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1 Example for NRLF (rectangular) technique

Taking the 5 bus system as an example again, the NRLF algorithm starts with the flat voltage profile
and subsequently different quantitative are calculated as shown in Table 2.19.

Table 2.19: Initial calculation with NRLF (rectangular) in the 5 bus system

Pcal = [0 0.2220 0 0] 1015 ;

Qcal = [0.143 0.143] ; Vcal = [1.0 1.0] ;
M = [0.5 1.0 1.15 0.85 0.457 0.257 0 0] ; error = 1.15;

As the mismatch (= 1.15) is greater than the tolerance (= 1.0e12 ), the algorithm proceeds further
and calculates the Jacobian matrix. Following the discussion presented earlier, the sizes of various
Jacobian sub matrices should be as follows: J1 (4 4); J2 (4 4); J3 (2 4); J4
(24); J5 (24); J6 (24) and J (88). The computed Jacobian matrices are shown
in Table 2.20. From this set observe that the sizes of the calculated Jacobian matrices are indeed the
same as they are indicated above. After calculating the Jacobian matrix, the algorithm calculates
the correction vector (X) and extracts the vectors e and f from X . With these obtained
vectors e and f , the updated vectors e and f are computed and lastly the mismatch vector
(M ) and the final mismatch are calculated. All these calculations are also shown in Table 2.20.
As the mismatch in still more than the tolerance (although it has reduced from the last value), the
algorithm repeats all these calculation and finally converges with 5 iterations. The final load flow
result is shown in Table 2.21. Observe that the result obtained with NRLF (rectangular) method
are identically same as obtained by NRLF (polar) and GSLF techniques.
The load flow solutions of IEEE-14 bus and 30-bus systems have also been computed with NRLF
(rectangular) method. The results are shown in Tables 2.22 and 2.23 and respectively. Again confirm
yourself that the results shown in these two tables are identically same as the corresponding results
shown earlier with NRLF (polar) and GSLF methods.
Now, let us study the behavior of the algorithm when generator Q-limit is considered. Towards
this end, again let us first consider the 5-bus system and as before, let us consider the limit on Q3 to
be 50 MVAR. TO begin with, the initial calculations for this case are identically same as that shown
in Table 2.19. As no violation of Q3 is detected in this initial calculation, the algorithm proceeds as
usual (without any consideration of generation Q-limit violation) and repeats the same calculations
as shown in Table 2.20. As there is still no violation in Q3 , the algorithm advances to 2nd iteration
and the calculations at the end of 2nd iteration are shown in Table 2.24. At the end of 2nd iteration,
it is found that the calculated value of Q3 is 0.6824 p.u. and as a result, this bus is now converted
from a PV bus to a PQ bus. Hence, the PQ buses are now (4, 5, 3) and only bus 2 is retained as a
PV bus. The corresponding calculated vectors Qcal , Vcal and M are shown in Table 2.24 along
with the final value of the mismatch quantity. As this final value is still more than the tolerance,
the algorithm enters the third iteration.

Table 2.20: Calculations at 1st iteration with NRLF (rectangular) in the 5 bus system

3.2417 1.8412 0 13.0858 7.4835 0

0 0

1.8412 4.2294 1.2584 1.1298 7.4835 19.0911 7.1309 4.4768

J1 = ; J2 = ;
0 1.2584 2.1921 0.9337 0 7.1309 10.8657 3.7348

0 1.1298 0.9337 3.9047 0 4.4768 3.7348 15.6951

0 7.1309 10.5797 3.7348 0 1.2584 2.1921 0.9337
J3 = [ ]; J4 = [ ];
0 4.4768 3.7348 15.4091 0 1.1298 0.9337 3.9047
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
J5 = [ ]; J6 = [ ];
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3.2417 1.8412 0 0 13.0858 7.4835 0 0

1.8412 4.2294 1.2548 1.1298 7.4835 19.0911 7.1309 4.4768

0 1.2548 2.1921 0.9337 0 7.1309 10.8657 3.7348

0 1.1298 0.9337 3.9047 0 4.4768 3.7348 15.6951
J = ;
0 7.1309 10.5797 3.7348 0 1.2584 2.1921 0.9337

0 4.4768 3.7348 15.4091 1.1298 0.9337 3.9047

2.000 0
0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0
2.0000 0 0 0 0 0
X = [0.0 0.0 0.0783 0.0475 0.0331 0.009 0.1275 0.0799] ;
e = [0.0 0.0 0.0783 0.0475] ; f = [0.0331 0.009 0.1275 0.0799] ;
e = [1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9217 0.9525] ; f = [0 0.0331 0.009 0.1275 0.0799] ;
Pcal = [0.5041 1.0056 1.1211 0.8312] ;
Qcal = [0.4191 0.3205] ; Vcal = [1.0011 1.0001] ;
M = [0.0041 0.0056 0.0289 0.0188 0.1809 0.0795 0.0011 0.0001] ;
error = 0.1809;

