Training Manual On Motor Maintenance

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1.1 Introduction
The electric motor is the single largest electricity-using device in the world. The
industrial sector is dependent on motors to drive pumps, fans, compressors, machine
tools, and a diverse array of other equipment. The importance of electric motors to Indian
industry is evident from the fact that motors account for an estimated 74% (72 billion kWh)
of all industrial electricity use (Fig.1.1). The other important motor-using sector is the
agricultural sector, where essentially 100% of electricity (an estimated 44 billion kWh per
year) is consumed in pumping irrigation water.

Electric motors are classified as direct current (DC), alternating current (AC),
synchronous, or AC induction (squirrel cage or wound rotor type) (Fig.1.2).

Motors are additionally distinguished as single phase or poly phase. Poly phase
(3-phase) squirrel cage motors account for most of the electricity used in motors below
20-hp capacity in industry and in agriculture. The account for an estimated 70% of all
electricity used in motors in industry. Their popularity stems from their relatively low capital
and maintenance costs and rugged design.

1.2 Motor Efficiency Parameters

Important quantities relating to efficiency of electricity use by motors are efficiency

(), defined as the ratio of the mechanical energy delivered at the rotating shaft to the
electrical energy input at its terminals. Power factor (Pf) defined as the ratio of the real
power (kW) to apparent power (KVA) drawn by the motor. Motors, like other inductive
loads, are characterised by power factors are less than one. As a result, the total current
draw needed to deliver the same real power is higher than for a load characterised by a
higher pf. An important effect of operating with a pf less than one is that resistance losses
in wiring upstream of the motor will be higher, since these are proportional to the square of

the current. Thus, both a high value for efficiency and a pf close to unity are desired for
efficient overall operation in a plant.

Squirrel cage motors are more efficient than slip-ring motors, and high-speed
motors are more efficient than lower-speed motors. Efficiency is also a function of motor
temperature. Totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motors are more efficient than screen-
protected, drip- proof (SPDP) motors. Also, as with most equipment, motor efficiency
increases with the rated capacity.

The efficiency of a motor is determined by intrinsic losses that can be reduced only
by changes in motor design (Fig.1.3). Intrinsic losses are of two types-fixed. i.e.
independent of motor load, and variable, i.e. dependent on load. Fixed losses consist of
magnetic core losses and friction and windage losses (Fig.1.3). Magnetic core losses
(sometimes called iron losses) consist of eddy current and hysterisis losses in the stator.
They vary with the core material and geometry and with input voltage. Friction and
windage losses are caused by friction in the bearings of the motor and aerodynamic losses
associated with the ventilation fan and other rotating parts. Variable losses consist of
resistance losses in the stator and in the rotor and miscellaneous stray losses. Resistance
to current flow in the stator and rotor result in heat generation that is proportional to the
resistance of the material and the square of the current (I 2R). Stray losses arise from
variety of sources and are difficult to either measure directly or to calculate, but are
generally proportional to the square of the rotor current.

Part-load performance characteristics of a motor also depend on its design. For

operating loads in the range of 50-100 percent of rated load, the reductions in efficiency
are small, while those in pf are considerable (Fig.3). At less than 50% load, efficiency
decreases significantly, and pf continues to fall. Both efficiency and pf fall to very low
levels at very low loads.

1.3 Motor Selection

The primary technical consideration defining the motor choice for any particular
application is the torque required by the load. Especially important is the relationship
between the maximum torque generated by the motor (breakdown torque) and the torque
requirements for start-up (locked-rotor torque) and during acceleration periods. Other load
characteristics, e.g. constant versus variable torque requirements or constant versus
variable speed also enter the selection process. The duty/load cycle determines the
thermal loading on the motor. One consideration with totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC)
motors is that the cooling may be insufficient when the motor is operated at speeds lower
than its rated value.

Several additional selection criteria are also typically considered. Ambient

operation conditions affect motor choice: special motor designs are available for corrosive
or dusty atmospheres, high temperatures, restricted physical space, etc. Anticipated
switching frequency is an important consideration: an estimate of the frequency of
switching (usually dictated by the process), whether automatic or manually controlled can
help in selecting the appropriate motor for the duty cycle. The demand a motor will place
on the balance of the plant electrical system is another consideration: if the load variations
are large, for example as a result of frequent starts and stops of large components liken
compressors, the resulting large voltage drops could be detrimental to other equipment.

There are still other considerations that can enter the motor selection decision.
Reliability is of prime importance. In many cases, however, designers and process
engineers seeking reliability will grossly oversize equipment, leading to sub-optimal energy
performance. Good knowledge of process parameters and a better understanding of the
plant power system can aid in reducing over sizing with no loss of reliability. Inventory is
another consideration. Many large industries use standard equipment which can be easily
serviced or replaced, thereby reducing the stock of spare parts that must maintained and
minimizing shutdown time. This practice reduces the use of motors that might provide
better energy performance in specific applications. Shorter lead times for securing
individual motors from suppliers would help reduce the need for this practice. Price is
another issue. Many users are first-cost sensitive, leading to the purchase of less
expensive motors that may be more costly on a lifecycle basis because of lower efficiency.
For example, so-called energy-efficient motors or other specially designed motors are
typically motor expensive to buy, but have lower operating costs and will typically save
within a few years an amount of Rupees equal to several times the incremental cost for an
energy-efficient motor over a standard-efficiency motor.

1.4 Factors Affecting Motor Performance

Motor performance is affected not only by intrinsic losses which occur in the motor,
but also by extrinsic factors, including the quality of power supply, age of the motor,
maintenance practices, and rewinding.

1.4.1 Maintenance

Improper maintenance of motors can significantly increase losses and lead to

unreliable operation. For example, improper lubrication can cause increased friction in the
motor and associated drive transmission equipment. Resistance losses in the motor,

which rise with temperature, would increase. Providing adequate ventilation and keeping
motor cooling ducts clean can help dissipate heat to reduce excessive losses. The life of
the insulation in the motor would also be longer: for every 10 C increase in motor
operating temperature over the recommended peak, the time before rewinding would be
needed is estimated to be halved.

A checklist of good maintenance practices to help ensure proper motor operation

would include

Inspecting motors regularly for wear in bearings and housings (to reduce frictional
losses) and for dirt/dust in motor ventilating ducts (to ensure proper dissipation).

Checking load conditions to ensure that the motor is not over or under loaded. A
change in motor load from the last test indicates a change in the driven load, the
cause of which should be understood.
Lubricating appropriately. Manufacturers generally give recommendations for how
and when to lubricate their motors. Inadequate lubrication can cause problems, as
noted above. Over-lubrication can also create problems, e.g. excess oil or grease
from the motor bearings can enter the motor and saturate the motor insulation,
causing premature failure or creating a fire risk.
Checking periodically for proper alignment of the motor and the driven equipment.
Improper alignment can cause shafts and bearings to wear quickly, resulting in
damage to both the motor and the driven equipment.
Ensuring that supply wiring is properly sized and installed. Inspect regularly the
connections at the motor and starter to be sure that they are clean and tight.

1.4.2. Rewinding

It is common practice in industry to rewind burned-out motors. Careful rewinding

can sometimes maintain motor efficiency at previous levels, but in most cases, losses are
more and the efficiency is reduced. Rewinding can affect a number of factors that
contribute to determining motor efficiency: winding and slot design, winding material,
insulation performance, and operating temperature. For example, a common problem
occurs when heat is applied to strip old windings: the insulation between laminations can
be damaged, thereby increasing eddy current losses. A change in the air gap may affect
power factor and output torque.

However, if proper measures are taken, motor efficiency can be maintained, and in
some cases increased, after rewinding. Efficiency can be improved by changing the
winding design, though the power factor could be affected in the process. Using wires of
greater cross section, slot size permitting, would reduce stator losses thereby increasing
efficiency. However, it is generally recommended that the original design of the motor be
preserved during the rewind, unless there are specific, load-related reasons for redesign.

The impact of rewinding on motor efficiency and power factor can be easily
assessed if the no-load losses of a motor are known before and after rewinding.
Maintaining documentation of no-load losses and no-load speed from the time of purchase
of each motor can facilitate assessing this impact.

1.4.3. Power Supply Quality

Motor performance is affected considerably by the quality of input power, including

voltage and frequency variations and voltage unbalance across the three phases. Motors
in India must comply with standards set by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for
tolerance to variations in input power quality. The BIS standards specify that a motor
should be capable of delivering its rated output with a voltage variation of +/-6% and
frequency variation of +/-3%. Fluctuations much larger than these are not uncommon in
utility-supplied electricity in India. Voltage unbalance, the condition where the voltages in
the three phases are not equal. Unbalance typically occurs as a result of supplying single-
phase loads (e.g. lights) disproportionately from one of the phases. It can also result from
the use of different sizes of cable in the distribution system.

Percent unbalance in voltage

0. 30 2. 30 5. 40
Unbalance in current (%) 0.4 17.7 40.0
Increased temperature 0 30 40

1.4.4. Age

Most motor cores in India are manufactured from silicon steel or de-carbonized
cold-rolled steel, the electrical properties of which does not change measurably with age.
However, poor maintenance (inadequate lubrication of bearings, insufficient cleaning of air-
cooling passages, etc.) can cause deterioration in motor efficiency over time. Ambient
conditions can also have a detrimental effect on motor performance. For example,
excessively high temperatures, high dust loading, corrosive atmosphere, and humidity can
impair insulation properties; mechanical stresses due to load cycling can lead to
misalignment. However, with adequate care motor performance can be maintained.

1.5 Improving Electricity Use Efficiency

Electricity use associated with motors in existing applications can be reduced

through operational or other changes. Important operational changes include providing
balanced phase voltages at the rated voltage, improving starting control strategy, and
improving cooling. Other improvements include retrofitting motors whose efficiencies have
degraded, selecting motors (in retrofit or new applications) not oversized to the need,
selecting energy-efficient rather than standard motors, and selecting proper motor control
strategies and equipment.

1.5.1 Measuring Load

Knowing the load on the motor over its typical operating cycle is critical to
understanding the potential for improving motor use efficiency. Under loading and variable
loading can produce inefficient motor operation as discussed below. However, it is
normally quite difficult to ascertain the load on the motor, as it requires measuring input
power, current, voltage, frequency and motor speed under both load and no-load
conditions. Measurement of the stator resistance is also required. It is generally
inadequate to measure only the current drawn under load, as this can give misleading

results. The no load measurements provide the basis for estimating fixed losses, which,
together with the measurements under load, permit motor efficiency to be estimated.
Proper instrumentation is critical to making accurate measurements.

1.5.2. Reducing Under loading

The most pervasive practice contributing to sub-optimal motor efficiency is that of

under-loading. Under loading results in lower efficiency and power factor (Fing.1.3) and
higher-than-necessary first cost for the motor and related control equipment. Under-
loading is common for several reasons. Original equipment manufacturers tend to use a
large safety factor in motors they select. Under-loading of the motor may also occur from
under-utilization of the full capacity load of the equipment. The user may need this full
capacity infrequently, resulting in under-loaded operation most of the time. Another
common reason for under-loading is selection of a larger motor to enable the output to be
maintained at the desired level even when input voltages are abnormally low. Finally,
under-loading also resulting from selecting a large motor for an application requiring high
starting torque where a special motor, designed for high torque, would have been suitable.

A careful evaluation of the load would determine the capacity of the motor that
should be selected. Another aspect to consider is the incremental gain in efficiency
achievable by changing the motor. Larger motors have inherently higher rated efficiencies
than smaller motors. Therefore, the replacement of motors operating at 60-70% of
capacity or higher is generally not recommended. However, there are no rigid rules
governing motor selection; the savings potential needs to be evaluated on a case-to-case
basis. When downsizing it may be preferable to select an energy-efficient motor, the
efficiency of which may be higher than that of a standard motor of higher capacity.

For motors, which normally operate at loads below 40-50% of rated capacity, an
inexpensive and effective measure might be to employ delta/star switches. A change from
the standard delta operation to star operation involves re-configuring the wiring of the three
phases of power input. Operating in the star mode leads to a voltage reduction of 1.732
per phase. Motor output falls to one-third of the value in the delta mode, but performance
characteristics as a function of load remain unchanged. Thus, full-loaded operation in star
mode gives higher efficiency and power factor than partial operation in the delta mode.
However, motor operation in the star mode is possible only for applications where the
torque-to-speed requirement also reduces with reduced load.

1.5.3. Sizing to Variable Load

Industrial motors frequently operate under varying load conditions due to process
requirements. A common practice in cases where such variable loads are found is to
select a motor based on the highest anticipated load. In many instances, an alternative
approach is typically less costly, more efficient, and provides equally satisfactory operation.
With this approach, the optimum rating for the motor is selected on the basis of the load
duration curve for the particular application (Fig.1.4). Thus, rather than selecting a motor
of high rating that would operate at full capacity for only a short period, a motor would be
selected with a rating slightly lower than the peak anticipated load and would operate at
overload for a short period of time. Since operating within the thermal capacity of the
motor insulation is of greatest concern in a motor operating at higher than its rated load,
the motor rating is selected as that which would result in the same temperature rise under
continuous full-load operation as the weighted average temperature rise over the actual

operating cycle. Under extreme load changes, e.g. frequent starts/stops, or high inertial
load, this method of calculating the motor rating is unsuitable since it would under estimate
the heating that would occur.

Where loads vary substantially with time, in addition to proper motor sizing, the
control strategy employed can have a significant impact on motor electricity use.
Traditionally, mechanical means (e.g. throttle valves in piping systems) have been used
when lower output is required. More efficient speed control mechanisms include multi-
speed motors, eddy-current couplings, fluid couplings, and solid state electronic variable
speed drives.

1.5.4. Energy-efficient motors

Energy-efficient motors are ones in which design improvements are incorporated

specifically to increase operating efficiency over motors of standard design. Design
improvements focus on reducing intrinsic motor losses. Improvements include the use of
lower-loss steel, a longer core (to increase active material), thicker wires (to reduce
resistance), thinner laminations, smaller air gap between stator and rotor, copper instead
of aluminium bars in the rotor, superior bearings and a smaller fan, etc. Energy-efficient
motors now available in India operate with efficiencies that are typically 3 to 4 percentage
points higher than standard motors. In keeping with the stipulations of the BIS, energy-
efficient motors are designed to operate without loss in efficiency at loads between 75%
and 100% of rated capacity. This may result in major benefits in varying load applications.
The power factor is about the same or may be higher than for standard motors.

Furthermore, energy-efficient motors have lower operating temperatures and noise levels,
greater ability to accelerate higher-inertia load, and are less affected by supply voltage

As a result of the modifications to improve performance, the costs of energy-

efficient motors are typically higher than standard motors. The higher cost will often be
paid back rapidly in saved operating costs, particularly in new applications or end-of-life
motor replacements .In cases where existing motors have not reached the end of their
useful life, the economics will be less clearly positive.

Because the favourable economics of energy-efficient motors are based on savings

in operating costs, there will be certain cases, which are generally economically ill suited to
energy-efficient motors. These include highly intermittent duty or special torque
applications such as hoists and cranes, traction drives, punch presses, machine tools, and
centrifuges. In addition, energy-efficient designs of multi-speed motors are generally not
available. Furthermore, energy-efficient motors are not yet available for many special
applications, e.g. for flameproof operation in oil field or fire pumps or for very low speed
applications (below 750 rpm). Also, most energy-efficient motors produced today are
designed only for continuous duty cycle operation.

1.5.5 Power factor correction

Induction motors are characterized by power factors less than unity, leading to
lower overall efficiency (and higher overall operating cost) associated with a plants
electrical system. Capacitors connected in parallel (shunted) with the motor are typically
used to improve the power factor. The impacts of pf correction include reduced KVA
demand (and hence reduced utility demand charges), reduced I 2 R losses in cables
upstream of the capacitor (and hence reduced energy charges, reduced voltage
regulation), and an increase in the overall efficiency of the plant electrical system.

The size of capacitor required for a particular motor depends upon the no load
reactive KVAs (KVRs) drawn by the motor, which can be determined only from no-load
testing of the motor. In general, the capacitor is then selected to not exceed 90% of the
no-load KVAR of the motor. Higher capacities could result in over-voltages and motor

Since, a reduction in line current, and associated energy efficiency gains, are
reflected backwards from the point of application of the capacitor. The maximum
improvement in overall system efficiency is achieved when the capacitor is connected
across the motor terminals, as compared to somewhere further upstream in the plants
electrical system. However, economics of scale associated with the cost of capacitors and
the labour required installing them will place an economic limit on the lowest desirable
capacitor size. Savings are also a function of cable lengths and resistance and the
electricity tariff.

1.5.6 Flat belt transmission drives

One often-overlooked area where efficiency gains can be made is in the

transmission drives pulleys, belts and gears thattransmit the mechanical rotation of the
motor shaft to the load. The simplest, least costly form of transmission is the belt drive,

which is also light and quiet in operation. The belt drive transmits power solely by the
frictional grip between the belt and the pulley.

In many conventional belt drive systems, triangular cross-section V-belts are

normally used. New materials have made possible the manufacture of flat belts with better
performance characteristics. Unlike the V-belt that develops additional lateral frictional
forces, the flat belt develops only tangential forces, reducing the stresses on the belt and
resulting in lower heat generation that arises from lateral compression and elongation.
The cooler operation is especially important in reducing the hardening of the rubber and a
consequent reduction in frictional grip.

In some cases, flat belts have yielded energy savings of up to 10-12% of the input
power to the motor, with a corresponding payback period of under one-year. However,
improper selection of belts and/or pulley size and smoothness can result not only in non-
realization of savings, but also deterioration in system performance and reliability.

1.6 Indian Motors and motor costs

Based on a sampling of major motor manufacturers in India, standard polyphase

induction motor efficiencies vary from about 50-53% for a 0.12-KW motor to about 93.5-
94% for a 110-KW motor and up to about 96% for a 315-KW motor. Manufacturers of
energy-efficient motors that incorporate characteristics described and report efficiencies
ranging from about 0.5 to 2 points higher for larger motors. It may, however, be noted that
the BIS requires manufactures to specify a minimum guaranteed efficiency at rated
capacity for energy-efficient motors, while BIS requirements for standard motors are
positive and negative tolerance. Manufacturers may take advantage of this fact and report
standard motors permit efficiencies to be reported with both positive and negative
tolerance. Manufacturers may take advantage of this fact and report standard-motor
efficiencies that are higher than if the BIS required the reporting of a minimum guaranteed

Presently, energy-efficient motors cost 45-50% more than standard motors of

comparable rating. This is much higher than the 30% cost increment that is typical for
energy-efficient motors in many industrialized countries. The relatively higher costs in
India could be due to high development costs and low production volumes. With an
increase in demand for energy-efficient motors, the increment cost is likely to drop.

1.7 Case studies

The case-study analysis here focuses on two evaluations: retrofit of energy-efficient

motors and power factor correction. These illustrate the importance of carrying out
detailed pre-investment analysis.

1.7.1 Energy-efficient motors

The applicability of an energy-efficient motor, as replacement for a standard motor

will be determined primarily by cost savings. (Aside from technical issues). The achievable
savings in an application will vary depending on the incremental cost, annual operating
hours, and the tariff structure. Lower energy (KWh) charges will result from higher
efficiency, and lower demand (KVA) charges will result from reductions in current drawn.

Detailed testing to determine operating load, efficiency and power factor provides the
starting point for considering a variety of alternatives to reduce costs.

As an illustration, consider an existing 30 KW feed water-pump motor operating at

approximately 50% load on a continuous basis, with a corresponding efficiency and power
factor of 81% and 0.82, respectively. Four retrofit possibilities are; (i) replace with a new
30-KW standard motor, which would have a higher efficiency. (ii) replace with a new
energy-efficient 30-KW motor having still higher efficiency; (iii) replace with a downsized
(18.5 kW) standard motor having both higher efficiency and power factor; (iv) replace with
a downsized (18.5 kW) energy-efficient motor having still higher efficiency.

In this case, downsizing the motor makes considerably more economic sense than
replacing with a motor of the same capacity. The use of downsized standard efficiency
motor provides the shortest payback time, under 1.5 years and the highest rate of return.
The use of a downsized energy-efficient motor provides the largest kWh savings and has a
payback time that is only about 2 months longer than for the standard efficiency 18.5 kW

1.7.2 Power Factor Correction

Shunt capacitors are the most commonly used devices for correcting power factor.
The location of the capacitors within a power system is subject to conditions imposed by
the power plant system. The electricity tariff and the variation in capacitor cost with size. In
large plants, it is generally economical to correct the power factor at the load centres
themselves, rather than at the main distribution point.


2.1 Introduction

An Electrical motor is a compact rotary machine, which converts electrical energy

into mechanical energy. When current is applied through wires into the motor, the rotary
mechanical drive is obtained on its shaft and is transmitted by the shafts coupling to the
machinery to be driven. The motors are therefore used as prime movers to drive
mechanical load. In power stations majority of the motors are used AC squirrel cage
induction motors, the advantage of motors, it has simple and extremely rugged
construction, cost is low and it is reliable, requires minimum maintenance, high efficiency,
starting arrangement simple. But the disadvantage, speed cannot be varied easily, speed
decreases with increase in load. Induction Motors are designed to operate satisfactorily
even under extremely arduous conditions but the best results are obtained only by a
carefully planned maintenance. The working principle and various parts of motor are
explained so that it is easy for a maintenance engineer to accomplish his job and bring
back a sick machine back to health.

