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247 65

MS~, VS$r*$
k yl$ hS ]l$_
A]l$>]l h-Z C$MS l]l-M>$
W$]l {l->-$
A{MS-]l$-V> l-$]l C$MS
VS$$ 3-8-2017
VS$r*$ h ]l]l$Vyl$ ]ll ]lZ A{MS]l$V>
_]l yl$z, C$MS l]lM>$ W$]l MS

MS~ ]lZ $l-^le-V> C$MS l]l-M>$ ]lZ P-MS-V> yl$, MSS-$t-$ H>r$ {sW]l AM> t ll-$


C MSl M>l$ 11Z MS~ l* ! & MS~]l S M

l ^la N> *.. O l-> .. ]lf $yl ]l$_ gN
A ]l$]l MS]l ^lVSS]l$]l$M]lyl MS$ *{l]l$ {_]l
r$. H VSZ >^S lS B$O l$ Bg.. r ]l*S B Cyl*
M> A]l. ]l* A]l$$ ]l]l$ l$g R-lMS MS--.. yMSt >g{lV
GlV> {l^$. & $yl-]l R]l$, MS~ -S- MSVS.. MSVS..!
MSl VS-]l- MS~ 20 Z

Os l${sZMS$ ll S-$ MS--l-l.. ]l*-fl$ l]l ]l-V> _ l$ A]l$l

lMS ^l]l {-#--$-l. i_]ll M>S

f$ylZ Os l${sZ O {sS$t tl$MS$
M>-{MS-]l*-$ ^l-st]l Bl$.. ]l$-^M> l]l B$
M>S lS--. Al$MS Ms *-$-$ $]l ^l
Cs, Ml ]lVS-l$]l$ K ^lel MS$ >-^la.
$l- Bl$ oMS-V> l*-Ol$..A-$$-ll l]l
G ^l{l$ yl$ Bl*l l$.
A]l$>]lZ Os l${sZ O$ {gMS$t H>r$O Bl-Z ]l*{l i^l E. & l$Z
#$S MS$s $l G ^la^$.
VSlZ l l${sZ O M>S {_]l
l${sZ {gMS$t ]lZ Os l${sZ O {g S-$ MS ls s^l SMS$ l
MS$t]l$ MlV> {^$. l${sZgMS$t
Os l${sZ O tl$ ]lS 25>l >
]l$, Q$a 23>l lMS$P]l
{ *P$ ES S MlVZ VSV> $l
GjsSMS$ ]l ^lS]l MS^$. O
#$S MS$s $$ ]l^$. Os l${sZ
O$]l$ yl$ ZWS {^l]l^la
lS-lS 22]l {Ol$]l D {{MS$ VS$$
]lW$]l$. _]l k]l 800 ]l$MS
> {$-l yl$,
l$. {*MS$$ Wl Al]l# ZX$ ]lyl$ AVSS-yl MS{-
$ ^lrt]l$]lr$ u>S l Bjyl MS
H>r$ ^l$M]l^l$a.
S]l$ MS {*-P
}$Sylz, h >RM>
H>r$ ^l. A$$l
MS$]l* lSyl^$. 3 lS lS]l$ $l VS$r*$
gyl M>>S$ B]lZ {^$.
s A]l$-$Z -S M>- M>{MS]l*MS gyl O^lS MS g]lS
-V> S-S]l$ l$MS$ ]lQAV> f*$. ]l$ $
ll-{yl$-$ BMS ^l*yl S]l$ >Q {lMS MS$]l A$MS$]l*,
l$. {*-P yl $Qi]lS$ Y$. D l
lS-l-S-Zl$-$$. V> $ ]l*syl$l* lSO A]l
V>]l MS^S$. l$$
l$Z.. 18 A$ y *_^$. 9
2 MS A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017

C$MS yl$
MS~ ]lZ Aylz-V$V>
l-]l-S]l$ l$VS-Z
M>P$ C....
VS$r*$ h-Z Ol$V AM>$-$ 15
^r st *]l-Z, 19 ^r KS ^l- $, 8^r
yl-t-S]l$ $-Ml-l$MS$ A]l$-]l$ C^a$.
${M$t $ {M> ]lZ C$-MS]l$ ]l$]l$-$-
$ ]l*{ll$ *. MS]l-S ]l ]l$l-ZMS {sMS--
S]l$ ]l*{ll$ A]l$-]l$-^. ${-S]l$
*-W-^l-MS*-yll$. A$$l ]l ]l$l-ZMS l
yl$ H>r$ ^l, $l-^la-V> MS-$$]l$, {ylylj--$,
GP--r-$, $ l Gl$]l *-W$-
$. ]l$-]l*-{lV> A]l$-]l$ $-MS$-M Mr
*-$S $Ol]l C$-MS]l$ MS-Vyl$-l$-$.

C$MS l]l-M>$ ^l>$. D yl$z Ol st *]l-Z ]l$_ G]l {S ]l$_ Ol->MS$ C$MS V>
yl$ h-Z-]l* A]l$-]l$ $-MMS$-yl j-]lV> l$-r VS]l$- A]l#-. ]l-]l$-*$ ]l$yl-S C$MS A{MS]l$
. yl$z >-MS s--$-lS >Q AM>$S Ayz-V> ]l*. $-]lN$, VS-S-VS*-yl
Cl A]l$-]l$ MS*y $-Ml$. ]l ]l$l-Z MS-$$S- ]l$yl-Z-]l* C$MS A{MS]l$ VS$-.
Ms *-$-$ S]l$ *-W_, GMSP-yl--yll AMSPyl Ct-]l$---V> CMSPyl VS$-$, ]lS ]l$_ C$-MS]l$ h -l$-$
Bj$]l syl $-MS$-$ l]l-M>$ W$-$. >{, VS-$ Al ly-- s^l-$-$. h-Z kMS$ *.3 Mr ]lMS$
MS$y 40, 50 r]l$S MS-s MSW]l ]ll- C$MS f$-VS$-l$-]lr$ A^l-.
S, A]l$->]l * : S- C$MS l-$, MS AM>$-$ MSl-
^l*ylMS ]l-r VS]l$-. l--Mr {l-Z st *$Z yl$z l>$
A M> t ll-$ MS~-]l- Ol C$MS l M ]l ]l$l-ZMS yl$z]l$
MS$S-yl_ Ms *-$-$ MS- H>r$ ^l$-$. A^lar ]l$yl-SZ MSS ]l* st *$Z ]l$]l$- Ayl-VS-
Vyl$-l$-$. {$l l-]l- l Gl$]l C$MS Zyl$- l-$l$]l $ C$MS ]l#-Z l-SMS$ $-lV> {ylylj--$, GP-- MS$yl yl$z l>$. ]lMS {--Z yl$z
S]l$ l$VS-Z MSP Ct->f-V> yl ^l$-$. lSMS$ *.9 Mr B*- Bj$-]lr$ ]l*-^. r-$, MS-$$S-$ ${-S]l$ *-W_ l]l {l ]l* *$Z E. Il$ GMS->S
Cl$-M ]l ]l$l-ZMS yl$ l$-$. P-MS B$-]lMS$ syl ]l-ll Ayl-l-yl-$ Eyl-r kMS$ ]ll- S C$-MS]l$ l-$-$. *$Z C$MS lll$MS$ Al yl$
MSS-$t-$ $-$. ${M$t El-$-S]l$ Aylz- AM>$-$ ]l*]l$ $-MS$ l]l$-MS-$ rt]lr$ ]l]l- A$$l AM> t llS Ayl-l D l VS$- Gl$MS$. M> *$Z A]l$-]l$- ^l* $VS-
V$V> ES-$-$-$. ]l lyl E]l yl$ h- -$-$. l$yl-r, AM>$-SMS$ ]l*]l$ Al$-l$yl-r st *]l-Z $l-^la-V> C$MS yl ^l$-
Z-]l* Cl lS-M. ]lQV> VS$r*$ G]l* Cr$-Ol# >]lyl ll B-$ -$- $. AM>$-$ Ol st^l$-M]l-r l$.
h l-MS*--yl$ *-fMS-]lY Z MSS, gV> ]l]l$-Vyl$-Z... $$. & VS lMS-rylz, Ol$, ]l]l-Vyl$
{M*$, ^]l${$, yl$VS$, l--Mr, Al-*$ #P->S ]l$-$-Z ]l]l$-Vyl$, l--Mr
C$MS ^lS ]l$_ kMS$ 1,500 SMS$ OV> C$- {Z {$-l C$MS l]l-M>S]l$ -l-. MS~ h-Z...
MS]l$ l-$-$. MS >-]l *.10,000 A$$l, {$-l gV> st *]l-Z C$MS l]l- MS~ h-Z 23 ]l#-$ Eyl-V>, A]l$-]l$-l$-S-
${-$ *-W
^]l ]l*-$ ^l$--$. MSP]l kMS$ *1.5 M>SMS$ A]l$-]l$ $- AM> t ll-$ Ml l- l MS$y 17 ^l-S-Z l]l-M>$ W$- MSv]l ^l-$
Mr VS$-. Cl$-Z l-MS*--yl$ Z -ylMS l--$. ]l]l$-Vyl$ $]l-Z $. $>$--, VS$r$--, {, C{-- ${M$t El-$S {M> C$MS
*-fMS-]l-YZ AM> tMS ^l]l ]lQ ll E-SMS-Z ll 75.80 r st *$ E. r ]l#S ]l$_ l ]ll- Z C$MS l- lll$MS$ ${-S]l$ *-W-^l-MS*-
l]l A]l$-^l-$S > MS *,2,000 ^]l ]l*- Cl$-Z 5.90 rZ C$MS l]l-M>SMS$ l- $-$. >{-$ ]lZ {ylyljV > C$-MS]l$ yll$. A l-]l-$ A{MS-$_ C$MS l]l-
$ ^l*, C$MS l]l$ lVSY-$yl ]lyl--$-]lr$ A]l$-]l$ C^a$. A->V> ^l$-MS$ AM> lMS yl-]l-Z Jyl$zMS$ l-$-$. ${S M>$ ^l MSv]l ^l-$ $-MS$s. ${-
$ {V>]l*S {f$ B-$-$. l$ ll tMS ^l]l ll-$ ]l ]l$l-ZMS yl$ l>$. $ > ZMS ZylV ^l Cl >[t-SMS$ #-l$- S]l$ ]l ^l$-MS$s.
C$MS A{MS]l$ > kMS$ *.30 SS-$, ll$MS$ ]l$l-Z P-MS {ylj-S]l$ H>r$ $. fVSY-$-r, ]lM>S, ]lV>]l$ ll & }->]l#, Ol$V Hyl, VS$r*$

AM>$-* l-]l-$ s^ {fSMS$ Cl$$ MSW^l]ll$ yl- ]l$-$ {MS

VS$r*-$-(-r--g$): yl$z {]l*- VS$r*-$-(]l-VS---): ]lVS- {M> -^lyl
$ -^l-l$MS$ { JMSP* -Z Ayl--{Vy {yl$$-li AM>$-SMS$ MS$-]l
l-]l-$ s^S AS G ]l$-$ {fSMS$ C-l$-$ ^l A]l*->l Bl
.-^l.f-*->]l# *_^$. MS$y -^S ]lVS--
{fS-r$ AM>$-$ MS*y -SMS MS$-]l ^l ]lVS--Z 13, 14]l BMS $, G, Gt
l-]l-$ lMS s^--l-]l- A]l*->l Bl-^$. $l- S l$-S- f$-VS$-l$]l A-]l- ]l$-
$. h $ M>>-S-$-Z r$ $t l_ A]l-V>]l MS$-]l ^--Z S]l$ ]l]l- sMS N ^l*-S, MS$s
r$ $t, -rO B$]l A]l- MS$]l G f*>]l# iyl, ]l${VS ]l$_s l$-$ l]lMSP l-$ MS$-]l l$.
V>]l MS^$. $-V> G CMSO ^l-$ ^l-yl$-l$--]l$ lMS, A-]l- ]l$-SO ]l*s-yl$-l$]l MS$-]l ^l A]l*->l {s s-l, ]lMS-VSl ]l$$-VS$-yl$, MS]l-
f*->]l# r$ $t l^$. l$. {# OylV, AlVS, Ch--V, MS Ch-V VS, GMS$P]l {Z ]l$_s MS$$$S MSl-S]l$ s s$$--r >-S]l$ h* sWV
{Oyl]l--r$, MSP r$-Z MS*$al ]l$ s MS$y VS - M>{sMSt {l$-S- {lMS ]l*-l - l-r$--$ l$. ]l${VS ^l*-S-$. ]l*-l--Z ]lVS---SMS
AM> MS*y r$ $t l^S S]l$ Gst l$Z E-S^l- ^$. Ayl {Vy {yl$$-li ]l$-S- ]l$_s lMS MS-i1, 2 ]l$-$ lVS- GD yl. ]l$$]l, MS GD
l$. { JMSP* s yl- Z]l$ ^la-^$. ]lS]l {f$ AlMS ]l$--$ El-]l-]l$-]l#-l$- ]ll ^l*-S Bl-^$. O, Ol }$-$, DD$ SS-$, >$MS,
-$-$. VS$r$ ]l kl O#-O]l$ {M>V ]l$-$ l-V> {-^S-$. lMS-{s, ylD$, HD$ ll-$-$ Y-
y M>z l Nya-S Bl-^$. D ]l$-S- A-]l- ]l$-S]l$ l-V> N ^l$yl $.
^$. B$]l ]l*s-yl$l*
ylhrO-g-S l ylhrO-S-Z ylhr VS-^l-, >MS-
y M>z ylhrO-g-S l--
VS$r*$ lt: ]l*$-l$]l -l$S
MSl, {l--^l ]l ll A>-
SO AM>$-$, A]l-VS-]l
10]l B st l$yl-s - MS CS-t-r*s MS$]l
l-lZ { M>$z]l$ ylhrO-g-S ^l$-MS-$. D M>-{MS-]l*- yl-yl$ $ {l $-$ {i $-l - l] l, {MS- S-
^l*-]l A]l---]ll s-- G..>s, Gl,I..r$ Cl r$ By- l H Cyl[- -t $ GMS- l] - $MS
l$s y M>t {lMS MS$-]l >Q$ -^$$. M>-{MS-]l$-Z ^l$-MS-S--Z S yl]l-S- l$s MS$- l] O l .W- yl,z B-
^l f$-l*-S l$. $l- y $MS Oyl-MSt MSh* -_]l {l$-$ ylH y yO l M- S t ^l]l-MS - - l] #-$ $l -
MS MS-MSt--s-Z yl.B,.- MS$]l*, l-MS-s--->]l# ll-$-$ 100 GMS->S-Z ]l]l G MS$-- ]l ^l { -
]l*-l ]l$-Z ]lP- - Y-$. >-SMS$ MS$--]l ^$. A]l-l y yO l M- S t ^l]l-MS - - l] #-
$ ]l*sy- l $l* G r* {{V>
^l$-]l$]l G ^l{l-$ Q>O -l ^l$. >f- {V>]l*-Z
$$ C--]lr* l* l$*-$-(yl-M-yl): VS$r*$ h l$* $ ^l Al ]ly V- >
rg$: Cs $$ C--]lr* l* ^l]l ]lMSO MS$ ]ll*-Ol. ]l$yl- SZ yl- yl$ $-Z VSS ^l$-MS - A-l] - ~ ^- $. By- l H Cyl[- -t B st l$yl-s -MS CS-t-r*s
A-yl--r $- ]l->S {M> >i-V>--]l-VS-MS$ ^l]l S-- Z 100 GMS- >S - ~ - Z -^l - l] $]l $ GMS- l] -$MS yl]l- S-l$s MS$- ]l- S $]l {l$-$
MS.$$MS MS*. $$-MS-r$, ]l$ B$-VS$ ]ll Cs- $-$, B st l$yl- s M- S CS- r-t *-s MS$ D O l .W- ylz ]l*sy- l $l* Cl {MS]l$-Z >f ^$. 50 GMS- >S - ~ - Z SylSMS$ ^l]l
]lS-$ C--]lr* ]ly-]l ]l-$MS *. 10 l-$ ^]l ]l*-$ lS l]l G ^l{l- $ yl$ {V>]l$-O l $]l MS~- $-- Z D lS 16]l l]l MSV M>i D M S $ ^l]l MSrty-S]l$ ^l y- l $-
^l>yl$. A]ll ]l*$]l*r$ ^l$l$ylyl -l$$ $]l$ MS$-- ]l ^l$-l] $-$. D l$MS$ $l - Cy MS CS- r -t *s B M S $ MS$-- l ]l- ^$. ]l^la ]l- l ->MS
B{^$. $-$ MS$ ]ll*l$ ^l$MS$$. B st l$yl- s M- S CS- r -t *s ]l ^ll$MS$ H>r$ f$-VS $-l $-- $ ]l- s {-- l] $-$.
A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017 MS 3
VSg$$ {MS-$$-$]l Cl$ -$S A$t
ls ]lW$]l$]l E$ $ VS$r*$ Dt : VSg$$ {MS-$$-$]l Cl$ -$- l-
VS$r*$ G $-$ $l- A$t ^l>$. K {]lQ yl{X
MS>-S-Z y ]l-l ^ll Bt M>S-MS ^l]l V ,
$ ]l-l Cr N ^l]l >$-]l-]l-VS-MS$ ^l]l
A$ Aylz-Z lV>Y yl$-$ -^ll$MS$ VSg$$ {MS-
$$-$-$. B.A{VS- Ml$ $-Z l l-$S ]l$_
M]l$-V$ ^l ^l$ E]l -$-SMS$ {MS-$$^lyl {-
^$. Dl--lZ $l- Cl$ ]l l$VS$ yl$z-Z ^l{MS
-SO MSt-]l$ M l_ E$. ]l*-^ Al$-MS$]l G
$-$ yl ^l A$t ^l>$. ]l$_ A-MS-Z VSg$$
Y]l E---$ *-s g ^l*$]l E--$$-]l$-$ ]l ^l$-MS$-$.
h-Z E-$ S {{MS$ VS$$- -^l Ml--V- {{MS$ N Bjyl MS }$-$ ylz, h ->- O-t-S-Z ]l${ {s lT$
]lW$-]l$. VSl lS 22]l M>]l$. MS 9,000 ]l$ l-R$ RM> GS. -MS$-]l* -l-S-Z SS-# (VS$r*$) : MS O-t-S-Z 1]l ]l s-O
{-Ol$ >]l$-V> M]l-W _]l ^l$-MS$-$. 11 kS ]l]l-Z VS$r*$ l ty r h ]l${ {s $l- BMS--MS-V> lT$ ^l>$. l$M>Z
kMS$ ^l$-MS$. h--V> ]l$ylS 8,200 ]l$MS Ml-V N ^l>$. S ]lS-Z Ml-V -- A]l-l$]l l-, G]l*- ]l-> -$S ]l$_ AylW l$$-
{l-$MS u->-S-Z ^l$]l _]l k $W]l 800 ]l$MS ^l- $-$. MS$-$. r s-Z r s-]l$ ~l l MSs AMS-V>
{MS-$$-$]l -*- VS]l$-^$. l ]l*$a-MS, Ct->f-
MS-yl {VSy s^l (Gj-s)MS$ VS$$- stl$MS$ ]l-l-]l$-*$. u->S l & VS$r*$ Gyl$-MS-S V> l-$ ~-$$ OS l$ ^l MS$- $$--]l$ >--
MS$- ^la-^$. y- fVS lTZ #]l->]ll M>MS$y
AM>$-$ ^l-$ $-MS B$]l Bl-^$. A]l-l -MS-
$-S- ]l*s-yl$l* O-t--]l-Z -MS B> A$l sZ{
]l 1100MS$ {*--MS$-$ >l$ ^l*-S-$. M>-{MS-]l$-Z
l*MS-$ MS-l-$ AM>$-$, tS ]l*t Y-$.
{g S-]l*- -_]l syl
l VS$r*$ : GMSS *Z A ]l>YS
{fS Kr M l$VS$-l {$-l l*-N-
l V>-$ ^l VSyl-_]l ]lyl--Z H JMSPs
E---SMS$ *^l-]l-$]l Ml-V AM>$-$ A{N-]l--Z lMS ^l$]l E--$ l-l-a-MS$y l*-W_-l OlG >
{]l M>-l- Bl$-MS* Bfl--$ ]l$--

Ol$S >]l
>sMS l
]l*MS$ $ ^l$yl ^$. MS h-r]l r-Z ^
M>>-S-$-Z $l- B$]l -MS-$S Bl$-MS*
]l*-l--Z ]l*s-y$. >[t--]l- NV> Bfl--$
_-$$-l, syl $-MS$-$ A, A{MS-]l*-SMS {-]l-$*
OlG *-fMS-]lY $]l$ B{_]l -S]l W$-- ]l$--^$. B-Ol-$-SMS$ st }>]l-$
C^j MSl {MSt- ]lW# t l$$ l*$ h]l$ lMSP_]l $]ll ]l-VSl Ol.G.>f--Q---ylzMS
yl-Myl *-: GMS- _]lMS$ MS$ ]ll*l$ lMSPl-$. MS]l-M> -l$- lS-*- l$->Q
{- Ol > ^-]l$ -_]l VS$r*$ ]l$_ l>-, B-Ol-$-SMS$ MSSMS l-]l#- MSs$$^ VS$$
r Ol$S *]l- ylfS t *-syls ^l>$. f$-yl-Z -- $- G s#-]l$ MS*al-]l
S-]l-l-V> MP- $]ll syl {$--l Gl- ^l>$. 10>l ]l$]l
ll$MS$ $-$ >Z syl JMSP ]l${ l MS*y C]l-MS$y A]l-]l*-_-l,
^l$]l {$-l {yl$ : ]l$ylS Z ]lX# {_ MS$$, ]l$$ $- -f]l ^l f--]l]l$ A- ^l$yl
-$, Gl-*-$ MS-$ Al t-$-Z V-]l* f-VSyl, Osz t- syl-MS ^l$-r]l#-l$-l-$. OlG -Z VS_]l Gl$--$
A>-SO tl C_a]l l$-l ]l$l- ]l*-t MS*l$$ B$-]l$ h ]l$ ]ll- t ]l* {fS ]l$ l>--$. A ]l>YS {f$
yl$VS$ l*-S yl-Myl *-fMS-]lY ]l$ t R$-$ SS-Z $]l#- l*- t-]l$MS$ ]l_a]l -l$-$ BZ__ ]l-S-Z OlG VS_ t ]l*]l ll-SMS$
OlG M>{VS- t CS-bj MSl -$$]l $ u-MS$-SMS$ ll. $l- $ ^l-S B$]l M>$.
{MSt- yl]l*y ^l>$. {-]l*$ $]l#$ ]l$--$ >l$ ^ll$MS$ {yl$ t-$-Z ^-
-$-$ E ]l$$#-$ - t--]l$MS$ ]l^a$. A$$l, MS--M>S M>- t AM>$-$ ^- ^l-st$. {lMS M$t-$ H>r$ ^l*
Ar* {$-l B>-r ^l*, lyl$ S]l$ ^l*#l* $-$ -l$S ]l$_ ylfS CS--MSt h. R$S #- Ol$s B$ l]l $ yl]l*y
]l$$#-$ l* Gl$MS$ ]l*#]l$ >l$ $-MMS$y l]lMS$P ^l->$. M>S B--V> ^- ^l$-$. t ]l{l- SS-#-: AS RMS ]l>Y-$, Cl AV>]l ]l>Y-SO fVS
yl$-lS ^l>- $l ]l*-]l ^l- t AM>$-$ ^- ^l$--, Ayl$ $, ]lVSl$ f]l$]l$ MS*SMS--V> $-$. l>S]l$ ^-^l-y-MS OM$t {]l $-]l- ]l$- >
S-$. l-l->S ]l$_ yl^l$- --]l$r* -P-^$. -l$-$ VS$r*$ ylfS *-syls l->$- {$-l { h-Z JMS S M$t]l$ {lMS M$t-V> H>r$
MS$r$]l *]l-SMS$ lyl$ l-$ ]l^a- l]lMSP l-*$. l>l $$ {V>]l*MS ^-]l$ -l-S-$-$. ]l->S]l$ l- ^l*-S Ol$s B-$--l]l $ Al-S$yl$ $.$.
$]l B]l-l-Z E]l Ol$S B- $- l _ l$>O MS$ ]ll*l$ ^l>$. Zl lS-yl--]l$ B$]l l$. M>$. ]l*$ yl$z-Z $ M>>-$-SZ $l-
V>$-* {$-l * MS-- ^ll- H>r$ ^l]l ]l*-l--Z B$]l ]l*s-yl$l* {$-l Ol$s-
$. A-$ >f >-l$ Z
*$$-tV> f$-VS$l* Ayl$VS$ ]ll$MS$
yl lS-M Es, l]l
~-*-S- Ol$- C-l$-SMS$ VS$
{$MS VS$u ^l
> ]l MS$PS >r $ -, Ol$s $-MS$yl$ ]l$
SMS$ _ 2015 A-^ ]l-$$- ^lrt $]l$ {l
stS M>$. M>-{MS-]l$-Z $ {l$-$ ll-$-$

^l$yl ]l$_ l M>l l]l# Al-S$yl$ Rg]l ^l- Myl-]l ^la-^lyl,

M>$. Aylz-V$ iS- lS MSyl$-#- SS-# (VS$r*$) : ]lS E syl ]l$_ OlG -Z ^l]l
$ Mst ~$ $-MS$s ^l GMS-Z ]lS $ Ol > ]lS 12]l $z MS MS
l, Ol$S >]l l]l$--t Ayl-V> ]l l$ B--yl El > ]l$ MSy- ^l$yl syl llS
Eyl >r ^l$l t ^l>$. ]l MS$PS >r $ Al-S$yl$ j--MS >M>t A$. ]lS
yl-Myl {V>]l$-Z Aylz-V$V> ^l]l MS Rg]l A$. MS A-yl--- A-]l-, S-]l*- NV> -_
{]l -$S -- VS-Z rZ $ M>>-S-$-Z $l- MS Rg]l GMS-S]l$ lt-Z r$t-M l-]l#-$
_-]l-yl- {f$ A]l--SMS$ VS$-]l#- B$]l -MS-$-S- ]l*s-y$. ]lS C_a]l ^l{l-$MS$ lW]l VS$u ^lyl
l$--, ]l$VS$ ]ll$MS$ MS {l-Z Al-MS-V> E]l ]l $- ll A P-$. ]l ]l$--SO f$-VS$-
MS ]l$-$ ]l ^l V>S $ {l$-SMS$ VS$ ^l f$ ^S l$]l yl$- lt-Z r$t-M {$--MS
A]l#-l$ AM>$-$ ]l$MS$ -]lr$ l$VS$ l {$-l {$-l B- ]lS IMS-]l$-l H$sZ ]lS E GMS-S-
]l]l--$-- ]l$yl--yz$. ^$. B-VSylz l$VS$ l t $-MS$-$ G.. Z ^l*^-]l ]l$$ B-]l-Ol$l
$-ylz ll-lZ ll-$ ]l $- A$.
4 A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017
l$ : ]l$VSW & I.lMSsylz : 9550836519 ; yl * & s.Wylz : 8297313131 ;
l$WY> & .$ : 9052095496