In the third iteration the numbers of PQ buses is 3 and the number of PV buses is 1 and
hence, the sizes of matrices J3 and J4 change to (3 4) and those of matrices J5 and J6 become
(1 4). The sizes of the matrices J1 , J2 and J remain same as earlier. With this Jacobian matrix,
the correction vector X is calculated and from this vector X , the vectors e and f are
extracted. Subsequently, the vectors e and f are updated. It is found that Q3 still violates the limit
and the mismatch is also found to be still more than the tolerance at the end of the third iteration.

Table 2.21: Final Results of the 5 bus system with NRLF (rectangular) with no generator Q limit

e f V Pinj Qinj
Bus no.
(p.u) (p.u) (p.u) (deg) (p.u) (p.u)
1 1 0 1 0 0.56743 0.26505
2 0.99958 0.02893 1 1.65757 0.5 -0.18519
3 0.99987 -0.01592 1 -0.91206 1 0.68875
4 0.89634 -0.13157 0.90594 -8.35088 -1.15 -0.6
5 0.94034 -0.08272 0.94397 -5.02735 -0.85 -0.4
Total iteration = 5

Table 2.22: Final Results of the 14 bus system with NRLF (rectangular) with no generator Q limit

e f V Pinj Qinj
Bus no.
(p.u) (p.u) (p.u) (deg) (p.u) (p.u)
1 1.06 0 1.06 0 2.37259 -0.3308
2 1.04075 -0.09419 1.045 -5.17113 0.183 -0.166
3 1.0157 -0.26348 1.04932 -14.54246 -1.19 -0.08762
4 1.01604 -0.18634 1.03299 -10.39269 -0.4779 -0.039
5 1.02801 -0.15849 1.04015 -8.76418 -0.07599 -0.01599
6 1.04455 -0.232 1.07 -12.52265 0.112 0.37278
7 0.99277 -0.23739 1.02076 -13.44781 0 0
8 0.99427 -0.23818 1.0224 -13.47154 0 -0.129
9 0.99146 -0.24002 1.0201 -13.60908 -0.29499 -0.16599
10 0.99207 -0.24176 1.0211 -13.69541 -0.09 -0.05799
11 1.01383 -0.23819 1.04144 -13.22158 -0.03501 -0.018
12 1.02382 -0.24445 1.0526 -13.42868 -0.06099 -0.01599
13 1.01605 -0.24401 1.04494 -13.50388 -0.135 -0.05799
14 0.97979 -0.25524 1.01249 -14.60128 -0.14901 -0.05001
Total iteration = 5

All the relevant calculations pertaining to 3rd iteration are shown in Table 2.25. As the mismatch
is still more than the tolerance limit, the algorithm proceeds and finally converges with 5 iterations.
The final results are shown in Table 2.26.
Again the load flow solutions of the IEEE-14 bus and IEEE-30 bus system have been computed
for the same generator reactive power limits as taken for GSLF and NRLF (polar) techniques. The
final solutions are shown in Tables 2.27 and 2.28 respectively. Again cross-check for yourself that the
final solution computed by this method are same as those computed by GSLF and NRLF (polar)
We will now discuss the fast-decoupled load flow (FDLF) technique in the next lecture.

Table 2.23: Final Results of the 30 bus system with NRLF (rectangular) with no generator Q limit