2.2 Working principle

When three phase stator windings are fed by three phase supply a magnetic flux of
constant magnitude but rotating at synchronous speed (Ns=120f/P) is set-up. This flux
passes through an air gap, sweeps fast the rotor surface and cuts the rotor conductors,
which as yet, are stationary. Due to the relative speed between rotating flux and stationary
conductors an emf is induced in the rotor. The torque is produced due to interaction of two
sets of magnetic fields (stator and rotor). Since the rotor bars forms a closed circuit, rotor
current is produced such as to oppose the very cause producing it. (Relative velocity). To
reduce the relative speed, the rotor starts running in the same direction as that of flux and
tries to catch up with rotating flux. In practice, the rotor never succeeds in catching up with
stator field. If it is really did so then there would not be any relative speed between two.
Hence no emf, no rotor current and no torque to maintain the rotation. The rotor therefore
runs at a speed slightly less than the synchronous speed. The difference is called slip

%Slip = Ns N/Ns X100

Where, Ns = synchronous speed
N = operating speed

The direction of rotation of motor can be found out by the Flemings left hand rule.
Three fingers are perpendicular to each other. The first finger indicates the direction of
stator field flux, centre finger indicates the direction of current through the rotor conductor
and thump indicates the direction of motion of conductor

2.3 Motor Description

The machines are totally enclosed fans cooled, three phases Squirrel Cage
Induction motors for high voltage and in special case for low voltage. The machines
comply with the applicable Indian Standards and have been adapted to different
classification requirements of foreign standards and regulations. The enclosure conforms
to IP55 of IS 4691.

The machines have closed circuit cooling with concentric nest cooler, which is
integral with frame. Shaft mounted external and internal fans are provided. Special
precautions such as additional margin on temperature rise, locked rotor with-stand time
appropriate to the ignition temperature class and surface temperature of machine, are
taken to meet the requirements of IS 6381.

2.4 Stator Frame

The stator frame is of welded construction. The axial cooling tubes are expanded
into the end walls. The wound stator core pack is fitted in the stator frame and secured
against rotation & vibration.

2.5 Stator Core

The stator stampings are manufactured from the rolls of low loss magnetic sheet
steel. The stampings are varnished on both the sides and property cured. The blanking
and notching operations are done on high precision CNC m/c for high accuracy. The vent
spaces and end stampings are welded together by projection resistance welding to ensure
high joint strength.

The core is built on a mandrel, outside the stator frame, with the help of accurate
building tools and checked by gauges to ensure the accuracy for smooth coil housing. The
core is laminated and individual laminations are insulated to reduce eddy currents.

The core stack is consolidated under hydraulic pressure to achieve good core
consolidation. The core is, then, locked by clamping plates at number of points around the
periphery. The core is securely clamped and magnetic putty is used on stator slot to
reduce magnetic noise. After completing the stator winding cycle, the complete capsule is
pressed in stator frame with ensured interference & locked.

2. 6 Stator Winding

The stator winding is a chorded double layer wining and is connected in star. The
star point is formed on the winding, or can be made outside. The conductor strands consist
of electrolytic copper and have a rectangular cross section. The coils are inserted in the
open slot of core. The slots are closed off by a magnetic material. The uniform air gap
field makes for small pulsation and surface losses, and thus for a high efficiency. The
magnetic slot seal also reduces the starting current and the noise.

2.7 Stator Insulation

The stator winding has MICALASTIC insulation. It mainly consists of mica paper
and polyester film carriers bonded with synthetic resin. The conductor insulation
predominantly consists of mica paper tape. The straight portion of the coils are insulated
with mica paper folium and epoxy resin consolidated under heat and pressure ensuring
absence of voids in the interstices formed between the sleeve and the component
conductors. This eliminates undesirable swelling of layers in the wake of thermal

The end winding insulation consists of mica paper tapes, which are compacted to
form a height quality covering by heat shrinkable synthetic materials. This is followed by

the use of an impregnating process, which produces insulation practically free of voids.
During the hardening process the winding is rotated continuously until the impregnating
resin gelatinise thereby preventing dripping and formation of voids. The roll impregnation
of windings and bracing materials with synthetic resin and subsequent curing make the
mechanical and electrical components of the winding into one compact unit.

2. 8 Rotor

The laminated rotor core is pressed on to shaft, clamped and secured against axial
displacement and carries Squirrel Cage winding. The cage bars are with special profile
and are firmly seated in the slots of rotor core. They are connected to short circuiting rings
by induction brazing. The rotors are dynamically balanced with half parallel key inserted in
the keyway of shaft extension. (Refer Fig.2.3)

2.9 Bearings

2.9.1 Horizontal Motors

Depending on the design, the machines are provided with grease lubricated
antifriction bearings or with oil lubricated sleeve bearings with or without forced oil
lubrication. Standard machines other than 2 pole have ball & roller bearings at drive end
and roller bearings at non-drive end.

2.9.2 Vertical Motors

Vertical machines are fitted with angular contact ball bearing on top and deep
groove ball bearing on bottom side. Lubrication is with grease and pressure relief
lubrication system. The top bearing arrangement with angular contact ball bearing is
designed to carry downward thrust of motor rotor only. This bearing cannot take any
external thrust imposed by the pump or driven equipment. Hence, the pump top is to be
provided with its own thrust bearings to cater hydraulic thrust imposed by the pump and
the impeller including pump shaft. The motor and pump shafts to be flexibly coupled. The
locating bearings at the top is angular contact ball bearings The floating/guide bearing,
which is provided at the bottom side, is deep groove ball bearing. In the case of this
bearing axial play is compensated by means of compression springs.

2. 10 Main Terminal Box

Main terminal box is phase segregated type terminal arrangement for HT Motors. It
is suitable for direct termination. The cables can be connected without compound filling
and for use with Raychem termination kit as well as standard epoxy termination
arrangement. Cable termination should be done after maintaining minimum creepage
distance and meticulously taping with materials as indicated in sketch of the terminal

The terminal arrangement is suitable up to 3 x 240-mm 2 6.6 kV XLPE cable only.

The supply of cable lug is to be arranged by user depending upon the use of cable size.
This should be obtained by purchaser from termination kit supplier. For low voltage motors
fabricated non-phase segregated box of appropriate current rating is provided.

2. 11 Auxiliary Terminal Box

The auxiliary terminal boxes are cast iron/mild steel fabricated box housing klip on
type terminals and fixed on to the motor body. The front cover is of bolted construction
type and easily removable. Suitable compression type glands are provided at the bottom
of terminal box. Separate terminal boxes are provided for Space Heater and Temperature

2.12 Cooling and Ventilation

The machines have closed circuit cooling with a concentric tube nest air to air
cooler, which is integral with the frame and with shaft-mounted external and internal fans.
In 2 pole machines internal and external fans are unidirectional or bi-directional and
internal fans are bi-directional. The external fan is located in the fan casing on the non-
drive end and forces the ambient air through the cooling tubes of the stator frame.

The two internal fans in the main compartment cause the primary air to circulate in
the two symmetrical sub-circuits. Circulation is intensified by the radial ducts in the
laminated rotor core. The primary air circulates through the end windings and the ducts in
the core packs and carries the heat to the cooling tubes.

Degrees of protection provided by enclosures of Rotating Electrical Machinery as

per Indian standards, Rotating machines have enclosures, which give two types of

Protection of persons against contact with live or moving parts inside the
enclosures and protection of machines against ingress of solid foreign bodies
Protection of machines against harmful effects of water.

2.13 Type of Enclosures:

The main function of an enclosure is to provide protection against dirt, abrasive

dust, vapours and liquid and solid foreign bodies such as spanner or
screwdriver etc.
Provide cooling of the motor.

There are different type of enclosure are used for different motors depending upon
the environment condition.

2.13.1 Open Type

The machine is open in both ends, there is free ventilation since the stator and
rotor ends are in free contact with the surrounding air. Such machine are housed in a
separate neat and clean room. This type of enclosure is used for large machine such as dc
motors and Generators.

2.13.2 Screen Protected Type

The enclosure has large openings for free ventilation. Screen protected type
motors are installed where dry and neat conditions without any gases or fumes.

2.13.3 Drip Proof Type

This type of enclosure is used in very damp condition. i.e. pumping set, since the
motor opening are protected by vertically falling water, over the hanging cowls and dust is
not able to enter the machine.

2.13.4 Splash Proof Type

This type of enclosures, the ventilating openings are so designed that liquid or dust
particles at an angle between vertical 1000and it cannot enter into the machine such type
of motors are safely used in rain.

2.13.5 Totally Enclosed (TE) Type:

The motor is completely enclosed and all the heat generated due to losses is
dissipated from the outer surface. Such motors are used for dusty atmosphere condition.
Like saw mills, coal handling plants etc.

2.13.6 Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) Type:

Fan is mounted on the shaft and such type of motors commonly used in flourmills,
cement works, and saw mills etc. (Refer fig.2.2)

2.13.7 Pipe Ventilated Type

The enclosure is used for very dusty surroundings. The motor is totally enclosed
but it is cooled by neat and clean air brought through a separate pipe from out side.

2.13.8 Flame-proof type

Such motors are employed in atmosphere, which contain inflammable gases and
vapours. i.e. coal mines and chemical plants etc.

2.13.9 Typical Motor Protection Enclosures & Method of Cooling

Sl.No. Description Protective enclosure Method of cooling

BS 4999 Part20 (IEC34- BS 4999(IEC 34-6)
1 Drip proof screen IP22 IC01
2 Totally enclosed fan IP54 IC01 41
ventilated *
3 Totally enclosed, closed IP54 IC01 51
air circuit air cooled,
integral heat exchanger *
4 Totally enclosed, closed IP54 IC01 61
air circuit air cooled
machine - mounted heat
exchanger *
5 Totally enclosed, closed IP54 ICW37 A 81
air circuit water cooled
machine - mounted heat
exchanger *
6 Totally enclosed, closed IP54 ICW37 A 91
air circuit water cooled
separately mounted heat
exchanger *

*Motors are installed outdoor or exposed to the weather proof are required to have
a weather protected enclosure IPW55
IP-22 (IP Ingress Protection)

First digit (0-5) signifies the degree of protection against contact by person with live or
moving parts inside the enclosure machine against ingress of solid foreign bodies
Second digit (0-8) signifies the degree of protection against harmful ingress of water.
In general higher the number, higher the degree of protection. Choice of enclosure is
based on:

Ensure good reliability

Ingress of coal dust
Cement dust, water, steam, oil or other contamination could cause premature
electrical & mechanical failure or overheating of the motor due to restriction of
ventilation circuits

International code, the letter signifies the nature of the coolant (e.g.Air, Water)
First letter (0-9) circulating the coolant Second letter (0-9) the method of supplying the
power necessary to circulate the coolant. There is a primary & secondary coolant circuit,
the secondary is stated first e.g. ICW37 A 91 closed air circuit water cooled with machine
mounted cooler.

Some of the motors, enclosure types and mounting arrangement of thermal
power plant as given below:

Auxiliary Type of motor Enclosure Mounting

Turbine Generator
AC lub oil system SQIM TEFC V
Stand by lub oil DCM DPSP V
Jacking oil pumps SQIM TEFC H
Turning gear SQIM TEFC H
Oil purifier SQIM TEFC H
Hydrogen seal oil SQIM TEFC H
Stand by seal oil
Stator winding liquid
Stand by

Feed pumps and feed

heating plant CACW H
Starting/ Stand By SQIM or SRM
Feed Pump
Feed Suction Pump SQIM CACA H
Condenser SQIM CACA V
Extraction Pump
Coal fired boiler
Pulveriser mills SQIM CACA H
Soot blower SQIM CACA H
Circulating water SQIM DPSP V

TEFC Totally enclosed fan cooled SQIM: Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
DPSP Drip proof screen protected DCM: Direct Current Motor
CACW-Closed air circuit water cooled SRIM: Slip ring Induction Motor
CACA Closed air circuit air cooled V: Vertical
PA Primary Air; CW Circulating Water H: Horizontal

2. 14 Anti-Condensation Heating

Anti-condensation heaters fitted in electrical machines warm the air inside the
stationary machine above that of the surroundings thus effectively preventing moisture
Depending on the size of the machine anti-condensation heater consists of two or
more heating tubes connected together. They comprise of units normally built in both ends
of the stator frame. Anti-condensation heaters are available in the form of heating tubes
suitably shaped to be fixed in the stator at appropriate places. These tubes are mounted
in slots formed in the internal rib of the stator frame.

The heating tubes have a heating conductor, which is embedded in insulating
material and arranged inside a corrosion-resistant metal tube. The tube ends are sealed
to prevent the ingress of moisture. The heater connections are brought to terminals, which
are located in the separate terminal box.

Connection must be made in accordance with the diagram shown in the terminal
box. Examine the data plate to see that the voltage and the power of the heating agree
with the main supply. The supply connection of the heaters must be interlocked with the
main breaker of the machine to ensure that the heaters are switched off when the machine
is running and switched on when the machine has been switched off. Motors are provided
with special heater arrangement such that surface temperature does not exceed 200
degree C.

In squirrel cage motors, the rotor winding is practically self-contained; it is not

connected either mechanically or electrically to the outside power supply or control circuit.
It consists of a number of straight bars uniformly distributed around the periphery of the
rotor and short circuited at the both ends by end rings to which they are integrally joined.
Since the rotor bars and end rings have fixed resistance, such characteristics as starting
and pull-out torque, rate of acceleration and full load operating speed cannot be changed
for a given motor insulation.

In wound rotor motors, however, the rotor winding consists of insulated coil of wire
that are not permanently short circuited, but are connected in regular succession to form a
definite polar area having the same number of poles as the stator. The end of these rotor
windings is brought to collector rings or slip rings.

The current induced in the rotor is carried by means of slip rings (number of carbon
brushes riding on the slip rings) to an externally mounted resistance, which can be
regulated by a special control. By varying the amount of resistance in the rotor circuit, a
corresponding variation in the motor characteristics can be obtained. Thus, by inserting a
high external resistance in the rotor circuit at starting, a high starting torque can be
developed with a low starting current. As the motor accelerates to full speed, the
resistance is gradually cut out until, at full speed, the resistance is entirely cut out and the
rotor windings are short-circuited. (Refer Fig.2.1 Construction of Motor)

2.15 Standard Type of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor

Different types of three phase squirrel cage motors have been standardized
according to their electric characteristics into six types designed namely, class A to F

Class A Normal Starting Torque, Normal Starting Current, Normal Slip

Class B Normal Starting Torque, Low Starting Current, Normal Slip
Class C High Starting Torque, Low Starting Current, Normal Slip
Class D High Starting Torque, Low Starting Current, High Slip
Class E Low Starting Torque, Normal Starting Current, Low Slip
Class F Low Starting Torque, Low Starting Current, Normal Slip

2.16 Specification for Three Phase Motors
A rating plate (Nameplate) shall contain the following details.
Type of motor
Type of enclosure
Name of the manufacturer
Manufacturers number and frame reference
Type of duty
Class of insulation
Frequency in Hz
Number of phases
Rating in KW/HP
Rated voltage and winding connections
Current in amperes
Speed in rpm, at rated output
Rotor voltage and connections
Rotor current in amperes at rated output
Method of starting and mounting
Ambient temperature (when above 40 degree centigrade)
Type of protection, when the location is hazardous
Locked rotor current and time (in some cases)

Further auxiliary supply for space heaters are also indicated. If the motor is having
accessories like resistance temperature detector (RTD), Thermistors, dial type
thermometers, speed switches etc. An exhaustive test certificate supplied by the
manufacture may have the following details

Winding resistance at specified temperature

Air gap in mm
Insulation resistance values (IR) with insulation tester voltage
Power frequency, high voltage test voltage and duration
Over speed test and duration
Direction of rotation
Starting current, starting torque and pull out torque (with guaranteed value,
actual value and tolerance)
Efficiency calculations
No load test particulars
Locked rotor test particulars
Temperature rise test, and
Moment of inertia

Some of the important name plate details are explained below:

2.17 Duty Class

It specifies the type of duty the machine is subjected to. It varies from S1 to S9. They are:

S1 Continuous duty
S2 Short time duty
S3 Intermittent periodic duty

S4 Intermittent periodic duty with starting
S5 Intermittent periodic duty with starting and electric braking
S6 Continuous duty with intermittent periodic loading
S7 Continuous duty with starting and electric braking
S8 Continuous duty with periodic speed changes and
S9 Continuous duty with non-periodical speed changes

For duty type S1, no other details are needed. For duty type S2, the duration of
duty shall be indicated. For duty type S3 and S6 duration of duty cycle and cyclic duration
factor shall be indicated. For duty type S4 and S5, the cyclic duration factor the number of
duty cycles per hour (C/h) and the factor of inertia (FI) shall be indicated. For duty type
S7, the number of duty cycles and factor of inertia shall be indicated. For duty type S8, the
number of duty cycle per hour, factor of inertia and cyclic duration factor for each speed
shall be indicated. For example duty class is designated as:

S2 60 minutes
S3 60 minutes 25 percent
S4 25 percent 120c/h FI2
S5 25 percent 120 c/h FI2
S6 60 minutes 25 percent
S7 120 c/h F12
S8 120 c/h F1 30 24KW 740 rpm 25 percent
120 c/h FI 30 45 kW 980 rpm 40 percent
120 c/h FI 30 64 kW 1480 rpm 60 percent
S9 S8 Details and non-periodicity for speed changes

In the above Example

A.60 minutes is an indication of the duration of the duty
B. 25 percent is the cyclic duration factor. It is the ratio between the period of loading
including starting and electric braking and the total duration of the cycle, expressed as a

Cyclic duration factor = D+N+F

D = Duration of starting
N = Duration of operation under rated condition
F = Duration of electric braking and
R = Duration of rest and de-energised condition
C. c/h is the number or duty cycles per hour
D. FI is the number of inertia. It is the ratio of the total moment of inertia referred to the
motor shaft, to the moment of inertia of the motor. In some cases, the actual values of the
moment of inertia of the drive and the driven equipment are mentioned, instead of
mentioning the jacks of inertia for example J = 0.4 kg.m and J = 0.7 kg.m.

2.18 Overload

Though it is not mentioned in the name plate, the motors shall, whatever their type
of duty and construction, be capable of withstanding for 15 seconds without stalling or

abrupt change in speed,(under gradual increase of torque) 1.6 times of their rated torque,
the voltage and frequency being maintained at their rated values.

2.19 Insulation Class

For an ambient temperature of 40 degree centigrade the maximum use in

temperature of various classes of insulation in degree centigrade are given below.


Class of Maximum T Insulating materials

Insulation permissible
Unimpregnated cellulose,
Class (Y) or (O) 90oC cotton, silk, wood, paper, press
Impregnated cellulose, cotton
Class A 105oC or silk, phenolic resin, Press
board cylinders,Mineral oil
Class E 120oC Cellulose triacetate
Mica, glass, fiber, asbestos
Class B 130oC
with organic binder
As in class B with suitable
Class F 155oC
As in class B with silicone
Class H 180oC
Mica, porcelain, glass quarts
Class C >180oC
and similar inorganic materials

In general class B or F insulation are used for motors, however, class H insulation
are also used for higher ambient temperature such as soot-blower motors

2.20 Type of starting:

The most commonly used starting methods for the different 3 phase inductor
motors are:

Direct on line starting,

Star-delta starting,
Autotransformer starting for squirrel cage motors
and Resistance starting for slip ring induction motors

2.21 Typical Specifications of High Voltage Induction Motors

KW rating 200 to 6000 kW

Voltage 3300 / 6600 / 11000 Volts
Voltage Variation +/- 10%
Frequency 50 Hz.
Frequency Variations +/-5%
Combined Variations +/-10%
Synchronous Speed 1500 / 1000 / 750 /600 / 500 RPM
Type Squirrel Cage / Wound Rotor
Mounting Horizontal foot-mounting / Vertical
Enclosure SPDP / CACW / CACA / TEPV
Degree of protection IP-23 / IP-54 / IP-55
Cooling Type IC01 / IC81W / IC611 / IC511/IC411
Frame Sizes 355, 400, 450, 500, 560, 630, 710, 800,
900, 1000
Insulation Class F
Temperature rise B
Limited to Class
Bearings Antifriction ball and roller bearings/tilting
pad type T & J bearings
Lubrication Grease / Oil-lubricated
Accessories 1. 6 Nos. Pt. 100 Winding RTDs
2. 2 Nos. Pt100 Bearing RTDs
3. 2 Nos. Bearing dial thermometers
4. Space heaters with/without
5. Water flow switch for CACW
Terminal boxes 1) Main PSTB (type tested) 500 MVA
6.6 kV, 0.25 seconds
2) Star point terminal box.
3) Winding RTDs
4) Bearing RTDs
5) Space Heaters

Slipring & Brush Suitable for continuous operations


TEFC (Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled), CACA (Closed Air Circuit Air Cooled), CACW
(Closed Air Circuit Water Cooled), SPDP (Screen Protected Drip Proof), Totally Enclosed
Pipe Ventilated (TEPV). Phase Segregated Terminal Box (PSTB).