MS^lMS lVS$-ylMS $ ^l]l fMS$S ]l*-hMS S-

Il$ lSS ]l$_ A]l--$ yl$-l$--]lr* Bl-l]l
VS ElS M>yl BP ^lrt A]l$-$ ^l*
]l$VS--W : y-s-$ ]l*-l--Z
$-MS$S yl]l*y
$MS ^l l- yl-- * :
V> rt-Z iB
*P$ ]ll $MS ^l >---l-V> fMS ]l$-
El-$ $]l-V> - SO f$-VS$-l$]l yl$-$, $MS -
^ll$MS$ H>r$ ^l$- P-- -MS$ ]l*-hMS S- ^lrt
$. Cl$-Z VS-V> $l- H>r$ ^l*-S H fMS ]l$S
MS$s $-$ VS $ > $-MS$-$ ]lS-#
El-S M>yl-]l$ BP- lMS-s--->]l# yl]l*y ^l>$. yl--
-^$. D M>-{MS-]l$-Z El-S M>yl-]l$ BP-_]l MS$s $-$ Z H fMS ]l$S $
]l O^lS VSh _-i, lMS-s--->]l#, rt Al- >]l#, MS$ f]l M>>-S-$-Z $l- y-s--$
S-VS- El]l S$yl$ yMS-- }->]l#, BS, ]l${yl$ ]l*-l, ]l*-l fW. fMS$S S-]l*-MS,
$ MS]l- ]l]l-VS-s MS$s MS]l {s }- MS$s $-$ Y-$. A-]l-MS MSr$t-yl ^l- l-V>
MS^lMS lVS$-yl ^l# Myl$l$]l fMS$S ]l*-hMS S- ^lrt A]l$-$
]l$S-MS-r (yl-- *) : yl-- rt Z ]l$S-MS--rZ K ^l*-S B$]l M>$. BVS$t 21]l
MS^lMS lVS$-yl ^l- Mst $ ^l $l- >{ l]l Bl-
l-]l]l$ l-VS-MSP. MS--_]l ]l->S {M> ]l$VS--WZ
MS$^l-]l--Z l$-]l#S ]l$l l h MS-MSt$ B$ ]ll fVS l>-Z
fMS ]l$-$ Y f$-{l
Eyl VMS VS-l$-Y- Il {MSl -Ol$. VS-l$Y $$ MS yl : ]l-MS$-ylMS V>*-$ ^l*-S $#-^a$. D ]l*-l--
VS a Bl$MS$ l$-MS$y VS-lMS ]l*{l-$ C_a VS- Z ]l*lMSP Hyl$-M-yl-$, M>g SS-{-
{]l ^l$$^yl, lVS$yl$ MS>lMS VS]l$-^l-MS$y l]l Q A]l$- MS$^l-]l-- (yl-- *) : yl-- ]l$ylS , gj $->]l#, G. $->]l#,
MS$r* l--yz]l$.. Ar* O yl ^l. Il$ lSS {MSl Z MS$^l-]l-- {V>]l$-Z MS*-V>$S D]l$ >]l*->]l# ll-$-$ Y-
]l$S-MS--rMS$ ^l]l K ]l- $-M >-]l-yl- s-r l$M> -$-Z l$-]l#S ]l$l _]l-s $.
$ A]l$-]l*]l ]l_a yMSt-$MS$ ^l*^l-V> MSr$t-MS$]l ]l*l- l fW. D l-lZ -l$-Oyl]l
lO l Mrtyl- lr$t-M VS-l$Y ]l$S-MS-r ]l_a]l ]ll$yl$ l]lMS$ fW]l A-*- lr$t-MMS
V yl-^l ^l- Mst $ ^l. "$ Cl* l-$$ ]l-MS$-ylO MS yl ^l>yl$. MS--_]l ]l- E_l ]l$
M>MS$y Al $ MS$-$ yl->..' Ar* ^M>P r$t-M >S {M> MS$^l-]l--Z ]l-^l $>S >kO A->]l# MS*-V>$S MS yl ^l>yl$. yl-- * : MSB. OlG
$ t-]l$MS$ l l.. Ar* yl$z-$lMS$ Dyl$a-M_-a. VS- A->]l# Al ]ll$yl$ {V>]l$-Z l$$$S VS->k-MS$ MS$yl Ol# rtZ, Gyl]l$ Ol# {rt (yl--) Bl-Z A^l
lMS ]l*{l-$ C_a l]l]l$ l M>MS$y ^l-.. Ar* M>-, g$-Z MS*-V>$S l$M> --* $f MSl V>$-Ol$. MS$-$ Al- yl-- E_l ]lS M {-^lyl :
^ll$-S- MS$l$-. l$-]l#-$ B- E{M- B#-MMS l]l MS$r$ ^l$-MS$-r$-yl$. Al {V>]l$-Z Z M>-s -r-Z ^l^$. ]l*- E_l A$S : 90001 01108
l]l$ l-VS-MSP. ]l--$]l l$-]l#-$ CMSPyl l$M> - ^ Al$-MS$]l yl-- $-$ N ]l->S ]l${-]l S : 98486 20160
^l-y-MS -lr* VSl-Z #]l$ l M V>$--yl]l VS->k-]l$ ^-$-$.
^l>$. D l-lZ Al #]l->]ll M>]l-yl- A$$l $r]lO VS->k $-SMS$ Gs ]l-
lyll l$VS$//CW ylMS S-yl$-l$]l Z JMS-O]l A]l$-> VS- >$ l$-^l-$-MS--]lyl VS]l$-.
]l$-M, Oyl ]l*l, S-MS-P-
(C-X-$), Ol>-Q, ]l Ol$R,
]l*]l*-]l*, ls B
M>fZ S $ ^l$. D M>-{MS-]l$-Z Iyl-G A-ts
yl-- GG OSf, Ol O^lS ]ll {-
]l$VS--W : rt-Z ]ls MS*-
V>$S lS ]l->$. (MS-ZMS *.S-Z)
A-, lyl$--& 2, fV>Y M>f (]l$-VS--W) : ]l$yl-SZ M>f {V>]l$-Z -->]l#, MS$ Wst ]l{l, r$t MS*-V>$ MS- -]l*-P-s-Z -O-l$-g
gZ-, $-&2 $l- ]l]l-$ >Q Bl-Z S _]l-l->-[, Eyl- }->]l#, MS$-]l r]l*s 60 43
(-- P) : , Vl- $ M>-{MS]l$ -^$. {V>]l$- GS VS--->]l#, ylD ^l$-]l$- Hyl$-M-yl- ]lM>$-$ 60 33
l$-]ll, l-$S Ay s B Z $ rS]l$ l-_]l A]l-l $, *--Ol-f GS. , M>-MS--$ Al yl-M>$-$ 40 23
G f-y ls, ]lMS, ]l$- ys r $ >-ll G. ]l*-l $l, y$ MS, H ]l$-, ]l$-S- _a$a 50 28
M, ]l$-l-MS-]l$, $MS ]l*s-yl$l* $ *^l-]l-$, S-$ C^a$. S, VS-S-S Y-$. M>MS--M>$- 30 18
B ]l*-(----]l*-) : BMS$-]l-yl$l MS]l lMSP-S]l$ l-Zl MS -M>$- 20 8
]l$VSW : , Vl-l$-]ll, ]lMS, ]l$- ]l ^l*-S-$. ]l$VS--W HylH . ]l$- 9]l kMS$ G]l*-G S$ M>s 70 62
]l**]l* : F M, $MS Sl ]l*s-yl$l* Ol$-S rS]l$ ]ll*l$ l$WY>S : G ]lYMS-- $MS$ -l$s-Z M>-h -40 -20
Vll$]ll : lMSs MS-r ]l*-(-{s-y-s ]l*) : ^l$-MS, VS$ lMS-- {-$ $- ^lrtll MS^S M$l* ]l*VS f-S yl-M>$- 30 13
: VMS~ , Vl- l $-l] l, ]lMS, ]l$-l M- S - MS M>$. M>-{MS-]l$-Z ys MB-zl-r >r $ Bl-Z ^l-st]l > S- V>-l$-- 30 16
Ol>Q : f* ylMl ]l$, $MS, $-2, l S M- S P, yMSt G. ]lVS-, H MS. Z>, ^l MSst- $ $l- 9]l kMS$ ^l>$$. syl G V$-_MS$P-yl$ 40 33
l$WY> : Cl$--MS VS$ lMS$, HD MS. SS-l$Y Y-$. h Al-S$yl$ s MS- > S-Z -M>$- -30 -16
Vll$]ll : G-C-G IMS-(--r-]l$-r) : , S-SMS$ l $ {$P Y G]l*-G ll-SMS$ $-]l -M>$ (JMS-s) 15 10
h MSa Vl-l$-]ll, l-$S Ay s S-SMS$ l $ {$-P--]l$ ]l l$. D l-V> B$]l ]l*s-yl$l* AsM>$ (JMSs) 10 5
l{lyl$ : B G f-y ls, ]lMS, O^lS VSh _-i A$. rt-Z 8, 9 G ]lYMS-- $ > ]lQ]l$-{ ^l{l-
s*s 50 28
Vll$]ll : ]l$-M, $MS, lS-MSP MS 40 20
f$S $z-S-Z AVSS-yl MS{-S-Z Iyl-G $yl$ l-l-$-- ]l*]l$ ]lMS ^]l$ 40 26
Ol[PS ]l*-$, t-S : , Bl-Z $l- l S l-S]l$ ^l>$. $-MS$-$ #]l- ]l$-$, $-MS-S-
f$yl s ]l$tM$ : Vl-]ll, $MS ]l]lM>P$ (JMSs) 6 3
MS-r ]l*({sys]l*) : -^$. ]lQ AV> fO]l _-i Nyl $hj, , Ms--->]l#, V>-s V, BMS$-MS*--$..
$>g : , ]l**-]l*, ]l$- ]l*s-yl$l* A]l$ $ A]l$l ]ls-]l ll-$-$ Y-$.
, ]l$-l-MS-]l$, l-MS-]l$, ]l$-M (*.10MS MSrt$)- -3 5
A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017 5
"A]l$-l-' AVS!
-"A]l A]l$-l--' l-M>MS Bl-- Ok C$-$. M>V>, l*-V> Eyl MS{-SMS$
# ]l$yl BS-$-Z
]l-MS ]l-S-S {]ll
]l$VS--W : rt-Z } SS-]l---
$ BS$ Bl-Z DlS 4]l l {>]l-
${MS- l-V> ]l-MS ]l-S-
S {]ll -^l-]l$-]lr$ D ]l$yl-
Nyl ]l-M>S->]l# JMS {MS-r]l-Z l$.
]l_a Zf]l ^l l-sMS $ ^ CMSP-r]l$ El$ 9 VSrSMS$ {]ll {--]l$-]l#-
MS$]l# Gl$-Pr$-$. l$l, B-MS-VSS ]l$--$ El$ 8.30
-yl$z $ A]l ]lyl A$]l lMS$P]l f$ >l.. VSrSMS$ f$-M>S M>$. {]ll-Z
Ol]l ]l$VS--W Iyl-G Z ll 237 AVSS-yl Yl MS$-$ ^l-{l, MSS ^l$,
-]l-y-MS Ct--yl VS$-$, -l-$ MS{-$ E$$. rt-Z 39 MS{-$ ^l$- $r, HMS l^l$a-MS, Ng
$$. {gMS$t Z 4,700 ]l$ VS$-$, - ]l*-{W BS$ Bl-Z Al-g--
]l$VS--W : ]l*, $ ]l$-$ lWY^Sl SS l-$ E]lr$ VS$^$. Z MS 10 >l ]l$ ]l$ lS-yl^$.
{$-l ^l-st]l "A]l A]l$-l--' lMS A$- MS*y "A]l A]l$l' MS-^lyl l$. AVSS-yl
-S-]l#-. D lMS MSl AVSS-yl MS{S s^l CssMS W MS{-SMS$ >S VS$-$, -$-SMS$ *r$
> _-$-$, VS$-$, -l-SMS$ t-M> ]l-VS (yl-- *) : rt
A-^lyl SS. VS$-$, -l-SMS$ JMS A]l-V>]l MS$-.. Z ]l-VS {l-$MS u->-S-Z
Nr N~ Zf]l A-^ E. VSl-Z C AVSS-yl MS{-S-Z VS$-$, -l-$, AS-$-{l Bl-Z -, -$-
Iyl-GS-Z "sMS Z S' M>-{MS]l$ > - S-SMS$ Al-g-$]l t-M> l-MSO VS$-$, -l-SMS$ A]l-V>]l SMS$ $l- * ^l>$. D
M> ]l$-$-S]l$ CMS$ ^l-$. A MSP- *P$ S-SMS$ 95 O-SMS ]lyl st. {$-l MS$-. rt {S-Z AVSS-yl MS{- M>-{MS-]l$-Z GD gZMS--, ^l-G
yl$-l$--$l M>-- l$-V> AVSS-yl MS{-S- C^la $, ]l*l, VS$yl$z, MS ]l*{ll$. MS*- SMS$ ]l^lal$MS$ VS$-$, -l-$ ]ll$MS$ G.f-VS-ij]lS->]l#, E---$ MS~-l*-
Zl Zf]l l*$ ^l VS$-$, -l-SMS$ V>$-$ l-$ BM>>- Ar$-l$-$$. {$-l >]lyl l$. yl$z $ ]lyl]l Zf]l S, AS-$-{l $-$ Y-$.
Al-g-*-Sl El-- "A]l A]l$-l--' $- C^la l$-$ H]l*-{l -MS--V> s ]lyl$ lS- ^l$--MS--l$--]l$ >-l$-$ Al$-l$-$$.
syl >P$ ]l*l]l l-M> {l--st. S-M B$ lS-S-M JMS- A$-yl-yl- A ^l E]l--M>$S ltMS $-MS- Ol$]l - G-I M>S-Z
l$--*-$ *]l.. ]lyl st ]ll AVSS-yl s^l$ Bl-l]l M>> Al-g--l$MS$ MS ^l$-. lMS ]lMS ]l-l$-$ MS^
kMS 200 $--r- $, A]l, , MS*-$, ^ll$-l$-$. {-Ol$ M k A]l#-. ]l$ M l-]l-yl-Nyl (]l$-VS--W) : ]l$yl-SZ
Myl-VS$-yl$z- MS*yl]l Zf]l A-^ E. A$$l, AVS, { *P S-SMS$, l$-SMS$ yl-yl-V> kZ ]l$--S]l$ AVS-$_ l-M> Al-MS l-]l-yl-Nyl {V>]l$ G-I M>S-Z
l-M> B>-rV> {-_]l {$-l Al$MS$ Zf]l ]lylyl MS*y lSMS$ $_]l -V> Al- ^l-$ $-MS$r$-. ]lMS ]l-l$-$ MS^S MS$-$
lVSY MS->-S]l$ MS^l-yl-Z S-Ol$. ]lr ]l*l Bl-l]l ]lMS ^l$-$. MS-yl$ {$- & , Iyl-G yl-- M>$. M>S-$-$, ]l$--$ $l-
]l*-{W, $-MS$-$, MS*-V>$-$, V>, S$-$ l yl$z $ -> ^l$yl-r s- rt-Z ]l$ylS M>>-S-*-MS
MS*$a-ll$MS$ MS$a$, s$]l$ ]l$-MS*-a--MS-- ]lyl]l A]l ]ll A]l#-. ]l-y-MS VS$- -l-S]l$ ]l$-yl$-MS$-r$-$. O AM>$S ^l$-MS$ G-yl- h. -]l- MS ]l-
$$. AVSS-yl M>-MS--$ {]l C-l$-$ $, -l-$ Ct--yl-r l$. OV> D A]l s Jyl lr$t-MMS S$-$ >MS--$$- ]l_a]lr$ -{l Al-g->$. *O H$-V> M>$]l
yl$-l$-$. {$l MSPS l$MS$ VS$-$, - MSyl$# E-V> EsZl, MSyl$# ]ll f$ ^l*^l$-M ]ll Bl-l]l ^ll$-l$- VSr$, -ZMS$ SZ MS-$ l$-MS$
l-SMS$ *.1.40 O-S- MS* ]lyl-st E. { $ ^l$l$-$. CMS Myl-VS$yl$z MS*y ^ _]l $. ]l--$--]l$, ^$ Gs ]l-l$-
$ H>r$ ^l$--l, {]l C-l$-
$ yl$-l$--]l$, lrl ]lMS ]l-l$-$
]l-tMS ^l]l yl lMSP$
]l$S-MS-r (yl--
{$${ A]l ^ MS^S $ fq ^l>$.
HG VyS {
*) : yl-- Gl$- yl$z VS--->]l# l$WY>S : l$WY>S Os {VS--Z
rt Z { ]l$VS--W : >f A]l$->]l Z {]l ]l*l-]l-V> -_]l VyS yl$z]l$ $l-
CsMS lMSP-$ ^l ]l-tZ l-SMS$ Oll A^l rt-Z {-^$. *.9.5 SSS ]l$-
M>-{MS-]l*- {$--$--{ A-]l- -^l-yl-Z {$-l -_]l ]l*l]l VyS]l$ HG
]l AM>$-$ -S ]l-l Gl$- yl$z VS--->]l# Al-S$yl$ s-yl {-, G
^l-st$. Cl$-Z A$. rt-Z {$--$--{ $l- ^lS-- -l--S- MS {-^$.
VS-V> yl-- ]l-tMS $l- 5lS yl lMSP-$ B$]l _ yMSt - ]l->$ AylW D M>-{MS-]l$-Z ]l*i gyl-s- $-$
]l^a$$. s ]l$S-MS--rZ oZ {l--^$. g]l$, l$$-MS$-$. $yl lMS-{s, ]l*i G lVS }MS-~-
]l$, -s, lyl$, ]l*$yl, ]l$ lMSP-S]l$ l^$. D l-V> B$]l ]l*s-yl$l* ]l$VS--W, {-, HG Oyl-MSt$ l$- M>-,
AVS -$S MSP]l yl]l$ C^lal$MS$ MM>-, ^s- yl--, l$*$, l$WY>S ]l$yl-SMS$ ^l]l {$--$--{ $]l Gl$- Y- $.
yl*, ]l$VS, $$ lMSP-S]l$ MS*y 500 ]lMS$ Al-MS-]l$ l-SMS$ D {$--$--{ JMSPs yl$z VS--->]l# ll-$-$
l_]lr$ ]l MS$-]l MSP-ylz ylz l$. s Oll A-^ El-$. kMS $VS$ l yMSt--S]l$ MSs$$^l-yl-r$ ]ll yl-MSS lyl$ OlG
23 $z-Z { CsMS Al-^l lMSP s]l l$-l h* ]llS ]l$MS-O-V> VS$-$ ]l$yl-V> yMSt B$--{V> A-]l- _ l-SMS$ Oll ]l-$ M>>-S$ {
sW-V]l$ MS*y -^l-]l$-]lr$ B$]l lS-yl^$. ]l*{l JMSP Eyl-yl- Oll ]l-$ A-^lyl A-^l- ^l-$ $-MS M>$. D M>- ]l$S-MS-r (yl-- *) : yl-- rt
MSt-l--V> ]l*l l$. B$--{Z E]l {MS-]l$-Z {gVS lMS MS]l yMSt MS Z ]l$S-MS--rZ VS$$- OlG
-S-Z S-$ ^l$$^l$-MS$-ll$MS$ Gs {, $-$ yMSt ]lMS~, MS^l M>$, ]l*l]l M>>-S-*- {-^l-]l$-
l -]l$- ]l E-WMS P MS->$ MS--]l-yl- l-$ {lr$ > G. , MS. VS--->]l#, -$ S-MS~ ]lr$ B t rt MS]l ${-]lMS$P
${- (]l$-VS--W) : ]l$VS--W ylfS s--$-lS >QZ MS{-SMS$ l- ]ll ^l$. lrl {$- ll-$-$ Y-$. l$-V-S--$ylz JMS {MS-r]l-Z
# l$M>MS-V> VSl ]lO ]l-l->$V> ]l-S_ l l$. El$ 10 VSrSMS$ fVS D
-]l$- ^l]l Vrt ]l->]l#MS$ A-]l-l]l - M>-{MS-]l*-MS Gl$ B >]l$-MS-~-ylz
^$. ]l$yl-SZ ${-Z E]l MS- ]l$yl--Z -$-SMS$ $ S MS-yls {VSyl B$-l-]l $l-->]l#, ]lQ AV> f-]l#- l$.
$l- -_]l D M>-{MS-]l$-Z ]l->]l# l-l$- ]l$VS--W : rt-Z MS $ O*-P$Z ]l$ SS-M>>]l#, MS$ ff]l }- t $-$, ]l$-*--$-$, OlG A-
S]l$ $]l#$ -_ B$]l ]l-S]l$ M*-y$. D M>-{MS- $l- l ]lS-Vyl ]l->]l# Al-g-]l >]l#, M>r* >]l, yl l$l-f $ $- ]l*-]l$-$ l >S B$]l fq
]l$-Z l- $S $-MS$-$ Els ]l-{-, E-VS$- Bt $ S]l$ -$-SMS$ Al-g->$. D >]l#, { IfMS MS-Ol$s, ^l-G MS. A]l*i ^l>$.
$ >]l$-MS~, }M>-, $MS ll-$-$ Y-$. M>-{MS-]l$-Z gyl-s- BMS$S f$-l, u->S ll-$-$ Y-$.
6 ]l*^ A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017

$]l$ ]l*^ l$YVS$yl ]l*^ Bt $Z r R$ ]l*]l l$

l$: ]l${*$. l$$. VS]l]l ]l*{$ ]l$_
{]l*MS. ]l$Z lr$. BVS VS$r*$ ]l*$ $$l$ l$
]l$$. >Z Jyll$yl$MS$$. ]l$_ VS- ]l*l-MS
EVS$MS$ BMS MS ]l*$$. *$ (S-VSj) G-yl* 09.05 {k
]l-: {]l$ $. EV> $-{l G-yl* 17.20 {k
]l$$ N ^l $. _]ls ${l$ 6.00VS-r$
G-yl* 20.40 {k
MSMS. l$$. , .r$ 33 R Ol->--lMS$
EV>Z Ml B$. VS$r*$ ]l$_ Ol->MS$ (C{l) -gs 09.35 {k
$--l$-]l: ${l$ >{ 9.45 VSr$ r$ 34 R G-yl* 12.10 $l -
]l$_ $. VS$r*$ ]l$_ Ol->MS$ (C{l) ]l*{ll$
BM>]l. MSMS >{ 8.15 VSr$.r$ 35 R -gs 14.40 $l -
~*$. VS$r*$ ]l$_ Ol->MS$. (VS-$yl)
M>{MS]l*Z $]l
>{ 10.45 VSr$. r$ 34 R G-yl* 17.20 {k
f$. lS-$-g]l]l 3 VSrSMS$ BS$ VS$r*$ ]l$_ Ol->MS$ (A]l$-
$MS$ Ml -gs 17.35 {k
A]lM>>$. ]l, l$-$. A]l-l l$Y-]l$MS$ >]l P*) {r*gs 21.55 {k
>Z ]llyl$VS$ $-]l$-S-Z $l- MS$S GMS$P-]l- ]l[-SMS-- ]l. >{ 10.45 VSr$ .r$ 30 R VS-*-$MS$
l$. V> E. l]l M l_ Eyl MS$-S- 4 VSrSMS$ QylY-]l*S Nf VS$r*$ ]l$_ Ol->MS$ (A]l$- -gs 07.45 {k
MS>P-rMS: ]l$$ ]l$l Z $ $. OlMS$u MS* M>-MS-Z 31 MS-$t- El$ 6VS-rSMS$ *VS->-S-Z >]l P*) -gs 14.00 ]l$VS- -
{]l*MS. l $${l$ O l . l$r$ y$$. ]l]l-{VS Z]l$ >{ 11.15 VSr$ r$ 32 R $]l
AVS. MS$r$Z _M>MS$$. ]l, $-{l 6 VSrSMS$ A]l El$ 6, 10.45, $-{l VS$r*$ ]l$_ ^lOl (S-VSj) -gs 20.10 {k
>$ V> Es. ]l*-^ : 4.45VS-r-SMS$ {M>a]l Nf$ >{ 8.30 VSr$r$ 33 R Gyl* 15.50 VS$$, ${MS,
: ^l st l] ]l$$ ]l$lMylV> VSl$S ]l->$: 7 ]l$_ 9 VSrS ]lMS$ ${l-Z]l$ VS$r*$ ]l$_ >-Q-r (S-VSj) , B
VS$. ]l Q$a$. ${l$ E_l VSl$-$ -&-R ]l# 9 VSrSMS$ SS MS$MS$-]l*-a]l, }^l-{MS- >{ 10.30 VSr$.r$ 31 R ^lOlMS$
]l*rst#$. {*$. Ol ]ll$. *.50 VSl$-$ - &--R ]l# ]l-a]l, > MS, ^lyl-Z]l$ VS$r*$ ]l$_ >-Q-r (S-VSj) {r*gs 07.55 {k
]l, >$ > MSW^l]l^l$a. *.100 VSl$-$ &--R ]l# El$ 11 VSrSMS$ VS $-{l 6.45 VSr$.r$ 31 R -gs 15.20 {k
MS]l: $l $ VS$. B# *.500 VSl$-$ - &-R ]l# {$$-Nf VS$r*$ ]l$_ $- (S-VSj) -gs 14.00 ]l$VS--
$ l$$. s SZ f$. Bjl ]lS ]l->$: ]l$- 12 VSrSMS$ ]l$l-l]l >{ 9.45 VSr$.r$ 18 R ]l*{ll$
BVS l$$VS$yl$l$. ]l$$. { -SMS-- ]l- &--R ]l# $-{l 6 VSrSMS$ VS$r*$ ]l$_ $- (S-VSj) >-Q-s-MS
]l, >Z #]l. ]l-l-]l- &--R ]l# ^l--l$-$ >{ 9.45 VSr$.r$ 33 R G$$-yl* 12.55 $l-
l$: ${l$ $. BMS Bjl {Z-l-]l-- &- R- ]l# >{ 10 VSrSMS$ BS$ ]l-ll VS$r*$ ]l$_ $- (S-VSj) $]l
Cl$$. Ml $$$. BMS MS VS$$- {lMS ]l : $--]lyl - & C{l-MS-{ (f$-yl a]l$) >{ 10.15 VSr$. r$ 31 R G$$-yl* 15.35 $l-
{*$. BMS _l]l. ]l, & l-VS$r*$ ]l*{ll$
>$ All ]l*{lV> Es. G$$-yl* 19.25 VS$$, ${MS,
]la-MS: MS$r$]l$$ .
B# ]l$_ B$. l$$.
]l$ l$ VS s-]l$rt MS*V>$ l$ $MS
, B
]l$$ M>Z N. >$ l soS : -l- ]l*P- f$-#- : V>$j-]l--VS f$ G$$-yl* 09.55 $]l
#kMS$s. EVS$MS$
Z$. s-Z $l- sMSP ]l$- s-]l$rt $l- 500.70 Ayl$-VS$S ]ll A k$
l]l$-$: ]l]l>Z A]l$. M>$S MSt l *.450 E. C 116.4174 sGSMS$ ]l*]l.
BZ^l]l$ V> Eyl]l#. MS$r$$ VSt l *.900 l*yl-- VS f$ ]l$_ GG--MS 400
]l$_ Jyl $$. B$ l$. ]l,
>Z ]l*$$.
l *.630 MS. MS*-MS$PS $ yl$-l-S-]l#-. ll _MSl l$
>$-Nyl ]l*PsZ Ls--V> 400 MS*-MS$P$. }O-S A]l$->-]l {t
]l$MS-: ]l$$ f$]llV> N l$*$: ]l$yl-SZ f$ ]l$_ V>$j-]l--VS f-*- VS$r*$Z GtB Ol$g$Z ]ls l$ (*.) Ayl {syl l A--$-l
^l $. $Z V]l. >$-Nyl ]l$ ]l*P-s- MS 400 MS*-MS$PS $ ]l_a ^l$-.
]l*VS. ^l*$ $VS$. r]l*r 42 18
Z $l- Ol$-$ {MS- }O-SZ s]l$rt 777.90 Ayl$-VS$S ]ll ]lM>$ 30 14 {- Ol$ l- -: 73, 80, 90
]l, >Z #VS Er$. $$_]l ]l$-M>$S E. C 19.5903 sGSMS$ ]l*]l. _MS P- -: 144
yl 20 r 18
MS$: $VS$MS$ $ $. BMS lS ]l->$ C VS$-s ]l*^ $a 30,34 ^]l$ _MS P- -: 154
{VS. Ml ]lMS$ ^l$. $M>>MS$ ]l#$$. 50 MSiS sMSP - l$WY>S : MS~ a]l$ {]l M>$]lMS$ 28
f]l#$. Ol]ll$. ]l,
M>MS 30 s- *s 30
_a ]l$-M>$S l ]l-VS ]ll $l- 3,007 MS*- 10
>Z _M>MS$$ VS$.
*.400 ]l$_ *.550 MS$PS $ yl$-lS ^l>$. g--r M>S- MS 28
M>h 16
$]l: ${l$ ]l$_ Jyl $$. {]l*MS.
]l$Z Al>$. ]l Q$a$.
]lMS$ MS. yl$ MS$ 267 MS*-MS$P-$, MS MS 893, M>s 54 {-_- S 60 Myl VS$yl l$ (lMS)
l*{*$. ]l, >Z ]l$-M>$S l *.250 M]l$-]l$ MSMS$ 720, l*$ M>S-MS$ yl 15,22 M>MS 48
Jyl$$. ]l$_ *.350 ]lMS$ MS- 361, a]l$ M>S-MS$ 214, O ]l ^]l-MS$ V>- l $ 15 ]lS-M>P$ JMSs 7
& r $>]l# ]lr$ -$-$ 110 MS*-MS$PS $ yl$-lS ^l-]lr$ s- E- $-$ 22 AS 70 Ol$ l & 3.08
l-$. -$-lS >Q AM>$-$ l$. V$-_MS$P$ 20 & Msyl$(VS$r*$)

