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Yuva Bharati

3/August 2017
August 2017 ` 15/-
Editorial - Agnishikha Bhagini Nivedita 4
Dedication of Sri Ramayan....... 8
Speech of Honorable ........ 9
Padma Sri.... 10
Details from Headquarters.... 11
Vol. 45 No.1 Shravana-Bhadrapada 5119 Imressions of some of the VIPs...... 12
VK Pratishthan 13
Dakshin Prant - Tamilnadu - Chennai, Madurai, Thuthukudi,
Nagarcoil, VKPT, VKRDP, VKNardep, VKV KK, VKV Vallioor,
FOUNDER-EDITOR VKVs Andaman, Kerala - Thiruvanthapuram, VKVVF
Mananeeya Eknathji Ranade Kodangallur, Karnataka - Mysuru, VKV Kallubalu 14
Arunachal Prant - VKVAPT 20
Assam Prant- VKIC, VKNRL, VKSPV (Attached with Photos)
P. Parameswaran
Nivedita Raghunath Bhide Bihar (BR & CH) 26
Prof. P.T. Santha
Delhi 27
Prof. P. Ramani
Gujarat 29
EDITORIAL TEAM Himachal Vibhag (HP & JK) - 30
V.V. Balasubramanian Madhya Prant (MP & CH) 32
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Editor: P. Parameswaran
Yuva Bharati 4/August 2017


Agnishikha Bhagini Nivedita

Shivo Bhutva Shivam Yajet
When Swami Vivekananda went to the west, he was there without friends, without money and
without recognition. Only the knowledge and experience of Hindu Dharma was with him. After his
exposition of Hindu Dharma in the Parliament of Religions held in September 1983 at Chicago, he
was revered in the West for his knowledge and help came from all quarters, the disciples gathered
from all directions. Thus when he returned to India, he was a world-famous Swami Vivekananda;
the western disciples were with him. This visual had a great psychological impact on people of
India. They could feel and their confidence grew in the greatness and relevance of Hindu Dharma.
Epitome of this efficacy and relevance of Hindu Dharma and of the work of Swami Vivekananda in
the West was Sister Nivedita.
Margaret Noble as Nivedita was called before was from the very race, which had robbed India of her
wealth as well as of her confidence. But Nivedita came to India to live like us, to serve us and also
to practice all that was higher and noble in our spiritual tradition. She could see beauty and wisdom
in all walks of Indian life.
How could a proud and an accomplished British woman see the beauty of Indian life? She had to
undergo a painful process of transformation. Margaret Noble came to India to serve Indians after
she was totally convinced about the Vedantic Truth of Oneness. After the Consecration ceremony,
she was given the name Nivedita the dedicated. But just a new name was not going to erase all
the assumptions and biases that she had cherished till then as Margaret Noble. Swami Vivekananda
in his classes attacked mercilessly her deep rooted perceptions and misconceptions.
Imagine! Swamiji was the only person who was known to her in this vast and strange land and
he appeared so harsh. The anguish that Nivedita felt was very great. But not once a thought of
returning back or doubting the wisdom of her decision of accepting Swami Vivekananda as her guru
came to her mind. Her only concern was whether ever I shall understand what my master is trying
to tell me. Her sincerity of purpose and utmost efforts ultimately transformed her completely. She
became one with India to serve in total surrender. It is said that to truly offer worship to Siva you
have to be Siva. Sivo Bhutva Sivam Yajet. Nivedita so to say became one with Mother India. She
understood India in all her dimensions and loved Indians with all their faults.
Not only all modes of worship, but equally all modes of work, struggle, creation, become paths
of realization
It is this total transformation of Nivedita which is a great example for Macaulay Educated Indians.
If a proud and accomplished British woman can burn to ashes all her prejudices, misconceptions
and her western mind-set and if with total paradigm shift she could become a true Indian, a great
admirer, worshiper and servant of Mother India, then why not we? We the Macaulay educated
can also burn to ashes completely all our preconceptions and ignorance and become true Indians.
When she could get insight into the depths of Indian wisdom why not we? When one wants to serve
Motherland one has to change oneself so as to become the right instrument in the hands of God.
Sister Nivedita is thus an inspiration for all those who want to serve our society.
Nivedita was so one with the people, their aspirations that her life, her actions, her words reflected
that oneness which she experienced. She always said our people, our country. We see many a times
that those who go to serve the people in villages and in tribal areas with the sense that they are
going to civilise and to develop these people use words like this society, these people. They
force their ideas and world-views on those simple people. This is what Swami Vivekananda did not
Yuva Bharati 5/August 2017
want to happen with his foreign disciples. He wanted them to accept India as she was; he wanted
them to learn from India. Sister Nivedita internalized it so fully that Bipin Chandra Pal said, Nivedita
came to us not as a teacher but as a learner, not as an adept but as a novice and she loved India
more than even we Indians love her.
She inculcated and internalized the Vedantic vision so well that she wrote, If the many and the
One be indeed the same Reality, then it is not all modes of worship alone, but equally all modes of
work, all modes of struggle, all modes of creation, which are paths of realisation. No distinction,
henceforth, between sacred and secular. To labour is to pray. To conquer is to renounce. Life is itself
religion. To have and to hold is as stern a trust as to quit and to avoid.
That is what she imbibed from Swami Vivekananda. Thus she wrote about him, This is the
realisation which makes Vivekananda the great preacher of Karma, not as divorced from, but as
expressing Jnana and Bhakti. To him, the workshop, the study, the farmyard, and the field are as true
and fit scenes for the meeting of God with man as the cell of the monk or the door of the temple.
To him, there is no difference between service of man and worship of God, between manliness and
faith, between true righteousness and spirituality. All his words, from one point of view, read as a
commentary upon this central conviction. "Art, science, and religion", he said once, "are but three
different ways of expressing a single truth. But in order to understand this we must have the theory
of Advaita." (Volume I Page xiv to xvi) For Nivedita Vedanta became practical. Her spirituality thus
expressed in her contributions to all walks of life.
It appears that the legacy of fire that was within Swami Vivekananda was given to Sister Nivedita.
The flames of burning love for India in Sister Nivedita were so great that Sri Aurobindo called her
Agnishikha the flames of fire. No field of national life was left untouched by her fire. Her topmost
concern was the well-being of India and the awakening of Indian national consciousness whatever
may be the field of action.
Education should be not only national but nation making
In the field of Education, Nivedita wanted, Indian educators to extend and fulfill the vision of Swami
Vivekananda. How would it be done? She explained, This thought that education is not only good
for child himself but should be more so for Jana-Desh-Dharma should always be present in the
minds of educators. There is no fear of weakness and selfishness for one whose whole training has
been formed round this nucleus. Each day should begin with some conscious act of reference to it.
Education in India today has to be not only national but Nation-making. We must surround our
children with the thought of their nation and their country. The centre of gravity must lie for them
outside the family. We must demand their sacrifices for India; Bhakti for India; learning for India. The
ideal for its own sake! India for the sake of India! This must be as the breath of life to them.
It is a mistake to think that heroes are born. Nothing of the sort. They are made not born; made
by the pressure of heroic thought. All human beings long at bottom of their heart for self sacrifice.
No other thirst is so deep as this. Let us recognize this direct this towards single thought ie love
for the country. The universe is the creation of mind not matter. And can any force in the world
resist a single thought held with intensity by 700 million of people? How to do that? A national
education then must be made up of familiar elements. Our Imagination must be based upon our
heroic literature. Geographical ideals must be built up first through the ideals of India. Same is for
history. All other histories should run around the Indian History. The school that Nivedita run for
the girls enshrined all these thoughts so well that when Sri Rabindranath Tagore wanted to start
Shantiniketan, most of the lady-teachers were the former students of Niveditas school.
Greatness of Indian life depends on the place given to Women in social scheme
Sister Nivedita was so charmed by the womanhood of India among whom she lived in the lanes of
Calcutta that her description about them are the best tribute. She says, What differentiates the
Indian training from others? I find one answer which outweighs all others in my estimate. It is this.
The special greatness of Indian life and character depends more than on any other feature, on the
place that is given to Woman in the social scheme.
Yuva Bharati 6/August 2017
They say that Indian women are ignorant and oppressed. To all who make this statement we may
answer that Indian women are certainly not oppressed. The crimes of ill-treating women is at
once less common and less brutal in form here than in younger countries. And the happiness, the
social importance, and may I say, the lofty character of Indian women are amongst the grandest
possessions of the national life.
When we come to the charge that Indian women are ignorant, we meet with a far deeper fallacy.
They are ignorant in the modern form, that is to say, few can write, and not very many can read.
Are they then illiterate? If so, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana and the Puranas and stories
every mother and every grand-mother tells to the babies, are no literature. But European novels and
Strand Magazine by the same token are? Can any of us accept this paradox?
The fact is, writing is not culture though it is an occasional result of culture. The greatest literature
occurs at the beginning of a literary age and so, to those who know Indian life, it is easy to see
that an Indian woman who has the education of the Indian home, the dignity, the gentleness, the
cleanliness, the thrift, the religious training, the culture of mind and heart, which that home life
entails, though she cannot perhaps read a word of her own language, much less sign her name, may
be infinitely better educated in every true sense, and in the literary sense also, than her glib critic.
Dream the dreams great enough and thoughts noble enough
Writings of Sister Nivedita were a symphony of her insight in Indian wisdom and tradition, her
intense love for India, her sharp intellect and her mastery over language. So beautiful, deep and
moving were her writings that it is really difficult to translate those in other languages. May be that
is the reason that most of her literature even today remains un-translated. Her literature has not
only historical and literary value but are good guide in the task of nation-building too.
For example: while comparing with other nations she sums up in few words the journey and
contribution of Hindu Nation from antiquity to till now. She writes, Let it be said that to every
people who possess the elements of truly national existence, with the responsibility of facing the
problems of a nation, this question sooner or later comes to be faced. Have we in the past dreamt
dreams great enough, thought thoughts noble enough, willed with a will clear enough, to enable us
to strike out new paths into the untried, without error and without defeat? And perhaps of all the
peoples of the world only the Hindu people, to this searching enquiry can answer yes.
She was a regular contributor to over 20 magazines and the topic always was India. Therefore, not
just because Sister Nivedita was a great example of transformation but we have to study her life and
works also because, even today she can give insight to us - the English educated -about our own
nation and its significance.
The love of country and its people and hope for future will bring in such a tide of art, science and
religion that no man can stop
While she helped the country bent under the burden of sorrow whether during plagues or floods
or freedom struggle, she lived completely merged in the essence of its freedom one day to come.
Thus, she wanted the cultural assertion, the national expression in all walks of life. She stated, The
birth of the National Art of India is my dearest dream. She disliked the art students imitating the
European subjects in their art. When India has such rich culture and history of art she felt why
should Indian artists imitate Europeans styles and subjects. She exhorted and inspired the young
artists like Avanindranath Tagore and Nandalal Bose to choose India as their topic for expression.
She would perceive the beauty of old houses of Bagh Bazar, and ruined temples but detested the
modern utilitarian buildings built in India.
In the field of science, she felt Indians have great ability to contribute. When the British scientists
tried to sideline Dr. Jagadish Chandra Bose, she realized that Indians were not incapable but were
incapacitated by British to achieve great heights. She came forward to help Dr. Jagadish Chandra
Bose. To make his work known to the world she worked along with him on his six books. Even
though, she herself would be suffering for want of money; she saw to it that the work of Dr. Jagadish
Yuva Bharati 7/August 2017
Chandra Bose would not suffer monetarily. When the revolutionaries would go to jail or in exile to
other countries, she would take care of their families. Not a field of national life was left untouched
by her.
Nivedita captured the fire of patriotism set alight by Swamiji and took it to all fields
As it was required, Sister Nivedita actively participated and promoted the freedom movement. For
that she had to resign from Ramakrishna Mission. Ramakrishna Mission -the fledgling organization to
propagate the message of Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda was needed for India. And participation
of Sister Nivedita in freedom movement and her active role in awakening national consciousness
also was equally the need of the hour in the interest of India. Thus to protect Ramakrishna Mission
and to promote the work of freedom of India, she resigned from Ramakrishna Mission. But, their
relationships remained very cordial till end.
Nivedita considered herself as part of the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda thought movement. Whenever
she was sick, she was immediately attended to by Ramakrishna Math. In her work too the help was
given by Ramakrishna Math and Mission in all possible ways. When she realized she would not live,
in her will she donated all the money that she had got from Mrs. Bull just some time before her own
death or from her books to Ramakrishna Mission as an endowment for the use of Sister Christine
Greenstidel to run the school; though Christine had left her. Bitterness had no place in her heart.
She associated with persons whom she thought would be useful in Indias interest. But she would
also disassociate herself from them if she found it otherwise. For anything and everything in her life,
the deciding touchstone was India and her well-being.
One of the foremost revolutionary freedom fighter, Sri Hemachandra Ghoshs reminiscence about
Swami Vivekananda and Sister Nivedita narrated to Swami Purnatmananda were later translated
from Bengali to English by Prof Kapila Chatterjee and brought out as a book titled as I am India.
In that he says, It is very true that it was Nivedita who captured the fire of patriotism set alight by
Vivekananda. She not only caught that flame, she also scattered the sparks of Indian patriotism and
nationalism far and wide, across the length and breadth of India. Wherever Nivedita went, in any city
or province of India, her flaming speeches and heroic calls to the Indian people spread the message
of Swamiji, his ideals, his patriotism. Side by side, she spread the ideals, the culture, the glory of
India, too. To speak frankly, we got to know Swami Vivekananda better through coming in contact
with Sister Nivedita. I was with Swamiji for a very short time. But, I have been with Nivedita for a
much longer period. Through Nivedita, we got to know Swamiji better and through her India also
better. What I feel about Nivedita is Sister Nivedita played two important roles in spreading the
message and deeds of Vivekananda one was the role of Mahadeva, the other, that of Bhagiratha.
She absorbed the terrific force and power of Vivekananda in her own person, and at the same time
she carried the mighty current of that force and directed it along proper channels like Bhagiratha.
Her deep love for India was expressed in all walks of life politics, education, art, literature, sociology,
spirituality etc. A spiritual person is all dimensional. That is how Sister Nivedita was. She was a
revolutionary, she was a Yogini too. She was an educationist and she was an art critic too. She was a
writer and she was involved in rendering service to the people also, be at flood time or plague time.
She was at once a child at the feet of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and also a Lokmata to all as she
was called by Rabindranath Tagore and above all she was Sister of all.
Swami Vivekananda had said, O you of great fortune! I too believe that India will awake again if
anyone could love with all his heart the people of the country -- bereft of the grace of affluence, of
blasted fortune, their discretion totally lost, downtrodden, ever - starved, quarrelsome, and envious.
Sister Nivedita was a person of that great fortune! She loved India and Indians with all their faults.
150th Birth Anniversary of Sister Nivedita is a good occasion to study and understand her life and
work. May her life make us love our motherland and our people! May her life give us an insight in
our own country and inspiration to work for Mother India!
Nivedita Raghunath Bhide
Yuva Bharati 8/August 2017
Dedication of Sri Ramayana Darshanam and Bharatmata Sadanam
to the Nation at Vivekanandapuram, Kanyakumari
Mata Sri Amritanandamayi Devi was received
by Mananeeya Parameswaranji; President,
Balakrishnanji; Vice President, D.Bhanudasji;
General Secretary, and other office bearers
of Vivekananda Kendra on January 28th
with Poorna Kumbham and Veda chanting.
Respected Dr. Lakshmi Kumari Didi garlanded
Amma and welcomed her party. Amma visited
the panels of Sri Ramayana Darshanam and
performed Arati. Amma visited Bharatmata
Sadanam at first floor and offered flowers
to Bharatmata. She worshiped it, performed
Arati and raised the slogan Bharatmata Ki Jai
a number of times. She rendered a heart-felt Amma. The special guests were the Cabinet
prayer to Bharatmata for the prosperous and Minister for Science and Technology Dr. Harsh
happy life of all Her children. She exhorted Vardhan, Shri. Pon Radhakrishnan Union
that in future all the children of Bharat should Minister from Kanyakumari District, Srimat
meditate on Bharatmata and pray for the welfare Swami Chaitanyananda, Shri. O.Rajagopal,
of everyone. She appreciated the beautifully Kerala M.L.A. and Dr. Srinivasa Kannan. Amma
sculpted Sri Ananta Padmanabha Swami statue released the Pictorial album containing the
and blessed the artist Sri. V.Sureshkumar. paintings of Sri Ramayana Darshanam and
Bharatmata Sadanam. The artists who brought
1. Jeejabai - Mother of Shivaji
into reality Kendra's dream of putting up this
2. Maa.Sarada Devi - Mother of millions complex and the dignitaries present were
3. Shakuntala - Mother of Bharata honored by presenting the copies of the album.
4. Yashoda and Sri Krishna and Dr.Harsh Vardhan and Sri. Pon Radhakrishnan
5. Parashakthi who presented Sakthivel to lauded the Kendra activities and paid their
Kartikeya. respects to Amma. Shri. S.Vaidya Subramanyan,
There is also a painting, tracing, Indian the DEAN of Sastra University pointed out the
womanhood through the Vedic, Puranic and importance of Sundara Kandam and exhorted
Historic times. An exquisite idol of dancing the people to study Sundara Kandam to ward off
Shiva; idols of Devi Kanyakumari and Swami their troubles. Keys of newly built houses gifted
Vivekananda flanking a relief map of Bharat, by Amma were handed over to the beneficiaries
also attracted everyones attention. Then, Amma
came to the ground-floor and offered flowers
to Veera Hanumanji and unveiled a plaque
dedicating the complex to the Nation.
The programme was attended by the local elite,
all the artists concerned and a number of donors.
The program was a grand success.
Then Amma proceeded to the Vivekananda
Kendra Vidyalaya ground where a huge stage
had been set-up. Thousands of devotees
had gathered there to have a Darshanam of
Yuva Bharati 9/August 2017
Mata Sri. Amritanandamayi Devi emphasized :
(1) Love is the basis of the whole world. With
love, one can win over the whole world. (2) The
Ancient Indian Culture is full of life and is living.
It enjoins man to love all living beings and treat
them with compassion. (3) Mans love for living
beings is the true service and worship of God.
The programme continued with Bhajan, Satsang
and Mother meeting the devotees individually and
blessing each one of them till the next morning.
A rough estimate is that around forty thousand
people took Ammas Darshan and participated in
the programme.
by Shri. Pon Radhakrishnan, Union Minister from
Kanyakumari District and Shri. O. Rajagopal, Ramayana Darshanam Website:
Kerala M.L.A. In Her benedictory address,