3.1 Introduction

In modern industries, majorities of the drives use induction motors, both small and
big. The preference for use of induction motors is because of the fact that they are robust
in construction, easy in maintenance, reliable in operation and, above all, cost effective
when compared to other drives.

During operation, problems do arise in case of induction motors due to a variety of

reasons. Minor problems can be rectified with minimum loss of production time. However,
if the problems are major in nature, then they involve heavy expenditure by way of repairs
affecting the user process and production.

The problem in the motor may be due to unusual service conditions, in adequate
protection, incorrect application or shortcomings in their maintenance schedule. Amongst
these, it is the maintenance aspect that requires maximum attention.

3.2 Importance of Maintenance

Induction motors, when cleaned regularly, lubricated correctly and maintained

properly, will give trouble free service for the greater part of their useful life and in many
cases will outlast the machinery they are driving.

Proper maintenance is all the more important in the present-day context, because
the present-day motors are much smaller and lighter than motors built only a few years
ago. They are precisely designed to exact ratings and are the result of new higher quality
materials, improved manufacturing techniques and computer derived optimum designs.
Hence any lapse in the proper maintenance of the motors is prone to affect the
performance of the motors.

A good maintenance program, conscientiously drawn up or carried out, will

often locate the problems before they develop into breakdowns or cause serious
damage to the machine.

3.3 Types of Failure in Induction Motors

Before going into the details of maintenance schedule, it is pertinent to know the
nature of the failures. A close look at the nature of failures of large machines, over a period
of time indicates that a majority of failures are on account of the following (see figure

Insulation failures
Rotor-bar failures
Mechanical problems arising due to bearings, rubbing and
Other reasons.

Fig.3.1 Failure Pattern in HT Motors.

3.3.1 Insulation Failure

About 60% of the total failures may be attributed to the failure of insulation.

3.3.2 Breakdown of insulation due to contamination

Insulation failures are caused by contamination of end-windings or overhangs by

oil/grease, pulverised fuel ash and residues from flue gases. They may get deposited on
the windings of even the totally enclosed motors. In addition, the pulverised fuel ash will
behave as an extremely good conductor and is likely to cause failure to earth when the
motors are started after a shut down for some days.

Dirt, grease, dust, etc. reduce the insulation levels of windings and absorb
moisture, either of which may produce grounds or shorts in the windings. In addition build-
up of these foreign particles reduces ventilation and produces higher operating

Fine carbon dust finds its way into the most inaccessible places and it is difficult to
remove this dust particularly in slip ring motors. Flash over between slip ring due to carbon
dust is quite common. It may be easy to clean the slip ring but it is very difficult to remove
carbon from inaccessible places like slip ring leads, rotor windings, etc.

Acids or alkalies and their fumes attack the insulations and particularly attack their
structural strengths. When this strength is reduced to a certain point no reclamation of the
winding will be possible.

3.4 Over-voltage due to switching surges

The present day high-tension motors, in the majority of cases are required to be
used in conjunction with fast interrupting circuit breakers (e.g. vacuum circuit breakers,
vacuum contactors, etc). The switching on-off a motor by such a breaker may result in

generation of over-voltages, which in turn stress the stator insulation particularly the turn
insulation. It is not only necessary that precautions are taken at the design of insulation of
the coils, it is equally necessary that surge capacitors and surge arresters of required
ratings are used at appropriate locations in the system.

3.5 Failure due to Vibration/End winding Movement:

Insulation breakdown results in quite a few cases because of winding movement

during starting or because of heavy vibrations in the stator. Excessive vibration tends to
produce structural insulation failure. The insulation is weakened, banding, blocking,
wedging and tying become loose and coils are allowed to vibrate. The movement causes
insulation to flake and wear and eventually failures will occur. In early stages dipping in
varnish and baking will tighten all insulation but in final stages complete rewinding may be

3.6 Over-loading and frequent starting cycles

Too many frequent starts and over-loading of the motors will over-heat the winding
and reduce the life of the insulation. Too many starts may also cause cracking of rotor-bars
or rings in a squirrel-cage motor. Normal numbers of starts for a motor are in the range of
300 to 1000 per year. For further details are available in Table-1.

3.6.1 Table-1 Starting Duty of Motor

The standard tolerable consecutive starting duty cycles for squirrel cage induction
motors are twice if the motor is started from the cold condition and once when started from
the hot condition.

Sl. No. Starting Duty No. of Starts/Year

1 Light Up to 300
2 Normal 301 to 1000
3 Heavy 1001 to 3000
4 Extra Heavy More than 3000

When a motor is subjected to frequent start-up/stop operations, it is necessary to

ensure that the motor is designed for such a heavy starting duty.

3.7 Rotor bar failures

Rotor-bar failures account for about 12 to 15% of the total failures. Generally the
fracture of the rotor bar begins at the point where it meets the short circuiting ring and this
in itself does not cause failure of the winding unless the rotor bar lifts and damages the
stator insulation.

Rotor bar failures are common in high-speed motors or occur frequently in motors
subject to high levels of vibration. In all such failures the rotor should be completely
rebraced rather than replacing only those bars which appear to be cracked.

3.8 Rubbing of Rotor against Stator

The motor failures on account of this are estimated to be in the region of 10% total
failures. The air gaps in induction motors are small and only a small radial movement is
sufficient to cause the rotor to rub the stator. But when the rub is heavy, it can cause major
damage to the core and stator insulation. Generally the rub is caused due to one or more
of the following:

Unbalanced magnetic-pull with air-gap eccentricity.

Weak shaft or excessive shaft deflection.
Bearing movement or wear
Stator frame or bed plate misalignment
Coupling misalignment.

3.9 Other factors contributing to Failure of Motors

In some of the isolated cases, the failure may occur due to the following:
Terminal box failure
Over heating of crimped joints
Magnetic wedge failures
Fractured short circuited rings
Badly soldered framed end winding joints
Deteriorating environmental conditions.
Blocking of ventilating system

3.10 Maintenance of Motors

In minimising the failures and thereby improving the dependability of the operation
of motors, maintenance has a major role to play.

3.10.1 Storage

Maintenance is equally influenced by the method of storage of motors when they

are received and by the method of installation and their alignment. Keep the motor in a dry,
well-ventilated place away from direct sunlight and higher temperatures.

If the motor is stored at a place where ambient temperature change sharply, its
metallic surfaces are sure to sweat and corrode. Once unpacked, the motor should be
provided with all precautions to prevent damage due to moisture, contaminants, entry of
foreign objects, physical abuses and tampering, etc.

The anti-friction bearings are pre-stuffed with grease. The oil lubricated anti-friction
bearings and sleeve bearings are not pre-lubricated and should be supplied with a
lubricant specified in the manual. Turn the rotor at regular intervals to lubricate and protect
the journals from dust. As the moisture can degrade the insulation resistance and corrode
the core and other metallic parts, it is a must to keep the space heaters switched-on when
the motor is not running.

3.10.2 Installation Location:

The location has a great influence upon the maintainability of the motor. If the
motor is to be installed on the floor its base should be elevated a little from the foundation
and should be designed for smooth drainage.

The location should be dust-free and clean wherever open-type machines are
used, as the dust can steal into the windings and bearings, thereby contaminating the

The location should be a cool, well ventilated place, free from hazardous gases
and fumes, external shocks and vibrations and facilitate maintenance and inspection.

3.10.3 Foundation Design and Engineering

The design and construction of the foundation for the motor requires expert
knowledge of civil engineering and does not form a part of detailed discussion here.
However, the foundation should be strong enough to take up static and dynamic loads of
the motor and the mechanical vibrations generated by it. If the sub-soil conditions are poor,
then it is usual to drive piles and install rubble footing . Whenever a ventilation duct is to be
set in the foundation, care should be taken not to let the ground water into the duct.

3.10.4 Centering and Alignment

After the foundation has been cured completely, the centering and alignment are to
be carried out. Radial and axial alignment should be done accurately. Though flexible
couplings are used, the alignment of angularity and driven equipment should be accurate.
The shafts should be levelled with the aid of metal shims placed under the housing feet. A
shift of the centre-line of shaft must not exceed 0.03 mm. The clearance between the
coupling halves-measured at four peripheral points must also be within a tolerance of 0.03
to 0.05 mm.

After aligning and before clamping the motor, additional shims should be provided
wherever necessary between the motor feet and anchor plates. Then the motor should be
clamped firmly. Run the motor without coupling half and check the vibration values. If the
vibrations are more, then the levels of the motor feet should be checked and corrected.

3.10.5 Shaft current insulation

In motors where the shaft voltage exceeds 200mV, it is necessary to insulate the
bearing on the non-driving end side. When the motor is having double shaft extension, it is
necessary to insulate the coupling also.

3.10.6 General Cleaning

Cleanliness is the first essential in maintenance. A regular routine cleaning should

be established to ensure that any deposit of dirt or dust is removed immediately as soon
as it is found and oil or grease leakage from bearing is cleaned away and the bearing
seals attended to as soon as possible. Frequency of cleaning will depend mainly on the
local conditions and the type of motor involved.

The cleaning of external surface is very important because it is through these that
the heat generated inside the motor by its internal losses is dissipated. A thick layer of dust
can retard heat dissipation and may result in excessively high temperature, particularly in
continuous running motors. This condition, if allowed to continue, will reduce considerably
the life of the winding insulation. In case oil and grease are adhering with dirt, there will be
the need of using a solvent.

The oil stain should be attended by using the solvent Carbon tetrachloride. Be
careful with its toxicity and good ventilation must be ensured. In a location where there is
no possibility of fire hazard, it is safer to use carbon tetrachloride. However, DO NOT USE
Carbon tetrachloride on leads for other rubber insulation because of its deteriorating effect
on these items.

3.10.7 Maintenance of Windings

The life of a motor is determined barring mechanical accidents, by the windings,

the key point of which is the insulation. Ideal motor operation with respect to long
insulation life consists of low operating voltage variation, low temperature, small shock
load, few starts, reduced voltage starting and clean, dry cooling air.

3.10.8 Operating temperature

Hand-touch should not be relied upon for checking the temperature. The
thermometer should be used all the time. Some of the reasons for the overheating of the
motor are:

Excessively high temperature of the atmosphere or excessive cooling water

Inadequate ventilation, including if used, air cooler faults.
Single-phase operation
All reasons that would result in excessive current and also the unbalanced
supply system.

3.11 Inspection of windings

When the windings are inspected during overhauling take special care of the
following points.

3.11.1 Stator winding

Condition of staining of the winding and kind of dirts.

Shifting or loosening of wedges or falling off of the liner.
Slackening of the coils in the slots.
Loosening and falling off of spacer at the coil end.
Deformation of the coil-ends and cracking in the insulation.
Any fault in connection of the lead wires.
Rust and over-heat of the core.
Measurement of insulation resistance.

3.11.2 Rotor Windings

In addition to points mentioned already the following should be inspected:

Loosening or breaking of the binding wire glass tape fastening the bars against
the centrifugal forces.
Deformation of rotor-bar due to centrifugal force.
Over-heat of the connections.
Loosening and shifting of cooling fans and bolts.
Any fault of slip rings.

3.12 Insulation resistance of windings

3.12.1 Variation of insulation resistance with the temperature

The insulation resistance is greatly affected by the temperature and humidity, but
can be mostly improved to the safe value by cleaning and drying the insulation. It is
generally said that the resistance value will be reduced 50% for every temperature-rise of
10 to 15oC.

3.12.2 Minimum value of insulation resistance

The minimum value of insulation resistance, which is an experimental value

depending on such factors as the machine size, operating voltage, class of insulation and
structure of the machine. Various equations have been suggested and one amongst them
is as follows:

One minute E
Value of 1000

Where E = Rated voltage of the machine in volts.

However, it may be noted that the above equation gives the minimum insulation
resistance for safe operating at a temperature of 75oC.

3.12.3 Heating of the windings

If the insulation resistance has fallen to an unacceptable value due to long storage
the same can be improved by heating the windings.

3.12.4 External heating

Apply heat below the machine by means of several electric heaters. Do not use
coke, coal, gas or oil stove since combustion produces water vapour. Electric blower
heaters can be used to blow hot air into the machine, preferably at the bottom.

3.12.5 Internal heating

The stator windings can be heated by passing low voltage DC (e.g. from a welding
set) through the windings. A current of about half the full load current should be used. The
terminals can usually be linked to adjust the windings resistance to suit the supply
available. If all the six terminals are brought out the phases may be connected all in series
or all in parallel.

In case of slip ring motors it is advisable to apply heat to the rotor by electric
heaters or blower heaters while the stator winding is heated and to ensure that the
ventilation is adequate. The temperature should not be allowed to exceed 80 oC and the
temperature rise must not exceed 3 to 4oC per hour.

3.13 Bearings:

Maintenance of bearings needs to be done on daily, weekly/monthly basis and

during overhauling. While the bearing noise and the temperatures are to be monitored
daily and discharge of grease/oil monthly, other detailed maintenance are to be carried out
when they are taken for annual inspection/overhaul.

3.13.1 Ball and Roller Bearings

Majority of the motors manufactured today are fitted with ball bearings and/or roller
bearings. Because of the precision of their manufacture these are robust and reliable and
give very little trouble provided they are fitted correctly, kept absolutely clean and always
lubricated with the correct quantity of the correct grade of grease.

There are instruments available to-day designed to detect the deterioration in

bearing performance but the sure way of detecting impending trouble is by the senses of
an experienced engineer.

3.13.2 Disassembly and Inspection

Before opening a bearing housing to clean and inspect it, it is most important that
the outside surfaces are cleaned thoroughly to ensure that no dirt will enter. When the
housing has been opened both bearing and housing should be cleaned with a non-toxic
cleaning fluid and when all the old lubricant has been washed out the bearing should be
oiled lightly.

If any traces of metal dust or filing such as brass are found, this will indicate cage
wear and the bearing must be replaced by a new one.

The bearings should also be examined for signs of creeping, i.e. the movement on
the shaft and or movement of the entrance in its housing. Wear of the shaft and the

housing is not uncommon and a method of overcoming this defect is to build up the worn
surfaces by metal spraying and then turn the surfaces to its original size.

Increased noise, temperature rise, increased roughness or any combination of

these items precedes bearing failure plus hours of life form the criteria for rejection of

Usually some of the balls or rollers of oil-lubricated bearings are out of oil when it is
not running, particularly oil-mist or impeller-oil fed or oil-pump-fed motors. If such
machines are down for an extended time, especially in humid conditions, care must be
taken to see that rusting of the bearings does not take place where the balls or rollers
squeeze the oil out between them and the race.

3.13.3 Sleeve Bearings

A. Naturally cooled

There are two types in this system

a) Bearings fitted with grease at factory.

Check for the shaft, oil ring, bracket, etc. for grease leakage
b) Bearings fitted with lubricant oil
Check the level marked on the level gauge.

B. Forced oil lubricated

Oil is forced into the bearing system, usually used for large and high-speed motors.
Check the oil flow rate, pressure, etc. Check also that the piping has no leak.

Oil grade recommended by the manufacturer has to be used. After oil has been
selected, it is advisable to continue using the same oil in order to prevent troubles caused
by incompatible lubricant mixtures.

Close monitoring of bearing temperatures will help smooth running of the motors.
Bearing temperatures are measured by dial type thermometers, thermocouples, etc. In
case of forced out system the bearing temperature rise can also be measured by
measuring the inlet and outlet temperatures of the lubricating oil.

The bearing temperature rise allowed should not be more than 45oC over the
ambient temperature. Bearing failure is likely to occur if the total bearing temperature
reaches 95oC.

If excessive heating occurs shut down the motor and determines the cause of the
over-heating, which will probably be due to one of the following reasons:

Improper alignment
Rough bearing surface
Improper fitting or linings particularly around the oil grooves.
Use of poor grade, dirty or too heavy oil.
Maintenance and checking of bearings every six months to twelve months.

3.13.4 Checking of the bearing

Remove the upper half of the bearing bracket and check if the shaft contacts
uniformly and if there is any flaw on the shaft journal. Make sure that nothing is touching
the thrust surface of the shaft.

3.13.5 Checking of oil-ring

Check the oil-ring sides for abnormal wear and link screws for tightness.

3.13.6 Lubricant replacement

Although the frequency of lubricant replacement varies depending on the

surrounding conditions such as ambient temperature, cleanliness of the surroundings,
severity of operation, generally the lubricant shall be replaced every 4 to 6 months for self-
cooling bearings. Usually the lubricant is judged as deteriorated when it gets black and
dirty. When replacing the oil, stop the motor, clean the inside of the bearing box sufficiently
and use new specified oil. Clean this pipe regularly otherwise clogging of this pipe may
cause oil leakage. Do not add oil during operation.

3.14 Vibration Monitoring

Vibration levels are often a direct indicator of any motors operation conditions.
High vibration amplitudes or changing vibration amplitude patterns can be a sign of
impending equipment failure. Maintenance Engineer can plan action in advance of
predicated failures if proper vibration analysis is carried out. It is preferable to use an
organised process of elimination based on complete understanding of the causes of motor
vibration. There are many causes of vibrations of which the following causes are the
important ones.

Mechanical faults
Electrical faults
Other causes

Please refer Table-2 for analysis of vibration.



Frequency in
Most likely causes Other causes and remarks
terms of rpm
1. Eccentric journals, gears or pulleys
2. Mechanical or bent shaft if high axial
1x rpm Imbalance 3. bad belts if rpm of belt
4. Resonance
5. Reciprocating forces
6. Electrical problems
1. Misalignment if high axial vibration
Mechanical 2. Reciprocating forces
2x rpm
Looseness 3. Resonance
4. Bad belts if 2x rpm of belt
Usually a combination of misalignment and
3x rpm Misalignment
excessive axial clearances (looseness)
1. Bad drive belts
Less than Oil whirl 2. Background vibration
1x rpm (less than rpm) 3. Sub-harmonic resonance
4. Beat vibrations
Common electrical problems include broken
(AC line Electrical problems
rotor bars, eccentric rotor, unequal air gap, etc.
synchronous Torque pulses Rare as a problem unless resonance
1. Bad gears.
1. Gear teeth times rpm of bad gear
Many times 2. Aerodynamic
2. Number of fan blades times rpm
rpm forces
3. Number of impeller vanes time rpm
(harmonically 3. Hydraulic forces
4. Many at 2,3,4 and sometimes higher
related) 4. Mechanical
harmonics if severe looseness
1. Bearing vibration may be unsteady
amplitude and frequency.
2. Improper lubrication of journal bearings.
frequency (not Bad anti-friction
3. Cavitations, recirculation and flow
harmonically bearing
turbulence cause random high frequency,
4. Rubbing

3.15 Maintenance of Supply System and Protection of Motors

Voltage, frequency variation of the supply system will affect the performance of
motor. The variations should be within the designed limits. Whenever the motor is supplied
with unbalanced voltages, the input to the motor will increase while the output power,
torque and efficiency will decrease.

All motors must be provided with appropriate protective gear. The motors must be
protected against over load, unbalanced supply voltage, earth faults, over voltage, under
voltage, etc. Maintenance of these protective relays is also important for trouble free
operation of the plant.

3.16 Preventive Maintenance Test Equipment

The test equipment for preventive maintenance may vary from ridiculous to the
sublime. It is very difficult to layout the precise test equipment for the maintenance
requirements of varying sizes of maintenance shops. Some of the parameters to be
monitored and test equipment required to carry out necessary tests are given below:

3.16.1 Temperature

Thermometers to measure temperatures of the machine surface, windings, etc.

3.16.2 Voltage and Current Measurements

Portable voltmeter, recording voltmeter, clamp type portable ammeter, recording

ammeters, etc.

3.16.3 Insulation Resistance Measurement

Meggers, either hand cranked or motor operated type.

3.16.4 Winding Resistance Measurement

Kelvin bridges for extremely low resistance value. Wheatstone bridge for high
values of resistance.

3.16.5 Vibration Measurement:

Vibration meters with frequency analysers are available and are necessary to study
and analyse the source of vibrations.

3.16.6 Speed Measurement:

Tachometer, Stroboscopes, etc.

3.16.7 Dielectric Loss Angle Measurement (Tan Delta Measurement)

This equipment is necessary where a large number of high-tension motors are

installed. The condition of winding can be monitored regularly for its healthiness.

3.16.8 High Voltage Test Equipment

When machines are taken up for overhauling it is recommended to conduct high

voltage test at 1.5 times the rated voltage for duration of one minute.

3.16.9 Noise Measurement

Whenever the problem of excessive noise is encountered the assistance of

research institutes and laboratories, where such facilities are available, can be sought.

3.17 High Efficiency Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage Surface Cooled Explosion-Proof

Induction Motors

The motor is destined for exploitation in sites with the risk of explosion of vapors,
gas mixtures or dusts, according to mark located on the nameplate.

3.17.1 Preparation for Setting up of Motor:

Before setting-up the motor in site:

-Remove bearing protections (if such are provided)
-If the position of glands make difficult the installation of supply cables, rotate the terminal
box to the best position; this position must guaranteed impossibility the humidity
penetrating to the connection box in.

3.17.2 Two Terminal Boxes are Located on the Top Of Motors:

Terminal box for alimentation: the motor size from 200 to 315 has two cable inlets,
three (or six) current bushings and two grounding terminals. The motor sizes 160 and 180
one (or two) cable inlet, three (or six) current bushings and in version with winding heads
heating elements - additionally the auxiliary cable inlet and two way bushing.

