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Chattahoochee High School

E1 Foundations of Engineering & Technology

Daily Lesson Plan Overview 1st Semester 2017-18
Day 1 Intro. me and class Seating Chart, Syllabus Copy Mon Oblique doorstop. add dimensions.
Mr. Ms List 10 Pwr Pt Hooch Eng Promo Video 3 min. 11 Some work on slot block drawing
Aug. 7
Parent Safety Permission Form Copy
Tues Day 2 Notebooks, Daily Journal Copy Tues Go over General Safety Rules Copy
8 PwPt This is my life; Mr. M., 12 Start Car drawings Side View, Hidden Lines
Collect Forms Border & Title Wheels first, French Curves, Circle Templates
Wed Day 3 Leadership & Ethics Point 1 Wed Gen Safety Test Copy
9 Intro Tech Movie 15 min. Ans Ques and correct Copy 13 Car side view, top view shape and engine
Thurs Day 4 form groups Sign up Grp jobs Leadership point 2 Thurs Demo & Rules Drill Press Copy
10 Retrieve Data Speed Records PwPt Landspeed records. Copy 14 Transfer wheels to top view, Dimensions
Fri Read Engineering CO2 Cars Copy Fri Drill press test & correct 20 min. Copy
11 Experiment Bearings Copy 15 Band Saw video 10 Min. Demo Saw. Band Saw rules Copy
Leadership & Ethics Point 3 first half Show band saw blade & discuss lumber mill blades
Mon Design Limitations/specifications Copy Mon Band Saw Test & correct 20 Min. Copy
14 Show designs Pwpt Cool Cars Start Design principles 18 Work on drawings
Tues Toy Design Futures Channel Did sunglasses design this yr. Tues Finish drawing car design. Some lay out block.
15 Could Read CO2 online 19 Demo Drill press holes. Some drill axle holes
Begin Skets. Notes on Design steps Ideas, Sket. Pwpt CO2 Cars
Wed Leadership & Ethics Pt 4 Show real cars Wed Work on cars Finishing drawings
16 Go over General Safety Rules Copy 20 Demo band saw
Work on Sketches Discussed Thrust SSC Form Groups
Thurs Leadership & Ethics Pt 4 Thurs Work on cars Demo Files
17 Gen Safety Test Copy 21 Finishing drawings
Start graph French Curves Get boxes ready for trw
Fri Meaning of Technology, PwPt Work on graph Graph Top view Fri Work on cars
18 Form Groups, go over jobs Copy 22
Mon Define Technology Part 1 Intro Definition Pwr Pt Mon Work on cars
21 Finishing graph Some ready to do patterns Paper ready 25 Demo Inside cuts
Recorders names on boxes, Go over groups and lab
Tues Discuss/define mockup (Notes day 22) Tools Ready Tues Work on cars
22 Mockup Demo patterns 26 Begin shell car removal & Demo dremel
Some do patterns Demo layout and cutting side view Some do AutoCAD
Wed Meaning of Technology, PwPt Intro part 2 Areas of Tech Wed Work on cars Layout top view
23 Work on mockup side view and sand. Rally so layout only 27 Demo cutting tops
Thurs Mockups side view cut out Thurs Work on cars 15 days until races
24 28 Go over definition of Prototype

Fri Work on mockups Fri Work on cars

25 29 Demo filing tops and sides
Mon Top view and sand. Finish mockups Mon Work on cars
28 Some done. Some early do study time Oct. 2
Tues Read pg 18-27 Discuss Drafting, Read equip chap. 68, Show Tues Work on cars
29 equip. 15 min. to finish Mockups end class 3 Meaning of Tech Process & Output Pwpt
Wed Hand out graph paper. Walk thru border, title block, lettering, and Wed Work on cars
30 ortho block. Place paper and layout paper. Drafting demo horiz and 4
Vert lines. Practice in lab. .
Thurs TEACHER WORK DAY Thurs Work on cars
31 5 Tech Defin. Feedback & finish Pwpt
4 9 Work on cars

Tues Demo overhead ortho boarder & block drawing. Tues

Work on cars
5 pg 192-3 Mult view? 10
Draw block 3 views Ortho blank paper. Use graph as model.
Wed Drafting Dimensioning, Lines pg 221-227 text Wed PSAT & Half Day no work
6 Add dimensions to block drawing. Many done early. Start doorstop 11
Thurs Meaning of Tech part 3 Inputs Pwpt Thurs Work on Cars
7 Work on doorstop. Add dimensions 12
Fri Tonka Toy. Finish Doorstop. Fri Work on Cars
8 Add dimensions. Block oblique for practice. 13
Daily Lesson Plan Overview Part II 2017 E1 Fundamentals of Engineering & Technology

Mon. Work on cars Mon Thanksgiving

Oct 16 20
Tues Work on cars Discuss grades of sandpaper Tues Thanksgiving
17 21
Wed Work on cars Discuss schedule to races Wed
18 Show paint colors Puddy 22 Thanksgiving
Thurs Work on cars Begin Spray Paint Thurs
19 Base coat 3-5 per class 23 Thanksgiving
Fri Paint cars Fri
20 Many still filing and sanding 24 Thanksgiving
Mon Work on cars Mon Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1
23 27
Tues Tues Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1 Day 10
24 Hand out car boxes 28
Wed Paint cars Base coat half class, top coat half. Wed Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1
25 Show trophies. Attach Screweyes 29
Thurs Bearings in. Show trim and display in window Thurs Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1
26 Race match up sign ups. Mr. M garage out 30
Fri Show start gate & timer Race match ups on list. Give Boxes Fri Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1
27 Dec. 1
Mon Trim & Paint Mon Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1
30 4
Tues Discuss races, trim cars Tues Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1 Day 15 Quiz 2
31 Set up pit crew, finish trimming 5
Wed Race Day 1 Wed Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1
Nov. 1 6
Thurs Race Day 2 Thurs Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1
2 7
Fri Tucker Movie Fri Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1
3 8
Mon Tucker Movie Mon Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1
6 11
Tues Intro Trainers Tues Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1 Day 20 Career Analysis
7 Sign up and assign 12
Wed Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1 22 days (need 21 Wed Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1 Study for Test
8 13
Thurs Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1 Thurs Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1 Take test
9 14
Fri Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1 Fri
10 15
Mon Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1 Mon
13 18
Tues Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1 Tues Finals
14 19
Wed Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1 Wed Finals
15 20
Thurs Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1 Thurs Finals End of First Semester
16 21
Fri Trainer Lab Activity Rotation #1 Quiz 1 Fri 87 days + 3 finals.
17 22

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