be too demanding of your cat or it will
get tired and irritated which will make the food less appealing.
Counterconditioning is the best way in which your cat can be
trained to be less fearful of thunderstorms.
This is not always successful and very onerous but worth a try.
You can expose your cat to the recordings of thunderstorms
coupled with counterconditioning (discussed above). This will
train the cat to cope with actual thunderstorms.
Thunderstorm phobia in cats is not very common as cats seem
to cope with thunderstorms well. This does not mean that Medication:
they do not fear it. But there is a difference between ‘fear’ You can also use certain medicines to soothe your cat’s nerves
and ‘phobia.’ While fear is a mild state of uneasiness with a but this must only be after the advice of your veterinarian.
particular situation, phobia is extreme and brings about an
Whenever you find your cat under the bed, nervously
unreasonable and exaggerated show of fear. Phobia comes in
grooming itself, during a thunderstorm, it means that the cat
when animals or humans are afraid to the extent that they
is fearful. However, this in no way can be labelled as phobia.
might avoid open spaces and even harm themselves. Normally,
Help must be sought in either way to make it easy on your cat.
cats would go hide under the bed or in cupboards which is
out of fear. It also reduces the chances of getting hurt to a Related posts:
greater extent. Cats also have a thin coat which makes them
less vulnerable to thunderstorms. Although it is closer to never 1. Cats Aggression towards People – Reasons and Tips
that a cat has thunderstorm phobia, unusual experiences such for Treatment You must have noticed that your cat often gets
as receiving an electric shock during a storm, may induce in aggressive...
them such a phobia. 2. Common Parasites Affecting Cats Parasites are organisms
Signs of Thunderstorm Phobia in Cats that get their food by attaching themselves...

If the cat is only fearful and is mildly affected by the 3. Cat Scratching Furniture – Tips for Prevention You must
thunderstorm, the symptoms would be limited to large get annoyed at your cat scratching the legs...
pupils and a general desire not to socialize and stay hidden 4. Mastitis In Cats – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
somewhere. However, when it comes to extreme phobia, Mastitis is an infection caused by bacteria. It is present...
along with the above symptoms, the cats coat hair is raised
and their tail becomes bushy. Other than that, their body 5. Bad Breadth Disease in Cats – Causes Symptoms
exhibits nervousness and they hiss and spit a lot. Their defense Diagnosis and Treatment Halitosis is the disease which in
layman’s terms is also...
response also becomes more active than usual.
How to Overcome the Fear of Thunderstorms in Cats Related posts brought to you by Yet Another Related Posts
Although leaving the cat alone is the best solution, there are Plugin.
many ways in which the cat’s fear can be eliminated or at least
assuaged to a greater extent. One of these is to guide the cat to
the basement or a room which is sound- and light-proof. When
the cat will get the normal environment, it will automatically
go back to its normal behavior in a while.
Counter conditioning:

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August 8th, 2010 Published by: technama
however, coughing can be caused by a number of other
Lungworms in Cats – ailments. Thus, to make sure, other tests are carried out. These
Symptoms Diagnosis and tests include thoracic radiograph, bronchoscopy, complete
blood count (CBC), respiratory secretions’ examination and
Treatment heartworm test.
By Cato on August 8th, 2010
Treatment of Lungworms
The treatment carried out after the diagnosis will be
determined by the veterinarian which will most probably be
an anti-parasite drug. Normally hospitalization is not needed
and if it is, it will be for a very brief period. In cases of extreme
infection, anti-inflammatory medicine may also be prescribed
for a period of 3 to 10 days. This will increase the thirst,
appetite and also urination of your cat.
Lungworm is a type of parasite that affects a cat’s respiratory
Home Care for Lungworms
tracts. It afflicts the cat when the cat eats an insect or rodent
carrying it or afflicted with it or drinks water contaminated by The only way you can keep your cat safe and away from such
its larvae. It is more common in younger cats that get seriously worms is to monitor and control their whereabouts if they are
infected. The most common kinds of lungworms afflicting allowed to go outdoors. However, during treatment they must
cats are Capillaria aerophila & Aelurostrongylus abstrusus. be kept indoors and in a hygenic environment. Follow up is
There is another type of lungworm known as lung fluke or also needed to make sure that the parasite has been completely
Paragominus which is found near lakes and infest crayfish, eliminated. This includes a chest X-ray and fecal examination
snails, etc., or the rodents that eat them. after 2 to 4 weeks of treatment.
How Cats Become Infected with Lungworms In case, the ailment has been ignored, it may result in
permanent lung scar tissues. If these scars have changed the
Both types of lungworm affecting the cats are transmitted in
lung tissues to a greater extent, then, residual cough will be
different ways. Capillaria aerophila infests the cats directly
when they eat an insect or rodent infected with the larvae of
lungworm. Drinking contaminated water can also infest the Related posts:
cat with this parasite.
