Tackling Antibiotic Resistance NATURE REVIEWS

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factors (such as physicochemical conditions,

environmental contaminants, induction of
stress responses, bacterial adaptation and
Tackling antibiotic resistance: the phenotypic heterogeneity) have the potential
to enhance the effect of selective pressures
environmental framework and promote bacterial evolution towards
antibiotic resistance. Conversely, there is still
a poor understanding of the environmental
Thomas U.Berendonk, Clia M.Manaia, Christophe Merlin, factors that may alleviate the spread of
DespoFattaKassinos, Eddie Cytryn, Fiona Walsh, Helmut Brgmann, antibiotic resistance.
HenningSrum, MadelaineNorstrm, Marie-Nolle Pons, NorbertKreuzinger, Antibiotic resistance hotspots are found
not only in medical settings but also in envi-
Pentti Huovinen, Stefania Stefani, Thomas Schwartz, Veljo Kisand,
ronmental compartments that are subjected
FernandoBaquero and JosLuis Martinez to anthropogenic pressure, such as munici-
Abstract | Antibiotic resistance is a threat to human and animal health worldwide, pal wastewater systems, pharmaceutical
manufacturing effluents, aquaculture facili-
and key measures are required to reduce the risks posed by antibiotic resistance
ties and animal husbandry facilities. These
genes that occur in the environment. These measures include the identification sites are characterized by extremely high
of critical points of control, the development of reliable surveillance and risk bacterial loads coupled with subtherapeutic
assessment procedures, and the implementation of technological solutions that concentrations of antibiotics, and they con-
can prevent environmental contamination with antibiotic resistant bacteria and tribute to the discharge of ARB and ARGs
into the environment. At present, it is not
genes. In this Opinion article, we discuss the main knowledge gaps, the future
clear to what extent environmental ARB and
research needs and the policy and management options that should be prioritized ARGs promote the acquisition and spread
to tackle antibiotic resistance in the environment. of antibiotic resistance among clinically
relevant bacteria, or whether ARGs that are
The global spread of antibiotic resistance bacterial contaminants can multiply in their acquired by both clinically relevant bacteria
genes (ARGs) and their acquisition by clini- hosts, be passed on to other bacterial popu- and strictly environmental bacteria origi-
cally relevant microorganisms is associated lations and be subject to further evolution. nate from the same reservoirs1113. However,
with the increased hospitalization and mor- As such, ARB that occur in the environment for these issues to be properly addressed,
tality rates of patients that are infected with represent potentially serious risks for global efforts are required to characterize
such microorganisms, which constitutes a humanhealth. and quantify antibiotic resistance in the
serious problem for the health and welfare The increased dissemination of ARB in environment. In particular, it is necessary
of both humans and animals1. The effectof the environment is probably caused by three to create an adequate support for advanced
clinically relevant ARGs and antibiotic principle mechanisms, which can occur in biological risk assessment evaluations, which
resistant bacteria (ARB) that are released combination: horizontal gene transfer of are needed to determine how contaminated
from anthropogenic sources, together with ARGs; genetic mutation and recombination environments affect the proliferation of
the excessive use of antibiotics in both (which can be favoured by the existence of antibiotic resistance. In parallel, the imple-
human and veterinary settings, is currently hypermutator bacterial strains); and the mentation of technological solutions that
considered to be a serious environmental proliferation of ARB owing to selective can reduce the contamination of natural eco-
problem15. However, current risk assess- pressures that are imposed by antimicrobial systems by clinically relevant and potentially
ment models are inadequate to evaluate the compounds or other contaminants, such as evolving ARB and ARGs is also a priority.
effect of antibiotics and ARGs on resistance biocides or heavy metals610. As bacterial These topics were the focus of the
emergence and selection, especially in communities are shaped by a complex European COST (Cooperation in Science
non-clinical environments. array of evolutionary, ecological and envi- and Technology) Action DARE (Detecting
In contrast to many chemical contami- ronmental factors, it is difficult to predict Evolutionary Hotspots of Antibiotic
nants the concentration of which typically the fate of ARGs and ARB that are released Resistance in Europe, TD 0803), which was
diminishes owing to degradation, dilution into the environment, or to obtain a clear launched in 2009 and completed in 2013.
or sorption bacterial contaminants (and understanding of the evolution and ecology This interdisciplinary project involved 20
their ARGs, which are present both within of antibiotic resistance in this setting. For European countries and 123 scientists with
bacterial genomes and in free DNA) are example, although the excessive use of anti- a wide range of backgrounds (for example,
capable of persisting and even spreading in biotics may select for resistant populations engineers, microbiologists, chemists,
the environment. The ARGs carried by these in the environment, other biotic and abiotic veterinarians and physicians, working at