e f V Pinj Qinj
Bus no.
(p.u) (p.u) (p.u) (deg) (p.u) (p.u)
1 1.05 0 1.05 0 2.38673 -0.29842
2 1.0299 -0.08973 1.0338 -4.97945 0.3586 -0.05698
3 1.02132 -0.14293 1.03128 -7.96653 -0.024 -0.012
4 1.01147 -0.17076 1.02578 -9.58235 -0.076 -0.016
5 0.97759 -0.23652 1.0058 -13.60103 -0.6964 0.05042
6 1.00126 -0.20376 1.02178 -11.50296 0 0
7 0.97138 -0.24218 1.00111 -13.9994 -0.628 -0.109
8 0.99849 -0.22261 1.023 -12.56853 -0.45 0.12343
9 1.0191 -0.23604 1.04608 -13.04088 0 0
10 1.00129 -0.26616 1.03606 -14.88589 -0.058 -0.02
11 1.07063 -0.21138 1.0913 -11.16876 0.1793 0.24018
12 1.01854 -0.24923 1.04859 -13.74947 -0.112 -0.075
13 1.06225 -0.23668 1.0883 -12.56078 0.1691 0.31043
14 0.99956 -0.26255 1.03346 -14.71704 -0.062 -0.016
15 0.99383 -0.26383 1.02825 -14.86737 -0.082 -0.025
16 1.00288 -0.25946 1.0359 -14.50539 -0.035 -0.018
17 0.99556 -0.26644 1.0306 -14.98291 -0.09 -0.058
18 0.98129 -0.27363 1.01873 -15.58107 -0.032 -0.009
19 0.97781 -0.27689 1.01626 -15.81066 -0.095 -0.034
20 0.98263 -0.27506 1.02041 -15.63819 -0.022 -0.007
21 0.98651 -0.27098 1.02305 -15.35955 -0.175 -0.112
22 0.98691 -0.27096 1.02343 -15.35222 0 0
23 0.97991 -0.27028 1.0165 -15.41998 -0.032 -0.016
24 0.9712 -0.27501 1.00939 -15.81043 -0.087 -0.067
25 0.96249 -0.27308 1.00048 -15.84004 0 0
26 0.94313 -0.27533 0.9825 -16.27422 -0.035 -0.023
27 0.96684 -0.26987 1.00379 -15.59587 0 0
28 0.99764 -0.21474 1.02049 -12.1474 0 0
29 0.94118 -0.2855 0.98353 -16.87497 -0.024 -0.009
30 0.92532 -0.29698 0.97181 -17.79427 -0.106 -0.019
Total iteration = 5

Table 2.24: Calculation at the end of 2nd iteration with NRLF (rectangular) in the 5 bus system for
limit on Q3

Pcal = [0.5000 1.0016 1.1502 0.8500] ;
Qcal = [0.5944 0.3988 0.6824] ; Vcal = [1.0];
M = [0.0 0.0016 0.0002 0.0 0.0056 0.0012 0.1824 0.0] ; error = 0.1824;

Table 2.25: Calculations at 3rd iteration with NRLF (rectangular) in the 5 bus system with limit on

3.3566 1.6230 0 13.3023 7.5339 0

0 0

1.9584 5.5167 1.3701 1.2000 7.4539 18.1609 7.1104 4.4586

J1 = ; J2 = ;
0 2.0669 2.2170 1.3289 0 6.2313 10.1633 3.2275

1.4328 1.1870 4.0987 0 4.1175 3.4358 14.8052

0 6.2313 8.4978 3.2275 0 2.0669 4.5371 1.3289

J3 = 0 4.1175 3.4358 13.8060 ; J4 = 0
1.4328 1.1870 5.8182;

7.4539 19.5569 7.1104 4.4586 1.9584 3.5351 1.3701 1.2000

J5 = [1.9992 0 0 0] ; J6 = [0.0581 0 0 0];
3.3566 1.6230 0 0 13.3023 7.5339 0 0

1.9584 5.5167 1.3701 1.2000 7.4539 18.1609 7.1104 4.4586

0 2.0669 2.2170 1.3289 0 6.2313 10.1633 3.2275

0 1.4328 1.1870 4.0987 0 4.1175 3.4358 14.8052
J = ;
0 6.2313 8.4978 3.2275 0 2.0669 4.5371 1.3289

0 4.1175 3.4358 13.8060 1.4328 1.1870 5.8182

7.4539 19.5569 7.1104 4.4586 1.9584 3.5351 1.3701 1.2000

1.992 0
0 0 0 0.0581 0 0
X = [0.0000 0.0171 0.0169 0.0095 0.0006 0.0047 0.0024 0.0015] ;
e = [0.0000 0.0171 0.0169 0.0095] ; f = [0.0006 0.0047 0.0024 0.0015] ;
e = [1.0 0.9996 0.9828 0.8801 0.9311] ;
f = [0 0.0297 0.0109 0.1292 0.0812] ;
Pcal = [0.4999 1.0005 1.1496 0.8499] ;
Qcal = [0.5997 0.4000 0.5031] ; Vcal = [1.0] ;
M = [0.0001 0.0005 0.0004 0.0001 0.0003 0.0000 0.0031 0.0000] ;
error = 0.0031;

