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Book of Magic

Core Exxet Version

Translated by Elric of Melnibon

Arcana Exxet Magic Subpaths

Translated by Jtest

Compiled by NekoShogun

Table of Contents
Core Exxet Book of Magic ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Book of Light .................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Create Light .................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Imbue Calm ................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Blinding Flash ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
Shield of Light .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Perceive ......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Armor of Light .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Banish Shadows ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
Detect Negative Emotions ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Light Beam.................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Bonds of Light .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Control Light ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Detect Life .................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Spy of Light .................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Ecstasy .......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Banish Negative Emotions ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Healing Light ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Seeking Sphere.............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Zone of Detection.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Enter Anothers Dreams................................................................................................................................................ 22
Light Form .................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Blessing ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Create Good Feelings .................................................................................................................................................... 22
See Truth ....................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Shield from Negative .................................................................................................................................................... 23
Find ............................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Restore .......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Hypnotic Display .......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Catastrophic Light ......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Luminous Material Objects ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Light Transmission ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Lordship over Dreams ................................................................................................................................................... 25
Create Being of Light .................................................................................................................................................... 25

Reflecting Prism............................................................................................................................................................ 25
Radius of Omniscience ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Predict ........................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Prison of Light .............................................................................................................................................................. 26
One with the Light ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
Ascension ...................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Light Holocaust ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
Book of Darkness .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
Create Darkness ............................................................................................................................................................ 28
Induce Fear.................................................................................................................................................................... 28
See in Darkness ............................................................................................................................................................. 28
Shield of Darkness ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Shadow .......................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Armor of Darkness ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Banish Light .................................................................................................................................................................. 29
Hide Magic.................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Dark Beam .................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Darkzone ....................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Bonds of Darkness ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
Control Darkness........................................................................................................................................................... 31
Concealment ................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Obfuscate ...................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Enrage ........................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Banish Positive Emotions ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Night ............................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Dark Sphere .................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Zone of Concealment .................................................................................................................................................... 33
Enter Anothers Nightmares ......................................................................................................................................... 33
Dark Form ..................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Perdition ........................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Create Negative Feelings .............................................................................................................................................. 34
Erase Traces .................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Shield from Positive ...................................................................................................................................................... 35
Dark............................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Devastate ....................................................................................................................................................................... 35

Mark of Fear ................................................................................................................................................................. 35

Catastrophic Darkness................................................................................................................................................... 36
Dark Material Objects ................................................................................................................................................... 36
Travel by Shadows ........................................................................................................................................................ 36
Lord of Nightmares ....................................................................................................................................................... 37
Create Being of Darkness ............................................................................................................................................. 37
Concealment from Magic.............................................................................................................................................. 37
Kingdom of Darkness ................................................................................................................................................... 38
Undetectable ................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Prison of Darkness ........................................................................................................................................................ 38
One with the Darkness .................................................................................................................................................. 39
Dark Ascension ............................................................................................................................................................. 39
Holocaust of Darkness .................................................................................................................................................. 39
Book of Creation ............................................................................................................................................................... 40
Minor Creation .............................................................................................................................................................. 40
Reconstruct ................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Create Energy................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Regeneration ................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Inorganic Modification ................................................................................................................................................. 41
Increase Resistances ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
Royal Shield .................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Heal ............................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Damage Barrier ............................................................................................................................................................. 42
Create Homunculus ....................................................................................................................................................... 42
Minor Change ............................................................................................................................................................... 43
Imitate ........................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Immunity ....................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Damage Reduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 43
Physical Control ............................................................................................................................................................ 44
Raise Abilities ............................................................................................................................................................... 44
Fuse ............................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Create Memories ........................................................................................................................................................... 44
Recover ......................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Acquire Powers ............................................................................................................................................................. 45
Create Monstrosity ........................................................................................................................................................ 45

Protective Aura ............................................................................................................................................................. 45

Spiritual Standstill ......................................................................................................................................................... 46
Perfect Shield ................................................................................................................................................................ 46
Vitality .......................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Complete Creation ........................................................................................................................................................ 46
Reinforce Magic............................................................................................................................................................ 47
Transmute ..................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Metamorphism .............................................................................................................................................................. 47
Recreate......................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Create Being.................................................................................................................................................................. 48
Chimera ......................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Zone of Safety ............................................................................................................................................................... 49
Maintain Magic ............................................................................................................................................................. 49
Provide Soul .................................................................................................................................................................. 49
Greater Creation ............................................................................................................................................................ 49
Eternal Magic ................................................................................................................................................................ 50
The Barrier .................................................................................................................................................................... 50
The Gift of Life ............................................................................................................................................................. 50
Create ............................................................................................................................................................................ 50
Book of Destruction .......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Fragility ......................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Dismantle ...................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Destroy Intensities......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Minor Destruction ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Sphere of Destruction.................................................................................................................................................... 52
Increase Weakness ........................................................................................................................................................ 52
Magic Destruction ......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Aggravate Damage ........................................................................................................................................................ 53
Destruction of Matrices ................................................................................................................................................. 53
Wound ........................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Destroy Ki ..................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Produce Damage ........................................................................................................................................................... 54
Destruction of Senses .................................................................................................................................................... 54
Mystic Bolt.................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Unravel Ties .................................................................................................................................................................. 55

Destroy Resistances ...................................................................................................................................................... 55

Undo States ................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Dome of Destruction ..................................................................................................................................................... 55
Zone of Decay ............................................................................................................................................................... 56
Aura of Destruction....................................................................................................................................................... 56
Destroy Memories ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Block Learning.............................................................................................................................................................. 56
Forbid ............................................................................................................................................................................ 57
Destroy Powers ............................................................................................................................................................. 57
Greater Mystic Bolt ....................................................................................................................................................... 57
Destroy Will .................................................................................................................................................................. 57
Zone of Weakness ......................................................................................................................................................... 58
Essence of Destruction .................................................................................................................................................. 58
Death ............................................................................................................................................................................. 58
Devouring Zone ............................................................................................................................................................ 59
Destroy Capabilities ...................................................................................................................................................... 59
Sever Existence ............................................................................................................................................................. 59
Rain of Destruction ....................................................................................................................................................... 59
Destruction of Zeon ...................................................................................................................................................... 60
Sweep from the Heavens............................................................................................................................................... 60
Void............................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Greater Destruction ....................................................................................................................................................... 60
Destroy Souls ................................................................................................................................................................ 61
Chaos............................................................................................................................................................................. 61
Uncreation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 61
Book of Air ....................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Raise Wind .................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Move ............................................................................................................................................................................. 62
Weight Reduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 62
Stop Breathing .............................................................................................................................................................. 63
Free Movement ............................................................................................................................................................. 63
Air Blow........................................................................................................................................................................ 63
Air Screen ..................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Automatic Transportation ............................................................................................................................................. 64
Flight ............................................................................................................................................................................. 64

Reaction Increase .......................................................................................................................................................... 64

Electrify......................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Air Cut .......................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Speed ............................................................................................................................................................................. 65
Lightning ....................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Whirlwind ..................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Ethereal Form................................................................................................................................................................ 66
Air Control .................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Electricity Control ......................................................................................................................................................... 67
Defensive Movement .................................................................................................................................................... 67
Teleport ......................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Immateriality ................................................................................................................................................................. 68
Hurricane....................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Solid Air ........................................................................................................................................................................ 68
Weather Control ............................................................................................................................................................ 68
Create Sylph .................................................................................................................................................................. 69
Superior Psychokinesis ................................................................................................................................................. 69
Relocate Magic ............................................................................................................................................................. 69
Passive Magic ............................................................................................................................................................... 69
Lord of The Air ............................................................................................................................................................. 70
A Place in The World.................................................................................................................................................... 70
Book Of Water .................................................................................................................................................................. 71
Spring ............................................................................................................................................................................ 71
Create Chill ................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Aquatic Capability ........................................................................................................................................................ 71
Cold Immunity .............................................................................................................................................................. 72
Protection Bubble.......................................................................................................................................................... 72
Water Impact ................................................................................................................................................................. 72
Liquid Control ............................................................................................................................................................... 72
Freeze Emotions............................................................................................................................................................ 73
Control Cold.................................................................................................................................................................. 73
Freeze ............................................................................................................................................................................ 73
Ice Screen ...................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Create Liquids ............................................................................................................................................................... 74
Ice Attack ...................................................................................................................................................................... 74

Crystallization ............................................................................................................................................................... 74
Reflected Control .......................................................................................................................................................... 74
Liquid Body .................................................................................................................................................................. 75
Reflect States ................................................................................................................................................................ 75
Ice Storm ....................................................................................................................................................................... 75
Tide Control .................................................................................................................................................................. 75
Water Confinement ....................................................................................................................................................... 76
Glacier ........................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Tsunami......................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Soul Reflection.............................................................................................................................................................. 76
Slow Time ..................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Create Undine ............................................................................................................................................................... 77
Freeze Magic ................................................................................................................................................................. 77
Inside The Mirror .......................................................................................................................................................... 77
Lord of Ice..................................................................................................................................................................... 78
Lord of Water ................................................................................................................................................................ 78
A Perfect World ............................................................................................................................................................ 78
Book of Fire ...................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Create Fire ..................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Put Out Fire ................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Fire Immunity ............................................................................................................................................................... 79
Detect Heat.................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Fire Ball ........................................................................................................................................................................ 80
Control Fire ................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Fire Barrier .................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Igneous Weapon............................................................................................................................................................ 81
Heat Wave ..................................................................................................................................................................... 81
Read The Ashes ............................................................................................................................................................ 81
Raise Weather Temperature .......................................................................................................................................... 81
Fire Mine ....................................................................................................................................................................... 82
Increase Critical ............................................................................................................................................................ 82
Dry ................................................................................................................................................................................ 82
Melt ............................................................................................................................................................................... 82
Body of Fire .................................................................................................................................................................. 83
Vital Sacrifice ............................................................................................................................................................... 83

Incinerate....................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Consume Essence.......................................................................................................................................................... 83
Power Sacrifice ............................................................................................................................................................. 84
Direct Critical................................................................................................................................................................ 84
Magic For Capacities .................................................................................................................................................... 84
Fire Storm ..................................................................................................................................................................... 84
Consume Life for Magic ............................................................................................................................................... 85
Create Ifreet .................................................................................................................................................................. 85
Pyre ............................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Devastation ................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Sacrifice Others ............................................................................................................................................................. 86
Lord of Fire ................................................................................................................................................................... 86
Armageddon .................................................................................................................................................................. 86
Book of Earth .................................................................................................................................................................... 87
Detect Minerals ............................................................................................................................................................. 87
Mineral Control ............................................................................................................................................................. 87
Weight Increment ......................................................................................................................................................... 87
Transform Mineral ........................................................................................................................................................ 88
Firmness ........................................................................................................................................................................ 88
Stone Barrier ................................................................................................................................................................. 88
Slowness........................................................................................................................................................................ 89
Shell ............................................................................................................................................................................... 89
Magnetic Shield............................................................................................................................................................. 89
Pass Through Solid Matter ............................................................................................................................................ 90
Earth Spike .................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Breakage ....................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Telemetry ...................................................................................................................................................................... 91
Magnetic Control .......................................................................................................................................................... 91
Forge ............................................................................................................................................................................. 91
Solid Body...................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Resistance ..................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Petrify ............................................................................................................................................................................ 92
Fissure ........................................................................................................................................................................... 93
Reverse Gravity ............................................................................................................................................................. 93
Mineral Creation ........................................................................................................................................................... 93