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Risk assessment

Control resistance Control antibiotic resistance Control resistance

emergence in the environment dissemination (management and policy) transmission to humans

Environment Clinic

Establish comprehensive

ARG mining in metadata

Dene resistance in Understand the
environmental strains relationship between
the environmental and
Standardize testing in clinical antibiotic resistome
environmental samples

Figure 1 | Minimizing the spread of antibiotic resistance in the environ- improvement in the definition and testing ofNature
resistance should| Microbiology
Reviews contribute to
ment. The figure summarizes the current goals (purple boxes) in trying to the establishment of more comprehensive databases that combine data from
minimize the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and both environmental and clinical settings. These databases would contribute
antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) in the environment and their transmission to the evaluation of the relationship between the antibiotic resistomes in both
into the clinic. The current needs and limitations that must be resolved to settings and facilitate the mining of ARGs in metadata. These strategies would
achieve these goals are also shown (yellow boxes). To evaluate the spread of improve the assessment of the risk of dissemination of ARB and ARGs in the
antibiotic resistance in the environment, and the risk of transmission to environment and their transmission to humans, and they would potentiate
humans, it is necessary to define what constitutes resistance in environmental the development of control strategies (management and policy) aimed at
bacterial strains and to standardize testing in environmental samples. This preventing the dissemination of antibiotic resistance.

universities, research institutes, national in clinical isolates. These advances were define and examine antibiotic resistance in
health agencies and national veterinary essential in enabling the comparison of water, sludge, sediment, plant, manure and
agencies). In this Opinion article, we pre- resistance prevalence in different geographi- soil samples1416. However, the conditions
sent our consensus on the main knowledge cal regions to assess possible relationships and criteria for bacterial isolation, and the
gaps, future research needs, policy options between antibiotic resistance and antibiotic number of isolates that are necessary to obtain
and management options that should be consumption, and to acquire a temporal a representative set of species (or even the
prioritized when tackling antibiotic resis perspective on resistance dynamics1. Despite prevailing species), are completely different in
tance in the environment (FIG.1). A holistic the ever-increasing evidence that the evolu- environmental samples compared to those in
view of antibiotic resistance evolution is tion and spread of antibiotic resistance in the clinical samples. Furthermore, most environ-
proposed, which considers the emergence environment contributes to the occurrence mental bacteria are not recovered in culture-
and dynamics of ARB and ARGs in relevant of antibiotic resistance in clinical or urban dependent surveys. Last, the definitions of
environmental compartments and includes settings29, standardized methods that are resistance used for clinical isolates, which are
the identification of both conditions that directly applicable to environmental samples mainly based on the likelihood of therapeutic
can enhance its spread and relevant points (which enable reliable comparisons with failure of human or animal bacterial infections,
of control. clinical data) have never been developed. may not apply to environmental bacteria15,16.
Therefore, microbiologists and environmental These shortcomings have motivated the
Standardization of resistance testing scientists worldwide have adapted clinical development of methods that can give a more
Over the past two decades, important criteria usually based on pre-established comprehensive overview of the prevalence of
advances have been made regarding the breakpoints, which offer an objective classi resistance in environmental samples.
international implementation of standard- fication of an organism as either resistant One approach that has been used to
ized methods to monitor antibiotic resistance or susceptible to a given antibiotic10 to evaluate the status of antibiotic resistance