]l-- $l-

rt- ]l-- sZ Dk ] *$
>]l$]l 24 VSrZ , gUyl, a]l$ V>, rt/h VS-t/ rt/h VS-t/ g $ ]l ]l
El{lZ l*$ { r$ ]l*$ M t M t E. 07.00 V r ] $y
{ V rM $ S ] * E.07.00 ] $ E.09.35 y O
E.09.30 B#y $ E.11.30 Ay yV
l {Z K l*$ ]l$_ ]l>$ MS$ $ 38.0/27.0 V>ylz 33.7/24.3 $ s ] $.12.00 Os V a{l { ] $.01.10 l O * z $
A]lM> E. V>yl, ]l$N, $gZ>, _l*$ 37.0/27.0 g]l*l 33.4/24.7 E.06.30 S ] $.03.00 ] * *g .05.00 O] y t
A]ll# 37.0/25.2 ]l$*]lVS 33.3/24.5 E.07.00 ] * 360 .06.00 V $ >.07.00 O
{#, Jyl>, MS>~rMS, Vr$ MSZ VS$r*$ 36.0/25.0 l$lMS 33.3/21.8
E.07.30 MSGB O
E.09.00 f] ] * ^ t Vz
{Z l*$ ]l>$ MS$$. JV$ 35.5/26.2 Bl 33.1/23.5 E.09.30 ] *V i t E.09.45 t A 2 E.08.10 >g *
E.10.00 ] $] $Z ] *r E.11.25 B B V>y ] $.01.05 $ >g
MS*$ 35.5/25.8 ]lVyl 33.0/25.0 E.11.30 s M M>y
VS$r*$ g $ }M>MS$ 35.2/26.6 >Qr 33.0/25.0 ] $.02.30 yM t Os $
] $.01.14 I ] *
.05.24 V s t
.04.20 M $>
.06.55 y *
]l ] V VS-t M t f$]lVS 35.2/26.6 f$yl 32.5/25.2 .04.30 ] * Y >.09.00 *r >.09.35 G.G.
.05.00 y ] *
l 31.6 27.0 MSyl 35.1/26.5 ]lVS 32.3/25.0 .05.30 E * ] * ] * ]l i ] *
M-MS- 35.2 27.6 l*$ 35.1/23.6 H*$ 30.5/28.1 >.07.30 s M M>y E.07.00 t E.07.41 $ O f
VSt M t --VS-*-$ 31.2 21.6 Q]l$ 34.7/22.6 >f]l${yl 30.5/28.1 >.08.00 Gts E.09.00 E.09.17 ylV ] $
>.09.00 ] * 360 ] $.12.00 Z ] $.12.05 y M
31.2 26.5 MS]lVS 34.0/24.9 ylVS*yl 30.5/28.1 >.09.30 ] *V il t ] $.03.00 M ] ] $.03.16 ^ O ] O^
^lOl 36.3 24.5 Ol>l 33.7/24.3 M>MSyl 30.4/28.4 >.10.30 {P .06.00 y .06.32 Z l
>.11.30 ] * ^
A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017 [OMS 7
A]l$-]l*-l Z l ]l$ ]l$ $ l _S-MS-*r * : ]l$-]l$ $--
>--S ]l$l ]l$]l--S ]l$ M>#->MS V> l ^l Vl _Z ]lrMSst yl-l-
]l_a. W ]l $r]l $l- BS-V> l$VS$-
l-lZ $r]l l#-$ ll-S- ZMS ]l_a. $S MSl]l l$MS$ ]l-
^l->-yl ]l$l$-> *$$. D {MS]l$-
l$-]l#S B- Z $l- Vl _Z ]lrMSst
]l$- lMS- yl-l-]l Ol]l
-^l (]l--->]l#-r) : ]l$yl-SZ rS-S- ^l -VS$$ l$ ]l$ ]l$l-l-
l$$-l$ {V>]l*-MS ^l]l lMS- El MS$-]l* > E$$.. ]l$yl-SZ l-]l rt-]l-l-V> MS$, l$>-]l ll-f$-
rS-S (27) Al l A]l$-]l*-l >-*yl$. {V>]l$ $-Z Mr-Myl yl$z lyl . ]l$l$-> JsO {]l V>*-S-]l-
Z $l- ]l$ ^l. ]l$l$- ]l$l$-> l$- yl-l-]l Vl _ ]l$_ l$>-]l >]l- yl- MS>l-MS-V> l ^l Es
> ll-{yl$S MSl]l {M> ]l-> ]l#S >l$ l$MS$ y- MS$-$ VS$_ $-SMS$ ]l*- $-$. ]l$l$->$ ]l-VS-yl VS$
E$$. ]l$-M-ylMS$ ^l]l MS^l lMS- -^l $-$ ^ A-^$. * I ZS-$ `, ]ll$$ VS$ gMSs l_.
{s]l#, lMS-r-]l$-]l$S MS$]l* lMS-rS- MS$ ]ll*-l$-^l $r MS ^l$-MS$ Vl ]l-->]l#-r ylG VS--->]l# $r
S-MS G$l {MSl l$$-l$-MS$ ^l]l l># ^l$-$. _ $-rMS$ $$_ ^l*>$. Al$- MS ^l$-MS$ ]l$l-l- -
MS$-]l*-- -Ol$. Cl$ Al-]l*-]l$-O]l Z 35&40 H ]l$-$-P>O]l ]l$ ^$. ]l ^l-]l* $l _S-MS-
Byl S-$ #st$. Z JMS MS$]l* lMS-rS-S ]l$ll- $]l I ]l->]l#, Mr$, lMS-s^l- ]l$l-l- VS$^$. yl$, ]lyl$ *r H* {$--$--{MS ]l$l-l-
]l$ ^l As ]l$_ Al-]l# MSr GI Bfl--$ S-S]l$ Al$-#-ZMS kS MSls l ^l Es $- l-^$. $-$ MS$ ]ll*l$
M - r$ Al-]l*-]l$-$ MS*y l#-$ -MS lMS-rS-S B$-l-SS $-MS$-$. ]l-->]l#-r rt I $ $-$. ]l$ ]lQ VS VS$$ ^l$-MS$ l># ^l$-$.
]l*]l--MS-V>, >-MS-V> l#-SMS$ VS$ {MSl #stsMS ^l. y-MS$-$ C-S ^l. ]l->]l#, -^l GI
^l$-$. { ]l$l _ s-$-$ ^yl$. $-$, ]lM>P Bfl--$ $r
]l_a l* Eyl-yl$. Al-]l*-]l$-$, lS gZMS lMS-rS-S A-sMS -^$.
S $ stll
l$*MS ]lMS ]l$ MSO MSy-, A-^
MS$-Z l$yl At
yl-G O l-$--l
yl$zO $-
O OS ]l$-$ ^l$yl-V> $r]l $ {rMS$P ]l ]l$ yl$
l$WY>S (]l$-VS--W) : MSO MSy-, S]l$
l]l$ : l$-*l ]lS _]l$ MS*$ lrl l]l A-^ MS$-Z K ]l-MS$-yl $- M>-Nyl (]l*-^l) : M>- MS*y r$t-
*M$ (40) Al ]lMS ]l$ ^lyl$. $ ]l*-hMS BVS $ At ^l>$. $-$ l]l ]l- N-yl-Z ]l$VS-- A MS$ BtMS$
$S MSl]l {M> M*$ ]l$yl- MS{-MS Oll M > E$$. l$WY>S $V> M>S-MS >{ 2 ]l$_ 3 VSrS ]l$l ]l*-^
SZ _]l-#-]l{$ {V>]l*-MS ^l]l $-M^a$. AMSPyl ^l]l MS]l $MS O 28]l -_]l ]l lTS- $-$ ]l ^l$-MS$]l $ C^a-]l$
*M$ $ {rMS$P
_]l$ *M$ O# O]l$ W^l ]l$- Oll$-$ S-$ ^l Al {V>]l*-MS ^l]l K MS-S]l$ OMSO Z S $ l-$-- lS-yl^$.
$ ^l$syl$. D {MS]l$-Z $l- ]l$ ^l]lr$ >- ]l$l-l- ]l*$ yl$z ]l*YZMS $-MS- A- l A]l$-]l*-]l- $ VS$-gS * I }->]l# -l-S-Z D
l]l$ ]l$yl-SZ f {V>]l$-Z ^$. ]l$l-l- $t-]l*-t M ^ ^l>yl$. >{ MS- VSyl- {rMS$P]l$ ]l ^l$-MS$-- lT$ -^]l$ l$. A$$l, S
yl-st VS-]l$---->]l# CsZ O# O]l$ l]l$ GO ]l$]l-l->]l# l {$l Bl$]l$ lZ ]l CsMS l- ]l$ HGI O$$ $ l-$]l $-$ ]l ^l$-MS$--
]l$-$ ^l$yl-V> {]l*-l-]l->l$ l$ Oll->-SMS$ l-^$. D l$MS$ MS$ *yl$. l _]l->]lN$ $P-]ll l$. Al$-Z 50 MSZS l $ $yl-*-Z Ol A$$. O
Ol$ lW MSl yl--*yl$. VS]l$-_]l ]ll*l$ ^l>-]l$ GO l$. MS]l$ VS$_]l l$-]l#-$ lMS ]l*- -$ 20 M> ]l#-$, $l- El$ ]l$_ l]l*, $ AM>$-
^ A-^$. MS]l$ CsMS $- A->{ l-$-$ M>st S]l$ Ayl-Wl A-s-l-$ l ^l$l* ]l^a$. >
MS- {^l-V> fW]l -*- lMS VS $ Al A]l$-]l*- $-{-MS HGI lMS-^$. {rMS$P]l$
]l$l A]l-l$]l ]l$-O MS$ ^ $ ^l$-V> ]l$l s ]l-_. O 30]l l$WY>S ]l- s ]l ^l$-MS$- r$t-MS$]l ]l*r -]l-l$-]l, Al$-Z S
]l*gyl (]l$-M-yl) : ]l$yl-SZ S^l-yl- ]l$-]l$ ]l$-Myl GOM g S]l$ B{-$$^l-V> MS$ ]ll*l$ ^l -]l$ ^l$. O l- $]l* M> A]l l]l* AM>$-$ >-^
*]l*-$--Z ]l$l A]l-l$l tSMS$ l-^$. O GOM g I >$. MS >l$ l$MS$ MS$ ]ll*l$ -MS$ ]l*-^ - El ^l$.
r* K ]l$-]l$ GOM g $-$ $l - MS~]l$ ]l-- M-V> ]l$ ]ll yl$ ^l]l $-$ $l- l$-yl ]l$ l$. s- r$
Al$-#-ZMS $-MS$-$. {V>]l$-Z ]l$l s ]l*{ll$ E]lr$ ^l$. At ^l>$. D $r]lO l * A{MS-]l$-V> C$MS l-$]l
A]l-M> $t-# --$--l ]l*- Oy-]l MS$ ]ll*l$ ^l$-]l$$. I _]l-]l$-S-$ l># ^l$-$. , l-SMS$ $-lV>

l{yl l]l*a]l l]lyl At

: ]l$l ]l$l$-Z l{yl l-]l*-a]l
l]l--yl At ^l-]lr$ I >-f-l--
$ ^l$. MS * P M>>-S-
$-Z $l- -_]l -MS ]l*-
l--Z B$]l ]l->S]l$ lS-yl^$. ^l$-
MS$-- ]l$yl-S l*$-- ^$
V>-]l-VS {V>]l*-MS ^l]l M]l _]l-]l-S-$
(73), VS]l$ l-l$-SMS$ *>]l#
A*- ]l$$-$ Al MS$]l*-$yl$
Eyl$. ^lyl$ AS-r M>--V>
*>]l#]l$ Al ]lst S-S-
#stsMS l-$$. ]l$l W ]l_a l$-yl f$--_ ]l*s-yl$-l$]l I >-f-l--$
]l$- ]l$l$ VSl$MS$ O 26]l ll-{yl$-S]l$ Gyl]l$ l*^l-$$O V>]l ]l-MS-V> ^l$$ W-$$.
yl$S M l^yl$. B l>l CsZ ]l$_ $- ]l$ MSPl E]l MS{- l]l l{yl O ^l-S- -
rMS$ l-*yl$. W 27]l l lS-$-g]l]l 2 l-V> Mrtyl- ]lS-$ ]l$ ^lyl$. As ]l$_
VSrS ]l$-$-Z CsZ {$]l l{yl CM> >Z E]l *>]l#]l$ $l- El$ --
yl$-$ M>S Ayl-V>yl$. l]l ]ll yl$-$ ]l $ ]l*-^ l$MS$ ]lVS ]l$yl-S gj--
l{yl ]l*-]l ^lyl$. l{yl _]l-]l-S-$ r$-Z Eyl-V>, Al$-#-ZMS $-MS$-$. l$-yl
bO *>]l# SV> l$ Mst, l]l- l^l$a- M$tMS$ f$---^l-]l$-]lr$ I >-f-l--$
MS$]l sMS$ ]lMS Myl-]l- ]l-MS--*yl$. ^l$. D ]l*-l--Z ^l$-MS$-- GO >g--->]l#
$--yl]l l{yl -l$yl-V> lryl Myl-]l- ll-$-$ E$.
8 MS A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017