The speech of Shri Narendra Modi, Honorable Prime Minister of India in the
function inaugurating Shri Ramayana Darshanam and Bharatmata Sadanam to the
people on 12.01.2017. The inaugural address was through Video Conference.

Following are the Highlights - (Full speech is

January 12th is not an ordinary day. This day is
in the history as the birthday of one of Indias
profound thinkers. He took the message of India
to the whole world. He was a guiding light; he was
a stalwart.
Today Ramayana Darshanam and Bharatmata
Sadanam are dedicated at Vivekanandapuram to
the people to Bharat. The Statue of Hanumanji - 27
ft. in height, carved in a single stone is established
there. You have sent the video to me. I saw it. After
seeing it I can say with certainty that there is divinity as well as grandeur in it. Today the portrait of
the founder of Vivekananda Kendra Swargeeya Eknath Ranadeji is also being unveiled. I offer my
heart-felt felicitations and congratulations to all of you for organising this function.
The land where you have gathered is no ordinary piece of earth. This land is like a Tapobhumi of
this Nation. Hanumanji realised the central mission of His life on this soil. On this very soil Mother
Kanyakumari realised the mission of Her life. The very same soil revealed to the great social reformer
saint Thiruvalluvar, the nectar of wisdom 2000 years ago. It is in that place that Swami Vivekananda
realised the mission of his life.
Though Swami Vivekananda is not in physical form with us, today His thoughts have great power and
energy, they can inspire us. In that lies the path for uniting our youth and rebuilding our Nation. For
the purpose of uniting the youth power, Eknath Ranadeji established Vivekananda Rock Memorial
and the Vivekananda Kendra. Eknathji Ranade used to say, Swami Vivekananda may appear good
to us, but that will not serve any purpose. What is important is to work together untiringly for realising
Yuva Bharati 10/August 2017
the dreams of Swami Vivekananda. He wanted to bring Swami Vivekanandas ethical, moral and
good values to be brought into action. I had an opportunity to work as a close associate of Eknath
Sri Rama is there in every bit of Indian soil. He is there in the heart of each one of our people. That is
why we meditate on Sri Rama, Sri Rama as an ideal son, brother, husband, friend and an ideal king.
Great poet Kamban has written in his Ramayana
-None were generous in that land as None was needy;
None seemed brave as none defied;
Truth was unnoticed as there were no liars;
No learning stood out as all were learned.
Since no one in that City ever stopped learning;
None was ignorant and none fully learned;
Since all alike had all the wealth
None was poor and none was rich.
This was the picture presented by Kamban on Rama Rajya. Because of these factors, Mahatma
Gandhi also was talking about Rama Rajya.
Hanumanji means service; Hanumanji means dedication. He was an embodiment of Bhakti. His
service became an excellent Dharma and his very nature; When he was crossing the sea, the
Mainaka mountain invited him to rest awhile, but Hanumanji did not want to relax until he completed
his contemplated mission; he would not rest until he reached the goal.
Bharat Ratna Shri Rajagopalachari has written this about Hanumanjis attitude of service in his
Ramayana. Brothers and Sisters! Today a Panchaloha idol of Bharatmata is being unveiled in the
Bharatmata Sadanam. It is a great and auspicious act that this idol is dedicated to the people. I offer
my felicitation to every individual connected with this sacred Yajna - for this sacred task.
Friends,I pay homage to the statue of saint Thiruvalluvar located near the Vivekananda Rock
Memorial. Thiruvalluvar has offered mantra like messages to us through small short sentences. For
the youth, he has given the message
As deep you dig the sand spring flows
As deep you learn the knowledge grows.
There was a week long "Ramayan Katha" by Shri Morari Bapu and he was present during Inaugural
program by the PM.


