To What Extent and For What Reasons Did Napoleon Bonaparte Enjoy Support Within France From 1799 To 1815

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To what extent and for what reasons did Napoleon Bonaparte enjoy support within France from

1799 to 1815?

Key terms

To what extent degree

What reasons cause of concern

Support within France popularity in France

1799 _1815 - period of his reign

Reasons for Napoleon s support within France

Signing of the concordant

Creation of lycees

Industrial development of France

Career became open to talent

Introduction of the legion of Honour

Equality of men before the law

Codified the law which created order within France

Brought France political glory

However during his reign he became unpopular amongst his own keen because of some of his

Napoleon created an empire

By making himself an emperor he deprived he was against his policy of career open to talent
as no one could rise to power or at least challenge him
Strictly controlled the education system , as he censored the education system a GREAT DEAL
His education system was biased
He censored the press
He violated the revolutionary ideals, as he uplifted the position of men over women as well as
that of the first born sons

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