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in the environment involves the calculation above have the advantage of being ubiqui- national, regional or global levels, which is a
of resistance percentage, which is based on tous as well as being important carriers of major limitation in determining the current
the ratio between the number of bacteria antibiotic resistance and being responsible risk of transmission of antibiotic resistance
that are able to grow on culture media that for the transfer of ARGs between different from the environment to human-associated
are supplemented with antibiotics at doses environmental compartments13,2326. bacteria. There are three main reasons for
close to the minimal inhibitory concentra- For the selection of resistance determi- this limitation: the existing data are not
tion (MIC) and the number of bacteria that nants, criteria such as the clinical relevance, comparable, as there are no guidelines for
grow on antibiotic-free media16. Culture- the prevalence in the environment, the data collection; there is no formal system of
independent approaches, which are mainly association with mobile genetic elements data collation and curation for publication;
based on information about ARGs that (MGEs) and/or the potential to be acquired and surveillance in environmental compart-
was previously acquired from the study of by any mode of horizontal gene transfer ments or ecosystems (such as soil and water)
clinical isolates, have also been successfully (such as conjugation, transformation or has not been encouraged. Therefore, most
developed1721. In particular, quantitative transduction) are important. Possible candi- of the available data come from sporadic
PCR (qPCR) can give an approximation of date genes, frequently occurring in environ- research studies rather than long-term
the prevalence of known ARGs in environ- mental settings that are subjected to human monitoring efforts.
mental samples, which can be a good estima- activities9,16,27,28, are shown in BOX1.
tion of the level of contamination by ARGs, These recommendations should not be Current limitations. Phenotypic resistance
although careful standardization of gene regarded as attempts to narrow the focus is often interpreted based on clinical stand-
copy numbers is needed. However, as dif- of researchers; however, there is an urgent ards and recommended breakpoints, for
ferent methodologies are regularly used, the need for standardization of a number of example, from the European Committee
results obtained by these approaches cannot core parameters to improve the comparability on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
be compared with those commonly used between studies worldwide. This is a pre (EUCAST) or the Clinical and Laboratory
in surveillance reports on human medicine requisite for obtaining a global perspective Standards Institute (CLSI). However, the use
and veterinary medicine1,22. Therefore, har- of the environmental antibiotic resistome of clinical breakpoints to assess the antibiotic
monized guidelines are needed regarding the irrespective of the geographical region, susceptibility of environmental bacteria is
number of isolates and diversity of species or the time frame or the environmental inadequate, as clinical breakpoints are based
strains to be tested; the cultivation conditions compartment being analysed. on parameters that are only relevant for
or the DNA extraction methods; and the tar- therapeutic success. A more reliable alterna-
geted resistance phenotypes and genotypes The importance of global databases tive for the interpretation of the antibiotic
or primer sets. Such guidelines would enable The current state of knowledge is insufficient resistance of environmental bacteria may be
direct comparisons between different envi- to assess the distribution and abundance the epidemiological cut-off (ECOFF) value
ronmental compartments, thus establishing of ARB and ARGs in the environment at developed by EUCAST, which, in a given
bridges with clinicaldata.
Standardization of resistance testing
should further focus on bacterial indicators Box 1 | Bacterial groups and genetic determinants
that are already in use and also on a subset The following bacterial groups and genetic determinants have been suggested as possible
of resistance determinants, preferably with indicators to assess the antibiotic resistance status in environmental settings.
both analysed concurrently. Primary bacte- Bacterial groups
rial indicators should be members of the Escherichia coli
class Gammaproteobacteria or the phylum
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Firmicutes, as these are the most frequent
Aeromonas spp.
carriers of acquired ARGs (BOX1). In partic-
ular, we propose Escherichia coli and faecal Pseudomonas aeruginosa
enterococci which are currently used to Enterococcus faecalis
monitor microbiological water quality and Enterococcus faecium
are well characterized in terms of acquired Genetic determinants (and the proteins they encode)
antibiotic resistance as indicator organ- intl1 (integrase gene of class1 integrons, a genetic platform for ARG capture)
isms16. In addition, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, sul1 and sul2 (sulfonamide-resistant dihydropteroate synthase)
which is also used as an indicator of water blaCTXM and blaTEM (-lactamases, frequently identified in Enterobacteriaceae)
quality, and Aeromonas spp., which are typi-
blaNDM-1 (New Delhi metallo--lactamase)
cal water inhabitants, should be used for the
examination of environmental samples in blaVIM (carbapenemase, frequent in clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa in certain areas)
which faecal contamination is not expected. blaKPC (Klebsiellapneumoniae carbapenemase)
Klebsiella spp., in particular Klebsiella qnrS (quinolone pentapeptide repeat family)
pneumoniae, are also possible indicators aac(6)Ibcr (aminoglycoside acetyltransferase)
to consider, as members of this group are vanA (vancomycin resistance operon gene)
present in both the environment and the mecA (penicillin binding protein)
animal gut and have frequently been found ermB and ermF (rRNA adenine N-6methyltransferase, associated with macrolide resistance)
to be pioneers in the emergence of antibiotic
tetM (ribosomal protection protein, associated with tetracycline resistance)
resistance23. Although other indicator bacte-
aph (aminoglycoside phosphotransferase)
ria would be eligible, the bacteria mentioned