Kumari Nivedita Raghunath Bhide is the Vice President of Vivekananda Rock
Memorial and Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari - a Spiritually Oriented
Service Mission. She Joined Vivekananda Kendra as a Jeevanvrati (Dedicated
Life-Worker) at the tender age of 19 years. While thus working and to
better discharge her responsibilities, she completed her Master's Degree in
History from Annamalai University, Chidambaram, and Bachelor of Education
from Nagpur University.
Yuva Bharati 11/August 2017
Details from the Headquarters
1 Visitors at Vivekananda Rock Memorial 20,35,747

2 Vivekanandapuram Campus
No.of persons stayed in our Lodge 2,05,406
Arise &Awake Ehibition 41,636
Gramodaya Darshan Park 2,242
Gangotri 8,299
Wandering Monk Exhibition 18,338
Ramayanan Darshanam 20,075
No.of Patients attended in our dispensary 9,207

3 No. of Patrons newly enrolled 10,143

Total number of patrons from 1972 2,13,044

4 New Subscribers for Periodicals 567
* magazines in different languages are now available in
electronic format, please visit
* Books in electronic format, kindly visit
5 Free Eye Camps
10 Camps Patients Screened 1,653
Sent for cataract operation 335

6 Samartha Bharat Parva in Vivekanandapuram 2,335

& on Vivekananda Rock Memorial
7 Spiritual Camps and Seminars
conducted by various organisation
numbering 39. attended by 3,899

8 Camps at Training Centre organized
Acharya Prashikashan Shibir 108
Yoga Shiksha Shibir (2 camps) Eng.70+Hindi.103 = 173
YPS 2 camps 73
Rashtriya Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir 64
International Yoga day TN Police yoga Satra 70
VK Coimbatore youth camp 110
VK Coimbatore KPS 60
Seva vibhag Sanghchalak Baithak (RSS) 158
Yuva Shibir (VK MH) 192
Youth Camp VK Coimbatore 84
9 Other organisations:
Seva vibhag Sanghchalak (RSS)
Spiritual Retreat Eng.18 + Hindi 117 135
A week long Programme by Morari Bapuji
On Ramakatha in January 1,500
Mata Amritanandamayi Amma Visit
Forty thousand people attended
Akhil Bhartiya Adhikari Baithak
held at Aurangabad (MH) where in Adhikaris 194
from Vibhag, Prakalp and Prant attended for 2 days.
Yuva Bharati 12/August 2017
Impressions of some of the VIPs who visited Vivekananda Rock Memorial

Name of the visitor and details Impression after the visit

Shri.Rajendra Gupta, The Head bows down in memory of the people who
Ex.Mayor of Delhi, dedicated their lives for the construction of this monument.
Ex.Minister of Transport. Special remembrance of Mananeeya Eknathji. Our family
Delhi had the honour to take care of him in his illness at Delhi.
Dr. Mahesh Sharma Visiting Vivekananda Rock Memorial gives us Spiritual
State Minister I/C of Tourism unity and eternal energy for which Swami Vivekananda
and Culture preached and made every Indian Proud of. I feel the beauty
at this memorial surpasses even the statue of Liberty. My
compliments for the nice monument of the ICON.
Shri.M.Venkiah Naidu Felt very happy to visit the Rock Memorial of Swami
Vivekananda. The great Hindu Monk of India. All youngsters
Central Minister must visit this memorial once in Life time. I feel rejuvenated
Govt.Of India after the visit in every sense.
New Delhi
Shri.Kewal Singh Pathana Visited this place today on 1/02/2016 and I am highly
impressed by the devotion of the Swami Vivekananda Trust
Honble V.C. and MoS
Employees. Swamiji has been the flag bearer of National
Govt. of Himachal Pradesh Integration and today his preaching is very relevant.
Shri.R.Ramjee I am thrilled and excited with what I saw and experienced
today. The dedication and sense of duty of the people here
Executive Director
IOCL who are attached to Kendra and to Rock for taking forward
the principles and teachings of Swamiji is worth appreciating
and with all the best to the Organization.
Smt.Droupadi Murmu I visited the Rock Memorial with my daughter and son-in-law
and my staff. Really, I astonished when I saw the pleasant
Honble Governor of Jharkhand view of this place. I thank God that He has created such a
beautiful place and I also thank Swami Vivekananda who
has chosen this place for meditation and had Siddhi. I also
thank the architect who imagined this kind of design. I also
thank the management who maintains this place properly.
Shri.Shanmuganathan It is a memorial that Inspires and motivates every one who
visits here. It is kept very clean and neat. Mr.Ramaswamy
Honble Governor of Meghalaya explaned everything in detail. The stall is good. I am
and Arunachal Pradesh personally impressed and happy to see this historic
monument.Thanks for everyone who maintains this purity
and serenity of this great structure.
Yuva Bharati 13/August 2017

Vivekananda Kendra Pratishthan There are even full time workers Sevavraties
(young ones who join for the specific period
Pratishthan looks after the selection, training minimum 2 years), Vanaprasthis who are
and posting of the full time Karyakartas. The retired but not tired can join either single or both
cadre is of Jeevanvratis. Those who want to husband & wife also can join and give their time
work for Mother Bharat for the whole life, they and energy initially for a year. This period can be
are selected and enter for the initial training for extended further. For them too training is given
5 years and are called Shiksharthi. Immediately from time to time at the local level and every
they are attached to experienced senior year collectively. Every year selected literature
Jeevanvrati Karyakarta for the practical training in given to all the full time workers for studying
of maximum 2 years and after that they are then discussed during Varshik Baithak for a day
called to the Headquarters (Kanyakumari) for or two. This year the discussion was on revised
Initial training for 3 to 4 months which is called Karmayoga Shlok Sangrah (27 shlokas).
Kendra Shiksha Shibir(KSS). Such KSS was
conducted for 6 shiksharthis last year. Then, There are 120 Jeevavaraties and shiksharthis.
after that they are again posted to the field Sevavraties and Vanaprasthis too join. Some
training and after the successful completion of join and work at sthanik level. Since last
initial training again they are called to the HQs to year Sevavratis also are selected by giving
undergo the training for minimum 2 to 3 months advertisement in the local dailies at selected few
and is called Kendra Diksha Shibir (KDS).This Prants. 190 applied, 105 were interviewed, 45
time they are initiated as JEEVANVRATI by selected and 13 joined and they were posted to
giving Mantra with three vows Shuchita (purity different branch centres and also to Prakalps.
of mind, words & deed), Aparigrah (away from
Jeevanvraties are given refresher training
the greed), Ajnyakarita (complete obedience
every alternate year batch wise in Kendra
to the Hierarchy & organizational discipline).
Abhyasa Shibir for a week. Such shibir for
Jeevanvratis' Yogakshem is taken care by the
40 Jeevanvraties was organized last year in
organization under the scheme of Pariposhak
Belgavi in Karnataka.
Yojana which the society contributes for this
national Yajna . (details are given elsewhere).

Brave, bold men, these are what we want.What we want is

vigour in the blood, strength in the nerves, iron muscles and
nerves of steel, not softening namby-pamby ideas. Avoid all
these. Avoid all mystery. There is no mystery in religion. Is there
any mystery in the Vedanta, or in the Vedas, or in the Samhits,
or in the Puranas? What secret societies did the sages of
yore establish to preach their religion? What sleight-of-hand
tricks are there recorded as used by them to bring their grand
truths to humanity? Mystery mongering and superstition are always signs
of weakness. These are always signs of degradation and of death. Therefore
beware of them; be strong, and stand on your own feet.
Yuva Bharati 14/August 2017

Dakshin Prant
Chennai of Kanyakumari district were conducted. 476
participated. For them "Veera Narayana", a
Personality Development classes for the 5 days Residential Personality Development
students of classes 3rd to 12th were conducted for Camp was conducted. 97 participated. Swami
7 days in 2 batches for 88 students enrolling. Chaitanyanandaji Maharaj, Ramakrishna
Ashram, Vellimalai blessed the youths in
150 Samskar Varga children sang Bhajan on concluding session.
Guru Poornima.
International Yoga Day Celebration was
UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD DAY organised at 5 places and 738 people participated.
Karyakartas of Maitreyi Swadhyaya Varga
Prior to the UB day celebrations, competitions
organised Vimarsh on Samartha Bharath. Sri
were conducted for the samskara varga students
T.V.Rangarajanji, Akhil Bharateeya Sankalan
which included fancy dress, drawing, act the
Samiti was the Speaker, 300 was the audience.
quote (selected Swamijis quotes) and elocution
95 students of different age group participated. Guru Poornima was celebrated at 6 places,
The Universal Brotherhood Day theme was 577 people were present. Ma.Krishnamurtyji
AVOIDANCE of USE of PLASTIC. 160 attended. explained the meaning of Kendra Prayer and
Ma. Aparna Didi taught the Prayer.
Anna Pooja was conducted at Sree Ayyappa
On the occasion of Swamijis Jayanti, various College. Both students and staff contributed
competitions were organized for students of class Rice. Around 300 people participated.
8 to 12, from schools in & around Triplicane. 48
students from 7 schools actively took part in it.

National Youth Day also was organized at

Tattvaloka, Teynampet. Around 85 people

Utsava total 4, participants =929; Sahitya Seva =
Kendra Publication Rs.810/-, Utilities: 29,283/-
Workshops = Personality Development
Camps : Total 07,participants 1,158
Yuva Prerana: Total 03, participants 143
Others : Total 07, participants 859
Yoga Satra : Total 05, participants 55

In Kendra Parichay Shibir and One day Karyakarta
Prashikshan Shibir. 23 Youths participated.

8 One day camps at eight different places

Yuva Bharati 15/August 2017
Universal Brotherhood Day Celebration was Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan Trust,
organized in 2 places, 260 people attended. Chennai
During Navaratri festival, Saraswati Pooja and
Sumangali Pooja were conducted at 9 places & VKPT, Chennai published 3 magazines : Yuva
310 people attended. Bharati monthly and half-yearly Vivekananda
Kendra Patrika. Tamil monthly Viveka Vani. The
Gita Jayanti was celebrated at 3 places & 320
number of Subscribers are : 15,300,1500 and
people attended.
5,200 respectively for the 3 magazines. VKPT
Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Celebration was has brought out 96,752 diaries and 38,787
organized at 4 places, 708 people attended. calendars. Vivekananda Kendra Patrika 'Eknathji'
was released during the All India Adhikari
VK Nagercoil participated in the First Hindu Baithak. 1,39,900 copies of 19 publications
Spiritual and Service Fair at Trivandrum in were reprinted. 12,200 copies of 10 publications
February. were newly brought out. 1,00,000 brochures
Organized Sthanik KPS for 3 days. 12 and 50,000 special covers on the occasion of
Participated. Ma. Balakrishnanji's inspiring talk Mananeeya Eknathji Janma Shati Parva were
was there. Shri Rajaramji, Retired Principal of printed. 8,0000 CD's on VRM & VK, Wandering
VKV Arunachal Pradesh shared his experiences. Monk and OM chanting were published.
3 days Residential camp for Youth of college.

Vivekananda Kendra Rural Development Programme

1. Education
a). Balwadi - 75; creches 2019 Children ;b). 4. Medical
Tailoring - 4 places 81 beneficiaries a). Eye camps - 40 places 6901 out patients and
c). Education aid - 64 students worth of Rs. 3, 1144 cataract patients;Issued 404 Spectacles &
62,172 /- d). Balasevikas training camp - 43 Nos. medicines to 655 persons. b). Medical centers -
14 centers 22,993 beneficiaries
2. Cultural
a). Mass deepa pooja - 15 places 16,290 5. Publication
participants ; b). Anna pooja - 63,765 kg rice a). One new book and 31 reprinted books, total
collected 1, 05,000 copies
c). Cultural conference - 9 places 1941 b). Sales Rs.917878/-
participants from 67 cultural classes
d). Cultural competitions - 324 educational 6. Utsavas
institutes 32,734 students from 1180 Schools a. Universal Brotherhood day - 34 places 1780
e). Youth camps - 5 camps from 73 colleges & participants b. Sadhana Divas - 82 places 4154
95 schools 737 students f). Saraswati pooja - 10 participants c.Gita Jayanti - 50 places 4282
places 3106 participants ; g). Mathru pooja - 6 participants d. Swami Vivekananda Jayanti - 112
places 350 participants. places 18461 participants e. Guru Purnima - 55
places 3950 participants
3. Enrolement of Patron 1091 Nos.;
Subscription - 2120 nos.
Yuva Bharati 16/August 2017

Vivekananda Kendra Natural Resource Development Project

Vivekananda Kendra Nardep works as a catalytic

agent in Green Rameswaram project.