Terrain Erudition ........................................................................................................................................................... 94

Earthquake .................................................................................................................................................................... 94
Gravity Destruction ....................................................................................................................................................... 94
Create Golem ................................................................................................................................................................ 95
Gravity Increment ......................................................................................................................................................... 95
Meteor .......................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Gravity Control .............................................................................................................................................................. 96
One With The Earth....................................................................................................................................................... 96
Atomic Control .............................................................................................................................................................. 96
Book of Essence ................................................................................................................................................................ 97
Natural Affinity .............................................................................................................................................................. 97
Detect Essence .............................................................................................................................................................. 97
Communication Through Essence................................................................................................................................. 97
Natural Knowledge........................................................................................................................................................ 98
Healing .......................................................................................................................................................................... 98
Soul Barrier.................................................................................................................................................................... 98
Share Senses ................................................................................................................................................................. 99
Modify Essence ............................................................................................................................................................. 99
Soul Poison .................................................................................................................................................................... 99
Analyze Soul ................................................................................................................................................................ 100
Acquire Natural Powers .............................................................................................................................................. 100
Revitalize ..................................................................................................................................................................... 100
Life Mind ..................................................................................................................................................................... 101
Alter Growth ............................................................................................................................................................... 101
Natural Imitation ......................................................................................................................................................... 101
Spiritual Form .............................................................................................................................................................. 102
Natural Control ........................................................................................................................................................... 102
State Induction ............................................................................................................................................................ 102
Return To The Flow ..................................................................................................................................................... 103
Shield Area .................................................................................................................................................................. 103
Supernatural Control................................................................................................................................................... 103
Share Essence.............................................................................................................................................................. 104
Transmigrate Soul ....................................................................................................................................................... 104
Spiritual Existence ....................................................................................................................................................... 104
Spirit Creation ............................................................................................................................................................. 105

The Vital Essence......................................................................................................................................................... 105

Greenness ................................................................................................................................................................... 105
Life Dominion .............................................................................................................................................................. 106
Resurrection ................................................................................................................................................................ 106
Lord of The Souls ......................................................................................................................................................... 106
Book of Illusion................................................................................................................................................................ 107
Illusory Sound.............................................................................................................................................................. 107
Illusory Smell ............................................................................................................................................................... 107
Illusory Touch .............................................................................................................................................................. 107
Visual Illusion .............................................................................................................................................................. 108
Detect Illusions ............................................................................................................................................................ 108
Sweet Talk ................................................................................................................................................................... 108
Alter Appearance ........................................................................................................................................................ 109
Illusory Invisibility........................................................................................................................................................ 109
Mirror Image ............................................................................................................................................................... 109
Total Illusion ................................................................................................................................................................ 110
Confusion .................................................................................................................................................................... 110
Create Illusory Being ................................................................................................................................................... 110
Resistance to Illusions ................................................................................................................................................. 111
Detect Lie .................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Ghostly Illusion ............................................................................................................................................................ 111
Distort Detection......................................................................................................................................................... 112
Lie ................................................................................................................................................................................ 112
Destroy Illusions .......................................................................................................................................................... 112
Ghostly Being .............................................................................................................................................................. 113
Gullibility ..................................................................................................................................................................... 113
Ghostly Attack ............................................................................................................................................................. 113
The Gift of Lying .......................................................................................................................................................... 114
Illusory Life .................................................................................................................................................................. 114
Major Illusion .............................................................................................................................................................. 114
Fix Illusion.................................................................................................................................................................... 115
Illusion of The Senses .................................................................................................................................................. 115
Non-Existence ............................................................................................................................................................. 115
Deceive Death ............................................................................................................................................................. 116
World of Lies ............................................................................................................................................................... 116

False Reality ................................................................................................................................................................ 116

Book of Necromancy ....................................................................................................................................................... 117
Feel Death ................................................................................................................................................................... 117
See The Great Beyond................................................................................................................................................. 117
Control Scavengers ..................................................................................................................................................... 117
Spectral Shield............................................................................................................................................................. 118
Drain Life ..................................................................................................................................................................... 118
Necromantic Detection ............................................................................................................................................... 118
Talk To The Dead ......................................................................................................................................................... 119
Necromantic Paralysis ................................................................................................................................................. 119
Necromitude ............................................................................................................................................................... 119
Death Beam................................................................................................................................................................. 120
Raise Corpses .............................................................................................................................................................. 120
Dead Body ................................................................................................................................................................... 120
Drain Magic ................................................................................................................................................................. 121
Destroy Undead .......................................................................................................................................................... 121
Drain Characteristics ................................................................................................................................................... 121
Control The Dead ........................................................................................................................................................ 122
Wither Life................................................................................................................................................................... 122
Necromantic Shield ..................................................................................................................................................... 122
Dominate Life .............................................................................................................................................................. 123
Vampire Stigma ........................................................................................................................................................... 123
Spectral Form .............................................................................................................................................................. 123
Necromantic Modification .......................................................................................................................................... 124
Summon The Dead ...................................................................................................................................................... 124
Raise Specters ............................................................................................................................................................. 124
Drain Life Force ........................................................................................................................................................... 125
Kill ................................................................................................................................................................................ 125
Soul Beam ................................................................................................................................................................... 125
Necromantic Chimera ................................................................................................................................................. 126
Life Perversion............................................................................................................................................................. 126
Vassalage..................................................................................................................................................................... 126
Drain Souls .................................................................................................................................................................. 127
Surpass Death ............................................................................................................................................................. 127
True Rise...................................................................................................................................................................... 127

Well of Life .................................................................................................................................................................. 128

Cursed Land................................................................................................................................................................. 128
Sustenance .................................................................................................................................................................. 128
Raw Material ............................................................................................................................................................... 129
Lord of The Dead ......................................................................................................................................................... 129
Come Back From The Dead ......................................................................................................................................... 129
The Awakening ............................................................................................................................................................ 130
Free Access: Level 1-10 ................................................................................................................................................... 131
Create Fire ................................................................................................................................................................... 131
Move Objects .............................................................................................................................................................. 131
Cleanliness .................................................................................................................................................................. 131
Jump ............................................................................................................................................................................ 132
Create Music ............................................................................................................................................................... 132
Opening ....................................................................................................................................................................... 132
Tie ................................................................................................................................................................................ 133
Magic Detection .......................................................................................................................................................... 133
Stop Fall ....................................................................................................................................................................... 133
Undo Writing ............................................................................................................................................................... 134
Static Message ............................................................................................................................................................ 134
Change Color ............................................................................................................................................................... 134
Free Access: Level 10-20 ................................................................................................................................................. 135
Create Sounds ............................................................................................................................................................. 135
Recreate Image ........................................................................................................................................................... 135
Enchant ....................................................................................................................................................................... 136
Breathe Liquids ........................................................................................................................................................... 136
Climb ........................................................................................................................................................................... 136
Fog ............................................................................................................................................................................... 137
Slippery Area ............................................................................................................................................................... 137
Repair .......................................................................................................................................................................... 137
Pass Without Leaving Trace ........................................................................................................................................ 138
Attract Minor Vermin .................................................................................................................................................. 138
Infinite Bag .................................................................................................................................................................. 138
Inhumanity .................................................................................................................................................................. 139
Free Access: Level 20-30 ................................................................................................................................................. 140
Clouds.......................................................................................................................................................................... 140

Cause Fear ................................................................................................................................................................... 140

Magical Protection ...................................................................................................................................................... 140
Magic Shield ................................................................................................................................................................ 141
Speed........................................................................................................................................................................... 141
Serenity ....................................................................................................................................................................... 141
Net............................................................................................................................................................................... 142
Understand Languages................................................................................................................................................ 142
Levitation .................................................................................................................................................................... 142
Send Message ............................................................................................................................................................. 143
Contraceptive Protection ............................................................................................................................................ 143
Close With Magic ........................................................................................................................................................ 143
Free Access: Level 30-40 ................................................................................................................................................. 144
True Close.................................................................................................................................................................... 144
Purification .................................................................................................................................................................. 144
Change of Outlook ...................................................................................................................................................... 144
Alter Size ..................................................................................................................................................................... 145
Invoke Aggressiveness ................................................................................................................................................ 145
Eliminate Spells ........................................................................................................................................................... 145
Resistance to Pain ....................................................................................................................................................... 146
Magic Beam................................................................................................................................................................. 146
Eliminate Dreams ........................................................................................................................................................ 146
Extend Presence .......................................................................................................................................................... 147
Heal Diseases .............................................................................................................................................................. 147
Sense Feelings ............................................................................................................................................................. 147
Free Access: Level 40-50 ................................................................................................................................................. 148
Cancel Magic ............................................................................................................................................................... 148
Undo ............................................................................................................................................................................ 148
Curse ........................................................................................................................................................................... 149
Read Minds ................................................................................................................................................................. 149
Alter Energy................................................................................................................................................................. 150
Send Dreams ............................................................................................................................................................... 150
Friendship.................................................................................................................................................................... 150
Cause Sickness............................................................................................................................................................. 151
Quick Transport........................................................................................................................................................... 151
Slow ............................................................................................................................................................................. 151

Show The Invisible....................................................................................................................................................... 152

Absorb Information ..................................................................................................................................................... 152
Free Access: Level 50-60 ................................................................................................................................................. 153
Blindness ..................................................................................................................................................................... 153
Visualize Cartography ................................................................................................................................................. 153
Deafness ...................................................................................................................................................................... 153
Inability to Speak......................................................................................................................................................... 154
Heal Wounds ............................................................................................................................................................... 154
Eliminate Fatigue ........................................................................................................................................................ 154
Magic Saddle ............................................................................................................................................................... 155
Walk on Walls ............................................................................................................................................................. 155
Merge With Body ........................................................................................................................................................ 155
Acid Cloud ................................................................................................................................................................... 156
Leave Unprotected...................................................................................................................................................... 156
Sleep ............................................................................................................................................................................ 156
Free Access: Level 60-70 ................................................................................................................................................. 157
Increase Psychic Characteristics.................................................................................................................................. 157
Minor Alteration ......................................................................................................................................................... 157
Create Emotion ........................................................................................................................................................... 157
Paralyze ....................................................................................................................................................................... 158
Increase Physical Characteristics ................................................................................................................................ 158
Magical Weapon ......................................................................................................................................................... 158
Weakness .................................................................................................................................................................... 159
Body to Magic ............................................................................................................................................................. 159
Resist ........................................................................................................................................................................... 159
Forgetfulness............................................................................................................................................................... 160
Rejection ..................................................................................................................................................................... 160
Plague .......................................................................................................................................................................... 160
Free Access: Level 70-80 ................................................................................................................................................. 161
Uselessness ................................................................................................................................................................. 161
Levitation Sphere ........................................................................................................................................................ 161
Flight............................................................................................................................................................................ 161
Dominion..................................................................................................................................................................... 162
Defensive Erudition ..................................................................................................................................................... 162
Invisibility .................................................................................................................................................................... 162

