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Industry Solutions

Tertiary Education
Financial Markets & Services
Energy & Utilities
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Telco / CSPs
Property & Real Estate
Urban Planning
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Industry Solutions
Uncovering the patterns to achieve improved customer engagement, cost e iciencies and risk
minimisation in this fast paced digital economy.

Digital transformation is e ecting every major industry in our economy and we can help you ride the
wave and turn these challenges into opportunities. We recognise that sometimes you dont know what
you dont know. Thats the essence of big data: the threat of chaos, the opportunity to transform.

RoZetta looks at what transformation looks like in your industry the business result you want and the
data available to give you the knowledge and expertise you need to get there. We uncover common
patterns that make sense of data. We transform volumes of seemingly useless information into the key
to your organisations future.

We apply our own expertise and experience in a range of industries and sectors to make sure we keep it
real and deliver measurable value to you. We employ people who are industry specialists so we dont
second guess the challenges we need to overcome.

Agribusiness Industry Solutions

We are pioneers in the provision of big data products and technology solutions for agribusiness. We've
Tertiary Education
developed so ware and apps that take traditional information sources - the weather, soil and
Financial Markets & Services
environmental conditions that food producers have always relied upon but take it to the next level,
Energy & Utilities
accessing more and better data using innovative sources. Our customised so ware delivers practical
intelligence that will improve production, processing and distribution of food, providing powerful
insights to drive growth, and enhance relationships across the ecosystem. By connecting and fusing
Retail / FMCG
these disparate data sources, including people, processes, data and critical inputs such as animals,
Telco / CSPs
plants, soil and grass, we give producers and processors the ability to optimise their production, control
Property & Real Estate
costs and get outcomes theyve never thought would be possible. Click here to read about a solution
Urban Planning
produced for the Tasmanian Government and University of Tasmania.
Enquire Now

Tertiary Education
As a leading, global big data and analytics solutions provider for universities and educational
institutions, we have earned a reputation for providing a cost-e ective and e icient, powerful and
scalable platform, overlaid with advanced analytic and user-friendly so ware applications that make a
di erence. Over more than 18 years, our parent company SIRCA has honed its skills and expertise,
providing universities and academic researchers with access to vast and comprehensive online
repositories of global news and financial markets data to promote and enable financial research and
innovation. A growing global list of leading universities use our data solutions, including MIT, Harvard
and Oxford Universities. READ MORE (HTTP://WWW.SIRCA.ORG.AU/) about SIRCA.

Financial Markets & Services

As the leading financial markets big data solutions provider in the Asia Pacific region, we help
investment and retail banks, fund and superannuation managers, insurance companies and exchanges
unlock the value in the reams of data they deal with daily from multiple sources. Over many years, we
have proven results: reduced costs, improved processes, stronger compliance, enhanced risk
management profile and significant Industry
revenue growth.

Analysts are able to access the largest amounts of current and historical trading and financial markets
Tertiary Education
data with sophisticated so ware and analytics applications that provide timely information. Click here
Financial Markets & Services
for more details about this product.
Energy & Utilities
Visualisation can be the key to making theGovernment
best decisions in the Financial Market Industry. RoZetta has
developed a range of user friendly, state ofHealthcare
the art visualisation tools that gives choice to the user to
assist them with the best outcomes in thisRetail
/ FMCG and data heavy industry. Click here for
examples on how we bring this to life. Telco / CSPs
Property & Real Estate

Urban Planning
Enquire Now
Energy & Utilities
The Utilities Industry is starting to see the e iciency benefits of the digital economy by applying deep
knowledge and expertise in building and developing big data platforms and advanced analytics
solutions to transform energy and utility networks. Customised solutions provide the intelligence and
insights needed to know how to e ectively balance supply, demand and usage with costs, compliance
and plant design. Utilising RoZettas capabilities in data and analytics platforms utility companies can
have access to real-time intelligence that can assist them to optimise their cost structure, engage with
the clients or manage their risk profile. The resulting cost and service e iciencies contribute to
improved performance across the distribution network and a greatly improved return on investment.

