Lia Medeiros: Research Interests

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Lia Medeiros

Steward Observatory, University of Arizona Phone: +1 (805)458-0483

Rm 317, 933 N. Cherry Ave. E-mail:
Tucson, AZ 85721 Website:
Date of birth: December 3, 1990

Research Interests
Use general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations to model Sgr A*, the supermassive black
hole at the center of the galaxy, specifically focusing on making predictions for the Event Horizon

2018 Ph.D. in Physics, University of California-Santa Barbara
2016 M.S. in Physics, University of California-Santa Barbara
2013 B.S. in Physics and Astrophysics, University of California-Berkeley

Grants and Awards

2015 2018 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
2015 Chairs Service Award
2013 Herbert P. Broida Fellowship
2012 NSF Grant for Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), (Harvard-Smithsonian
Center for Astrophysics)
2011 NSF Grant for Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), (National Radio
Astronomy Observatory- Charlottesville, VA)

Teaching Experience
Spring 2015 Astro 2: History of the Universe with Prof. Howell
Winter 2015 Phys 1: Basic Physics (classical mechanics) Lead TA with Prof. Gwinn
Fall 2014 Phys 2: Basic Physics (rotational dynamics and thermo) with Dr. Karmis
Summer 2014 Phys 2: Basic Physics (rotational dynamics and thermo) with Dr. Bibilashvili
Spring 2014 Astro 1: Basic Astronomy with Prof. Antonucci
Winter 2014 Astro 1: Basic Astronomy with Dr. van der Veen
Fall 2013 Astro 1: Basic Astronomy with Dr. Geller

Outreach and Service

2015-current Independent outreach initiative, UCSB/U of A
Planned and lead outreach project to give conceptual presentations of exciting

Curriculum Vitae Lia Medeiros

physics topics to high school students, presented to 10+ classrooms and other venues
2015-current Tucson Women in Astronomy (TWA), U of A
Mentored undergraduate students, helped plan events with visiting women as-
2013 Co-Chair Women in Physics Committee (WiP), UCSB
Held extra visit day for prospective female graduate students, planned events for
undergraduates to help in graduate school applications and undergraduate research,
planned social events that encouraged an inclusive environment in the department
2013 Society of Women in the Physical Sciences (SWPS), Berkeley
Held event to help undergraduates with graduate school applications
2009 Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE), Berkeley
Participated in panels for discussions about women in STEM fields
2009-2013 The Compass Project, Berkeley
Compass is a graduate and undergraduate student run organization dedicated to
fostering a creative, diverse, and collaborative community in the physical sciences,
mentored younger undergraduates

Selected Software Projects

EHTplot Plotting functions for the Event Horizon Telescope

Selected Talks and Posters

6. Variability in GRMHD simulations of Sgr A*: Implications for EHT amplitude and closure
phase observation
Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration Meeting, Cambridge MA, November 2016, Oral pre-
5. GRMHD simulations of closure phase variability
TCAN collaboration meeting, Cambridge MA, September 2016, Oral presentation
4. GRMHD simulations of visibility amplitude and phase vasiability of Sgr A*
Dynamics and Accretion at the Galactic Center, Aspen Colorado, Feb 2016, Oral presentation
3. GRMHD Simulations of EHT Visibility Amplitude and Phase Variability
TCAN collaboration meeting, Tucson AZ, December 2015, Oral presentation
2. Properties of High-Redshift Quasars
American Astronomical Society meeting (AAS), Jan 2013 poster 339.28, Long Beach CA
1. Molecular Line Studies of Serpens South Star Forming Region
American Astronomical Society meeting (AAS), Jan 2012 poster 341.07, Austin TX

6. Variability in GRMHD Simulations of Sgr A*: Implications for EHT Closure Phase Obser-

Curriculum Vitae Lia Medeiros

Medeiros, Lia, Chan, Chi-kwan, Ozel, Feryal, Psaltis, Dimitrios, Kim, Junhan, Marrone, Daniel P.,
Sadowski, Aleksander
2017 ApJ, 844, 35
5. GRay2: A General Purpose Geodesic Integrator for Kerr Spacetime
Chan, Chi-kwan, Medeiros, Lia, Ozel, Feryal, Psaltis, Dimitrios
2017 submitted to ApJ
4. Bayesian Techniques for Comparing Time-dependent GRMHD Simulations to Variable Event
Horizon Telescope Observations
Kim, Junhan, Marrone, Daniel P., Chan, Chi-Kwan, Medeiros, Lia, Ozel, Feryal, Psaltis, Dim-
2016 ApJ, 832, 156
3. GRMHD Simulations of Visibility Amplitude and Phase Variability for Event Horizon Tele-
scope Images of Sgr A*
Medeiros, L., Chan, C.K., Psaltis, D., Ozel, F., Kim, J.H., Marrone, D.P., Sadowski, A., &
Narayan, R.
2015 submitted to ApJ
2. Fast Variability and mm/IR flares in GRMHD Models of Sgr A* from Strong-Field Gravita-
tional Lensing
Chan, C.K., Psaltis, D., Ozel, F., Medeiros, L., Marrone, D.P., Sadowski, A., & Narayan, R.
2015 ApJ, 812, 103
1. Abundant cyanopolyynes as a probe of infall in the Serpens South cluster-forming region
Friesen, R. K., Medeiros, L., Schnee, S., Bourke, T. L., Francesco, J. Di, Gutermuth, R.,
Myers, P. C.
2013 MNRAS, 436, 1513

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