3.17.3 Terminal Box for Control

The motor sizes from 200 to 315 has one cable inlet, two terminal strips, one
grounding terminal; in version with winding heads heating elements - additionally the third
terminal strip, second cable inlet;

Motor sizes 160 and 180 one cable inlet, one terminal strip; in version with Pt100-
additionally terminal strip, the auxiliary cables inlet.

The construction of the terminal box on motors makes possible the setting up of
cable glands under an angle 90, 180 or 270 in relation to the their initial position

Check for possible mechanical transport or storage damages,

Measure insulation resistance to frame,

The insulation resistance should not be lower than 10Meg Ohm. When the
measured value is lower, the motor should be dried. During the drying process, the
humidity from the windings must be removed. To enable the humid air exchange in the

motor inside, the terminal box must be opened. During the drying process, temperature of
any detail of motor cannot exceed 120C (248 F).

3.17.4 Erection of the Motor

The shaft end pivot should be fitted with a carefully balanced coupling or with a
pulley or gear. To this end, proceed as follows:

Remove protective paint from the shaft end

Coat the cleaned shaft end with grease or oil
The coupling heated up to about 85C (185F) - or pulley or gear - should be
press fitted on the pivot by means of suitable equipment with the other shaft
end being supported
During the mounting of coupling or pulley to avoid the blow, which can
damaged the bearings

The installed motor shaft centre line may show a misalignment of up to 0.1 mm
with respect to that of the driven machine shaft. A clearance of minimum 1mm must be all
owed between the coupling halves.

Radial and axial load of shaft end cannot exceed permissible values printed in
In belt drives excessive tensioning of belt is to be avoided as it leads to reduced
lifetime of bearings and can deform the shaft.
The materials for the belt drives must be acceptable for using in areas with
explosion risk (antistatic materials)

3.17.5 Connection of Motor

Before connecting the motor to the mains, compare the data in the rating plate with
the main voltage. The designation of terminals and winding connection is given in the plate
with connection diagram provided inside the terminal box cover.

3.17.6 Connection to Mains

The catalogue version motors have in alimentation terminal box three terminal
bushings connected with stator windings.

In the motors are as a standard 3 terminal bushings (and one cable inlet) for Direct
on Line starting. On request, the motors can be delivered with six terminal bushings (and
two cable inlets) for starting via star-delta switch.

In the terminal box of each motor, a suitably marked two neutral grounding
terminals and one grounding terminal is provided on the frame foot or flange disk. The
motor must be grounded in accordance with existing regulations.

3.17.7 Connection to Control Circuits

The control circuit cable connect to the suitable contacts in control terminal strip
and protected with clamp before pull out of box.

In the motor with sizes 160 and 180 cable screen must be connected to the screw,
then fasten terminal box to the frame. In the motor with sizes from 200 to 315 screen of
cable must be connected to the one grounding terminal.

3.17.8 Connection of Windings Preheater

In the motor with sizes 160 and 180 cable for preheater supply must be connected
to the two ways bushing in the alimentation terminal box. In the motor with sizes from 200
to 315 cable for preheater supply must be connected to the adequate terminal strip in
control terminal box


When checking the thermistor sensor circuit the voltage applied to the "T" terminals
cannot exceed 4,5 V, i.e. 1,5 V per thermistor. Higher voltage causes the destruction of
stator winding thermal protection.

Motors with winding preheaters have heating strips built-in on the stator winding
faces. Their leads are connected according to connection diagram on the plate.

Heating strips to be fed with 230V (220V) only when the motor is at a standstill.
During motor operation as well as during its inspection the heating strips to be
disconnected from the mains.

After connection of all supply and protective cables the reliable tightening of all
terminals is to be checked, cables to be sealed with glands, the unused entries to be
stopped, box packing to be checked, and the terminal box cover to be placed. During this
checking, pay the special attention for explosion-proofing regulations. The unused cable
entries must be stopped to secure for explosion proofness of terminal box.

3.17.9 Motor Start-Up

Before putting the motor into service:

Remove unnecessary objects from the close surroundings of the motor,

Clean the motor and driven machine,
Check, whether a free cooling air in take to the fan is ensured,
Check the electrical installation, circuit breaker, measuring instruments and
other auxiliary and protection equipment for correct operation,
Check all the fixing screws and cable connections for safe tightening as well as
all elements critical for the motor protection grade,
Check all the details important for explosion proofing of motor, as well as flame
proofing of all openings,
Check the effectiveness of grounding,
Carry out a test run.

3.17.10 During Test runs of the Set, Check:

Line voltage,
Motor revolutions sense,
Effectiveness of motor cooling and correct coupling with driven machine,
Whether abnormal vibrations or other malfunctions of the motor are present,
Temperature rises of respective motor elements, such as bearing shields,
bearings, frame,
Starting-up equipment elements, control and protection gears, for correct
Electrical parameters attained by the motor and evaluate the correctness of
motor type selection.

After the above-recommended procedures are accomplished and correct

operation of the drive motor and driven machine is attained, the motor may be
regarded as commissioned after installation.

3.18 Servicing Of Motor during Operation

3.18.1 During Motor Operation carry Out the Following Routine Checks:

Motor cooling effectiveness,

Bearings for correct operation - no knocks or whistle are permitted,
Whether any abnormal vibrations are present,
Motor and driven machine coupling condition,
The current consumption (irregularities may be signalized by protective switch
operating, supply cables heating and so on)
Condition of motor clamping screws.

3.18.2 The Motor Must Be Immediately Stopped, When:

Abnormal temperature rise of the motor frame is started,

Fume or smell of burning gets out of the motor or installation,
The knocking is to heard in bearings,
Driven machine is damaged,
The current is higher than 110 % of rated value
For any other reason, when starting-up of motor and driven machine is
hazardous to the environment.

Starting-up the motor anew is permitted after all stated faults are rectified.

3.18.3 Bearings

All motors are fitted with rolling bearings.

3.18.4 Periodical Inspections

To maintain the full technical efficiency of the motor, all malfunctions stated during
motor operation must be removed immediately.

The ambient temperature fluctuation cause vapour condensations inside the motor
and periodically the water removing is needed.

For drain of motors, sizes 200 to 315 are provided the drain holes, whose
localisation is depend on motor position. All holes are sealed by plugs. Dehydration of
motors sizes 160 and 180 require dismantling of bearing covers.

Apart from the above rule, each operation should be subjected to the following
periodical inspection procedures:

Minor inspection - every 6 months (if the motor operates in a dusty room, every 3 months
or even more frequently);

General inspection - every one-year.

The minor inspections of motor covers the following procedures:

External visual inspection and motor cleaning,

Measurement of stator winding insulation resistance,
Check all contact and fixing screw for safe tightening,
Inspections of supply main cable and grounding conductors.

The general inspection of motor must be made by specialized service.

3.18.5 Work Safety Principles

To avoid accidents during motor operation, the following work safety principles must be

The motor must be installed in accordance with the generally principles and
regulations in force,
In no case may the motor operate without guards foreseen by the motor
The coupling or belt drive must be shielded and properly protected against
All metal parts must be suitably connected with the security terminal,
Cables and supply conductors must be properly protected against damaging,
All inspections and repairs must take place when the motor is disconnected
from the mains.

A recommended schedule for periodical checks and maintenance of motor is given


Routine inspection - to inspect for any abnormalities.

Monthly inspection - to inspect, clean and attend without dismantling.
Yearly inspection - to inspect, clean and attend by dismantling.

Following are typical inspection points:

Routine inspection Monthly inspection Yearly inspection
1.Measurement and 1.Measurement and 1.Removal of dust.
Recording the Voltage, record the insulation 2.Looseness of
current, vibration, resistance. stator core.
temperature of stator 2.Draining of water, if Looseness of slot
frame, temperature of any. wedge.
Stator outlet air, ambient
temperature and
2.Number of starts.
3.Presence of explosive
gas or corrosive gas.
1.Removal of dust.
Rotor 2.Deformation of
- -
(Cage type) rotor bar & ending.

1.Measurement of
insulation resistance
before and after
- - disassembly.
(Wound type)
2.Looseness of
brazing at the coil
Bearing 1.Noise Retightening of bolts Damage on the
2.Vibration and nuts. Bearing.

Ball and - Greasing up Washing and

Roller type Inspection

Sleeve type 1.Rotating condition of oil Extent of turbidity in 1.Abrasion

ring (if used) lubricating oil and 2.Cleaning the oil
2.Presence of oil leakage abrasion box
3.Lubricating condition
and oil pressure (forced
4.Oil level of oil gauge
5.Water pressure (water
1.Wearing of the slip
ring and the brush.
Slip ring & 1.Presence of sparks
2.Wearing of the
Brush holder from the brush. -
short circuit device.
(wound type) 2.Wearing of the brush.
3.Cleaning of the
short circuit device.

3.19 Inspection & Maintenance of Sleeve Bearings & Lubrication

A.Routine Inspection

Details of Checks
Check Items Checking procedures Criteria & Cautions
or Parts
1.Amount of Oil Check oil flow direction Oil level must be kept in the
by oil gauge, oil meter making lines of oil gauge.
and sight flow When it is suggested to
check the oil level while the
motor is stopped. Check the
Lubrication level in stopped condition

2.Oil Pressure Measure the pressure by Pressure must be within

an oil pressure gauge 20% of that specified.
fitted to the bearing oil Generally, it is 1.0 to 2
supply part or fitted to the kg.cm2.
lubricating device.

3.Oil ring rotation Check it through an It is all right if the ring

inspection window rotates smoothly at the
same position. There
shouldnt be irregular
rotation and/or rotation only
on one side.

If oil is oozing out, wipe it off

Shaft through Check visually or touch and observe the sub-
parts, labyrinths, by fingers. Also, check sequence condition. If oil
Oil Leak
piping joints, the slip ring cover interior drips and stays at bottom,
inspection cover. and main body interior. take proper steps.

Check if the thermometer Temperature must be kept at

indication is the same as
80C or less at surface of
in usual case. If
Temperature Thermometer the bearing, housing or at
thermometer is not
85C by embedded
provided, check by
temperature element.
touching by hand.

Check visually, measure If the shaft contacts the
1.Swaying of Shaft the swaying range by a thrust face of bearing metal
in axial direction scale. (Be careful not to while swaying, as a result,
touch votary body) noise is generated or the
End Play shaft overheads because it
Check the magnetic hits against the thrust face
2.Magnetic centre centre by indicator fitted heavily, it is not permitted.
to the bearing fixed side Endplay of less than 1 mm
and the shaft mark. can be accepted.

Check by touching or If the fixed part is in the

Unusual Sound using a sound-locating contact with the rotary part,
rod. it is not permitted.

Intensity of Check by touching by If unusual vibration or

Vibration vibration and hand. If vibration is working sound is detected,
change in intensive, check by a look for the cause carefully.
vibration. vibrometer.

Amount of water, Check if the specified If the amount of water is less

water pressure, amount of water is than that in usual case or
Cooling Water
drained water flowing at the drain part. drained water is hotter,
pump, and Feed Also, check drained check the amount of water.
water temperature. water temperature.

B. Monthly Inspection

Details of Checks
Check Items Checking procedures Criteria & Cautions
or Parts
Check for it by sampling There must be noticeable
Contamination of
Lubricants a little. Check surface oil contamination, ingress of
& bottom oil. foreign matters or water.
Take the recording of oil
amount and check Check if oil is leaking from a
Change in oil decrease of oil cooler, pipes etc. if deposits
Oil Tank amount in tank & periodically. Check for (sludge) are found staying
deterioration in oil. deposits in the tank in the tanks bottom, change
bottom& discolouration the oil to new one.
of oil.

C.Yearly Inspection

Details of Checks or
Check Items Checking procedures Criteria & Cautions
If the oil is heavily foul,
change it. For bearings of
Contamination & Check visually. forced lubrication system,
Deterioration of oil. Analyze the oil where clean the tank interior at
necessary. least once in every 1 to 3
years of operation.
Check the bearing metals
by opening at least once in
a year. If metal gap exceeds
twice as much as the
Check visually and also
Bearing Drop-off, cracks, specified value by design,
by using a thickness
Metals metal contact, wears replace with spare metals or
gauge and lead wire.
and metals gap. refit. Pay particular attention
to one-sided wear, and if it
is found, look for the cause
and take proper step.
Replace oil rings failing to
Oil ring Deformation & Wear Check visually rotate smoothly or having
one-sided wear.

Packing & Check visually and Replace deformed and/or

Deformation & Wear
Oil thrower touching by hand. worn one, if any.

If there are such streaks as

being caught by finger
mails, cut by lathe or finish
Shaft Roughness and Check visually and
by an oilstone though being
Journal streaks touching by hand
depending on the erosion is
suspected, contact the
If the resistance is over
Measure the insulation
0.1M it is ok. If it is found
Shaft Measurement of resistance of shaft
below, take proper steps
insulation insulation resistance insulating material by a
such as cleaning, drying,
500V Megger.
In particular, check carefully
Check visually for the motors, which are
shifting of the pedestal. subjected to shock during
Pedestal Shifting of pedestal
Also, check if the dowel operation and when the
pins are effective. pedestal might be shifted
during operation.

3. 21 Routine and Preventive maintenance schedule for HT motors

Sl. Frequency Parts to be inspected Inspection notes Remedial action
No. of suggested if some
inspection abnormality is noticed
1 Hourly a) Bearing temp. Check for any abnormal Check the motor
noise thoroughly & stop the
motor if temp.
Continuous to rise.
b) Winding temp. Check for any abnormal Check the motor for any
change fault in the winding
c) Oil level/flow in the Check for correct Top up of oil if oil level is
bearing level/proper flow of oil to low. Check oil system if
bearing the oil flow is not proper.
d) Abnormal sound Check for any rubbing If the rubbing sound is
sound etc. there, stop the motor
and rectify
e) Voltage & current Check if the motor is If the motor is getting
getting hot over loaded. Reduce the
load if possible
2 Daily a) Colour of lube oil Check the lube oil If the oil become black,
change the oil
b) Vibrations Check the vibrations of If the vibrations are
both NDE & DE bearing beyond permissible limit,
the cause should be
investigated and
remedial action should
be taken at the earliest.

c) Oil leakage Check for any oil Take remedial measure

leakage from bearings at the earliest. Take
connecting pipe etc. attention to oil level in
the brg. continuously.

d) Hot air temperature Check for any abnormal Take remedial action.
rise in temp.
e) Cooling water flow Check for proper flow Check for cooling water
to motor air coolers and difference in inlet pressure and cooler
(in case of large and outlet water temp. choking if the
motors like BFP) temperature difference
more than 1500C
3 Weekly a) Vibration Check vibrations with Shutdown the motor if
portable vibration meter vibrations are beyond
permissible limit
b) Condition of Check for colour and Refill with fresh oil if the
lubricating oil quantity of oil oil quantity is low.

c) Foundation bolts Perform visual checks Stop the motor and take
and coupling bolts for proper tightness of necessary action if any
bolts bolts or part is found
d) Insulation resistance Measure IR and also PI Do not allow to run the
value of all stand by motor if PI value is less
motors than 1.5

4 Monthly/ a) Bearing Check the bearing for Take remedial action. In

Half yearly (Ball & roller type) any sound or vibration & case of sound or

depending grease condition vibration and check
upon the alignment etc.fill the
condition of grease with fresh grease
equipment of recommended type.

b) Bearings (sleeve) Take oil samples from Check oil if required as

the bearing. Test for per manufacturer
acidity and other recommendation
lubricating quantities
Remove too half of If excessive wear or
bearing inspect bearing sludge is found. Scrap
metal for wear the bearing and refit.

Bearings (sleeve) Measure IR and Compare with previous

c) Insulation resistance case of stand by motors, records. If PI value is
IR value should be less than 2.0.dry out the
measured before taking motors
into service

d) General condition of Cleanliness of area, Take necessary steps for

working area. Check IR, damp or wet better working condition.
vibrations, bearing & environment. Measure Take necessary steps if
body temperature. IR value to determine IR results are poor. if
the winding insulation. excessive hot take steps
Feel the temp.of body to reduce temp.
and & bearings
5 Quarterly (a) Frame & foundation Check for any cracks in Tighten the foundation
foundation. Check bolts
foundation bolts
(b) Motor fan and its Check fan for loose Tighten the fan belts
cover bolts. Check cover for clean if choked with dirt.
proper ventilation
6 Half yearly Stator winding Remove end covers and Blow deposits on the
look for any sign of over over hang area by dry
heating (dry, cracked compressed air. Take
and roasted out necessary action if over
insulation and varnish) heated.

Protective device & Check for setting & If it is damaged. Replace

alarms proper functioning or the one
protective devices and

Motor air gap Measure the air gap with Take remedial measure
feeler gauge on both DE if the air gap is not
& the uniform and more the
results with the previous previous one, it indicates
records. Take atleast worn out bearing
four readings


4.1 Acceptance and Routine Test

The following routine tests as per IS-325 are conducted on all motors:

Insulation resistance test.

Measurement of windings resistance of stator and wound rotor.
No load test at rated voltage to determine input current, power and speed.
Locked rotor readings of voltage, current and power input at suitable reduced
Reduced voltage running up test (for squirrel cage motors).
Open circuit voltage ratio of stator and rotor windings (for slip ring motors).
High voltage test.

4.1.2 Type Test

The following Type tests as per IS-325 are carried out:

Measurement of windings resistance of stator and wound rotor.

No load test at rated voltage to determine input current, power and speed.
Open circuit voltage running up test at no load to check the ability of the motor
to run up to full speed on no load. In both directions of rotation with rated line
voltage applied to the motor.
Locked rotor readings of voltage, current and power-input torque on squirrel
cage motor. ( Note: this test has to be carried out at reduced voltage)
Full load test to determine efficiency, power factor and slip.
Temperatures rise test. (Note: when direct loading is not possible indirect
loading or super-imposition methods (mixed frequency) are used for
temperature rise test.)
Momentary overload test and Torque test.
Insulation resistance test.
High voltage test.

4.1.3 Additional Test

The following additional tests are also carried out:

Test for vibration severity of motor on no-load.

Test for noise levels of motor on no-load.
Test for degree of protection by enclosure (For second numeral only).
Impulse test
Tan delta test

Type test on vertical motors will be conducted with its respective/suitable pump
coupled. Load test and temperature rise test will be conducted at maximum available load.

4.1.4 Maintenance Test

General inspection
Polarity Test
Insulation Resistance Test
Polarisation Index Test
Winding resistance Test
Drying out test

4. 2 The details of practical test to be done on motors (Maintenance Test) are

indicated as procedure document 1 to 6

4.2.1 Procedure Document No.1

Aim: Visual inspection of the machine.

1) Identify the machine has failed or to be overhauled
2) Inspect the mechanical joints/connections for looseness.
3) Rotate the revolving part slowly with hand.
4) Open the motor terminal box and examine the cable connection with the motor
5) Check- up the starting mechanism and relays
6) Where end covers have been removed.the general condition of the winding
should be assessed by visual inspection, which includes: -
Mechanical damages of insulation such as cracks, overheating, etc.
Broken / displaced material as insulation tapes, stator wedges etc.
Surface contamination due to water, carbon, dust or oil/grease etc.
Blockage of cooling ducts/passages and
Free foreign materials and others

4.2.2 Procedure Document No.2

Aim: To find out the insulation resistance (I.R) of the winding

Equipments/Test Equipment required

Hand driven or motorised meggar

Short wires/cables and discharge rods
Galvanometer or Multi meters


Remove the cover of the motor terminal box after the supply to the motor is
switched off.
Discharge the terminals off capacitive current
Remove the wire/cable connection with the motor terminal studs.
Clean and clear the terminal studs off dust and dirt by dry cloth or with the
prescribed (by manufacturer) cleaning solvents, if needed.
Connect the body of the machine with earth, preferably separate and distinctive
Note down the temperature of the motor before taking each reading

A. For Induction Motors

1) Remove the delta or star connection.

2) Test each winding for its continuity
3) Conduct insulation resistance(IR) test on each phase winding( say R winding)
to the earth with other two windings connected to earth ( say Y and B
4) Repeat the IR test for other two windings
5) Conduct the IR test between any two phase windings ( say between R & Y)
with the third phase winding (B) connected to earth
6) Repeat the IR test for other two combination

B. For D.C Motors

1) Remove the interlinking connections between the windings if any.

2) Test each winding for its continuity
3) Conduct IR test of each windings to earth with other windings connected to
4) Repeat the IR test for other windings
5) Conduct IR test between any two windings with other windings, if any
connected to earth.
6) Repeat the same procedure.

The winding terminals are to be discharged off capacitive current for sufficient
duration of time initially and after each IR test. Depending upon the size, capacity and
voltage of the machine this time duration may vary between few minutes 20 or 30 minutes.
The test results are to be recorded and preserved for future reference.they shall be
compared with the values prescribed by the manufacturer or the previous readings.

The cleaning solvents may be used for cleaning the motor terminals like White
spirit, naphtha, carbon tetra chloride (C.T.C) etc.