It has 11 verticals and a few partners such as Hand

in Hand India, for Solid Waste Management, REACH
Foundation, Chennai for Archeology and History,
C.P.Ramaswami Iyer Foundation for Landscaping
and beautification and Basil Energetic, Chennai for
Renewable energy. Green Rameswaram projects
Chairman is Shri.Ravi Sam, an Industrialist from

Dist. Collector, Ramanathapuram is the Chief Patron

of the project and the work is carried out with the help
of all line departments and local stakeholders.

This years highlights are as follows:

Renovated Kapi, Narena and Brahma Teerthams 2. Solid Waste Management activities in 10 wards
by partner Hand in Hand India. 3. Greening of Rameshwaram by planting trees. 4. Building Social Capital
for the sustainability of the project. 5.Established office at the Renovated Green Rameswaram building.
Yuva Bharati 17/August 2017

VKV Kanyakumari
Mananeeya Eknathjis birthday was celebrated
on 19th November. The release of hand written
magazine was done by the Chief guest. Sri.
V.Thangaputhiavan, Senior Scientist of ISRO,
Mahendragiri. He spoke about the talents
devloped in the students. He gave various
valuable and unknown facts about ISRO, about
rockets and the universe . He kindled the spirit in
the students to join ISRO. Ma.Hanumantaraoji,
Treasurer of Vivekananda Kendra spoke about
limitless effort laid by Eknathji Ranade to
construct the memorial. The students' strength is
1568 from LKG to XII with 54 teaching staff. Cl X
& XII result is 100%. Cl X highest marks 495/500
& Cl XII is 1151/1200.

VKV Vallioor
The students' strength from Cl LKG to Cl XII is 1617 with teaching staff 66. The board Exam result
is 100%. Cl X Highest marks 492/500 & Cl XII is 1087/1200.
The Jayanti of Lord Ganesa is celebrated as forefront. In the procession nearly 900 students,
Vinayaka Chaturthi. This year we celebrate the parents and public participated.
festival by preparing the idol of Lord Ganesa
The Arts & Science Exhibition was organized
with the help of XI students. Each class is given
for enhancing knowledge and skills among
a chance to worship Lord Ganesa by offering
the students. The exhibition was inaugurated
flowers and Prasad. Students worship Lord
by Mr. Perumal, R.T.O., Vallioor. He was very
Ganesa by chanting Mantras.
much impressed by the presentation and he
The last day Pooja is conducted by X, XI & XII congratulated the students. The Exhibition
std students in a grand manner. After completing was divided into four section. 1. Art 2. Science
the last day of Pooja the idol of Lord Ganesa was 3. Maths & Social Studies 4. K.G. Section 5.
taken by our students for Visarjanam. Spiritual. Rangoli of Gitopadesha, Bharathiyar,
India & Rock Memorial were wonderful.
A mammoth procession was convened to
commemorate the 102nd birth anniversary of
Mananeeya Ekanathji Ranade (Founder of
Vivekananda Rock Memorial & Vivekananda
Kendra) at Vallioor on 19th November 2016. The
flag off for the procession was done by Mr. Prabhu
Baskaran, Sub Inspector of Police, Vallioor,
Ma.Radha Didi, Dhakshin Prant Sangatak &
Ma.Aparna Didi, All India Sahitya Seva Team
Member, Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari.
Shri. S.K. Subramanian, Correspondent,
Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya were in the
Yuva Bharati 18/August 2017
Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas - Andaman & Nicobar Islands
The Schools in the Island are working for the 5 to Cl X 3 Nos; LKG to Cl VIII 3 Nos); Total
fold (Physical, Mental, Intellectual, Emotional & Students 4470 Nos.; Teaching Staff 171
Spiritual) development of the students.
Board Exam Result:-Cl XII 99% ; Cl X 100%
No of Schools 9: ( LKG to Cl XII - 3 Nos; LKG

Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision
VK Thiruvananthapuram Foundation (Kodangallur)
The year marked the 150th birth anniversary
"Yoga: The Way of Life" a book based on the
of Sister Nivedita. Vivekananda Kendra Vedic
Vision of Oneness written by Kum Niveditadidi
Vision Foundation joined hands with Vivekananda
was translated into Malayalam. The title of
Darsanika Samajam, Palakkad and formed an
the book is as Yoga: Ekathma Darsanathil
organising committee of 150 eminent women in
Adhishtithamaya Jeevitha Padhathy. This
Kerala under the name Samarpanam, with Dr
is the first book in the translation project of VK
M. Lakshmi Kumari as its Chairperson and Dr
Thiruvananthapuram. This was released by Col
Lakshmi Shankar as its convenor.
VPK Nair, a distinguished officer of the Indian
Army, who after his retirement has now devoted The Inaugural programme of Birth Anniversary
was organised at Trissur on 28th October, on
her birthday. The Chief Guest on the occasion
was Justice. (Retd) Usha Sukumaran and the
speaker of the day was Dr. Prameela Devi,
Member, Womens Commission, Kerala.

Another programme was organised at Ernakulam

in collaboration with Kurukshetra publications at
their All India book Fair and Exhibition. Famous
journalist and writer of Kolkatta Sri Rantidev
Sengupta was the Chief Guest. Srimad Swami
Bhadreshanandaji Maharaj and Pravrajika
Sumedha Prana mataji of Sri Ramakrishna
Math, and Sri Sarada Math, Ernakulam gave
his life to the pursuit of Sadhana.The first copy their Benediction. The celebrations conducted
of the released book was received by Smt. during the year fell under two categories,
Chithra, Under Secretary Gov. of Kerala Local those which helped to perpetuate the spiritual
Self Government. She was also the coordinator heritage of our country like Sri Krishna Jayanti,
of International Yoga Day in Kerala. Mananeeya Gurupoornima, Saraswati Puja, Diwali and so
Hanumanth Raoji from Kanyakumari and Swami on and those of social importance bringing well-
Tattvaroopananda Saraswathy from Janaka wishers together, cementing their hearts and
Janani Kripa Gurukulam Vattiyoorkavu were helping them to understand the ideal for which
other guests. The function was presided over by Kendra stands for. The latter included Swamijis
Prof.P.Balakrishnan Nair. birthday, Universal Brotherhood day,
Sadhana Divas, Independence Day, Republic
day and so on. All the celebrations were intended
Yuva Bharati 19/August 2017
to convey the message of Swami Vivekanandas
Each soul is potentially divine.

A new programme started this year was

Santwana, a satsang, specially targeting the
elderly people in the society. The first Santwana
was on November 18th and was inaugurated by
Kendras Vice President Ma. Nivedita Didi, on
the eve of Man. Eknathjis birthday. Didi stressed
the duties of vanaprasthis in the society, recalling
Ekanathji's call to the retired but not tired to take
up service activities without wasting their old age.

The Sandeepani Sishuvihar completed fifteen

Dignateries visit stall
years. This year helping to create a good number
of Karma Veera and Dharma Veera children who some of the other programmes which added
are proving to be assets to their homes and to the enlightenment emnating from Ananda
society. dham.Vivekananda Kendra and Vedic Vision
SKIE residential camp at Nilambur, Foundation were asked to participate in the HSS
Samskara varga prasikshan shibir, samuhika Fair at Trivandrum and joined hands with another
suryanamaskar Surya Kiran, Matru puja, Yoga 120 Hindu organisations.
Sangamam and a variety of competitions were

Mysuru organised. 28 youths. A Yuva Prerana Shibir
at Nanjumalige for 38 and at Jayanagar for 42
Yoga and Pranayama satra-120 people youths was organized.
benifitted. Samskara Varga at 9` places: 257
children attending every week. Kendra Varga- 1 day Sadhana shibir organised at Jayanagar.
1 place weekly. Bhajan every Saturday. Sri C.V.Gopinath Rao spoke on Indian Culture.
Pranayama and Meditation class: for 5 days Dr.A.S.Chandra Shekarji stressed on holistic
8 people attended. Abhyasa Varga: Weekly, 7 health. How to meditate was the subject spoken
are attending. New varga started on Saturday by Sri Ramesh.
at Kendra. Anandalaya- non formal education A Karyakarta Prashikshana Shibir was organised
center at 1 place 45 students from class 1 to from 15th October to 18thoctober. About 12
class 9th standard. karyakartas attended the camp.


a week was conducted at Roopanagar vistar
for 39 children and at Jayanagar 26 children.
All children performed Matrupooja. In a 1 day
PD Work Shop 157 students from Cl 6-10

A Rural Youth Camp at T. Narsipura: was

Yuva Bharati 20/August 2017

VKV Kallubalu
Sthanik Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir was held
at Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Kallubalu for
2 days in which 12 karyakartas from Vivekananda
Kendra Mysore and 2 karyakartas from
Bangalore participated. Morning prayer, Yoga
varga, Shramnubhava, Geet Abhyasa, Krida
yoga and sessions on Ma. Eknathji, Vivekananda
Rock memorial, Swami Vivekananda, Karya
Paddhatis, Patrons and subscription drives,
Anushasana and Kendra activities by Sri
Rameshji and Su. Radha Didi. She narrated
some inspiring stories to karyakartas.

Total strengh from LKG to Cl X is 365, teaching

staff 19. The result of board exam of Cl X was
80%. Kendra Varga and other Vargas are
organised in which average 25 attend.

Arunachal Pradesh Prant

Prant and Arun Jyoti Project Report Balsevikas, Acharyas, Swasthya Rakshaks
Shibirs were held where 125 participants were
Celebrations: Sadhana Divas at 8 places, trained.ANANDALAYAS: To provide supportive
183 attendance; Gita Jayanti at 7 places, 709 education to the school going children, 43
attendance; Smarth Bharat Parv at 32 places, Anandalayas are run by 43 local educated youth.
4339 attendance; Guru Poornima at 22 places, A total of 349 children are benefitted by this activity.
1393 attendance; Universal Brotherhood Day Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV):
10 places, 743 attended. 150 girls study at Barap of Tirap District and
43 Pariposhak were enrolled. On book based Wessang of East Kameng District.
competition for collage students - Regd. 885, 40 girls are being trained in tailoring, weaving,
appeared & participated 829. In 2 Workshops pickle making etc. at three Centres located at
133 participated. Seijosa, Wakka and Wakro.
142 attending in 8 Sanskar Varga; in 4 Swasthya Seva Manch : Arun Jyoti organized
Swadhyaya Varga 36 youths took part & 43 100 rural medical camps in Longding, Tirap,
karyakartas attended 4 Kendra Vargas. Changlang and Namsai districts which benefitted
In 3 Sthanik KPS 146 & in 2 Prant KPS 82 9142 patients. 43 health awareness meetings in
participated. these districts were attended by 2167 persons.
Development Through Culture 17 youths were trained as Swasthya Rakshak
(Health Worker). Our team visited 31 primary
Anoupcharik Shiksha Manch: In 99 Balwadis and middle schools of rural areas and conducted
1960 children get education. 196 Balsevikas health check-ups of the students.
are involved in this noble activity who are
supported by 11 Prabandhikas who look after Free Operation camps : 2 free surgery camps
the smooth functioning of the Balwadis. 2 in association with Remote Area Medical
Yuva Bharati 21/August 2017
Corp. (, Knoxville, USA
were organized. These camp were organized
in association with District Health society,
Changlang, Arunachal Pradesh. A total 34
surgeries for various ailments like Gall Bladder
stone, Appendicitis, Hernia, Breast Lumps etc.
were done during the camp. Dr.Qutub Nadaf
(General surgeon (Anesthetist from VKNRL
Hospital, Numaligarh, Assam) rendered the
service. 8 pre-screening camps were organized
at 3 places and 56 patients registered.