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taxonomic group, separates the popula- is lacking, which creates a background of which would be relevant for medium- to
tions with acquired resistance mechanisms potentially misleading information for long-term evaluations of resistance evolu-
(non-wild-type) from the wild-type popula- researchers and clinicians. The lack of a tion3436. This information could be linked to
tions that have no resistance. In contrast to proper definition of antibiotic resistance routine monitoring assays of environmental
clinical breakpoints, the ECOFF values are for environmental strains of bacteria, the samples, particularly wastewater and sur-
epidemiologically based, do not relate to numerous databases with scant information face water samples37,38. Whenever possible,
the therapeutic efficiency and do not differ on antibiotic resistance in the environment links to existing databases on MGEs (for
among different committees (for example, and the lack of functional demonstrations example, A Classification of Mobile Genetic
EUCAST and CLSI)10. However, current for ARGs in environmental metagenomes Elements (ACLAME), Insertion Sequence
ECOFF estimations use databases in which, are considerable limitations for the charac- finder (ISfinder) or INTEGRALL) and
for a given species, the number of isolates terization of the environmental resistome eco-toxicological information on molecules
with a clinical origin is several orders of and the assessment of its clinical relevance8. with antibacterial effects (for example, from
magnitude higher than that of isolates with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA))
an environmental origin. In addition, most Perspectives. The consolidation of specialized should be implemented to provide a compre-
ECOFF studies comprise microorganisms of databases will certainly contribute to a stan hensive overview of the risk factors associ-
relevance to human health (pathogens and dardized definition of ARGs and elucidate ated with specific antibiotic resistance (for
commensals), whereas information regard- which genes contribute to the future acquisi- example, selection, mutation and
ing non-pathogenic environmental species, tion of resistance by human pathogens. In horizontal gene transfer).
which can be important carriers of ARGs, is parallel, the continuous improvement of In addition to the creation of integrative
scarce. Hence, it is questionable whether techniques for the cultivation of bacteria databases, additional data on ARGs in the
the current ECOFF values correctly reflectthe using multiple culture media and conditions environment are also necessary. Research on
distribution of resistant and wild-type bac- (known as culturomics) is of vital impor- uncharacterized ARGs and associated MGEs,
teria in the environment. To improve the tance for the identification of ARGs and which are not included in the routine moni-
reliability of these data, and therefore their for understanding the cellular mechanisms toring of environmental samples, is essential
usefulness in the classification of bacteria of linking ARGs and resistance phenotypes in to have a thorough understanding of the
different origins, it is essential to supplement different bacteria33. One of the greatest chal- environmental resistome. Whole-genome and
ECOFF databases with additional data from lenges in creating a consolidated database lies transcriptome analyses including those
environmental species and isolates. in establishing a standardized methodology that apply next-generation sequencing (NGS)
There are several public databases and and transforming it into a routine activity of technology and functional metagenomic
global surveillance projects, such as the environmental-quality monitoring. However, studies present new possibilities for decipher-
