Guia de Aprendizaje Ingles 8BASICO Semana 4 2015

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Unit 2

Name: ..................................................................................Grade: 8 Bsico.

I. Match the words with the pictures. Write 1 to 10 in the boxes. There is an example. You can
work with a dictionary.

1 make eye contact 2 fold your arms

3 lean forward 4 sit back

5 avoid eye contact 6 gesture 7 raise your eyebrows 8 look nervous

9 give someone a smile 10 nod your head

II. Pair work. Tick the things in the exercise above that help communication and cross the
ones that do not help communication.

III. Vocabulary: Say and tell. Complete the sentences with the right words. Then say how you
say these expressions in your language.

difference goodbye joke lie

prayer say secret thank VillaEduca - Crecer. Educar. Innovar English 8 BSICO 1

1.- My friend told me a ...........................yesterday. It was very funny.
2.- Can you tell the ...........................between American English and British English.
3.- That is a really nice present. You must say
4.- I am going to tell you a ...........................Don`t tell anyone else.
5.- When was the last time that you told a ...........................
6.- I am going to say a ...........................before going to my job interview.
7.- Don`t leave until you have said ...........................
8.- Sorry I didn`t hear you. Could you ........................... that again please?

IV. Phrasal verbs with up. Match the sentences halves. Write the number in the right place.
How do you say these sentences in your language?

1 Look me up the next ....... have broken up.

2 We could meet up this ....... time you are in town.
3 Guess who turned up ....... at the party last night?
4 I can`t believe you and Tracy ....... weekend, if you like.

V. Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings. Write the number in the right place.

1 Look up a....... appear, happen

2 Turn up b....... end a relationship
3 Meet up c....... visit or contact someone
4 Break up d....... arrange to see someone

VI. Fill in the gaps with the phrasal verbs from the previous exercise.

1.- Lets next week at my place.

2.- The band after five years playing together.
3.- John .ten minutes late for the interview.
4.- Peter is planning to .his parentsnext weekend.

VII. Choose one of the topics below and talk to your partner about it for one minute.

Something you bought recently

An interesting film
Your plans for the weekend
Your favourite place
A book you read VillaEduca - Crecer. Educar. Innovar English 8 BSICO 2

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