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III - Characterization of Geologic Materials - Abdul Shakoor


Abdul Shakoor
Department of Geology, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, 44242, U.S.A.

Keywords: Soil, rock, classification, compaction, consolidation, strength, Youngs

modulus, Poissons ratio, modulus ratio, discontinuities, rock mass classification


1. Types of Geologic Materials

1.1. Soils
1.2. Rocks
1.2.1 Igneous Rocks
1.2.2. Sedimentary Rocks

1.2.3. Metamorphic Rocks

2. Engineering Characterization of Soils
2.1. Index Properties
2.1.1. Phase Relationships
2.1.2. Soil Texture
2.1.3. Atterberg Limits
2.1.4. Liquidity Index
2.1.5. Activity Index
2.2. Soil Classification

2.3. Design Properties

2.3.1. Compaction Characteristics

2.3.2. Permeability

2.3.3. Consolidation
2.3.4. Shear Strength
3. Engineering Characterization of Rocks
3.1. Intact Rock Properties

3.1.1. Specific Gravity, Absorption, and Unit Weight

3.1.2. Rock Strength
3.1.3. Elastic Properties

3.1.4. Durability
3.2. Engineering Classification of Intact Rock
3.3. Rock Mass Properties
3.4. Engineering Classification of Rock Mass
3.4.1. Percent Core Recovery
3.4.2. Rock Quality Designation (RQD)
3.4.3. Fracture Index
3.4.4. Velocity Index
3.4.5. Rock Mass Classification Systems
Biographical Sketch

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Vol. III - Characterization of Geologic Materials - Abdul Shakoor


Geologic materials include both soils and rocks. Soils are classified as coarse-grained
(sands and gravels) and fine-grained soils (silts and clays) on the basis of particle size
whereas rocks are divided into igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic based on their
origin. Void ratio, porosity, water content, degree of saturation, density, grain size
distribution, and Atterberg limits are the index properties used for characterization of
engineering behavior of soils.

Properties of soils used for design purposes include compaction characteristics,

permeability, consolidation behavior, and shear strength parameters. Rocks are
characterized on the basis of properties of intact rock and rock mass. Specific gravity,
absorption, density, unconfined compressive strength, tensile strength, shear strength,
Youngs modulus, Poissons ratio, and durability are used for characterization of intact
rock as construction material.

Rock mass properties are important for design and stability of engineering structures,
and are controlled by the nature of discontinuities present in a rock mass. Rock mass
classification systems, which take into account the nature of discontinuities, are used to
characterize the engineering behavior of rock masses.

1. Types of Geologic Materials

Geologic materials include both soils and rocks but a well-defined boundary between

them does not exist. For example, a highly weathered rock shown as a rock on a

geologic map may be considered soil by a civil engineer. For the purpose of this article,

a soil is defined as a loose, unconsolidated aggregation of mineral particles that can be

easily separated by hand pressure or agitation in water (Johnson and DeGraff, 1988) and

that can be excavated without blasting (West, 1995).

A rock, on the other hand, is a hard and compact aggregation of minerals that remains

intact in water and cannot be excavated without blasting (West, 1995). Between these
two end members, there is a gradation zone (glacial tills, shales, claystones, mudstones,
etc.) that exhibits properties of both soils and rocks.

1.1. Soils

Geologically, soils are the end products of mechanical and/or chemical weathering of
rocks. Based on their mode of origin, soils can be categorized as residual or transported.
Residual soils are those that remain at the place of their origin whereas transported soils
are the ones that have been carried away from their place of origin by such agents as
gravity (colluvial soils), water (alluvial soils), ice (glacial soils), and wind (aeolian

Engineering properties of soils are closely related to their mode of origin. The residual
soils are likely to exhibit a well-developed soil profile, colluvial soils are dominated by
angular particles, alluvial soils are generally stratified, glacial soils can be highly
heterogeneous with wide range in particle size, and aeolian soils are characterized by

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Vol. III - Characterization of Geologic Materials - Abdul Shakoor

uniform particle size.

