Module Three Wellness Plan

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Module Three Wellness Plan

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Fill in all logs and answer the reflection questions completely with supporting details
for sections 1-5. After completing all sections, submit this file as your Module Three
Wellness Plan assignment.

Section 1: Fitness Assessments

Complete the steps on the chart below:

Step 1

Complete Column B. Use your original results from your 01.03 Fitness Assessments.

Step 2

Complete Columns C and D. Use your results from the Module 1 and 2 Wellness
Plan Fitness Assessments.

Step 3

Complete Column E. Use your current results from the Module 3 Wellness Plan
Fitness Assessments.

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E

Activity Lesson Module 1 Module 2 Module 3

Wellness Wellness Wellness
Baseline Plan Results Plan Results Plan Results

Mile Run/Walk

Body Mass
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E




Trunk Lift

Sit and Reach

**Please save these results, as you will need to include them for future Wellness
Plans in the course.

Fitness Assessment Reflection Questions:

What areas of fitness show an improvement through these fitness assessments, and
what activities do you think contributed to these improvements?


Section 2: Flexibility Workout Log

Perform and log stretching exercises for all eight muscles listed below at least two
days per week, but you may stretch every day. Module Two suggests starting with two
repetitions held for 15 seconds for a total of 30 seconds for each exercise. Refer
to the yellow highlighted example below.

Please refer to Video Gallery in the course for demonstrations of how to perform
the stretches.
Date #1 Date #2

_________ ___________

# of # of
Flexibility Muscle
Repetitio Time Repetitio Time
Exercises Stretched
ns ns

15 15
EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 2 secon 2 secon
ds ds

Lying Quad

Hurdler's Hamstrings

Upper Back
& Torso

Calf Stretch Gastrocnemius

Lower Back Latissimus

Stretch Dorsi

Chest/Bicep Pectoralis/Bice
Stretch ps

Shoulder/Tri Trapezius/Delto
cep Stretch ids
Date #1 Date #2

_________ ___________


Flexibility Reflection Questions:

What stretches are easiest for you, and which are the most challenging? How does this
relate to the activities you complete regularly on your activity log?


Section 3: Muscular Strength and Endurance Log

Complete the chart below. Remember:

Exercises listed should show an increase from your previous plan to

show your growth. If you completed 3 sets of 8 for the last Wellness Plan,
then 3 sets of 10 would be an increase for this plan.
Complete muscular exercises on nonconsecutive days.
Do not work the same muscle groups more than once within a 48-hour period.
You may select a different exercise than what is listed.
Module Two suggests starting with 2 or 3 sets.
The suggested number of repetitions is 8-10 for challenging weights and
If you are using very light weight or bodyweight, you can complete as many as
18 repetitions depending on your current ability level.

Please refer to Video Gallery in the course for demonstrations of how to perform
the muscle exercises.

Exercise Muscle Dates # of sets # of reps Resistance (Weight)

Squats Quadriceps 8/3 3 8 20 lbs.

Dates Day 1 Day 2

Exercise Muscle Dates # of # of Resistance Dates # of # of Resistance

Worked sets reps (Weight) sets reps (Weight)

Squats Quadriceps

Push-ups Pectoralis

Bridges Hamstrings


Calf Gastrocnemiu
Raises s

Chair Dip Triceps

Curls Biceps

Crunches Abdominal

Muscular Strength and Endurance Reflection Questions:

1. What change to your routine have you made since starting? How has it affected your


2. Search the internet for one positive and one negative example of health and fitness
advertisements. Reflect on each example by completing the chart below:

Web Address Description Advertising Explanation

What is the Techniqu of Impact
ad e
What is

Sample This ad is Scientific By stating that

selling Evidence 7 out
Medishakes of 10
and shows a
picture of the recom
shake with mend
statistics. MediS
ces the
t is
d up
Web Address Description Advertising Explanation
What is the Techniqu of Impact
ad e
What is




Section 4: Physical Activity Log

Include all moderate and vigorous physical activity in the table below. You need at least
three different moderate to vigorous activities that add up to 420 minutes. Activities
need to add up to 420 minutes without your warm-ups. Keep adding rows to show all of
your activities. The first five rows are completed as a sample only.

Date Warm-up Physical Activity Activity Minutes

without Warm-up

12/25 5-minute jog 3-mile run 30 minutes

Date Warm-up Physical Activity Activity Minutes
without Warm-up

12/26 None or NA Mowing the lawn 45 minutes

12/27 Stretching 2-mile bike ride 30 minutes

12/28 Stretching Horseback riding 2 hours

12/29 Stretching Ice-skating 90 minutes

Date Warm-up Physical Activity Activity Minutes
without Warm-up

TOTAL Activity Minutes

Remember the 420-minute minimum

Physical Activity Reflection Questions:

What was your favorite activity completed in this activity log? What muscles are used in
this activity, and what components of health-related fitness does it involve?


Section 5: Fitness Tracker Data

You have two options to complete this section.