1. Tapeworms in Cats – Appearance Symptoms and
Aelurostrongylus abstrusus affects the cats indirectly with the Treatment Tapeworms in Cats are also known as Cestodes,
help of an intermediate host. This intermediate host may be tapeworms are...
snails or paratenics such as birds and rodents. The larvae can
grow and reproduce only asexually on the intermediate hosts. 2. Bad Breadth Disease in Cats – Causes Symptoms
It is only in the final host (i.e. your cat) that the parasite can Diagnosis and Treatment Halitosis is the disease which in
reproduce by exchanging genetic materials. Once the cat is layman’s terms is also...
ingested by this lungworm’s larvae, it finds home in the walls 3. Mastitis In Cats – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
of the intestine from where it reaches the lungs. Once in the Mastitis is an infection caused by bacteria. It is present...
lungs, it grows, reproduces and lays eggs. These eggs are then
4. Cat Scratch Disease – Causes Symptoms Diagnosis and
swallowed and passed out via the feces or coughed up.
Treatment Bartonellosis is a disease in humans that is caused by...
These parasites affect the cat by injuring the airways and lung
5. Cat Diarrhea – Causes Symptoms & Treatment Cat
tissues by inflamating them.
diarrhea is very similar to the one humans are...
Symptoms of Lungworms in Cats
Related posts brought to you by Yet Another Related Posts
The symptoms of lungworm depends on the type of parasite
that ails the cats as well as the intesity of infestation. If the
cat has a mild infection, it is likely that it might not show any
symptoms at all. However, in case of a severe infection, the
cat will be spotted coughing, shortness of breath and being
very lazy. In addition, it will also lose weight and exhibit
an intolerant behaviour. In case of complications, it could
even result in interstitial emphysema, pulmonary edema and
secondary bacterial pneumonia.
Diagnosis of Lungworms
While diagnosing lungworms medically, a few tests need to
be carried out. The veterinarian will need the medical history
of the cat and perform a complete medical check up which
will include lung auscultation. Normally the fecal examination
is the main diagnosing test which finds larvae of lungworms
in the feces. The main symptom of lungworm is coughing,
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August 8th, 2010 Published by: technama
There will also be a change in the behaviour of your cat. If you
Cat Scratching Furniture – have an aggressive cat as your pet, then it might even bite its
Tips for Prevention claws! Thus, it is preferred that you train your cat to use scratch
By Cato on August 8th, 2010 posts and spare her the pain and the horror.
Other Options of Preventing Cats from Scratching Furniture
(except for Declawing)
There are other alternatives to the declawing surgery
mentioned above! These alternatives have been discussed
Scratching Posts:
When buying scratching posts for your cat, keep a few things
in mind. Always buy an extra post (for example if you have 2
cats, then buy 3). Make sure that the post is tall enough that
the cat can stretch easily to its complete length. Thus, the post
You must get annoyed at your cat scratching the legs of your must be no less than 3 feet at least. The post must also be stable
expensive furniture and no matter how much dismay you so that when your cat tries to scratch, it doesn’t fall over or tilt.
express, there is nothing that can stop it. But there’s a solution Always use material that can easily be scratched and leaves a
for everything and there’s a solution for this too! To find mark since that is the objective! Cloth or other material that
solutions, the first step is to figure out the reason why your cat will not scratch is of no use. Burlap is an ideal material for the
acts this way. job!
Cats are very possessive about their territory in their natural When choosing a place to keep the scratch post, do not hide
environment as well as their home in case of domestic cats and it. Initially keep it at a place where your cat mostly likes to
thus, if they fear the presence of another one of their species, scratch. Once its association with the scratch post has been
they will scratch on a tree or your favourite table to send the developed, you can keep it in a place that is not that central but
message that the territory is taken. Now the scratches send the easily accessed by the cat.
message in ways: visial and olfactory. The message is delivered
when the other cat sees the marks and is known as visual. The Deterrents:
cats while scratching release certain pheromones from their First in the line are physical deterrents such as heavy guage
superficial glands in the skin of the paw. Other cats who see plastic sheets. You can cover the legs of your table or sofa or
the scratches also smell these pheromones and get the cue that any other piece of furniture with these sheet when starting
this place is taken. with the training. This will inculcate the idea that this furniture
However, scratching doesn’t necessarily only relate to the is not to be scratched.
above. It also helps your cat to exercise and flex the muscles Chemical deterrents come in all forms. You can use moth
and tendons of its paws. It also aids in removing old nail husks. repellent aerosols containing naphthol or other sprays
The Domestic Picture containing pheromones which will keep your cat away from
the furniture.