1.2. Rocks

Rocks are classified as igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic on the basis of their
origin. Igneous rocks are formed by solidification of molten rock material (lava or
magma) upon cooling, sedimentary rocks are deposited in water in the form of layers,
and metamorphic rocks are formed by the action of heat and pressure on pre-existing
rocks. Detailed descriptions and classifications of these three types of rock can be found
in books on physical geology. The International Association of Engineering Geology
(IAEG) has also developed comprehensive classifications for igneous, sedimentary, and
metamorphic rocks (IAEG, 1981) which can be useful for predicting their engineering

1.2.1 Igneous Rocks

As stated above, igneous rocks originate from the cooling of molten rock material that is
termed magma when it lies below the ground surface and lava when it extrudes on the
surface. Cooling below the earths surface is slow and results in large crystals whereas
cooling on the surface is rapid and results in small crystal size. Depending upon the
place of cooling, igneous rocks are divided into extrusive or volcanic rocks (cool on the
surface; fine-grained), hypabyssal rocks (cool a short distance below the surface;
medium-grained), and intrusive or plutonic rocks (cool deep down inside the earth;

Igneous rocks are usually classified on the basis of their texture (size, shape, and

arrangement of grains) and mineral composition. Commonly encountered igneous rocks

include granite, diorite, and gabbro as the coarse-grained varieties, rhyolite, andesite,

and basalt as the fine-grained equivalents, and dolerite or diabase as the medium-
grained equivalent of gabbro. Extrusive igneous rocks also include volcanic breccia and
tuff that are made of pyroclastic material of varying sizes (material that is blown out in

the air during volcanic eruptions).

Engineering properties of igneous rocks are related to their texture and mineral

composition (West, 1995; Tugrul and Zarif, 1999). Fine-grained acid igneous rocks
containing volcanic glass, opal, and chalcedony can result in alkali-silica reaction, when
used as aggregate in Portland cement concrete, leading to volumetric expansion and

Coarse-grained igneous rocks have generally lower strength and abrasion resistance
than fine-grained igneous rocks and are, consequently, less suitable for engineering
applications (West, 1995). The mode of emplacement of intrusive igneous rocks is also
significant in terms of engineering characterization (Johnson and DeGraff, 1988).
Massive plutonic rocks (stocks and batholiths) tend to be more isotropic with respect to
engineering properties and less problematic in engineering construction than tabular
plutons (dikes and sills).

Among the extrusive rocks, those formed of lava flows are expected to be more

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Vol. III - Characterization of Geologic Materials - Abdul Shakoor

homogeneous and closely jointed than the pyroclastic rocks that are heterogeneous with
widely spaced jointing.

1.2.2. Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks comprise about 75% of the rocks exposed at the earth surface. These
rocks are deposited as sediments in water that are later lithified through the processes of
compaction, cementation, and crystallization to form the rock. Layering or stratification
is the single most characteristic feature of sedimentary rocks. Based on their origin,
sedimentary rocks are divided into clastic sedimentary rocks, comprised of material
broken down from pre-existing rocks, and chemical sedimentary rocks resulting from
chemical precipitation, both inorganic and biochemical. Breccias, conglomerates,
sandstones, shales, clystones, mudstones, and siltstones are examples of clastic
sedimentary rocks.

Limestones, dolomites, and evaporates belong to the family of chemical, crystalline,

sedimentary rocks of inorganic nature while chalk and coal are good examples of
organic sedimentary rocks. According to West (1995), the three rock types that
comprise 99% of all sedimentary rocks are shales (46%), sandstones (32%), and
limestones (22%).

Sedimentary rocks are extremely diverse in their texture and mineral composition. The
source rock, agent of transportation, duration and distance of transportation,
depositional environment, lithification processes, and type and amount of cementation

all contribute to the diversity of sedimentary rocks. The diverse nature of sedimentary

rocks is manifested by the extreme variation in their engineering properties.


Alkali-carbonate reaction, low abrasion resistance of coarse limestone aggregate,


susceptibility of argillaceous carbonates, shales, and cherts to pitting and popouts during
freeze-thaw cycles, low strength and high swelling potential of some shales, claystones,
and mudstones, and presence of solution cavities and open fractures in limestone, are

some of the problems posed by sedimentary rocks in engineering works.