The second camp which was organized in

association with Dept. of Health and Family
Welfare, and (RAM), Knoxville, USA concluded at
Sub Divisional Civil Hopital, Rajapukhuri, Sonari.
42 patients were operated 28 free Endoscopies
were done by the NRI Gastroenterologist and out
of them 2 were colonoscopies. Dr. Gangadhar
Maddiwar and his team from USA and Dr.
Satish Tatawar from Chandrapur, Maharastra
participated voluntarily in this camp. One
ENT surgeon Dr.Archana Ranade from Apollo
Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata joined the surgical screening camps in various places of Longding
team for two days and she conducted 5 major and Charaideo for one month to find poor
ENT surgeries. and needy patients for surgeries. 78 patients
registered their names in these camps and out
The mobile medical unit conducted seven
of them 42 were operated in the operation camp.

Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas Arunachal Pradesh Trust (VKVAPT)

VIVEK KIRAN- is a new project of VKVAPT held from January 24 to 29 at Taipei. In 36 VKVs
in collaboration with the Navajbai Ratan Tata total students strength is 12710 with the teaching
Trust with the objective of strengthening the staff 559.
formal educational scenario of the Kimin circle The students'
of Arunachal Pradesh.The Project, with its five performance at
important modules reaches out to 19 government home as well
schools and 26 Anganwadis within 20 km radius as in board
of the Kimin Circle and the farthest distance is very good.
between two schools is 45km by road. 11 Nos. Teachers'
4 Students from VKVs represented Bharat in Camps were organized, 263 teachers
International Science Fair @ Taiwan. participated. 3 nos. camps were organized for
It was a moment of great happiness for the VKVs Non-teaching staff, 31 Nos. attended. Students
of Arunachal Pradesh when four young VKVians participate regularly every year in Science
brought laurels to India by standing third at the Congress & Science Exhibition and their
Taiwan International Science Fair which was performance is excellent in the state.
Yuva Bharati 22/August 2017

Assam Prant
Total District 33 . Our work in 28. Nagar- 16, Yoga Satra & Pratiman 54 Nos. 778
Karyasthan 35, Prakalpsthan 160 attendance; Participants sent for Yoga Certificate
Course 25 Nos
Karyapaddhati Sanskar Varga at 195 places
with 6520 participants; Swadhyay Varga at 42 Aanandalaya
places with 570 attendance; Yoga Varga at 38 Daily 2 & 1/2 hour informal classes in 130 places
places with 486 participants & Kendra Varga at are conducted by the trained 130 Acharyas for
32 places with 668 attendance. 1500 students of school level. They are given
training in concentration through play way
Enrollment Pariposhak: 11535; Subscribers method. Weekly 130 Sanskar Vargas for 3600
11492; Dayitvavan Karyakarta 1200 & KPS children; weeekly Bhajan Sandhya at 19 places
conducted for 306 youths. for 2000 women in 7 vistars is conducted.
Sahitya Seva Toli Sadasya 40; Total Sales
Rs. 1669708/- Rural Welfare Project (Khatkhati)
Total girls trained since 1987 are 700 in Weaving,
Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir (KPS) Knitting, Pickle, Jam etc making. This is training
Shtanik-10 Nos. 368 Attendance - ; Prant 2 cum sales project. This year a total of Rs.
Nos. 142 Attendance; Rashtriya 13 attended; 350000/- products made in the project were sold.
Sanskar Varga 1 No. 90 attendance. Different residential Shibirs of Assam Prant also
were conducted here from time to time.

Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture, A new lecture series under Sanskriti Anveshak,
Guwahati was started on Forest-Community Interface
Dr Minati Hazarika Memorial Lecture considering its relevance to North East India.
The 4th Lecture, a yearly programme was held The first lecture was held on Climate Change:
in Jorhat in association with VK Jorhat. Prof Forests and Forest Communities. For this curtain
Anil Saikia, Former Principal, Moran College raising lecture, VKIC invited Dr. Alka Bharagva
delivered the lecture on 'Ballad Songs of Asom' IFS, Additional Chief Conservator of Forests,
Govt of Assam. Dr. Pradip Sharma, Associate
10th Vedanta Vachaspati Radha Nath Phukan Professor, Dept. of Geography, Cotton College
Memorial Lecture From a Fishing Hamlet to moderated the session.
Moon and Mars. "Today, the world recognizes
Indias capacities in this field, which was not A Panel Discussion on Development Through
the case earlier". This was one of the views Culture
expressed by distinguished scientist Dr Jitendra The panel discussion was undertaken to carry
Nath Goswami in his talk. forward the philosophy behind S. Gurumurthy's
The occasion was also marked by the release book. The programme was moderated by
of the book, Development Through Culture Sri Kashi Nath Hazarika, former Chairman,
written by eminent thinker Shri S. Gurumurthy. NEDFI. The speakers were Prof. Kalyan Das,
The volume focuses on the traditional cultural Dr. Manjit Das, Associate Professor, Bodoland
strengths of India being used to create and University and Shri Dipankar Mahanta, Member
sustain economic development in the country. of Executive Council, VKIC.
Yuva Bharati 23/August 2017
The 21st Foundation Day, was organized on While summing up the discussion, Mananeeya
January 31st this year. The VKIC Sanmaan Nivedita Bhide said that through VKICs role in
2017 was conferred to Srimad Shyamananda engaging community members in its seminars
Brahmachary of West Garo Hills. This Honor is and workshops the communities are benefited.
given to a person of distinction who has worked When the community people are encouraged to
tirelessly for the promotion of indigenous faith speak about their traditions and customs, they
and culture of his people. The Award comprised are heard and appreciated. It builds confidence in
of a Selangchadar, Citation Memento and a sum them. It helps them to realise that their traditional
of Rs. 25,000. beliefs and practices are not outdated; but rather
a matter of protection and preservation.
In his welcome address, Dr. Parimal Chandra
Bhattacharjee, Director, Research Advisory VKICs initiative on Intellectual Property
Council, stated that the objective of VKIC is Rights. This year, few members from the core
to find the commonalities existing within the team of IPR went to Diphu, Karbi Anglong for
different ethnic communities; focusing mainly an IPR sensitization programme with the locals.
on the cultural aspect of the communities. VKIC It was realized that Karbi Anglong, with its rich
works with the belief that Cultures Nurtures natural resources, traditional knowledge and
Unity. practices is facing the threat of bio-piracy and
Srimad Shyamananda Brahmachary, the
spiritual leader of Borkona Ashram Dhubri, in In the context of VKIC's IPR activities Minakshi
his acceptance speech shared his experience of Goswami of VKIC attended the International
taking up the task of working for the upliftment of Earth Science Conference (IESC) in University
the people from various communities. of Science and Technology, Meghalaya and
presented a paper titled Sharing Secrets
The Chief Guest of the Programme Prof. Anil
Dattatraya Sahasrabuddhe made a power- Yoga Pratiman- Offering Yoga Modules for
point presentation on Innovation: Key to Indias different sections of society. Yoga Pratiman-
Transformation. He is currently the Chairman of Pariksha De Haste Haste, was conducted in
All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). various institutions, in and around Guwahati
A cultural presentation by a Tiwa Cultural group city as well as Barak Valley for the school going
concluded the programme. children.

Mananeeya Nivedita R. Bhide, Vice-President Recent Releases New Perspectives on

of Vivekananda Kendra interacted with a select Srimad Bhagavad Gita by Prof. B Mahadevan,
gathering of people from varied backgrounds at takes an analytical look into an ancient yet
VKIC. perennially relevant text, from the perspective of
management and statecraft.
VK NRL Hospital, Assam

A dedicated team of 20 doctors, 34 nurses

and other supporting staff working round the
clock catering to the medical needs of the
captive population of NRL township and nearby
surrounding areas. 1992 indoor and 55390
outdoor patients were treated at the hospital
and catered to 18330 patients at their doorsteps
Yuva Bharati 24/August 2017
through its Mobile Medical Camp service in the Medical workshops, seminars and trainings are
areas surrounding NRL refinery and township. organized for the doctors, paramedics and other
Yoga Vargas and Satras are also being staff for continuous updating of knowledge.
conducted at the hospital and nearby areas.
Yuva Bharati 25/August 2017
Vivekananda Kendra Shiksha Prasar Vibhag, Guwahati
No of Schools: 22; No of Students:11298(Boys: SAMAROHA : A drama competition was
6668, Girls: 4630); No of Teachers:547; No of organized where in 190 participated . SOCIAL
Supporting Staff: 187 SCIENCE EXPLORATORY PROJECT: Involving
senior students of 19 Vidyalayas conducting
ACADEMIC RESULTS: Class X & XII result : Cl neighborhood survey. Village covered 26 nos.
X CGPA 10:124; Cl XII 94% Families- 2648 Nos & Sattras 9.
Utsavas : Guru Pornima - 6 Nos, 500
attendance; Universal Brotherhood Day - 43
Nos., 13315 attendance : Sadhana Divas - 24
Nos., 8120 attendance; Gita Jayanti - 22 Nos.,
6074 attendance: Vivekananda Jayanti 136
Nos., 15633 attendance

Karya Paddhati : Sanskar Varga 10 Nos, 553

attendance; Swadhyay Varga - 13 Nos, 380
attendance; Yoga Varga - 9 Nos, 205 attendance;
Kendra Varga - 15 Nos, 491 attendance

Yoga Satra 4 Nos, 83 attendance ;

Aanadalaya 4 Nos.,Attendance - 199

Apart from the above Kishori Vikas Shibir, ACHIEVEMENTS: Students- VKV(NEC)
Parivar Milan, Matri Sanmelan, Vimarsh, Matri Baragolai team qualified for the CBSE National
Puja, Utsarga Samaroh, Alumni meet etc. were Science Exhibition, its Boys and Girls teams
also organized by most of the Vidyalayas. were selected at National CBSE Kabaddi
tournament held at Delhi . Adrija Neog of Class
IX has received the CCRT (Center for Cultural
22 VKV in Assam was inaugurated on 7th
Resources and Training) scholarship in the field
September 2016 with Vidyarambha Ceremony
of Creative Writing among 11 students of India.
(20 students). Nam Kirtan was conducted by
Gaurav Sharma from VKV, Nalbari received
local people.
Gold Medal in Taekwondo held at Chennai.
Common programmes Four students from VKV, Tingrai participated
Teachers Orientation Camp in which 135 in the Regional level CBSE science exhibition
teachers from all the VKVs of Assam and and two of them Sri Sajal Nath and Sri Paritukh
Nagaland, besides Principals, Vice-Principals,
Head Master/Head Mistress and also the officials
VKSPV took part. Inauagaration was done by
Dr Dhananjoy Parashuram Ghanawat (IPS),
Superintendant of Police, Dima Hasao.

