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Register Number: 4137



12th Jan) (Time: 20 Mts.
20 Marks
Select the most appropriate answer from the list of answers given and indicate the same with its
alphabet in the bracket provided
V. Multiple Choice Questions: (201=20)
1. The term inquest means
a) Case in court b) Digging out a buried body
c) Legal enquiry to unnatural death d) Enquiry into all deaths ( )

2. If you see 3rd molar erupted in a person, then he is aged more than
a) 10 years b) 18 years c) 21 years d) 16 years
( )
3. DNA fingerprinting cannot be done on
a) Skin tissue b) Blood c) Hair shaft d) Bone marrow
( )
4. The increase of temperature of a dead body after death is called
a) Postmortem caloricity b) Post mortem Hyperpyrexia
c) Heat stroke d) Sun stroke ( )

5. Instrument used to cut open intestine is called

a) Hack saw b) Scalpel c) Enterotome d) Wriggly saw
( )

6. The term instantaneous rigor is same as

a) Rigor mortis b) Pugilistic attitude c) Hypostasis d) Cadaveric spasm
( )
7. Any harm illegally caused to a person in boy, mind or reputation is called
a) Abrasion b) Hurt c) Injury d) Homicide
( )
8. Brush burn is a name denoting
a) Grazed abrasion b) Superficial burns c) Acid burns d) Alkali burns
( )
9. When we say signature fracture, it is a
a) Linear fracture b) Depressed comminuted fracture
c) Fissure fracture d) Pond fracture ( )

10. The following section of IPC deals with Dowry death
a) Sect 302 b) Sect 320 c) Sect 304A d) Sect 304 B
( )
11. Froth in the mouth and nostrils is not seen in death due to
a) Burns b) Organo phosphorus c) Snake bite d) Drowning ( )

12. Verdict of nullity of marriage cannot be given in

a) Non consummation of marriage b) Sterility
c) Mental illness before marriage d) Pregnancy before marriage
( )
13. To say that the child is viable period of gestation should not be less than
a) 100 days b) 150 days c) 180 days d) 210 days ( )

14. Sexual relationship between two females is also known as

a) Bestiality b) Tribadism c) Fetishism d) Vaginism
( )
15. The word Somnambulism is used for
a) Talking in sleep b) uncontrollable sleep
c) Sleep walking d) Nightmares
( )

16. Clinical finding mydriasis is seen in poisoning by

a) Caffeine b) Carbolic acid c) Cocaine d) Organophosphorous poisoning
( )
17. In a case poisoning deaths, this viscera is not routinely preserved
a) Blood b) Stomach c) Kidney d) Brain
( )
18. Sulfuric acid is known as
a) Aqua Fortis b) Oil of vitriol c) Gold smith acid d) Vinegar
( )
19. The commonest source of heavy metal poisoning is
a) Iron b) Datura c) Zinc d) Lead ( )

20. Snake venom is secreted by

a) Salivary glands b) Fangs c) Special venom glands d) Pancreas
( )


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