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38 a a2 ‘The bad weather is expected to .. by the afternoon, It's time to. out these cupboards and make some space. ‘The lawyer announced that he had new evidence that would .. the young man of murder. TE WO sornsnnsnnninmnnnn Prices any more we'll be making hardly any profit. ‘The censors insisted that some violent scenes were from the movie, ‘We were so poor that my mother was forced to up her old dresses to make new ones for us. ‘The company needs to usa this problem before it gets worse. This glue will... any material to any another surface, Before we all leave, we should ... a date for the next meeting, All the castle towers ... sues Hoth across the entrance to the harbour, It doesn’t ren vowe aS if We'll have the chance to see the museum. It'l take some time to through the report and make a decision. The smnnnnsnuininnnn it the newspaper said the roadworks would begin on July 2nd, Teas come to MY .sorwiensinsininenne that staff are dissatisfied with the company cafeteria. Both witnesses failed to the clothes the thief was wearing. 43. I thought Sue's original plan was to move to Australia IMPRESSION I was originally planning to move to Australia. 44 Mr Smith was well-known as a bad-tempered man, but he was also fair. REPUTATION Despite .... ee .bad-tempered, Mr Smith was also fait. 45 Signing the contract without the director's approval is not allowed. CIRCUMSTANCES Under sign the contract without the director's approval. 46 It looks like you didn’t sleep well last night. IF You look much sleep last night, 47 [don’t believe that Jane ran that distance in only five minutes! POSSIBLY Jane . seen ae that distance in only five minutes! 48 Simon doesn’t agree with me about which slogan is best for the campaign. DIFFERENCE Simon opinion over which slogan is best for the campaign. 49 Jane’s lawyer suggested that she ignored all the reporters. ATTENTION Jane's lawyer advised . all the reporters, 50. I doubt that Simon will lend us the money. CHANCE think . ssossseesses Simon lending the money to us, p-33 PAPER 3 Part 4 38 clear 39cut 40fix 41 look 42 notice p.34 PAPER 3 Part 5 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 was under/had/got the impression that Sue (his) having a/his reputation for being no circumstances are you to/may you/can you/must you/should you as if you did not (didn’t) get/have can’t possibly have run and I have a difference of her not to pay/to pay no/give no attention to there is little/not much chance of 38. My mother -.-.nnnmemnmen down an old photograph album for us to see. The pollution from the factory has, local people many problems. The concert was watched by millions of viewers and ..... soon people together from all around the world. 39. When Laura checked the shirt label, she saw that it... ‘Hand wash only’ Unfortunately the map wrongly and we ended up too far south, The sergeant ‘out the names of the officers who would work on the case. 40. I think it’s non t0 say that our team was the most successful. The council seems to have @ .» idea of what the people really want, Kate has a... complexion, unlike the others in her family. 41 The... between our two companies should be profitable for both of us. In my opinion, the principal didn’t with the students in the right way. A great . . of time and money was invested in the new project. 42 The two teams each other in the final match this weekend. ‘The photographer asked the bride and groom to each other for the final shot. We need t0 ...---sessesse the fact that the problem has got out of control. 4B 44 45 46 47 48. 49 Tt was very easy for someone to steal the car because Dad forgot to lock it. STOLEN Dad forgot to lock the car which explains easily. Anne told me that she doesn’t intend to stop working, INTENTION Anne told me that she c up her job. Idon’t usually leam anything useful from the television, but last night I did. CHANGE Wescecssseeessneensseenasneesnenee useful from the television last night. Despite usually feeling comfortable when he spoke in public, John felt quite nervous this time. USED Even... in public, John felt quite nervous this time. Jill wished she had tried to have a better relationship with her father, GET Jill regretted .. better with her father. We protested when Jim offered to pay but he wouldn't accept our refusal. TAKE We protested when Jim offered to pay but he refused .....ccssseesesnmnseesneen fOr an answer. The team are determined to finish the race however tough it is, MATTER ‘The team are determined to finish the race : be. Jack did not feel like going to the party. MOOD JACK oossseccve - ssn to go to the party, 47 48 49 50 p-71-73 PAPER 3 Part 4 38 brought 39 read 40 fair 41 deal 42 face p.74-76 PAPER 3 Part 5 43 why/how it was/couldbe stolen so 44 has no intention of giving 45 made a change to learn something though he was/is used to speaking not trying to get along/on to take no no matter how tough it may/might was not (wasn’t) in the mood or was inno mood

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