2 days workshop for Accountants and Office

Clerks of VKSPV, Arunjyoti and accountants
of VKVAPT was held under the guidance
of CA Ashok Junagade, on accounts related
Yuva Bharati 26/August 2017
Saikia selected for National level event, New Teacher of VKV, Dhemaji has received the Best
Delhi. TEACHERS: Smt. Nisha Gupta, Assistant Critic Award for writing Critical Appreciation in
Teacher, VKV, Tinsukia was awarded KABYA monthly PRATIYOGITA KIRAN.
AMRIT AWARD orgainsed by J.M.D. Prakashan,
New Delhi. Sri Jayanta Topadar, Assistant

Bengal Prant
The Eknath Ranade & Sister Christine Puraskars
were given by Sri Tathagata Roy, Governor of
Tripura to the mothers of needy students and to
the girls of Rangoli competition.

Dignitaries present in the function were Sri

Kesharinath Tripathy, Hon Governor of West
Bengal, Swami Balabhdranandaji Maharaj
Asst secretary of RKM ,Swami Suprananandaji
Maharaj, Swami Tyagibaranandaji and Sri S.S.
Ahluwalia Union State Minister for Agriculture
and parliamentary affairs Govt of India.

Bihar Prant
Patna Nagar: was Saksham Parivar: Samriddha Rashtra.
Sushree Nivedita Raghunath Bhide, Vice
Universal Brotherhood day was celebrated
with the Subject The role of Youths in Nation
Building and the key speaker was Honourable
Governor of Goa Mrs. Mridula Sinha . Chief
Guest was Justice Shivaji Pandey, Patna High
Court. The programme was presided by Shri
Ravinandan Sahay, Samrakshak,Vivekananda
Kendra Branch patna. 225 persons attended.
Gaya Nagar:
3 stage Vivekananda Prashnottari Pratiyogita in 9
schools . In 1st stage 1371 participants registered
and the attendance was 986. In 2nd stage
attendance was 146 from 8 selected schools.In
3 rd stage , 3 day Personality Development was
organised for 29 participants.
Jamshedpur Nagar:
Jamshedpur branch organised a Vimarsh at Telco President ,Vivekananda Kendra was the key
Officers Club. Chief guest was the Administrative speaker.The programme was conducted by
Head,Tata Motors Shri Ranjit Dhar. The topic XLRI Professor Dr. Manish Singhal.
Yuva Bharati 27/August 2017
Ranchi branch organised a Vimarsh
on the subject Samriddha Praivar :
Samarth Rashtra . Key speaker was
Kum Nivedita Raghunath Bhide, Vice
President, Vivekananda Kendra.
Chief Guest was the Zonal Director
of DAV group of Schools Shri T.
P. Pathi and Shri Vinod Gaddyan
presided over the programme.
Dignitaries of the city were present at
the programme.
Bhagalpur Nagar: comprising of social workers Secretaries and
Presidents of different Social organisation were
Bhgalpur branch office building (donated by
Shri Surendra Kumar Ghosh) was Inaugrated
on the auspicious birth anniversary of Pushpanjali Programme:
Ma Sarda, 22 December 2016 by Kum This was organized at various places in 7 Vibhags
Nivedita Didi, Vice President, VK, Swami on the ocassion of Swami Vivekanandas Jayanti
Bhavatmananda,Scecretery, RKM, Muzaffarpur was organised In 7 vibhags at 217 Places and
and Shri Sushil Mansingh Khopde (IPS), the no of paricipants were 25103.
D.G,Bhagalpur Range. Nearly 50 participants

Delhi Prant
Guru Poornima was observed with total UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD DAY
attendance 37 to prepare ourselves as an
Swami Vivekananda in his lecture at Chicago on
instrument in His hands to do His work with the
11th September 1893,gave a call for Universal
attitude of Sadhana in all the 3 nagars, Yamuna
brotherhood. Delhi joined the celebration to
Nagar, Janakpuri & Vishwavidyalaya.
commemorate the epoch making speech of
Sadhana Divas Swami Vivekananda by organising a Run for
19 November, - Ekanathji Jayanti. Remembering
the founder of Vivekananda Kendra, studying his Started with outer peripheral area of Delhi
vision and rededicating ourselves to the mission including some rural areas and Village
of Nation building, Sadhna diwas was celebrated
in all nagarsthan. In which all dayitvavan
karyakartas participated.

Gita Jayanti

Observed on Margashirsh Shukla Ekadashi

to revisit base of Gita study for making life
purposeful and to nourish ourselves with the
vision of our Rishis.This day was celebrated at 3
places in which total 60 people participated
Yuva Bharati 28/August 2017
panchayats and involved few of the corporates,
educational institutions and other government

From various schools and colleges 3500

participants including 1400 school children,
youngsters and people from every walk of life
enthusiastically participated in the marathon.
Mesmerizing performance was given by Baba
Satyanarayan Maurya and his team on the idea
of One india,Great India

An exhilarating performance was given by the

artists of Kathak Kendra choreographed by the
Kathak maestro Pt. Rajendra Gangani. in spreading this idea in the context of global
scenario. Mr. Mahesh Sharma, MoS ,Ministry of
The keynote speaker Maj. Gen. G.D. Bakshi ji culture and tourism also graced the occasion as
delivered his powerful ideas on the relevance the Chief Guest and addressed the gathering.
of Universal brotherhood and the role of India

Vivekananda International Foundation Research Centre (FFRC),Joint RCSS-VIF-ITS

Conference on "Emerging Strategic Dynamics
Vimarsha in Indo-Pacific" held in Sri Lanka, 'Security along
'Jihadist Threat to India - The Case for Islamic the Silk Road' in collaboration with North East and
Reformation by an Indian Muslim' - Tufail Ahmad, South Asia (NESA) Center, USA. Opportunities
'Waterways on River Ganges - Environmental for Multi-Stakeholder Partnership to Prevent
Challenges & Opportunities' - Dr Hishmi Jamil and Counter Radicalization and Violent
Husain & Dr Onkar Mittal, 'Freebies and Good Extremism in collaboration with Facebook and
Governance' - B.P. Singh, 'Preparing the Central US Embassy, Seminar on Maritime Security
and State Police Forces to deal with the multi- in collaboration with The Sasakawa Peace
dimensional challenges of tomorrow' - Padma Foundation, Sasakawa,US and National Security
Shree Prakash Singh, DeMonetisation - the College, Australia
balance sheet - Shri S Gurumurthy, Uniting Interactions
India- Sardar Patel - Amb G Parthasarthi, Nation . Indo-Russian Relations
and Nationalism - Shri M J Akbar . India-Japan Bilateral Relations
. India-China relations and the way forward
International Conference . India's Indian Ocean Strategy
'Silk Road Trade and Connectivity in Central and . India-South Korea relations and the way forward
South Asia' in collaboration with RUSI, UK and . India-Australia Relations and the Way Forward
CICIR China. 'India-China Maritime Cooperation' . India - Bangladesh Relations & the Way Forward
in collaboration with Naval Research Institute of . Leveraging India's Soft Power
PLAN, the National Institute for South China Sea . Indo-U.S. Relations
Studies (NISCSS) and the Institute of Asia-Pacific . Multilateral Engagements in the Indo-Pacific
Studies, Chinese Academy Of Social Sciences Region
(CASS),'India-EU Relations: Opportunities and . Russia In The 21st Century: Where From,
Challenges' in collaboration with Finland Future Where To
Yuva Bharati 29/August 2017
. 2016 US Presidential Elections
. India-Bangladesh Relation
. Ancient Indian Thought and It's Relevance
to The Contemporary World by His Holiness
The Dalai Lama. Terrorism and Counter
. India-Iran Relations & Strategic Situation in
Af-Pak and West Asia

Gujarat Prant
8 Nagar Sthans and 21 Karyasthans. With the wherein 26 shibirarthis and 17 karyakartas had
help of 307 daitvavan karyakartas all the utsavs participated.
were celebrated. On 12 January Pushpanjali
was organized at 181 places wherein 21,611 Kendra Prarthana Abhyas Varg was
people had participated. Sanskrutik Swadhyay organized in all the Nagar sthans with total
Kasoti at school and college level was organized participation of 280.
wherein 3775 and 908 students appeared
respectively. Sahitya Seva toli has been formed In Vadodara Nagar, with the help of 9 shikshak,
in 5 nagars and sale of approximately Rs. 6.5 two regular Anandalaya are giving informal
lakhs was made. 3 sanskarvarg prashikshan education to 80 students.
shibirs, 6 sthanik Karyakarta Prashikshan
Shibirs, 1 prant Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir
were organized wherein total 339 shibirarthis had
taken the prashikshan. Apart from above shibirs,
Four personality development programme,
one Yuva Prerna shibir and 9 Yog satras were
also organized. Total 9 Kendra Varg, 8 Yog Varg,
5 Swadhyay Varg & 43 Sanskar Varg represent
our Karyapaddhati.

Two day Prant Yog Pratiman Prashikshan

Shibir/workshop was organized wherein 50
shibirarthis and 10 karyakartas had participated.
Seven day Prant KPS was organized

Every soul is a sun covered over with clouds of ignorance; the

difference between soul and soul is due to the difference in
density of these layers of clouds.
Yuva Bharati 30/August 2017
Himachal Prant
KANGRA : Prof. (Dr.) Yoginder Singh Verma Pro
Vice Chancellor addressed to a well attended
public gathering and said that the character of
Swami Vivekananda was an inspiration to the
youth. He further said that youth could cultivate
the qualities of courage and spiritual strength by
following his teachings as his thoughts were very
scientific in nature.

Babar Singh, 93 an INA freedom fighter who

had been in Indias freedom struggle with Netaji
Subhash Chandra Bose was honoured for his
contribution in the freedom struggle. Fifty six
meritorious students of different schools of
Kangra and Mandi districts too were given prizes
in connection with Sadhana Diwas.

November 20 - More than 3000 students from

Class IX to XII from twenty eight schools of
Kangra and Mandi districts of Himachal Pradesh
coinciding with Sadhana Diwas, participated in
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Competition.
The Work Shop was organized for 400 students
from 13 schools & colleges. Kum Kalpana Mehta,
Co-ordinator Himachal Vibhag conducted a work
shop for the college students.

Shimla * Gita Jayanti & Vivekananda Jayanti was at

* 3 Yoga Satras at different places were organised * Karyalaya housing Chhatrawas, where student
for 30/40 participants. learn to give back to the society by running
* International Yoga Day celebration was with 50 Aanandalaya.
attendance. * Daily One Yoga Varga and Swadhyaya Varga is
*Guru Poornima Celebration at 2 places with 120 going on for 15 participants.
attendance. * Weekly Swadhyaya Varga on Tuesday &
* Textbook based exam on the life of Swami Bhajan Sandhya on Saturday attendence 15.
Vivekananda in 1 college and university which
was followed by a workshop. Jammu
* Inter school declamation competition. 40
schools participated. In concluding program 250 All the Utsavas are celebrated with good
participated. participation.
* Pariwar Milan on Sadhana diwas.
Yuva Bharati 31/August 2017
Nagdandi (Kashmir)

All India Yoga Shiksha Shibir (Medium-

Hindi) was held at Sri Ramkrishna
Mahasamelan Ashram Nagadandi in June
for 10 days. Nineteen participants from
Six different states viz, Andhra, Telangana,
Gujarat, MP, Maharashtra, Rajasthan &

On concluding day in public function

Shri Lawey MP - Rajyasabha; local MLA
Surrender Ambadar - Jammu BJP and Shri
Gulzar Wani - Congress were present as
the Guests. The program was also attened
by locals. Shri Abhay Bapatji, Maharashtra and concludes on Navami. More than 25000
Prant Pramukh, Shri BL Bhat- Chairman of Sri pilgrims had Prasad.
Ramkrishana Mahasammelan Ashram also were
present. 2. (Workshop/ Seminar on Skill & Personality
Development) was organized at Nagdandi
3 day Varshik Baithak of Uttar Kshetra in March for 93 young boys and girls from Vagad Jain
for Poornakaleen was at VK Nagadandi Ashram Community of Mumbai.
(SRMA). Adhikaries - Kum Niveditadidi, Rekhadidi
& Kishorji and 11 Jeevanvraties attended it. The
prescribed book 'Daily Routine' by Mananeeya
Eknathji was read and discussed. One day
Mata Khirbhavani and some important Darshan
were organised by the Ashram Samiti to
different places.

