Tugas Bahasa Inggris: Read 21 Articles

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(RABU, 12 APRIL 2017)

Diajukan untuk tugas mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris oleh Dosen Pengajar Bapak Roby Syaiful Ubed
di program studi D-III Kebendaharaan Negara, semester genap tahun akademik 2016/2017




TAHUN 2017

Were all familiar with the expression Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
But how true is it? On a typical its really easy to breakfast ball low on your list of priorities. With all
the brushing, bathing, defecating, getting ready for school or work. Taking a few minutes off to have a
healthy breakfast can be a really difficult task. Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an
overnight fast, thats where the name originates breaking the fast. According to WHO, eating breakfast
every morning and daily fruit consumption are two of the most important healthy images. A study from
none other than Harvard University states that men who regularly skip breakfast have a 27% higher risk
of suffering a heart attack than those who do eat the meal. And women who skip breakfast have a 20%
higher risk of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Having foods like idli, dosa (Indians food) or
cereals for breakfast can energize your mornings to such a great extent that it might even make you very
happy for no good reason. As the popular proverb goes Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a
prince, and dinner like a pauper. So, breakfast skippers of the world unite and embrace this wonder
meal every morning of your life. Now that is some serious food for thought isnt it.


The Eiffel Tower was built for the 1889 Paris Exposition and was not intended to be
permanent. The Eiffel Tower was going to be demolished in 1909, but was saved because it was
repurposed as a giant radio antenna. Duwing World War II, when Hitler visited Paris, the French cut
the lift cables on the Eiffel Tower so that Hitler would have to climb the steps if he wanted to reach the
top. Con artist Victor Lustig sold the Eiffel Tower to a scarp metal dealer. The Eiffel Tower was
originally intended for Barcelona, Spain, but the project was rejected. The height of the Eiffel Tower
varies by 5.9/15 cm due to temperature changes. 1.665 steps are needed to climb all the way to the
top of the Eiffel Tower. Also there are 20,000 light bulbs on the Eiffel Tower. There are over 30
replicas of the Eiffel Tower around the world. The paint on the Eiffel Tower weighs as much as 10


Where we going on vacation for single? Cancun (Mexico), the greatest single destination in the
world. Probably not so much for a married person. Well be doing shots all day, look barely evil cute
by 11 will stay up and watch the sunrise. We dont go to bed. What is a married? Yeah, well go up to
Napa Valley will drive all around the coast will look at all these cute little wineries. Talk about like our
lives and how much we mean to each other and like what is the future life. Will we have children. Will
we get a dog. A nice seafood dinner. Can go back to a very fancy hotel room and totally bone each
others brains out. And be in bed by 11. Maybe the other people will jealous of with going on vacation.
Lift the cost between two people. Travelling with other people is part of what makes it fun for us. Tip
to all those engaged couples out there, put in the notes were engaged and they might give us a free


The Illuminati was founded by Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776 in Ingolstadt, Bavaria.
Illuminati is a Latin word meaning enlightened ones. Weishaupt decided to join the freemasons to
acquire material to expand his own ritual. The Illuminati's founding goals were to oppose superstition,
obscurantism, religious influence over public life and abuses of state power. Ironically the Illuminati
now seeks full control over society much like religion, obscures the truth and now having members in
power abuse it. Initially the "Owl of Minerva" was their symbol, and still holds strong imagery with the
Illuminati to this day.Minerva is the Roman goddess of wisdom and as such the owl of Minerva was a
symbol of knowledge and wisdom. Illuminati members have aliases. Weishaupt's alias was Spartacus.


There are 2 peoples, Mark and Rachel. Rachel makes Mark feel like [the sound of a dolphin]
when he usually feels like [ice cream fell to the ground]. Mark wants to tell Rachel how he feels. But
Rachel has a boyfriend. Hes just doesnt matter but Mark is hopeful, maybe a little too hopeful. But
Mark is a plan it is cute and he did. Someday were Mark feeling like a big old pile of dung (-_-),
suddenly he gets a pink letter. Wait. What is happening? Oh my God. Yeah, Mark is son of a gun.
Rachel freaking brought of ice cream for Mark. Finally, it is happy endings of love.


Life is full of emotions and feelong you cant explain. We found real words from around the
world to describe some of them. Matutolypea [Latin & Greek]. Similar to waking up on the wrong
side of the bed. Greng-jai [Thai] means not wanting to bother somebody by having them do
something for you. Fremdschamen [German], embarassment for somebody else. Mudita [Sanskrit],
feeling joy vicariously through others. Alexithymia [English & Greek], means being unable to
describe exactly what youre feeling. Saudade [Portuguese], a feeling of melancholic nostalgia toward
something that has not happened. Last, compunction [English], anxiety that stems from feeling guilty.