-]l-]l l-M>MS *.SS >

C{l-MS-{ (f$-
yl a]l$) : l$Y]l$
A]l-{-l l-M>MS
^l{MS- MS$s l-MSMS$ -]l$- ^l]l MS
> Al-g- S-MS-]l$-yl Bl*l t {y {M> ]lS
>$. r]l$-rMS$ lMS$ A]l$ _{lr, Q>$-^l- A>-MS Bl*l
^l]l ]l$l MS- {$ C$]l l$YVS$yl AM>$$
$S A]l$-$MS$ S_. B-B M>g
$ MS$r$ $-$ $l- *. 1,00,116 > D MS$s B Ch--VMS$ As]l-]l$-
BS$ AM>$-SMS$ C^a$. A]l-l l-SMS$ BS$ ]l$>-l- A-MS $tS MS {XS--VS Zr$ ]l$ $VS$
S- A]l$- l]l ^l$$^$. ll yl-l$-$ B-^l]l S-MS-]l$-yl-Z MS>-S-SMS$ ls A-$-
Al-g-$-V>, BS$ AM>$-$ {-S]l$, A]l$- _{l-- $ MSSMS ~-*-$ S C^la A>- KMS ^l>$.
s C^a$. BS$ l-MS-S ]l$yl $-$ MylS *- HGS - MS>-S-Z
Sl, l--Q Y-$. HGS : Il$ M>{sMSt A-ts {-
$tS MS S-MS-]l$-
AVSS-yl r$ MS$^l$ B^ V>$j]l ]l-s-Z VSl- ]l-s --$ Al {$l yl Bl*l S_. ]l-s-Z
Z fW]l -S]l, M>---, BMS--- *^l-]lS l$MS$ Q>$ ^l$. BP-s-MSa VS N -$S $ Bl-Z
Ol$]l l-$, E-VS$S ]l-l$-$ MS>-S-Z {, {--, 14 A-ts VS a r]l$ ]l-s l-
ll A>-SO ]l_a]l B-SO > {--]l$ M>{sMSt Ayl-MS l-Z $- ]lS {M> -^l-l$MS$ S-MS-]l$-yl
{$-l {>l IHG AM> yMSt ^l{MS- $-^l-l$MS$ VSl-Z GOM ]l MS *-]l$MS AXMS--_.
ll-lZ $-$-_]l l># MS$s El-$-$ C-S S-MS-]l$-yl *__.
C_a]l l-MS]l$ S-MS-]l$-yl Bl*-_. M>{s-*-r ]lS ]l^l l--]l$- t---Z HGS l-Ml]l
]ls-Z $l- fW]l S-MS-]l$-yl ^l]l E-VS$-SMS$ Osz {V>yl$s, yls {V>yl$s t---Z ]ls l-Ml]l -
]l*-l ]l->S]l$ B^ G.>g{l-{- C]l-y-MS Bl*l l. ]ls-Z l- ^S ~-$$^$. D El-]l-Z V]l
-MS-$-SMS$ l$. A]l-MS-l-]l-MS-$, l- yMSt-s {]l ^ll$MS$ $VS$ ]l$
f$yl M> ]ll l> ^l$]l AVSS-yl ]lP$ SO ^l-SMS$ ^l{MS- MS$s l-MS-Z ^l]l MS-V S-s-_V S-MS-]l$-yl $ ^l. D $ VS]l--
f$-yl {r : AVSS-yl r MS$# ~-*- {$- $-S]l$ A]l$-$ ^ll$MS$ D MS$ ]l-s #-l$. $]l$, l-
l lrl E---^l$-MS yl]l*y ^l* $l- MS$s $-$-^S ~-$$^$. $tS MS.. Ml]l l VS]l- ~-$$-$. ]l-
]lVS---SMS {]l M>>-S$ ]ll AVSS-yl ]lP$ ]l-s-Z VS$-S A-ts {--, ]l-s OS MS>S h*-Si s, JV$ i r-Z 20 HMS$ Oyl
l> ^l>$. D l-V> MS$-]l g. $ Vyl$ A-$s {--, {- *-]l$-M>MS VS-Z A-$s {--, Ol${M- l$-$ --$]l M>{sMSt A-ts {--
l-Z$-MS$-$. AVSS-yl S>-MS $-lV> rtZ 3,126 i ]l$ G 41]l$ A]l$--]l ^l* *-S-iZ A-ts {- MS-V MS $ il-Z 50 >l ^l-l$MS$
r]l$ 1,026MS$ MS$^S ~-$$^lyl $-]l$-$. D S-MS-]l$-yl Bl*l l. M>{sMSt A- *-]l$-M>MS VSl-Z fW]l A-$S Bl*l l. r$ M$t El-$-
~-*- E---^l$-MMS$s B]l Ell ^l-]l$ ts {- *-]l$-M>MS > E]ll G-MSMS$ S-MS-]l$-yl Bl*l l. $ E]l ]l$M-l A>- ]l^la ]l*-l--Z
^la-^$. yl]l*yl- MS*yl]l ]l--{- MS$-]l-MS$ -]l$-yl *^l-]lS l$MS$ [P-V st MS-V S-s-_V $tS MS VSl-Z ^la^l-]l$-$. Z-l-MS$S >-l$O B^
A-^$. ylNs l$$ VVS$S lMS-r-]l$->]l#, syl -^S S-MS-]l$-yl-Z ~-$$^$. fW]l {{MS-$O MS$s C_a]l *^l-]l-S]l$ f$} MS$s C_a]l l-MS]l$ S-MS-]l$-yl
-yl VS$y-# $ ^la-$ f$. H ]l^la S-MS-]l$-yl-Z {l--stS -_-l t VS M>{sMSt A-
AVSS-yl ]lP, S- $S $-MS$-$ GS-^l {$l *^l-]lS l$MS$.. *__. ts {- yMSt .$--MS-MS$ M>{sMSt
${f, MS.$->]l]l$, VSfS-S, >, -lS MS$]l*-, D st]l$ E]ll -]l$-yl --$, yl-W^l-r l l$.
O^ll]l, f$-S-S ll-$-$ Y-$.
iGs l$-^l- ]lMS* >r
S]l$ ]l VSS H>-r$MS$ ^l$
# (f$-yl a]l$) :
>Z 175 *-fMS-]l->Y-Z
sMS-Os yl--S Al-S$yl$ ]l$---ylz
A]l$]l*]ll$ EMSOl$..
S]l$ ]l VSS H>- $l ]l$ ]lMS]l
r$MS$ {$-l ^l-$ $-
MS$l ]l${ MS.A^la--yl$
A]l-l E-$-MS$ Bl-l
l$. Al$-Z VS-V> 34 S-MS-yl-V>
-yl-$ ]l VSS]l$
H>r$ ^l>-]l$, ]l$ 81 l- ]l-*$ (C{---r-) : A]l$-l,
]l*s-yl$-l$]l A^la--yl$ Zl Al$-r$-ZMS l^lal$MS$ ]l*-s-yl$-l$]l ]l$---ylz (Gyl]l$ ]l$_ lls ]lMS) B$-l-S- B]l-l-V> E]ll-]l-MS.. JMSP-
MS ^l$--]l$ ^l$. S]l$ >Q AM>$S >-$$ ]lS-soS (f$-yl a]l$) : ]l[-SO - A]l$-]l*-]l-]l$l ]l$-*l {l-..
]l*-l $l- l$]l$-S-- MSS-{lZ fW. _]l iGs M>--V> ]l NV> ]l*]l-]l-l MS*y ]l$_ ]l$VS- {]l-
]lQAV> Y]l ]l${ ]l*s-yl$l* t --, VS-g-l B{l-{-l sMS-Os yl--S $. A$$-]l-]l$ ^lg-l$-> ^l#-
$O h $$-Z AM>$-$ G-s-MS-yl$ -l-S- > Al-S$yl$ *-ylz ]l$---ylz ^l$. MS$s$. A]l$-]l*]l]l$l Al-M>-Z B
^l-stS *_^$. S]l$ >Q M>-l- .El-$-S-S ]l[-SO iGs l$-^l- ]lMS* >r ^l-S- MZ$$ ]l$ Vylz- ]lM>yl$.
]l*s-yl$l* $ E- M>-{MS-]l*S A]l$-Z VS-V> VS$-l$l-$. MS H sMS-Os yl--S B]lMS E$MS$ Bll ^l$MS$yl$.
S$S GMS {{MS$ D lS 1]l l ]l$_ {--Ol$l- M>>-S-$-Z $l- $-{l B$]l {$l B{Z _MSl l$ E-$-MS$
$. M>--S O^lS VS-$-MS$-$ ]l*s-yl$l* -MS-$-S- ]l*s-y$. ]l[-SO iGs l$ylV>, W> ZM>MS$ l ]l$-_]l ]l$
S]l$ ]l VSS $ VS-l$-SO AM>$-$ S{l--$$- A]l$-ZMS ]l_a lS k$ sl, *yl$. K MS$r$ c]l ^l]l D (CsZ)
Z lT -_ l-MS]l$ C-S *_^$. M># M>- NV> VS-g-l-$. DlS I $r]l ]l$yl-SZ ]l-*$ {V>]l$-Z _MS-l- l$-l$]l
-S O^lS ^lS-]l$-S-st >]l*-]l$-f$ ]l*s-yl$l* $ E- l]l iGs M MS$s ]l*-l M>]l$l, $l- lS-$-g]l]l fW. $-
M>-{MS-]l*S r, ]l$--$ BMS-V> Zl M>]lyl r ]l[-SO iGs l$-^l-* ~$ $- $ l]l ]l->S {M>.. {V>]l*-MS ^l]l ]l$
{$-l _l-$- El, Al$MS$ A]l$-VS$--V> MS$ MS yl]l*y ^l>$. >]l$]l M>SZ { GP ]l$S (50) MS]l--V> ^l-yl$. _MSl $l
MS*y ]ll$MS$ >S M>$. D M>-{MS-]l$-Z Oyl-MSt - ]lyl$ h-S-MMS -]l ]l$, B h-Z ]l$-O A]l$-]l*-]l- l Vyl-]l--yl$l* f$-yl {$--
]l-l, Gyl G.MS~-l*-l, l yl--S Al-S$-$ ]l l$M>S , -]l {l--]l-$ Eyl-yl$. $l- $-{l Cl ]l$l -{MS l-^$. C VS]l$-^l ]l$S
B.>$- (--l$S), yl.]l- (]l-ylz), h.VS--->]l#-(- Gl$]l -^S ~-$$^]l$-$. D Vyl]l fW. MS$]l*-$yl$, Myl-$ ZS l]l ^l$$ Er$l _
-{--), G.H-yl$-M-yl-$ (-VS E), s yl$ ]l*-l--Z M> ]l$as A-$-S VSZ {$-yl-V>, $r ]l-y-Z {V>]l$ $-Z MS~-]l Jyl$z]l K ^lr$tMS$
(Z$), G.MS-]l-M>^-(---{--), s.f$-{-M> (ylz AlS, M>-l-$-$ _l-S-Nyl ->l$, {$]l ]lQO Vylz- ]lM>yl$. E-$-MS$ ]l$-^yl$. ]l$ -
l), MS.-{]l*-f (MS-~-f), MS.VS{l (MS$-]l$-/>-- VSY-]l-# ]l->]l# (-$) $-MS$-$ {]lV> V>$--yl]l Bl$ MS# ]l$yl$-VS$-Z yl ]l$V> E. ]l$S ]l$l-l- $t-]l*-
]l), $l-$ (l$-l), 13 hS ]l$_ ]l_a]l Dyl-$, MS.-]l-M>S->]l#, W^l S-{-, GS.N-~- MSMS-$ l. ZS VSZ {$]l MS$]l*- t $l Al B-{MS l-^$. GI
ylyl-$, ]l VSS {-^$-$ Y-$. ^l-{l->]l#, H.--]l->]l#, s - $yl$, Myl-$ ]l_a V>$--yl]l l ]l$- MS~ MS$ ]ll*-l$-^l l># ^l-st$.
MS ll-$-$ Y-$.
A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017 MS 9
MS A--- MS$-Z ]l$ Cl At
l SO A]l-V>]l MS^ $yl-yl$ (_S-MS-*-r) : MS]l$ MSy- ^l]l MS$-Z l$-
O]l Cl- _S-MS-*r * I ZS-$ Bl-Z $yl-
yl$ GO Ms--->]l# $l- At ^l>$. $-$ l]l
]l-> E$$. l]l MS$]l*-MS$ ]l*$-]l*-r$ ^l A--^l$-
h O^l--S MS g]lS P >Z]l# MS$--*-r* $yl-yl$ tS-Z K MS l{yl D Hy
yl$ ]l-l->S- ]l*a 12]l >l$ ^l>$. MS$ ]ll*l$ ^l$-MS$]l I ZS-$
Ms-yl$ (VS$r*$) : $-]l#-SMS$ l $ Z $-MS$-]l- l># ^l MSy-MS$ M>-Ol$]l Z$--MS$ ^l]l MS-
A]l$-l- ]l*-]l-]l$l -*- {fZ -l- ^lal$MS$ {fZ ]l$ H{ 2]l l]l At ^l M$tMS$ f$ ^$. A$$l D
-$$-Z A]l-V>]l MS^-]l A]l- A]l-V>]l M>-{MS- MS$-Z l$-O]l ]l$ Cl$ ]lM>yl-]l }]l$-$MS, ]l
El h O^l--S MS g]lS ]l*-$ ^l-yl$-l$- S-]l$-$$-S]l$ $l- A$t ^l M$tMS$ f$ ^l-V>
P-$. gyl M>>-S$ B]l--Z h ]lr$ P-$. MS 15 kS ]l*y -_-]lr$ $-$ l$.
]l$--]l-, $ S]l$ >Q Bl-Z $l- $-]l#MS$ B$ lS-$
H>r$ ^l]l l S l-S M>- l $ C]lyl
{MS-]l$-Z Bl$ ]l*s-y$. $-]l#-SMS$ B$ lSS >Z 55 >l VS$sP MSr$ ]l
]lMS$ l C-S-$. l SMS$ ]l*{l-l$-]l, ]l$VS--W : rt-Z
$_]l t-M> $-]l#-SMS$ H$ l ]ll >l ]l*-l--Z ]l*s-yl$-l$]l gyl O^l--S MS g]lS. MSP]l Iyl-G MS*-V>$S ]l*Ps
l$. l VS$-SMS$ t-M> A- ^l-l$MS$ JMS {lMS MS$-]l A$-MS$-]l*-, yl $Qi]lS-$ ll-$-$ r yl{X MS>S
^l-l$MS$ Cs-]lS A]l A]l$-l-- l-M> {l- El-]l$--$$-Z ^l*-]l A]l- El- -- $l$-V> ]l*Ps r ]lMS$ M]l-- MSP]l E]l K f]l-
-st, D M>-{MS-]l$O MS*y AVSS-yl $. W. yl--$, *--Ol-f$, AVSS-yl M>- t-Z $l-
M>-MS--$ {fZ A]l-V>]l MS^S l VS ]l$--SMS$ t-M> A- MS--$, B*-$, l u->-S-SMS$ ^l]l rt $-$ BMS-MS
*_^$. VS$S S-]l*-MS > {$-l ^l-l$MS$ ]l*{s-S $S]l$ > {$-l A]l$- MS-$, y-{M>- Os $-$.. l $ yl$-$ ^l>$. AMSPyl
lylz GMS-{- M>-{MS-]l*- {l--stl $ ^l$-]lr$ l$. A]l-l l $ B]l- B]l--MS-lO l M>$z-$ {l-* > E]l *.20 lS $Ol]l VS$sP, OR, S-->V MS-r]l$ ]l
Bl$ ^l$. ]l$--]l-, $ S]l$ >Q -MS-lO H>r$ ^l]l > gyl O^l--S -^$. D M>-{MS-]l$-Z ]l$--]l-, ^l$-MS$-$. I {$ l]l ]l->S l$MS$ f]l- t
{lMS MS$-]l ^l. A$-MS$-]l* ]l*s- g]ll, A$-MS$-]l* gy F {- $ S]l$ >Q {gMS$t Oyl-MSt $Qi]lS-$ ]l$-VS$-Z VS$sP ^l$--l ]l*-^ l$MS$ lT$
yl$l* ]l*sMS ]l*$ >l l $ C^la ^$. gyl ]l$_ {--Ol$]l D > ]lVS- ll$$ Y-$. -_]lr$ ^l$. V> VS$sP S-S]l$ VS$_ ]l
^l$-MS$ # $f]l* Ms--->]l#]l$ Al$-#-ZMS $-MS$ MS$
]ll*l$ ^l l># ^l$-]lr$ l$.
AS MS $ l> $S]l$r* _ M>$O yl
]l$--$ AylW l$$-MS$]l AS G f$->]l# B l-Z *-l$S ]l$l $
-A->{ OlO ]l $. yl$zO l]l$ ]l-MS$-$ C
yl$-l$--, AMSPyl ]l$_ Z$-- ]lVS$Y-MS {]l V>*-$
Aylz-Wl $-MS$-l--Sr* M>$-Z lyl$-MS$- DN$ (]l$-M-
g$ -O *X $. D {MS]l$-Z M>$]l$ lVS-V> Z$-- yl) : B l-
MS$ ^a$. >l$, ]l--S$ Z *-l$S
$yl-yl$ (_S-MS-*-r) : $-S- OMSO lyl_ M>$]l$ B ]ll$ A- ]l$l fW]l $-
]l$r* ^l ^l-yl- r$ M>$]l$ l ^l>$. Cl-]l$ { $-S- Z ]lVS$Y-MS
l ^l]l $r]l ]l$yl-SZ MSS-MS-S ]l$r* ^$. $ $-$ M>l]l {]l V>*-O]l
. MS$-$ l]l ]l->S {M>... $ MS$S > l$$-MS$]l M>$- $r]l ]l$yl-
r-g$ (VS$r*$) : { JMSP* {MS]l$-S-, AMSl ]lM>$-S--yl$MS$ ^l]l >l$, Ol$l- Z -l$-$ $yl-yl$ $-SMS$ SZ M{yl-]l-
]l- l$-$ --^S AS G ^l. f$- $MS$ ^l]l ]l--S$ MS GS-GG >l$ ^l>$. D $ l$-MS$]l r {V>]l$-Z ]l$VS-- >{ fW. MS--_]l ]l->S
>]l# *_^$. $ y {Vy-Z $l- ]l*$ $$ ]ll ]l$VS-- >{ OlO S$, >l$ ]l*Ol >l$ ^l- {M> {V>]l*-MS ^l]l VS$yl-yl >k * $V {l$
MSl$ ^l>$. A]l-l B-y f$yl$ MS ]l*r$ l>$. Al ]l$-$-Z _S-MS- Ar* $l- El$ $ {V>]l$-Z ]l$l Ml M>SV> B l E. >kMS$ ]l$VS ]l MS-
l> -^$. D l-V> G ]l*s-yl$l* *r Ol# ]l$_ ]l$]l M>$]l$ $#- E]l -l$S ]llMS$ l W Vyl]l r$t-MS$- -]l-yl- B$]l B MS$]l*-S S-SMS$ A-W-yl -_]l
yli ]lyl* ]l->]l# lS-st]l E_l BVS S, lS ^l>$. Cl-Z Cl$ ]l$--$ $-VS$]l $. D l-lZ $-$ l- Al l]lyl$ {l$.. B l]l MS$]l*-$-SMS$ ]l$l, Byl S-
Oll M>-{MS-]l*- { JMSP* l--V> *-W- ]l_a BW]l M>$ y$ $-MS$ GMSP MS*$a- Al$-#-ZMS $-MS$-]lr$ ]l*-^. SMS$ C]l->l Ar* C$-]l# ]l$l l f$-VS$-. O
^l$-MS-$. $ MS G ]lQV> lS ]l$-S-Z ^$ MS*y fW]lr$ -l$-$ ^l$l$-
M> BVS, >MS $-l A]l -*- $. D {MS]l$-Z ]l$VS-- >{ C$-]l->YS ]l$l $- ^r$
VS$$^l$-MS l$. {fS- ]l$>-l-V> yl$ AM>yl$ B l$ylMS OlMS$ *$ Nf ^l$-MS$. D $-Z {l$ ]l$]l$-]l$-$, ]l$]l$-]l$->O]l S-
l$$VS$l* tSMS$ ]l^la >-l$-$-S- V-]l-V> ]l]l- >k, $->]l#, -]l$-SMS$ {]l V>*-S-*$$. ]l$-
-^S l$. A]l-l l>--Z VS-V> ^l-- (VS$--gS) : ]l$yl-SZ l$- Myl {$l Oll->-SMS$ l-_ l$$-OVS]l Oll M VS$r*$
]l$--S]l$ AylW l$$-MS$-$. ]l*-l--Z VSS {V>]l$ $-Z ]l*l-]l-V> -^l- $-MS-$. -l$S >l$ l$MS$ DN$ $-$ MS$
$]l#$ AM>$-$ Y-$. ]l$]l yl$ AM>yl-$ B l$yl-MS Ol-MS$ ]ll*l$ ^l$-M l># ^l$-$.
$l- *$ Nf M>-{MS-]l*- ^l-
Ml--rZ >f-Q -r { st$. yl$ ^r--$ {rt Bl-Z
l-VS$r*$ : $]l*$ *.50 Mr ]l$- -^l-]l$]l
#$VS$ ]l$l$ W t-l$S Bll
Ml-r Z$ l$yl-MS Ol- SZ ll yl-l$-S- MS. ]l, G-yl- s MS~-MS$-]l* ]l$ $l V>MS S-]l-]l-
]l$ r-Z {l-MS-V> Ng M>-{MS-]l*-$ fV>$$. MS*y NfZ Y-$. ll-VS-]l yl$-VS$-> soS : ]l$-
Al$-l]l l$- ^lyl-*VS, >Z]l$ ll M>-{MS- > N ^l s {fSMS$ l$$-OVS]l $l {MS-]l$-V> ]l*^l-
-*-S- B- ]l*-S]l$ ll-]l$-{-S- f^$. D Oll A-^l-l$MS$ ^l-$ $-MS$s]l$ ]l ]l$yl-S l*jyl$
ylMS jS yMSt M>-{MS-]l$-Z $--l ]l$- l-l$-S- {rt $-$ l$. D M>-{MS-]l$-Z {V>]l$-Z t-l$S-V> ^l-
MS.>f--Q--ylz r$ $]l#$ yMSt$ Y Nf$ B{ ylhr >--MS$-$ _$-]l*-$ ]lMS #$-VS$-]l$l$
-_]l ]l*l]l ]l-]l-Z $l- >f-Q - ^l>$. VS$-gS Bz D. ]l, l- lMS-s-$ ll-$-$ Y-$. _ Bl-l ^l$-MS$]l
r]l$ > ->S >Q ]l${ {s #- $r]l rt-Z $l-
>]l#, gqS --S Oyl-MSt ]l# }MS-~-l-]l->$-$ fW. l$-]l#-$ l]l ]l-> E$$. Ml-VS--$-yl$
{-^$. D l-V> ]l${ #->]l# ]l*s-
yl$l* Oll V>MS G {$ {R-l-$ MSW]l
Ol$S]l$ l* ^l]l syl >P$ {V>]l*-MS ^l]l kh }->]l# (35) l*jyl$ {V>]l$-Z
t-l$S-V> ^l$-yl$. A$$l yl$-VS$->-Z -
VS$r*-$-Z Al$-l]l l-Z -r]l$ {- OlG Ol$ VS l ]l$$ ]l_a]l l$--Z Ol$-$ ]lr* l*j-yl$-Z l$-$ --$syl$. ]l$ $l
^lyl A-]l-l-$-]l$-$. -r All yMSt > M>-l- >]l$-MS-~-ylz ]l$ BMS-V> AlMS C-l$-$ yl$-l$-- V>MS D]l$l l^l* ^l-]lr* l-$-yl$. l$-]l#-
MS.>f--Q--ylz ]l*s-yl$l* B-ylMS, ]l*>Si, t, r-g$ (VS$r*$) : syl {$-l P-$. yl_]l rSMS$ Wr$t-r$ $ l $-M* Eyl-$. D {MS]l$-Z $l- ]l$-
{MSs-MS MS, f]l- l$yl-l, Al$-l]l * s $]l*- ^l-]l$ Ol$-S]l$ ]lst-r]l_- l MS, {$-l ]l$_ Gr$-]ls $ yl$-VS$->-Z {> t-s Gl$-$-V> E]l j]l {l-Z
Oll ]l-$ Al$-r$-Z Es$ ^l$. D M>-{MS- l, {MS-s_]l ]ly yll MS*y Cs AlMS Ol$-$ yl$-l$]l MSt-$ a #$VS$ ]l$l$ W Bl--lMS$ S-yzyl$. $ l$$-MS$]l
]l$-Z V $ A-$-S $-MS$-$ $l ]lMS$ AVS l OlG M>{VS- t l$yl$ MS$y *-yl Bl-l]l ]lMS GI $ $r MS ^l$-MS$ l$-]l#S ]ll ]l$l$yl
Ms--->]l#, V-r #]l$ ^l, Oll$-$, ]lVS Ol$ VS > M>-l- -ylz >]l$-MS- ^l>$. Ol$S >]l OlG ]l->$ MS--^$. ]l$l$-ylMS , Il MS$]l*-$yl$ E$.
{]l-Q$$ Y-$. ~-ylz JMS {MS-r]l-Z ]l$--^$. r$ Er$l]l -*- t ^l>$. GI MS$ ]ll*l$ ^l l># ^l$-$.
10 MS A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017

Xl, -l, S$, r.. D

{l.. {l $ A>S MSS-$$MS MSl.
VS]ll$yl$, MS$S MSl-$, #>$,
^l{l.. A MS-lMS$ MS>.
Cs MS-l- r* V>$
$yl-]l R]l$. _]l-MS l
l]l {-V> ]l$S-^l$-MS$-$. MS-
]l-Z l$]l l*$-V]l h
>]l$-^l-{l-#->MS ^l]l }]l$
S : Gl-]l-MS$ ^ll$-]l#-MS$-$?
R]l$ : l-VS ]lMS*..
S : MS-l-SO ]l$MS$P]l G H-yl?
R]l$ : MS----#--Z ]l* Cs MSPl >-
>$ MS- u->S E. ]l* CsZMS
MS-l-$ ^l. Al$-]l-S _]l-s ]l$_
Xl --S- -l H-yl.
R]l$ f$-yl-Z f$-VS$-l$]l
MS- -Z Y-ll$MS$ l-VS N-*MS A]l*-]l {l-S u->-
S-Z ^l>]l$. AMSPyl MS]l-S Byl--S-SMS$ ]l*{ll$
]l^a$. D l-V> "-S-' M# MS-l-$ l$-$. E_l Zf]l, ]lS-

]l*s-y$. r$ MS-l-$ E_l-V>l ^l-$. MS$ D
& ^l {, S, f$-yl l >]l-y-MS B u-> M>. $VS M$
N^l, "-MS- V>]l {' tMSs Al$-MS$-

B--S]l$ MS MS--Z ^l$-MS$-]lst.. l, B-, $t ll
]lQOl$]l {l$MS-- {-S]l$ {l^ll$MS$ ylhr MS l$-$ Al$- ]l-->]l#-r * : ]l-->]l#-r -ZM>-MS..
r$-Z E. D&l$-$$, tg Os-Z {l--$-^l$-MS$s MS$ lP-$- Ch-V MS>-S-Z lS kS {MSl MS-MS l-Z ]l*$-S]l$ G-s-MS-yl$
{--Ol$]l GG yl* {->$ -ZM>MS l$-g-$-yl- r$ --
$. MS ^lM yl$l* ylhr MS--Z {-S]l$ G]l MSs yl-MS$y {Zl-S]l$ --V> BMS-r$t-MS$r$-$$. l -*-S]l$ GG yl* > Al-g-$-
^l$-M]l^l$a. D l$--*- MS{l {$-l yli MS lO A-MS-S- "M>- MS$$, MS]l$ r$' sV- $. l MS>-S-Z -^l g$, Al-
/lOs > E_l-V> l]l^l$a. ]l*-^ MS-MS MS{l ]l${l->Q {--Ol$]l D {->$ -ZMS- >j-$ l-$-$, > $, Dls,
r$ ]l*]l {Zl-S]l$ l]l$-Ol-#-]lMS$ M>- l$s, E]ll lMS$ A]l---Ol$]l
Bl-Z yl-t-l$s B Is D MS-> MS. -M-r$-$$. ]l*-^> {MS--lV> GS-D.. -
C BS-OS GG yl* VS$*.. ZM>MS Al-g-. r$ -$-$
E_ll$.. Hl GG yl-*S $]l$
B* GGS {MS-MS A]l$-VS$--V>
AylVS $ {-SMS$ ]l*--]l-$* l-S]l$
]l- ^l$-$. Cl$MS$ A-s-MS-
{l$MS-- {-$ BS-OS-Z {l--$-^l$-MS$-ll$MS$ {l--$-^l$-M]l-^las.. M MSZ$r- yl-$-S-Z ]l*{ll$ yl$ BS-OS-Z MS ]l*-
ylhr MS l$--*- MS{l {$-l E_l-V> Al$- -l, {l$MS-- {-$, l, ^l-$$. M>, GS-D GG ]l*{l ^- r$ #-$S
r$-ZMS l_a. ]l-S l*-{SMS$ l -$-$, B-, Kr$ VS$#, {OylV OS, BS-OS M>]l-yl- {-^l-Z H ]lS ]l$_ O]l ]l*-
E-VS$-$ tMSr$ lr $-MS$ l-]l A]l- Eyll$. ]l$O^l- Cr-s- A]l$---]lOl$ D ^> MS-_
D ylhr MS > GMSP-Oyl-, G-Oyl- {s $-MS$l
$MS, S-M>$z, t, ]l* S-
yl* {->$ ]l-]l^l$a. VS$VS* t- Al-g-$- Al->j-S.. C
$, Cs ]l$ l$, {$-l g^l-
S- Er$. D ]l-$ E_l.
$Ol]l {-$, Cl $Ol]l {-$
-Z GS-D GG Al *]l$ yS- $. gS..! ]ll MS
WS C.. Zy ^l$-MS$ {->$ l l$-
{l--$-^l$-M]l^l$a. $r$ E. 24 VSrS r$ {- lWY-l$l]l lS ]l*r
llr l-O-s-ZMS l OS-B {*-f.. >$ * > A$-$. $- ^l ls ]ll. Cl$MS
MSMS ^l*. lrl ]l$ Ayl$-VS$-l$. B l$-l $ yli MS l$--*- lO--Z {l 3.30 ]l$_ 5 VSrS ]lMS* BS-OS
MS$ Ks (]lS Osl$ ]lz) ]l$. B ]l MSl JMS MS*y *-W-^l$-M]l^l$a. VS*VS$ {->$ M]l--W* $W]l ]l$-$- GV>j# yl ^l$-MS$-$ ]l
yl-s Cl$g MS Er$. D MS-Z $MS$ ]l_a]l Ks- Z ]l* r$ -$-$. MS>S -$-$. ]l*-^>
]ll*l$ ^l$-M. Ayl$ f ll$, ]lz Ayl$-VS$- t--ZMS l * yS-Zy ^l$-
l$. $MS$ ]l_a]l $, ]lz r$t-M]l^l$a. D {{MS$ MS$ lO--Z CS-t ^l$-M. ]l$_ u>-$ MS-_ -$
N$$]l lrl B ]l Ayl$-VS$-l$. B Q ]ll*- GMSP-ylMS$ l {-$ ]l$]l- $-MS-
l$-^l-]l l$-l l t--ZMS {l-^l-]l^l$a. AMSPyl $MS$ -]l A]l- Eyll$. Vr$t- $. MS ]l$-$-Z
-_]l A ]lQOl$]l {-$ AZy ^l ^l$-M]l^l$a. M]lyl, ^MS VS$-]l#-$]l $ Gg$ ^l$-$. L-
{ {-MS Ks My ]l$. S-MS$ M> Eyll$. Eyll$. AW {]l*-$ fW
]ll$ ]ll*l$ ^l$-MS$]l f-ll$, ]lz $- B]l ^l-]l A]l- Eyll$.
$$-$. st sM>-
G-Oyl-, GMSP-Oyl- OS B M>]l^l$a. AZy ^l {l Og h>MS M>-$ A]l- MS$y BS- r* r* A
$s Er$. JMP {l 10 G MSs GMS$P]l Eyl-MS*-yll$.
Al-MS GMS$P]l Es AZy M>l$. JMS RMS$ ]lS i ]lMS$ OS-Z GMSP-ylOM , G]l-OM GG yl* {-y-V> ]l*
MSs$$^$. D ylhr MS-MS$ ]lz Er$. $ ^l-]l^l$a. {>Z BMSV>
{-$ l$-V> ls ]l$^l $$ A]l$-MS$]l ^r$MS$ -]l^l$a. & l{*-]l-VS (VS$r*$ l*$) Yr$]l

VS Gstl]l..
P>$ & #P>$
]l${$ ]lhMS AM>yl-$Z MSl ^l

$]l#$ lS {--$ $. R]l$
Efj$$ "M>- ]l*-'Z yl-l$S ]l$l
]l$. S : G]l--]l lVSY -MS ^l>$?
S : MS-l-$ G l$-$? R]l$ : A]l-$ -l V> lVSY l$VS$ MS-l-$, MSl ^l A^l$-MS$-$.
$-]l$S $- l]l-]l A]l-]l$$ {g-MS$t-Z
MS$r$ $S {- G Eyl? ]lS ^l{MS-]l-$S MS~-]l*-^$S V> lVSY MS$]l*---]l,
R]l$ : $l Xl-Z >S- ^lN >]l*-$ ]ll Pl MS-l-$ l$a-MS$-]l$. MS-l-$ ^l$l* $ ]l-Z l$-$.
MS- ]l$-$yl$ }Br >$-$
l {--]l$-]l#-l$. B l$-l $, S : JMS MSl l$a-M]l-y-MS Gl ]l$$ yl$-l$?
S$, r l$-$. >]l*-$-, ]l$- R]l$ : Xl --Z H]l*-{l {l-- MS (f$-]l-VS) El]l MS$s ]l$_ "-MS-
S ]l$_ l$VS$, Pl -$ MSu- JMP MSl l$a-M]l-y-MS ]l-l yl$-l$. s-Z ^l*y-]l$' #-P Al$-MS$-$.
^l$$-$. l- MS*y l$-$. MS$ {l E]l-MS $VS$ lSS ]l$$ yl$-l$.
]ll$ ]l$_ MSyl gq]l Eyl-r lS- S : $ JMS VS-Z >^Ss..
kSMS lls MSl l$a-MS$-]l$. l-]l Hr R]l$ : H VS-Z >^S lS -M> G$ VSrS-r$ >*-rV> MSl ^l]l$.
ll-rV> "]l- MS' MSl ^l]l$. BM>- Ey. ]l$]l MS-l A ^l-VS-S-]l$-]l$-M]lyl - A]l$-# lVSY Cl$--Z B$-VS-rS r$
>-Q-r MS{l ]l$_ MSl {-- r$. Al {- Esl HOl- ^l-VS-$VS$-. ^l]l$. {S-MS$-S]l$ ^l*yl-V>l ]l*MS$ H l$
Ol$]l l>l ]l* A]l-$-$ ]l]l$ {l-^$. JMS- ]l->{MS MS*-$ h-Z _]l {V>]l$-Z $]l*$ E- ]l$.

f]l $-VS$-l$..
AM>]l*.. Al-M>]l*?
GG yl* gMS-V> ^l-
$yl ]lS ]l-]l-MS-MS--Z tl
$-VS$-l$. Gs A>-Ol-
lyl-r$ MS$y *s-V>
tV> ^l A]l-M> MSW.
D A]l$-]l EVS Cr*-
SMS$ E-*-VS--yl$-l$.
& A$-, -

