Creole Voodoo Glossary

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Creole Voodoo Glossary

Abbateur: Ogoun.

Absinthe: The green opal, the curse of France, elixir, temptress,


Aethyr: The underlying substance which synergistically binds everything


Africa: The Source of our religion.

Agassou: The great Dahomean Leopard. The Spiritual principle of removal.

Agouer: The Spiritual principles of natural sequence and abundance.

Ada: The Spiritual principle of exponential gradation.

Aile: Wing.

Ainsi soit-il: "Amen," "So mote it be," "Thus it is."

Asan/Azan: The Spiritual principle of evolution.

Algiers Point: Where slaves were sold.

Alle: Hidden path of the Promenade.

Albuquerque: City in New Mexico, U.S.A. which has a mystical link with
New Orleans. The center of the Western world.

Alegba/Alegoua: The Spiritual principles of communication and


Algiers: Across the river.

Altar: Your connection to Rev. Samantha Corfield and the Divine


Anago: Nigerian group of Lois and their promenades. Not a major part of
New Orleans Voodoo.

Anctres: Ancestors - Those who have gone before.

Ancient Egypt - Along with Nubia, the source of Voodoo.

Ange: Angel - A Loi.

Angel Heart: Interesting movie, features New Orleans Voodoo.

Angola: Location of Louisiana State Penitentiary. Also a Nation of Lois.

Arada: Dahomey (Benin) group of Lois and their promenades.

Arc-en-Ciel: Rainbow, Ada.

Argent: Money. Silver.

Argot, Griffe: Talon.

Armoire: A clothes cabinet. Can be used as a secret Altar.

Asacca/Azacca: The Spiritual principles of steady energy and fecundity.

Assemblage: A stack of certain items in Rev. Samantha Corfield's Spell


Asson: The Rattle used by the Houngan or Mambo during a Promenade d'l'

Assotor: One really, really BIG drum.

Attributes, preferences and dislikes: Information is directly displayed by

our Chevaliers. It is NOT Jungian or Crowleyish "assigned," "intuitionally
received," or "channeled" concepts.

Bailler: To give (something).

Banc: A reef, a financial institution.

Banquette: Sidewalk.

Bantu: Common language of the Kongo people.

Baron Samedi: The spiritual principles of cessation and development.

Bton Alegba: Stick used in our private Voodoo Work.

Bton Jeu-jeu: Staff used in our private Voodoo Work.

Bton Royal: Special rod used in our private Voodoo Work.

Bayou St. John: The bayou meandering from Lake Pontchartrain where
certain Voodoo rituals used to be practiced.

Betaille: A bug.
Big Easy: Too hot and humid to be anything else. Sit down for awhile. New

Black Eagles: Mardi Gras Indians.

Black Magic Woman: Song by Santana.

Blanchisseuse: A washer-woman.

Boeuf Gras: Symbol of Mardi Gras.

Bon Coeur: Someone who casts spells for a living (i.e., Rev. Samantha
Corfield with her Divine Voodoo True Spiritual Spellcasting Service).

Bon Dieu: The Spiritual principle commonly known as "God."

Bon March: Good deal, inexpensive.

Bonne Chance: Good luck.

Bossu: The Spiritual principle of controlled expansion. A hunchback. The

son of a Dahomean King.

Boucane: Smoke.

Boudin Rouge: Blood sausage.

Boussilage: A build-up of mud and moss. Very similar to adobe bricks.

Brigitte: The Spiritual principle of containment, yet expansion.

Brown Derby Social and Pleasure Club: Nice little hideaway. On Louisiana
Avenue. Great for a tourist to experience "the real New Orleans."

Burgundy: A street, a wine.

Caf au Lait: Coffe with hot cream or milk.

Cajuns: Acadians - Descendants of the Creoles of Canada.

Cajun Voodoo: A particular form of Rev. Samantha Corfield's Voodoo


Calaboose: Calabozo - Jail.

Calas: One-time street nibble.

Camellia Grille: Best omelettes in the world.

Canseau/Canzeau: The primary initiation's ordeal by fire.

Carencro: Turkey buzzard.

Carnaval: Mardi Gras.

Catholic Church: Many similarities to Voodoo, we have saints, they have

saints, and so forth and so on.

Cayenne: Good spice.

Cercueil: Coffin.

Charles M. Gandolfo: Deceased founder and curator of the New Orleans

Historic Voodoo Museum, artist who painted the world-famous picture of
Marie Laveau.

Chauve-souris: Bat.

Chef Menteur Highway: Highway 90, the road upon which Jayne Mansfield

Chval: Horse - The physical body temporarily taken over and ridden by a
Loi. The original personality is temporarily displaced.