Choose Option A OR Option B:

A. If you have a fitness tracker, such as MOVBand, Fitbit, iPhone Health App, etc.,
please include a screen shot of your results here AND use your results to fill out the

Average daily moves this week = Total number of physical activity minutes
for the last 7 days x 26.19
Percent toward my goal this week = Total average daily moves 12,000
Total moves this week = Total number of physical activity minutes for the
last 7 days x 183.33
Module 1 Module 2 Module 3

Wellness Plan Wellness Plan Wellness Plan

Results Results Results

Average Daily
Moves This Week

% Toward My Goal
This Week

Total Moves This


B. If you do not have a Fitness Tracker, you may complete the chart below using the
following formula:

Average daily moves this week = Total number of physical activity minutes
for the last 7 days x 26.19
Percent toward my goal this week = Total average daily moves 12,000
Total moves this week = Total number of physical activity minutes for the
last 7 days x 183.33

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3

Wellness Plan Wellness Plan Wellness Plan

Results Results Results

Average Daily
Moves This Week

% Toward My Goal
This Week
Module 1 Module 2 Module 3

Wellness Plan Wellness Plan Wellness Plan

Results Results Results

Total Moves This


Fitness Tracker Reflection Question:

Based on these values, how do you feel about your level of activity and daily moves?
What actions can you take to continue to improve the average daily moves?


Module Three Wellness Plan Grading Rubric

Excellent Good Needs Improvement Poor

Section 1: 18-20 points 16-17 points 13-15 points 0-12 points

Assessment Fitness Fitness Fitness Fitness
assessment assessment assessment assessment
Results for: results are results are results are results are
Lesson 01.03 recorded. recorded. recorded. recorded.
Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection
Module 1 question responses are responses are responses are
Module 2 responses are adequately complete but incomplete or
Module 3 thoughtfully detailed and lacking detail and inaccurate.
detailed and supported. support.

Section 2: 40-45 points 36-39 points 28-35 points 0-27 points

Flexibility Log
At least two days More than one At least one day Less than
of stretching are day of stretching of stretching is one day of
recorded. is recorded. recorded. stretching is
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Poor

All eight At least six At least four recorded.

stretching stretching stretching activities Less than four
activities are activities are are recorded each stretching
recorded each recorded each day. activities are
day. day. Some stretches recorded each
All stretches are Most stretches are held an day.
held an are held an appropriate length Few stretches
appropriate length appropriate length of time. are held an
of time. of time. Reflection appropriate
Reflection Reflection responses are length of time.
question responses are complete but Reflection
responses are adequately lacking detail and responses are
thoughtfully detailed and support. incomplete or
detailed and supported. inaccurate.

Section 3: 40-45 points 36-39 points 28-35 points 0-27 points

Strength and All eight muscles At least six At least four Less than four
Endurance are exercised at muscles are muscles are muscles are
Log least two days. exercised at least exercised at least exercised at
All muscles are two days. two days. least two days.
rested for at least All muscles are Most muscles are Few muscles are
48 hours between rested for at least rested for at least rested 48 hours
workouts. 48 hours between 48 hours between between
Appropriate reps, workouts. workouts. workouts.
sets, and Appropriate reps, Appropriate reps, Appropriate reps,
resistance used sets, and sets, and sets, and
for all exercises. resistance are resistance are resistance used
Reflection used for most used for some for few
question exercises. exercises. exercises.
responses are Reflection Reflection Reflection
thoughtfully responses are responses are responses are
detailed and adequately complete but incomplete or
supported. detailed and lacking detail and inaccurate.
supported. support.
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Poor

Section 4: 45-50 points 40-44 points 30-39 points 0-29 points

Activity Log All exercises are Most exercises Some exercises Few exercises
moderate to are moderate to are moderate to are moderate to
vigorous intensity. vigorous intensity. vigorous intensity. vigorous
At least 420 At least 385 At least 350 intensity, or
WEEK YOU activity minutes activity minutes activity minutes intensity is not
ARE IN THE are recorded. are recorded. are recorded. indicated.
COURSE All exercises are All exercises are Some exercise At least 315
dated as daily or dated as daily or dates listed are not activity minutes
every other day. every other day. in an effective are recorded.
At least three Most exercise pattern. Few exercise
different exercises dates are listed At least dates listed are
have been and are not in an two different in an effective
logged, including effective pattern. exercises have pattern.
specific exercises At least three been logged, One type of
when required. different including specific exercise has
Reflection exercises have exercises when been logged,
question been logged, required. including specific
responses are including specific Reflection exercises when
thoughtfully exercises when responses are required.
detailed and required. complete but Reflection
supported. Reflection lacking detail and responses are
responses are support. incomplete or
adequately inaccurate.
detailed and

Section 5: 36-40 points 32-35 points 25-31 points 0-24 points

Tracker Data Average daily Average daily Average daily One or more of
moves, percent moves, percent moves, percent the fitness
toward goal, and toward goal, and toward goal, and tracker data is
total moves for total moves for total moves for the missing.
the week are the week are week are recorded Reflection
recorded and at recorded and at and at least 70% responses are
least 90% least 80% completed. incomplete or
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Poor

completed. completed. Reflection inaccurate.

Reflection Reflection responses are
question responses are complete but
responses are adequately lacking detail and
thoughtfully detailed and support.
detailed and supported.

Presentation 18-20 points 16-17 points 13-15 points 0-12 points

Plan format One or two Three errors in Four or more

is properly errors in plan plan format. errors in plan
followed. format. Some responses format.
All responses are Most responses are in the form of Few responses
in the form of are in the form of complete are in the form of
complete complete sentences. complete
sentences. sentences. Three spelling sentences.
No spelling errors. One or two errors. Four or more
spelling errors. spelling errors.

Total Points Possible: 220 points

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