4.2.3 Procedure Document No.3

Aim: To conduct Polarisation index test (PI Test) for high voltage windings to find
out the dryness/cleanliness of the windings and fitness for high voltage tests

Equipments /Test Equipments Required

Motorised meggar
Short wires/cables and discharge rods
Centre zero Galvanometer or Multi Meters
Follow the procedure 1 to 6 under procedure document No.2

For Induction Motors

1) Remove the delta or star connections, if possible and test each winding for
2) Test voltage is applied between each winding to earth and between two

3) Except the windings to be tested,other windings shall be connected to earth
Conduct IR test for 10 minutes and take the IR readings at 15,30,45 and 60
seconds and thereafter every minutes for a total 10 minutes
4) Discharge the windings after the test for sufficient time.depending upon the
size, capacity and voltage of the machine may vary the time from 10 minutes to
30 minutes
5) Repeat the test for other windings or combination

4.2.4 Procedure Document No.4

Aim: To conduct winding resistance test

Equipment /Test Equipment required:
Wheatstone bridge or Micro Ohm meter or any precision equipment for measuring
1. Read carefully the instruction manual of the test equipment
2. Separate the delta or star connection.
3. Identify the winding to be tested
4. Note down the temperature of the winding under test
5. Measure the winding resistance and record it
Winding temperature at any temperature say 800c can be calculated from the formula

R 80 0C = R Test temp x ( 234.5 + 80

(234.5 + Test winding Temp. oC)
4.2.5 Procedure Document No.5

Aim: conduct polarity Test on Induction Motors, before connecting in star or delta

A. Method I (by D.C)

Equipments required

1) Centre zero galvanometer or millivoltmeter or milli ammeter

2) Switch and wires
3) Battery(1.5V or 3V)


1) Arbitrarily choose one of phase winding terminals say A1 and A2

2) Connect the positive terminal of the battery to A1 and the negative terminal to
A2 through switch
3) The meter is connected across one of the other two-phase windings, say B
phase arbitrarily.
4) At the instant of closing the switch, observe the deflection of the meter pointer.
5) If there is a positive or clockwise deflection, than the terminal connected to the
positive of meter is B2 and connected the negative terminal is B1.
6) If the deflection is in the opposite deflection, then the polarities are B1 and B2
respectively(Refer Fig.4.1)
7) Similar test is carried out in the third phase winding

B.Method II (By AC)

Equipments required:

1) Six terminal induction motor

2) Variable single phase A.C. supply
3) Low range A.C. voltmeter or ammeter or low voltage incandescent lamp


1) Connect the lamp or the meter across any one of the windings. Say C phase
2) Connect together one end of the other two-phase windings (B&A phase)
3) Give a low voltage A.C supply to the free terminals of the interconnected
4) If the lamps glows or meter reads the interconnection (between B & A) is
through unlike polarity (shown in dotted/broken lines)
5) If there is no indication at the lamp or meter, then the interconnection is through
like polarity. (Refer Fig.4.1)
6) Likewise test the other phase winding

4.2.6 Procedure Document No.6

Aim: Drying of induction Motor to expel moisture and increase I.R.value

Method A: Drying of core loss in the stator

Equipments required:
1) Six terminal induction motor
2) Variable single phase A.C. supply
3) Voltmeter or ammeter, thermometer, meggar etc.

Procedure and Precautions

1) All safety precautions shall be taken during the drying process. The drying
temperature shall not exceed the prescribed limit
2) The machine is to be dried and shall be examined thoroughly and the dust/dirt
shall be cleared.
3) The machine can be partially covered with, if necessary asbestos or cloth to
avoid heat dissipation during drying and Make connections.
4) The initial heating shall be carried out slowly by varying the magnetising
5) The drying shall be discontinued except for short time when the temperature
and IR measurements are made
6) Stop the drying process once steady value of IR is reached.


1) Note down the ambient temperature of the motor prior to drying out.
2) Conduct IR test and winding resistance test prior to drying out
3) The voltage and current shall be observed constantly
4) The temperature shall be kept within the limit by controlling the magnetising
5) Stop the drying process at constant intervals (say once in an hour) for few
minutes and take the values of temperature at that time and IR values
immediately(Refer Fig. 4.3)

Method B: Induction Method by Core Loss Method

This method involves the use of induction principal with A.C. The number of
magnetising turns, required magnetising force and the drying current are calculated from
the physical dimensions of the machines to be dried.(Refer Fig.4.4)

1) Determine the number of turns of the magnetising winding using the formula
45000 x V
= -------------------

V = Voltage applied for drying
B = Magnetic flux varies between 6000 to 8000
Q = Cross sectional area of core, cm2
Q = K LcHc = k (1-n x b) hc where,
K = Space factor
= 0.95 for varnished stampings
= 0.9 for paper insulated core
Lc = Core length less cooling ducts, cm
L = Total core length, cm.
Hc = Core height less teeth, cm.
n = Number of cooling ducts
b = Cooling duct width, cm.
Calculate the required magnetising force using the equations

AT = X Dav x ATo

Dav = Average core dia meter, cm.
ATo = Specific magnetising force per 1 cm. Length of core which depends
on the grade of core material (refer table given below)

Magnetic flux Specific magnetising force ATo

Gs For alloy steel For dynamo steel
5000 0.66 to 0.85 1.5
6000 1 to 20 2.2
7000 1.3 to 1.45 2.75
8000 1.7 to 2.0 3.70
10000 2.15 to 2.80 4.3 to 5.6

Find out the magnetising current (drying) I, in ampere by using the formula

I = AT/T

Note: Normally the load on the conductor is taken to be 50 to 70% of the normal value
give above.

4.3 Normal Checks On Motors

Normal checks of the motors are listed below,

1) Induction motor is properly secured to its supports.
2) Check the insulation resistance of start winding and rotor winding.
3) Check the alignment of motor rotor shaft with the driven equipment in
accordance with ensuring all the motor fixing bolts are adequately tight.
4) Check the all-electrical connections at motor, switchgear, starter terminals, etc
are tight and clean.
5) Check the bearings are properly lubricated and adequate grease or oil supply is
6) Check the all heat-dissipating surfaces are clean. Also ensure unrestricted
supply of cooling air is available for heat-dissipation.

7) Check the direction of rotation of the external blower unit, if provided, is correct
and that it delivers air properly.
8) Check the settings of all protective relays, control instrumentation etc., are set
to the correct value.
9) Check the Induction Motor is earthed properly.
10) Rotate the shaft by hand or LV supply to confirm that rotor is free to rotate.

4.3.1 Insulation Resistant Measurement

Checking of insulation resistance of windings is one of the most common methods

used by the maintenance crew. Generally the value of insulation resistance varies based
upon the conditions under which it is measured. Insulation value taken under humid and

cold conditions will generally be less than that of the normal values taken under good

Also it differs with low voltage meggers. Hence it is always suggested that HV
motors of 6.6kV class are to be selected with at least 2.5kV or preferably with 5kV
Meggers. A healthy winding should have a minimum insulation value of 5 to 10 meg-ohms
when checked with 5kV Megger under normal temperature conditions.

The insulation resistance alone will not give the healthiness of windings insulation.
It is not possible to specify a fixed minimum value for a winding insulation resistance, but
the following formula can act as a guide.

IR = kV+1 Meg Ohms

IR = Insulation resistance in Meg ohms with the machine under old
condition at room temperature.
kV = Rated supply of motor in volts.

In the event of measured value being lower than that given by the above formula,
there is every reason to suspect insulation deterioration due to the presence of moisture,
contamination or damage.

4.3.2 High Voltage tests

Normally high voltage test is carried on windings at the time of manufacturing/

winding stage at factory or workshop. Also this test is carried out at reduced voltage during
major overhauling of high voltage, motors at base workshops. The higher voltage test is
carried out at different voltages during manufacturing/rewinding stages. That is before
placement of coils in the slots, after placement of coils in the slots, after making coil end
connections and finally before load testing.

The most common formula that is presently followed for carrying out of high voltage
test during major overhauling is as below,

Test voltage for old motors during major overhauling = 0.8 (2VL+1)
Where, VL = RMS Line Voltage of the Motor

During the above test the voltage is applied gradually in steps and also after
reaching maximum value, the time of application should be limited to 15 to 30 seconds

The above method will not give correct indication regarding the healthiness of the
windings, but gives us some base for checking the conditions of the insulation of the
windings with respect to ground.

4.3.3 Surge Test

Low Capacity surge test is conducted on coil to check the strength of the insulation
between the turns in high-tension coils. Now a days a number of surge capacity testers are
manufactured in India for testing the HT coils.

The basic principle of a low capacity surge tester is a Bank of capacitors is used for
charging and discharging the charged capacitor into the coil under test. While discharging
the coil under test, the behaviour of the voltage discharge is monitored through an
oscilloscope, which is the part of the tester. (Refer Fig.4.5)

Typical surge voltage turnings are graphed in the figures below for good and bad coil.
Surge voltage

Typical surge
voltage tracings on
healthy coil seen on
Time oscilloscope
Surge voltage

Typical surge
voltage tracings on
Time defective coil seen
Fig. 4.5 on oscilloscope

The above test is generally carried out at the time of manufacturing and rewinding
stages and if it is required to be done on old motors, generally 80% of rated voltage values
are impressed on the coils for testing purpose.

4.3.4 Tan Delta or Dielectric Dissipation Factor

One of the most effective methods of assessing the winding insulation condition
done by measuring the tan delta dissipation factor.
Measuring insulation resistance, high voltage testing on motors, gives us only the
surface conditions of the windings insulation, but Tan Delta Factor values gives the overall
condition of the windings insulation taking in the following additional factors,
Generally coils used in High Voltage motors should be of void free and
compact to avoid corona discharge when high voltage is impressed on these coils. But
invariably, since the coil insulation are manufactured with different types like paper, wood,
epoxy bonded resin and they are pressed at a particular pressure under a controlled
temperature for moulding to a shape during this processes invariably small voids are left
inside the coils which cannot be avoided. When these coils are charged, capacitive
leakage currents flow. If these currents are in excess, there is every possibility that these
coils may fail due to corona discharge.

Moisture absorption.
Changes in dielectric constant due to ageing of insulation.
Deterioration of windings due to thermal, mechanical and electric stresses
caused during operation.
Internal voids, cracks developed during prolonged operations.

Tan Delta test can be obtained by capacitive and leakage currents and thereby
dielectric loss angle can be calculated. Tan Delta test sets available in India for taking
values at low voltages. These sets give the definite indication of the health of the insulation
at any time.
In case Tan Delta values for a particular machine for a period of time/intervals gives
a positive indication of the condition of the windings insulation, when compared with pre
recorded readings. Hence it is suggested that always these values should be taken under
normal conditions and comparative value for judgement that whether the windings
insulation is deteriorated. Generally a 6.6kV class machine having Tan Delta factor 0.03 is
considered to be good when taken at approx. 1000 volts (RMS).

4.3.5 Polarisation Index

The polarization index of a winding is defined as the ratio of IR after 10 minutes (R

10) to the IR after one minute (RI) i.e. polarization index, P.I = (R10/R1). On clean dry
winding insulation the index value should not be less than 1.5.The PI of the winding may
be checked at regular intervals preferably twice a year by motorised megger.

4.4 Harmonic/Current Analysis

Harmonic are currents or voltages with frequencies that are integer multiples of the
fundamental power frequency. Harmonics are created by non-linear loads such as
adjustable-speed motor drives, electroplating systems, battery charges etc. in power as
well as tripped circuit breakers. In severe cases, motors or transformers may even burn
out. Harmonics can also lead to degradation of systems power factor.
Current analysis in poly phase motors involves checking of unbalance currents in
all the phases. Unbalance usually results from impedance mismatch between phases of a
motor circuit. Impedance changes occur because of motor winding degradation (turn-to-
turn or phase-to-phase shorts) or the development of high resistance connections
anywhere in the circuit from motor control center into the motor. Current unbalance also
can be caused by voltage unbalance from the generation, transmission or distribution
systems for Poly phase motors on line current measurements, mathematical comparison
of the measurements, and calculation of percentage unbalance provide an excellent
indication of condition affecting motor health.
Broken bars and short circuit rings of motors can be detected by analysing the load
currents in power supply lines.
Equipment used:
1) Fluke 41B Harmonic Analyser, fluke (U.S.A)
2) Lap Top Computer.

4.5 Insulation Resistance of Auxiliary Circuits

The insulation resistance of all auxiliary circuits such as winding resistance
temperature detectors, bearing temperature detectors, space heaters etc., must be
measured with a 500-volt megger at regular intervals.

4.6 Brushes
Brushes should be lifted out to check that they are free in the brush holders. Brush
wear should be checked and worn out brushes should be replaced. The brush pressure
should be about 200g/cm2.

4.7 Slip Rings
Inter-slip ring spaces should be cleaned and slip ring surface should be carefully
examined. If there are any signs of blackening or grooving, it is necessary to polish the slip
rings by holding a piece of fine carborandom cloth or glass paper attached to a piece of
wood against the surface of the rings or taking a skim cut on the rings.
4.8 Lubrication

The amount of oil is checked by oil meter and oil flow direction by oil gauge and
sight flow. Oil level must be kept in the making lines of oil gauge. When it is suggested to
check the oil level, while the motor is stopped, check the level in stopped condition only.

The oil pressure is measured by an oil pressure gauge fitted to the bearing oil
supply part and that fitted to the lubricating device. Pressure must be within 20% of that
specified. Generally 1.0 to 2 kg/cm2.

The oil ring rotation is checked through an inspection window. It is all right if the
ring rotates smoothly at the same position. There shouldnt be irregular rotation or rotation
on only one side.

Oil Leak

Shaft through parts, labyrinths, piping joints, and inspection covers are all checked
visually or touch by fingers. Also, check the slip ring cover interior and main body interior.

If the oil is oozing out, wipe it off and observe the subsequent condition. If oil drips
and stays at bottom, take proper steps.

4.10 Tests on Finished Coils

The following tests are considered for repair & rewinding on finished coils,

a) DCR (Designed Continuous Rating) measurement and comparison with

previous record values.
b) IR values measurement and determination of polarisation index before and
after high voltage test.
c) Power frequency high voltage test on the slot and over-hang portion of all coils
and measurement of leakage currents.
d) Tan Delta & Capacitance measurement upto full rated voltage on finished coils
(for 6.6 kV & above).
e) Surge comparison test.
f) Inductance measurement at different rotor speed:

This test is conducted to find out the short circuit in the windings. At lower speeds
only we can find out the short circuits and measure current, i.e., Z = V/I. Repeat the test for
different speeds. Tabulate the result and verify with previous data.

g) Reduced voltage running test:

This test is conducted by applying 400V AC supply to the HT Motor and test the
speed of the rotor, test the vibration and for any abnormal sound.

h) Any other tests as per convention.

Power frequency high voltage shall be repeated on all coils after placing them in
slots and before placing. It shall again be repeated before forming the star point. Polarity
test shall also be carried out at this stage.

4.11 Tests after Rewinding

On completion of rewinding, the following tests may be carried out,

1) DCR (Designed Continuous Rating) measurement and comparison with

previous record values.
2) IR values measurement and determination of polarisation index.
3) Power frequency high voltage test.
4) Impedance measurement at different rotor positions.
5) Phase to phase and phase to earth capacitance measurement.
6) Reduced voltage running up test.
7) Quick starting for ascertaining the direction of rotation, vibration and abnormal
noise, if any.
8) No load test and measurement of currents in all three phases and recording of
voltages, frequency and input power.
9) Full-load test and measurement of three phase currents, voltages, frequency,
power, slip, winding & core temperatures.

To evaluate the condition of motor bearings after repair/replacement following tests

are recommended,

Vibration measurement of bearings in all three directions.

Bearing temperature trend at no-load and after continuous running of machine
for long duration.
Any other tests as per conventions.

4.12 ELCID Test (Electromagnetic Core Imperfection Detection)

Defects in inter laminar insulation causes fault currents to flow locally in the core.
These currents can produce dangerous local overheating or hot spots in the damaged
areas. The damage to the core may become progressively worse in extreme cases
sufficient heat is generated to melt small parts of the core and even modest rise in core
temperature adjacent to the winding can result in the premature failure of the winding
insulation. These hot spots should be detected and repaired during routine machine
overhauls. (Refer Fig.4. 6 & 4.7)

From this test we can assess the condition of the motor core and also gives vital
information in the development of trend analysis for use in diagnostic and productive
maintenance. The typical ELCID test result is gives the information.

Location of faults with pinpoint accuracy.

Identification of faults below the windings.
Ability to distinguish between deep seated and surface faults.
Permanent record of the stator core condition.
Records the above details.

4.13 Diagnostic Tests on HT Motor

Required Condition of
Test Purpose
Detects serious flaws, moisture
Insulation Resistance
absorption & cleanliness of Winding has to be isolated.
& Polarisation Index
Evaluations of stress grading,
Tan Delta/Power
dielectric losses and homogeneity -do-
of the winding insulation.
DC Winding Detects poor connections and
Resistance conductor shorts.
AC Impedance on Detects the presence of short-
poles. circuited turns.
Detects Insulation weakness and
DC HV step voltage/
possibility of warning of Winding has to be isolated.
Leakage Current.
breakdown of incipient fault.
Determines healthiness of turn
Surge Voltage Winding has to be isolated.
Evaluation of stress grading Rotor has to be threaded
Corona/ TVA probe** system and location of Partial out and winding has to be
Discharge sites. isolated.
Computerised Digital Determines healthiness of stator Rotor has to be threaded
ELCID** core interlaminar insulation. out.
Harmonic/ Current
Determines healthiness of motor. On line test.
Analysis **

** Optional Tests

5.1 Introduction

A major contributing factor in optimum utilisation of equipments in power plants

such as Boiler feed pump, induced draft fan, air preheater fan, forced-draft fan, cooling
water pumps, mill, etc., is the optimum availability of their driving equipments i.e., motors
of medium and large size.
Maintenance Engineers face a tough task in their endeavour to keep the availability
factor high. Replacement of the motor incurs expense not only in down time and cost to
replace it, but also in time consumed to get the process back into operation. In an effort to
increase the reliability and availability while minimised forced outage time attention has
been focused on increasing the reliability of large and medium range motors.

Maintenance, repairs and rewinding of HT motors of large capacities running in any

industry, particularly where lot of interlocks and dependence on various complex conditions
is highly difficult. In recent designs, with innovated technology, these motors appear to be
very simple and compact, but internally they are very complex and need sophisticated
maintenance and repair crew. Despite the innovations in designing, motor and its controls,
they are subjected to,

Faults in lines
Faults in driven units
Abnormal behaviour of power system and its oscillations
Severely depressed voltages
Dynamic instability of the power system
Frequency variations
Faults in bus bars
Mechanical faults
Vibration problems from internal and external sources

Such factor leads to premature failures and unexpected shutdowns. This calls for
proper studies to be made on motors and arrange a precise maintenance schedule with
diagnostic tests and tempest action for repair and rewinding or necessary action required.

5.2 Decision to Undertake Repair and rewinding

The points that influence the decision in favour of repair and rewinding rather than
replacement of a new motor are,

(i) It is economical when the damage to core and winding or mechanical parts is
partial. The repair of the core is very difficult as compared to repair of winding,
when the core is irreparably damaged, the motor shall definitely be replaced.

(ii) It is economical even when complete rewinding and overhaul of the motor is
required. In many cases, the cost of complete rewinding and overhaul may
not be more than 20% of the cost of new motor.
(iii) As frame sizes are now being standardised, it may not be possible to get a
new motor with exact frame size corresponding to the existing one.
(iv) It does not require modifications of bed or auxiliary equipments

(v) As motors of earlier design are rugged and have higher safety factor, the
rewound ones may also be expected to withstand rigorous operating
conditions and operational buses as compared to competitively designed new
(vi) As most of the earlier motors are of E or B class insulation, it can be
upgraded to F or H. It is a common practice to go for F class insulation with
a temperature rise restricted to B class.
(vii) As insulation class is upgraded, thinner films of insulation are needed and
conductor cross-sectional area can slightly be increased, the conductor grade
can be also be increased resulting in reduced copper losses and increased
(viii) In some cases, squirrel cage rotor class can be upgraded. The rotor can be
converted to a double cage motor by providing a double cage rotor winding
and short-circuiting rings. This upgrading will increase the starting torque,
reducing the starting time and reduce of rotor bar breakage of motors driving
high inertia load like mills and Induced Draft fans.
(ix) By changing the number of stator coil groups the speed of the motor can be
varied and it can be used for different application.
(x) Many times the end-user is not in a position to offer GD2 value of driven
equipment referred to motor and speed-torque characteristics of the driven
equipment to the manufacturer.
(xi) Many times the manufacturers are not ready to repair even the motors
supplied by them.
(xii) The official procedures for repair and rewinding are always less tedious than
those for replacement.

The points that weigh against repair and rewinding are,

(i) In recent years, many rewinding agencies are on the field. The genuineness
of their claims is to be verified by the end-user.
(ii) The production and testing facilities available with the rewinding agencies are
less as compared to a manufacturer.
(iii) The quality and workman-ship varies vastly from agency to agency.
(iv) There are no standards for evaluation of repair and rewinding.
(v) Due to inadequate evaluation of repair and rewinding, many motors have
failed after repair within short period of service.
(vi) Even after successful completion of all tests, the rewound motors have failed
at site immediately after commissioning. It may be due to poor quality of
materials and/or defective workman-ship. So no tests can confirm the
successful performance of the motor over a period of time. The technical
know-how, workman-ship, reputation and integrity of the agency are the
customer main safe guard.
(vii) In recent days for medium voltage applications, we prefer vacuum circuit
breaker or contactor for their desirable features, when we go for revamping

and replacement of conventional switchgears. In such cases the motors are
subjected to surges of very high magnitude. The motor of earlier designs may
not be able to withstand such surges and may fail. In such cases it is better to
replace the motor and switchgears. The motor manufacturer will be informed
in advance about the switchgear to be used and the associated surge voltage
levels. The switchgear manufacturer provides surge-absorbers at panel end.