Antimicrobial Resistance Global Report this is necessary if we are to acquire a coherent ing resistance in environmental compart-
on Surveillance from the World Health picture of environmental resistance. ments. Studies on the expression and function
Organization (WHO)1; the European Conceptually, two types of data may be of resistance genes will be fundamental in
Centre for Disease Prevention and Control integrated in public databases: data from understanding the interplay between the
(ECDC)-based European Antimicrobial routine monitoring (that is, from surveil- environmental conditions and the genomic
Resistance Interactive Database (EARS-Net), lance databases), which will give insights context, and in understanding how this rela-
EUCAST, and the European Antimicrobial into the distribution, prevalence, temporal tionship will influence the selection of specific
Susceptibility Surveillance in Animals trends and geographical trends; and data ARGs39,40. These insights will offer the pos-
(EASSA)29 in Europe; the Surveillance gathered by research studies (that is, from sibility of assessing the effect of external con-
Network Database (TSN) in the USA and emergence and evolution databases), which ditions, such as the presence of subinhibitory
Australia; and the Study for Monitoring are seeking to understand the acquisition concentrations of antibiotics, on the presence,
Antimicrobial Resistance Trends (SMART) and molecular evolution processes. As one of expression and functionality of new and clin-
task force30 in the AsiaPacific region. In the most important issues concerning envi- ically-associated ARGs in the environment.
addition, there are two centralized databases ronmental antibiotic resistance is its possible Last, these strategies may unveil unforeseen
on ARGs: the Comprehensive Antibiotic implications in the health of humans and hotspots of antibiotic resistance. Continuous
Resistance Database (CARD)31 and the animals, databases focusing on environmen- improvements on annotation procedures,
Antibiotic Resistance Genes Database tal bacteria should also be linked to existing such as those recently reported31,4145, will not
(ARDB)32. However, the number of ARGs databases on ARB and ARGs in clinical, only contribute to the annotation of ARGs in
described in human and animal opportu veterinary and food-associated products. metadata, but will also provide valuable infor-
nistic pathogens in these databases is much The core entries of these integrative data- mation about the enzymes that are respon-
higher than the number of ARGs described bases should comprise the ARB and ARGs sible for each resistance mechanism, mainly
in environmental bacteria. Additionally, described in BOX1 and adopt the format of concerning new genes. The association of
public databases that incorporate data from existing databases (for example, EARS-Net these data to both generic (for example, the
environmental bacteria or metagenomes and REFS31,32). European Molecular Biology Laboratory
contain genes that have been putatively The information provided by surveillance (EMBL) or GenBank) and metagenomic
annotated as ARGs based on the similarity databases would be substantially improved databases (for example, Metagenomic Rapid
of their nucleotide or amino acid sequences by the inclusion of other, systematically cho- Annotations using Subsystems Technology
to those of previously described ARGs. sen, meta-parameters. Examples include the (MGRAST)) would further provide access
However, a functional demonstration of occurrence of heavy metals, antibiotic resi- to related sequence data and metadata
the role of many sequences described as due concentrations and, whenever possible, from gene fragments to metagenomes,
resistance genes in specialized databases the composition of the microbial community, transcriptomes and proteomes.