Deflect Trajectory........................................................................................................................................................ 163

Stall Spell ..................................................................................................................................................................... 163
Containment ............................................................................................................................................................... 163
Detection Mark ........................................................................................................................................................... 164
Offensive Erudition ..................................................................................................................................................... 164
Perfect Target.............................................................................................................................................................. 164
Free Access: Level 80-90 ................................................................................................................................................. 165
Disenchantment .......................................................................................................................................................... 165
Natural Spell ................................................................................................................................................................ 165
Immortality ................................................................................................................................................................. 165
Eliminate Needs .......................................................................................................................................................... 166
Steal Spell .................................................................................................................................................................... 166
Gate ............................................................................................................................................................................. 166
Magic Prism ................................................................................................................................................................. 167
Location ....................................................................................................................................................................... 167
Physical Immunity ....................................................................................................................................................... 167
Spell Return ................................................................................................................................................................. 168
Prepare Spell ............................................................................................................................................................... 168
Teletransportation ...................................................................................................................................................... 168
Free Access: Level 90-100 ............................................................................................................................................... 169
Eye of Time.................................................................................................................................................................. 169
Seal .............................................................................................................................................................................. 169
The Gift of Knowledge................................................................................................................................................. 169
Shield Against Powers ................................................................................................................................................. 170
Strengthen Magic ........................................................................................................................................................ 170
Conditioning ................................................................................................................................................................ 170
Possession ................................................................................................................................................................... 171
Imitate Spells............................................................................................................................................................... 171
Innate Magic ............................................................................................................................................................... 171
Link Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................ 172
The Magistrate ............................................................................................................................................................ 172
Predestination ............................................................................................................................................................. 172

Core Exxet Book of Magic

Book of Light

Create Light
Level 2
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 20 50 100 200
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 5m area
Intermediate: 25m area
Advanced: 100m area
Arcane: 500m area
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 /15 Daily

Imbue Calm
Level 6
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 120 160
Req. Intelligence 5 8 11 14
Base: MR or PsR 80 / 10m area
Intermediate: MR or PsR 100 / 25m area
Advanced: MR or PsR 120 / 50m area
Arcane: MR or PsR 140 / 100m area
Maintenance: No.

Blinding Flash
Level 8
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: Bonus for not looking is only +40 to PhR.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 100 150 200
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 14
Base: PhR 140 / 10m area
Intermediate: PhR 140 / 25m area
Advanced: PhR 140 / 50m area
Arcane: PhR 160 / 100m area
Maintenance: No.

Shield of Light
Level 10
Action: Passive
Type: Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 120 180 250
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 14
Base: 300 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: 1000 Resistance Points.
Advanced: 1800 Resistance Points.
Arcane: 3000 Resistance Points.
Maintenance: 5 / 15 / 20 / 25.

Level 12
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 150 200 250
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 14
Base: +50 Notice, Search and Magic Appraisal.
Intermediate: +150 Notice, Search and Magic Appraisal.
Advanced: +200 Notice, Search and Magic Appraisal.
Arcane: +250 Notice, Search and Magic Appraisal.
Maintenance: 5 / 15 / 20 / 25.

Armor of Light
Level 16
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: EnergyAT2, other AT1.
Intermediate: EnergyAT5, other AT2.
Advanced: EnergyAT8, other AT4.
Arcane: EnergyAT12, other AT6.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20.

Banish Shadows
Level 18
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 150 250
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR 140 / 10m area.
Intermediate: MR 180 / 100m area.
Advanced: MR 220 / 250m area.
Arcane: MR 280 / 500m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 25.

Detect Negative Emotions

Level 20
Action: Active
Type: Detection
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 100 160 280
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR 80 / 25m area.
Intermediate: MR 140 / 150m area.
Advanced: MR 160 / 500m area.
Arcane: MR 200 / 1km area.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 20 / 30.

Light Beam
Level 22
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Base Damage 60.
Intermediate: Base Damage 90.
Advanced: Base Damage 120.
Arcane: Base Damage 150.
Maintenance: No.

Level 26
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 150 250 350
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Image has maximum size of 1m2.
Intermediate: Image has maximum size of 15m2.
Advanced: Image has maximum size of 50m2.
Arcane: Image has maximum size of 100m2.
Maintenance: 5 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Bonds of Light
Level 28
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Note: Base Fortitude is 25.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 140 180
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Strength 8.
Intermediate: Strength 12.
Advanced: Strength 15 and Fortitude 30.
Arcane: Strength 18 and Fortitude 35.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Control Light
Level 30
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 150 250 350
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 16
Base: MR 80 /20m area.
Intermediate: MR 140 /150m area.
Advanced: MR 180 /300m area.
Arcane: MR 220 /500m area.
Maintenance: 5 / 20 / 25 /30.

Detect Life
Level 32
Action: Active
Type: Detection
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 150 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR 140 /25m area.
Intermediate: MR 180 /50m area.
Advanced: MR 220 /150m area.
Arcane: MR 280 /500m area.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 /30.

Spy of Light
Level 36
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 200 300 400
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 16
Base: Notice and Search 100 /1 km maximum distance.
Intermediate: Notice and Search 150 /10 km maximum distance.
Advanced: Notice and Search 200 /50 km maximum distance.
Arcane: Notice and Search 250 /500 km maximum distance.
Maintenance: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 Daily.

Level 38
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 16
Base: MR 80 / 10m area.
Intermediate: MR 100 / 50m area.
Advanced: MR 120 / 100m area.
Arcane: MR 160 / 250m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Banish Negative Emotions

Level 40
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 180 240 350
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR or PsR 100 / 100m area.
Intermediate: MR or PsR 150 / 500m area.
Advanced: MR or PsR 180 / 1km area.
Arcane: MR or PsR 220 / 5km area.
Maintenance: No.

Healing Light
Level 42
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 70 100 150 200
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 15
Base: 40 Life Points.
Intermediate: 80 Life Points.
Advanced: 120 Life Points.
Arcane: MR 250 Life Points.
Maintenance: No.

Seeking Sphere
Level 46
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Base Damage 100 / Magic Projection 150.
Intermediate: Base Damage 120 / Magic Projection 180.
Advanced: Base Damage 160 / Magic Projection 210.
Arcane: Base Damage 200 / Magic Projection 240.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Zone of Detection
Level 48
Action: Active
Type: Detection
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 200 280 360
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 15
Base: MR 180 /20m area.
Intermediate: MR 240 /80m area.
Advanced: MR 280 /150m area.
Arcane: MR 340 /250m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Enter Anothers Dreams

Level 50
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR or PsR 140 /10m distance.
Intermediate: MR or PsR 160 /80m distance.
Advanced: MR or PsR 200 /140m distance.
Arcane: MR or PsR 240 /200m distance.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Light Form
Level 52
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Maximum Presence.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: +50 Notice and Search / +20 Resistances.
Intermediate: +60 Notice and Search / +30 Resistances.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but resistance bonus applies to all effects not based on Darkness.
Arcane: As Advanced, but doesnt suffer double damage from Darkness based attacks.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20.

Level 56
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: +10 All action bonus / +10 Resistances / 5m area.
Intermediate: +20 All action bonus / +20 Resistances / 25m area.
Advanced: +30 All action bonus / +30 Resistances / 50m area.
Arcane: +30 All action bonus / +30 Resistances / 150m area.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Create Good Feelings

Level 58
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: MR or PsR 120 / 20m area.
Intermediate: MR or PsR 160 / 100m area.
Advanced: MR or PsR 180 / 250m area.
Arcane: MR or PsR 220 / 500m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

See Truth
Level 60
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 180 250
Req. Intelligence 8 12 14 16
Base: Allows seing Magic, Matrixes and Invisible Beings / +50MR against Illusions.
Intermediate: As Base, but also allows seeing Spiritual Beings.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but gives +75MR against Illusions.
Arcane: As Advanced, but gives +100MR against Illusions.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 25 Daily.

Shield from Negative

Level 62
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 9 12 15
Base: MR 120 / 20m area.
Intermediate: MR 140 / 100m area.
Advanced: MR 160 / 250m area.
Arcane: MR 180 / 500m area.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Level 66
Action: Active
Type: Detection
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 160 200 260 320
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 16
Base: MR 140.
Intermediate: MR 180.
Advanced: MR 220.
Arcane: MR 260.
Maintenance: No.

Level 68
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Note: no maximum presence.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 250 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: Eliminates up to -40 penalty / Restores up to 2 Fatigue points.
Intermediate: Eliminates up to -80 penalty / Restores up to 5 Fatigue points.
Advanced: Eliminates up to -120 penalty / Restores up to 10 Fatigue points.
Arcane: Eliminates any penalty / Restores Fatigue points to maximum.
Maintenance: No.

Hypnotic Display
Level 70
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 200 280 360
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: MR or PsR 120 / 1 km area.
Intermediate: MR or PsR 150 / 5 km area.
Advanced: MR or PsR 180 / 15 km area.
Arcane: MR or PsR 220 / 25 km area.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15.

Catastrophic Light
Level 72
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 350
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Base Damae 120 / 25m area.
Intermediate: Base Damae 150 / 100m area.
Advanced: Base Damae 200 / 150m area.
Arcane: Base Damae 250 / 250m area.
Maintenance: No.

Luminous Material Objects

Level 76
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 240 300
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Presence 60 / +5 Quality.
Intermediate: Presence 100 / +10 Quality.
Advanced: Presence 140 / +10 Quality.
Arcane: Presence 180 / +15 Quality.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Light Transmission
Level 78
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 360 450 600
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 100 km / Presence 250 / MR120.
Intermediate: 1000 km / Presence 500 / MR140.
Advanced: 5000 km / Presence 1000 / MR180.
Arcane: 15000 km / Presence 2000 / MR200.
Maintenance: No.

Lordship over Dreams

Level 80
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Spiritual
NOTE: Base has no effect over the Wake.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 400 500 750
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR150 / If the caster is in the Wake can control his surrounding and gain powers as a being with
Gnosis 40, while in a place influenced by positive energy. On a neutral area, his powers will reach Gnosis 30.
This spell affects only the Wakes area where its used and only if there isnt another entity with similar Gnosis
entwined with it.
Advanced: MR160 / Like Intermediate but casters Gnosis on neutral areas is 35.
Arcane: MR180 / As Advanced but the spell has no spatial limits, influencing all the positive areas of the Wake.
Maintenance: 60 / 65 / 70 / 80.

Create Being of Light

Level 82
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 350 500 700
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Level 1.
Intermediate: Level 3.
Advanced: Level 6.
Arcane: Level 10.
Maintenance: 50 / 70 / 100 / 140 Daily.