1.The important festivals - Ramnavami

Havan was the regular yearly program where
Yoga Shiksha Shibir (Hindi) @ Kashmir # 16 25 July 18 to 60 Rs. 4000/-
number of inmates and locals take part. This
Spiritual Retreat (Eng & Hindi) 08 14 Aug 18 to 65 Rs. 2500/-
year it was 15th Bhandara on the occasion
Yoga Shiksha Shibir (Eng & Hindi) 01 15 Dec 18 to 60 Rs. 3000/-
of Jyeshta Ashtami - Mata Khirbhavani Mela
whereYoga Prashikshak
thousands Shibir (Eng
of devotees had& Hindi) 01 30
Darshan and Dec 18 to 60 Rs. 6000/-
took Her blessings. This started from Shashthi
Yuva Bharati 32/August 2017

Madhya Prant
Nagar- 9, Karyasthan 11, Prakalp - 1
Dayitvavan Karyakarta - 484
Utsav - Places Attendance

Guru Pornima 32 1530

Universal Brotherhood Day 25 3260
Sadhana Divas 18 494
Gita Jayanti 27 1675
Samarth Bharat Parv 461 38590

Swadhyaya Competition Registered Appeared No. of Workshops/Attendance

Collage (116 participated) 4570 3060 33/1227

Workshops for School Students 5 Nos, attendance

260: Yoga Pratiman - 4 nos, attendance - 254:
Other Workshops - 4 Nos, attendance - 400
Particiants sent to Kanyakumari Shibir - YSS - 2
Nos; SR - 2 Nos; YPS - 3 Nos

Karyapaddhati Sanskar Varga at 38 places with

1080 participants; Swadhyay Vrga at 14 places
with 168 attendance; Yoga Varga at 8 with 79
participants & Kendra Varga at 7 places with 108

Enrollment Pariposhak: 11535; Subscribers

11492; Dayitvaan Karyakarta 1200 & KPS done 306

Sahitya Seva Toli 10; Sahitya Sale: Total Rs. 248610/-

Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir (KPS) Shtanik- 6 Nos. 178 Attendance - ; Prant 1 Nos. 76
Attendance; Sent for Rashtriya 13 Nos; Sanskar Varga 2 No. 35 attendance.

Yoga Satra & Pratiman 8+10 = 18 Nos. 748 attendance

Karyakarta Joined - Alpakaleen - 4 Nos.:Sevavrati - 1 No.: Vanaprasthi - 1 No.: Nivasi - 14 nos.

VK BORL Hospital, Bina

Village covered 23; Indoor patients 1313
The Hospital is managed by 81 staff- Specialists Nos.; Outdoor patients 40430 Nos.; Mobile
10, Doctors -20, Nurses -8 and other staff 43. Camps- 730 Nos.; Surgery Conducted 36
Nos.; Patients Referred Outside - 94 Nos.;
Yuva Bharati 33/August 2017
Awareness programs - 20 Nos.; Medical Workshops 14 Nos.;
Talks by the Dignitaries 1 No.

Special Program other than Medical 6 Nos.; Motivation Camp

for Staff 1 No (On Book Goal & the Way" VK Publication)

Maharashtra Prant
Total 4 Vibhags (Kokan, Paschim MH, Devgiri & Vidarbh). Prant & Vibhag teams are active.
Prant & Vibhag teams 2 baithaks along with Chowmasik Baithaks and 1 Baithak for whole Prant,
16 Nagarsthans, 8 Karyasthans and 26 Samparksthans. 3 Prakalpas VK Prashikshan va Seva
Prakalpa (VKPSP) at Pimplad (near Nashik), VK Marathi Prakashan Vibhag (VKMPV) at Pune &
Solapur and Vivekananda Kendra Training Institute for Excellence (VKTIE) at Solapur.

Summary of regular activities:

Karyapaddhati Utsav
No. Attendance No. Attendance

Yoga Satra 114 2068 Gurupournima 48 2973

Yoga Varga 36 490 Universal Brotherhood Day 43 5062

Samskar Varga 53 1011 Sadhana Diwas 29 1580

Swadhaya Varga 39 419 Geeta Jayanti 32 1032

Vivekananda Jayanti 105 16181

Other major activities and programs:
Leadership Development Program for
Youth: Starting with written objective exam
followed by local camps and concluded by
State Level Camp at Kanyakumari. 161
youth participated in Kanyakumari camp.
Karyakarta Abhyas Varg: Hon. Niveditadidi
enlightened 45 Karyakartas regarding our
goals and methods taking examples from
Ramayana in 3 days Varga.
Yoga Shiksha Shibir: 15 days shibir at
Pimplad, Nasik. 30 persons participated.
Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir: Two Prant
Level Shibirs were held. Participation 45.
Vocational Training: Started this year at Pimplad, Nasik. Two batches of Plumbing Course
were organized. Participation 34.
Swanand Workshop: Organized by VKTIE in Pune for Stress management based on
Yoga Way of Life for professionals. 34 persons participated.
North-East Calling Seminar: For sensitizing elite people for issues in NE. Hon. Union
Yuva Bharati 34/August 2017
Minister Smti Nirmala Sitharaman and Ma. Niveditadidi were main speakers. 105 persons
Books and Periodicals -
1. New books published: Dainandin Jeevanat Yoga, Preranadeep
2. Six titles reprinted. 19000 copies
3. 13 e-books are available for Sale.
4. Vivek Vichar: Monthly
magazine in Marathi,
Published from Solapur.
Subscriber base 3800.
Special issue on Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar on
the occasion of his 125th
birth anniversary.
2 Balwadis catering to 28
children, 1 medical camp for 80
people, Vivekashram Hostel for
46 school students at VKPSP
Yojak Varg: 68 senior Karyakartas debated on progress of Kendra Karya in Maharashtra
and how to inspire people in 2 days workshop; under the guidance of Ma. Bhanudasji, Shri
Basvrajji and Kum. Rachanadidi (Madhya Prant Sanghatak).

Odisha Prant
11 Organizational centres and 4 specialized Service Projects. All these are catering to the physical,
mental, psychological , educational, social and spiritual needs of the local people. These multifarious
activities can broadly be classified into -

1.) Regular activies in 10 Districts through 7 Nagar Sthans, 4 Karya Sthans and 21 Prakalp
Sthans and

2.) Occasional activities in 4 Districts.

Celebrations: Guru Purnima in 42 places, attendance of 2180. Universal brotherhood day at 22

places, attendance of 3146. Sadhana Diwas at 12 places, 394 attended. Gita Jayanti at 13 places,689
attended. Swami Vivekananda Jayanti at 54 places 5667
attended. Swadhyaya competitions for school level
was conducted in 2 schools 65 students participated.
Competitions for college level was also conducted in 70
colleges with 2646 students participating. Post competition
workshops were conducted in 16 colleges with 777 students
participating. In 15 Personality Workshops 738 school
students; in 6 Yuva Prerna Shibirs 217 youths participated.
KPS at 16 places 486 Karyakarta attended.


were organized in 13 places which benefitted 380
Yuva Bharati 35/August 2017
16 people participated in various National level
camps organised in Kanyakumari.

53 patrons, 34 subscribers to our magazines and

33 Arunachal Bandhus were enrolled. Kendra
Varga at 10 places, average attendance was
125. Yoga Varga at 17 places with an average
attendance of 297. Swadhyaya varga at 10
places, attendance was 205. Sanskar varga
at 33 places with attendance of 1192. 6 Youths
joined as Alpakalin Karyakartas and are working
at different parts of Odisha during their summer


Major activities:

a.) ANANDALAYAS School going rural children from Standard I Standard V are given
guidance to strengthen their basics and improve knowledge of curricular subjects. Also given
inputs and training in Yoga, character building and social living.

480 students are guided by 29 Acharyas

in 18 Anandalayas.


remote villages are given access to inspiring
and educational books in Odia, English and
Hindi. Educationally and Socially relevant and
motivational films are shown through projector
in interior villages. 211 people benefitted from
6 Audio Visual shows.


PROGRAMMES: 49 youth participated in 2
such programmes.

d.) 4535 OPD patients got benefited from the Charitable Homeo dispensary being run at village
Kusupur, Gop Block, Puri.


A 22 bedded hospital of IOCL Refinery Township. Apart from the township populace, the Hospital
caters to the needs of people from adjoining 5 panchayats and 20 villages. The details are :

Doctors (Including Surgeons) 21 Nursing and Other staff 34

Indoor Patients 259 Outdoor Patients 45498
Mobile camps 25 Beneficiaries 6750
Yuva Bharati 36/August 2017

Publishes original books in Odia based on Swami

Vivekanandas ideals and also brings out Odia translations
of existing Kendra publications in other languages.

This year 2 were reprinted - YOGA and PADAVALI

2 new titles were published EKNATHJI and VIVEKANANDA




This academy will cater to studies, research and documentation

of Indian Culture in general and Janajati culture in particular.
It will also conduct research and orientation cum training
programmes to understand Yoga and Indian perspectives for
sustainable Management. Presently basic team formation
and Building construction work is going on in full swing.

Punjab Prant
Pathankot, Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana and Sardh Shati Samaroh during 2013-14. The
Chandigarh are the five karya sthans Total 42 eminent personalities of Chandigarh around 150
Dayitvavan Karyakartas are working in it. attended.

Guru Poornima at 4 places and 159 people 2 Swadhyaya Varga in Pathankot and Ludhiana.
attended the programmes. 1 Kendra Varga has started in Chandigarh.
The first Sthanik Karyakarta Prashikshan
On the occasion of Universal Brotherhood Day Shibir was organised in Ludhiana Prant, where
Jaag Jawaanaa Competition a book "Tejasvi 12 karyakartas participated. 1 karyakarta from
Jeevan" based competition was organised by Amritsar was sent for Rashtriya Karyakarta
Pathankot and Amritsar and after the written test, Prashikshan Shivir in Kanyakumari.
college students took part in one day workshop.
7 colleges were contacted out of which 4 colleges
participated. Total 258 students registered and
230 wrote the written test.

In Chandigarh, a Vimarsh was organised on

the topic Equality before the Law and equal
protection of Laws with special reference to
Gender Justice. The Main speaker was Dr.
Subhash Kashyap an authority on Indian
Constitution today. He also worked as the All
India Honorary Chairman of Swami Vivekananda
Yuva Bharati 37/August 2017

Haryana Prant

Panchkula, Rewari, Rohtak, Karnal, Faridabad, attended by 474 students. In the same way
Bhiwani, Gurugram, Sonipat and Panipat are the Swadhyay competition was organised in 3
nine Karyasthans managed and looked after by schools in which 140 students participated.
56 Dayitvavaan Karyakartas.
4 Swadhyay Varg with attendance of 37 and 1 at
Utsavs college with attendance of 20 participants.
Guru Poornima at 12 places with an attendance
of 1566. Shibirs
Universal Brotherhood day at 18 places with Sthanik KPS was attended by 30 Karyakartas.
an attendance of 2787. 1 each was sent for Prant & Rashtriya KPS.

Sadhna Divas at 5 places with an attendance

of 188.