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However, the most important associa- An addendum emphasizing the need Management and policy options
tions to achieve would be those between data to assess the risks posed by antimicro- Management and policy options aimed at
from environmental and clinical settings, bial agents of inducing ARB selection or preventing and controlling antibiotic resist-
as well as the systematic combination of ARG emergence should be included in the ance in the environment comprise several
information obtained through research and Guideline on the environmental risk assess- different aspects, including the choice of
routine monitoring practices. This bridging ment of medicinal products for human use. ARB and ARGs to be listed as contaminants
of information will be a step forwards in Although challenging, given the scarcity of emerging concern; the determination of
elucidating the role of environmental of knowledge regarding the mechanisms differentiated maximum admissible levels
ARGs in the emergence and evolution of involved at the genetic, cellular and popu- of an antibiotic, ARB or ARG; and the
clinically-relevant antibiotic resistance. lation levels, this addendum is urgently identification of critical points of control at
needed. Within this addendum the gold which prevention and remediation measures
Risk assessment standard of a reliable risk assessment should should be implemented.
Integrated risk assessment of the evolution determine the range of concentrations at
and emergence of antibiotic resistance in which, under defined conditions, an antibiotic ARB and ARGs as contaminants of emerging
the environment addresses two main issues: can promote selection and the acquisition of concern. The European Water Framework
first, the potential of subinhibitory con- resistance. Directive establishes the requirements for
centrations of antibiotics to promote the determining the biological and chemical
development of ARB in complex bacterial Transmission of resistance determinants quality standards of water bodies in Europe63.
communities; and second, the capacity of from anthropogenic sources. Another Annex I of this directive sets obligations
resistance determinants to transfer from important aspect of antibiotic-resistance for environmental quality standards (EQS)
anthropogenic sources (such as treated risk assessment refers to the spread and for priority substances and certain other
wastewater, manure or others) to human transmission of resistance determinants pollutants, and it even identifies priority
commensal or pathogenic bacteria. from hotspots to downstream environ- hazardous substances. The inclusion of
ments. Mathematical models capable of ARB and ARGs as priority contaminants
Potential of subinhibitory antibiotic predicting the influence of potential selec- would be justified based on the results of
concentrations. The Guideline on the envi- tive pressures, or the occurrence and the numerous scientific studies, which show
ronmental risk assessment of medicinal evolutionary success of genetic recombina- that the occurrence of antibiotic resistance
products for human use, produced by the tion events, have proven to be promising increases in bodies of water (such as inland
European Medicines Agency 46, does not tools in predicting the spread of antibiotic- surface waters, transitional waters, coastal
recognize that the emergence and prolifera- resistance determinants54,60,61. As they are waters and groundwater) when they are
tion of antibiotic resistance may be the most specifically developed for environmental subjected to anthropogenic impacts, such
important risk associated with environmental niches and environmenthuman interfaces, as wastewater effluents, animal manure,
contamination by antibiotics. Indeed, the these mathematical models should rely on agricultural runoff and wildlife living in
endpoints for noeffect concentrations parameters such as population size; bacte- urban areas21,34,6467. We suggest the inclu-
(NOECs; which correspond to the highest rial population growth rate and survival; sion of a supplement to the European Water
concentration at which a substance has no occurrence and frequency of horizontal Framework Directive for ARB hosting
significant effect on the organisms exposed gene transfer and its implications on the clinically relevant ARGs. In this context,
to it) are different from traditional environ population fitness; and the influence of it is important to establish differentiated
mental risk assessment, as the effects of other biotic and abiotic factors54,6062. Such guidance levels for the abundance of these
antibiotics in promoting antibiotic resist- models would allow predictions to be made biological contaminants in the environment.
ance can go far beyond the toxicological regarding the dynamics of ARB hosting The application of these guidance levels may
implications. For example, even at levels ARGs and the possible localization of ARGs be especially important for the regulation of
that are considered safe according to the on MGEs, thus supporting the assessment specific practices, such as reuse of wastewa-
currently accepted Environmental Quality of their fate from anthropogenic sources to ter or soil fertilization withmanure.
Standards47, antibiotics can still select for downstream environments. A quantitative The inclusion of ARB and ARGs in the
ARB4850. Furthermore, these subinhibitory risk-assessment framework should be devel- list of contaminants of emerging concern
concentrations of antibiotics and antibiotic oped by coupling data and analyses, such would require clear definitions on the nec-
combinations may even induce the propa- as those outlined above, with a stochastic essary monitoring methods. Although the
gation of unforeseen multidrug-resistant assessment of exposure to clinically relevant environmental survival of ARGs primarily
opportunistic pathogens5154. Moreover, the bacteria in the environment. Such a model depends on the host and the type of MGEs,
effects of antibiotics may be potentiated or should then be used to predict the environ- the estimation of the levels of ARGs seems
extended by cofactors (general stress situ- mental conditions that are associated with a reliable and feasible method to monitor
ations and micro-contaminants, such as the evolution of antibiotic resistance and antibiotic resistance. However, a crucial
heavy metals and biocides), which possibly infer the probability of antibiotic resistance issue that needs additional investigation is
enhance the spread and evolution of anti determinants spreading. However, owing the selection of target ARGs to be moni-
biotic resistance34,5459. Therefore, combined to the scarcity of data on the occurrence of tored as indicators of resistance and the
molecular- and culture-based methods are antibiotic resistance and horizontal gene determination of safe concentrations of
necessary to determine the concentrations transfer in the environment, it is currently these genes in water. Ideally, such indicator
at which resistance acquisition and selec- difficult to develop validated models that genes should be abundant in anthropogenic
tion is likely to occur in environmental can be applied in the framework of sources and rare in native aquatic and ter-
compartments. environmental risk-assessment guidelines. restrial ecosystems to facilitate spatial and