Domestic cats have a tendency to leave markings most
preferably on the furniture at home to that they leave a clear Environmental Measures:
message to any cat that trespasses. Although there is a solution If you live in a place where your cat is frequently threatened
for it which is a declawing surgery, it is greatly discouraged by other cats or cat fights are a norm, you need to settle such
on humanitarian grounds. Some veterinarian, however, still insecurities that surround your cat and encourage it to pursue
perform it saying it is totally harmless. the habit of scratching.
The declawing surgery involves the removal of the nail along Nail Covers:
with the nail bed and sometimes even a part or all of the finger
The excellent innovation of plastic nail covers has to a greater
bone. It is extremely painful with the pain normally lasting for
extent solved the problem of scratching. These plastic nails
around 24 to 36 hours after the surgery. The gait of the cat
can be glued to properly trimmed cat’s nails. In this way, your
during this time will reflect the pain that it feels. Sometimes, if
cat can scratch as much as it want with almost no damage to
there are complications in the surgery, the pain might last for
your furniture! These nail covers, however, need to be replaced
a longer period of time. There are even instances where cats
monthly. You can save your time by gradually replacing only
hobble for years to come but those are rare.
those nails that come off on their own.
Once your cat has been de-clawed, you have to be careful of
Nail Trims:
your cat’s litterbox usage. It is recommended that you put
some torn newspapers in the litterbox so that the little particles If none of the above methods suit you, you can reduce
don’t find their way to the wounds. The inclusion of newspaper risking your furniture by regularly getting your kitty’s nails
might lead to a general dislike towards the litterbox and result trimmed. You can also learn how to trim your cat’s nails by a
in undesirable excretory instances. veterinarian. Make sure you use nail clipper especially made
for cats and not the ones that are used by humans. When
cutting your cat’s nails, square all the pointed edges and be
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August 8th, 2010 Published by: technama
careful that you do not cut the vascular and sensitive part of Giardia in Cats
its nail. Giardia is another parasite that affects the small intestine of
If you like this post, show your appreciation by becoming a cats. Its symptoms are usually watery diarrhea, dehydration
fan of our We actively discuss different issues relating to our and weight loss in young cats. Adult cats can normally
feline friends on the Facebook page as well as in our comments overcome the ailment via their natural immune system. Cats
section. get this disease by drinking contaminated water. Although it
can be treated successfully, it is a serious ailment and must not
Related posts:
be taken lightly. Special care must be taken when giving your
1. Tips for Cat Bathing Feeding and Grooming Cats are the cat water and food so that it isn’t contaminated.
world most famous pets and can be... Ear Mites in Cats
2. Cats and Ticks – Prevention and Removal Ticks are a Ear mites are another type of parasites that live in the ear
menace that feed upon the blood of... canals of the cat causing excessive itching and frequent ear
3. Cats Aggression towards People – Reasons and Tips scratching by your cat. You will also notice your cat vigorously
for Treatment You must have noticed that your cat often gets shaking its head. To make sure that it is ear mites that afflict
aggressive... your cat, take a closer look at your cat’s ears and see if you spot
dark flecks (ear mites’ droppings). If all the above symptoms
4. How to Break Cat Fight – Tips and Techniques In a house are visible then get your cat checked by a veterinarian. Cats
where there are more than one cats,... can easily transfer these mites from one another so if you have
5. 40 Household Items Poisonous for Cats One of my friends more than 1 cat, be sure to keep the infected cat away from the
Persian kitten died after licking some... others. Ear mites cannot be transmitted to humans.
Ringworms in Cats
Related posts brought to you by Yet Another Related Posts
Plugin. Ringworms are basically not parasites but a type of fungus.
They as such do not cause any substantial harm but are
extremely contagious to not only other cats but also humans.
Common Parasites Affecting This fungus can cause athlete’s foot in humans and in cats it
Cats can weaken the immune system if it is not treated in time.
By Cato on August 8th, 2010 Fleas in Cats
Fleas are perhaps the most notorious parasites known to cat-
owners. They suck blood out of cats and can cause anemia in
older cats and even death in the younger ones. They also aide
in transmitting tapeworms. The infestation can get even worse
if your cat is allergic to flea bites. Thus, it is very important that
you take care of your cat and try not to create an environment
that fosters these fleas.