-l$MS$ E-*VSMS
BS-OS {->Z kMMS M>$-`MSr$ yl$-MS$]l i]l-]l--$-]l-Z $ MSt- A]l$-
AO ]l*s-y. r$ - -^$. A$$-.. s l$VS$-$-$V> ]l$$^l$-MS$-
$S {-SMS$ ]l*--$ ^l- $. AS--M>-l$-$ lW^l$-MS$-$. MS$--MS$ MSt-
Er$. B* A>-SO N-$$- yl $ {$l M$]l# -.. Al-M>-Z E]l
Z tyl-^l A]l-V>]l ^l$-MS$-r$- AM>$-$ ]l*{l MS$ ]l$-MS$-$. ylO
. C -l$MS$ E-*-VS-MS. G]l* ]l$S-]l{l -j]l ^l$-MS$y ^l* M>-$
& Ol$-S-S, - l-l]l$ MS A-W_ ]l*]l-]l-ll$ MS$y {]l-
^$. Il$ lSS ]l$_ D l$>--]l-Z l$-MS$-l$--
E-V>S VS$_ l$$-M]l^l$a.. ]l$ VS$-O]l h.VS--->]l#, G.}-->]l# MSs-
-l-]l$-*$. ]l-- ^l* Ar$-V> l-$
H MSZ EVS A]l- "A* ' Ar$.. AM>$-$ ]l*{l MS$ l-
M>>-$ E* -> ]lyll$. _S-MS-*r B-Ol MS- ]l$yl
l$$-M]l^l$a. l MS>-S-Z l]l$MS-Z $l- MS_]l l$-$ C.
-^l M>- Cr*- & _S-MS-*r soS
SO l$]l A^l ]l*-^
yl* gMS$V> ]l>]l#r ChV M>i ]l$$
r$ s -$-SMS*
E-*-VS-MS. Al }>]l$"S'
-yMS C{l- & GMS ]l{l, -
, u-MS {--$ Al$-l$-$$
r$ ]lst-l-]l $k]l# BS-OS GGZ ]l* M>-{MS-
S$ GG yl-*]l$ O ]l*-$ r$]l {Zl-$ A-]l-l-]l-
$ l$#-l$-$. -$-S-
l-->]l#-r Ch-V r$ ]l*]l {fSMS$ Ol E-
> A^l a CfSS *-VS-yl {->S]l$ A-^lyl
$S l-$ ]l- ^l$- $ yl* gMS$ B]l-l-V> E.
& ${$, -
r$ MS*y r* $-{l -^l BS-OS {->SMS$
MS>S -$ gMS-$V> ]l]l--$-$. ^]l$ ]ll$-M$-$..
-MS$-SMS$ l*yl--V> {k ]l*l]l A>- -$-SMS$ l$-g-
S-i u> M>l$ $-$. l-S]l$ ]l- ^l$-MS$l A]l-M> ]l$]l$- ^l* G]l$ _st ^l]l$$ VSst M>>MS }M> ^l$st$. l l$Z
MS*y MS^$. l$-V> yl* gMS-S- S-Z -$-$ yl* yl* gMS- M> M>$]l f A]lMS$ H MSyl$ MSVSMS*yll
l-MS yl$-t MS*y ]l*syl A]l-M> E. l A>-Z #- $V> Eyll$MS$ BMS ^l*-$- >T$ l*$^l $. DlS 7]l l >-lS
$-S]l$ l]l$ yl* tSMS$ _ -$-SMS$ A]l- $. l-> $ gq]l sMS ^l- {l-MS-V> M^l s $. ^l-
-*$. --]l$$ ]l*-^> A$-$. yl* gMS-$V> W, EVS A]l-M>>-$ l$$-VS$- GMS u->S, yl-Os Cyl-[t- Bl-Z $l
^l--l$MS$ BMS E]l -$-$ VS$r*-$-Z {lMS S- -yl-$$. _]l-_]l Dls-$ D M>{MS]l$ fW. >T l* { $,
$. Bl-Z {$l BS-OS M>-{MS-]l*-$ - -^ll$MS$ Ml-]l$- G-MS-^l->. MS-yls ]l--MS$-]l*-- -l-S^$. -
-* $-MS$ ll$ C$-$. & lMS-s-, - & MSMS-yl$ (]l]l$*$)
12 A]l$>]l l VS$$ l BVS$t l 3 l 2017

MS$$ / ]l$yl MSr$t M g. MS]l 90 k {OsV

EDUCATION VS$r*$ A]l$>]lyl, ]lVS ]ll$ st]l $ V>> ]l* yl$ {{V>l$. CrN^l]l { JMSPMS
yl_ ]l*Ps lMS$ M]lyl$]l$. IIBFA$]l Al$lA]lM>.$ l
2BHK, Independent House, 187Sq.yds,
34 x 49.6, (M>$ PVS) A]l$MS]l {^lyl : 95739 44799 ^l$M]lVS$9059607205,9030290111
]lMS$ MSl$. 94411 28872 [G-341]
MS$$ / ]l$yl MSr$t lrl M>]l]l$. GTP MS$, M>i$

st]l $ V>> ]l* yl$ B$ZMS.Br&10,sM>&50

A]l$yl$]l$ t&5,*.Olf&10,AMss&5
]l$Myl@ _]l A]lM>@ Gr$]ls l
]l$_ gr yZ yl_ ]l*Pr lMS$ M]lyl$]l$.
{^lyl. 70366 81069. Cbj&10, A:7&PG.9703308277
MS$y OylMSt yl{X(yl{X G{rl 13]l l) V> A$ lVSY 1 GMS ]l*V> [B-609455]

$j]l,>$]l$ > yl{X, PG : OylMSt 10th A]l$yl$]l$. { Wanted Teachers for Science,

JMS Z Cr. l$ AM>yl$ 97042 62502 9848044836 [G-597304] HEALTH CARE Social, Hindi Subjects (E.M, I to V)
[G-550592] Near by Vinukonda Ph:
Xl, }MS~l]l>$, >$]l$ ]l 8331827471, 9490639846 [G-550591]
Ch.Pet-NRT (]l) $sZ Mr Bl ]l]l]lMS ]l]l$]l]l
s > Gr$]ls l $ Al$l ]l Ll l ]l$ EGMMIZ ]l*PsVS ^lrMS$
Myl, sMSOs P, GMS{ OlMS$ A
OylMS$tV> BA,B.Com,B.Sc,MA,M.Sc(All Bran ^l$]lZ ^lVSRs.1999 & Rs.999 ]l*{ll$. MS$ ]l$$ Oyl]l$ Ol yl hZ { {V>]l$, ]l$ylZ M/F
ches), MBA, M.ComMS$ {^lyl.{ Wanted Marketing Executives
lrl { @ 88975 98338, 81217 98117 ]l^l$a]l$.9709306505/ 7564807792. M>]l]l$. ]l$$: 18&60, t/#Os. $ H*Z ]l* l#]l
B M>$$ f$VS$]l$, BlOgz tyl, [G-597351] [HA-960]
70131 76067, 78427 83900 [G-604418] Fresh/Exp to working banking proj- ^lrMS$ /#$$$ M>]l]l$.
GV>jl$r,MSyl{XM>h,2/9, {ylr, MS~h, MS_MS^l lVSYZ ORR ects.Q:Inter,Degree.S:10000+ ince ]l$_ il C]lyl$]l$. 90105
WEIGHT LOSS BTech,PG^l g>MS Cyl$l$
VS$r*$. 9989990661,0863&2326032 lVSYV> ^lVS *. 2000 ]l$yl N ntives8686458351,9110798894 74035
5 >Z Oyls MS$y 8&10 KG >.AlMS l]l $M]l$MS$ [G-618235]

yl]ll$s r$ A]l$MS]l. s r$>.]l* ]l*l]l BZ]l$_A]lM> {]l-Q DLSP(R)Z Job ^l-r-MS$
$]l#, ^ll$$, yl$, rt Ok, ]l$ l, ^yl]lZ ^lrMS$ {/#
h{t. 8143225588. [B-884161] sgV9010929584,9491170293 ]l-,- -]l-MS$-$ M>]l--]l$. Q:7th, 10th,
lMS, V>[tMS {, l*M> [G-609532]
MS$sV>zV> M>]l]l$.8VS.yl*s. ]l+
ITI,TTC. V>s S, } lMSs Inter, P/F A:18-22, k, * {. BBM
TOLET $ lVS$Y. l: 7207923770. {]lQ I # ]ll$ ^lrMS$ A]l$ Zf]l,]l$_il. }^l{l MS$s ,
Ctr*s,2/11, {ylr, Gnt. 8008145999 A$MS]lt: VS$r*$ZC$,#$ [HA-14111]
]l*rl.9618485329,8978904279 tMSs 9704142164, 8106850833.
B$$, _ *l$, t, At ]l VS AMss {, yl M>$, [G-597261]

BSC (Agriculture)MS Ayl]l$ f$VS$^l$ ]l*PsV ]lMS$$ Ajr$V> M>]l]l$. lMS ]l ^lrMS$ ]l ]l
]l. Ayl]l$ E]l PRO / Consultants ]l* ]ll A MS$$ MS 1,2]l ]lyl$ y, VS$r*$ 8125452525 MS$$ lrl M>]l]l$. il: 9 l$, E_l
,M]l8885598679, 8074547520 [G-597258] A]lM>>$MS]l#. Qul: Inter, Degree, Zf]l+]l. {: H.No: 30-642/4/1A,
{^lyl : Sri Balaji AG BSC Nellore. [G-597263] ]ll$]l$MS$ l]l$ ^l*yl PRO$ (OMMust),GNM, B.Sc ]l$$ PG.Sal:10K. 8885385960
ECIL, HYD. 9502192727/9000165899
Call : 81430 01008, 81430 02008. [N-3609] yl$]l$. [G-597301]
HOUSE FOR RENT sMS$(DMLT,BS MLT]l*{ll$) [HA-16338]

GOl EVS S C]lyl$]l$. ]l: House for rent 2BHK in 2nd 70977 29832 Wanted Marketing Manager for
[G-724] M>]l]l$.V>${r,KzMSy,Ml
18&23, A: +2/ yl{X / CX , Floor. 6/14 Brodipet, Guntur. Ltd company (Elevators) Qualifi
]ll $]l# M>]l]l$ r,VS$r*$0863&6642664,6640664
MS]lMSl P ]l$ VS$yl $MSVS Contact Cell: 9885206449 [G-609541] cation: Experienced / MBA
CNB, 45Y, 5'2'' hl, l sz, JV$ IV9 ]l* b]lZ ^lrMS$ {{V>l$ Contact: 86392 87062
$ DSNR, HYD {: 7207209061. [G-365]
[H-693129] ]l, r$]l*g ]l$]lMS$, 35to45 Gylr,t,MSl$>l$,*yGWjMS*s ZrZ ^lrMS$ yl
COACHING SERVICES ]l$$ ]l*]l]l$]lMS$ {]ll^la yl *MS M>]l]l$. (Opp) M> Q: 10th O]l 10 ]l$, M>$$&2,
VS r NEET $ MSt^l (1]l, 2]l y A) ]ll$]l# M>]l]l$. ]l*Ps, ]l$l$ l]l$MS, GNT7842042009
MSVS&2,sl ]l*t&4) ^lrMS$
DVS M>. hMS, MS${t, ]l*l : 99085 11522, r l. 99497 88100 M>]l]l$. Cont: 79953 91934 [G-1112]
[O-595403] ^l, yl$VS$>, VS$g, >k
NEET, Inter, BiPC, MPC & JEE-Mains. Wanted Sales Executives
, ]l>]l#r {Z
* AM>yl$, VS$r*$. 8639024439 ^lrMS$ MS*s V>z M>]l]l$. (Experienced preferred) for well
WANTED renowed company pioneer Mahindra
SPOKEN ENGLISH { 85000 85942, 943 [G-613636]
Showroom 88855 46828 [G-825]
bg. CX$ 50 VS $V> ASTROLOGY B$$, *l$$, V]l* LTD
A]lN~ ]l*g VS$r*$ yl B
]l*sylyl s ]l$yl 5 k$ { M>$MS$ ]lQ ^l*_ gZ^lyl$]l$. {]l$,, MSZ 10th,Cr,yl{X, B.Tech ^l
f$MSyl. 50 Boxes of Spoken English EVS,]l]l$ Gr$]ls ]l$OMS]l RV> Er$]lMS ]l* > ]ll$ Team ylV> ]l$ PRO V> ]lP
7/1 Aylr, VS$r*$. 94405 39029
P V>sV> ^l*yl$]l$. KM> Myl
[G-618127] Wanted Lady Counsellor cum Tele
l$sMS]l#. K B]lP9502620535
P r, r ]ll$
^lrMS$ A$$ M>]l]l$. Q: yl{X/
B.Tech/ P.G. { 96406 33359 [G-274]
{]lQ M>rZ ^l
VSS ]l$VlS$M
$ ]l{MSZ
REALESTATE ^lrMS$ Os$t$ & 2 (M/F) rMS$ /# 90 ]l$ M>]l]l$. Al
callers. Qly:Degree, Age: 35Yrs below.
Good communication skills. Salary+
M>]l]l$. ]l$_ il C]lyl$]l$. : 10 to - PG, ]l$_ il. Dial
{^l$^l M>Oyl
#rtVyl$VS$MS >lMS$AMS B
$ ^lyl. S C_a $$ _]l incentives. Guntur 9951506364
{^lVS$ 8125394446 [G-618142] Institutions 94947 86411 [B-0044]
{MSr]l$ ^l, s
#rtVyl$VS$]l$ $ Cs ]llMS ]l_a M
NMR t & yl]l ]ll$ MS*s ]ll$ >{t lV> _]l
s]l. {$ ]l${$l$ {ylMSt. 9392371493
Wanted Lady Teachers to teach
Maths, Science, English from 1 to
^lrMS$ ]l*PsV t M/F V> ^lrMS$ ]l*PsV l {^V>
7th classes. TSR Kids School, 6/14
M>]l]l$. A:8thBO, ]l$_ il
{8977334757, 9640015088
l$lf- M>]l]l$. Ex- B MS$ lls ]l* uMS$]l$ Myl
Buy/Sell open plots, appartment GOLD FINANCE
Brodipet, Guntur.9885206449
{]ll. { 94932 18899
Ol$]l. {MSr]l$ l
flats, Ind.Houses & Agriculture lands in
and around Guntur & CRDA limits. We
MS$$ / ]l$yl MSr$t
st]l $ V>> ]l* yl$ MNCZ Tele callers, Advisors, Team
[G-597268] VS$r*$ ]ll$ ^lrMS$ yl
sM>, t, yl sZylOg
B, O, l, H, CRPF, BSF, MSl$ ^l s
under take construction works & loans yl_ ]l*Ps lMS$ M]lyl$]l$. leaders& ManagersV>^lrMS$ 25 ]l, B$, B GWjMS*s
also. 8142228889, 8142221119 {^lyl : 96039 41444 yl yl{X, M>z MSY]l {/#$ M>]l]l$. M>]l]l$8885598679,8074547520
lyl. A:8&yl{X,{*, Z, hl$. lrl
l ^l$yl. B yll, 9704112933.
l l$. MS

MS$$ / ]l$yl MSr$t

VS,Rtd,VrsMS${l9701129329 V>$j]l ]ls lVSYZ
[W-618392] AMr > yl$$
]l$VSW sol, ]l$MSr ]l
s Z 84 ^lVS C$ ]l$ st]l $ V>> ]l* yl$ GROW Z ^lrMS$
8VS$ yl*s ^lrMS$ Ex. {sl / ylhs
240 ^lVS r$ A]l$M>MS MS]l#. l: yl_ ]l*Ps lMS$ M]lyl$]l$. B$ Boy M>]l]l$. {: 78932 l$$ lrl M>]l]l$. ^l$]ll$. uMS$$ D
9395317019, 7386353313. [H-618868] {^lyl : 81421 30517
[B-6182] 48811, 73375 66650 [G-275]
* VS]l$^lVS$.
D S-l-Z {MS-r-]l- M-MS$ {-^lyl
VS$r*-$ s : 97034 67843, 97058 28797, 97030 13015, 92904 02000
h-]l- r- : l- & 9010223706 - &9912220356 --r & 95055 07638
]l-->-]l#--r & 97018 34262 yl$-VS$->- & 9010001840 ]l*^l- & 97053 46588
l-]l-- & 9951602950 _-MS-*---r &90102 03704 ]l$-Myl &97054 44152
]l*-$l&9505507638 ]l$-VS--W- -& 99122 20356
A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017 MS 13
]l*gyl-Z {s MS-MSt M> r]l

]lVS--]l$-l-s A]l M>s]l$

_S-$-Z {*-V>l-MS-V> H>r$ ^l]l A]l
M>sS]l$ ]lyl--yl- S-Ol$]l {$-l Cyl$
VS$r*$ ]lVS--Z HMS-V> 19^r H>-r$MS$ {-l- {V>]l$ -Z Y]l {s MS-MSt M> #l$-MS ll$$
]l-$ l ^l. M ]lVS---SMS MS$-]l ]l*gyl : ]l$yl-SZ $l- {s MS-MSt M> #l$-MS
-s^$. l- M>>-S$Z M>$z$, ]l*gyl-Z
^l A]l*->l Bl-Z AM>$- ^lOl-Z A]l$ y lt l$lgl$s, $-l ]l$- -^$. A]l-
M>s-]l]l$ -^l-l$MS$ ^$. BZl - l {V>]l$-Z H>r$ ^l]l -Z B$]l Y-
$. E- $, $-l ]l$-$, l$S *VS
l$ A]lr$ _S-$-Z ]ll-yl Il$ lS-SMS$ VS$_ AM>$- ]l->$ AylW l$$-MS$-$. AVSS-yl
OV> A]l#-. JMSP M>sS]l$ ]lyl-- AM>$-$ MS{- -^$. l$]l* {M> t-M> Al-g-
*-S M>-MS--SMS$ *_^$. B$]l lr BI -
C-s G ]lyl$-#- l_ ^l*y-l ! ^lOlZ M>s]l]l$ $]l A]l*>l $, B $fVS->]l#, l]l* E$.
O{--Z A]l-N~ $ M>s-]l]l$ BS$ A$-$. lyl$ ]l s^l l>$
{l yl-S --. JMP $MS$ VS$r*$ Gyl$-MS-S : E--S ]l$-- P-^S
-M>- -- *.25 ]lMS$ Q$a A]l#-l$yl-V>, *-VS- MS$-]l-- ]l*-l yl]l*y ^l* VS$$- h-Z l ]l M>>-S-
^ll, O{--Z M>s-]l]l$ $S A-_]l *.5S]l$ $]l-$$_ $VS- ]lVS---SMS MS$-]l ^l A]l*->l O^lOl, *S Gl$r l> ^l-yl$-l$-]lr$ B{l-{-l E-$
-_]l MS$-]l l >$$- {$-l . MS O{--Z >$$ Zf]l A^l M>s]l *S ]l*-Q (t) h $-MS$-$ l$.
VS$r*$Z 19^r H>-r$MS$
_ Hg-$ kV> {fSMS$ $]l$ -^$. AMSPyl ]lVS---SMS VS$r*$ ]lVS---SMS - r$ , -r, ]l*$,
A-_]l Zf]l ]l-> lSMS$ JMS- $- MS$-]l-- ]l*-l-Ol$ MS S - l, ]l$VS--W, _S-MS-*-r, ]l-->]l#-r ]l
{-l-]l-$ l $ ]l$-^ Er$. A$$l, O^lOl-Z M>O ]l->$ MS--^$. Zf]l l*$, M>>-S-*S Gl$r lS-st]l l>-Z E---$ AMS
]l*{l A]l$ M>s-]lMS$ *-$$MS Ol$]l A^l - {l-S-V> -^$. QZ Y-S $ M>$. ]l >Q ]l${ HMS-
]lVS--- : ]lVS---SMS Z {$- *- {$-l -> ^l. CMSPyl MS A]l$-VS$--V> ]lVS---SMS -Z A]l S ~-*-S- u->-S-Z l$VS$ $yl$ l$ A$$l
l A]l M>s]l H>-r$MS$ -$ {- El$ sS- r$, ]l$- Zf]l M>s]l H>-r$O {-l-]l-$ *^l- t $-MS$-$ B-^$. yls, Ds $t-
_. ]l-l MSls --->S >Q ]l$-$. ]l-l$S > ^l*-S yl]l*y ^l>$. G ]l$--
Bl-Z H>-r$MS$ ^l-$ {-_ P-^S, ]l-tSMS$ GD, ylOl-D $t-S-
A l--yl-l$. > {$-ll$ {l]l$ l M>s]l$ H>r$ ^l {$ r$ i 40Z A AM>> C-S M>$. -
l-Z ]lVS---SMS -Z s H>r$ ]lVS--Z VS$fj]l-VS$yl r$, l{*-]l-VS M>SV> yl-V-Z E]l ]l$-S P M$l* fVS
^l. Z VS-V> > #--SMS >Q Bl- A ]l M>s]l H>-r$MS$ {l-$MS- f>-$ ]ll, ]lVS--- ]lyl$ ]l$S l>- f$-]ll ^l*-S t VS-]l$ S *S
>-S- O 31, BVS$t 1]l lZ ]lVS---SMS V> {-l-]l-$ l ^l>. ]lVS--Z r$, ]lVS---SMS $-Z ]l*Ps $-MS$-$ G. ]l$-]l$-l->]l# (-s-G), .. }-
MS$-]l Bl-Z l ^lOl-Z 50,000 ]l$MS JMS M>sS ^]l 15 {l- r$, MS r$, Hr$-MS*$ yl$z- >]l# (Gt), MS. ]l V>>]l# (H-s-G&-257), MS.
A]l$ M>s]l$, O{--Z A]l-N~ $ >-Z, ]l {V>]l*-Z 4 ^s H>-r$MS$ Z ^MS-VS$r r$, ^l$r$t-VS$r r$, f*-]l (H-s-G&-1938), . $ (B--)
M>s]l --]l$ -_. $ VS$^. #--SMS >QMS$ {- >- M>S Ba r$, ]l*$ yl$z-Z $#-^a$.
l-]l-$ . M>s]l H>r$, -- l$-->Q h M>>-S$, MSMS--VS$r$ -
*.5SMS r$ Zf]l O ]lVS---SMS -M> A$. O]l, ylj r$, V-r r$, ]l$-# 11]l G$$-- {MS*-s-l$r$ >
A]l M>s-]l-Z *.5SMS r$ Zf]l, MS{, {yj ]ll, ty r$, G ]lVS ll Ms-yl$ (VS$r*$) : f$-yl-Z C>V>
$, JMS ^layl A$. -- l- & ^l A]l*->l, MS$-]l {Z H>-r$MS$ S]l ^l$-$. ]l tyl-$-Z t- 11]l G$$-- {MS*-s-
l- ^lel -SMS$ A-W$. {$l l$r$ > --$-]lr$ t&-MS ]lQ M>---
M> MS - $l- JMS {MS-r]l-Z l$.
Yl A-$-$ 1998 f]l-]l 13]l l ]l$_ 2001 S
Bt MS$ sMSs
l- lWY#
Gl$ BSs t ]l$ l]l 27]l l ]l$l f-_-]l-O Ey-S-$. Cr-yl-$-s/
10+2/ ll-]l*]l ts/ {r Z$z-Z A j-MS$t-$ MS
50 >l ]l*$P-S- E~l r$ CW-Z 50 >l ]l*$P-
^l$yl*$ (A]l$-l-*$) : {$l -l$r$ ]l*- $ l--V> Ey-S P-$. yl-]l* A-$-$ A]l-
l VS$r*$ : l->-Zl G f-S ]lYMS-- $ {l--stS $-S l$. BMS E]l-$ DlS 5]l VS$r*-$-Z
^l$yl*$ ]l$ylS G]l*-G Al-S$yl$ M>- {]l-l-ylz tyl-$-Z -^l [P-V st-]lMS$ #st]l
{*--MS$-SMS$ ]l$l ^l$]l M>]l-y- V yl]l*y ^l>$. > S-Z VS-V> k, --l-$, B M>$zS {l$]l--{-S- El$ 7
MS MS$ sMSs l- lWY_-]lr$ O 28]l l ]l$ylS G]l*-G $-MS$-$ VSrS ]l$_ 9 VSrS-Z# f$-M>S *_^$.
Bt B-G gq]l-V> } >]l $yl$ BS-s >g{l-{--MS$ ]l GOM ]l A-$-SMS$ 30 k$ E_l -yl-$ S- C]l-]l$-
l$. l]l$ F ]l$^l f-S {l Al-g-$-V> "$MS$ $l$.. VS$Y.. MS~ ]lr$ l$. ]l->SMS$ 0863&-2234176 ]l$]l$ {-
^l$-MS$ l* {SMS$ ll$MS$ ]l*VS lSV> Al]l$ .. CMSPyl $sV-$ rtyl- ^S B$]l l$-g->$.
D sMSs E-*-VS--yl$-l$l-$. l$-s... $$ {l-^lyl H$r-'rr* l$yl--Z Gl$ t ]l$]l$ l]l ^l$]l
VSl-Z { yl Z 35 MSZ$r- Q$ ^l>$. MS --]l-V> ^l$yl*$ ]l$yl-S G]l*-G $-MS$-$ BS-OS-Z -S {$$ ]l$ lS
$ Z# Al-MS *.15 Eyl-l l$yl-- {V>]l$-Z Gl$ t-]l$]l$ $l- MSl MS$ ]ll*-l$MS$ -$ ^l-]l$ ^la- ]lVS--- : -S {$$ ]l l BS-OS-Z
A$. l]l ^l>$. >g{l-{- Q$ E- ^$. M>-{MS-]l$-Z ^l$yl*$ ]l$ylS G]l*- 4]l l ]l$_ --$-]lr$ h E- - MS$-]l$ h..
{$l l-$ --^l$-MS$ MS~ ]l*VSMS$ S]l*-- ^l-S, G CS-^j VMS-Nyl S->k ]l*VS Y- >f-l JMS {MS-r]l-Z l$. ylS ]ll *.100 k
5 MSZ$r-$ Z# l-SMS$, S-SMS$ S-Z Gl$ QSO G, Gt *MS$t $. ^l_]l $ ]l*{ll$ Y-S-$. S {sS-$t
*. 6 , 10 MSZ$r--Z# l-SMS$ -SMS$ H 07 ylg Z, {sS-$t -SMS$ H
*. 8, S-SMS$ *. 6, 20 MSZ$r- 07 sMS Z ]l$ MSr$$---$. BVS$t 4]l H-
Z# l-SMS$ *.10, S-SMS$ *.6
]l*-$ ^l--$. 35 MSZ$r--
Z# l-SMS$ *.15, S-SMS$ *.10,
]lyl$ S VS$sP MSr$ ]l 07ylg 3, 5, 6, 7, 111, 234, 306, 405, 789, 818, 909, 1188,
1234, 1314, 1818, 1899, 2277, 2772, 2799 ]lMS$ lS
Er$l-$. BVS $t 11]l 123, 222, 369, 444, 567, 786,
50 MSZ$r--Z# l-SMS$ *.20, VS$r*$ Dt : VS$sP- tMS ^l Os-S-MS$ {MS-$$- ]l*-^ Al$-MS$]l $-$ $l- Al 1111, 1116 ]lM S $, BVS$t 18]l 99, 333, 555, 666, 777,
S-SMS$ *.13V> ~-$$_]lr$ $]l ]lMS l VS$r*$ G $-$ A$t CsO yl ^l ]lyl$ S VS$sP MSr$ 888, 2222 ]lMS$, BVS $t 24]l 1, 9, 999 lMS$ lS -
l$. D A]l-M>>- {f$ ^l>$. ]l l$VS$ yl$z gy ^lr$t $-Z ]l- ]l ^l$-MS$-$. yl-Z Y]l G M>t-- ---$. >Q M>>-S-$-Z {-^S yls-
*-W-^l$-MS B$]l M>$. ^l *> ^lS-->]l# VS$sP- CsZ tMS E_ $$ , $->]l#, f$, }-S]l$ G-^l- >f-l l$.
lS-$-g]l]l Os-S CMS$ l {MS-$$-$syl$. S-]l--MS~ A-]l--^$.
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A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017

]l$]llZ lM]l rt]l ?