Reflecting Prism
Level 86
Action: Passive
Type: Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 160 250 300 400
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 17
Base: Clashing Spells Check against 100 / 800 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: Clashing Spells Check against 120 / 1500 Resistance Points.
Advanced: Clashing Spells Check against 140 / 3000 Resistance Points.
Arcane: Clashing Spells Check against 180 / 6000 Resistance Points.
Maintenance: 20 / 25 / 30 / 40 Daily.

Radius of Omniscience
Level 88
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 250 400 800
Req. Intelligence 10 12 15 18
Base: Presence 60 / 500m area.
Intermediate: Presence 80 / 2km area.
Advanced: Presence 100 / 10km area.
Arcane: Presence 120 / 50km area.
Maintenance: 40 / 50 / 60 / 65.

Level 90
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 450 600
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 1 year.
Intermediate: 5 years.
Advanced: 50 years / If the prediction is about something happening within 1 day, it will be very accurate.
Arcane: 100 years / If the prediction is about something happening within 1 year, it will be very accurate.
Maintenance: No.

Prison of Light
Level 92
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Note: The caster cannot affect himself with the Prison of Light.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 350 500 800
Req. Intelligence 14 16 18 20
Base: MR 140 / 10000 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: MR 180 / 250000 Resistance Points.
Advanced: MR 220 / 500000 Resistance Points.
Arcane: MR 240 / The prison cannot be broken from the inside, but possesses 500.000 Resistance Points if
attacked from the outside.
Maintenance: 40 / 70 / 100 / 160.

One with the Light

Level 96
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 400 600 800
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: One Day.
Intermediate: One Week.
Advanced: One Month.
Arcane: One Year.
Maintenance: No.

Level 98
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Note: no difference to Gnosis awarded to caster or other people.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 500 1000 2000 5000
Req. Intelligence 14 16 18 20
Base: Gnosis 30.
Intermediate: Gnosis 35.
Advanced: Gnosis 40.
Arcane: Gnosis 45.
Maintenance: 30 / 40 / 45 / 50.

Light Holocaust
Level 100
Action: Active
Type: Attack/Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 600 1000 2500 10000
Req. Intelligence 14 16 18 20
Base: Base Damage 350 / 100m area.
Intermediate: Base Damage 500 / 100km area.
Advanced: Base Damage 800 / 10000km area.
Arcane: Base Damage 1000 / 1 au (astronomic unit) area.
Maintenance: No.

Book of Darkness

Create Darkness
Level 2
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 20 50 100 200
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 5m area
Intermediate: 25m area
Advanced: 100m area
Arcane: 500m area
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 /15 Daily

Induce Fear
Level 6
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 140 180
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: MR or PsR 80 / 10m area
Intermediate: MR or PsR 100 / 50m area
Advanced: MR or PsR 120 / 100m area
Arcane: MR or PsR 140 / 250m area
Maintenance: No.

See in Darkness
Level 8
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Note: Only works on natural darkness.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: Max Presence 80
Intermediate: Max Presence 100
Advanced: Max Presence 120
Arcane: Max Presence 140 / Works also on Supernatural Darkness.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15 Daily.

Shield of Darkness
Level 10
Action: Passive
Type: Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 120 180 250
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 14
Base: 300 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: 1000 Resistance Points.
Advanced: 1800 Resistance Points.
Arcane: 3000 Resistance Points.
Maintenance: 5 / 15 / 20 / 25.

Level 12
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 150 200 240
Req. Intelligence 5 9 12 14
Base: +50 Hide, Stealth and Magic Appraisal.
Intermediate: +150 Hide, Stealth and Magic Appraisal.
Advanced: +200 Hide, Stealth and Magic Appraisal.
Arcane: +250 Hide, Stealth and Magic Appraisal.
Maintenance: 5 / 15 / 20 / 25.

Armor of Darkness
Level 16
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: EnergyAT2, other AT1.
Intermediate: EnergyAT5, other AT2.
Advanced: EnergyAT8, other AT4.
Arcane: EnergyAT12, other AT6.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20.

Banish Light
Level 18
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 150 250
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR 140 / 10m area.
Intermediate: MR 180 / 100m area.
Advanced: MR 220 / 250m area.
Arcane: MR 280 / 500m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 25.

Hide Magic
Level 20
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: -100 Magic Appraisal
Intermediate: -180 Magic Appraisal
Advanced: -240 Magic Appraisal
Arcane: -320 Magic Appraisal
Maintenance: 5 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily

Dark Beam
Level 22
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Base Damage 60.
Intermediate: Base Damage 90.
Advanced: Base Damage 120.
Arcane: Base Damage 150.
Maintenance: No.

Level 26
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: also affect Magic detections.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 20m area.
Intermediate: 250m area.
Advanced: 500m area.
Arcane: 1km area.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Bonds of Darkness
Level 28
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Note: Base Fortitude is 25.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 140 180
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Strength 8.
Intermediate: Strength 12.
Advanced: Strength 15 and Fortitude 30.
Arcane: Strength 18 and Fortitude 35.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Control Darkness
Level 30
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 150 250 350
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 16
Base: MR 80 /20m area.
Intermediate: MR 140 /150m area.
Advanced: MR 180 /300m area.
Arcane: MR 220 /500m area.
Maintenance: 5 / 20 / 25 /30.

Level 32
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: +50 MR or PsR / +50 Ki Concealment
Intermediate: +140 MR or PsR / +150 Ki Concealment
Advanced: +220 MR or PsR / +200 Ki Concealment
Arcane: +280 MR or PsR / +250 Ki Concealment
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 /30 Daily.

Level 36
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Hide, Stealth and Ki Concealment +100
Intermediate: Hide, Stealth and Ki Concealment +150
Advanced: Hide, Stealth and Ki Concealment +200
Arcane: Hide, Stealth and Ki Concealment +250
Maintenance: 20 / 40 / 50 / 60 Daily.

Level 38
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 150 200
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR 80 / 5m area.
Intermediate: MR 100 / 20m area.
Advanced: MR 120 / 50m area.
Arcane: MR 140 / 100m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 20.

Banish Positive Emotions

Level 40
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 180 240 350
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR or PsR 100 / 100m area.
Intermediate: MR or PsR 150 / 500m area.
Advanced: MR or PsR 180 / 1km area.
Arcane: MR or PsR 220 / 5km area.
Maintenance: No.

Level 42
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Seeing through the Darkness requires Impossible Notice Check or Absurd Search Check. Its not
considered supernatural darkness.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 25m area.
Intermediate: 250m area.
Advanced: 500m area / Its considered supernatural darkness.
Arcane: MR 1km area / Its considered supernatural darkness.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Dark Sphere
Level 46
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Base Damage 100 / Magic Projection 150.
Intermediate: Base Damage 120 / Magic Projection 180.
Advanced: Base Damage 160 / Magic Projection 210.
Arcane: Base Damage 200 / Magic Projection 240.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Zone of Concealment
Level 48
Action: Active
Type: Detection
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 9 12 15
Base: +100MR / -140 Detection Abilities / 20m area.
Intermediate: +150MR / -180 Detection Abilities / 50m area.
Advanced: +200MR / -240 Detection Abilities / 250m area.
Arcane: +300MR / -320 Detection Abilities / 500m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Enter Anothers Nightmares

Level 50
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR or PsR 140 /10m distance.
Intermediate: MR or PsR 160 /80m distance.
Advanced: MR or PsR 200 /140m distance.
Arcane: MR or PsR 240 /200m distance.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Dark Form
Level 52
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Maximum Presence.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: +50 Notice and Search / +20 Resistances.
Intermediate: +60 Notice and Search / +30 Resistances.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but resistance bonus applies to all effects not based on Light.
Arcane: As Advanced, but doesnt suffer double damage from Light based attacks.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20.

Level 56
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Causes -30 All Action Penalty.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120 / 5m area.
Intermediate: MR160 / 25m area.
Advanced: MR180 / 50m area / -40 All Action Penalty
Arcane: MR200 / 150m area / -50 All Action Penalty
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Create Negative Feelings

Level 58
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: MR or PsR 120 / 20m area.
Intermediate: MR or PsR 160 / 100m area.
Advanced: MR or PsR 180 / 250m area.
Arcane: MR or PsR 220 / 500m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Erase Traces
Level 60
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Even Zen Level Track ability has no effect on it. Does not affect time scanning powers.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 200 300 400
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 16
Base: 50m area.
Intermediate: 250m area.
Advanced: 1km area / The spell also allows to eliminate traces of the caster from time scanning powers.
Arcane: 5km area / As Advanced, but the spell can eliminate traces of everything that happened in the past of
the whole area.
Maintenance: No.

Shield from Positive

Level 62
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 9 12 15
Base: MR 120 / 20m area.
Intermediate: MR 140 / 100m area.
Advanced: MR 160 / 250m area.
Arcane: MR 180 / 500m area.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Level 66
Action: Passive
Type: Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Clashing Spell Damage 80 / 600 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: Clashing Spell Damage 110 / 1200 Resistance Points.
Advanced: Clashing Spell Damage 140 / 1800 Resistance Points.
Arcane: Clashing Spell Damage 170 / 2200 Resistance Points.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Level 68
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120
Intermediate: MR160
Advanced: MR200
Arcane: MR240
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Mark of Fear
Level 70
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 200 280 360
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: MR or PsR 120 / 1 km area.
Intermediate: MR or PsR 150 / 5 km area.
Advanced: MR or PsR 180 / 15 km area.
Arcane: MR or PsR 220 / 25 km area.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15.

Catastrophic Darkness
Level 72
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 350
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Base Damage 120 / 25m area.
Intermediate: Base Damage 150 / 100m area.
Advanced: Base Damage 200 / 150m area.
Arcane: Base Damage 250 / 250m area.
Maintenance: No.

Dark Material Objects

Level 76
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 240 300
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Presence 60 / +5 Quality.
Intermediate: Presence 100 / +10 Quality.
Advanced: Presence 140 / +10 Quality.
Arcane: Presence 180 / +15 Quality.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Travel by Shadows
Level 78
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 360 450 600
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 100 km / Presence 250 / MR120.
Intermediate: 1000 km / Presence 500 / MR140.
Advanced: 5000 km / Presence 1000 / MR180.
Arcane: 15000 km / Presence 2000 / MR200.
Maintenance: No.

Lord of Nightmares
Level 80
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Spiritual
NOTE: Base has no effect over the Wake.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 400 500 750
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR150 / If the caster is in the Wake can control his surrounding and gain powers as a being with
Gnosis 40, while in a place influenced by negative energy. On a neutral area, his powers will reach Gnosis 30.
This spell affects only the Wakes area where its used and only if there isnt another entity with similar Gnosis
entwined with it.
Advanced: MR160 / Like Intermediate but casters Gnosis on neutral areas is 35.
Arcane: MR180 / As Advanced but the spell has no spatial limits, influencing all the negative areas of the
Maintenance: 60 / 65 / 70 / 80.

Create Being of Darkness

Level 82
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 350 500 700
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Level 1.
Intermediate: Level 3.
Advanced: Level 6.
Arcane: Level 10.
Maintenance: 50 / 70 / 100 / 140 Daily.