IEC 34-15 defines the impulse voltage withstand level of rotating machines as,

UP = (4Un + 5) kV,

Where, UP is the impulse voltage level in kV peak with 1.2/50

Microsecond impulse wave.

Un is the machine rated voltage in kV. So 3.3 kV and 6.6 kV

machines shall withstand a surge of 18.2 kV peak and 31.4 peak

Though Indian standards do not specify anything regarding impulse voltage

standard level for electric motors, many manufacturers perform the test as per IEC

(viii) In power stations, system fault levels are high, which requires to additional
safety of critical equipment in terms of capability to withstand the fault levels.
The stations have experienced shattering of conventional terminal in terminal
boxes. This is successfully avoided by providing phase segregated type
terminal boxes and explosion-vents provided in the terminal boxes. Improved
material science leading to compactness and design features may tilt the
preference in favour of new motors.

(ix) For ensuring continuous operation of boiler auxiliaries, sometimes the supply
system has a fast bus transfer facility. When power supply fails, automatic
transfer from one bus to the another bus occurs. This will lead to high Electro-
mechanical stresses on the winding and the shaft, if the main voltage and
motor residual voltage is in phase opposition. The manufacturers make the
windings mechanically rigid by adequate bracing and cording of over hang. A
rewinding agency may not be able to take care of this aspect.

(x) In recent days, variable speed drives are preferred for various applications.
Conventional motors cannot withstand the thermal stresses generated by
harmonics in waveform and insufficient cooling due to sub-synchronous
operation. Under such cases, electric motors with next frame size or with
increasing heat-dissipating surfaces are preferred.

After weighing all the points mentioned above, the end user shall decide to go for
repair and rewinding or replacement.

5.3 Problems in HT Motors

5.3.1 Mechanical Problems

The various mechanical problems incurred on the motors and their remedies are
listed below,


The probable causes for the noise and their remedies are,

Magnetic humming noise/high pitch noise, which is not harmful and it

disappears after switching off the supply.
Air cutting noise, which is also not harmful. It can be detected by throttling the
air inlet during running. This should be verified only when motor is running
without any load.
Faulty bearing also produces noise. Check bearing condition with the help of
Vibration meter. Replace faulty bearing.
Bearing cage noise, which is also not harmless.
Loose components such as loose keys or loose fans, which can be
Rumbling noise due to breakage of rotor bars, which can be rectified only by
repair of motor.

B.Vibrations in decoupled condition

The probable causes for the vibrations and their remedies are,

Improper contact between motor base and foundation causes vibrations. This
contact between motor base and foundation is checked with the help of filler
gauge or by blue matching. Blue matching is desired when both the surfaces
are machined. Ensure 85% blue matching.
Unbalance in the half coupling mounted on motor shaft may induce vibrations.
The half coupling may be moved and checked for vibration. At times the extra
key length protruding outside the half coupling can cause unbalance. Such
portion of the key should be cut into half over its height/thickness.
Unbalance in the motor also causes vibrations. Check for looseness of
components such as loose keys, loose fan bolts, non-uniform air gaps,
foundation bolts, etc to check for vibrations.
Weak foundation may cause vibrations. Check vibration readings on
foundation. If these readings exceed 5 microns, it should be due to looseness
or weakness of the foundation. In such case, motor can be shifted to another
healthy foundation to verify its healthiness.
Electrical vibration, which may drop down drastically after switching off the
supply. Check on no load in decomposed condition.
Faulty bearing causes vibrations, which may be replaced.

C. Vibration with coupled condition with load

High vibrations already present in decoupled condition, which can be removed

as mentioned above.
Misalignment between motor and driven equipment leads to vibrations. Verify
the alignment by two-dial gauge method and correct it.
Looseness/wear and tear of coupling bolts/washers also causes vibrations.
Decouple the motor and check the condition of coupling hardwares. Replace
the worn out hardware, washers, etc.
Unbalance in the driven equipment will cause vibrations. Remove inherent
unbalance in the driven equipment by rebalancing. Deposition of dust or
warpage in the driven system due to heating/cooling effect or atmospheric
effects such as rusting etc., can cause unbalance in driven equipment over a
period of time. This is to be verified by dismantling the driven machine. Failure
of bearings driven equipment can also cause excessive vibrations.

D. Excessive Bearing Temperature (Ball and Roller Bearings)

The probable causes are due to overgreasing, or insufficient grease, Axial thrust on
bearing, bearing too tight in housing or bearing loose in the housing. Remove excess
grease or regrease. Check the cause for axial thrust. Change bearing and maintain radial
clearances. Replace housing if required.

E. Excessive bearing (sleeve bearing)

The probable causes are oil ring stuck, which can be freed. Insufficient oil can be
refilled with correct grade of oil. Axial thrust present for which the cause of axial thrust is
checked out, Bearing shell defective, which can be rectified by scrapping or realigning, and
checks for the circulating current.

5.3.2 Electrical Problems

A. Low insulation resistance of winding

The probable causes and their remedial measures are listed below,
Winding has absorbed moisture.
Moisture condensation on motor terminals such as insulators, terminal bars, etc.
Water entry inside motor
Check the insulation resistance. If the resistance is low, but not less than 1 meg
ohm, then heat the winding by using external heaters, circulating hot air or
circulating current through the winding at low voltage by using welding
Deposition of carbon dust on the windings. Dismantle the motor and clean the
winding overhang thoroughly.

B. Unbalanced current

The probable causes and their remedial measures are listed below,

Unbalanced supply voltage between the lines R, Y & B. Verify the voltage
condition at the bus bar. If the system voltage is unbalanced, similar problem
will be noticed on various motors on the same bus bar.
Loose connections. Detect loose connection by checking resistance preferably
at the panel. If resistance is unbalanced please check all the joints upto motor
Unbalanced voltage at motor terminals due to drop in cables even though the
voltage at panels is balanced. Measure the voltage at motor terminal or the
Unbalanced winding resistance per phase. Measure winding resistance at the
motor terminals after disconnecting the supply cable.

To verify the healthiness of motor winding in all the cases above, motor can be
tested with the generator supply on no load in which case the current should be balanced.

C. High no load current

The probable causes and remedies are listed below,

Higher voltage than rated value
Lower voltage than rated value
Very high or very low frequency of supply
Winding weakness
Insulation deterioration

Check supply condition i.e., supply voltage at motor terminals and the frequency. In
case these conditions are varying from that of the rated voltage and frequency such a
problem can occur. At times, this problem can be corrected by changing the transformer
tapping suitably.

D. High starting current

The probable causes and remedies are listed below,

High load inertia. Verify the starting requirements desired for the driven
equipment such as (i) Close damper (ii) Closed delivery valve. Proper
functioning of the fluid coupling, etc. to be verified.
Lower voltage than rated.
Very high and very low voltage than rated value

E. Overheating of winding

The probable causes and remedies are listed below,

Continuous operations at lower voltage, higher voltage than the rated voltage.
Unbalance in the supply voltage.
Rapid frequency variation.
Wrong direction of rotation. Verify supply conditions with respect to the rating
plate on the motor. Higher voltage can result into higher current drawn by the
motor resulting into overheating.
Overloading of motor. Measure line current. Take into consideration the external
capacitance across the motor connected for power factor improvement (if any).
Re-circulation of hot air.
Obstructed ventilation (types and reasons)

Check the temperature of air inlet and air outlet from the motor. In case air inlet
temperature is higher than room/ambient temperature there is a possibility of hot air from
adjacent machinery around motor being directed to the motor. Verify the calibration of
temperature scanner. The actual temperature can be verified by measurement of
resistance of RTD across the RTD terminals provided on the motor.

F. Fluctuations in current.

The probable causes and remedies are listed below,

Dislocation of rotor cage bar due to cracking. In case of Squirrel cage motor,
bar cracking to be verified after dismantling the motor either visually or with the
help of the growler.
Unbalance in rotor circuit due to loose contacts. Verify all contacts between the
motor terminal upto panel for looseness.

G. Overheating of terminal bar

The probable causes and remedies are listed below,

Loose connection.
Improper tinning of terminal bars/sockets.
Verify tightness of connection and carry out tinning of terminal bar if necessary
for proper contact.
Unbalanced current. Measure current in all three lines. If unbalance is
observed, same remedial measures has to be taken as mentioned above.

H. Current fluctuation at double slip frequency

The probable cause is the unbalance in rotor circuit or rotor bar breakage. Measure
the resistance of rotor or repair the rotor in case of Squirrel cage motors.

I. Rapid wear of carbon brushes (Slip Ring Induction Motor)

The probable causes and remedies are listed below,

Incorrect size/grade of brushes. Replace brushes with correct grade.
Excessive spring tension. Reduce spring tension to 1.6 Kg/cm2.
Rough slip ring surface. Make slip ring surface smooth by polishing or by taking
skimming out. Carry out re-bedding of the brushes.

J. Sticking of carbon brushes in brush holder

The probable causes and their remedial measures are listed below,
Check grade of brushes. Replace brushes with correct grade.
Oversized brushes. Verify size of brush with respect to the slot in the brush

K. Grooving on slip ring surface.

The probable causes and remedies are listed below,

Incorrect grade of carbon brushes.
Hard particles on the brush. Replace brushes with correct grade. Replace
brushes having grooved surface of contact.
Inadequate brush bedding. Carry out rebedding of brushes.
Under loading of brushes. Check loading on the motor. If under loaded, reduce
the number of brushes proportionately to the current.
Inadequate spring tension on carbon brushes. Verify spring tension and adjust
to 1.6 Kg/cm2 uniformly on all brushes.

Before taking above-mentioned measures, first make the slip ring surface smooth
either by polishing or taking a skimming cut on the ring periphery. If the operation
continues without skimming of slip ring surface, the grooves will deepen further, which is

5.4 Troubles Associated With Antifriction Bearings

Rough running, flaking of tracks which is caused by metal fatigue. Replace

Race seizure with shredding of metal splinters into grease, leading to damage
of races and accompanying overheating which is mainly due to lack of
lubrication. Clean and refill bearing with grease as per instructions or replace

Moderate bearing noise, dull spots, lateral grooves alternatively on either sides
caused by bearing fitted on the skew. Requires trueing up. Machine to be sent
to manufacturer for machining the bearing seating.
Dull spots on one side of race developing into grooves, caused when end thrust
are too high. Check drive and coupling of machine load.
Blackened streaks or grooves perpendicular to the centre axis and close
together, on ball bearings, formation of pitting caused by current through
bearing. Insulate bearings properly.
Cavities and indentations on races, later grooves like a hammered imprint due
to static indentations. With the motor kept idle, rotate rotor occasionally.

5.5 Troubles Associated With Couplings

Load on bearings is greatly dependent on the type of coupling used. Plain bearings
have larger play and are subjected to more wear than ball and roller bearings. For these
reasons a plain bearing machine should not be coupled with a ball or roller bearing
machine by means of a rigid coupling. Also rigid coupling should not be used to couple two
ball or roller bearing machines, as it is practically impossible to align them accurately. In
either case, a flexible coupling must be used. A rigid coupling is suitable for two plain
bearing machines only if they are accurately aligned.

Though flexible couplings can take up small eccentricities and angular

misalignments, they are to be carefully aligned and sufficient clearance provided between
the shafts to allow axial expansion.

Gear type coupling with floating distance piece very often exerts axial thrust on the
shaft of motor. It is therefore essential to ensure,

Use of proper lubricant recommended by the coupling manufacturer for the
Free float in the distance piece in axial direction even by light tapping.
Sometimes very tight O rings of these coupling prevent free axial float.
Frequency of re-lubrication of gears must be ensured to avoid dry running of
gears, which is harmful.

5.6 Other Important Problems

Some of the other important problems faced by the HT motors are also defined
below in detailed manner,

5.6.1 Magnetic Noise

Magnetic noise or hum can be caused in large induction motors due to one of the
following reasons,
Improper air gap
Bad leveling of the motor bed
Thrust force caused due to bad alignment
Single phasing

A periodical inspection should be made to check the magnetic center of the rotor.
While taking these readings atleast three readings at 120 degrees isometrically
approximately may be taken on both sides of the rotor by rotating the rotor. The air gap
readings taken at any point should not be more than 10 to 15 percent of the average
value. If it is more than the same has to be corrected to avoid costly breakdowns. Air gaps
can be checked by feeler gauge or inductive meter.

5.6.2 Earth faults and internal short-circuits on windings

Earth faults in stators and wound rotors in induction motors can occur due to either
one of the following reasons,
Failure of wedges and there by causing the coils move from its position.
Voids developed due to thermal stresses after some years of service.
Overheating of windings due to defective cooling system.
Penetration of atmospheric moisture

5.6.3 Shaft failures

Shaft failures generally will be less, if proper monitoring is done on the behaviour of
motor. Generally a well-designed shaft will never fail unless it fails due to fatigue.
Wherever the reconditioned/repaired shaft is fitted on machine, it is always advisable to
maintain proper bearing fittings and machining tolerance, etc. If fits/tolerance are not
maintained during repair, there is every possibility that shaft will tend to fail prematurely.

5.6.4 Wedge Failures

Wedge failures are generally uncommon in HT motors where windings are vacuum
pressure impregnated. In other cases, like whenever resin rich tapes with pre-pressed

coils are used and the winding are not impregnated, the wedge failures are common due
to the following reasons

Loose fitment in slots

Excess external and internal machine vibrations
Inferior materials used
Rotor stators rubbing due to bad alignment
Bearing failures
Failure of core stamping of rotor and stators particularly at finger points

5.6.5 Failure of Rotors

In squirrel cage induction motors, the rotor failures are generally uncommon,
unless these rotors are subjected to mechanical stalling. In few cases failure of end
connections are noticed. In such case, this may be either due to over heating of rotor bars
due to overloading, bad brazing done at the time of manufacturing and repair at repair
shops. Rotor bar cracks are also noticed in few machines but this is a rare phenomenon.

5.6.6 Vibrations

It has been noticed that in most of the cases the motor fail or tend to stop working
will be due to excessive vibrations caused in the machine due to various factors. The
factors causing high vibrations can be either of inbuilt or from external sources. At the
same time, it is very difficult to avoid vibrations to certain extent even in new machines
working under best conditions.
Most of the mechanical failures caused due to excess vibrations are usually
present long before breakdown occurs. Machine vibrations almost and in every case can
be characterised by an increase in Vibration Level, which can be measured and
compared from the previous record readings. It is known fact that vibration level of any
machine is the key source for checking the severity of the machine performance.

Level a


Fig. 5. 1
ab : New machine
bc : Normal working of machine
c : Repair necessary
d : Repair effected before breakdown
e : Breakdown
df : Back to normal after repair

Bathtub curve as shown in fig.5.1 can be ideal one by which we can see the effect
of vibration on machine performance.

It is noticed that some of the few following reasons, which can cause excess
vibration levels in machines, are listed below

Unbalance in rotating parts like squirrel cage rotors, wound rotors, etc.
Misalignment in couplings
Shaft bend
Damaged/worn-out anti-friction bearings
Worn-out journal bearings and loose housings
Oil film while in oil cooled bearings
Mysterious whirl : This will be developed when shafts attain critical speed, that is
the vibrations excited, when passing through critical speed and then maintained at
higher shaft speeds
Weak foundation
Damages in gears/gear boxes
Mechanical losses
Electrically induced vibrations
Single phasing
Improper air gaps
Loose foundation bolts
Change in magnetic center due to various thrust forces developed due to defective
Dynamic effects of different manufacturing tolerances, clearances, fits, rolling and
rubbing contact forces in machines

Since it is very difficult to design or maintain a rotating equipment to an absolute

zero vibration level and also often a small insignificant vibration can lead to a very high
vibration due to exciting resonance frequencies with other structural parts or with other
rotating parts in the vicinity. It is imperative that a close watch should always be kept on
monitoring the vibration of all rotating equipments on regular basis and should be recorded
and thereby taking corrective action in time can avoid costly breakdown.

5.7 Troubleshooting

Eventually present troubles in motor operation are most commonly due to incorrect
connection to supply mains, inadequate motor type selection for the required operating
conditions, or eventually due to the wear or damage to mechanical parts. Some faults,
which may cause troubles in motor operation, are described in the Table.

5.7.1 Defects and Anomalous Symptoms of Operation of Induction Motors

Symptoms Reason Remedies

Motor does not run, no Break in atleast to Check fuses, supply
noise supply wires , no voltage wires terminals

Motor does not run, Break in one phase of Find the break. Check fuses ,
strong noise stator replace defective

Loaded motor does not Too high load torque Reduce load. Declutch
start , magnetic noise motor and check on idle
Too low mains voltage Check voltage and
increase the cross-section of
supply leads .

Motor runs on no load After start -up break in Check supply leads
running but does not one supply lead the motor is Order the reparation*
reach rated speed on damaged
rated load
Motor heats up on no load Incorrect connections of Connect stator windings
running stator winding (e.g. in as specified
instead of in Stator). Check mains voltage and
Too high voltage in mains idle run current
Clean air conduits
Insufficient cooling due to
choked air conduits
Motor is heated up Motor is overloaded Check current consumption
excessively on loading Too high or too low voltage in Check voltage and current
Single-phase motor operation Find the break in supply
The motor is damaged Order the reparation*
Rotor heats up too much, The motor is damaged Order the reparation*
speed is reduced, more noise
Local overheating in stator The motor is damaged Order the reparation*
Bearing overheated just after start- Too much grease in bearing Order the correction of grease
up or regreasing Grease is grow old. capacity in bearing. Order the
removing of grease (or
removing of bearings shield
fitted at both sides)
Non-lubricated bearings. Fill with grease
The motor is damaged Order the reparation*

Overheated bearing after The motor is damaged Order the reparation*

prolonged operation
Noise in bearing, seizing, The motor is damaged Order the reparation*
Whistling bearing Non-lubricated bearing Fill with grease
The motor is damaged Order the reparation*

* The co-operation with specialized workshop is necessary

5.8.1 Electrical Faults
Trouble Causes
Motor stalls 1. Wrong application
2. Over loaded the motor
3. Low motor voltage
4. Open circuit
5. In correct control resistance of wound rotor
6. Mechanical locking in bearing or at airgap
7. Poor contact connection
Motor connected 1) No supply voltage,one phase open,voltage too slow
but does not start 2) Motor may be overloaded
3) Control gear defective
4) Starting torque of load too high
5) Rotor defective
6) Poor stator coil connection
7) Mechanical locking in bearing or at airgap
Motor runs and 1. Power failure
then dies down 2. Over load
3. Insufficient pull up torque
Motor does not 1) Not applied properly
come up to rated 2) Voltage too slow at motor terminals because of line drop
speed 3) If wound rotor, improper control operation secondary
4) Bedding of brushes on rings not proper
5) Broken rotor bars
6) Open primary circuit
Speed reduced a) Wrong connection, start instead of Delta
when motor is b) Poor contact at the connection
loaded increased c) Open circuit of phase lead
slip (stalls) d) Supply leads of insufficient capacity
e) Over load
f) Applied voltage is low
Motor takes too a) High inertia of the load
long to accelerate b) Excess loading
c) Poor circuit
d) Defective squirrel cage rotor
e) Applied voltage is low
Wrong rotation Wrong sequence of phases
Motor over heats a) Over load
while running in b) Wrong blowers or air shield,may be clogged with dirt and
under load prevent proper ventilation of motor
c) Motor may have one phase open
d) Grounded coil
e) Unbalanced terminal voltage
f) Shorted stator coils
g) Faulty connection
h) High voltage
i) Low voltage

j) Rotor rubs in stator bore
Unbalanced line (a) Unequal terminal volts
current on poly (b) Single phase operation
phase motors (c) Poor rotor contacts in control resistance wound rotor
during normal (d) Brushes hot in proper position in wound rotor
operation (e) Inter turn short circuit in stator winding
(f) Short circuit in winding
(g) Soldering giving way
(h) Unequal resistance in the three phases.
Too much meter a) Loose contact of cables in the sockets due to melting of
oscillation solder
b) No continuity in the cable
c) Supply voltage fluctuation
d) Load fluctuation
e) Rotor rubbing in stator bore
Protective breaker (a) Open circuit of phase lead
trips on starting (b) Over load
(c) Rotor rubs in stator bore
(d) Rotor locked
(e) Short circuit in winding
(f) Under setting of tripping elements
(g) Non matching of motor starter characteristics
(h) Low voltage at motor terminals
Noise a) Air gap is not uniform
b) Rotor unbalanced
c) Loose bearing
d) Noise by the drive may be excessive
e) Bearing loose in house
f) Defective bearing
Motor sparking at (a) Motor may be over loaded
slip rings (b) Brushes may not be good quality and may be sticking in the
(c) Mixing of different grades of brushes
(d) Brush Pressure may be too low or too high
(e) Slip rings may be rough,dirty or oily
(f) Slip rings may be ridged or out of teeth
(g) Poor maintenance
Slip ring a) Improper bedding of brushes
temperature is high b) Poor ventilation
Carbon dust in the Heavy brush wear out or due to incorrect grade of brushes
Rotor winding is Defective soldering and wire tension is very low
getting loose
Motor wet ( low IR) a) Drenched condition
b) Submerged in flood water
c) Terminal bolts are not tightened after connecting

5.8.2Mechanical Faults

Trouble Causes
Hot bearing a) Bent shaft
b) Excessive belt pulling
c) Pulley to far away
d) Pulley diameter is too slow
e) Misalignment
Hot bearing Ball or (a) Insufficient grease
Roller (b) Deterioration of grease or lubricant contaminated
(c) Excessive lubricant
(d) Foreign matter in the bearing
(e) Heat from motor or external source
(f) Over loaded bearings
(g) Broken ball or rough races
Bearings knocks a) Foreign matter in the bearing
b) Broken balls or rough races
c) Too much bearing play
Motor vibrates a) Motor misalignment
b) Weak foundation
c) Coupling out of balance
d) Driven equipment is unbalanced
e) Bearing is too hot
f) Defective ball or roller bearings
g) Balancing weights are shifted
h) Wound rotor coil should be replaced
- unbalance in the rotor
i) vibration in the drive it adds to the motor vibration
j) bent shaft
shaft does not a) Rotor rubs in the stator bore
rotate freely with b) Too less or too much grease in the bearing
load c) Lubricants are contaminated
d) Excessive belt pull
e) Misalignment
oil leakage in the (a) Cracked or broken overflow plug
plugs (b) Over flow plug or Plug cover is not tight
Scraping noise Fan rubbing against end shield
Motor loose on bed plate
Fan striking in insulation



Trouble Probable Cause Maintenance

Motor will not Overload Control Trip Wait for overload to cool. Try starting again. If
start motor still does not start, check all the causes as
outlined below.