1.2.3. Metamorphic Rocks


Metamorphic rocks form by the action of heat and pressure on pre-existing rocks within
the earths crust. Metamorphism, which results in textural, structural, and mineralogical
changes in the parent rock, can take place near igneous intrusions (contact
metamorphism) or over very large areas associated with plate movements (regional
metamorphism). Most regionally metamorphosed rocks exhibit foliated texture that
results from arrangement of minerals in parallel planes under the influence of pressure.
The foliated metamorphic rocks include slates, phyllites, schists, and gneisses. The non-
foliated metamorphic rocks include marble (metamorphosed limestone) and quartzite
(metamorphosed sandstone).

Foliated metamorphic rocks exhibit directional properties. Strength, permeability, and

seismic velocity are strongly affected by direction of foliation (West, 1995). Since
foliation represents planes of weakness in metamorphic rocks, serious stability problems

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Vol. III - Characterization of Geologic Materials - Abdul Shakoor

can arise in projects involving slopes, tunnels, and foundations.

2. Engineering Characterization of Soils

Soils constitute one of the most widely encountered materials in engineering

construction. Many engineering structures are either made of soil material or they are
founded on soils. The design and stability of these structures depends on the engineering
properties of soils involved that, in turn, are greatly influenced by their geologic
characteristics. Because of their heterogeneity, anisotropic nature, and non-linear stress-
strain curves, characterization and prediction of the engineering behavior of soils is a
challenging job that requires experience and good judgment. For characterization
purposes, engineering properties of soils are commonly grouped into index properties
and design properties.

2.1. Index Properties

2.1.1. Phase Relationships

Figure 1. Phase diagram showing mass-volume relationships for soils (taken from Holtz
and Kovacs, Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, 1981. Reprinted by
permission of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ).

A mass of soil commonly consists of three phases: solid mineral particles, water, and
air. For a completely saturated and a completely dry soil, all voids (open spaces between
solid particles) are filled with water and air respectively, and the soil mass reduces to a
two-phase system. Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of the masses and
volumes of various phases involved. The inter-relationships between these phases
define some important index properties used for soil characterization. The symbols used
in defining various properties described below are given in Figure 1.

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Vol. III - Characterization of Geologic Materials - Abdul Shakoor

Void Ratio ( e ) : Void ratio is defined as the ratio of the volume of voids to the volume
( )
of solids, expressed as a decimal e = Vv Vs . The higher the void ratio, the more
compressible is the soil. Typical values of void ratio can range from 0.4-1.0 for sands,
from 0.3-1.5 for clays, and much higher for organic soils (Holtz and Kovacs, 1981).

Porosity ( n ) : Porosity is the ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of a soil

{ ( ) }
mass, expressed as a percentage n = Vv Vt 100 . Theoretically, porosity can range
from 0-100%. Clayey soils tend to have higher porosity values (30-70%) than sandy
soils (20-50%). Void ratio and porosity are related to each other as follows:

e = n 1 n (1)

n = e 1+ e (2)

Degree of Saturation ( S ) : Degree of saturation relates to the amount of water in the
voids. It is the ratio of the volume of water to the volume of voids, expressed as a
percentage {S = (Vw Vv )100} . The degree of saturation ranges from 0% for a
completely dry soil to 100% for a completely saturated soil. The lower the degree of
saturation of an expansive clayey soil, the more will it expand upon the addition of


Water Content ( w ): Water content is the ratio of the mass of water to the mass of
{ ( ) }
solids, expressed as a percentage w = M w M s 100 . The water content for natural

soils can range from 0% for a completely dry soil to several hundred percent for some
marine organic clays. The higher the natural water content of a soil, the more

undesirable are its engineering properties.

Density ( ) : Density connects the two sides of the phase diagram in Figure1. Density

is the ratio of the mass to the volume of a soil. Different types of density are used in
engineering practice such as bulk density (
= M t Vt , solid density )
( s = M s Vs ) , dry density ( d = M s Vt ) , saturated density

{sat ( M s + M w ) Vt , with M w at S = 100%} , and submerged density

( = sat w ) .
2.1.2. Soil Texture

Soil texture relates to particle sizes and shapes as well as distribution of various sizes
(gradation) in a soil mass. Based on soil texture, soils are subdivided into coarse-
textured and fine-textured categories. Sands and gravels are considered coarse-textured
soils and silts and clays fine- textured; the distinction between the two groups being

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Vol. III - Characterization of Geologic Materials - Abdul Shakoor

whether the grains can be seen with the naked eye or not. Texture controls the behavior
of coarse-grained or granular soils and water controls the behavior of fine-grained or
cohesive soils.