Concealment from Magic

Level 86
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 240 280 320
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Affects Automatic Spells on Base level.
Intermediate: Affects Automatic Spells on Intermediate level.
Advanced: Affects Automatic Spells on Advanced level.
Arcane: Affects Automatic Spells on Arcane level.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20 Daily.

Kingdom of Darkness
Level 88
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: Detection by Ki Detection requires Zen. Non Dark Elemental beings within the Kingdom of Darkness
also loose 1ki per turn (double for Light Elementals).
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 360 420 480
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 50m area.
Intermediate: 500m area.
Advanced: 1km area.
Arcane: 1km area / +30MA for casting Dark Magic Spells.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 25.

Level 90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Only affects certain supernatural detections. No maximum presence.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 350 450 600 800
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: Invisible to spells and psychic abilities.
Intermediate: As Base, but also invisible to Ki abilities.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but also invisible to all supernatural detections.
Arcane: As Advanced, but can only be perceived by natural senses.
Maintenance: 80 / 90 / 105 / 115 Daily.

Prison of Darkness
Level 92
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Note: The caster cannot affect himself with the Prison of Darkness.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 350 500 800
Req. Intelligence 14 16 18 20
Base: MR 140 / 10000 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: MR 180 / 250000 Resistance Points.
Advanced: MR 220 / 500000 Resistance Points.
Arcane: MR 240 / The prison cannot be broken from the inside, but possesses 500.000 Resistance Points if
attacked from the outside.
Maintenance: 40 / 70 / 100 / 160.

One with the Darkness

Level 96
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 400 600 800
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: One Day.
Intermediate: One Week.
Advanced: One Month.
Arcane: One Year.
Maintenance: No.

Dark Ascension
Level 98
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Note: no difference to Gnosis awarded to caster or other people.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 500 1000 2000 5000
Req. Intelligence 14 16 18 20
Base: Gnosis 30.
Intermediate: Gnosis 35.
Advanced: Gnosis 40.
Arcane: Gnosis 45.
Maintenance: 30 / 40 / 45 / 50.

Holocaust of Darkness
Level 100
Action: Active
Type: Attack/Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 600 1000 2500 10000
Req. Intelligence 14 16 18 20
Base: Base Damage 350 / 100m area.
Intermediate: Base Damage 500 / 100km area.
Advanced: Base Damage 800 / 10000km area.
Arcane: Base Damage 1000 / 1 au (astronomic unit) area.
Maintenance: No.

Book of Creation

Minor Creation
Level 2
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 1 object / Max Presence 25
Intermediate: 5 objects / Max Presence 25
Advanced: 1 object / Max Presence 30
Arcane: 5 objects / Max Presence 30
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 /15

Level 6
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 140 200 280
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: Max Presence 20
Intermediate: Max Presence 60
Advanced: Max Presence 100
Arcane: Max Presence 120
Maintenance: No.

Create Energy
Level 8
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 150 200 250
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 1 Intensity
Intermediate: 5 Intensities
Advanced: 10 Intensities
Arcane: 20 Intensities
Maintenance: 5 / 15 / 20 / 25.

Level 10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 150 250
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 12
Base: Regeneration 4.
Intermediate: Regeneration 8.
Advanced: Regeneration 12.
Arcane: Regeneration 16.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 25 Daily.

Inorganic Modification
Level 12
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 12
Base: Max Presence 20.
Intermediate: Max Presence 30.
Advanced: Max Presence 40.
Arcane: Max Presence 50.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 5 / 10.

Increase Resistances
Level 16
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 150 200
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: +10 Resistances.
Intermediate: +20 Resistances.
Advanced: +30 Resistances.
Arcane: +40 Resistances.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 30 / 40 Daily.

Royal Shield
Level 18
Action: Passive
Type: Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 150 260 400
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 12
Base: 500 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: 3000 Resistance Points.
Advanced: 5000 Resistance Points.
Arcane: 10000 Resistance Points.
Maintenance: 5 / 15 / 15 / 20.

Level 20
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 150 200
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: 50 Life Points.
Intermediate: 150 Life Points.
Advanced: 250 Life Points.
Arcane: 350 Life Points.
Maintenance: No.

Damage Barrier
Level 22
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Damage Barrier 30.
Intermediate: Damage Barrier 50.
Advanced: Damage Barrier 80.
Arcane: Damage Barrier 100.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Create Homunculus
Level 26
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Now Homunculus can contain Zeon, but they cannot have any Intellectual Ability higher than their
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 80 250 350
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 1 Homunculus.
Intermediate: 10 Homunculus.
Advanced: 25 Homunculus.
Arcane: 100 Homunculus.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 35 Daily.

Minor Change
Level 28
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 150 250
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR80 / Max Presence 60.
Intermediate: MR100 / Max Presence 90.
Advanced: MR140 / Max Presence 120.
Arcane: MR180 / Max Presence 180.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 25 Daily.

Level 30
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 200 300 400
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Max Presence 30.
Intermediate: Max Presence 80.
Advanced: Max Presence 120.
Arcane: Max Presence 160.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 Daily.

Level 32
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 5 Intensities.
Intermediate: 15 Intensities.
Advanced: 25 Intensities.
Arcane: 35 Intensities.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 /30 Daily.

Damage Reduction
Level 36
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: The effects of two Damage Reduction Spells dont cumulate.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 160 240
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: -40 Damage.
Intermediate: -60 Damage.
Advanced: -80 Damage.
Arcane: -120 Damage.
Maintenance: No.

Physical Control
Level 38
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR 80.
Intermediate: MR 120.
Advanced: MR 140.
Arcane: MR 180.
Maintenance: 25 / 40 / 50 / 60 Daily.

Raise Abilities
Level 40
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Cannot raise Abilities above 320.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 180 280 350
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: +50 Bonus.
Intermediate: +150 Bonus.
Advanced: +250 Bonus.
Arcane: +400 Bonus.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20.

Level 42
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 350
Req. Intelligence 7 9 12 15
Base: MR80 / Max Presence 80.
Intermediate: MR120 / Max Presence 100.
Advanced: MR140 / Max Presence 150.
Arcane: MR180 / Max Presence 200.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Create Memories
Level 46
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 350
Req. Intelligence 7 9 12 15
Base: MR or PsR 100.
Intermediate: MR or PsR 120.
Advanced: MR or PsR 160.
Arcane: MR or PsR 200.
Maintenance: No.

Level 48
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 300 350 400
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: 500 Life Points.
Intermediate: 750 Life Points.
Advanced: MR 1000 Life Points.
Arcane: 1500 Life Points.
Maintenance: No.

Acquire Powers
Level 50
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 200 300 400
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 16
Base: 100DP.
Intermediate: 200DP.
Advanced: 300DP.
Arcane: 400DP.
Maintenance: 20 / 40 / 50 / 60.

Create Monstrosity
Level 52
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Maximum Presence.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 250 500
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: Level 2.
Intermediate: Level 4.
Advanced: Level 8.
Arcane: Level 12.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 25 / 50.

Protective Aura
Level 56
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 350
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: +20 Resistances / 100m area.
Intermediate: +50 Resistances / 500m area.
Advanced: +80 Resistances / 1km area.
Arcane: +120 Resistances / 10km area.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 25 / 35.

Spiritual Standstill
Level 58
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 250 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: MR100.
Intermediate: MR120.
Advanced: MR140.
Arcane: MR180.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Perfect Shield
Level 60
Action: Active
Type: Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 300 400
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 16
Base: 100 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: 250 Resistance Points.
Advanced: 500 Resistance Points.
Arcane: 1000 Resistance Points.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 30 / 40 Daily.

Level 62
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 250 350
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 16
Base: +50 Life Points.
Intermediate: +75 Life Points.
Advanced: MR +100 Life Points.
Arcane: MR +150 Life Points.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 35 Daily.

Complete Creation
Level 66
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 300 400
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: Max Presence 50.
Intermediate: Max Presence 80.
Advanced: Max Presence 120.
Arcane: Max Presence 150.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 30 / 40 Daily.

Reinforce Magic
Level 68
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Note: Gives to the Reinforced Spell the following bonuses:
+50% to Damage / Resistance Points (round down at intervals of 5)
+20% to all other numerals present on the spell, except for Gnosis.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 200 300 400
Req. Intelligence 8 12 15 18
Base: Affects spells cast at Base Level.
Intermediate: Affects spells cast at Intermediate Level.
Advanced: Affects spells cast at Advanced Level.
Arcane: Affects spells cast at Arcane Level.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40.

Level 70
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 350 500 800
Req. Intelligence 9 12 15 18
Base: MR120 / Max Presence 50.
Intermediate: MR160 / Max Presence 100.
Advanced: MR220 / Max Presence 150.
Arcane: MR260 / Max Presence 200.
Maintenance: No.

Level 72
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 250 350
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: MR100
Intermediate: MR120
Advanced: MR160
Arcane: MR200
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 20 Daily.

Level 76
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Halve the maximum Presence affected, if the entity that caused the damage to the target has Gnosis
higher of that of the caster by at least 15 points.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 500 750 1500
Req. Intelligence 8 12 15 18
Base: Presence 60
Intermediate: Presence 120
Advanced: Presence 180
Arcane: Presence 240
Maintenance: No.

Create Being
Level 78
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 400 600 1000
Req. Intelligence 9 12 15 17
Base: Level 1.
Intermediate: Level 5.
Advanced: Level 9.
Arcane: Level 12.
Maintenance: 50 / 80 / 120 / 200 Daily.

Level 80
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 500 1000 2500
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 17
Base: +100DP / Up to 100DP of Disadvantages.
Intermediate: +200DP / Up to 100DP of Disadvantages.
Advanced: +300DP / Up to 200DP of Disadvantages.
Arcane: +400DP / Up to 200DP of Disadvantages.
Maintenance: No.

Zone of Safety
Level 82
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 350 500 800 1500
Req. Intelligence 12 15 17 18
Base: MR140 / 100m area.
Intermediate: MR180 / 500m area.
Advanced: MR220 / 1km area.
Arcane: MR250 / 5km area.
Maintenance: 35 / 50 / 80 / 150 Daily.

Maintain Magic
Level 86
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 500 900 1600
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 500 Zeon Points.
Intermediate: 2000 Zeon Points.
Advanced: 5000 Zeon Points.
Arcane: 10000 Zeon Points.
Maintenance: No.

Provide Soul
Level 88
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 500 800 1200 2000
Req. Intelligence 13 14 15 16
Base: Max Presence 30.
Intermediate: Max Presence 50.
Advanced: Max Presence 80.
Arcane: Max Presence 100.
Maintenance: No.

Greater Creation
Level 90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 400 800 1200 2000
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 500 Presence Points / Max Presence 100.
Intermediate: 1000 Presence Points / Max Presence 120.
Advanced: 2000 Presence Points / Max Presence 140.
Arcane: 5000 Presence Points / Max Presence 180.
Maintenance: 20 / 25 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Eternal Magic
Level 92
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Note: No Zeon Cost limit.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 600 1000 2500 5000
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: Affects a spell cast at Base Level.
Intermediate: Affects a spell cast at Intermediate Level.
Advanced: Affects a spell cast at Advanced Level.
Arcane: Affects a spell cast at Arcane Level.
Maintenance: No.