Gita Jayanti at 35 places with an attendance of


Samarth Bharat Parva/ Swami Vivekananda

Jayanti at 17 places with an attendance of 3515.
Yuva Prerana Pratiyogita was organized for
the college students, based on the book Tejasvi
Jiwan . Total 474 students participated from
17 colleges, followed by 8 one day workshops

Residential Camps at Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari

All these camps are residential and the language of instruction is English and Hindi. Both men
and women can participate in these camps. The forthcoming shibir details are:
Name Date Age group Donation

Yoga Shiksha Shibir (Eng & Hindi) 06 - 20 Dec 2017 18 to 60 Rs.3000/-

Yoga Prashikshak Shibir (Eng & Hindi) 06 Dec- 4Jan 2018 18 to 60 Rs.6000/-

For more details : E-mail:

Visit us at:
Yuva Bharati 38/August 2017
Rajasthan Prant
4 vibhags, 6 Nagar Sthans, 4 Karyasthan and 6 participated. In College level 2621 students
Samparka Sthans. from 55 colleges participated out of which 1004
students participated in 20 workshops.
Utsavas: Gurupurnima at 13 places wherein
653 participated. Universal Brotherhood Day Camps: 9 Samskar Varga Prashikshan
in 5 Nagars 12 programs with 1583, attendance. Workshops were organised for 444 students. 5
Sadhana Diwas at 10 places wherein Residential Samskar Varga Prashikshan Shibirs
505 karyakarta -well wishers participated. were organised wherein 304 karyakarta got
Discussion and deliberation on Kendra trained. 176 participated in Sthanik Karyakartas
Prarthana was done in this programme. 9 Prashikshan Shibir, 31 participated in 2 Prant
programmes were organised for celebrating Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibirs and 6 participated
Gita Jayanti, 522 participated. Samarth Bharat in Rashtriya Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir. 12
Parva was celebrated with great gaiety at 73 Karyakartas participated in Padavali shibir under
places. Varieties of programmes in Universities, the Guidance of Aadarniya Aparnadidi.
Colleges, Schools, Public Functions, Sports
Projects: VK Hindi Prakashan Vibhag is the
Competitions and Vimarsha were organised
major project in the Prant. Kendra Bharati
on this occasion. Ma. Niveditadidi, All India
magazine is published from Jodhpur. 1092 new
Vice President was on Rajasthan tour during
subscribers added to make a total of 4300. 3
Samartha Bharat Parva. Total 17446 citizens
new books were published this year namely,
Uttishthata! Jagrata!! (based on Arise! Awake!!
Karyapaddhati : For giving moral education Exhibition in Kanyakumari), Karmayoga Shloka
to students 17 Samskar Vargas are organized Sangraha, Matribhumi ki Pukar.
in the Prant and 353 children participated in
these weekly classes. 11 Swadhyaya Vargas
(Vivekananda Study Circles in Colleges
and Universities) are running for giving right
perspective of thinking to the youth, 255 youth
participated in these vargas. 5 daily Yoga Vargas
are running wherein 57 participants practice and
Kendra Varga is organised at 5 places and 53
karyakartas participated in them.

Yoga Satra and Yoga Pratimaan - In 18

Yoga and Pranayam Satras total 608 people
participated. 5 Pariksha De Hasate! Hasate!
workshops were organized. Total 490 school 30 students participated in the Anandalaya at VK
and College students participated in these Bhilwara and this year 50 women got tailoring
Pratimaans. Swananda Yoga Pratimaan was training from the Skill Development -Centre here.
organised in Bhilwara for corporate sector, 63
Special Activities:2 of the Vivekananda Study
corporates from the city participated.
Circles (Women's Engineering college, Ajmer
Swadhyaya Competitions: Both School and and Rajasthan Technical University, Kota) run
College level competitions were organised. Anadalayas for children from Seva Basties. More
1642 students of 36 schools participated. 2 than 120 students got benefited through this play
workshops were conducted wherein 69 students way method of learning.
Yuva Bharati 39/August 2017

Telugu Prant
Prakalpa VK Kaushalam organised a PDC on going on regularly.
8 April 2017. Participants: 44. Sri G. Srinivasji,
Activities in Two Niyojit Nagars - Ananthapuramu
Prakalpa Sangathak, took the Tejas Pratimaan.
and Kurnool - in Rayalaseema Vibhag.
Asmita: 3 Yogabhyas sessions for ITI students VK Ananthapuramu - "Born to Succeed"
of Nizampatnam, the fishing community hub in workshop was organised a day.
Guntur district was conducted.

Anandalaya Acharya Prashikshan Shibir was

held in which 28 participants from 3 Mandals
completed the training.

Theory and practical Training of agriculture

(Annapurna model) developed by the Jettu

Thirty (30) youth in the age group of 18-

40 participated. A core team to take up,
Vivekananda Kendra activities in two vistars,
has been formed.

Kendra Varga was started. Participants: 18.

VK Kurnool:

Kendra Varga started. Participants: 15.

Kendra Parichay Shibir was organised for 2
Rayalaseema Vibhag days. 44 attended.
VK - Kadapa Branch launched Charaiveti in two VK Krishna Vibhag VK Vijaywada
colleges. Organised Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Jayanti
Yoga Varga is being conducted every day
in two of the Charaiveti units

Total 84 participated. In both the programmes, VK Hyderabad Vibhag

the Keynote speaker was Shri M. Maruthi Mohan VK Ameerpet, has started weekly motivational
Reddy, V
K Rayalaseema Vibhag Pramukh. talks based on Swami Vivekananda's vision.
Four talks have been organised so far.
Karyapaddhati: Sanskar Varga with 20
participants; Yoga Varga with 5 participants is

Uttar Pradesh Prant

Lucknow 3 day Personality Development organized at 6 places where 300 participated. On
Camp and Yoga Varga training workshop was the occasion of Vivekananda Jayanti 4 day shibir
organized where 150 & 78 participated. 5 days was organized where in 35 participated. Swami
workshop to celebrate World Yoga Day was Muktinathanandaji, RK Math & Missin Lukhnow
Yuva Bharati 40/August 2017
inaugurated the Shibir. Many distinguished
guests were present on the occasion. On the
concluding day Swami Satyanandaji, Adhyaksh
RK Mission Kanpur was the Guest and main
speaker. On youth Day 500 youths participated
in the college.

Gorakhpur 3 day residential Camp was

organized in which 150 youth took part. 5 days
workshop to celebrate World Yoga Day was
organized at 1 place where 300 participated.

Ayodhya - 5 days workshop to celebrate World

Yoga Day was organized at 1 place where 50

All the Utsavas were celebrated enthusiastically

at Lukhnow, Gorakhpur and other few places.


You are already with us with Tan and Man (Body and Mind). Be a PATRON of Vivekananda Kendra
Pratishthan and have satisfaction that you are also supporting the dedicated workers for their
YOGAKSHEMA (training, support and maintenance of the Life workers and Whole-time workers).
Perpetual Patron: towards the corpus of the Trust (Contribution of Rs.5000/- and above)
Annually Donating Patron: Remembering and offering contribution yearly (Contribute Rs.100/-
and above)
Lump-Sum Donating Patron : The amount is kept under Fixed Deposit for the a period of 10
Years, the interest on which would be used for training, support and maintenance of the Life
workers and Whole-time Workers. After 10 years, the deposited amount may be utilised for
any purpose at the discretion of the Trust. (Contribution of Rs.500/- and above)
Donations to "Vivekananda Kendra Pratishthan" can be sent by Cheque/Demand Draft drawn in
favour of "Vivekananda Kendra Pratishthan" and payable at State Bank of India, Vivekanandapuram
Core Banking A/c No.State Bank of India : 36192936576 (IFSC - SBIN0003780), lndian Bank :
700526447 (IFSC - IDlB000K159)
All donations to "Vivekananda Kendra Pratishthan" are exempted under section 80-G of the
income Tax act.
"Vivekananda Kendra Pratishthan" is registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act
(FCRA) and the Registration Number is 075900613. For more information, contact General
Secretary, Vivekananda Kendra, Vivekanandapuram, Kanyakumari-629 702,Tamilnadu
Ph:04652-247012, email:
Yuva Bharati 41/August 2017


1.Shri. Sripad Deshpande : Former Jeevanvrati who worked in Andmans.

2.Swami Prabhavananda Maharaj : Vice President of Sri Ramakrishna Mission,


3.Swami Avadhutananda : Ramakrishna Sevashram, Sakwar.

4.Shri Kalikho Pul : Former Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh

5.Shri. Suresh Ketkar : Senior Pracharak of RSS.

6.Shri. Jayant Ayachit : Former Jeevanvrati worked in North East.

7.Smt. Malati Madhukar Ayachit : Kendra well-wisher from Aurangabad (MH)

8.Smt. Padma Chaphekar : An Eminent Social worker who worked for

Leprosy and old age people in Pune.

9.Shri. Arvind Marathe : Well-wisher,V.K.Chinchwad,(MH)

10.Shri. Mohanlal Agrawal : Treasurer of VHP & Well-Wisher, Guwahati

11.Selvi J.Jayalalitha : Honble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu

12.Shri. Mahesh Saikia : Founder member of VKV Tingrai, Assam.

13.Shri. Chanchal Dey : Involved in VKIC building construction.

A devoted worker of VK in Assam.

14.Shri. Sobeng Taying : The main source of inspiration for establish

ment of VKV, Tafrogam (Ar.Pr.)

15.Shri. Mukundlal Sharma : Contributor for Hindi Prakashan Vibhag

16.Smt. Anusuya Swami : Well-wisher from Thoothukudi

17.Shri. Ganesh Kurmi : Saha Prant Sanchalak, Assam Prant

18.Shri. Cho. Ramasamy : Political Commentator and Editor of Thuglak

(Tamil Magazine)

19.Shri. Sundarlal Patwa : Former Chief Minister of MP.

20.Shri. Tumpak Ette : An Intellectual & well- wisher of VK in Arunachal

Yuva Bharati 42/August 2017
Accommodation Tariff at Vivekanandapuram Campus,
Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari
60 days Advance Booking can be done

Online Accommodation Booking :

Check-in & Check-out : morning 8:00hrs.

Vivekanandapuram offers clean living - luxurious to affordable - accommodation for over

1000 persons at a time at reasonable charges.

The details are as follows:

A.C. Cottages with double bedded rooms Rs. 3,000 + Taxes
Rooms with attached bath
AC 3 bedded room Rs. 1,500+ Taxes
AC 2 bedded room Rs. 1,200+ Taxes
Deluxe 4 bedded room Rs. 800
Deluxe 3 bedded room Rs. 700
Four bedded room Rs. 600
Double bedded room Rs. 400
Four bedded room in annex Rs. 400
Rooms with common bath
Three bedded room Rs.100
New hall (with carpet) Rs. 1,500+Taxes
Big hall (without beds) Rs. 900
Small hall (without beds) Rs. 400
8 bedded room Rs. 250
6 bedded room Rs. 200

Cancellation :
For cancellation, give us 72 hours prior notice to avoid forfeiture of your deposit.

Duration of Stay :
A maximum of 3 days is permitted at a time.

Own Your Room Scheme (free stay for 30days in a year for next 20years)
Double Bed Room 2.5 Lakhs
Three Bed Room 3.5 Lakhs
A.C. Bed Room 4.0 Lakhs

The donations to Vivekananda Kendra are exempted under section 80G of INCOME TAX ACT.

Campus-in-charge,Vivekananda Kendra, Vivekanandapuram
Kanyakumari-629 702 Phone: (0)4652 - 246250
email: rooms [at], Web:
Yuva Bharati 43/August 2017

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