Figure 2. Grain size distribution curves (taken from Holtz and Kovacs, Introduction to
Geotechnical Engineering, 1981. Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc.,
Upper Saddle River, NJ).

Particle size can vary from boulders (103mm) to colloidal size clay material (10-5mm).

Different grain size ranges are used for classification purposes by American Society for

Testing and Materials (ASTM), American Association of State Highway and

Transportation Officials (AASHTO), British Standards, and Unified Soil Classification

System (USCS) details of which can be found in most soil mechanics books. Particle
size distribution for coarse-grained soils is determined by performing a sieve analysis,
using a set of standardized sieves.

The method has been standardized by ASTM and is designated as D 422 (ASTM,
1996). For the material passing the No. 200 sieve (0.074mm) and for fine-grained soils,
the hydrometer analysis (ASTM D 422), based on Stokes Law, is used. A grain size

distribution curve is obtained by plotting the cumulative percent passing against the
corresponding sieve sizes using a semi-log paper. Figure 2 shows the grain size
distribution curves for three different soils.

A well-graded soil is the one in which all particle sizes are well represented, a gap-
graded soil has certain sizes missing, and a uniformly-graded or poorly-graded soil
consists predominantly of one size particles. In engineering practice, a well-graded soil
is expected to exhibit the best engineering properties whereas uniformly graded soils
can be problematic.

Two quantitative indices, as defined below, are commonly used to describe the soil

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Vol. III - Characterization of Geologic Materials - Abdul Shakoor

Coefficient of uniformity = Cu = D60 D10 (3)

Coefficient of curvature = Cc = D30 ( )2 ( D10 )( D30 ) (4)

where D10 , D30 , and D60 are particle sizes corresponding to 10%, 30%, and 60% of
the soil finer than the corresponding diameter respectively (on cumulative weight
percent basis).

The smaller the Cu , the more uniformly graded the soil is. Well-graded soils have Cu
values greater than 15. Alternatively, a soil will be well graded if its Cc is between 1
and 3, and Cu is greater than 4 for gravels and greater than 6 for sands.

2.1.3. Atterberg Limits

Atterberg limits, also referred to as consistency limits, represent water contents at which
marked changes in physical state and engineering behavior of fine-grained soils occur.
By comparing the natural water content of a soil with its Atterberg limits, one can
predict its engineering behavior. Important Atterberg limits include liquid limit ( LL ),
plastic limit ( PL ), and shrinkage limit ( SL ).

Liquid limit is the minimum water content at or above which a soil behaves as a viscous

liquid and plastic limit is the minimum water content at which a soil behaves as a plastic
material. Liquid and plastic limits for fine-grained soils can be determined by ASTM

method D 4318 (ASTM, 1996). The numerical difference between the liquid and plastic
limits is referred to as the plasticity index ( PI ).

It indicates the range of water content over which a soil behaves as a plastic material.
Volume of a soil continues to decrease upon drying. Shrinkage limit is the minimum

water content beyond which no further reduction in volume occurs upon further drying.

Although Atterberg limits are index properties, they are extremely important in

characterization of fine-grained soils as they can be correlated with almost all other
engineering properties. Soils with low SL and high PI values are most prone to
detrimental volume change with changes in water content.




Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Vol. III - Characterization of Geologic Materials - Abdul Shakoor


AASHTO (1974). Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and
Testing. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, pp. 601-608. [Describes
specifications and test methods for highway engineering purposes.]
ASTM (1996). Annual Book of ASTM Standards: Soil and Rock, Building Stones. Vol. 4.08, Section 4,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1000 p. [Describes standardized procedures for
determining soil and rock properties.]
Attewell P.B. and Farmer I. W. (1976). Principles of Engineering Geology. London: Chapman and Hall.
1045 p. [A text book containing chapters on various aspects of engineering geology.]
Barton N., Lien R., and Lunde J. (1974). Engineering classification of rock masses for the design of
tunnel support. Rock Mechanics, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp.189-236. [A journal paper that describes a quantitative
classification of rock masses to predict their behavior during tunneling design.]
Barton N.R. and Choubey, V. (1977). The shear strength of rock joints in theory and practice. Rock
Mechanics, Vol. 10, Nos. 1-2, pp. 1-54. [A journal paper that describes and incorporates factors that
influence the shear strength along joint surfaces.]

Bieniawski Z.T. (1973). Engineering classification of jointed rock masses. Transactions S. African

Institute of Civil Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 12, pp. 335-343. [A journal paper that describes a quantitative
system for rock mass classification for use in mining and other underground excavations.]
Bieniawski Z.T. (1975). The point load test in geotechnical practice. Engineering Geology, Vol. 9, pp. 1-
11. [A journal paper detailing the applications of point load test in geotechnical engineering.]
Bieniawski Z.T. (1978). Determining rock mass deformability: experience from case histories.
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts, Vol. 15, pp.
237-247. [A journal paper that evaluates the deformability of a rock mass on the basis of his proposed
rock mass rating (RMR) system.]
Bieniawski Z.T. (1989). Engineering Rock Mass Classifications. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 251 p.
[A reference book providing a complete comparison of various rock mass classification systems.]

Broch E. and Franklin J.A. (1972). The point load strength test. International Journal of Rock Mechanics
and Mining Sciences, Vol. 9, pp. 669-697. [A paper that provides a description of the apparatus, test

procedure, and application of the point load test by the authors who developed the test.]
Cargill J.S. and Shakoor A. (1990). Evaluation of empirical methods of measuring the uniaxial
compressive strength. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics

Abstracts, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 495-503. [The paper correlates the results of point load, Schmidt hammer,
and L.A. abrasion tests with unconfined compressive strength to develop predictive equations.]
Casagrande A. (1948). Classification and identification of soils. American Society of Civil Engineers
Transactions, Vol. 113, pp.901-930. [A classic paper describing the Unified Soils Classification System.]

Coon R.F. and Merritt A.H. (1970). Predicting in situ modulus of deformation using rock quality indexes.
In situ Testing for Rock, American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication 477,
pp. 154-173. [This article describes how the engineering index properties, such as RQD, can be used to
empirically predict the in situ deformation modulus of a rock.]
Cording E.J., Hendron A.J., Jr., MacPherson H.H., Hansmire W. H., Jones R.A., Mahar J.W., and
ORourke T.D. (1975). Methods of geotechnical observations and instrumentation in tunneling. Vols. 1 &
2, Report No. UILU-ENG 75-2022, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, 566 p. [A classic paper describing anticipated problems in tunneling as well
as various instrumentation methods.]
Deere D.U. (1964). Technical description of cores for engineering purposes. Rock Mechanics and
Engineering Geology, Vol. 1, pp. 16-22. [A paper describing the universally used Rock Quality
Designation (RQD) and other index properties of rock mass.]
Deere D.U. and Miller R.P. (1966). Engineering classification and index properties for intact rock.
Technical Report No. AFWL-TR-65-116, University of Illinois, Urbana, 299p. [The report describes

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Vol. III - Characterization of Geologic Materials - Abdul Shakoor

classification schemes for intact rock based on compressive strength and modulus of Elasticity.]
Deere D.U., Hendron A.J., Jr., Patton F.D. and Cording E.J. (1967). Design of surface and near-surface
construction in rock. Proceedings, 8th Symposium on Rock Mechanics, American Institute of Mining,
Metallurgy, and Petroleum Engineering, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 237-302. [A comprehensive paper
on design approach for structures founded on rock.]
Dick J.C. and Shakoor A. (1995). Characterizing durability of mudrocks for slope stability purposes. In
Haneberg W.C. and Anderson S.A., editors, Clay and Shale Slope Instability. Reviews in Engineering
Geology, Vol. X, Geological Society of America, pp.131-138. [The paper describes slope stability
problems in mudrocks as influenced by durability characteristics.]
Dick J.C., Shakoor A., and Wells N. (1994). A geologic approach toward developing a mudrock-
durability classification system, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp17-27. [A paper
relating clay mineralogy, micro-fracturing, and absorption characteristics to durability of shales,
claystones, mudstones, and siltstones.]
Farmer I. (1983). Engineering Behavior of Rocks. Second Edition, Chapman and Hall, New York, 208 p.
[A reference book on engineering properties of intact rock and rock masses.]