The Barrier
Level 96
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 800 2500 5000 10000
Req. Intelligence 15 16 17 19
Base: RM120 / 100 km2 or in line.
Intermediate: RM180 / 1000 km2 or in line.
Advanced: RM240 / 10000 km2 or in line.
Arcane: RM300 / No space limit.
Maintenance: 40 / 45 / 45 / 50 Daily.

The Gift of Life

Level 98
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 800 2000 4000 8000
Req. Intelligence 16 17 18 19
Base: Level 1 and 50DP for Natural Beings.
Intermediate: Level 6 and 100DP for Natural Beings.
Advanced: Level 11 and 150DP for Natural Beings.
Arcane: Level 16 and 200DP for Natural Beings.
Maintenance: 30 / 40 / 45 / 50.

Level 100
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 1000 3000 6000 12000
Req. Intelligence 17 18 19 20
Base: Presence 1000 / Max Presence 180 / 1 existential rule.
Intermediate: Presence 10000 / Max Presence 220 / 5 existential rules.
Advanced: Presence 10000 / Max Presence 260 / 10 existential rules.
Arcane: Presence 100000 / Max Presence 320 / any number of existential rules.
Maintenance: No.

Book of Destruction

Level 2
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 60 120 150
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: -2 Fortitude / Max Presence 30
Intermediate: -4 Fortitude / Max Presence 60
Advanced: -8 Fortitude / Max Presence 90
Arcane: -12 Fortitude / Max Presence 120
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 /15

Level 6
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 120 150
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: Max Presence 20
Intermediate: Max Presence 40
Advanced: Max Presence 60
Arcane: Max Presence 80
Maintenance: No.

Destroy Intensities
Level 8
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Beings made of the Destroyed Intensities lose 5 Life Points per Intensity Destroyed if they fail the RM
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 120 150
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 1 Intensity / MR100
Intermediate: 5 Intensities / MR120
Advanced: 10 Intensities / MR140
Arcane: 20 Intensities / MR160
Maintenance: No.

Minor Destruction
Level 10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 90 140 180
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: Max Presence 20.
Intermediate: Max Presence 40.
Advanced: Max Presence 60.
Arcane: Max Presence 80.
Maintenance: No.

Sphere of Destruction
Level 12
Action: Active
Type: Attack
NOTE: Increasing the Spell Level increases the number of Spheres. Each attack can be used against a different
target, but you must decide target distribution when you cast the spell.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 60 100 150
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 13
Base: 1 attack.
Intermediate: 3 attacks.
Advanced: 5 attacks.
Arcane: 7 attacks.
Maintenance: No.

Increase Weakness
Level 16
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 12
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR140.
Advanced: MR160.
Arcane: MR200.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Magic Destruction
Level 18
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 150 300 500
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 16
Base: Up to 50 Zeon Value.
Intermediate: Up to 120 Zeon Value.
Advanced: Up to 200 Zeon Value.
Arcane: Up to 350 Zeon Value.
Maintenance: No.

Aggravate Damage
Level 20
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 150 220
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: +30 Damage.
Intermediate: +50 Damage.
Advanced: +90 Damage.
Arcane: +120 Damage.
Maintenance: No.

Destruction of Matrices
Level 22
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 140 240 320
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 16
Base: Medium Difficulty (80).
Intermediate: Very Difficult Difficulty (140).
Advanced: Almost Impossible Difficulty (240).
Arcane: Inhuman Difficulty (320).
Maintenance: No.

Level 26
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 180 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 20% Life Points / MR120.
Intermediate: 40% Life Points / MR140.
Advanced: 60% Life Points / MR160.
Arcane: 80% Life Points / MR200.
Maintenance: No.

Destroy Ki
Level 28
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 140 220 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR160.
Advanced: MR180.
Arcane: MR220.
Maintenance: No.

Produce Damage
Level 30
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 180 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120 / 50 Damage.
Intermediate: MR140 / 100 Damage.
Advanced: MR160 / 180 Damage.
Arcane: MR200 / 250 Damage.
Maintenance: No.

Destruction of Senses
Level 32
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 140 200 280
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: MR100.
Intermediate: MR120.
Advanced: MR140.
Arcane: MR180.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Mystic Bolt
Level 36
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 140 220 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Damage 100.
Intermediate: Damage 150.
Advanced: Damage 200.
Arcane: Damage 250.
Maintenance: No.

Unravel Ties
Level 38
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
NOTE: Bonds with Familiars gain +40MR against this spell.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 200 300 500
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 16
Base: MR 120.
Intermediate: MR 140.
Advanced: MR 160.
Arcane: MR 200.
Maintenance: No.

Destroy Resistances
Level 40
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 160 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 9 12 15
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR160.
Advanced: MR200.
Arcane: MR240.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Undo States
Level 42
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 15
Base: MR120 / Max Presence 120.
Intermediate: MR140 / Max Presence 200.
Advanced: MR160 / Max Presence 300.
Arcane: MR200 / Max Presence 400.
Maintenance: No.

Dome of Destruction
Level 46
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 15
Base: Damage 80 / 10m area.
Intermediate: Damage 120 / 50m area.
Advanced: Damage 160 / 100m area.
Arcane: Damage 200 / 150m area.
Maintenance: No.

Zone of Decay
Level 48
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 9 12 15
Base: MR100 / 10m area.
Intermediate: MR120 / 30m area.
Advanced: MR160 / 60m area.
Arcane: MR200 / 100m area.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Aura of Destruction
Level 50
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 250 350
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: MR80 / Max Presence 60 / 1m area.
Intermediate: MR100 / Max Presence 90 / 5m area.
Advanced: MR120 / Max Presence 120 / 15m area.
Arcane: MR150 / Max Presence 150 / 25m area.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Destroy Memories
Level 52
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 9 12 15
Base: MR or PsR 100.
Intermediate: MR or PsR 120.
Advanced: MR or PsR 160.
Arcane: MR or PsR 200.
Maintenance: No.

Block Learning
Level 56
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 180 300 500
Req. Intelligence 7 9 12 15
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR160.
Advanced: MR200.
Arcane: MR240.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Level 58
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 16
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR160.
Advanced: MR200.
Arcane: MR240.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 25 / 30.

Destroy Powers
Level 60
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 9 12 15
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR140.
Advanced: MR180.
Arcane: MR220.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Greater Mystic Bolt

Level 62
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 300 450 600
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 16
Base: 150 Damage.
Intermediate: 300 Damage.
Advanced: 450 Damage.
Arcane: 600 Damage.
Maintenance: No.

Destroy Will
Level 66
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 160 200 240 280
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 16
Base: MR120 / 10m area.
Intermediate: MR140 / 25m area.
Advanced: MR160 / 50m area.
Arcane: MR180 / 100m area.
Maintenance: 20 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Zone of Weakness
Level 68
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 400 500
Req. Intelligence 9 12 14 16
Base: MR140 / 25m area.
Intermediate: MR160 / 100m area.
Advanced: MR180 / 250m area.
Arcane: MR200 / 500m area.
Maintenance: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 Daily.

Essence of Destruction
Level 70
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Maximum Presence. MR is equal to double targets Presence. Effect of failure is determined by the
Spell Casting Level.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 250 300
Req. Intelligence 9 12 14 16
Base: Damage equal to failure level.
Intermediate: Damage and all action penalty equal to failure level.
Advanced: Damage equal to double failure level and all action penalty equal to failure level.
Arcane: Damage and all action penalty equal to double failure level.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Level 72
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 250 300 350
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: MR or PhR 120
Intermediate: MR or PhR 140
Advanced: MR or PhR 160
Arcane: MR or PhR 180
Maintenance: No.

Devouring Zone
Level 76
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 360 450 600
Req. Intelligence 9 12 15 17
Base: MR or PhR 140 / 500m area.
Intermediate: MR or PhR 195 / 6000m area.
Advanced: MR or PhR 240 / 10500m area.
Arcane: MR or PhR 270 / 13500m area.
Maintenance: 25 / 40 / 45 / 55 Daily.

Destroy Capabilities
Level 78
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 250 350 500
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: MR120 / -50DP.
Intermediate: MR160 / -100DP.
Advanced: MR200 / -150DP.
Arcane: MR240 / -200DP.
Maintenance: No.

Sever Existence
Level 80
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 350 500 600 800
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: MR120 / 10m line.
Intermediate: MR160 / 100m line.
Advanced: MR200 / 250m line.
Arcane: MR240 / 1km line.
Maintenance: No.

Rain of Destruction
Level 82
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 350 450 600
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 17
Base: Damage 200 / MR140 / 50m area.
Intermediate: Damage 250 / MR180 / 150m area.
Advanced: Damage 300 / MR220 / 500m area.
Arcane: Damage 400 / MR260 / 1km area.
Maintenance: No.

Destruction of Zeon
Level 86
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 400 600 700
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: -50 Zeon Points / Only affects Base Level Spells.
Intermediate: -150 Zeon Points / Affects up to Intermediate Level Spells.
Advanced: -250 Zeon Points / Affects up to Advanced Level Spells.
Arcane: -350 Zeon Points / Affects up to Arcane Level Spells.
Maintenance: No.

Sweep from the Heavens

Level 88
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 600 1000 2000
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: MR120 / -5Gnosis.
Intermediate: MR160 / -10Gnosis.
Advanced: MR200 / -15Gnosis.
Arcane: MR260 / -20Gnosis.
Maintenance: 15 / 30 / 50 / 100 Daily.

Level 90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 350 500 800
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: MR and PhR 120 / 5m area / 50m vortex area.
Intermediate: MR and PhR 160 / 15m area / 500m vortex area.
Advanced: MR and PhR 200 / 25m area / 1km vortex area.
Arcane: MR and PhR 240 / 50m area / 3km vortex area.
Maintenance: 25 / 40 / 45 / 55.

Greater Destruction
Level 92
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Note: No Zeon Cost limit.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 350 600 900 1500
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: Max Presence 100.
Intermediate: Max Presence 160.
Advanced: Max Presence 200.
Arcane: Max Presence 240.
Maintenance: No.

Destroy Souls
Level 96
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 500 800 1500 2500
Req. Intelligence 13 15 17 19
Base: MR100 / 5km area.
Intermediate: MR140 / 50 km area.
Advanced: MR180 / 250 km area.
Arcane: MR220 / 1000 km area.
Maintenance: No.

Level 98
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 700 1200 2000 5000
Req. Intelligence 14 16 18 20
Base: 100km area / Affects beings up to Gnosis 10.
Intermediate: 1000km area / Affects beings up to Gnosis 20.
Advanced: 10000km area / Affects beings up to Gnosis 30.
Arcane: Affects all creation / Affects beings up to Gnosis 40.
Maintenance: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 Daily.

Level 100
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: Not only beings with Gnosis 40, but also those with Gnosis 20 points higher than their Nature will
remember the uncreated thing.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 1000 2500 5000 10000
Req. Intelligence 17 18 19 20
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR160.
Advanced: MR200.
Arcane: MR240.
Maintenance: No.

