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Spanish III Honors

Seora Smithson

Hola y bienvenidos! I am Sra. Smithson, your teenagers Spanish teacher this year. I
look forward to a challenging as well as rewarding year in Honors Spanish III.

In Spanish III Honors, we will use one workbook designed to develop proficiency in the
Spanish language in grammar called The Ultimate Spanish Review and Practice. The
students are requested to purchase two novels at a total cost of $14.00.

Here is the breakdown of the Spanish III Honors fees this year:
Two novels $14.00

One check totaling $14.00 may be made out to Collierville High School, or you may
send cash, sealed in an envelope with your students name on the front. If your childs
last name is different from yours, please put both of your names on the check and
envelope to avoid any confusion about whether or not the payment has been made. I
will order the workbooks and novels as soon as I have everybodys money. You may
also pay using the Online School Payments (OSP) system online with a credit card
located on the schools website or The fee
for the novels ($14.00) is due preferably on or before Friday, August 11th.

I believe parent involvement is very important in a students education. Your student

receives the best education possible when you and I work together. Therefore I have
enclosed copies of my classroom discipline plan and grading procedures. Please read
these carefully. They explain many of my expectations for your teenager in this class.
You and your teenager will be required to sign the bottom of it.

I welcome your calls and messages. You can call the school at 853 3310, however, my
main preference of communication is email. I am available through e-mail at

Also, I have a web page: where I post messages,

homework, and other important documents. You may follow me on Twitter as well
@Senorasmithson. Another tool I utilize is Remind. Enclosed is a handout for signing
up to get information and reminders for class via text messaging.


Kristen Smithson
Classroom Rules for Seora Smithson's class:

1. Students are expected to observe the following classroom rules at all times:
Respect others.
Come to class on time.
Stay seated during class.
Raise your hand.
Bring all materials to class everyday.
CELL PHONES Only allowed when given permission by teacher.

If a student decides to break the rules, students will be warned in class and the parent
will be notified. If the behavior is not modified, a disciplinary referral is the next step.

2. Students are to attend class regularly and on time. Make-up work is the
responsibility of the student. Upon returning to class, pick up missed assignments from
Mrs. Smithson. By checking my website, the student can see what homework
assignments were missed as well. Please hand in all make-up work directly to Mrs.
Smithson. Follow CHS policy about excused and unexcused absences and make up
***However, for a pre-planned absence such as a field trip with the school or a
college visit, the student must discuss assignments and their due dates PRIOR to
leaving. Normally, the work will be due BEFORE the pre-planned event.

3. Students are to come to class prepared for the day's lesson and activities. This
includes bringing the novels, notebook, workbook, pens, pencil, regular notebook
paper, and any other required texts or written assignments.

4. Assignments are to be completed and turned in on time. If the student does not have
the assignment ready at the time I collect it, then the student will receive at most half
credit on the assignment and only up to one day late is allowed.

Grading Scale:
A 93-100
B 85-92
C 75-84
D 70-74
F 69 and below
**Three additional points will be added to quarter and exam grades for this course.

With the online grading system, parents and students can check grades daily. I tend to
update the grades at least once if not twice a week. If there is any problem or questions
arise, please email me as soon as possible. Do not wait until the end of the nine weeks
to email me.

I use the total point system of grading. All assignments are given a certain point
value. The final nine weeks grade is derived from the total points earned divided by
the total points possible. There are several different assignments that will determine
ones grade: class participation (nota oral), tests (exmenes), novel work (novela),
crosswords (crucigramas), translations (traducciones), etc.

Cheating or plagiarism is an automatic zero for the assignment and a disciplinary

referral. Parents will also be notified of the incident.


It is the students option to retest and thus must follow the procedures in order to do so.
The student must inform Mrs. Smithson either in person or via email that s/he wants to
retest. We will fill out the retesting form to discuss the retest date and both the student
and the parent will sign the retest form. Then, s/he must complete the retest
assignment given to them by Mrs. Smithson and have the assignment ready before
retaking the test by the assigned date. Failure to complete everything on time will void
the process and the student will not be allowed to retest.

If a student needs extra help, tutoring is available in room 111 by appointment in the
morning or afternoon. I also recommend the following website for help at home:

----------------------Cut off this section and return to Mrs. Smithson-----------------------------

Please indicate that the student and the parent/guardian have reviewed the syllabus
together by signing on the appropriate line.

Student signature: ____________________________________________________________

Student email address: ________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature: ____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian email address: ________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian daytime phone number/s: _____________________________________

Parent/Guardian evening phone number/s: _____________________________________

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