Fetter C.W. (1994). Applied Hydrogeology. Third Edition, Maxwell Macmillan International, New York,
691 p. [A standard text book on ground water.]

Franklin J.A. (1983). Evaluation of Shales for Construction Projects: An Ontario Shale Rating System.
Report RR 229, Research and Development Branch, Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Ontario, 99 p.
[This report presents a shale classification based on slake durability, plasticity characteristics, and point-
load strength index.]
Franklin J.A. and Chandra A. (1972). The slake durability test. International Journal of Rock Mechanics
and Mining Sciences, Vol. 9, pp. 325-341. [Description of slake durability test by the inventors of the

Gamble J.C. (1971). Durability-plasticity classification of shales and other argillaceous rocks. Ph.D.

Thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 161p. [Research dealing with classification of argillaceous
rocks based on slake durability index.]

Hajdarwish A. (2006). Factors affecting the shear strength behavior of mudrocks. Ph.D. Thesis, Kent

State University, Kent, Ohio, 258p. [Research dealing with the relationships between shear strength
parameter and other geologic and engineering properties of mudrocks.]
Haney M.G. and Shakoor A. (1994). The relationship between tensile and compressive strengths for
selected sandstones as influenced by index properties and petrographic characteristics. Proceedings, 7th

International Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geologists, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol.
II, pp.493-500. [A paper describing the effect of absorption, density, texture, and mineral composition on
strength of sandstones.]
Hoek E. and Bray J. (1981). Rock Slope Engineering. The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London,

358 p. [A classic text book on analysis and design of rock slopes.]

Hoek E. and Brown, E.T. (1980). Underground Excavation in Rock. The Institution of Mining and
Metallurgy, London, 527 p. [A reference text on underground excavation methods and design of support
Holtz W.G. and Kovacs W.D. (1981). An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering. Prentice- Hall, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 733 p. [A text book on soil mechanics with many solved examples.]
International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG) (1981). Rock and soil description and
classification for engineering geological mapping report. IAEG Commission on Engineering Geological
Mapping, International Association of Engineering Geology Bulletin, No. 24, pp. 235-274. [Description
of a standard methodology for soil classification for mapping purposes.]
International Society for Rock Mechanics (1978-a). Suggested methods for determining tensile strength
of rock materials. ISRM Committee on Standardization of Laboratory and Field Tests, International
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts, Vol.15, pp. 99-103. [ISRM
Specifications for performing tensile strength test.]

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Vol. III - Characterization of Geologic Materials - Abdul Shakoor

International Society for Rock Mechanics (1978-b). Suggested methods for determining the strength of
rock materials in triaxial compression. ISRM Committee on Standardization of Laboratory and Field
Tests, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts, Vol.
15, pp. 47-51. [ISRM Specifications for performing triaxial test.]
International Society for Rock Mechanics (1979-a). Suggested methods for determining water content,
porosity, density, absorption and related properties, and swelling and slake durability index properties.
International Journal for Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts, Vol. 16, No.
2, Parts 1 and 2, pp. 143-156. [ISRM Specifications for a variety of tests mentioned above.]
International Society for Rock Mechanics (1979-b). Suggested methods for determining the uniaxial
compressive strength and deformability of rock materials. ISRM Committee on Standardization of
Laboratory and field tests, International Journal of Rock Mechanics, Mining Sciences & Geomechanics
Abstracts, Volume 16, pp.135-140. [ISRM specifications for testing compressive strength and elastic
properties of rock.]
Johnson R.B. and DeGraff J.V. (1988). Principles of Engineering Geology. John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 497 p. [A detailed reference on engineering properties and behavior of soils and rocks.]
Mitchell J.K. (1993). Fundamentals of Soil Behavior. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 437 p. [A standard

reference book on the engineering properties of soils, especially clays.]