Silvy Khoucasian, she is a marriage & family therapist. She has been coaching couples and singles
for over 7 years and working as a therapist for the last 3 years. She had two couples take the Love
Language quiz. Their results reflect how they want to receive affection from their partner. She states
that 5 love languages were created by dr. Gary Chapman. He started noticing patterns of things that
would be complained from each partner in a relationship. Theres 5 fundamental expressions of love
and so those are the way that we actually receive it.
1. words of affirmation, a way of expressing love through encouraging & humble words
2. acts of service, time, energy, and planning convey affection. Tips: do some of their chores!
3. receiving gifts, gifts are a great way to visually show your affection. Tips: a gift should be
special, not expensive
4. physical touch, being in close proximity and phisically affectionate
5. quality time, listening and paying attention to your partner


There are 3 types of Apple Watches, not just one. Such as Apple Watch Sport, Apple Watch,
Apple Watch Edition. There are 6 types of wristband clasps available for the Apple Watch. When the
Apple Watch gets a notification, itll vibrate to alert you. You can then raise your wrist to turn on the
screen and view the notification. The Apple Watch can detect force as well as mere touch. This means
you can tap select something, or press harder for what Apple calls Force Touch. The digital crown
button on the side of the Apple Watch allows for easy scrolling without the obstruction of fingers. The
Apple Watch requires an iPhone for use. Learned something new as well.


Robin had English, Welsh, Scottish, German, French, & Irish ancestry. Robin graduated from
Redwood High School which is just North of San Fransisco. He was voted Least Likely To Succeed in
high school. One of a kind of his quotes are No matter what people tell you, word and ideas can
change the world. Robin said that he learnt immensely about comedy and timing by watching Monty
Pythons Flying Circus. Robin was a big fan of cycling and would train with Lance Armstrong. He
would even ride shotgun in the Lance Armstrong team car at many of his races. When Robin was first
starting out, he performed as a mime outside New Yor Citys Metropolitan Museum of Art to make
money. Robins first son Zachary was the one who same up with the name Zelda for his younger sister.
Robin improvised most of the script for the role of the Genie in Aladdin. Robin had 2 movies both
reach the $100 million mark in the same week in the U.S. The movies were Jumanji and The Birdcage.
Robins favourite childhood book was The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, which hed read to his
kids. Lastly, Robin said his favourite calebrity to impersonate was Jack Nicholson.


Music plays an important role in our lives. It can help is relax, concentrate, or get pumped for a
work out. And if this song makes you happy, its because its affecting your brain chemistry. So why do
we find music so enjoyable? Researchers from Mc Gill University in Montreal found that dopamine
releases during moments of enjoyment while listening to music. Its what gives us the chills. The same
chemical reaction as when you fall in love. Basically, listening to music is amazing and your brain loves
it. And did you know that playing a musical instrument can make you smarter? And more of an
annoying neighbor. Believe it or not, chlodren with at least 3 years of musical training performed better
during testing for nonverbal reasoning, fine motor skills, auditory discrimination, and vocabulary than
those who did not. Nevertheless, music has a measurably significant of human beings, influencing the
way we dance, excersice, and think. So, how has music affected your life?


The average size of a rabbit litter depends on the breed of the rabbit. Generally smaller dwarf
breeds will have litters of 2-4, medium breeds will have litters of 4-6, and larger breeds will have litters
of 6-10, which results after a short gestation period of only 30-days. In the wild some female rabbits can
produce about 8 litters of bunnies every year. Happy rabbits practice a cute behaviour known as a
binky they jump up in the air and twist and spin around! Sterilised rabbits live longer than regular
rabbits. A rabbits life span is about 8 years, though sterilised rabbits (those who are spayed/neutered)
can live as long as 10-12 years. A rabbits teeth never stop growing! Many people believe they need to
chew to keep their teeth short. While they do enjoy chewing, its the normal wear from where their
top and bottom teeth meet that keeps a rabbits teeth short. Bunnies cannot vomit, so it is super
important to feed them only healthy, fresh, appropriate food. Rabbits are natural runners and can reach
speeds of up to 30 to 40 mph. Rabbits noses twitch 20 to 120 times per minute (faster when excited or
stressed and slower when relaxed or sleeping). A baby rabbit is called a kit, a female is called a doe, and
a male is a buck. A group of rabbits is called a herd.