Chvalier, Cavalier, Cavaliere: A Loi, riding.

Chicken Man: His ashes reside in Priestess Miriam Chamani's Voodoo

Spiritual Temple in New Orleans.

Chifforobe: Good place for a hidden Altar.

Chouette: Screech Owl.

City Park: Location in New Orleans where certain Voodoo practices are
performed privately.

Code Noir: Once a code of behavior (not well adhered to by the average
New Orleanians).

Commission: A message.

Confederacy of Dunces: Book by J. K. Toole, a typical New Orleanian's life.

Confondre: To confuse.

Congo: Angola and Belgian Congo, Zaire group of Lois and their

Congo: A person who's skin is so black it shines. Someone from the African
Congo regions.
Congo Square: A location where slaves used to meet on Saturday nights in
New Orleans.

Conjuration: One of Rev. Samantha Corfield's Creole Voodoo Spells.

Connaisance: Awareness - Under ritual circumstances, one has actually

met the physical presence of one of our family Chevaliers.

Connaitre l'Loi: To meet a Loi.

Corbeau: Crow.

Cosmic Voodoo: A particular form of Rev. Samantha Corfield's Voodoo


Coup d'Gras: The final strike.

Couvert: Cloudy sky.

Craie: Chalk.

Crawfish: Suck the head and pinch the tail.

Creoles: Original settlers in the New World and their descendants, both
African and European. Descendants of those colonists and slaves. A native
of New Orleans.

Creole Voodoo: A particular form of Rev. Samantha Corfield's Voodoo


Crescent City: Built on the curve of the river.

Crochir: To bend, warp.

Croisailler: To crisscross.

Cross: To put a Spell on someone, to interfere with another's activities.

Crossroads: A place where the two worlds intersect.

Cymbie: The Spiritual principles of change and protection.

Cypress: Swamp trees.

Damballah: The Spiritual principles of predestination and success.

Dans l'Fond d'l'eau: At the bottom of the water.

Dchainer: To be unrelenting.
Dgager: To extricate.

Dessounin: The death rite which separates a Loi d'l' Tete from the body of
his/her initiate.

Divine Cosmorama: A term used where other people might use the word
"God." The total cosmos, including both universes.

Divine Voodoo: A special form of Rev. Samantha Corfield's Voodoo


Doctor John: John Montenet was a well-known Root Doctor in New Orleans.
Marie Laveau's mentor.

Doctor John, the Night Tripper: Mac Rebennack, a famous New Orleans

Doctor Yah-yah: Was another Voodoo practitioner.

Domestique des Vaudoux: Servant to the Grand African Spirits - Rev.

Samantha Corfield.

Dooky Chase: Excellent Creole restaurant on Orleans Avenue.

Doubloon: Carnival throw. Since 1960.

Eau: Water.

Elysian Fields: A street in New Orleans.

Empereur Jean-Jacque Dessalines: Hero and Saint of the revolutionary war.

Enchanteur, Enchantresse: Spellworker - One who uses Rev. Samantha

Corfield's Spell Kits.

Entortiller: To twist, entangle.

Enturbulation: The state of a person in distress, before starting one of Rev.

Samantha Corfield's Spells.

Envoyer: To send.

Eperon: Cock's spur.

Ersulie/Erzulie: The Spiritual principles of Desire and fulfillment.

Esplanade: Hidden path to the Other World.

Esprit: Spirit - A Loi.

Essence: Perfume.

Faire l' Mnage: To make house - To clean the House of our Lois.

Fais-dodo: Cajun country dance.

Fait Accompli: The Spell is done.

Fantme: The visible spook.

Farine d' froment: Wheat flower.

Farine d' mas: Cornflower.

Fascinate: To direct one of Rev. Samantha Corfield's Spells toward another


Fats Domino: Antoine Domino, another great New Orleans pianist.

Fivre Jaune: Yellow fever.

Flambeaux: Torch Bearers.

Flamme: Fire. Flame.

Fleur d' Lis: Flower of the lily. On the official flag of New Orleans.

Fon: Language of people living in Ghana and Benin.

French Market: Where fresh gifts for our Lois may be obtained.

Gagner: To win, to obtain, to have.

Galeries: Balconies.

Gnral Toussaint L'Ouverture: Hero of the revolutionary war. A great


Gsier: Gizzard.

Ghosts: Apparitions of those who have recently deceased.

Gifts: We do not "sacrifice" for our Lois, nor give "sacrifices" to them. We
give them gifts.

Glapion: The family name of some of the widow Paris's descendants.

Goun baille a: The statement, "Ogoun gives this," when delivering a Coup
d' Gras.
Govi: A clay pitcher containing a Lwa/spirit.

