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Assessor Feedback Form

SL No Particulars Actual details

1 Project
2 Name of SSC
3 Batch ID
4 Actual Location
5 Location address as per SDMS
6 Qualification name
7 Qualification Level-NSQF Level
8 Name of the Test Centre
9 Centre ID
10 Name of the Centre SPOC
11 Date of Assessment
12 PMKVY Poster at the Entrance of Test Centre Yes/No
13 Class rooms in Test Centre Yes/No
14 PMKVY Poster in classroom of Test Centre Yes/No
15 Counselling room in Test Centre Yes/No
16 PMKVY Poster in Counselling room of Test Yes/No
17 Is candidates scheduled are same as per Yes/No
18 Biometric attendance of training candidates Yes/No
in TP
19 No Biometric attendance means-Reasons
20 What was the alternative arrangement of
attendance taken during training of
candidates at Test Centre
21 Is ID proof/Aadhaar cards of candidates Yes/No
available or not?
22 Enrolment forms of candidates Yes/No
23 Attendance sheet of training candidates? 70% Yes/No
of attendance is must-available or not
24 Has Theory assessment completed as per Yes/ No
norms and regulations?
25 Has attendance of candidates for Theory Yes/No
Assessment taken?
26 How many candidates were Absent with
names for Theory assessment?
27 Is practical equipment available in centre at Yes/No
100% to conduct practical of candidates
28 Has Practical assessment completed as per Yes/No
norms and regulations?
29 Has attendance of candidates for Practical Yes/No
assessment taken?

30 How many candidates were Absent with
names for Practical assessment?
31 Has the skill demonstration of candidates is Yes/No
made compulsory and exhibited by
candidates and assessed?
32 Has Viva assessment completed as per norms Yes/No
and regulations?
33 Is Group photo taken with candidates Yes/No
background with PMKVY poster
34 Have you filled the Annexure M form and Yes/No
signed along with Test Centre SPOC sign and
35 Have you collected Feedback forms of all Yes/No
36 Has synchronization of data of theory and Yes/No
practical done on the same day or not?
37 Quality of training imparted to assessed Poor/Good/Very Good
38 Was the quality and knowledge of QP of Yes/No
candidates satisfactory?
39 The skill demonstration of assessed Yes/No
candidates satisfactory to employability?
40 Infrastructure gap (if any)

41 Overall feedback from Assessor

Name of Assessor

Signature of Assessor

(Assessment Conducted at Test Centre)

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