Power is not connected Connect power to control, check control

to motor sequence and power to motor. Check
connections. Test fuses and circuit breakers.

Faculty (Open) fuses. Check motor-nameplate values with power

Low voltage supply. Also check voltage at motor terminates
with motor under load to be ensure wire size is
adequate. Check connections with control wiring

Wrong control Tighten connections.


Loose Terminal-lead Disconnect motor from load. If rotor starts

connection. Driven satisfactorily, check driven machine.
machine locked

Open circuit in stator or Check for open circuits.

rotor winding

Short circuit in stator Check for shorted coil


Winding grounded Test for grounded winding

Bearing stiff Free bearings or replace.

Grease too stiff Use special lubricant for special conditions

Faulty control Troubleshoot the control

Overload Reduce Load

Failed starter capacitor Isolate and discharge capacitor impedance. If

opened or shorted, replace.

Stop motor, than try to start. It will not start on

single phase.

Check for open in one of the lines or circuits

Motor noisy Motor running single Check current balance. Check alignment and
phase. Electrical load condition of belt. On pedestal-mounted bearing,
unbalanced.Shaft check cord play and axial centering of rotor
bumping (sleeve-
bearing motors)

Motor Vibration from Balance or align machine.

Vibrates unbalanced or

Possible mechanical Remove motor from load. If motor is still noisy,

system resonance. rebalance motor.

Air gap is not uniform. Center the rotor and if necessary replace

Noisy ball bearings. Check lubricants. Replace bearings if noise is

persistent and excessive.

Loose punchings or Tighten all holding bolts.

loose rotor on shaft.

Rotor rubbing on stator. Center the rotor and replace bearings if

Objects caught
between fan and end Disassemble motor end clean it. Any rubbish
shields. around motor should be removed.

Motor loose on
foundation. Tighten holding-down bolts. Motor may possibly
have to be realigned
Coupling loose.
Check coupling joint. Check alignment. Tighten
At higher than Overload. Measure motor Loading with wattmeter. Reduce
normal load.
or smoking. Electrical Load Check for voltage unbalance or single phasing

Fuse blown, faulty, Check for open in one of the lines or circuits.
control, etc.

Restricted ventilation Clean air passages and windings.

Incorrect Voltage and Check motor-nameplate values with power

frequency supply. Also check voltage at motor terminals
with motor under full load.

Motor stalled by driven Remove power from motor. Check machine for
machine or by tight cause of stalling.

Stator winding sorted. Use insulation testing procedures.

Stator winding Use insulation testing procedures.

Rotor winding with Tighten, if possible, or replace with another rotor.
Loose connections.
Remove excessive pressure on bearings.
Belt too tight.
Replace with motor designed for this service.
Motor used for rapid
reversing service.

Bearings Hot End shields loose or Make sure ends shields fit squarely and are
not replaced properly. properly.

Excessive belt tension Reduce belt tension or gear pressure end

or excessive gear slide realign shafts. See that thrust is not being
thrust. transferred to motor bearing.

Bent shaft. Straighten shaft.

Sleeve Insufficient oil. Add oil if oil supply is very low-drain, flush and
Bearings hot. refill.
Foreign material in oil Drain oil, flush, and re- lubricates using industrial
or poor grade of oil. lubricant recommend by a reliable oil company.

Oil rings rotating slowly Oil too heavy; drain and replace with new
or not rotating at all. ring.Oil ring has work spot;replace with new ring.

Motor titled too far. Level motor or reduce tilt and realign, if
Rings bent or Replace rings.
otherwise damaged in

Ring out of slot (oil ring Adjust or replace retaining clip.

retaining clip out of

Defective bearings or Replace bearings. Resurface shaft.

rough shaft.
Ball bearings Too much grease Remove relief plugs and let motor run. If excess
hot. grease doe not come out, flush and re lubricate.

Wrong grade of grease Add proper grease

Insufficient grease. Remove relief plugs and regrease the bearing.
Foreign material in Flush bearings, relubricate; make sure that
grease grease supply is clean. (Keep covered when not
in use).

Bearings misaligned Align motor and check bearing housing

assembly. See that races are exactly 90
degrees with shaft.
Bearings damaged Replace bearings.
(Corrosion, etc.)

Coupling loose. Check coupling joint. Check alignment. Tighten



Trouble Probable Cause Maintenance

Motor runs at Wires to control too Use larger cable to control.
low speed small.
with external
resistance Control too far from Bring control nearer motor.
cut out. motor rotor.

Open circuit in rotor Tests to find open circuit and repair.

circuit (including cable
to control).

Brushes sparking. Check for looseness, overload, or dirt.

Dirt between brush and Clean rings and insulation assembly.


Brushes stuck in Use right size brush, clean holders.


Incorrect brush tension. Clean brushes tension and correct.

Rough collector rings. Sand and polish.

Eccentric rings. Turn in lathe or use portable tool to true up rings

without disassembling motor.

Excessive Open rotor circuit. Correct open connections or control.

vibration and
noise. Current density of Reduce load. (If brushes have been replaced,
brushes too high make sure they are of the same grade as
(overload). originally furnished.

Ring threading Low current density. Consult manufacturer for

different brush recommendation.

Motor will not Faulty connection. Inspect for open or poor connection.
Open circuit one Test, locate and repair.

Short-circuit in one Open and repair.


Voltage falls too low. Reduce the impedance of the external circuit.
Friction high Make sure bearings are properly lubricated.

Check bearing tightness.

Check belt tension.

Check load friction.

Check alignment.

Field excited. Be sure field applying contactor is open and

field- discharge contractor is closed through
discharge resistance.

Load too high. Remove part of load

Automatic field relay is Check power supply to solenoid. Check

not working. contactor tips. Check connections.

Wrong direction of Reverse any two main leads of 3-phase motor.

rotation. Single-phase, reverse starting winding leads.
Motor will not Excessive load. Decrease the load. Check operation of unloading
come up to device (if any) on driven machine.
Low voltage. Increase voltage.

Field excited. Be sure field applying contactor is open, and

field-discharge contactor is closed through
discharge resistance.

Fails to pull No field excitation. Check circuit connections. Be sure field

into step. applying contactor is operating. Check for open
circuit in field or exciter. Check exciter output.
Check rheostat. Set rheostat to give rated field
current when field is applied. Check contacts of

Load excessive Reduce load Check operation of loading device

(if any) on driven machine.

Inertia of load May be a misapplication consult manufacturer.

Motor pulls Exciter voltages low. Increase excitation.
out of step or
trips breaker. Examine exciter in D. C. motors. Check field
ammeter and its shunt to be sure reading is not
higher than actual current.

Open circuit in field and Locate and repair break.

exciter circuit.

Short circuit in field. Check with low voltage and polarity indicator and
repair field.

Reversed field spool. Check with low voltage and polarity indicator and
reverse incorrect leads.

Load fluctuates widely. See motor hunts, below.

Excessive torque peak. Check driven machine for bad adjustment, or

consult motor manufacturer.

Power fails. Re-establish power circuit.

Line voltage too low. Increase if possible. Raise excitation.

Motor hunts Fluctuating load. Correct excessive torque peak at driven machine
or consult rotor manufacturer. If driven machine
is a compressor check valve operations.
Increase or decrease flywheel size. Try
decreasing or increasing motor field current.
Stator Rotor is not centered. Realign and shim stator or bearings.
in spots. Open phase Check connections and correct.

Unbalanced currents. Loose connections; improper internal

Field Short circuit in a field Replace or repair.
overheat. coil.

Excessive field current. Reduce excitation until field current is at name

Overload Reduce the load or increase the motor size
Check friction and belt tension or alignment

Over or under Adjust excitation to nameplate rating

Check circuit and exciter
No field excitation
See that nameplate voltage is applied
Improper voltage
Remove any obstruction and clear out dirt
Improper ventilation Supply cooler air.
Excessive rooms


5.9.3 DC Motor Trouble shooting

Trouble Probable Cause Maintenance

Motor will not Open circuit in control Check control for open in starting circuit, open
start contacts, fuse or breaker

Low terminal voltage Check voltage with nameplate rating

Bearing frozen Reconditioning of shaft and replace the bearing

Overload Reduce the load or use larger motor

Excessive friction Check lubrication in bearings to make sure that

the oil has been replaced after installing the

Disconnect the motor from driven machine, and

turn rotor by hand to see if trouble is in motor.
Strip and reassemble motor; then check part by
part for proper location and fit. Straighten or
replace bent or spring shaft (machines under 5
Brushes is not down on hp)
Brushes worn out Held up by brush springs, need replacement

Brushes stuck in Replace brushes

Remove and sand, clean up brush boxes.
Power may be off.
Check line connections to starter with light.
Check contacts in starter.
Motor starts, Reverse polarity of Check generating unit for cause of changing
then stops and generator that supplies polarity
reverses power
direction of
rotation Shunt and series fields Reconnect either the shunt or series field in
are bucking each other order to correct the polarity. Then connect
armature leads for desired direction of rotation.
The fields can be tried separately to determine
the direction of rotation individually and
connected so that both give the same rotation.

6.1 Insulation Protection

Extreme dampness will cause reduction of insulation resistance. Machines, which

have been standing idle for few weeks or more, may need drying out. Particularly, if they
have been subjected too wide and rapid temperatures change or have been in wet or
humid surroundings. The time required for drying out depends upon the initial degree of
dampness and may extend from one day to several days. Out of several drying out
processes whichever process is selected, it is essential that the heating process is
continuous and the temperature is maintained constant at a value sufficiently high to
ensure drying out, but not so high that the insulation gets damaged. A suitable temperature
for drying out is 60C to 70C measured by using built in slot resistance thermometers.

The temperature of the windings must not be raised faster than a few degrees per
hour (say maximum 10C) in order to prevent damage from differential thermal expansion.
It will generally be found that at first as the temperature of winding increases, the insulation
resistance decreases until a minimum value is reached. This is firstly due to a
redistribution of the moisture in the winding and secondly due to the dropping temperature
resistance characteristics of the insulation. For these reasons that it is essential to
maintain a constant temperature during the plotting of drying out curves since even a few
degrees fall in temperature may give a misleading rise in the value of insulation resistance.

If the temperature is allowed to fall considerably, reabsorption of moisture will take

place. After a lengthy period during which the insulation will remain practically constant at
the minimum value, it will begin to rise steadily until a maximum value is reached indicating
that the machine is practically dry and ready for service.

A typical curve in fig 6.1 shows the variation of insulation resistance, with respect to
temperature and time. (When in the operation of drying out) It clearly shows that the
insulation resistance first decreases after initial heating and becomes minimum and
remains steady for a long time till it further increases to a maximum value after a certain

time lapse.





1 91
1 2 2 3 3 4


Fig 6.1
During operation, the insulation resistance of the winding may decrease as a result
of environmental and operating conditions. The critical value of insulation resistance at a
winding temperature of 25C can be calculated depending on the rated voltage.

If the measured insulation resistance value is more than the calculated critical
figure during operation, the machine can still operate further. However the winding must be
dried if the IR value falls below the specified values.

6.2 Drying Methods

For the purpose of drying winding, heat can be applied in three ways,
By producing heat losses in the machine itself i.e., by operating the machine on
short circuit.
By injecting current from external energy sources to produce heat losses in the
windings. Eg. With the aid of welding sets or controllable high current rectifiers.
By providing a flow of hot air in a closed chamber.

With all these methods some air circulation must naturally be provided to allow the
moisture to escape. During the drying process the temperature variations should be
avoided. With totally enclosed machines, provision should be made to permit the moisture
to escape and for clean and dry air to enter i.e., by removing covers or by opening drain

During short circuit drying, the rotor is blocked to avoid rotation. Apply a balanced
three-phase very low voltage (about 10% of nominal stator voltage) supply across the
stator terminals. In the first 6 to 8 hours (depending on size of the machine) increase the
stator current from above 0.5 times than the rated value to a value such that the winding
temperature does not exceed 60C. Monitor the progress of drying process by repeated
measurement of insulation resistance and also observing the winding temperature.

If DC welding sets are used for drying machine windings, certain precaution must
be taken before connecting them. Since there is no ventilation, adjust the maximum
permissible current for winding phase to 0.5 times of the rated current. Connect the
individual phases of the winding either in series or parallel. With series connection,
connect the individual phases unsystematically (Eg. Plus to U 1, U2 to V1, V2 to W1, W2 to
minus) in order to keep axial magnetic flux in the shaft low.(Refer fig.6.2)

a. When six stator leads are brought out

U1 U2 W1 W2 V2
Supply from welding machine
W1 W2
Supply from welding machine _

b. When the stator winding are connected internally

V1 U1
V2 U2
U1 U2 W1 W2 W1 W2 +

+ Supply from welding machine

Supply from welding machine

Fig 6.2 Suggested Interconnection of Stator Windings for the Drying Out

Where the neutral point is not brought out, two phases must inevitably be
paralleled and connected in series to third phase (as above). Change the connected order
about every hour so that the winding is evenly heated. Measure the insulation resistance
hourly. Before switching of the Direct Current, the current should be gradually reduced to
prevent winding inductance to cause arcing. Since the temperature distribution of the
machine at standstill is different from that in running condition, the winding temperature of
60C should not be exceeded and rotor turned through 90 every hour.

If methods 1 and 2 cannot be applied, the machine must be dried with hot air
obtained from external source. This requires that continuous circulation and replacement
of air takes place.

6.3 Corona Shielding

Generally few minute gap will be seen when coils are placed in the slots either due
to uneven moulding of coils or core stacking. This small gap will initiate for corona
discharge and consequently ionisation takes place and in turn the coil will puncture at
these points.

In all the motors, which are designed to work at 3.3 kV and 6.6 kV, corona shielding
is done by wrapping semi-conducting cloth (glass fiber or polyester fiber cloth coated with
semi-conducting point) to fill up the gap and thereby corona discharge is eliminated.

Power coils in high-tension motor are also painted at the effective portion of the coil
upto the length of core fingers in addition to wrapping of semi conducting cloth. The
effectiveness of the corona discharge shielding can be checked by simple meggering at
both ends of the coil. Generally protection against corona discharge on high-tension
motors will be done during rewinding/manufacturing stages only.

6.4 Stresses Developed due to Direct-Online Starting

Whenever motors are started with DOL starting with vacuum contactor, stresses
developed on coil will be very high. The stresses at overhang portion of the coils will be
three times more than that at the slot portion. In order to avoid movement/distortions of
coils, the overhangs are rigidly tied with polyester chord or glass chords.

The spacing between coils at overhangs are placed with spacers wrapped with
polyester felt/ glass felt and tied with polyester sleeves or chords/glass chords. In high
capacity motors they are sometimes tied with unidirectional resin rich glass tapes. During
major overhauling of motors, it is required to check all the spacer positions and chord ties
for any distortions.

6.5 Vacuum Pressure Impregnation

One of the most effective methods being followed to improve the quality of the
windings in recent days is the vacuum pressure impregnation of complete windings along
with core. The following are the few advantages of vacuum pressure impregnation:

Protection against worst environmental conditions

Elimination of voids
Better thermal conductivity
Greater mechanical strength
Prolonged working life

6.6 tarting Of HT Motors

The delay of starting is very harmful for the starting heating of stator and rotor
windings. The maximum value of starting time is 8 seconds at rated voltage of the network.

When the starting time is increased check the starting conditions, considering the
data, given to manufacturing works when ordering the motor. Find out the cause of starting
time delay having checked the resistance curves moment at starting and the total flywheel
torque. The delay of starting may also be the result of the voltage drop at the motor
terminals in the process of starting.

Taken into account that frequent trail settings may result in impermissible
overheating of motor windings, the rotor cage can become deformed, damage of insulation
caused by quick thermal expansion of the stator winding copper may takes place.

So, two successive starting from cold state or one starting from heated state are
allowed. Normally a period of 3 hours should lapse, before starting the equipment, if the
motor has tripped twice.

All the HT motors can be given two successive starting impulses if the motor is cold
and only one impulse, if the motor has been running and tripped. If the tripping has
occurred due to operation of motor protection relays, starting is prohibited, until the motor
and its cable have been examined.

6.7 Insulation Upgradation and Varnishing

As most of the earlier motors are of E or B class insulation, it can be upgraded to
F or H. It is common practice to go for F class insulation, with a temperature rise
restricted to B class or below.

As insulation class is upgraded, thinner films of insulation (varnish coating) are

needed and conductor cross-sectional area can slightly be increased; the conductor grade
can also be increased resulting in reduced copper losses and increased life.

Before varnishing the HT motors, preheat the motor upto 110C to 120C. Let the
motor cool down upto about 65C and then apply varnish. The baking schedule is as

(a) At 110C for 10 to 12 hours

(b) At 120C for 6 to 8 hours
(c) At 130C for 4 to 6 hours

After the above varnish is completely dried, apply a final layer of Gel coat (Red)
varnish. The resin is mixed with the hardener in the ratio of 100:7. The drying is done at
20C to 30C for about 24 hours. Use thinner E if required with the varnish for deeper
Rm = kV + 1
Where, Rm recommended minimum insulation resistance, corrected to 40C, in
Meg ohms (measured with 500 V megger).
kV Rated machine voltage in Kilovolts.

6.8 Prevention of Atmospheric Corrosion

The prevention of atmospheric corrosion on machines kept at idle conditions for a

long period is taken care by undertaking necessary measures. Normally, the shaft journal
surfaces, bearing journals, oil rings, shaft ends, tapped holes, etc., require conservation
treatment. The procedure to be followed is to clean the corroded surfaces by the fine
emery paper moistened in industrial oil, or abrasive paste thinned by industrial oil in 3:1
ratio, initially metal underneath shines. De-grease the surface by petrol or white spirit,
apply corrosion preventive grease and finally wrap by PVC film or by any other suitable

6.9 Bearing and Lubrication

Grease lubricated ball and roller bearings are charged with the right quality and
quantity of the grease at the time of dispatch and will run for a long period without much
attention. High speed or large size motors require more frequent re-greasing compared to
slow or smaller motor.

Before a bearing is packed with grease, a few drops of clean lubricating oil should
be introduced into the bearing. Grease should be pressed with the thumbs into the bearing
from one side until it excludes from the other side. The bearing covers should be two-thirds
filled with grease.

As the motors in this are fitted with grease relief arrangement, old grease is pushed
out when the bearings are charged with new grease during operation. Excessive grease is
also thrown out and these bearings cannot be over-greased.

In case of replacement of ball or roller bearings, it is necessary to measure the

diameter of the shaft; inside diameter of the bearing housing and bearing to make certain
that the fit and perpendicularly are proper. The inner ring of the bearing may now be fitted
over the shaft by heating the bearing in a mineral oil to a temperature not exceeding 100C
to enable easy mounting.

On oil-lubricated bearings, oil level should be checked regularly and maintained

with correct grade and quality of lubricating oil as given on the motor rating plate.
Insufficient oil could damage the bearing, while too much oil could cause a leakage but the
function of the bearing will not be impaired.

The life extension of these bearings can be proposed by periodic checks of oil,
acidity and slugging, dark colour or sluggish flow, the oil system should be drained, flushed
with normal lubricating oil and refilled with clean oil as specified.
Plain bearings usually operate with an oil bath temperature below 80C, but a rapid
rise towards the limit indicates that prompt attention is required.

After every 12 months, the bearing insulation should be checked for damage and
accumulated dirt removed from around the bearing cartridge.