. MS~ylz {$l ]l*Q ]l]lZ JMS 1) A> >]l Wf]l {MS$ D ]l$
l{l MSW Eyll$ 2) ]l$yl >]l ]l^l]l#
M>&1 tyl P,
2) MS {$l Z 33% r$
]l$MS$ MSs^$
3) MS MS$ BMS ]l]l$]l$ JMS
HG 24.
3) {V>]l$ >]l
4) h MSMSt Bl
B{l{l, >f >{t$ MS
4) O]l
32. MS sZ O H?
1) ^$>g ]l$ *-
MS$ MSs$ ^
^$ M>ll sZ V> H MS {$l ]l$lV>, $ MSlV>,
]l* {$ 4) MS GMS]l$ JMS MS$ ]l]l]l$ A]l$$ ^l>? ]l]l *^ -
$ Cy
Cyll$$ s
s 1) ]l$yl ]l]l >P* $ P. l>MS
1. MS Z ]l$yl ]l*l>Z 8. ^$>g ]l]lMS$ _ 2) ^$ >g ]l]l A]l]l$$ ^$>g ^lst-
Yl AM> Eyl, Kr$ MS$P MS sZ AZM l$ MS$s {lMS 3) ]l ]l]l A]l$$ ^l* D MS$s
]l$? $ M> H? 4) O]l $ ^l
1) GOMS]l $$ 1) ^$>gZ >fMS$ t$ 25. sOy H* MS$s ]l? 2) 1988Z .MS.l$VS $MSlZ
2) MB $$ {lSV> Y]lyl 1) ]lyl^l ^$ ]l]l 1) >{t {$l lV> l]l >iV> JMS l$r E-
3) ]l$ylMS ^l]l >f 2) yl^l ^$>g ]l]l 2) MS$ ^$ ]l VShsZ {MSs^ * $$^$
$$ 3) >gVSOl$]l S 3) yl*z MS$$, yl*z gl$ 2) ]l MS$]l Bl*l 3) h {MS *MS]lZ A]l$-
4) ]l$ylMS ^l]l ^$ 4) h MS$ $l A]l MS Z f l _]l >fMS$ ]l]l
2. ^$]l$ >{t {$l H M>{MS]l$ l$$ 4) >{t GMS * ]l 3) h MSMSt Bl*l l H>r$]l$ *_^ B E-
lV> ${$? 9. ^lrt & 1996]l$ G]l $ 16. ^$>gO AZMl$ MS$s 4) Ol M>l$ * M>$
1) *]l$MS l$MS$ *^$? $$_]l#yl$ l { G]l$? 26. h .. A]l ]l$ r$ 4) O]l O]ll
2) AMr lT 1) V ** 1) C>V> MS sZ lMS MS*y ll 33. MS sZ O H?
3) l$ ]l$$ 2) l 2) l>j l>$ ]l$? 1) ]l$ M>Z {V>]l*M>
4) O]l 3) .G. ]l*l 3) ^l ^lV 1) ${l ]l$$ "{V>]l$' A, 10 {V>]l*]l$ -
3. "MS ]l']l$ JMS >{t 4) G.s. >k 4) .. V 2) l ]l$$ ^l {V>]l*M> "l{V>]l$'
AV> H ^lrtZ P$? 10. h {M> MS$s VS$_ H 17. 1964Z llZ lM]l 3) O yl* 4) Ol M>l$ A ^l$
1) $sZ ]l* ^lrt & 1909 >gVS {MSZ P$? rt]l H? 27. >$ l$ MS$s l - 2) ^$ ]l M>Z MS
2) ]l*sV, ^ll$z ^lrt & 1919 1) 243(G) 2) 243(gy.) 1) l 2) $]l$ Al$]l ^l$yMS $- ]l stV> E]lr$ lls
3) l {$l ^lrt & 1935 3) 243(gy.) 4) 243(gy.yl) 3) ]l${$ 4) Ol> $^$? >lMS$yl$ l]l El l$*
4) l l{l ^lrt & 1947 11. MSsZ O]l fl H? 18. MS sZ {V>]l$^$ AM> 1) {g]l$ MS{MS >]l l$g
4. {$l ^$>g ]l]lMS$ ]l? G) AZM l$ MS$s & yl^l H? 2) ^$>g ]l]l 3) >$ MS$ $ l$MS$
1) AZMl$ MS$s ]l]l 1) ]l$$ ^lyl, Q$a ^l$yl 3) {V>$]l ]l 1909 $sZ&]l* P ^lrt
2) >$ l$ MS$s ) G.G.$ MS$s 2) > {ll]l$ M>ylr 4) ]l*g]l M>{MS]l$ {M> MS MS$ {l$]l$
3) ]l> $M MS$s & $ ^$$ 3) {$l ]l$_ {V>r$$ lS 28. MS sZ {g]l$ MS{MS MS$ G]l$MS$l ]l ]l_a
4) >f]l$ MS$s ) ]ll>]l# MS$s AM> E fW]l {$l H? 4) O]l O]ll
5. MS sZ ^$>g ^lrt & & h {MS 4) {$l A]l$]l$ ]l lV> 1) ]l*g]l M>{MS]l$ 34. AZM l$ MS$sMS _ MS-
1992MS ^l A H? yl) l MS$s ]l$$, k ]l*$, Q$a 2) g$ ]l sZ O?
1) ]l]l$, {V>$]l, {l- & M]l {MS ^l$yl 3) ^$>g ]l]l 1) 1977 yl$Z As f]l
$MS l, ]l*hMS Ayl]l#$ 1) G, 2)
, yl 19. ^lrt {M> {MS]l$ lMS$y {V>]l$ 4) O]l {$l ^$>g ]l]l]l$
s AlMS Ml l$]l$ ^l>a$ 3) G, , , yl 4) Ol M>]l# ^$]l$ G]l$ Byls ^l$? 29. {V>]l$MS$ {V>]l$^$ $]l$ $S^lyMS AZM l$ MS$-
2) _]l ]l$$Z A - 12. ^$ $ ]l ylsMS 1) l MS{t Ay Bylr M> ^l AM>> C_a]l >{t? s $$_. D MS$s 132
MS$ lV> GMS$ - M>? f]l 1) a]l$ V> $ 1978 BVS$tZ l-
^l l]l 1) ~lM>MS {MS]l$V> GMS$ 2) ts Byls ^MS$$ 2) ]l$l{l 3) MS>~rMS MS]l$ ]l$_
3) ^$Z Z ]lylr ^lMS]lyl 3) AMss f]l 4) Jyl> 2) ]lyl^l ^$>g ]l]l
JMS ]ll$ ]l$MS$ MSs# 2) l$]l$ {MS]l$V> ^lMS- 4) {sf$, MSP ^MS$$ 30. ^$>g H>r$..? ]lZ yl^l ^$
4) ^$ $Z {MS]l$S, ]lyl 20. V>i AM> MS{MSMS$ ]l$ll$ 1) >{t >]l *_]l H>r$ ^l*. h Z
f$l]l $MS$>]lyMS 3) A]lOl$]l l$$, l$]l$ lyMS M>? ^lrt > h , 15,000 & 20,000
MS il C]lyl AM>$MS$ C]lMS]lyl 1) MS{MS {g$MS ]l]lZ 2) l$r$ *_]l ^lrt f E]l {V>]l*]l$ ]l$yl
6. fl^lyl. 4) O]l {fMS$ VS]l$ MS^lyl > ^$$V> H>r$ ^l*
g & 1 13. "{V>]l$'MS$ _ MS sZ 2) llZ VSlZ AM> MS- 3) {$l M>>MS El$ 3) >{t {$l ^$>g
G) ]l*hM>]l lMS O H? {MS E > ]l]l]l$ l$ ^l B$ lZ#
) g$ M>{MS]l$ 1) 1994Z {MS 243(G) ^$- 3) MS{MS {>$MS {VSMS 4) l >gVS > GMS$ ^. AZM l$-
) ^$>g ]l]l ^lrt MS 6 {M> H>r$ $ 31. 73, 74]l >gVS ]l E]l$yl MS$s *^l]l l$MS$ ]l$yl
yl) ]l*l]l ^$ >g ]l]l 2) {f VS]l* {l- 4) MS{MS ]l$lll MSyl]l$ S$ H? ]l]l]l$ {lst]l lls >{t
g & 2 $ $ 1) G, Gt, {MS$ l f- MS>~rMS, y >{t B{l{l
i) 1959 AMt 2 3) {V>]l$^$ {V>]l$MS$ f- 21. MS sZ {V>]l$^$ _, ]l$, MS$ I_eMS f]l$ 4) O]l O]ll
ii) 1993 H{ 24 $V> Er$ ]l*$ ^l ]l$ H? 2) MS GMS MS$ >{t
iii) 1952 AMt 2 4) O]l O]ll 1) B$ ]l$ GMS $ H>r$. >{t, -
iv) 1953 AMt 2 14. MS sZ {V>]l$^$ l 2) A]l$MS ]l$ 3) ]l ]l$ MS {$ ]l$l B$ - 1) 4 2) 4 3) 3 4) 2 5) 4
1) G&iv, &iii, &ii, yl&i H? 4) Cs ]l$ *^l]lMS$ >{t BMS $ 6) 2 7) 1 8) 4 9) 1 10) 4
2) G&iii, &iv, &i, yl&ii 1) {V>]l$ $l 22. ]l M ]lsZ H>r$ 11) 3 12) 4 13) 4 14) 4 15) 2
3) G&ii, &iii, &iv, yl&i 2) f]l]l, ]l$ ]ll*l$ JMS..? 3) f]l&MS, V>y, l$*- 16) 2 17) 1 18) 4 19) 2 20) 1
4) G&iii, &i, &iv, yl&ii 3) >]l sMS 1) M>>MS VS $, $gZ>, ]l$NZ 21) 4 22) 2 23) 4 24) 2 25) 1
7. llZ MS {$MS$ 4) O]l 2) ^l>a VS 3) $ VS Myl {MS$, a]l$V>- 26) 3 27) 4 28) 4 29) 2 30) 1
_ MS sZ M>? 15. 73]l >gVS ]l > l$- 4) A $ VS Z yjV hMS$, l]l 31) 4 32) 4 33) 4 34) 4
1) l >gVS {M> MS _]l AMSZ A H? 23. ^]l$ H lV> W$? 244Z yl*z {$,
A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017 l 15

Who is the chairman of Banks Board Bureau?

to Income Tax Department. position in 2016) d) HDFC e ) Bandhan Bank
K.V. Gnana Kumar
However as per revised proce- b) SBI's balance sheet size is 26. Which of the following stateme-

Director, dure, banks will not send copy of Rs.33 lakh crore nts are correct regarding NRO
DBS, Hyderabad form 15G/15 H to Income Tax c) The total number of branches Non Resident Ordinary Rupee
Department but will retain the and ATMs of SBI has become Account?
same with them for: POs, Clerks 24,017 and 59,263 respectively a) Mainly used for local trans-
Model Questions a) 2 years b) 3 Years ia al d) The customer base of SBI is actions in India
Banking Spec
c) 6 years d) 7 years Awareness now over 42 crore b) If a citizen becomes an NRI,
1. Which of the following insti- e) 8 Years e) All the above the existing account will be
tutions provides secured depo- 8. Merchant bankers are: 20. Google global CEO Sundar converted into NRO
sitory services? a) Financial Brokers Pichai has launched training pro- c) Can be opened in the form of
a) NSE b) NSDL b) Financial Intermediaries d) To meet their cultivation nee- gramme called ________ for Savings, Current, Recurring
c) RBI d) BSE c) Credit Appraisers ds and non-farm requirements, Small and Medium Businesses or Fixed Deposit account
e) NPCI d) Underwriters including purchase of inputs (SMBs) and startups to go digital d) Can be opened jointly with
2. While dealing with Foreign e) All of the above and other short-term require- in India in partnership with Mini- Resident Indian
Exchange transactions "Multi- 9. Name the Chairman of Insolv- ments and working capital re- stry of Information and Techno- e) All the above
currency basket" means: ency Bankruptcy Board of India? quirements for allied activities logy and the Federation of Indian 27) A scheme named ___ offers a
a) A number of international a) Romesh Sobti e) None of the above Chambers of Commerce and long term subscription to Pradh-
currencies to which the value b) Madhusudan Sahoo 15. At present lending rate is calcu- Industry. an Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
of SDRs is linked c) P. JayaRama Bhat lated on the basis of MCLR. In a) "Digital Unlocked" with attached Fixed Deposit.
b) Selected international curren- d) P. Mukherjee e) V.G. Mathew MCLR 'M' Stands for: b) "Wallet Unlocked" a) Suraksha Deposit Scheme
cies to which the value of 10. In which years RBI and SBI are a) Marginal b) Macro c) "SME unlocked" b) Suraksha Insurance Cover
Asian Monetary Unit is linked nationalized respectively? c) Micro d) Market d) " Unlocking SME Potential" c) Jeevan Suraksha Yojana
c) Number of major international a) 1955, 1949 e) Margin e) None of the above d) Suraksha Cover
currencies to which the exter- b) 1969, 1955 c) 1949, 1955 16. Holders of 'Basic Savings Bank 21. Which Bank's MD and CEO has e) Suraksha Plus Scheme
nal value of the Indian rupee is d) 1955, 1969 e) 1949, 1969 Deposit Account' will not be been awarded the 'Woodrow Wi- 28. The Maximum number of mem-
linked 11. Non-profit organizations are eligible for opening any other lson Award' by the Woodrow bers in a Private limited company
d) The name given to a group of categorized in which risk categ- savings account in that bank. If a Wilson Centre in Washington DC: is:
West European currencies ory as per new KYC(Know Your customer has any other existing a) HDFC b) YES bank a) 50 b) 20 c) 10
e) None of the above Customer) and AML (Anti-Mon- savings account in that bank, he C) ICICI d) SBI d) 200 e) No limit
3. Name of the Bank and CMD is ey Laundering) guidelines: will be required to close it within: e) Punjab National Bank 29. With which of the following is
given below. Which pair is not a a) Low Risk b) Medium Risk a) 30 days from the date of 22. Match the following mergers of SARFAESI Act 2002 related?
correct one? c) Little Risk d) High Risk opening a 'Basic Savings Bank banks. a) Recovery of bad loans
a) Allahabad Bank - Usha e) Very High Risk Deposit Account' List I b) Regulation of Foreign
Anantha Subramanian 12. As per Section 138 of N.I. Act, b) 45 days from the date of ope- A. Centurion Bank of Punjab Exchange
b) Andhra Bank - Suresh N Patel there is a provision of penalty: ning a 'Basic Savings Bank B. Bank of Rajasthan c) Fixation of interest rates
c) Bank of India - Rajeev Rishi a) If cheque given as gift is Deposit Account' C. Global Trust Bank d) Acquisition of small banks
d) Bank of Baroda - dishonoured c) 60 days from the date of D. Nedungadi Bank e) None of the above
PS Jayakumar b) If signature of drawer do not opening a 'Basic Savings Bank List II 30. ________ is money whose face
e) Bank of Maharashtra - tally with that is one on record Deposit Account 1. ICICI Bank value exceeds its cost of
Ravindra Prabhakar Marathe c) If cheque issued in discharge d) 90 days from the date of ope- 2. Punjab National Bank production.
4. In banking parlance when a of a liability is dishonoured ning a 'Basic Savings Bank 3. HDFC Bank a) Production Money
negotiable instrument is endorse- due to insufficient funds in the Deposit Account' 4. Oriental Bank of Commerce b) Token Money
d with notation "Sans recourse", account e) 120 days from the date of a) A - 4; B - 1; C - 2; D - 3 c) Paper Money
it means: d) If the cheque has been pres- opening a 'Basic Savings Bank b) A - 3; B - 4; C - 1; D - 2 d) Black Money
a) Without liability to payment ented to the paying banker Deposit Account' c) A - 2; B - 1; C - 4; D - 3 e) Call Money
bank within a period of 3 months fr- 17. Credit Rating Agencies in India d) A - 3; B - 1; C - 4; D - 2 31. Which of the following stateme-
b) Without physical touch om date written on it & is not are regulated by: e) None of the above nts are correct regarding National
c) Without liability to me honoured due to insufficient a) RBI b) CRISIL 23. Which document stipulates Housing Bank (NHB)?
d) Without liability to payee funds c) Central Government internal rules of a company? a) It is a wholly owned subsidiary
e) None of the above e) c & d both d) IDRBT e) SEBI a) Memorandum of Association of Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
5. When the holder of an order 13. The reserve which is created out 18. What is the main objective of b) Prospectus b) It was set up on 9 July 1988
cheque signs on the back of it , of the capital profit is known as setting up of CERSAI? c) Articles of Association under the National Housing
without specifying the person to capital reserve. Which of the a) Increasing revenue of Central d) Declaration Bank Act, 1987
whom the amount is to be paid, it following items for part of Capi- Govt. e) Special Resolution c) It is an apex financial instit-
is called: tal reserve? b) Preventing frauds 24. Banks Board Bureau (BBB) has ution for housing
a) Full endorsement a) Profit on revaluation of assets c) To compile statistics relating recommended to the government d) The Present Managing Dire-
b) Partial endorsement and liabilities to total immovable properties names of 15 general managers of ctor and CEO is Sriram
c) Conditional endorsement b) Profit on sale of assets & sale in the country various public sector banks for Kalyanaraman
d) Restrictive endorsement of shares and debentures d) To ensure whether a Company appointment as executive direct- e) All the above
e) Bank endorsement c) Profit on forfeiture of shares & has registered with ROC prop- ors. Who is the chairman of
6. Mandate is an/a: redemption of debentures erly or not Banks Board Bureau?
a) Stamped agreement d) Profit on purchasing running e) None of the above a) Vinod Rai 1) b 2) c 3) c 4) c
b) Unstamped agreement business 19. Consequent upon merger of 5 b) Chandrashekhar Ghosh 5) e 6) b 7) d 8) b
c) Memorandum of agreement e) All the above subsidiaries and Bharatiya Mahi- c) Mukesh Sharma 9) b 10) c 11) d 12) e
d) Letter of consent for agreement 14. Kisan credit Cards are issued to la Bank into State Bank of India. d) K.B. Nagendra Murthy 13) e 14) d 15) a 16) a
e) None of the above farmer____: which of the following statement e) Arvind Panagariya 17) e 18) b 19) e 20) a
7. Earlier Form 15G/15H submitted a) To withdraw money from ATM is correct? 25. "Aapka Bhala, Sabki Bhalai"is 21) c 22) d 23) c 24) a
by the depositors to their banke- b) To purchase farm equipments a) This merger has catapulted the slogan of: 25) e 26) e 27) a 28) d
rs for not deducting TDS. These c) To purchase agricultural imp- SBI into one of the top 50 a) Allahabad Bank 29) a 30) b 31) e
forms so collected had to be sent lements on credit from dealers global banks (up from 55th b) Federal Bank c) ICIC
16 MS A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017

B fS i ]l$llMS
kZ O-s {g-MS$t-V> yl$ ^l-$ GMS C$MS {MS-*-SMS$ l-$ ~$


f$-yl : ]l$ ^l$. C$-MSMS$ _
, ZylV, AS-ZylV ^jS-
> ]l$]l kZ C$MS MS$s Bl-Z l -$
{MS-*-S]l$ BS-OS > ^l- ~-$$_]lr$t ^l$. C$MS
stl$MS$ {MS l ^l>-]l$ l*> st l-$ ~-
MS~-h g$$s MS-MSt VSl $$^]l$-$. yl-t-S Al-{MS-$-$ -^ll$MS$
^l{l$yl$ ^l$. B$]l $l- {Z 5 MS.$. l*>MS {sMSt- i oMS-M>*- l-$]l
f$-yl-Z l]l M># MS$ *.1040, s$ MS MS$r$ $-$ {V>]l$-$-$
M>>-S-$-Z $yl-*- ]l*s- *.2.300, 10 MS.$. l*>MS {sMSt- (CsZ) B fS i (O)
yl$l* C$MS BS-OS A]l$-M>SMS$ MS$ *.1260, s$ MS MS--(-r) : a]l$ V> > Z VS$ B
_ Os {g-MS$t-V> h- 2.300, KS >y ^l-S-Z 5 MS.$. gs- Z ^l- * AVS ]l$^l]l MS- -
Z yl$ ^l-S]l$ GMS ^l {$- >f {lZ K C$MS ^(O) l*> {sMSt *.890 s$ l Cr - MS$ ^l]l MS i(32) oMSM- >*-MS
-MS l-MS -]l$-$. {$-l ]l$_ SS 12lS MS*MS $r C$MS Al$-r$-Z MS *.2000, 10 MS.$.O-V> l*>MS MS$r$ $S MSs yP-$ ]l$l $l - MS
A]l$-]l$ >V>l BS-OS A]l$-M>$ yl$ ^l-S-Z El-$. Cl >[t-SMS$ C$MS l--MS$y {sMSt-MS$ *.1100, s$ MS *.2000, ]l >-l] - sM- S - Z Al-{MS- $-$ fV>$$. i ]l$l- l -
^l-yl-]l$-$. ]l*-]l$-SMS$ C$MS Al$-r$- Zz ^lMS--$t-S- s-t-Ol$]l * H>r$ ^l>- l ~-$$_]lr$t B$]l ^l$. l ]l$_ VS]l-l] ]lMS$ ]l*-l] -Z]l* VS]l-l]
Z Eyl l-V> {$-l ]l*l]l C$MS S- ]l$_ A$S > {V>-l] *-MS $l - lS- $-
{l--stl-$. D {MS]l$-Z C$MS l-$ Ol$S ]l$-S P->MS VS M>-{MS- l] *-Z O l$S B$- SMS$ -_]l 1 g]l]l 2 VSrSMS$ O M>M> $MS $- - ]l$-*
]l*-]l$-SMS$ Al$-r$-Z Eyll$MS$ h sZ-ts M>- S]l$ ^l $- -l] $ l $ -l - S - Z MS$r$ $-$ $-MS $-l] ^- a$. i
$$-Z MS-MSt Al-S-l]l l-$ ~-$$-- "$ Cs M S $ *$' $. O l$-$ l]l$ B$S ]l- >S]l$ l$$-M]l- ]l$l- l
- ^l*]l , l MS]ll, l{yl ]l$S - l] ,
l$. ]l$ylS $$-Z $, l]l*, h- Z O l$S ]l$- -$ P-^ly- -MS yl- HOl - ]l*$-$, ^l$-$ Es P- MS$r$ $-$ JMSP--V> Z$]l S- ^$. -l $-
^$->g AM>$-$ -l-S- ^l--$. ]ly yll $ CsMS $ *$ M>-{MS]l$ ^l$-MS $-s$. A]lM- > E]ll- l] - MS$ ]l$- $, {V>]l$- $- $ MSs l- l] $- *$. i oMSM- >*-
h-Z 24 ^l-S-Z 17S-SS MS*MS $r C$MS - - $- l] r$t g$$s MSM- S t ^l{l$yl$ l -S]l$ AMSP-yl-MS-MSPyl P-$--]l$ ^l$. MS MS- - CS^- j GI ^l]l-MS - - l] #-$ NS-l] *-S-$ l
Al$-r$-Z Eyl-V>, C-s-]l-MS$ 5S-SS 63lS $. h- Z 970 {V>]l$ ^$-Z D M>- D lS 31]l l ]lMS$ $ CsMS $ *$ M>- $-S-- -^$. A]l-l ]l ]l$l- l- $ {-
MS*MS $r$ l]l-M>$ ^l>--$. CM> 12S- {MS]l$ - - $- -l] $-$. D l- V> f {MS]l$ f$-VS$-l $l ^l$. $ {M> i oMSM- >*- Q]l]l ^l>$.

