Contemporary Art HW

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I feel that there is nothing more

truly artistic than to love people.

If you hear a voice within you
say 'you cannot paint,' then by
all means paint, and that voice
will be silenced.
Love many things, for therein
lies the true strength, and
By Sherimy C. De Guzman

whosoever loves much performs

12 ICT 1-Hangouts

much, and can accomplish much,

and what is done in love is done
well. Great things are done by a
series of small things brought
together. What would life be if
we had no courage to attempt
anything? Van Gogh
Itak sa Puso ni Mang Juan by Antipas Delotaro

2.1. Forms and style

a.What do you see on the painting?

-What I see on this painting is a sad man or mang Juan passing by a Coca Cola poster.

b.Describe the person in the painting?

-He looks sad while walking. Its like he has a problem and he keeps thinking about it.

How is he portrayed?

-For me, he is portraying a man with a small budget

c.Describe the Background?

-I can think of so many meanings about the background. Its either back at this time, Coca-Cola is a really
popular soda and this man cannot afford it because of financial problems. It can also be that he works at a Coca-
Cola factory and he only got small salary, thats why hes worried or thinking because it cant support his

d.How will you Describe the painting to someone who has not seen?

-They might think that this painting was sponsored by Coca-Cola

a.What is the theme of the painting?

- The theme of this painting is sadness or worries

b.who is being represented?

-The man or Mang Juan

c.what does the painting remind you of?

-This painting reminds me about the Coca-Cola before. Like how its discovered and how the Filipinos like it
back before until now.

d.What is the message of the artist?

-The message is that, for me, back before the 21st century Filipinos really like Coca-Cola. And of course the
company needs workers so that they can give the people more products. This painting shows that employees on
Coca-Cola only get small salary before.

e.How is the painting related to our society today?

-There are so many Filipinos that work hard but they dont deserve the salary they get

2.3.Elements and Principles

a.How are the elements of arts used in the painting?

b.pretend that you were inside this paintings.

How would you have felt?

Why would you feel the way?

c.Why do you suppose the artist mode this painting?

d.What do you think is extraordinary about his painting?

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