6.10 Modernizing/Refurbishing Technologies

Apart from the usual maintenance practices, the life of the motors can be extended
with optimum performance by adopting new technologies as mentioned below:

(a) Variable speed drives

(b) Soft starters for motors
(c) Energy efficient motors

These technologies are explained in detail in the forthcoming pages.

6.11 Variable Speed Drives

Variable speed drives in general permit optimum operation on fan and pump
systems. These drives can operate the fans and pumps along an operating curve, which
closely matches the desired systems requirements. They also operate in a manner, which
maintains the efficiencies of the fan, or pump. These features result in a tangible reduction
in power. Additional benefits are realised from extended bearing life and pump seal life
resulting from variable speed operation. Conversion from constant to variable speed in
some systems has also resulted in reduced consumption of energy in areas other than just
electrical energy.

The adjustable frequency drive does offer particular advantages for fan and pump
applications. It uses the standard induction motor, which permits easy installation and
reliable operation. The drive readily accepts available control system signals and can
control the motor without speed feedback from the motor. It can be located away from the
motor as space available and maintains the efficiency of the fan or pump system.

Variable Speed Drives For Fans
Variable Speed Operation for Pumps

There are several types of variable speed drives that could be used with fans and
pumps. These include,

Adjustable frequency AC drives

Eddy current drives
Variable pitch drives
Wound rotor AC motor drives

6.11.1 Adjustable Frequency AC Drives

Adjustable frequency drives are also commonly called inverters. They are available
in a range of horsepower from fractional to 1000 HP (750 kW). They are designed to
operate standard induction motors. This allows them to be easily added to an existing
system. The inverters are often sold separately because the motor may already present.
The basic drive consists of the inverter itself, which converts the 50Hz incoming
power to a variable frequency and variable voltage. The variable frequency is the actual
requirement, which will control the motor speed. There are three major types of inverter
designs available today. These are known as,

Current Source Inverters (CSI)

Variable Voltage Inverters (VVI) and
Pulse Width Modulated Inverters (PWM)

All of the mechanical and electronic variable speed drives systems discussed
above is currently available through manufacturer in India. Costs for inverter-based VSDs
have been falling steadily during the past few years, as they have gained greater and
greater international acceptance. Actual prices for the electronic VSDs can vary
significantly based on the options and features provided, and unit costs (Rs. per kVA) are
also relatively sensitive to size. Although electronic VSDs are designed and manufactured
in India many of the components are imported. For this reason, prices are very sensitive
to changes in customs duty and to the currency exchange rate.

6.12 Soft Starters for HT Motors

Model SSI-Microprocessor based soft start Energy saver was introduced first time
around the world by M/s. MOTOR TRONICS, Inc., of USA.The soft starter Energy saver
has two distinct functions,

Starting of motor as a reduced voltage soft starter.

Optimising motor losses, i.e., increase of motor efficiency during light load

First we will analyse the possible losses in an AC Induction motor and see by using
Nola Principle, can reduce the losses. Model SS2 Microprocessor based soft start
energy saver with its capabilities.

Most machine loads can be characterised by on or a combination of the basic load
types described. Generally, a load will have a predominant characteristic, but will also
exhibit, to a lesser degree, other characteristics. There are a number of factors, which
must be considered when applying a motor starter. These factors are:

Motor starting current and torque

Load acceleration.
Frequency of start-stop operations.

(i) Analysis of Power Savings/Losses in Induction Motor

In this section, we will analyse the losses of an induction motor and quantitatively
define the power savings we can be expect from the energy savers based on NOLA
Electronic power flowing into an induction motor from its sources is converted to
mechanical power at it a shaft. During the conversion process, a fraction of the input
power is dissipated in the motor in the form of losses. The main motor losses are based

Windage Friction losses.

Core losses.
Stray load losses.
Copper losses.

For a 5 HP to 200 HP motor, core loses (1% to 4%) are basically eddy current
losses in the motor core due to the field excitation of the motor. These losses are
dependent on the level of field excitation in the motor or the terminal voltage; stray load
losses (2% to 3.2%) are due to a number of factors including leakage inductance stray
field losses. These losses are largely dependant on the motor load current. Copper losses
are due to dissipation in the motor windings. These losses are primarily dependent on
motor load current. Windage and friction losses 2.6% to 3% are mechanical losses due to
the rotation of the armature and are dependant mainly on motor speed. The energy saver
is able to reduce motor losses primarily by reducing the motor voltage. The losses
associated with the load current cannot be increased by doing so. The only losses that can
be reduced are those associated with the motor field excitation or magnetisation losses.

Reducing the motor terminal voltage can reduce the magnetisation losses of a
motor. A comparatively small reduction of motor terminal voltage can have a substantial
effect on magnetisation losses. When the motor is fully loaded, maximum motor field is
required to deliver full torque. When the load decreases, lowering the motor terminal
voltage can decrease the field. For any given load, there is an optimum terminal voltage
above, which motor losses will increase and below which motor losses will increase.

When motor voltage is decreased magnetisation losses are decreased. However in

doing so, the motor field is decreased and motor current must increase to balance the
reduction in field in order to maintain the required load torque. Torque is proportional to the
product of magnetising current and load current. As one decrease, the other must increase
to maintain constant torque. This reciprocal relationship between copper losses and
magnetisation losses is the cause of the minimum power loss.

(ii) A Typical Microprocessor Based Soft Start Energy Saver

To maintain the optimum slip the voltage is reduced such that slip increases to
match the requirements of reduced torque. The energy saver can be applied to most
applications that other types of AC motor starters are applied. These applications will be
generalised as follows:

Full voltage electromechanical starter normal operation

Full voltage electromechanical starter Frequent start - stop operation
Reduced voltage electromechanical starter
Soft start applications

A typical soft starter with microprocessor based solid-state reduced voltage starter
with a power minimization control. The energy saver uses 6 SCRs arranged in three back-
to-back pairs to provide controlled full-wave output voltage. The SCRs are sequentially
controlled to chop the AC line voltage and to regulate the voltage applied to the motor
terminals. The output voltage is regulated to permit smooth acceleration and to limit motor
current during start-up. After the motor has accelerated to full speed, the power control
circuit continually regulates the output voltage to minimize motor losses. When the motor
load is light, the motor terminal voltage is reduced, which reduces motor flux and
magnetization losses. When more load is applied, the control will increase, the output
voltage sufficiently to provide the power demand. The savings depends upon,

Motor losses
Line voltage
Load characteristics
Efficiency of energy saver

(iii) Principle of Operation of the Typical Soft Starter Model

The difference between others and NOLA principle based soft start energy savers

The feedback used for determining the optimum terminal voltage to the motor.

Advanced version of power ramp called Ex-cell ramp instead of linear voltage

(iv) Some of the Features of Soft Starters are

A. To get a starting torque at high inertial loads

The mechanical torque required to start is to be defined. The load would be inertial,
fractional, viscous, flow or a combination of them. Reducing the acceleration and monitory
speed can reduce the starting torque. The starting requirements for minimum acceleration
at a low starting speed have to be determined and then the voltage at which it can start is
determined. Since torque is proportional to the voltage, the voltage setting as a percentage
of full voltage is set to start the motor.

B. Improvement of power factor without a capacitor Bank

The power factor angle is the phase angle between the rotor emf and the rotor
current. The phase angle is directly proportional to slip. For a given torque, the voltage can
be adjusted such that the optimum slip is obtained at which the unit operates and below
which it stalls. This is the phase angle at which the best possible power factor is obtained.
The soft starter improves power factor, which means the load power factor improves due
to optimum slip. The line side power factor can still be improved by using the power factor
correcting capacitors.

C. Soft starters decreases voltage without causing damage or burnout of the

windings -

The statements that motor windings get damaged due to under voltages needs to
be examined. The fallacy (misconception) in this statement is that the load at the time of
under loading is not less than the rated load. If we reduce the voltage at full load the motor
windings will get damaged. Due to this reason, often people put higher rated motor so that
even at lower voltage it does not get damaged.

In soft starters based on the motor load, we reduce the voltage to get enough
torque. Consider a case of 10HP or 7.46KW motor, if the load is say equivalent to 6KW,
then the current drawn at 0.8pF and 80% efficiency will be 13 amps i.e., (6000/
(3x415x0.8x0.8)). Now if the load is reduced to 3KW, the power factor remains the same
as 0.9 but say efficiency gets reduced to 75%. Then for the same current, the voltage can
be dropped to 222volts. i.e., (3000/(3x415x0.8x0.75)).So the soft starter reduces the
voltage only when the load is reduced and it will reduce to a level such that it is greater
than the rated current of the motor to damage the windings.

D. Soft starters do not use current or voltage as feedback

For an induction in its operating range (i.e., close to synchronous speed), the
torque is directly proportional to slip. Hence in soft start we measure the slip to determine
the mechanical torque the motor has to generate at its shaft to take care of physical loads.

E. The microprocessor is the brain of the system

On the basis of feedback logic it recognizes the change in the load conditions and
whenever load is decreased it changes the firing angle to SCRs to reduce the terminal
voltage to the motors. The voltage is reduced a level where, the torque generated is at
maximum level; further reduction of voltage would reduce the torque. In case of increase in
speed it increases the voltage instantaneously, so that the motor does not stall.

The speed and versatility of microprocessor allows it to perform these functions

such that, all functions are operating at optimum level. During starting also, based on the
starting voltage set, it ramps up the voltage to get a constant power ramp. Additionally, it
performs the diagnostics like detection of shorted SCRs etc.

6.13 Energy Efficient Motors

The applicability of an energy-efficient motor as replacement for a standard motor

will be determined primarily by cost savings (aside from technical issues). The achievable
savings in an application will vary depending on the incremental costs, annual operating
hours, and the tariff structure.

Energy efficient motors are ones in which design improvements are incorporated
specifically to increase operating efficiencies over motors of standard design. Design
improvements focus on reducing intrinsic motor losses. Improvements includes,

The use of lower-loss steel.

A longer core (to increase active material)
Thicker wire (to reduce resistance).
Thinner laminations.
Smaller air gap between stator and rotor.
Copper instead of aluminium bars in the rotor.
Superior bearings and
A smaller fan, etc.,

Energy efficient motors now available in India operate with efficiencies that are
typically 3 to 4 percentages higher than standard motors. On keeping with the stipulations
of the Bureau of Indian standards (BIS), energy efficient motors are designed to operate
without loss in efficiency at loads between 75% and 100% of rated capacity. Furthermore,
energy efficient motors have lower operating temperatures and noise levels, greater ability
to accelerate higher inertia loads and are less affected by supply voltage fluctuations.

As a result of the modifications to improve performance, the costs of energy

efficient motors are typically higher than those of standard motors. The higher cost will
often be paid back rapidly in saved operating costs, particularly in new operations or end
of life motor replacements. In cases where existing motors have not reached the end of
their useful life, the economics will be less clearly positive.

Because the favourable economics of energy-efficient motors are based on savings

in operating costs, there will be certain cases, which are generally economically ill suited to
energy efficient motors. These include multi speed motors, which are not available,
flameproof operation, for very low speed applications (below 750 rpm). Also, most energy-
efficient motors produce today is designed only for continuous duty cycle operation.

6.14 Constraints on Effective Maintenance

Some of the constraints, which have great impact on the effectiveness of

maintenance function, are discussed below,

Normally, maintenance engineers do not get these motors for preventive

maintenance both in time and sufficient duration. Most often time is only given
for maintenance work just to meet the statutory requirement during statutory
surveys. Most of time, it is compelled to run the equipment till breakdown and
then only repair.

Correct specification/requirement of the motors must be spelled out at its
selection & ordering stage only, otherwise maintenance engineers will be left
with equipment prone to frequent breakdowns.
Improper communication with motor manufacturer results in either prolonged
problem or partially attended.
Non-availability of right spare parts, such as coils, bearings, brushes, brush
holders, etc. though spares could be arranged as per the list recommended by
the motor manufacturer but requirement can be deferred as per the
experiences. If the motors are purchased from the different manufacturers, then
different types of spare parts are to be stocked for similar components.
Most often problem of lack of trained personnel is faced. In this regard, help of
motor manufacturers, should be sought to get proper training for proper
handling and maintenance of motors and a separate cell consisting of
experienced operation & maintenance personnel should be made. This group is
to see the provision of correct and adequate maintenance facility for the tools,
space and equipment.

6.15 Modern Maintenance Techniques

Many strategies for plant maintenance have been developed. Following classified
and most effective maintenance management techniques based on good engineering
practices are mentioned below,
Reactive Maintenance (after Breakdown)
Preventive Maintenance (cyclic)
Predictive Maintenance (condition based)

Monitoring of the plant as a whole and of each of individual component reveals

deviation from normal parameters and points to any incipient fault. Plant engineer are
assisted in analyzing process parameters to avoid the declination in original high
efficiency, well in advance. On the other hand higher plant availability can be achieved due
to early detection of weak points in due time allowing to resolve the problem before they
become troublesome. Some of the techniques enables plant operators to rapidly recognize
non-optimal plant operation and to initiate corrective action are,
Computer based Maintenance Management System (CMMS)
Scientific Maintenance Management program.

Maintenance of H.T motors in any power plant is most important factor to ensure
lowest downtime, resulting into most economical production by saving lot of power and

6.16 Preventive Maintenance

A carefully planned program on inspection and maintenance will result in minimum

downtime and minimum maintenance cost. The frequency with which maintenance is
required depends to a large extent upon the site conditions. Some of the features of
preventive maintenance are
Planned outages are taken
Low-price-time-period is selected for the maintenance work.
All necessary personnel are available and also all tools are prepared.
Everybody knows his job
The action can follow a tight schedule

Unplanned shutdowns are avoided
Motors having high built in reliability can be overhauled based on the
performance of the machines, for which policy of the hands-off maintenance
may be followed.

The unplanned case just occurs at any time that may perhaps cause secondary damage.

Specialist may have to be called.

Spare parts to be arranged on emergency basis adding to the cause.
Unplanned outages take much longer time, becomes very costly.

6.17 Breakdown Maintenance

Only after the system has broken down, the maintenance is done. Some of the
undesired features are,
It leads to many risks.
Plant is over maintained compared to planned outages.
Breakdown maintenance component should be kept to bare minimum.

Only serious damage to Induction motor, particularly those that occur most
frequently should be reported to the Manufacturer. If the Induction motor is to be sent for
repair the report of machine breakdown should be attached to it and must be as per
proforma detailed below to the manufacturer.

6.17.1 Typical Format for Induction Motor Breakdown Report

a) Order / Job No.
b) Date of breakdown.
c) Clients/Division Name
d) Induction Motor Serial No.
e) Induction Motor type.
f) Induction Motor style No.
g) Assembly Drawing No.
h) Induction Motor Application

Induction Motor Specification:

a) Frame
b) Voltage
c) Speed
d) Output (kW)
e) Current (A)
f) Class of insulation

Log Book Data:

a) Date of Induction Motor receipt
b) Date of Induction Motor Installation
c) Insulation resistance measurement before putting into operation
1) Test Voltage (V)
2) Phase to earth, stator winding (M)
3) Phase to phase, stator winding (M)

d) Induction Motor in operation
1) Date and time
2) Voltage (V)
3) Current (A)
4) Power output (kW)
5) Percentage Load
6) Ambient Temperature (C)
7) Continuous running time (hrs)
8) Abnormal phenomena during operation
e) Inspection/ Overhaul details
Date Remark
f) Event of longer shutdown
Date Cause Remark

Previous Observation before Fault:

a) Date and Time
b) Voltage (V)
c) Current (A)
d) Power input (kW)
e) Vibration level (Normal/Abnormal) (Microns)
f) Ambient temperature (C)
g) Noise level (Normal/Abnormal) (dB)
h) RTD value (ohms/C)

Observation Just at the Instant of Fault:

a) Smoke seen (Yes/No): Location
b) Flashover seen (Yes/No): Location
c) Alarms ON (Yes/No): Location

Observation made After the Fault:

Before Dismantling
a) Time
b) Main Supply Voltage (V)
c) Insulation Resistance
1) Test voltage (V)
2) Phase to Earth, stator (M)
3) Phase to Phase, stator (M)
4) Phase to Earth, rotor (M)
5) Phase to Phase, rotor (M)
d) First relay tripped
e) Condition of supply cables
f) Any other abnormality seen
After dismantling
a. Rotor touching stator (Yes/No)
b. Bearing condition
c. Crack in rotor bars (Yes/No)
d. Crack in ring (Yes/No)
e. Size and location of foreign element, observed inside the body
f. Coils are damaged/burnt due to

1.Phase to phase fault
2.Phase to ground fault
3.Double line to ground fault

Detailed Observation Made Over Driven Equipment

A. Before Fault
B. After Fault

Thus the report is recorded and after repair continuous logging of the machine is

6.18 Condition Based Monitoring

When the information are taken from condition-based monitoring applications the
cyclic (preventive) maintenance procedures can be modified to an optimum maintenance.
Condition Monitoring is designed to,

Operate on-line to evaluate extended period of time.

To recommend corrective inter-actions for reducing operation and maintenance
cost and to avoid unplanned outages.

For the extended life and overall plant performance maintenance, consistent and
disciplined approach is greatly achieved by using on-line condition monitoring applications.
Task is to monitor the plant during operation and the objective is to keep the overall
efficiency high to extend the service life of major plant components including
motors/alternators and to define a balanced maintenance plan, i.e., a maintenance plan
which is condition based with no over maintaining and no under maintaining.

6.19 Computer Based Maintenance Management System

Traditionally the plant engineer analyses manually, service data and starts
scheduling next maintenance activities. However, more efficient software shutdown is
available nowadays. Condition based monitoring data may be transmitted to computerised
maintenance management systems (CMMS) that accept the data and generate on
demand complete work-orders, work permits, and launch the procedure of actual
maintenance actions and Partial Discharge Analyser (PDA) as shown in the Fig 6.4.

During the plant operation, computer program calculates the actual performance
values and expected values for steady state operation. The expected reference values are
derived from the design data/curves or process-models. Deviations calculated on-line are
immediately displayed in terms of impact on overall plant production cost. This enables
plant engineers to quickly recognise non-optimal plant operation and to initiate corrective

A well-designed condition monitoring system allows to change from preventive to

predictive maintenance strategy and thus to reduce the necessary plant outages for
inspection and maintenance. Plant availability is maximised by a minimum of planned
outages. The life of the plant can be extended by 30 to 40%.

Thus by application of condition-monitoring technique the highest possible level of

plant availability and safety with optimum cost effectiveness can be achieved.

Standard Differential Installation
Phase end
ABC cable Terminal

PDA Instrument

Phase circuit
ring bus
PDA Couplers Other signals RS-232
Parallel 1 cable
Parallel 2
Neutral ring
bus PDA
Jumper PC


Neutral end CMMS

Fig 6.4

6.20 Scientific Maintenance Management Programme

All the constraints discussed can be largely overcome by having a scientific

maintenance management programme based on good engineering practices. Today many
new investigation techniques are available to detect various problems at the incipient
stage while motor is in service, which can be overcome by simple and minor corrective
actions, and thereby avoiding major breakdowns. The most commonly used methods are:

Signature analysis regarding vibration and noise of the machine.

Checking of the alignment.
Shock pulse measurement to monitor healthiness of roller-contact bearings,
online monitoring.
Polarisation index/Insulation resistance of the winding.
Tan-delta measurement of the winding.
Temperature monitoring of the bearings.
Temperature monitoring of the windings.
Lubricating oil condition, flow, etc.,
Rated voltage, frequency, current, power factor, etc., monitoring.

In order to effectively implement the maintenance management programme, the

maintenance work force must be highly motivated group and the importance of the
maintenance function should be recognised. The role of maintenance man in an industry is
similar to a doctor in the Society. He is not only puts back the machine while breakdown
but also foresees impending shutdown and takes necessary preventive steps to avoid it.
Thus by implementing the above-mentioned aspects, cost incurred to production due to
equipment outage can be considerably reduced and optimum value can be achieved.


1. Edited by Robert. W. Smeaton, Motor Application and Maintenance Handbook,

McGraw Hill Book Company, USA, 1969.

2. National Workshop on Energy Efficient Industrial Electrical Motor systems

conducted by National Productivity Council, Hyderabad in 1998.

3. Energy savings with Adjustable Frequency drive,

Allen Bradley Company, USA, Publication DGI-2.1, December 1984.

4. A study on HT Motors in Process Industry, Electrical India, March 31, 1996.

5. Installation and maintenance of Type AM Motors with Pedestal Mounted

sleeve bearings, Manual, BHEL.

6. Installation, Operation and Maintenance of large Induction Motors, Manual,

Crompton Greaves Ltd.

7. Installation, Operation and Maintenance of large Induction Motors, Manual,

Jyothi Limited, Vadodra.

8. Electrical Motor Repair by Robert Rosenberg, B.S. Brooklyn, Newyork.

9. Electrical Motors by Edwin P.Andersond D.B.Taraporevala sons &
10. Condition Monitoring & Fault Diagnostics Of Industrial Motors, Electrical
India, 15th August 2002
11. Loss prevention news magazine January to March 1998
12. Electrical Machine Installation and wiring practice
by M/S. M. Kaminsla and V. Poluchankin
13. Motor Maintenance PETS Manual
14. IS: 7816 1975 Guide for testing insulation resistance of rotating machines


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