Government - Federal, State and Local

Reams of collected data present massive challenges for governments at all levels. With e ective
governance and better budget result objectives, government clients can utilise expertise in securing
scalable data from multiple sources to unleash the power and scope of their big data to achieve their
objectives. Our product solutions provide real-time data insights for more e ective, actionable policy
making - streamlining processes, resources and people and leading to more e icient public
infrastructure, policy implementation and sustainable economic growth. Protection against data
security breaches is also a critical focus of our customised government solutions.
Industry Solutions

Healthcare Agribusiness
Tertiary Education

Few other industries face the magnitude ofFinancial Markets

data growth & Services
currently experienced by the booming
healthcare sector with a maturing population. & Utilities
Trying to stay ahead of continuous industry and
regulatory changes while dealing with relentless cost escalations adds to the challenge. RoZettas
customised data solutions are specifically Healthcare
designed to tame the torrent, and deliver information and
Retail / FMCG
analysis that enables health providers, suppliers and policy managers to demonstrably improve their
response to growing health care needs. Our / CSPs will unearth valuable new insights within both
proprietary and external data sets, informing & Real
innovative Estate
approaches to cost reduction, process
e iciency, new product opportunities andUrban Planning
patient record security. As with all RoZetta solutions, we like
to aim big helping you to achieve better Enquire Now
health outcomes for clients and patients to create greater
value and growth.

Retail / FMCG
Understanding how your customers think and behave is critical to customer engagement, attraction
and retention strategies. Yet si ing through enormous volumes of customer data and trying to make
sense of what it all means can be costly, resource intensive and just plain daunting. The task requires
the sort of response we specialise in quick and reliable delivery of valuable new customer insights,
using customised solutions specific to your business. We work with you to answer the questions you
need answered harnessing multiple data sets, from gigabytes to peta and zettabytes, with our
powerful data platform. Regardless of the size of your business or the scope of your data, we have data
solutions that will meet your needs and deliver increased ROI.

Telco / CSPs
Communication service providers are riding an unprecedented, and unstoppable, surge of data
delivered daily via their networks and customer devices. They call on RoZettas expertise to help them
manage the torrent and drive competitive advantage by transforming scalable data into powerful,
practical business insights. We specialise in taming
Industry such unrelenting data floods, providing order and
peace of mind with the knowledge, experience and technologies to develop innovative solutions via our
analytics platforms, making sense of the chaos and finding meaning amongst the myriad of patterns.
Tertiary Education
Our highly customised solutions help future-proof your business and deliver insights, which can
Financial Markets & Services
increase revenue, identify new products and build exceptional customer engagement.
Energy & Utilities

Property & Real Estate

Retail / FMCG
Telco / CSPs
Its no wonder that Australians are obsessed with the
Property & buying, selling and investment of property its
Real Estate
the largest asset class by a factor of three.Urban
Business leaders argue that this industry is ripe for
disruption. At Rozetta we believe that to stay relevant
Enquire Now leaders in this industry will need to adopt
technology and use it to make better decisions at the right time on the right device. With billions of
data points available in the property eco system Rozetta has worked with leading data and analytical
partners to build visualisation tools to help protect and manage our largest asset class.

Urban Planning
Intelligent urban planning requires a powerful and scalable big data analytics solution to map, plan and
predict urban growth areas. In search of more sustainable, environmentally friendly cities, with better
infrastructure, e icient service delivery and an improved quality of life, RoZetta understands and
delivers the intelligence that underpins the vision. Our powerful, multi-dimensional platform with
sophisticated analytical tools extracts meaning and value from massive data sets. Our analytics
platform, including our geospatial data, enables sophisticated analysis of multidimensional data to find
answers to the complex business questions, which must be asked, and answered, in order to plan
livable, sustainable cities.

Make an Enquiry
Have any questions? Click HERE (/CONTACT) to contact us.
Industry Solutions

Tertiary Education
Financial Markets & Services
Energy & Utilities
Discover what it's like to work at RoZetta.
Retail / FMCG
Telco / CSPs
Property & Real Estate
Urban Planning
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We provide a range of big data solutions.


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