Onodera T.F. (1963). Dynamic investigations of foundation rocks in situ. Proceedings, 5th US Rock
Mechanics Symposium, University of Minnesota, Minnesota, pp. 517-533. [A paper describing the
relationship between seismic velocity and properties of rock mass such as fracture spacing.]
Patton F.D. (1966). Multiple modes of shear failure in rock. Proceedings, 1st International Congress of
Rock Mechanics, Vol.1, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 509-513. [A classic paper that describes the concept of
effective angle of friction.]
Patton F.D. and Hendron A.J., Jr. (1972). General Report on Mass Movement. Proceedings, 2nd
International Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology, Canada, pp. V-GR.1-V-

GR.24. [A complete report on slope movement with special treatment of groundwater effects on slope


Peck R.B, Hanson W.E., and Thornburn T.H. (1974). Foundation Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, N.Y., 514 p. [A standard text book on foundation engineering.]

Santi P.M. (1995). Classification and testing of weak and weathered rock materials: A model based on
Colorado shales. Ph.D. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 286 p. [A detailed
comparison of various tests used to characterize and classify weak rocks.]

Shakoor A. and Bonelli R.E. (1991). Relationship between petrographic characteristics, engineering
properties, and mechanical properties of selected sandstones. Bulletin of the Association of Engineering
Geologists, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, pp. 55-71.
Spangler M.G. and Handy R.L. (1973). Soil Engineering. Intext Educational Publishers, New York, N.Y.

748 p. [A standard text book on soil mechanics.]

Taylor R.K. (1988). Coal measures mudrocks: composition, classification, and weathering processes.
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, Volume 21, pp. 85-89. [A detailed characterization of shales,
claystones, and mudstones.]
Terzaghi K. (1946). Rock defects and loads on tunnel supports. In Proctor R. V. and White T. (editors),
Rock Tunneling with Steel Supports, published by Commercial Shearing and Stamping Company,
Youngstown, Ohio, pp. 15-99. [A chapter on evaluation of rock loads on tunnel roofs and design of
support system.]
Tugrul A. and Zariff I.H. (1999). Correlation of mineralogical and textural characteristics with
engineering properties of selected granitic rocks from Turkey. Engineering Geology, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp.
303-317. [A paper describing the influence of geologic characteristics on engineering properties of
West T.R. (1995). Geology Applied to Engineering. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
560 p. [A standard text book on engineering geology written for both geologists and engineers.]

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Vol. III - Characterization of Geologic Materials - Abdul Shakoor

West T.R. (1996). The effects of positive pore pressure on sliding and toppling of rock blocks with some
considerations of intact rock effects. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, Vol. II, No. 3, pp. 339-
353. [The paper presents pore pressure diagrams for different situations.]
Wickham G.E., Tiedemann H., and Skinner, E.H. (1972). Support determinations based on geologic
predictions. Proceedings, 1st Rapid Excavation Tunneling Conference, American Institute of Mechanical
Engineers, pp. 43-64. [A paper dealing with the role of geology in design of support systems for
underground excavations.]

Biographical Sketch

Abdul Shakoor, professor of engineering geology at the Kent State University, Ohio, U.S.A., received
his MS and Ph.D. degrees in engineering geology from Purdue University. Prior to joining Purdue
University, he obtained an M.Sc. in Geology from Punjab University, Pakistan and an M.Sc. in
engineering geology from Leeds University, England. He started his professional career as a site
Geologist at Mangla Dam, Pakistan, and in a teaching position at Punjab University. In 1982, Professor
Shakoor joined Kent State University where he is currently in charge of the graduate program in
engineering geology. He is Co-Editor of Environmental and Engineering Geoscience (1998-present), a

joint publication of the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists and the Geological

Society of America. His research interests include engineering behavior of mudrocks, stability of slopes,

evaluation of construction materials, and engineering applications of waste materials. In addition to his

teaching and research responsibilities, Professor Shakoor has worked on a variety of consulting projects
including slope stability, blasting-related damage, expansive soils, construction materials, and dam

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

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