Book of Air

Raise Wind
Level 2
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Maximum wind draft length is 10XMaximum wind draft width.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 60 90 120
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 20Km/h / 25m Maximum wind draft width
Intermediate: 40Km/h / 50m Maximum wind draft width
Advanced: 80Km/h / 75m Maximum wind draft width
Arcane: 100Km/h / 100m Maximum wind draft width
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 /15

Level 6
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 60 90 120
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: Max Weight 10Kg
Intermediate: Max Weight 50Kg
Advanced: Max Weight 100Kg
Arcane: Max Weight 250Kg
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15.

Weight Reduction
Level 10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Can reduce weight up to a minimum of 1Kg.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 140 240 350
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: -20 Kg.
Intermediate: -150 Kg.
Advanced: -300 Kg.
Arcane: -500 Kg.
Maintenance: 5 / 15 / 25 / 35 Daily.

Stop Breathing
Level 12
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 110 150
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 12
Base: Max Presence 80.
Intermediate: Max Presence 150.
Advanced: Max Presence 200.
Arcane: Max Presence 350.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15, Daily.

Free Movement
Level 16
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 110 150
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 12
Base: Max Presence 80.
Intermediate: Max Presence 120.
Advanced: Max Presence 160.
Arcane: Max Presence 240.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15.

Air Blow
Level 20
Action: Active
Type: Attack
NOTE: Using on single target gives only +2Strength.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 140 200
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: 5m width / Strength6.
Intermediate: 20m width / Strength9.
Advanced: 30m width / Strength12.
Arcane: 50m width / Strength14.
Maintenance: No.

Air Screen
Level 22
Action: Passive
Type: Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 160 200 240
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 14
Base: 300 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: 1500 Resistance Points.
Advanced: 2000 Resistance Points.
Arcane: 3500 Resistance Points.
Maintenance: 5 / 20 / 20 / 25.

Automatic Transportation
Level 26
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Targets who want to resist transport, have to pass an MR120. Targets transported to unnatural positions
(such as 10m above ground) have +40MR.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 12
Base: 50m / Max Presence 50.
Intermediate: 250m / Max Presence 90.
Advanced: 400m / Max Presence 120.
Arcane: 1km / Max Presence 150.
Maintenance: No.

Level 30
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 150 240
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Flight 4.
Intermediate: Flight 8.
Advanced: Flight 12.
Arcane: Flight 15.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 /30.

Reaction Increase
Level 32
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: +30 Initiative.
Intermediate: +60 Initiative.
Advanced: +90 Initiative.
Arcane: +120 Initiative.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 15.

Level 36
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 160 240
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 15
Base: PhR100 / Max Presence 30 / Max length 1m
Intermediate: PhR120 / Max Presence 40 / Max length 3m
Advanced: PhR140 / Max Presence 60 / Max length 5m
Arcane: PhR160 / Max Presence 80 / Max length 10m
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 Daily.

Air Cut
Level 40
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 150 240 350
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 3m line.
Intermediate: 12m line.
Advanced: 25m line.
Arcane: 50m line.
Maintenance: No.

Level 42
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: Max Presence 50.
Intermediate: Max Presence 80.
Advanced: Max Presence 120.
Arcane: Max Presence 160.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Level 46
Action: Active
Type: Attack
NOTE: Before unleashing the Lightning the caster must choose to either have it bounce or concentrate it on a
single target. A single target cannot be hit more than once due to bouncing and the caster himself is immune.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 180 280 400
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 1 bounce OR +10 Damage.
Intermediate: 10 bounces OR +40 Damage.
Advanced: 15 bounces OR +80 Damage.
Arcane: 25 bounces OR +150 Damage.
Maintenance: No.

Level 50
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 9 12 15
Base: 3m area.
Intermediate: 6m area.
Advanced: 12m area.
Arcane: 25m area.
Maintenance: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60.

Ethereal Form
Level 52
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Maximum Presence. Does not allow moving in the Air.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: As described.
Intermediate: As Base, but allows movement in the Air.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but those who see Magic need a Notice check against Very Difficult or a Search
Check against Medium in order to see the ethereal body.
Arcane: As Advanced, but Cut and Pierce attacks based on Energy only produce half damage.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20.

Air Control
Level 56
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 150 240 350
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 15
Base: MR120 / 50m area.
Intermediate: MR140 / 300m area.
Advanced: MR180 / 500m area.
Arcane: MR220 / 1km area.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 35.

Electricity Control
Level 60
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 150 240 350
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 15
Base: MR120 / 5 Intensities.
Intermediate: MR140 / 15 Intensities.
Advanced: MR180 / 25 Intensities.
Arcane: MR220 / 40 Intensities.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 35.

Defensive Movement
Level 62
Action: Passive
Type: Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 15
Base: 3 Dodges / Movement 8.
Intermediate: 9 Dodges / Movement 12.
Advanced: 15 Dodges / Movement 16.
Arcane: Unlimited Dodges / Movement 18.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Level 66
Action: Active
Type: Detection
NOTE: To teleport to an exact location, the caster must know it, otherwise the teleport is approximate.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 180 300 450 600
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: Max Presence 80 / 10km.
Intermediate: Max Presence 150 / 10000km.
Advanced: Max Presence 240 / 100000km.
Arcane: Max Presence 350 / Any distance.
Maintenance: No.

Level 70
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 350
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR100 / Max Presence 80.
Intermediate: MR140 / Max Presence 120.
Advanced: MR160 / Max Presence 160.
Arcane: MR200 / Max Presence 200.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Level 72
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 450 600
Req. Intelligence 9 12 14 16
Base: 500m area.
Intermediate: 1km area.
Advanced: 2km area.
Arcane: 5km area / Strength14.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25.

Solid Air
Level 76
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 200 260 350
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 16
Base: 25m area.
Intermediate: 150m area.
Advanced: 300m area.
Arcane: 500m area / Strength16.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 25.

Weather Control
Level 80
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 300 380 500
Req. Intelligence 9 12 14 16
Base: 5km.
Intermediate: 25km.
Advanced: 100km.
Arcane: 1000km.
Maintenance: 50 / 60 / 80 / 100 Daily.

Create Sylph
Level 82
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 350 500 700
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Level 1.
Intermediate: Level 3.
Advanced: Level 6.
Arcane: Level 10.
Maintenance: 50 / 70 / 100 / 140 Daily.

Superior Psychokinesis
Level 86
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 160 280 400 550
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: MR100 / 100 tons.
Intermediate: MR120 / 10000 tons.
Advanced: MR140 / 25000 tons.
Arcane: MR160 / 150000 tons.
Maintenance: 35 / 40 / 50 / 60 Daily.

Relocate Magic
Level 90
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 180 270 360 450
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 16
Base: Max Zeon 100.
Intermediate: Max Zeon 200.
Advanced: Max Zeon 300.
Arcane: Max Zeon 400.
Maintenance: 20 / 30 / 40 / 45 Daily.

Passive Magic
Level 92
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Maximum Presence Affected.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 400 550 800
Req. Intelligence 12 12 14 16
Base: Affects Base Level Spells.
Intermediate: Affects Intermediate Level Spells.
Advanced: Affects Advanced Level Spells.
Arcane: Affects Arcane Level Spells.
Maintenance: 30 / 40 / 55 / 80.

Lord of The Air

Level 96
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 450 600 1000
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: MR140/ 100km area.
Intermediate: MR180/ 1000km area.
Advanced: MR200/ 10000km area.
Arcane: MR240/ 100000km area.
Maintenance: 30 / 45 / 60 / 100 Daily.

A Place in The World

Level 100
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 450 800 1200 1600
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: MR140 / 50km area.
Intermediate: MR180 / 250km area.
Advanced: MR240 / 500km area.
Arcane: MR280 / 1000km area.
Maintenance: 45 / 80 / 120 / 200.

Book Of Water

Level 2
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Maximum wind draft length is 10XMaximum wind draft width.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 80 120 180
Req. Intelligence 5 7 10 12
Base: 100m.
Intermediate: 250m.
Advanced: 500m.
Arcane: 1km.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 Daily.

Create Chill
Level 6
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 50 90 140
Req. Intelligence 5 7 10 12
Base: 1 Intensity.
Intermediate: 3 Intensities.
Advanced: 5 Intensities.
Arcane: 8 Intensities.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 15.

Aquatic Capability
Level 10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 70 100 140
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: Max Presence 50.
Intermediate: Max Presence 100.
Advanced: Max Presence 200.
Arcane: Max Presence 350.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 20 / 25 Daily.

Cold Immunity
Level 12
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 140 200 300
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 13
Base: 5 Cold Intensities.
Intermediate: 12 Cold Intensities.
Advanced: 20 Cold Intensities.
Arcane: 30 Cold Intensities.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15, Daily.

Protection Bubble
Level 16
Action: Passive
Type: Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 90 140 220
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Up to Base Damage 40.
Intermediate: Up to Base Damage 90.
Advanced: Up to Base Damage 120.
Arcane: Up to Base Damage 160.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10.

Water Impact
Level 20
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 90 140 200
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 40 Damage / Strength8.
Intermediate: 60 Damage / Strength10.
Advanced: 80 Damage / Strength12.
Arcane: 100 Damage / Strength14.
Maintenance: No.

Liquid Control
Level 22
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 150 220
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR or PhR 100 / 5L.
Intermediate: MR or PhR 120 / 50L.
Advanced: MR or PhR 140 / 500L.
Arcane: MR or PhR 180 / 5000L.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Freeze Emotions
Level 26
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Maximum Presence.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 10 12
Base: Affects natural psychological states.
Intermediate: As Base, but also stops Pain.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but also stops supernatural states.
Arcane: As Advanced, but the caster can choose which feelings to stop and which not.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10

Control Cold
Level 30
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 120 180
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR100 / 5 Intensities.
Intermediate: MR120 / 8 Intensities.
Advanced: MR140 / 12 Intensities.
Arcane: MR180 / 15 Intensities.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20.

Level 32
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 140 220
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120 / 5m area.
Intermediate: MR140 / 10m area.
Advanced: MR160 / 25m area.
Arcane: MR180 / 50m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Ice Screen
Level 36
Action: Passive
Type: Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 400 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: 1500 Resistance Points.
Advanced: 2500 Resistance Points.
Arcane: 4000 Resistance Points.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Create Liquids
Level 40
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 140 240 350
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 16
Base: 50L of water.
Intermediate: 500L of water.
Advanced: 5000L of water.
Arcane: 50000L of water.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Ice Attack
Level 42
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 160 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Damage 100.
Intermediate: Damage 150.
Advanced: Damage 200.
Arcane: Damage 250.
Maintenance: No.

Level 46
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 150 200
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: MR or PhR 140.
Intermediate: MR or PhR 160.
Advanced: MR or PhR 180.
Arcane: MR or PhR 200.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20.

Reflected Control
Level 50
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 160 240 350
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 15
Base: MR80.
Intermediate: MR130.
Advanced: MR160.
Arcane: MR200.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20.