Grand Chemin: Overt path to the Other Side.

Grand Matre: Grand Master - That which passes for"God," yet is the
consciousness of the Divine Cosmorama.

Grand Zombi: Damballah and/or Cymbie.

Gratter: To scratch the ritual marks into or upon the flesh of the Initiate.

Graveyard: Where certain Spells are executed.

Griffe: A Magickal Seal used in Rev. Samantha Corfield's Spell Kits.

Griffonage: A Symbol used in Rev. Samantha Corfield's Spell Kits.

Gris-gris: Burnt gray - A Voodoo Spellworking procedure.

Gris-gris Bag: A Magickal Voodoo packet, a "fetish."

Gros Bon Ange: Fat Angel Song by Jefferson Airplane - One of two spiritual
principles in Spellcasting, the material aspect.

Garde: A protective Magickal Charm.

Geek: One who bites the heads off chickens.

Guetteur 'Gator: The Louisiana Guetteur, lurking in the shadows,

watching, waiting...

Guetteurs: Watchers - The spiritual principle of continuation. Commonly

written as "gede." See the movie City of Angels.

Guider: To Guide, a Guide - The Spiritual principles of advancement and


Guine: Africa. The motherland.

Gumbo: Thick soup. Try some. (Ask Mambo Sam to make you some!)

Haiti: Another center for Voodoo.

Hand: A Voodoo "fetish."

Helpers: Spiritual aides. One of our Loi and/or his or her minions.

Helping Hand: Spiritual assistance for those in distress.

Hochet: Pronouced "ho-shay" - the sacred rattle of the senior members of
a New Orleans Voodoo House.

Hoodoo: Original British spelling of Voodoo, the "H" was silent - A Loi or
Spiritual practice. Presently the "H" is sounded. Now also used by some to
indicate "rootwork."

Hoppin' John: Black-eyed peas and rice.

Houdou: Cajun and Creole spelling of Voodoo, the "H" is silent - A Loi or
Spiritual practice.

Hounfort: A Voodoo Temple and its accompanying grounds.

Houngan: A Master of Ceremonies of the Arada group, a Voodoo priest.

Hounsi: A Voodoo initiate of the Arada group. Not at all the same, but may
be understood by outsiders as being in a similar vein to a "confirmed

House of the Rising Sun: Poignant song, author unknown. written in the
1800's. About either a gambling casino or house of ill-repute in New

Hyacinth de la O: One of Rev. Samantha Corfield's confidants in matters of


I Put a Spell on You: Song by Screamin' Jay Hawkins, inspiration for Rev.
Samantha Corfield's original web site, Put-a-Spell-On-You! (This site by that
name no longer exists.

If Ever I Cease To Love: Theme song of Rex, King of Carnival.

Ibo, Igbo: A nation of Lois and their promenades.

Iko, Iko: Song.

Ile en Bas d'l' Eaux: The original home of the primal Mysteres.

Ile If: Holy City. Where the Mound of the World was formed and
everything began.

Import Voodoo: Voodoo which is not traditional family Voodoo, but that
which is brought in from Haiti and various Spanish speaking locations,
mixed with other African "religions," and passed off as New Orleans

Incantation: A chant performed while casting a spell.

Indien: American indian.

J'ai faim: I want blood.

Jackson Square: Originally, Place d' Armes.

Jambalaya: Crawfish pie, fil gumbo.

Jean Lafitte: Once a pirate.

Jeu-jeu: Toy - A Voodoo "fetish," a Voodoo doll.

Khouzhan: Historical term used exclusively in the Spellmaker Family to

designate a Novitiate, one who has taken one or more of the 9 initiations
on the road to Priest or Priestess.

K&B Purple: The purple color used in the old Katz and Bestoff signs.
Certain Spellworking items could be purchased from the drugstores.

King Cake: Mardi Gras Confection. Don't bite the baby.

King Henri Christophe: Hero and Saint of the revolutionary war.

Krewe: A public or private Mardi Gras Association.

Krewe of Zulu: Throws golden coconuts during Mardi Gras.

La Bamboula: A Promenade.

La Bas: Over there. The Other World.

La Flambeau: The flame - A nation of Lois.

La Fleur s'apres former: The Spell is in action (taking effect).

La Loi: The Law (Les Lois: (plural) the laws, rules, or guides) - A Spirit; a
Grand African or Creole Ancestral Being who is capable of entering many
material substances. Our Lois establish a link between humans and their
relationships to, and activities in, the natural world. Comparable to a Saint
or Angel. Our family Lois are linked with their homeland and issue by
occult means to the Altars of Rev. Samantha Corfield. There is no
correspondence with "other gods," for our Lois are not imaginary Jungian
archetypal stuff.