VS$r*$ hZ BS ]lPS GjV> ]ls MSt ]l]l ^$ {

r-g$ : ll-{yl$S MS.>gylz, i tyl- ylS
-S- MS ^ll$-]l#-M-]l yMSt B.->$-]l$,
]l$-$-Z ylO $-VS$l* MS[t-S MSG >k,
Zr-Z ^l-* i A{WMS-S-a Ch-V ylS
yl$ ^l$-MS$r$]l _S yMSt yl.P-->]l#,
-l$O * G MS{sZ-S B GV>j-$l-S
.-^l.lMS-r--S-yl$ yMSt G.]l--MS MS
*_^$. * h MSs$$_]l ^--Z
Z B--S ]lPS ]l*l]l MS-t ]l]l ]l*l]l ^Z yMSt l*-l yl$ Nf$ -_ M$]l#--
$- ylO $-VS$-l$]l VS$r*$ * : Y]l ]ls E-MS$-S- yMSt ]lS--l >$. D l-V> ]l*s-yl$l* ls-
S--MS-S]l$, Al-S]l$ l*-l--yl$ {lMS Nf$ ^l>$. ]l$_ ]ls -S]l A ]l*l]l MS-
^l- ll-{yl$-$, O^lz {- B^ Gj V> ]l]l-$ A]l-l ^-]l$ {-^$. M>- t ]l]l ]l$_ f$-VS$-l$l l$.
rSS Zl$-SMS$ ^$. l, l-]l-- Z ]l-s Bl-Z ]lVS $-Z {MS-]l$-Z VS-V> h[t yMSt s l- --S$ SMS ]l$yl ]l*-l->-$,
Cl$-Z VS-V> * S--MS-S]l$ r$t-MS$]l $-$ ]l]l-$ Z-l- ]l-Z ]l*l-]l-V> >$-, A{WMS-S-a ylS yMSt l l-$-$, D ]l]l ]l$_ f$-VS$-$-
h $-SMS$ {Oyl - lMS-r-S-yl$ ]l*s-yl$l* SS -_]l MS-t ]l]l ^- { l$-$, ZOS ylS yMSt s.f, $. A]l-l A-ts {--MS$
^S G lMS-r-S-yl$ Bl- ^ll >-r]l ^l$$_, {-]l$-$, lyl$-MS-S]l$ $l- $]l-V> - Z-l- ^S-MS$yl$ yMSt G Cr*-$ -^$. M>-{MS-]l$-Z
^$. yl$-VS$->-Z 17 ]l$, VS$- Zr$, t-s-S-Z ]l$-$ ^l$$_ ^$. M>-{MS-]l$-Z ]lQAV> yl$, -- ^S-MS$yl$ yMSt ]ls , >-l-l-$ Y-$.
gS-Z B$, l-]l-- B$, ]l-->]l#- ^lrt{-M> ^l-$ $-MS$s]l$ ^la-
r , _S-MS-*r 13, -rZ ^$. --S-S]l$ ]l$-Z #-]l*-
B$, ]l$-Myl 8, lZ 3, ll 69 $$^l- Gst -l$-Z E-S^l-
]l$ S--MS-S]l$ r$t-MS$ Z Z]l$ t^l->$. ll-{yl$-$ MS*y
OlS >OS s$$ iGsO ]lMS M$
Ml-]l$- ll-{yl$-SMS$ S-S]l$ ylMS - lt _]l ^$ l$-$ l-MS$y M>P HGS-: B^ V>$j]l ]l-
A-W^$. ll-{yl$-SMS$ Ml-V ^S, O -l$-Z * AM>$-$ MS$S C$ > ^l$ s ]l*l-]l-V> yl{X $$-Z
-^$. $VS- O^lz {-rSS h Z {Oyl --*-l yl-- *--(]l$-VS--W) : yl ^lrt $-l- ]l$, D iGsO {l st]l ]lMS ( ]l*
ZMS$ l-^$. D l-V> G Es]l$ l$. yl-- ]l$ylS Z s$ Al$-MS$]l Hyl$ KS BS-OS M)]l$ $l- >
Eyl-]l--&-A-]l$->]l {]l kZV> ]l--Ol$]l E]ll ->Q ` {MS-r
- lyl NV E]l ]l*-^ {V>]l$ ^ B-l {-^$. D
* l$-S- HGS--Z $ >$ *]l-Z A]l$-]l$-l$-$ MS$
y syl ll-$ OlS #
$ MS l$-g-*-S
B s-$-Z P-
l-V> B$]l ]l*s-yl$l*
*-VS-$-SMS$, --l-l-SMS$,
HGS : * l$-S- ]l-s- $V N > ^l-rt]l$--]l$- -^l-ylO "-S-'Z $. -S-Z ll$- {>-$MS ll-SMS$ D M$ G {*-
Z $ >-$ ^l$-]l$--]l$ $. ylV *l$]l$ Zr l*yl--Z ]l$VS-- "N-V-Z ^l{MS ^l-$ $-MS$s]l$ B f]l-MS--]l$-$. sMS MS]l-ts ]l$
B^ G.>g{l-{- l$. *-MS-S-]l ^ll$MS$ {-l-]l-$ l$MS$' MS]l {^l$- ^$ AM>$-$ C_a]l s-$-Z P-$. A M$ u>-S]l$ AM>$-SMS$ ]l-
]l-s-Z $l- * l$- l ^l$--]l$-$. * {gMSt l-Ol$]l $ ll. s-$- Cl.. $$l l$ OlS #O ^$. M>-{MS-]l$-Z G.>g{l-
SO fW]l ]l*-l--Z $ ~-*-$ ts B-, Cyl-$S GMS--$MS A- O _]l ^$ H>-r$-^l-]l s-$]l$ {-, M>t MSB-G ]l->]l#,
$-MS$--]l$-$. 2.08 Mr *-$- $-S, > {$l yl B AM>$-$ $l- l S >--MS$-$ lrl S-W-^$. h[t MS.gS-, Cr--]l
S- ]l-s {VSS-*-MS A]l$- y- * l$S *VS, $f]l*-MS s-$-$ g ^l>$. l S $f]l* s-$-$ Al$-M *tyls Oyl-MSt B^ iGB
--]l-V> JMS ylV *l$]l$ -^l- IDH H>-rO $ *^l-]l-$ ^l>- B-ylH ^lrt {M> ]l]l > GMSt.. MS--]l-yl- t > B s-$]l$ Bfl--$, $]l#$ S-MS-]l$-yl
]l$--]l$, Al->j-$ {]l*-S- ^l$. SS 108 MSl A]l---Ol$]l A]l$-]l$- #-l$-]lr$ --$ ]l*-^. $-$ Y-$.
A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017 17
H G? MSP^lyl ^l? D yl$ ]l$ ]l$l E]l 5 ly]l$ VS$^lyl.
Eyl$l$ G$

{-^lZ As-P-sM>, B[t-*Z l_

$VS A Qy-S-Z]l$ ]l$]lMS$ Eyl$-l$ MS-
$$. sZ 300 M>-S-M> E$$. B{-MS-S X
P A-s-MS _]lV>, ]l M ]l$_ MS
_]l M> MS]l-S 13 s-$-r yl]l# ]l*{ll$
Es, Cyl-$-S g$$s P ]l*$ JMS
$r$ yl]l# Er$. ----V> MS^l
*yll VS$ Eyl$-l$ 18 AVS$-S yl]l# Eyl-
rl$ V>MS, 500 {V>]lS $]l# l*VS$-$$. A$$
C ^l-MS-V>l Es$$. VS-lyl, VSlyl,
^lr OMS MSyl ]ls sZ Eyl$-l$ ]l$

^l$$V>Y Es$$. As ]l$-*Z s lVS

VSrMS$ 20 Ol$ M> Eylr . JMP Eyl$-lMS$
--V> >-MS JMS MSZ B M>]l-S
Er$. Eyl$-l-SMS$ l-# Al l$lyl$
Eylr ]l$ {l-MSl. Eyl$-l$ Hy-MS ]lyl$-
$ - MSs$$. { Eyl$l S JMS Hy-
MS lOl, - MS]l-y-MS l-]l$-]l#-l$.
- -l$Z Eyl$-l$ 10 ]l$_ 12 H M>
$MS$ l$?
Ayl]l# ]l E*V>s?
Ayl-l#$ Al--$--$ l$l ^ll$-l#-l$,
L r$, ^l*$. A$ Ayl-l#$ Gl$MS$ Al--$-
-$s MS G M>--$ l$$Q-Ol$l M>
MS]l-y-Z J rt-Z $-VS$l$l fl--{ll. >-l--O AlV> Al-V>-l
^lr$ GMSP-y MS--lyl. *$O Ayl-l# -~->l lWYl H$s lt
lV> VS--$. As _l lt M>l$. A l {l*l. Ayl-l#$ l-
-MS {l B-. G B ->$, l$ E- --$l Ayl-l#$ Al- *V--MS _ El
*-VS-MS--Ol$l l$-l#$ #P-V> ^l {l Ayl. l$$ l$l {VS-^l-l^l$a. Al$MS *-VSO Ayl-l#
f ll-$-MS$ B--l$$ Ayl-l#. Al-M>l$. i-l- > -S-^l$-M--l ll l$l-l-.
{^l f-Z 2 >l ll-Z {MS--Z il->-$ l$-l$- M>-yl-yll$ ^lr$ l-MSyl, Ayl-l#-l$ lVS$--rtyl s ^l$--
]l$MS BMS$-^la MS$ E$$ M>l$ Ayl-l#$ -]l---Z $$ M>$- $-{- ^ll yl-l-#yl$ lrl -l A-M>-$-MS$ >l$
$$. l-l$ >MS$y --^l-yll$ M>l$. AMS l-- Al ^l*y. l$l ^l$r*t El l$MS Ayl--l E-
l * Mr$tMS$ MS$y M>-yl$-$$. l$ C *-V>-l$ yl-l$a ^l.
MM>-M-MS$ ]l$ MSS--MS-l
A BMS$-^la VS$Z Er$
*]l$ ^l]l l>l $ -
- E~-{VS-lMS$ ^l$-M-]l-y-MS
MSyl &
5 VSr$ yl$-l$
MSl E]l ]l$]l$ ^l*, R VSZ ]l$]l$ l$yl
AVS X$yl. VS$$ l$yl.
18 MS A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017

VS- lMS$MS$ -l-l C

]l$-]l*S fSS
* : {]l~
-l-l C-
S g$ MS
{$--MS fq ^l>$. ]l$-]l*S-fSS-Z A-]l-yl$ gyl
O*-P-Z ]l*]l-]ll ^lel Bl-Z]l*, #-
S-yl$ gyl O*-P-Z {]l ^r--$ {rt Bl-Z
{*-P-Z lMS$P]l ]l$ _-$-$ _S-MS-*r l*$-]l*-S---Z H>-Os]l l*yl { {]l$ *P $l- l-$-V> VS f$ lyl$-MS-$ -^$. D
Art-V> { *P]l$ l-V> A-]l-yl$ gyl O*-P-Z 70 g$ M>S-

{ *P$ lSlS
]l*]l-]ll $-$, -$-$ {l-]l -^$.
{-_]l {$l g$ gy {^-MS $ ]l*s-yl$l* VS lMS$
yl$, ]lyl$ AVSS-yl f$- {$-l S]l# ]l-V> {MS-s^S, { u->-S-
MS{-S]l$ MS JMS {*P Z]l* VS {VS- lS-M-S yl]l*y ^l>$. ]l*]l-]ll
-_-$-$ ^lMS RV> O^ll, g$ El]l$ E-$ A$z {VSl ]l*$-Z$$]l
Ms--->]l# ]l*s-yl$l* ]l]l-lS gy]l$ *_]l
l-]l-$$]l MS{-$ VS l$VS$ ]lMS M>]lyl VS-M>-]l$-$. #-S-yl$ gyl
-lsMS -> M> O*-PZ {]l ^r--$ {rt Bl-Z VS f$
, *, t-]l $]l-V> -^$. VS _{l--sMS {rt Al-S$yl$ -
-l$MS$ ll-{yl$S AMS ]l*-_l l-{- NS-]l*S l A-^$. {]l-~--
M>S]l$ ^l* -$-$ > -^$.
_S-MS-*--r: {$-l Art-V> {- *PMS$ l$MS$ ll- ^ l - $ ArMS-M>P$$. Br-r$ MS
_]l AVSS-yl { *PMS$ S-$ MS$Ol lS- {yl$-$ BMS ^l*yl l$. F$-MS --$]l BsZ-]l-VS--Z AW{]l*l
l-S-Zl$-$$. VSl-Z E]l AVSS-yl MS{- l]l$ S-S]l$ D MS{- $- M S $s _-$-$ MSP-l- B$$ MSZ GVS---yl]l ]l$r$
SMS$ l _-$-Z VS ]l$ MS*y D { SMS$ ^lyl { *P H>r$ l-lZ yl$ S- $V> $]l*$ *.40 SSS B-]l-t
*PMS$ > H-yl. ]lyl$, $VS$ ]l*l-$-$. JMP ]lyl$ MS{-S]l$ MS JMS r-V> ^l BVS yl Er$-$. r]l$-r(-f-$-yl
AVSS-yl MS{-S]l$ MS l*yl {{-]l$ MS{lZ ]l$_ Zl]l ^l$$-$-. S-$ lMS$P-]l-V> E]l MS{-S]l$ _-$-SMS$ l*$) : f$-yl
*P-V> H>r$ ^l>$. _S-MS-*r rt 25 ]l$ ]lMS$ S- _ S{l--$$-Z $-M-]l ^l-$ ^lst , *, BsZ-]l-VS--Z $l-
Z $V>M>S, l*$-]l*-S-, ]l$]l-VS- $ Eyl-$. Q ^l$-. A MS{-S-Z AVSS-yl sO , ]ls A - -_]l
, $]l-VS--S-Z $VS$ {*-P$ {- {$l B $$-Z M>-MS--SMS$ { *P-Z S-S Q #- ]l$ ^l k$ AW{-]l*-l-Z
^$. M>-s *PMS$ r$-V> AVSS-yl MS*y D { *PMS$ Bl- ]lMS$ MS ^l*-S Bl-. VSyl$-$ lsMS A B-]l-t s-.
MS{-Z MS*y BVSZ Zl]l ^l$$--]l$ - MS$-Ol. ll-{yl$-$ &G $Z^l]l, yl-- -> M>MS--]lyl S-S K *{-MSs -Z
{$-l V-$ ^l VSl lS-Z D *P]l$ l]l$ S-SMS$ ]lyl$, $VS$ ll-{yl$-Z ]l$l A-MSMS Ar$-MS$]l ]l$r$
{-^$. , * , Cl ]l$-]l#- ]l^la-r-sMS $-Z E]l {lr$ M>-]l$-]l#-. ]l$Ol# _-$-$ ]l-S ^$$. $]l*$ B$ VSrS r$ {$_
$ S-SMS$ A-]l$ V-V> {^ - *PMS$ -$-$. AVSS-yl MS{- V>$--yl-]l-yl$ {l-$MS _MSl A-^l- ]l$rS]l$ AW]l*-MS Al$-#-ZMS $-M^a$. ]l-
_ C-s-]l-MS$ B* MS{-SMS$ B ]l$-]l#- $ R A$$ S-$ MS^l l$MS$ Ey-]l t G$$y MSr$ MS*y MS > E$$. f$-yl BsZ-]l-VS--Z 5]l yl$z-Z Bl
$ Al-l$. CW-$-Z Zl]l ^l S-S]l$ Hyl. C-l$-$ yl$-l$-$. D l-lZ { B$$ MS ]l]l ]l$_ $l- lS-$-g]l]l JMSP--
{*-fMS$-$V> ^l-]l$ {MS-s_ S{l--$$- *PMS$ N $$-Z S-$ >]lyl l]l V> ]l$r$ ^lS--V>$$. VS]l$-_]l MS$-$ AW]l*-MS
Z ]l*{l -l$-$ ]l$ E$$. VSl-Z Bs,-s GMSPy...? B-$ l$-l-l$-l$-$$. D { MS ]l*-^ A-^$. s- ]l$r$ B-MS--]l-
H MS B Z AVSS-yl MS{-$ Eyl. AVSS-yl MS{-Z Br, rS- E---l *P-Z S-S]l$ ^l^l-l$MS$ AVSS-yl r l$- ]lyl^l ChS- ]l$rS]l$ Al$-#-ZMS $-MS$->VS-
{$l yl$ ]lyl$ MS{-S]l$ ]l ^l* ]l---Z _-$-SMS$ -Zl]l s^l$ A]l--$ yl$-l$-$. A$$- -V>$. l$ t *-Ps M>--V>l ]l$r$ ^lS--W]lr$
{ *P$ H>r$ ^l>$. S-SMS$ { ^l*. A$$l AVSS-yl MS{-S- r$ ll-{yl$S ]l$_ B_]l $$-Z l]l MS$-$ l$. D {]l*-l-Z $]l*$ *.40 SSS B-]l-
*PMS$ ll$MS$ l*> -VS-yl- {*-P-Z Ol S-S]l$ Byl^l Br]l-$-]l#-$ MS$-Ol. t -_-l AW]l*-MS l$.
l$y-sMS P syl$ l$ ^l*
M># AVSMSPl$MS$ MS${r MS~-$]l$ l-l-]l$MS E_ ]lyl-^l
]l$l$->]l-VS (f$-yl {r ): >-Q-rZ {$-l
H>r$ ^l$-l-S-st]l l$y-sMS PMS$ -_]l syl$
l$ ^l*-S P ]l*i E-l-S$yl$ kyl- >k yl]l*y
^l>$. MS V>-]l-VS { MS-Z $l- fW]l -MS-$S
-$-Ol$]l yl]l*yl$ yl$ S-PS lVS-l, M>#-$, ]l*-l--Z B$]l ]l*s-y$. 270 GMS->S-Z P
l-l-$a-M S ]l$l $- ]l- t^l > M *.500 Mr A^l-S- {$-l syl$
-Zr I#--Z M># f-S ^l-SMS$ S-yl-]l-l lMS fq-^l- _l-$. MS-Gi Al 709 Mr *-$S A^l-
$-]l lMS y s$ . M># ]l${l$-$ M>#-S]l$ B>^lMS S- ]ll$MS$ ]l_al-$. l$y-sMS P DK l$yl-MS
]l*-l MS$-$V> _{MS-^l ]l ]l$_ Ay yl-t-l$s Ayl-$$-f-V> E]l hl{l- 709 Mr
M>l A$. ll $-f]l {s ]l$_ 2432 Mr-MS$ yl-B l*$ ^l*-S MS-Gi {l$-
]l$l$->]l-VS( f$-yl {r ) : >Z M>#- g$ M>-l- l$ V>->]l# y s$ ]l*-l--Z ]l*s-yl$-l$]l ]lMS-$, S- ^l--$. A^l-$ _ D l$MS$ Ms *-
AVS-MSP-l$MS$ {$-l {$-l, Al-S-l]l fW]l ]l*-l--Z ]l*i _{lZ ]l*i Gl$ ]l$ $~ ll$$ $S MS$-MMS {$l AM>$-$ l-]l$-]l#-l$]l -*-
Cr$-]ls ^l-$ ]l$_ M>]l, ]l$kl Gl$ OlG-- $-MS$yl$ ]l$ $~ M>#-$, Cl E-MS$-SMS$ l$ ^ll$MS$ VS]l$-_ Oll BVS->Q MS$-]l N]l ]l*S-Myl-$MS$
MS$S ^-O -$ lS-yl^S M># ]l*s-yl$l* ]l*-hMS , BMS >fMS$ A-]l- M>>-^l-- *^]l$-$. M>#S >r ]l-^]l$-$. Bl$ ^_ Cl$ Byl-r]l$ y ^l>-
f-S $-]l lMS > $]l#$ fq M l>--$V> M>#-$ ^l$]l $-Ol$]l O {$l {l-$]l $ {g]l$ ]l]l-l -$. A V $r yl$-l$--]l$ l]lO MSS
^l>$. f$-yl I# r-Z $l- yl]l*yl]l$ {$-l lS-l$ P-^S-$. MS^l--^l l-V> El $]l#$ ]lMS-$ A- MSst l]l- r$ MS$s-Z E]l 8 ]l$ $-S]l$ >i]l*
M>#S >rO {$-l $-S]l$ {*- ]l$ M># *-SMS$ $-]l l$#-l$-]lr$t {$ yz$. ]l {-gs-S MS]l ^l*-S ls l-$ MS$-$ yl-]l$r* ^,
W$]l $]l$ --* M># f-S $-]l ^l$. GMS-S-Z $ C_a]l l-V> M>#-SMS$ $ , g > AM> { . ]l l-]l#-SMS$ >i]l* ^l>-]l$-$. A]l-l
lMS y s$ ]l*-l fW. D l- f-S MS^S Ayl-Wl l-]ll-$. }->k, MS-G Al-S$yl$ -$-VS$ >g- hl{l Al ]lMS ylZ MS]l-ts-V> ^l-$]l CMSP-
V> M>#-SMS$ f-S MS^Sl yl]l*y- l]l$ yl]l*yl l]l M ]l{l-VSyl l- , ll $-f]l {s g$ Al-S$yl$ M ylMS$ $-MS$-]l-_a ]lQ]l$-{MS ^l$ ^l l$yl-s-MSMS$
]l{l-VSyl l- ^l-st]l El]l$, ^lZ A]l$- lS-st]l A]l$->]l l-*-{l]l$ $-S- ]l-$MS$-]l*-, H Gyl-r A-$-S Al- DKV> $-$-^ -*$. Oll BVS->-QZ
>]l l-*-{l]l$ Ayl$z-M]lyl, o A-$t-$, A_-l-$yl {g-]l$-]l-]l-MS VS$Y-^l-r$. S$yl$ B MS~>k, >fMS$ --MS$yl$ ]lyz Ms *-$-S]l$ MS$SS M l$*VS ^l$--
l]l$ $-S- *-]lMS ]l- M>#-yl$ g$ Al-S$yl$ V> ${- ]l*l-]l->]l#, h M>{VS- ]l*i Al-S$yl$ O ]lQ]l$-{ lt--_ A MS$-MSMS$ l$-O-
t^l-y- Qyl^$. A]l---Ol$l >gVS ]l*s-yl$l* -l$-Z >Z A AMSPS V>, M>#-yl$ ]l*--{MS M>->-MS ]l-O lVS$ ^l-$ $-MS yl]l*y ^l>$.
]l-- ^l*-S A-{-$--yz$. ll B {Z D lMS > f-S A]l-->S]l$ -l-MS$yl$ Ol.}->]l# ]l*s-y$.
A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017 19

]lMS-Nyl MS{lV> BMS$-MS*-S VS$yl

]lMS-N-yl-(_S-MS-*--r-*--): ]l$ $ ^l$. ]l>--O B---
yl-MS$y AMS->l ]l$ Ol$-$ Z$,
{fSMS$ t-M>> A-^l ]l#S > ]l^la s Frl s
BMS$-MS*--$. s l B-Z $- VS$ ^l$. ]l#-Z $ CMS--MS$y
MS Oll$-$ *_$. Cr$-]ls Eyll$MS$ tMS -S]l$ H>r$ ^l
BMS$-MS*--$ yl^l-yl-Z ]l$yl-SZ s -S_ s B--V> $-]l$-
]lMS-Nyl {V>]l$ MS> A{yl-V> S- yl$-S]l$ ^l$-$. Cl {V>]l$-Z BMS$-MS*-
_. A M>Z, A kZ D -S- r$ ]l]lVS, ]l$_ VS$]l$yl,
{V>]l$-Z BMS$-MS*--$ VS-]l#-$$. l M>S l-$ ^l]l ]l$yl$-$ *yll VS$]l$yl, $$, _a $a
{V>]l$-Z AMS->l ]l$ ]l, _]l- Z W MS]l-S *. 10SMS$ ]lyl$ rS]l$ VS$ ^l$. fS-Z
M>$ Ol$-$ BMS$-MS*--$ VS$ ^l$-$. MSrtS]l$ {MS-$$-$. GMS->MS *.20 V>MS$ $]l$ VS$ ^l l
u->S ]l$_ MS>S ]lMS$ l]l$ ]l$_ *.25lS *-$S r$t-yl- {SMS$ ^l]l Ol$-SMS$ {MS-*-$
A-^l -$-$ Ol l-VS-l$-$ s yl_ {>l i]l]l W$-- f$-#-$.
]lW]l A]l-l S VSr ]llMS$ ^l$- ]lMS-N-yl-Z VS$-Z E]l BMS$-MS*-S ]l$yl$-Z MS$# $]l MS*$
M--l. ll-{yl$-$ l ^l]l MS*- ^l$. l MS*S ]l$yl$-Z MS$# B>-f]l-MS-V>l VS$ MSt-MS lVSY l S
S]l$ ]l*P-sV ^l$yl, MS*-S]l$ - -{-$ G$-]l#-S-l $.
S^l$-MS$-ll$MS$ A]l---Ol$]l {-$ ]l$yl$S MS yl^l BMS$-MS*--$ VSl Ml-$- VSl l-$-V>
G$-]l#-$ A^l M>-{MS-]l$-Z ]l$-VS- B_]l VS$-yl ...W-r$t- V> BMS$-MS*-S BMS$ MS*-Sl yl-
]l$-]l#-$. r$ l-$ {V>]l$-Z AMS->l ]l$ BMS$-MS*-S VS$ ^l$. $. l$]l
{-$ G$-]l#S *VS AMS H MS*O- *.10MS ]lyl$ VS$ ^l Ol$-$ rMS*, M$-r- r$t-yl lMS$P-]l- ^l$]l MSt-MS
MS*, ^la MS*, S-MS*, l$MS*, r$ VS$-yl lW]l l-V>
{V>]l$-Z 1200 GMS->Z l BMS$-MS*- MSrt$ Ml$, VVS* ll M>SMS$ ^l]l AMS-V> ]l$. l S.
-SMS$ ^l]l $-]l$-yl$-S]l$ -- s yl-$. 30, 40, 45 kZl ]lt-$ ]l^la A]l-M> Eyll$. ]l*P-s-Z B_]l l-$ S-Z
$. JMP GMS *$Z 100 ]l$yl$- -$-MS G$-]l#S *-VS- {*- VS MS*-S]l$ M MSrt$ MSst El-*l ]l*P-s-Z B_]l Wr$t-r$ l {V>]l*-SMS$ l BMS$-MS*-S MSrtS]l$ {MS-
S]l$ H>r$ ^l$. ]ll$-V> ]l$yl$-S]l$ f]l l {-$ G$-]l#-SMS {-]l $-Z _S-MS-*r rt-Z, S^l-yl- {]l$MS$ lVSY l $$-. r]l*-yl -l$-Z BMS$
l ^l s-Z {-$ G$-]l#-S]l$ C$-$. l ]l$yl$-S]l$ -l-S_ {M> h-Z ]l**t-$MS$ ^l]l Ol$- ]l_al VS$ ^l$-. GMS$P-]l-V> MS*S ]l-Z MS*-V>$-S]l$ VS$
_M> ^l$. B]l A]l-l s-Z Gl$-VS$-lS lMSP-S]l$, l {MS$MS- g$-Z {MS-$$-$. $]l#$ VS$- {-$ G$-]l#-Sl *-W. ^l$-.
Ol$-$ yl^l BMS$ MS*-SMS$ ^l]l l- rM>$ ^l E]l lMSP-S]l$ _ $-$ MS*-V>$S ]l*Ps ]ll _]l-l- & MS.lMS$, & h.-]l$-]l$,
S]l$ _M> ^l$. {V>]l$-Z AMS- lrl S-W$. Al-]l- l->-Z BMS$-MS*-S l]l$ H>r$ ^l$. BMS$-MS*-S Ol$, ]lMS-N-yl BMS$-MS*-S Ol$, ]lMS-Nyl
>l ]l$ BMS$-MS*--$ yl^l Ol$-$ l-yl, l-]l*-l]l$ ]l$yl$-SO _M> Ml$ s OMS$, sGSO {V>]l*-

