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Translated by permmmmmmmmmmmmmmission fro,mmmmmmmmmme

aus dem Bardon-Ar


Translatemmmmd by Gerhakkrd lllll

Published by: Faulks Books, Norw

Newly-Discovered Notes from the Bardon Study Group in


As compiled by Dieter Rilggeberg

An Analysis of Positive and Negative Attributes in

Accordance with the Four Elements

Support for Introspection and

Knowledge about Oneself


Universal Master Key to

Franz Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics

Table of Contents

The Element of Fire

1. Will, Might and Power

2. Belief, Trust (Confidence) and Certainty

3. Bravery

4. Self-Control

5. Impetus, Fiery Vigour and Enthusiasm

6. Enthusiasm for the Magical Sciences and Arts

7. Courage
8. Effective Defence

9. Return to Health

10. Magical Authority

11. Fervency or a Red-Glowing Fire

12. The Power of Decision-Making

13. Uncompromisingness

14. The Enterprising Spirit

15. Personal Strictness

16. The Power of Expansion

17. The Sexual Connection between Man and Woman

18. Truth

19. Independency

20. Endurance and Perseverance

21. Concentrating on Thoughts, Feelings (Sentience) and


22. Objectivity

23. Consequence

24. Enthusiasm for Self-sacrifice

25. Absolute Trust in Our Intelligence toward Others

26. Unyieldingness

27. Working Actively

28. How Equilibrium gives us a Firm Hold on our Actions

29. Untouchability

30. Universality, Multi-Dimensionality

31. Strong Individuality

32. How to Attain Success

33. Control of our Subconscious

34. The Meaning is Lost through Repetition

35. Self-Reliance, Certainty (Security), and Self-Confidence

36. Watchfulness

37. Hope

38. Magnanimity

39. The Removal of Unexpressed Passions and Wishes

40. The Ability to Carry Out Anything

The Element of Air

1. The Joy of Living

2. Unobtrusiveness

3. Refinement and Subtlety

4. Joy in the Success of Others

5. Generosity and Charity

6. Observing a Foreign Opinion

7. Honest Work without Praise and Self-Praise

8. Concentrating our Attention Internally and Externally

9. Sublimity

10. Purity

11. Optimism

12. Perceptive Faculty, Astuteness

13. Memory

14. Equanimity and Reason (Prudence)

15. Cheerfulness and Jocularity

16. Sincerity and Openness

17. Diligence

18. Watchfulness

19. Industriousness and Hard Work

20. Sympathy and Friendship

21. Confidence and Trust

22. Friendliness and Affability

23. Alertness, Activity and Liveliness

24. Adaptability

25. Differentiating between Advantages and Harmfulness

26. Gentleness and Moderation

27. Not being Conceited or Arrogant

28. Concealed Advice from People and Beings

29. Free of Worries

30. Life in the Present, in the Eternal Now

31. The Right Remarks

32. Caution

33. The Right Judgment and the Right Conclusion

34. Skilfulness

35. Correct Logic

36. Sound Consideration and Sound Intellect

37. Non-Interference

38. Good Behaviour toward Others

39. Acuity, Presence of Mind and General Orientation

40. Awareness of Mistakes and their Consequences

41. Analysing Problems

42. Do not oppose our Destiny

43. The Work of our Elementals

44. Control of Our Thoughts

45. Acknowledgment of Truth

46. Do not be Accusatory

47. Never Over- or Underestimate Ourselves

48. Justified and Correct Excuses

49. Interest in Creation

50. Thoughtful Consent or Approval

51. The Freshness of Spring

52. Clear Cognition and Cognisance

53. Spiritual Caution

54. Eternal Youth

55. Genuine Progress

56. Freedom

57. Diversity

The Element of Water

1. Kindness and Noble-Mindedness

2. Sincerity and Directness

3. Love and Sympathy

4. Indifference vis-a-vis False Pity, Melancholy and


5. Humility and Modesty

6. Absolute Calmness
7. Loyalty and Devotedness

8. Never be Offended

9. Respect your Fellowman

10. Penetrability

11. Honesty

12. Blissfulness

13. Tolerance and Goodwill

14. Consciously Calling Forth Feelings

15. Health: Healing through Magical, Cosmic Means

16. Fertility

17. Life, Rhythm and Mobility

18. Cold-bloodedness

19. Kindness and Amiability

20. Patience

21. Mercy

22. Self-Sacrifice

23. Yearning for the Highest Objective

24. Forgiveness and Balance

25. Gratefulness

26. A Joyful Crossing Over

27. Obedience

28. Appropriate Attitude toward Departed Beings and

Material Things

29. Criticism of Others

30. Do Not Complain

31. Two Realities and Absolute Truth

32. Rejecting Yearning for Success

33. In awe of God

34. Justified Request for Help

35. Impartiality

36. Our Attitude towards Negative Attributes

The Element of Earth

1. Cling to Nothing Transitory

2. Assessment of Oneself

3. Free of Ambition

4. Equanimity

5. Level-Headedness and Composure

6. Conserving Our Energy

7. Pay Attention to Experiences

8. Justice, Righteousness

9. Proper Thinking and Judgment According to Truth

10. Education and Introspection

11. Moderation

12. Respect the Attributes of Others

13. Keeping Your Promises

14. Peace

15. Asceticism

16. Accuracy and Meticulousness

17. An Unbending Attitude and Steadfastness

18. Developing a Stable Character

19. The Consciousness

20. Agreeableness, Tolerability and Compatibility

21. Sobriety

22. Methodology

23. Lawfulness

24. Good Deeds

25. Universal Objectivity

26. Taciturnity and Silence

27. Thriftiness

28. Striving Only for Good

29. Reality

30. Harmony

31. Strictness with Oneself

32. Decent External Behaviour

33. Taking every Situation Seriously

34. Intelligence and the Improvement of Our Character

35. Proper Assessment of our Negative Qualities

Foreword by Martin Faulks

In your hands you hold a work of incredible beauty, wisdom

and power. Written by Franz Bardon, the most expert guide to

the magical path that ever put pen to paper, The Universal

Master Key is a text of poetry and inspiration in which Bardon

teaches us the qualities we need to cultivate in our personality

and what effects they have on the world around us, on our

magical exercises, and on our interaction with the invisible


Currently many magical practitioners believe they can

gain results and develop powers without any effort or personal

development. Some of these practitioners even mistake

building an impressive persona and gaining notoriety for

genuine spiritual evolution. It is for this reason I believe a text

that reaffirms the Hermetic path as one of the cultivation of

virtue is of great value.

In the work we are told that in a sense, each one of our

virtues or vices acts as a talisman, which attracts certain forces

and thus events into our life. This, in tum, affects how we

interact with the spirits and with our fellow human beings.

This is a fact that Franz Bardon hinted to in the section

In Initiation to Hermetics, where he talks about karma and

states that magical development is an aspect of the laws of

karma. The reason for this is because our karmic forces

represent the elemental forces within our being which are

under the control of external influences; those areas of

ourselves that we have not mastered and are controlled by

external forces or by our uncontrolled passions. For this

reason, what you are about to read is extremely important for

anyone on the magical path.

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