Ecosystems Inquiry Project Rubric

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Name: ___________________

Ecosystems Inquiry Project

I can describe causes and effects of a threat to an ecosystem.
I can use multiple sources to conduct my research and present my findings.

4 3 2 1
Independent Proficient Progressing Beginning

Generating I generated I generated I generated I generated

Questions researchable researchable researchable researchable
questions about a questions about a questions about a questions about a
topic on my own. topic with a little help topic with some help topic with a lot of
from my classmates from my classmates help from my
or teacher. or teacher. teacher.

Collecting I gathered I gathered I gathered I gathered

Information information using information using information using a information using
many (6+) online some (4-5) online few (2-3) online and either online or print
and print sources. and print sources. print sources. sources (1-3).

Research I thoroughly I described some I described a few I described one

Focus described the causes and effects causes or effects of cause or effect of a
causes and effects of a threat to an a threat to an threat to an
of a threat to an ecosystem. ecosystem. ecosystem.

Organization I organized my I organized my I tried to organize I did not use

conclusions in a conclusions using my conclusions paragraphs or
clear structure using paragraphs or using paragraphs or sections to organize
paragraphs or sections. My ideas sections, but some my conclusions.
sections. My ideas are mostly clear. ideas may be
are clear to the unclear.

Punctuation, I used my resources I have a few errors I have errors in I have several errors
Capitalization, to make sure my in punctuation, punctuation, in punctuation,
& Spelling punctuation, capitalization, or capitalization, or capitalization, or
capitalization, and spelling. spelling that distract spelling that distract
spelling are correct. from my work. from my work.

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________

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