You should regularly brush your cat’s coat with a comb dipped
Parasites are organisms that get their food by attaching in soapy water. This will kill any flea that might have attached
themselves to other organisms. Parasites related to cats feed to the cat. You should also consult your veterinarian if you find
on the cat’s blood and are normally found on the skin of the your cat infested with flea. The medications are not harmful
cat. Examples include fleas and ear mites. While the external for the cat but will cease reproduction among the fleas.
termites can be detected by taking a thorough look at your cat,
In case your cat was infested with fleas, there is a very
internal termites are harder to detect. Some of the common
good chance that there are flea eggs and larvae in the carpet
parasites that afflict cats have been discussed below.
and other such materials. Visit your veterinarian who will
Coccidia in Cats recommend a “flea bomb.” This will kill all generations of flea
Coccidia is a type of microscopic parasites that finds its abode and prevent any future infestation effectively.
in the cells of the lining of the cat’s intestine. It is caused by Related posts:
eating infected fecal material or a rodent affected by coccidia.
Normally, coccidia is eliminated by the immune system. But if 1. Flea Allergy in Cats Flea allergy dermatitis (flea bite
it gets severe, it results in diarrhea. The cat becomes weak and hypersensitivity) is the most common...
dehydrated if it is not treated immediately. The medicines that 2. Cat Scratch Disease – Causes Symptoms Diagnosis and
are used to cure the disease only hinder the reproduction of Treatment Bartonellosis is a disease in humans that is caused by...
these parasites. The complete destruction of these is very slow.
It is also recommended that you keep the environment clean. 3. Cat Diarrhea – Causes Symptoms & Treatment Cat
diarrhea is very similar to the one humans are...
Cryptosporidia is another coccidia which when afflicts, is
incurable. However, normally this can also normally be 4. Cat Bloody Stool – Causes and Treatment Blood in cat’s
combated by the immune system until or unless the cat has stool may be a cause for concern...
immuno-deficiency disorders.

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August 8th, 2010 Published by: technama
5. Cats and Snake Bites While cats are active hunters by nature, your mouth! Cutting the bite or using a torniquet are also
they can also... not recommended. However, when it comes to using ice and
washing the wound, there is a debate so it is advised that you
Related posts brought to you by Yet Another Related Posts consult your veterinarian before doing either.
How to Keep Snakes Out of Your Garden
Keeping a snake-free garden would mean creating a rodent-
Cats and Snake Bites and clutter-free environment. This can be done by regularly
By Cato on August 8th, 2010 mowing your garden and not letting the grass grow too tall.
Also never leave water containers outside unattended for too
long. Also do not use your garden as a make-shift junk yard.
Always pick any fruit that falls from the trees as this will
attract rodents and subsequently, attract snakes. Woodpiles
are also a kind of haven for snakes so avoid then especially in
summers. However, if you have to keep them, then, keep them
somewhere far from the house that is not accessed by children
or pets. Avoiding any rock decorations in the garden will also
While cats are active hunters by nature, they can also fall prey help keep snakes away!
to other hunters. Snakes are one of such hunters that may bite Related posts:
a cat especially in the head, neck and legs. However, bites on
other parts of the body are considered more serious. A snake 1. 40 Household Items Poisonous for Cats One of my friends
bite may be poisonous, hence, fatal at times, or not poisonous Persian kitten died after licking some...
depending on the type of snake. Even if the snakes aren’t
2. Flea Allergy in Cats Flea allergy dermatitis (flea bite
poisonous, their bites inflict pain and can also cause infection.
hypersensitivity) is the most common...
Symptoms of Snake Bites
3. Cats Aggression towards People – Reasons and Tips
If your cat has been bitten by a snake, it will demonstrate for Treatment You must have noticed that your cat often gets
the following symptoms: dilated pupils, weakening muscles, aggressive...
drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, rapid pulse, labored breathing
4. How to Travel with Cats – Tips and Techniques Traveling
and possibly even a coma. The bite of non poisonous snake is
with cats is not very difficult if you know...
generally in horse shoe shape as they do not contain the fangs,
however, we strongly advise that you go to veterinary doctor 5. Cats and Ticks – Prevention and Removal Ticks are a
and do not take any risk menace that feed upon the blood of...

Instructions Related posts brought to you by Yet Another Related Posts

The moment you identify that your cat has been bitten by Plugin.
a snake, try to recognize the snake if it is somewhere near.
Make an oral note of how it looks like, the pattern, length, etc.
However, do not under any circumstances try to approach the
snake, even if it is dead! Do not waste time on finding the snake
and immediately take your cat to a veterinarian.
While on the way to the vet, keep your cat in a position so
that its heart is on a higher position than the area bitten by
the snake. Also, open the cat collar and keep the cat calm
and collected. Excitement, struggle and exercise all these
increases the absorption of the venom.

Try to put a pressure bandage between the heart and the bitten
area so that the venom is unable to travel towards the heart. In
case you’re unable to feel the heart beat, administer CPR.
DO NOT let your cat walk once it has been afflicted with
a snake bite. Also, NEVER try to draw the venom out by
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