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. It is a strong, irrational fear of something that poses little
or no real danger. There are many specific phobias. Acrophobia is a fear of heights. Agoraphobia is a
fear of public places, and claustrophobia is a fear of closed-in places. If you become anxious and
extremely self-conscious in everyday social situations, you could have a social phobia. Other common
phobias involve tunnels, highway driving, water, flying, animals and blood. People with phobias try to
avoid what they are afraid of. If they cannot, they may experience like panic and fear, rapid heartbeat,
shortness of breath, trembling, and a strong desire to get away. Phobias usually start in children or
teens, and continue into adulthood. The causes of specific phobias are known, but they sometimes run
in families. Treatment helps most people with phobias. Options include medicines, therapy or both.


She did 2 jaw surgery because she had malocclusion and protruding chin & cheekbone. She also
had face contouring, double eyelid, & rhinoplasty surgery. She had a lot of stress because her
appearance. Many people said that her chin protruded so much and asked why she didnt do surgery.
Why she lived with face like that. Now that her face became slimmer and smaller. Some of her friends
couldnt recognize Park Kwi Won after she did a plastic surgery. And even said that she looks like artis
now. It makes she satisfied and so happy.


1. Tumpeng, its customary for Indonesians to prepare tumpeng to celebrate an important event.
The cone-shaped rice is intended to symbolize a mountain known as the abode of gods &
2. Gado-gado is an Indonesian salad that consists of mixed boiled vegetables, served with peanut-
based dressing. Some Indonesians prefer adding rice or rice cake
3. Serabi, this Indonesian pancake is made from rice flour. Most regions have their own
interpretations of serabi, sweet or savory. Most popular versions comes from Bandung, West
4. Es Dawet Ayu, the traditional beverage from Banjarnegara is made from rice fluor and served
with coconut milk, palm sugar, and ice. Resulting in a refreshing sensation. It is naturally sweet
and aromatic
5. Lunpia Semarang, born of a mixture of Chinese and Indonesian culinary heritage. It is a kind
of spring roll with bamboo shoots, egg, chicken or shrimp
6. Rawon Surabaya is traditional meat soup that comes with strong rich taste and distinctive
black color, due to the use of kluwak. Usually served with rice and comes with side dishes of
mung breansprouts, spring onions, sambal, & shrimp crackers
7. Sate Ayam Madura, has been known to be served with candlenut-based sauce
8. Rendang, this traditional West Sumatra delicacy has been voted as the worlds most delicious
9. Kunyit Asam Solo is a refreshing herbal drink made from tumeric mixed with tamarind water
and palm sugar. Its a powerful antioxidant thats also good for digestion and skin health
10. Es Bir Pletok Jakarta is non-alcohol drink made from herbs and ginger, cinamons, pandan
leaves, sugar, basil powders, roots. It works to improve blood circulation and warm the body

What makes the shuttlecock fly so fast? The weather and temperature whod actually caused the
shuttlecock to fly a different way than expected. Once indoors players smash clear, drop, & drive the
shuttlecock towards their opponents. Its a sport with roots in ancient Greece, China, Japan, and India.
The rules have changed over time but the one constant was the shuttlecock. This is a kind of a unique
shape for a projectile. Comparing to other sport. This is cone shape and there are 16 feathers, theyre
made of a goose feathers for their durability. Its really hard to hit that angle right because its a
complicated process. You have to abandon your knees to low down your weight. So that you can jump
then the energy is going to be passed the from the lower body to the upper body into the shoulder to
the elbow to the rest and eventually to the finger. And all those energy is going to be added up passed
through the racket to the shuttlecock.


Tax amnesty is a program from Indonesian Directore General of Tax to allows tax payers to pay
and report back of taxes without penalty or interest charges for up to one year from the start of the
amnesty date. So, whats the goal? To accelerate the economic growth with increasing the income of tax
for infrastructure cost. And also to push the reformation of tax system to be more effective. And then,
what about the procedure? Firstly, the tax payers reed to report their assets and then pay some fine to
get an amnesty. It has been done. With this program, the tax payers will be sure and have good interset
to investate their assets on our country.


Everyone's heard about North Korea is known to be one of the most conservative countries
with very rigid laws. And the isolated kingdom that hangs off the east coast of China. But did you know
these facts about the infamous country? Lets check this out :
1. Marijuana is legal and grows freely so its not even classified as a drug in North Korea
2. North Koreans men are free to choose 10 approved haircuts & women chooses 18 styles (while
married are to have only short hair & singles can let heir grow out little longer) which are legal
in the country
3. In 2013, North Koreas leader killed his uncle by throwing him naked into a cage with 120
starving dogs. Kim Jong Un is known for his brutality
4. Possessing Bibles, watching South Korean movies, and distributing pornography may be
punishable by death execution with machine guns in North Korea
5. Theres an organization that parachutes copies of the Bible into North Korea. Although the
Bible is banned in North Korea
6. A North Korean defector has parachuted DVDs of the interview into the country. The recent
comedy of James Franco & Seth Rogen is a very open parody of North Korea
7. North Korea holds elections every 5 years with the list only 1 candidate with the official name
of North Korea is the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea


And in Indonesia one man is vowing to keep the traditional custom of shadow puppets alive. He
is now giving shows in English to reach the tourists and the younger generation. Shadow puppeteering,
or "wayang," is over 500 years old. Skillfully moving his fingers behind a white screen, Ki Sigit Adji
Sabdo Prijono enchants his English-speaking audiences with his large selection of shadow-casting
puppets. He says that there is no problem at all as far as communication as long as they know wayang
and they know who is Rama and who is Sinta. The important thing is we do not change the story
Javanese format. Wayang stories are usually based on mythological characters who convey tales with a
deeper moral message. And Prijono also believes performing wayang in English has widened its appeal
among the younger Indonesians who live abroad. With his idea of translating wayang into English,
Prijono is hoping to bring this age-old tradition out from behind the shadows.


This going to show you a natural way to get rid of acne and make your skin which can lead to
lighter skin. This method works really well if you do it usually every week. So the key ingredient in this
is papaya and all you need to add a few drops of lemon. Papaya is great for dry skin to reduce acne dark
spots lightning skin boosting collagen and making the skin a lot more firmer. So just rubbing it into your
skin. Left it on for 15 minutes and then washed it off. So feel the final result. It would definitely
recommend doing this about 3 times a week.



What blood type are you? Your blood type reveals eye-opening things about your health and
personality. Heres what it reveals :
1. If you have type A blood, you can donate red blood cells to type A and AB. People with type A
blood have a higher risk of getting stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, and heart disease. As fas
as their personalities they are sincere, responsible, and patient
2. If you have type B blood, you can donate red blood cells to type B and AB. Those with type B
blood have up to 50,000 times the number of strains of friendly bacteria than people with either
type A or O blood. Their personalities are active and creative
3. If you have type AB blood, you are universal plasma donor. People with type AB have been
found to have 23% increased risk of heart disease over those with type O blood. People with
blood type AB are cool, controlled, rational, and adaptable
4. O positive is the most common blood type. O negative is the universal donor type, meaning
those with this blood type can donate red blood cells to anybody. People with type O blood are
strong willed, workaholics, and cold


So when you decide to stop eating sugar and eating a lot of added sugar from things like soda
and cookies and candy, a few physiological changes happen within hours. Your levels of a hormone
called insulin will start to come down. What we call an anabolic hormone. It favors building up body
mass or retaining fat. Its really really hard to lose weight and to burn fat calories when youve got a lot
of insulin circulating. But when you stop eating a lot of sugar it makes it a lot easier for your body access
stored fat and burn it for energy. Over a few days and weeks youll notice that the lipid levels in your
blood start to drop. Another important change that we see over prolonged periods of time is that your
palate changes. And so things that used to taste normal to you in terms of their sweetness level will start
to taste really unpleasantly sweet. And your palate adjusts to require a lot less sugar to feel satisfied.
Your palates changing will make it easier for you to sustain that change in your diet. Because youre not
going to crave as much and sweet things dont taste as good to you. As they might have before.

Nature has been known to pull some amazing stunts, enlisting each of its elements to render
observers awestruck and mystified.
1. Fire tornadoes. Sometimes referred to as firenadoes for short, the whirling inferno funnels
occur when ground winds pick up flames and escalate into ember-spitting forces
2. Mammatus clouds. Their bumpy, bubble wrap-like texture typically forms on the underside of
thunderstorm clouds that are losing their strength
3. Volcanic Lightning. If a volcano erupts with enough force, it can produce lightning in addition
to spitting out loads of glowing magma
4. Sailing Stones. How the rocks on the bottom of Death Valley National Park's Racetrack Playa
are able to move across the landscape, leaving trails in their wakes, puzzled many for decades
5. Mysterious booms. They've been reported as sounding like fireworks, explosions, and
slamming doors, but what causes these random, and often quite loud, environmental noises is
anybody's guess
6. Namibia's fairy circles. About 11 hundred miles of the brush covered Namibian dessert is
dotted with barren round patches
7. Ball lightning. Recent scientific study has suggested that they're really just masses of energized
soil nanoparticles that are shot into space when lightning hits the earth
8. Blood Falls. That there's a waterfall looks a lot like blood in Antarctica is amazing on its own,
but the fact that it flows red makes it even more extraordinary
9. Penitentes. These frozen spikes occur at high, cold altitudes where the air is dry and the sun's
rays are direct. Rather than melt, the snow and ice just evaporate
10. Lenticular clouds. These flat clouds form primarily in high altitudes where geographic features
interrupt the airflow

Which phenomenon do you find the most fascinating?

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