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temporal source tracking in the environ- (often in a raw and unstabilized state) and scientific community and the development
ment. ARGs that are associated with MGEs thus contaminate soils as well as surface and implementation of technological solu-
or that present the highest environmental water and groundwater. At present, it is diffi- tions capable of mitigating ARB and ARGs in
fitness (that is, long lasting survival and cult to ascertain whether antibiotics reaching wastewater to safe levels. Although the defini-
the capacity to proliferate) are good candi- the environment at low concentrations exert tion of a safe level may be difficult to achieve,
dates for example, sul1 (which encodes a substantial selective pressure on ARGs or it is at least necessary to find an agreement on
for sulfonamide-resistant dihydropteroate ARB50,51. However, there is increasing evi- the threshold values below which the prob-
synthase); blaTEM, blaCTXM, blaVIM and blaNDM-1 dence showing that repeated exposure of the ability of significant proliferation of an ARG
(which encode -lactamases); tetM (which environment to anthropogenically gener- is severely impaired.
encodes for tetracycline resistance); and ated ARGs (for example, soil manure) cor- Technologies for the removal of micro-
vanA (which encodes for vancomycin resist- relate with the emergence and proliferation pollutants, including antibiotics, and
ance)(BOX1). However, determination of the of ARGs in indigenous microbiota66,67,73,74. microorganisms from wastewater are
maximum acceptable levels of these genes in However, the impact of animal production becoming increasingly available (for exam-
the environment seems, at the current state on the propagation of antibiotic resistance ple, membrane filtration, activated carbon,
of knowledge, a challenging objective. The is demonstrated by some zoonotic species photo-driven technologies and ozonation)82.
establishment of a comprehensive database of the genera Salmonella, Campylobacter, However, additional research is needed
and the use of modelling approaches would Listeria, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus and to determine the effectiveness of these
be valuable contributions to estimate such Escherichia, which are known to exhibit high processes for the elimination of ARB and
limits. Despite these challenges, this know levels of acquired antibiotic resistance29,7578. ARGs and to characterize the associated
ledge is an essential prerequisite, not only Although some animal production facili- microbiological risks16,82. Recommendations
for establishing a strategy of direct action ties implement systems that decontaminate of effective and economically sustainable
against antibiotic resistance in the environ- liquid and solid wastes, such treatments are interventions at critical points within the
ment, but also for the application of drugs not intended to remove ARB and might even wastewater stream are urgentlyneeded.
and interventions directed at preventing the promote resistance79,80. The same might be
emergence and evolution of ARB and ARGs true for biogas reactors, which use manure Concluding remarks
(ecoevo drugs)68. as a substrate, because the residues of these Given the public health threat posed by
reactors are used as fertilizers on agricul- antibiotic resistance, the development and
Critical control points. Environmental tural fields81. The confinement and treat- implementation of national and interna-
hotspots, where ARB are abundant or the ment of effluents and (processed) manure tional guidelines for the biological risk
transfer of ARGs is promoted, are critical from intensive animal production is thus a assessment of the emergence and propaga-
points for resistance control. Good examples priority. tion of ARB in the environment is a strategic