Table 2.26: Final Results of the 5 bus system with NRLF (rectangular) with limit on Q3

e f V Pinj Qinj
Bus no.
(p.u) (p.u) (p.u) (deg) (p.u) (p.u)
1 1 0 1 0 0.56979 0.33935
2 0.99956 0.02961 1 1.69679 0.5 -0.04769
3 0.98244 -0.01097 0.9825 -0.63991 1 0.5
4 0.87973 -0.12927 0.88918 -8.35906 -1.15 -0.6
5 0.93092 -0.08123 0.93445 -4.98675 -0.85 -0.4
Total iteration = 5

Table 2.27: Final Results of the 14 bus system with NRLF (rectangular) with generator Q limits

e f V Pinj Qinj
Bus no.
(p.u) (p.u) (p.u) (deg) (p.u) (p.u)
1 1.06 0 1.06 0 2.37188 -0.31249
2 1.04073 -0.09432 1.045 -5.17845 0.183 -0.1066
3 1.01336 -0.26312 1.04697 -14.55556 -1.19 -0.08762
4 1.01224 -0.18505 1.02902 -10.35987 -0.4779 -0.039
5 1.0242 -0.15691 1.03615 -8.71027 -0.07599 -0.01599
6 1.03013 -0.22759 1.05497 -12.45871 0.112 0.3
7 0.9847 -0.23631 1.01266 -13.49478 0 0
8 0.98582 -0.23701 1.01391 -13.5185 0 -0.129
9 0.98318 -0.23896 1.0118 -13.66101 -0.29499 -0.16599
10 0.98261 -0.2402 1.01154 -13.73679 -0.09 -0.05799
11 1.00189 -0.23533 1.02915 -13.21814 -0.03501 -0.018
12 1.00965 -0.24037 1.03787 -13.39145 -0.06099 -0.01599
13 1.00223 -0.24028 1.03063 -13.48166 -0.135 -0.05799
14 0.96883 -0.25317 1.00136 -14.64504 -0.14901 -0.05001
Total iteration = 8

Table 2.28: Final Results of the 30 bus system with NRLF (rectangular) with generator Q limits

e f V Pinj Qinj
Bus no.
(p.u) (p.u) (p.u) (deg) (p.u) (p.u)
1 1.05 0 1.05 0 2.38676 -0.29389
2 1.0299 -0.08977 1.0338 -4.98141 0.3586 -0.04555
3 1.02053 -0.14263 1.03044 -7.95615 -0.024 -0.012
4 1.01051 -0.17038 1.02477 -9.57038 -0.076 -0.016
5 0.97756 -0.23666 1.0058 -13.6093 -0.6964 0.05533
6 1.00036 -0.20342 1.02084 -11.49427 0 0
7 0.97083 -0.24204 1.00055 -13.99903 -0.628 -0.109
8 0.99845 -0.22276 1.023 -12.57695 -0.45 0.15116
9 1.01327 -0.2345 1.04005 -13.0305 0 0
10 0.99655 -0.26495 1.03117 -14.8887 -0.058 -0.02
11 1.05781 -0.208 1.07807 -11.1244 0.1793 0.2
12 1.01458 -0.24844 1.04456 -13.75943 -0.112 -0.075
13 1.05718 -0.23554 1.08311 -12.56043 0.1691 0.3
14 0.99547 -0.26178 1.02931 -14.73367 -0.062 -0.016
15 0.98968 -0.26302 1.02403 -14.88301 -0.082 -0.025
16 0.99856 -0.25851 1.03148 -14.51398 -0.035 -0.018
17 0.99092 -0.26532 1.02583 -14.98919 -0.09 -0.058
18 0.97686 -0.27271 1.01421 -15.59837 -0.032 -0.009
19 0.97323 -0.2759 1.01159 -15.82733 -0.095 -0.034
20 0.97802 -0.27402 1.01568 -15.65181 -0.022 -0.007
21 0.98184 -0.26984 1.01825 -15.36745 -0.175 -0.112
22 0.98228 -0.26983 1.01867 -15.36029 0 0
23 0.97574 -0.26947 1.01226 -15.43846 -0.032 -0.016
24 0.96705 -0.27419 1.00517 -15.82979 -0.087 -0.067
25 0.95946 -0.27277 0.99748 -15.87039 0 0
26 0.94003 -0.27501 0.97944 -16.30724 -0.035 -0.023
27 0.96454 -0.26985 1.00158 -15.62998 0 0
28 0.99677 -0.21448 1.01959 -12.14364 0 0
29 0.93881 -0.2855 0.98126 -16.91488 -0.024 -0.009
30 0.9229 -0.297 0.96951 -17.83848 -0.106 -0.019
Total iteration = 5


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