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Its origin cannot be assured, but there are two theories that haunt this sport. One
says that was born from a group of mountaineers who incorporated it as a form of
descent. The other involves, in the late seventies, a team of paratroopers jumping
specialized exhibition that instead of jumping from a plane did from a steep slope
and succeeded.
Its name is a reduction of parachute pending. It could be defined as a flexible
ultralight glider. The glider is not composed of rigid parts and its weight is less than
the pilot also does not carry any type of engine, it uses only his plan. There is
another option called motorized paramotor, but will not allow us to free flight.
It can be said therefore that the glider descends directly from the parachute
display; especially its shape is square or rectangular.
Its origins in ancient parachute display. This sport requires technical, tactical and
practical knowledge to be acquired prior to the start of practice. You can not learn
to plan on paragliding without failure to attend classes an instructor. It also requires
minimal to fly in paragliding equipment. Here we show you everything you need to
know to interiorizarte in this sport.

Paragliding, like hang gliding is a sport that requires a high technical knowledge
and an important practical training. You need to attend a paragliding school where
all this is taught us and we discover our possibilities and limitations.

The greatest danger of this sport are the unexpected turbulence that can cause the
fold of a profile web ( folded ) ; but if we are prepared such situations cease to
mean a real danger and giving away without any problems .

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It practice in several high places rather than especially in Mexico , in Puebla,
Veracruz and bravo Valley .

FELIX RODRIGUEZ leading the competition in Castelo

The Spanish rider was able to prevail over 129 participants from the first date of
the 2016 PWC held in great condition in Castelo , with sleeves 7 in 7 days in which
Felix held the lead from the start. From Brazil, we note that reached the last day
with great pressure, but finally got to concentrate only on fly well and get a tight
victory ahead of Lucas Bernardin (2nd ), Frank Brown (3rd) and Hernan Pitocco (
4th): " After two days I just start to World Cup Paragliding tore the 2016 season on
Sunday April 10 with a beam of 66.9 km with some difficulties, which completed 10
pilots with French Lucas Bernardin (Ozone Enzo 2 ) first. Felix Rodriguez remained
in 4th place , 20 points behind

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Albacete athlete, 26-year-old world champion of the specialty, died at the General
Hospital after conducting an exercise in Sierra Procomunal of Chinchilla.

Albacete sport dressed in mourning after fatal accident suffered by Alejandro

Rodriguez Fernandez, a young practitioner paraglider who died last Sunday after
completing an exercise from a lookout in the Sierra Procomunal of Chinchilla.
Rodriguez, who was a seasoned expert in this field despite his youth, suffered an
unexpected around 19.30 pm last Sunday that caused multiple fractures which
died in the Hospital General Universitario de Albacete, to where he was transferred
in a mobile ICU who had personado in the crash.
Both said UVI as members of the Civil Guard and medical helicopter, which finally
was not used, mobilized to receive notice through 112, but efforts to prevent the
death of the athlete proved futile.

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Get wings to experience the indescribable feeling of floating in the air, guided by an
instructor, lifted by the thermals and nothing else. Paragliding is the activity that
provides that indescribable and Mendoza experience.
The Arco hill is one of the privileged sites for this practice also for being so close to
the city, it becomes more accessible to those with little time here. Every day there
is activity, the company TANDEM FLIGHTS up with passengers who are going to
look for its hotels and takes them on an exciting adventure 4x4 to the top of the hill
where we fly. The ages range from 16 years and limits weights ranging between 45
and 110 kilos.
You just want missing, athletic shoes, long pants and coat.
During the flight the passenger does not experience vertigo, because in reality
there is no reference to the floor, then comes that feeling. Moreover, the position
during flight is seated, hands-free, this allows the adventurous take photos or film,
while enjoying the wonderful views of Mendoza and its beautiful mountains. You
can even watch eagles, condors and other birds.
The landing is quite simple, you just have to take a few steps.
The activity is very safe and flies only taking into account the optimal weather
conditions for the activity.
The best thing about this place is that the practice flight is done all year, since
Mendoza has ideal conditions for paragliding.
We recommend taking a light breakfast if the flight is in the morning and not eat
much at lunch if afternoon. In both cases it is recommended not to consume dairy.

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WHAT IS A paraglider?
Paragliding is a flexible, ultra-light. Glider flying because you do not need an
engine as the aircraft, ultralight because it weighs less than the pilot, and flexible
because it is made of fabrics that do not form a rigid structure. A lot of fabric tucked
into a backpack is transformed after a few minutes of preparation in a "wing".
Its flight obeys the "aerodynamic" forces that are the result of the movement of the
glider in the air. This displacement causes an air stream called "relative wind" and
that is the principle of all "streamlined" forces.
Does traveling paragliding?
Thanks to plan our paragliding and with the help of meteorological phenomena is
possible to defy the forces of gravity and make our flights extend along the
kilometers, and for that you need to have basic knowledge of meteorology,
aerodynamics, and of course flying techniques applied to paragliding.

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