of such critical points are characterized by Urban, hospital and pharmaceutical priority. The generation of reliable compari-
a high prevalence of resistance or by the industry wastewater is among the main sons and evaluation of temporal trends in
occurrence of resistance determinants of sources of antibiotic and ARB contamina- antibiotic resistance in the environment are
emerging concern. These locations comprise tion in soil and water ecosystems16,21,82. In the currently seriously limited owing to the dis-
habitats that are influenced by human activi- environment, these contaminants can reach parity of surveillance strategies. To address
ties, such as wastewater (that is, hospital, water resources for drinking water produc- this issue, the interdisciplinary scientific
urban and specific industrial wastewater) tion, enter the food chain or reach clini- community involved in the DARE Action
and waste, and wastewater from animal cally relevant niches9,16,17,76,82. These effects has proposed specific priority measures.
husbandry and intensive food-production can be potentially even more pronounced It is necessary to improve the com-
facilities16,69,70. Moreover, sites subjected to when irrigation with wastewater effluents parability between studies worldwide to
the frequent discharge of antibiotic residues (wastewater reuse schemes) is applied. Water provide the basis for a global perspective
have been shown to be potential hotspots reuse is already a common practice in many on the antibiotic resistome irrespective of
for the selection, proliferation and spread of regions of the world owing to increased geographical, temporal or environmental
new resistance determinants to human com- water scarcity, mainly in arid and semi-arid constraints. A formal system for the col-
mensal and pathogenic bacteria, and these regions20. Most of the wastewater treatment lation and curation of data for publication
sites should likewise be considered as critical plants worldwide, in particular those using must be implemented, and surveillance of
control points71,72. mechanical and biological treatments, are environmental samples must be encouraged,
Although some of the antimicrobials primarily designed to remove organic com- to comprehensively assess antibiotic resist-
administered to animals are used exclusively pounds, nutrients (for example, nitrogen ance in environmental bacteria. Databases
in veterinary applications, most belong to and phosphorous) and suspended solids. with multiple levels of information and
the same structural families that are used However, the currently available wastewater metadata, supporting the understanding of
in human medicine. As they share the same treatment processes have limited capability antibiotic resistance dynamics on a global
basic chemical molecular structures and to efficiently remove organic micropollutants, scale, must be established. An integrated
mechanisms of action, these antibiotics are including antibiotics and other antimicro- risk-assessment platform must include the
assumed to put selective pressures on human bial agents82. Similarly, certain ARB and potential of subinhibitory concentrations of
commensal and pathogenic bacteria. Large ARGs can survive the wastewater treatment antibiotics to promote the development of
quantities of antibiotics that are adminis- processes with a maintenance (or even an ARB in complex environmental communi-
tered to animals in intensive production sites increase) of resistance prevalence compared ties, and mathematical models are required
are discharged, often unmetabolized, with to the pretreatment levels16,17,36,64. These fea- to devise reliable risk-assessment guidelines
manure and slurry when applied as fertilizer tures require the immediate attention of the on the spread of antibiotic resistance from


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