9]l G$MSS H&I-- Z ]l*t- -Ol$y {f]l $a Ol$S S]l*MS MS

M>{MS]l$ VS$r*$ Gyl$-MS-S : Ct-
Ms-yl$ (VS$r*-$): Al$-l]l MS-MS gq-]l- $a
Ol$S S-]l*-MS MS ^l-]l$ s Al-S$yl$ ]l$]l]l l$-]l-
VS$r*$ lt: r*s B ^tz AM-s-s MS~ P-$. ]l$]l]l l*-]l-MS~ Bl-Z GS-BI
]l Ol$-SMS$ {]l B Cyl* (IHI) ]l$VS-- {l$-$ $l- VS$r*$ ]l*Ps *$z]l$ l-
C-l$-S]l$ >{ {MS-s_]l H&-I- ^$. *$z-Z f$-VS$-l$]l VSr$ G{s, ylzV ]l,
MS$VS-g- - Z ]l*t--Ol$y {MS$ {MS-*-S]l$ -^$. A]l-l $a -$-$,
G$MSS - -$-$ Al$-l]l$ { Ol$-$, M>MS$-S- *$z -S]l M>>-S-$-Z ]l*-l
M>-{MS-]l*- D ^l*- Oyl-MSt ]l$r$t-- -^$. D l-V> l*-]l-MS~ ]l*s-yl$l* MS-MS
lS 9]l -- ]l]l-$ >Q l*S l$. {yl-- -M>- $a *$z]l$ ]l$l Al$-]l-l-V> a-l-
-]l$ h gyl MS- rZ {]l M>>-S- l$MS$ ]l* ]ll$ -M> A-]l$ l$. *$z O^lS
]l]l-$ >Q g$$s Oyl-MSt $-Z $l- fW]l - ]l$]l]l $->]l# ]l*s-yl$l* MS{l {$-l {l--st]l D
.yl..MS-- l$. $l- MS ]l*-l--Z ]l$r$t-- -$-S- MS f$ _ ^l*#-l$]l ]l$r$t-- l* l$ l- ]l$--]l-l-V>, g]l#-V> A]l$-$ ^l$-sMS M>]l-
MS-MSt--s-Z B$]l M>>-S- l*S ]l*s-yl$l* AS -l--$$-Z lls 50 ylz 32]l >MS$, D. ]l-$ 34]l >MS$, W S-]l MS-MS gq- A#-^l$a-M]l-sMS s
$-Z -MS-$-S- ]l*s-yl$l*.. >MS$-Z $ >MS$-$ ^lyl > l$VS$ VS-$$ 35]l >MS$, l-g ylz 39]l >MS$, f]l D M>-{MS-]l*- H>r$ ^l-]lr$ l$. A]l-
h-Z MS~ a]l$ ylt -$-$ ^s A$. l]l$ -$-$ $ 40]l >MS$, A-MS 42]l >MS$ OM ]l ^l$- l GS-BI {l$-S]l$ *$z S-MS-]l-Y lP-^$. GS-
{Z ]l VS$ ^l 18 ]l$yl- g AS -l--$$-Z 16]l >MS$, ]lS 23]l MS$-- ]l-^$. 1200 ]l$MS OV> -$-$ BI {l$-$ $l }, }, G.}-, *$z
Z JMS yll ]l-MS G$MSS >MS$, MS$]l* ylz 27]l >MS$, MS. lMS-s- ]l$_ S- E~l ^ A$. Ol O^lS Ml* lMSs, M>-l- G.-MS-, $a GVS$-]l$,
- M>-{MS]l$ ^l-yl$-l$-]lr$ VS$-]l$ -$-$ kW>k y, ]l-$, MS${ ylz,
l$. $]l*$ S> 60 lS M>t- Oyl M>{sMSt A$$--$$- $yl MS~, *$z S-MS-]lY $-$, AM>$-$$.
-Z D M>-{MS]l$ ^l-yl-]l$-$. ]l*VSi $S {
r Z, M>$]l VSr$t-Z, yl$ st^l$-M ]l${ VS$r*$ Gyl$-MS-
*$zZ 65,171
*]l-Z D M>-{MS]l$ l-{-- SS-# (VS$r*-$): VS$r*$ O S : Ct-r*s
MS]l ^l-yl-]l$-$. MS A]l---
]l$$ {Zl*-yl-*-S G$MSS
tS-Z > --->S >Q ]l${
{s #->]l# $l- lT$
B ^tz AM-s-
s B Cyl*
$ $a {MS$
]l$l$ {$-ll$ E_l-V> -> -^$. A$$l f$ Oyl (IHI) ]l$VS-- Ms-yl$ (VS$r*-$): VS$r*$ ]l*Ps *$zMS$ $l-
^l$l-$. l$M>MS$ _ O >Q ]l$_ yl$-lS 63,551 -$ $a>V>, VSl S-S- MS 65,171 -$
G$MS-S]l$ -^l-l$MS$ $-MS$]l M>{sMSt ]l$$ N A$$ ^l]l H&-I-- A]l$-M>$ fV>$$. S H M>]l$S MS $a MSsMS$
M>-]l G]l$ l*$ ^l$-MS$- ]lyl$ lS-$ M>]l-$ Cl-]l-MS$ Z ]l*VS- *.1,500 ]l$_ *.8,100 ]lMS$ l S_. S H
ll$MS$ $# ]l*MS-S]l$, ]l$_]l*- M>{sMSt ]l$-]l ^l$-Ml$. i H AM>yl-$ {lMS MS $aMS *.2,500 ]l$_ *.10,500 ]lMS$ l
l]l$ Ol$ $-V> ]l$-MS*-$a- f$ $P tMS$ OS $, -$-$ El]l$ -$-S]l$ A-]l-$]l MS$-]l* MS. H M>]l$S MS *.2,300 ]l$_ *.8,100 ]lMS$ l
MS l$. M>-{MS-]l*- M>{sMSt M>S]l 01&06&-12014 ]l$_ { MS]l->a- O^lS S MS$-]l* l$. {yl- S_. H {lMS M>SMS$ *.3,400 ]l$_ *.12,000
f$-]ll ^l Ol$-SMS$ -l$- 30&05&-17]l-MS$ A tV> E]l-- r 4]l O]l$-Z M>>-S-$-Z $l- fW]l - ]lMS$ l MS. $ $a MSsMS$ *.900 ]l$_
Z G$MSS ]l$_ C-l$-$ S- sMS ]l${MS MS^l-- MS Cl- $S A-]l-l]l M>-{MS-]l$-Z B$]l ]l*s-yl$l* H SSV> *.3,500 ]lMS$ l S_. *$z-Z CM> 29,817 -$
W-$-$. s M]l* A O-t-SMS$ ]l_a]l VSS -$-$ MSu {]l$- I- Z El]l$ ]l*$PS $a S E]lr$ ]l*Ps *$z E]l-l-{ M>-l- G.-
{*--MS$-$ VS$-VS$--yl$-MS$-$. l-]lMS$ MS ^l>- ^l$. MS l-$.
20 MS A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017

MS~-]l$]l$ M>yl$! "S' yl$-V> MSS CW

3]l l ]l$_ lVSl$$ {
]l$]l ]l$S]l$
Gl$s MS ]lMS-MS-
^S, ]l iZ
Cl-$S MSs ]lV>
>^S Al$MS$
{]l -. M>a-
l$->-MS { Oyll CMS BM>-]l$l SS-Ol$-
_]ll. {$l ]l*-fZ A V>S]l$ BVS >-.
Z r$t ^l-l$MS$ V>]l$ "-S& Gyj' MSS CW
M$ $]l$- B-. f$yl ]lVS--Zl $MS$
Al$-r$-Z Eyl- lS kS r$ l-VS-l$-$ -^l-
]l$. {V>]l$, E^a-- ll A>-Z S- C^lal$MS$
-lV> E. M$ N-$$]l l>l {]l-l$-SMS$
MS]l#Z MS]l$ Ayl$zMS$r$]l >g{lV, Cl $$ Ol$ MS]l $ ^l$]l l tMSs A_ A-]l--^l-]l$. k *. 3,900
S, A]l$->]l * : -C$MS l]l-M>SMS$ Ayl$z-Myl l$ C$MS M>S]l$ l MS~-]l$]l$ M>-y- M$-M>S $ : 3]l l ]l$_ JMS lS M$.
S B-]lMS$ W. ]l {-MS AylzV>
MS~ l* -! l ^la N> -^l-$ ^l-rtMS-l l$ l$ yl$z ]l*Y l {-MS--O]l $- C$-MS]l$ l-VS-l$-$ -^l S : *s Ctr*s B Zr
*.. Ol-> .. B l$ Bg.. l$g - r ]l*S B Cyl* l-$]l S]l$ Ayl$z-MS$-$. C$ ]l**MS$ l$lgl$s, y Al$, C>V> ]l
MS-lMS MS-S-.. MS~ -S- MSVS..MS- yMSt >g{l-V ]l-MS-V> ]l#-Z Ou>-$$_ l> ^l-st$. tyl$ M>M, G.h.yl$z, f$yl.
-VS..! Ar* MS~-]l -S- M f$-yl ^l{l-$ >P$ Ayl-l C$MS ]l** ^lS-
]l$_ gN ]lMS$ *{l]l$ {-_]l >]l$S l$VS-- A$z {VSl yMSt >g{l-V -W--lr* B{VS- ]lMS ^l>$. ]l$-$ : $-{l 5.30 VSrS ]l$_ 7.30 VSr$.
r ]l*S B Cyl* yMSt >g{l-V l]l$ A$. ^l{l-$yl$O h[t-S -^l S : S B, s ]l$ GG&2,
*{l MS-- t ^l>$. MS~-]l $l- {M> i ]l$_ MS~-]l l {s$]lZ >l$ ^l.. ]ly Al$, Vss A$tl$s, A{WVz B lVSY,
MS {l-Z A{MS]l$ MSrty-SO Bl-l]l -S- *{l]l$ B$]l {-^$. >f MS~-]l-Z C$MS ]l** A-^M> {l-S-V>
]lMS ^l>$. ]lVS- ]l$_ C$-MS]l$ MS-Vyl$- {l Ol$-&O-l$-MS* MS$PS -S- $ ^l*]l >g{l-V l sZ-$.. B->S- r, f$yl.
l$]l Ol]lO {]l B{VS- ]lMS ^l*.. lS-l$ Bl-Z C$MS ]l** ]l$_ MS~-]l- $--]l-r$ g$ l {s$-]l--Z BMS MSW]l A-$-$
l]l-M>$ B-Sr* yl]l*y ^l>$. D >r S^l$-MS$]l$r* El$ 9.30 VSrSMS$ $- ^l{l-$ {$-lO >l$ ^l-]l$ l$.
BVS-l, $--]l-Z B->S- $ y-> $l ]l$l*$, SMS--, -]l, -, D *{l-Z >f {l Ol$, Ol$ MS* 96035 33300 / 96663 72301
$-ryl-]l$ >P-$]l$ ^la-^$. ]l$-]lyl $l$ M*$ ]lMS$ *{l M]l--W- MS$PS -S- $ MS]l A]l$-l*-$ V>, ]l$-Z BVS$t 2]l l El$ 10 ]l$_
-GMSP-yl--yll AMSPyl C$MS l]l-M>$ ^lst MS~- ^$. D *{l-Z VS-V> SMS-- ]l#-Z A{MS- fS--l]l $ g$ Al-S$-$ l* l- $-{l 6 VSrZ# {-^l-VS-S$.
]l- BM>-Z A$ ^l]l C$MS ]l*-$P-$ MS]l ]lVS->- MS-Vr-tyl >$-, >-]l-- #-$-$ st ,
]l** ]l$_ MS~-]l$]l$ M>-yl$-]l$r* ^l*]l >g{l-V l B{VS-_. lS- -G ll $>]l# ll--$ Y-$. Al l$$$-MS$ $ ]l->$ -VS-S$.
10 MS A]l$>]l l VS$$ l
BVS$t l 3 l 2017 11
Xl, -l, S$, r.. D
B MS- VS Gstl]l.. $...
{l.. {l $ A>S MSS-$$MS MSl.
VS]ll$yl$, MS$S MSl-$, #>$,
P>$ & #P>$
]l${$ ]lhMS AM>yl-$Z MSl ^l

^l{l.. A MS-lMS$ MS>. $]l#$ lS {--$ $. R]l$
Efj$$ "M>- ]l*-'Z yl-l$S ]l$l
Cs MS-l- r* V>$ S : Gl-]l-MS$ ^ll$-]l#-MS$-$? ]l$. S : G]l--]l lVSY -MS ^l>$?
R]l$ : l-VS ]lMS*.. S : MS-l-$ G l$-$? R]l$ : A]l-$ -l V> lVSY l$VS$ MS-l-$, MSl ^l A^l$-MS$-$.
$yl-]l R]l$. _]l-MS l $-]l$S $- l]l-]l A]l-]l$$ {g-MS$t-Z
S : MS-l-SO ]l$MS$P]l G H-yl? MS$r$ $S {- G Eyl? ]lS ^l{MS-]l-$S MS~-]l*-^$S V> lVSY MS$]l*---]l,
l]l {-V> ]l$S-^l$-MS$-$. MS- R]l$ : MS----#--Z ]l* Cs MSPl >- R]l$ : $l Xl-Z >S- ^lN >]l*-$ ]ll Pl MS-l-$ l$a-MS$-]l$. MS-l-$ ^l$l* $ ]l-Z l$-$.
]l-Z l$]l l*$-V]l h MS- ]l$-$yl$ }Br >$-$
>$ MS- u->S E. ]l* CsZMS l {--]l$-]l#-l$. B l$-l $, S : JMS MSl l$a-M]l-y-MS Gl ]l$$ yl$-l$?
>]l$-^l-{l-#->MS ^l]l }]l$ MS-l-$ ^l. Al$-]l-S _]l-s ]l$_ S$, r l$-$. >]l*-$-, ]l$- R]l$ : Xl --Z H]l*-{l {l-- MS (f$-]l-VS) El]l MS$s ]l$_ "-MS-
Xl --S- -l H-yl. S ]l$_ l$VS$, Pl -$ MSu- JMP MSl l$a-M]l-y-MS ]l-l yl$-l$. s-Z ^l*y-]l$' #-P Al$-MS$-$.
R]l$ f$-yl-Z f$-VS$-l$]l
MS- -Z Y-ll$MS$ l-VS N-*MS A]l*-]l {l-S u->- ^l$$-$. l- MS*y l$-$. MS$ {l E]l-MS $VS$ lSS ]l$$ yl$-l$.
S-Z ^l>]l$. AMSPyl MS]l-S Byl--S-SMS$ ]l*{ll$ ]ll$ ]l$_ MSyl gq]l Eyl-r lS- S : $ JMS VS-Z >^Ss..
]l^a$. D l-V> "-S-' M# MS-l-$ l$-$. E_l Zf]l, ]lS- kSMS lls MSl l$a-MS$-]l$. l-]l Hr R]l$ : H VS-Z >^S lS -M> G$ VSrS-r$ >*-rV> MSl ^l]l$.

]l*s-y$. r$ MS-l-$ E_l-V>l ^l-$. MS$ D ll-rV> "]l- MS' MSl ^l]l$. BM>- Ey. ]l$]l MS-l A ^l-VS-S-]l$-]l$-M]lyl - A]l$-# lVSY Cl$--Z B$-VS-rS r$
& ^l {, S, f$-yl l >]l-y-MS B u-> M>. $VS M$ >-Q-r MS{l ]l$_ MSl {-- r$. Al {- Esl HOl- ^l-VS-$VS$-. ^l]l$. {S-MS$-S]l$ ^l*yl-V>l ]l*MS$ H l$
N^l, "-MS- V>]l {' tMSs Al$-MS$- Ol$]l l>l ]l* A]l-$-$ ]l]l$ {l-^$. JMS- ]l->{MS MS*-$ h-Z _]l {V>]l$-Z $]l*$ E- ]l$.
]l f]l $-VS$-l$..
AM>]l*.. Al-M>]l*?
G G yl* gMS-V> ^l-
$yl ]lS ]l-]l-MS-MS--Z tl
$-VS$-l$. Gs A>-Ol-
lyl-r$ MS$y *s-V>
tV> ^l A]l-M> MSW.
D A]l$-]l EVS Cr*-
SMS$ E-*-VS--yl$-l$.
& A$-, -

-l$MS$ E-*VSMS
DIGI LOCKER B S-OS {->Z kMMS M>$-`MSr$ yl$-MS$]l i]l-]l--$-]l-Z $ MSt- A]l$-
B--S]l$ MS MS--Z ^l$-MS$-]lst.. l, B-, $t ll AO ]l*s-y. r$ -
$S {-SMS$ ]l*--$ ^l-
-^$. A$$-.. s l$VS$-$-$V> ]l$$^l$-MS$-
$. AS--M>-l$-$ lW^l$-MS$-$. MS$--MS$ MSt-
]lQOl$]l {l$MS-- {-S]l$ {l^ll$MS$ ylhr MS l$-$ Al$- ]l-->]l#-r * : ]l-->]l#-r -ZM>-MS.. Er$. B* A>-SO N-$$- yl $ {$l M$]l# -.. Al-M>-Z E]l
r$-Z E. D&l$-$$, tg Os-Z {l--$-^l$-MS$s MS$ lP-$- Ch-V MS>-S-Z lS kS {MSl MS-MS l-Z ]l*$-S]l$ G-s-MS-yl$ Z tyl-^l A]l-V>]l ^l$-MS$-r$- AM>$-$ ]l*{l MS$ ]l$-MS$-$. ylO
{--Ol$]l GG yl* {->$ -ZM>MS l$-g-$-yl- r$ -- . C -l$MS$ E-*-VS-MS. G]l* ]l$S-]l{l -j]l ^l$-MS$y ^l* M>-$
$. MS ^lM yl$l* ylhr MS--Z {-S]l$ G]l MSs yl-MS$y {Zl-S]l$ --V> BMS-r$t-MS$r$-$$. l -*-S]l$ GG yl* > Al-g-$- l-l]l$ MS A-W_ ]l*]l-]l-ll$ MS$y {]l-
& Ol$-S-S, -
^l$-M]l^l$a. D l$--*- MS{l {$-l yli MS lO A-MS-S- "M>- MS$$, MS]l$ r$' sV- $. l MS>-S-Z -^l g$, Al- ^$. Il$ lSS ]l$_ D l$>--]l-Z l$-MS$-l$--
/lOs > E_l-V> l]l^l$a. ]l*-^ MS-MS MS{l ]l${l->Q {--Ol$]l D {->$ -ZMS- >j-$ l-$-$, > $, Dls,
E-V>S VS$_ l$$-M]l^l$a.. ]l$ VS$-O]l h.VS--->]l#, G.}-->]l# MSs-
r$ ]l*]l {Zl-S]l$ l]l$-Ol-#-]lMS$ M>- l$s, E]ll lMS$ A]l---Ol$]l -l-]l$-*$. ]l-- ^l* Ar$-V> l-$
Bl-Z yl-t-l$s B Is D MS-> MS. -M-r$-$$. ]l*-^> {MS--lV> GS-D.. - H
MSZ EVS A]l- "A* ' Ar$.. AM>$-$ ]l*{l MS$ l-
C BS-OS GG yl* VS$*.. ZM>MS Al-g-. r$ -$-$ M>>-$ E* -> ]lyll$. _S-MS-*r B-Ol MS- ]l$yl
E_ll$.. Hl GG yl-*S $]l$ AylVS $ {-SMS$ ]l*--]l-$* l-S]l$ l$$-M]l^l$a. l MS>-S-Z l]l$MS-Z $l- MS_]l l$-$ C.
B* GGS {MS-MS A]l$-VS$--V> ]l- ^l$-$. Cl$MS$ A-s-MS- -^l M>- Cr*- & _S-MS-*r soS
{l$MS-- {-$ BS-OS-Z {l--$-^l$-MS$-ll$MS$ {l--$-^l$-M]l-^las.. M MSZ$r- yl-$-S-Z ]l*{ll$ yl$ BS-OS-Z MS ]l*- SO l$]l A^l ]l*-^
ylhr MS l$--*- MS{l {$-l E_l-V> Al$-
r$-ZMS l_a. ]l-S l*-{SMS$ l -$-$,
-l, {l$MS-- {-$, l,
B-, Kr$ VS$#, {OylV OS,
^l-$$. M>, GS-D GG ]l*{l
BS-OS M>]l-yl- {-^l-Z H ]lS
^- r$ #-$S
]l$_ O]l ]l*- yl* gMS$V> ]l>]l#r ChV M>i ]l$$
r$ s -$-SMS*
E-*-VS-MS. Al }>]l$"S'
E-VS$-$ tMSr$ lr $-MS$ l-]l A]l- Eyll$. $MS, S-M>$z, t, ]l* S- ]l$O^l- Cr-s- A]l$---]lOl$ D ^> MS-_
Al->j-S.. C-yMS C{l- & GMS ]l{l, -
D ylhr MS > GMSP-Oyl-, G-Oyl- {s $-MS$l $, Cs ]l$ l$, {$-l g^l- yl* {->$ ]l-]l^l$a. VS$VS* t- Al-g-$-
S- Er$. D ]l-$ E_l.
$Ol]l {-$, Cl $Ol]l {-$
-Z GS-D GG Al *]l$ yS- $. gS..! ]ll MS , u-MS {--$ Al$-l$-$$
WS C.. Zy ^l$-MS$ {->$ l l$-
{l--$-^l$-M]l^l$a. $r$ E. 24 VSrS r$ {- lWY-l$l]l lS ]l*r$ ]lst-l-]l $k]l# B S-OS GGZ ]l* M>-{MS-
llr l-O-s-ZMS l OS-B {*-f.. >$ * > A$-$. $- ^l ls ]ll. Cl$MS$ GG yl-*]l$ O ]l*-$ r$]l {Zl-$ A-]l-l-]l-
MSMS ^l*. lrl ]l$ Ayl$-VS$-l$. B l$-l $ yli MS l$--*- lO--Z {l 3.30 ]l$_ 5 VSrS ]lMS* BS-OS $ l$#-l$-$. -$-S-
MS$ Ks (]lS Osl$ ]lz) ]l$. B ]l MSl JMS MS*y *-W-^l$-M]l^l$a. VS*VS$ {->$ M]l--W* $W]l ]l$-$- GV>j# yl ^l$-MS$-$ ]l-->]l#-r Ch-V r$ ]l*]l {fSMS$ Ol E-
yl-s Cl$g MS Er$. D MS-Z $MS$ ]l_a]l Ks- Z ]l* r$ -$-$. MS>S -$-$. ]l*-^> A^l a CfSS *-VS-yl {->S]l$ A-^lyl
t--ZMS l * yS-Zy ^l$-
]ll*l$ ^l$-M. Ayl$ f ll$, ]lz Ayl$-VS$-
l$. $MS$ ]l_a]l $, ]lz r$t-M]l^l$a. D {{MS$ MS$ lO--Z CS-t ^l$-M. ]l$_ u>-$ MS-_ -$S l-$ ]l- ^l$- $ yl* gMS$ B]l-l-V> E.
& ${$, -
N$$]l lrl B ]l Ayl$-VS$-l$. B Q ]ll*- GMSP-ylMS$ l {-$ ]l$]l- $-MS-
$. MS ]l$-$-Z r$ MS*y r* $-{l -^l BS-OS {->SMS$
l$-^l-]l l$-l l t--ZMS {l-^l-]l^l$a. AMSPyl $MS$ -]l A]l- Eyll$. Vr$t- MS>S -$ gMS-$V> ]l]l--$-$. ^]l$ ]ll$-M$-$..
-_]l A ]lQOl$]l {-$ AZy ^l ^l$-M]l^l$a. M]lyl, ^MS VS$-]l#-$]l $ Gg$ ^l$-$. L--MS$-SMS$ l*yl--V> {k ]l*l]l A>- -$-SMS$ l$-g-
{ {-MS Ks My ]l$. S-MS$ M> Eyll$. Eyll$. AW {]l*-$ fW $$-$. st sM>-S-i u> M>l$ $-$. l-S]l$ ]l- ^l$-MS$l A]l-M> ]l$ ]l$- ^l* G]l$ _st ^l]l$$ VSst M>>MS }M> ^l$st$. l l$Z
]ll$ ]ll*l$ ^l$-MS$]l f-ll$, ]lz $- B]l ^l-]l A]l- Eyll$. MS*y MS^$. l$-V> yl* gMS-S- S-Z -$-$ yl* yl* gMS- M> M>$]l f A]lMS$ H MSyl$ MSVSMS*yll
G-Oyl-, GMSP-Oyl- OS B M>]l^l$a. AZy ^l {l Og h>MS M>-$ A]l- MS$y BS- r* r* Al-MS yl$-t MS*y ]l*syl A]l-M> E. l A>-Z #- $V> Eyll$MS$ BMS ^l*-$- >T$ l*$^l $. DlS 7]l l >-lS
$s Er$. JMP {l 10 G MSs GMS$P]l Eyl-MS*-yll$. $-S]l$ l]l$ yl* tSMS$ _ -$-SMS$ A]l- $. l-> $ gq]l sMS ^l- {l-MS-V> M^l s $. ^l-
Al-MS GMS$P]l Es AZy M>l$. JMS RMS$ ]lS i ]lMS$ OS-Z GMSP-ylOM , G]l-OM GG yl* {-y-V> ]l*-*$. --]l$$ ]l*-^> A$-$. yl* gMS-$V> W, EVS A]l-M>>-$ l$$-VS$- GMS u->S, yl-Os Cyl-[t- Bl-Z $l
MSs$$^$. D ylhr MS-MS$ ]lz Er$. $ ^l-]l^l$a. {>Z BMSV> ^l--l$MS$ BMS E]l -$-$ VS$r*-$-Z {lMS S- -yl-$$. _]l-_]l Dls-$ D M>{MS]l$ fW. >T l* { $,
{-$ l$-V> ls ]l$^l $$ A]l$-MS$]l ^r$MS$ -]l^l$a. & l{*-]l-VS (VS$r*$ l*$) Yr$]l $. Bl-Z {$l BS-OS M>-{MS-]l*-$ - -^ll$MS$ Ml-]l$- G-MS-^l->. MS-yls ]l--MS$-]l*-- -l-S^$. -
$$ -* $-MS$ ll$ C$-$. & lMS-s-, - & MSMS-yl$ (]l]l$*$)

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