La Nouvelle Orlans: New Orleans.

Lagniappe: A little something extra.

Laisser (aller) l' Bon Temps Rouler: "Let the good times roll."

Lame: A wave.
Lapin: A rabbit.

Liberace: The White Man. Healer on the Other Side.

Loco: The Spiritual principle of advancement through assignment.

Loi Achet: Bought Spirit - One of our Loi whose services are temporarily
purchased for Spellwork and included in Rev. Samantha Corfield's Creole
Voodoo Spell Kits.

Loi Matre d'l' Tte: Spiritual master of the head - A person's guiding Spirit,
received during initiation.

Lucky Dog: Read "A Confederacy of Dunces," and/or walk the French

La Lune: The moon.

Maelstrom: The gathering and focus of energy when using Rev. Samantha
Corfield's Spell Kits.

Magie, Magick: Not parlor or stage magic, but the manipulation of time,
thoughts, and emotions.

Magickian: One who does Spellwork.

Magnatizer: To Mesmerize.

Make groceries: Get gifts for our Lois.

Malfaiteur: One who interferes with the activities of another person rather
than do well for him or herself, in order to attain things.

Malvina Latour: Marie Laveau's successor.

Maison Blanche: Department store on Canal Street. Also the cottage Marie
Laveau had beside Lake Pontchartrain.

Malcolm X: Martyr.

Maman-aux-Lois: Mother to our Spirits - Rev. Samantha Corfield.

Mambo: The Mistress (lady "master") of Ceremonies of the Arada or Anago

group, a Voodoo priestess.

Mamou: Coral tree.

Manger Loi: Loi Food - A gift to a Loi.

Manteau: Mantle.

Marais: Pond.

Marassa: The Spiritual Principles of similarity and sympathy.

Marcher: Work - The Work of using Rev. Samantha Corfield's Spell Kits to
improve one's material and emotional conditions during his/her life on
earth. While these things are being accounted for, one is also learning
Spiritual development.

Marcher d'l' Loi: Spirit walk - The pattern of movement for and/or of our
Lois during a Voodoo ritual.

Mardi Gras: Fat Tuesday - The Tuesday before Lent begins.

Marie Laveau: The most well-known of New Orleans Voodoo Queens.

Marinette: The Spiritual principle of well-being and freedom.

Marteau: Hammer.

Martin Luther King, Jr.: Martyr.

Mary Oneida Toups: She was the most well-known modern-day Witch in the
French Quarter - New Orleans witchcraft initiator of Houngan Bob Gibbons
and Mambo Samantha Corfield.

Mascarade: The Masquerade - The Cosmic Promenade of our Lois

disguised as Catholic Saints.

Maspero's Exchange: Where once slave sales were made.

Masque: A Catholic Saint fronting for one of our Lois.

Mdicament: Remedy.

Melanger: To mix.

Minuit: Midnight.

Mirages: Spell-sent impressions.

Moin: I, me, mine, one less than the whole (monde).

Moisi: Mildew.

Mojo: Mumbo-jumbo (mumbled and jumbled) - A spoken spell.

Mojo Bag: Gris-gris Bag.

Monde: People, or a person, everyone (within a set).

Monnaie: Money.

Mots: Words.

Mulatto: Varying degrees of mixed race persons.

Mystres, Mysteries: Lois.

Nager: To swim.

Ngre Marron: Wild black - Escaped slave.

Neutral Ground: The median between two or more lanes of opposite


New Orleans: Center of Voodoo in the U.S.A. -Where the hidden entrance
to l' Ile en Bas d'l' Eaux exists.

New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum: Best typifies what was at one time
traditional New Orleans Voodoo.

New Orleans Witchcraft: Practical witchcraft, no religion to it, used to

obtain those things which one desires.

Ngangan: A Witch Doctor of the Congo group, a priest or priestess who

casts Spells.

Octaroon: Mixed race - more Caucasian than Black, 1/8 Black to be exact.

Oeufs: Eggs.

Ogoun: The Spiritual principles of bursting energy and tension.

Old Absinthe House: Historic Bar in the French Quarter.

Ombrage: Shade, shadow.

Orage: Storm. Anger.

Oriflamme: A Symbol used in Rev. Samantha Corfield's Spell Kits.

Os: A bone. Used in certain forms of Spellcasting.

Ouanga: A physical object containing a "point," a Charm or packet.

Ouangateur: A person who crosses another with a Charm.

Ouavalouai: The Spiritual principles of illness and health.

Ouidah/Ouedo: The major city in Dahomey (Benin) where intense slave

trade took place. A holy city in Benin. The Center of the World.

Ouragan: Hurricane

Onzoncaire: The Spiritual principle of propinquity.

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