Liquid Body
Level 52
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: As described.
Intermediate: As Base, but gives movement in water equal to natural Movement value.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but weapons quality raises to +10.
Arcane: As Advanced, but Cold and Piercing attacks based on energy, produce only half damage.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20.

Reflect States
Level 56
Action: Passive
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 320
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 16
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR150.
Advanced: MR180.
Arcane: MR220.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 35.

Ice Storm
Level 60
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 320
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 15
Base: 50m area.
Intermediate: 150m area.
Advanced: 500m area /PhR increased to 160.
Arcane: 1km area / PhR increased to 180.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Tide Control
Level 62
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 300 450 600
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 500m area.
Intermediate: 1km area.
Advanced: 3km area.
Arcane: 5km area.
Maintenance: 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 Daily.

Water Confinement
Level 66
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 200 280 350
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 16
Base: 10m3.
Intermediate: 50m3.
Advanced: 100m3.
Arcane: 150m3 / Strength 15.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 20.

Level 70
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 400 500
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 1km area.
Intermediate: 3km area.
Advanced: 5km area.
Arcane: 10km area.
Maintenance: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 Daily.

Level 72
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 350 450 550
Req. Intelligence 10 12 15 17
Base: 1km length.
Intermediate: 10km length.
Advanced: 20km length.
Arcane: 30km length / Destroys constructions up to Damage Barrier 90.
Maintenance: No.

Soul Reflection
Level 76
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: Max Gnosis for Powers is 20. No max presence affected.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 280 320 400
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: MR140 / Copies entities up to Level 3.
Intermediate: MR160 / Copies entities up to Level 5.
Advanced: MR180 / Copies entities up to Level 8 / Copies Powers up to Gnosis 25.
Arcane: MR200 / Copies entities up to Level 12 / Copies Powers up to Gnosis 30.
Maintenance: 20 / 30 / 35 / 40.

Slow Time
Level 80
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 320 450 600
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 100m area / MR120 / Time is slowed to 1/10.
Intermediate: 200m area / MR140 / Time is slowed to 1/100.
Advanced: 500m area / MR160 / Time is slowed to 1/1000.
Arcane: 1km area / MR180 / Time is slowed to 1/1000000.
Maintenance: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 Daily.

Create Undine
Level 82
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 350 500 700
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Level 1.
Intermediate: Level 3.
Advanced: Level 6.
Arcane: Level 10.
Maintenance: 50 / 70 / 100 / 140 Daily.

Freeze Magic
Level 86
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 400 550 800
Req. Intelligence 9 12 15 18
Base: Max Zeon Value 150.
Intermediate: Max Zeon Value 250.
Advanced: Max Zeon Value 300.
Arcane: Max Zeon Value 400.
Maintenance: 50 / 75 / 90 / 110 Daily.

Inside The Mirror

Level 90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 480 600 800
Req. Intelligence 9 12 15 17
Base: 500m maximum area.
Intermediate: 2km maximum area.
Advanced: 5km maximum area.
Arcane: 10km maximum area / Can imitate beings with Presence up to 30.
Maintenance: 30 / 50 / 60 / 70 Daily.

Lord of Ice
Level 92
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 450 600 1000
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 100km area / MR140.
Intermediate: 1000km area / MR180.
Advanced: 10000km area / MR200.
Arcane: 100000km area / MR240.
Maintenance: 30 / 45 / 60 / 100 Daily.

Lord of Water
Level 96
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 450 600 1000
Req. Intelligence 10 12 15 18
Base: MR140/ 100km area.
Intermediate: MR180/ 1000km area.
Advanced: MR200/ 10000km area.
Arcane: MR240/ Affects all liquids in the world
Maintenance: 30 / 45 / 60 / 100 Daily.

A Perfect World
Level 100
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: Beings with Gnosis 20 points higher than their Nature can also attempt the MR Check.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 450 800 1200 1600
Req. Intelligence 12 15 17 20
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR180.
Advanced: MR220.
Arcane: MR260.
Maintenance: 90 / 115 / 130 / 145 Daily.

Book of Fire

Create Fire
Level 2
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 1 Intensity.
Intermediate: 5 Intensities.
Advanced: 8 Intensities.
Arcane: 10 Intensities.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15 Daily.

Put Out Fire

Level 6
Action: Active
Type: Effect, Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 80 120 200
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 13
Base: -1 Intensity / MR100.
Intermediate: -5 Intensity / MR120.
Advanced: -10 Intensity / MR140.
Arcane: -15 Intensity / MR180.
Maintenance: No.

Fire Immunity
Level 10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 140 200 300
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 13
Base: 5 Intensities.
Intermediate: 12 Intensities.
Advanced: 20 Intensities.
Arcane: 30 Intensities.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15 Daily.

Detect Heat
Level 12
Action: Active
Type: Detection
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 140 200
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 25m area / MR120.
Intermediate: 50m area / MR150.
Advanced: 100m area / MR180.
Arcane: 250m area / MR220.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Fire Ball
Level 16
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 100 160 250
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Damage 50 / 5m area.
Intermediate: 100 / 25m area.
Advanced: 140 / 80m area.
Arcane: 160 / 150m area.
Maintenance: No.

Control Fire
Level 20
Action: Active
Type: Effect, Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 120 180
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR100 / 5 Intensities.
Intermediate: MR120 / 8 Intensities.
Advanced: MR140 / 12 Intensities.
Arcane: MR180 / 15 Intensities.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20.

Fire Barrier
Level 22
Action: Active
Type: Automatic/Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Damage 80 / 2m extension / 300 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: Damage 90 / 5m extension / 500 Resistance Points.
Advanced: Damage 100 / 10m extension / 800 Resistance Points / Blocks attacks based on Energy.
Arcane: Damage 100 / 15m extension / 1500 Resistance Points / Final Attack 280 / Blocks all kind of attacks.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15.

Igneous Weapon
Level 26
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 14
Base: +10 Base Damage.
Intermediate: +20 Base Damage.
Advanced: +30 Base Damage.
Arcane: +40 Base Damage.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15.

Heat Wave
Level 30
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Damage 50.
Intermediate: Damage 70.
Advanced: Damage 90.
Arcane: Damage 110.
Maintenance: No.

Read The Ashes

Level 32
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 140 220 340
Req. Intelligence 6 10 13 15
Base: 1 day.
Intermediate: 1 week.
Advanced: 1 month.
Arcane: 1 year.
Maintenance: No.

Raise Weather Temperature

Level 36
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 140 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 15
Base: +5C / 1km area.
Intermediate: +10C / 5km area.
Advanced: +20C / 10km area.
Arcane: +30C / 15km area.
Maintenance: 15 / 40 / 50 / 60 Daily.

Fire Mine
Level 40
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 160 240 320
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 15
Base: 10m area / Damage 80.
Intermediate: 50m area / Damage 120.
Advanced: 150m area / Damage 180.
Arcane: 250m area / Damage 240.
Maintenance: 20 / 40 / 50 / 60 Daily.

Increase Critical
Level 42
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: +20 Critical.
Intermediate: +40 Critical.
Advanced: +60 Critical.
Arcane: +80 Critical.
Maintenance: No.

Level 46
Action: Active
Type: Effect, Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 180 240
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: MR or PhR 100 / 5m area.
Intermediate: MR or PhR 120 / 15m area.
Advanced: MR or PhR 140 / 25m area.
Arcane: MR or PhR 160 / 35m area.
Maintenance: No.

Level 50
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 180 240
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: PhR80 / 10m area.
Intermediate: PhR100 / 50m area.
Advanced: PhR120 / 100m area.
Arcane: PhR140 / 150m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Body of Fire
Level 52
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Maximum Presence. No +30 Resistance Bonus against Fire Effects.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: As described.
Intermediate: As Base, but gives +30 Resistance Bonus against Fire Effects.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but the subject can move through any crack a flame might pass through.
Arcane: As Advanced, but immune to Cold and Water attacks not of supernatural nature.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20.

Vital Sacrifice
Level 56
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Up to 50 Life Points sacrifice per turn.
Intermediate: Up to 100 Life Points sacrifice per turn.
Advanced: Up to 150 Life Points sacrifice per turn.
Arcane: Up to 200 Life Points sacrifice per turn.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Level 60
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 150 200 260
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: MR140 / +100 to Table Result / 50m area.
Intermediate: MR160 / +120 to Table Result / 100m area.
Advanced: MR180 / +140 to Table Result / 150m area.
Arcane: MR200 / +160 to Table Result / 200m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20.

Consume Essence
Level 62
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120 / 10m area.
Intermediate: MR160 / 25m area.
Advanced: MR200 / 50m area.
Arcane: MR220 / 250m area.
Maintenance: No.

Power Sacrifice
Level 66
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 15
Base: Up to 20 Zeon per turn.
Intermediate: Up to 50 Zeon per turn.
Advanced: Up to 80 Zeon per turn.
Arcane: Up to 120 Zeon per turn.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Direct Critical
Level 70
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 140 200 280
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 16
Base: Critical 120 / MR140.
Intermediate: Critical 140 / MR160.
Advanced: Critical 180 / MR180.
Arcane: Critical 220 / MR200.
Maintenance: No.

Magic For Capacities

Level 72
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Grants +1 to a characteristic for each 25 Zeon sacrificed.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Up to 50 Zeon per turn.
Intermediate: Up to 100 Zeon per turn.
Advanced: Up to 150 Zeon per turn.
Arcane: Up to 200 Zeon per turn.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Fire Storm
Level 76
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 240 280
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: 25m area / Final Attack 180.
Intermediate: 150m area / Final Attack 240.
Advanced: 200m area / Final Attack 280.
Arcane: 250m area / Final Attack 320.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Consume Life for Magic

Level 80
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Each 5 Life Points sacrificed give 100 Zeon.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Up to 20 Life Points per turn.
Intermediate: Up to 80 Life Points per turn.
Advanced: Up to 140 Life Points per turn.
Arcane: Up to 200 Life Points per turn.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Create Ifreet
Level 82
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 350 500 700
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Level 1.
Intermediate: Level 3.
Advanced: Level 6.
Arcane: Level 10.
Maintenance: 50 / 70 / 100 / 140 Daily.

Level 86
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 300 350 400
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 18
Base: 15 Intensities.
Intermediate: 25 Intensities.
Advanced: 35 Intensities.
Arcane: 45 Intensities.
Maintenance: 25 / 30 / 30 / 35 Daily.

Level 90
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 400 500
Req. Intelligence 10 13 16 18
Base: 1km area.
Intermediate: 5km area.
Advanced: 10km area.
Arcane: 15km area.
Maintenance: No.

Sacrifice Others
Level 92
Action: Active
Type: Effect, Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 350 500 750
Req. Intelligence 13 15 17 19
Base: 1km area / MR120.
Intermediate: 2km area / MR140.
Advanced: 3km area / MR160.
Arcane: 5km area / MR180.
Maintenance: 50 / 70 / 100 / 150 Daily.

Lord of Fire
Level 96
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 450 600 1000
Req. Intelligence 10 12 15 18
Base: MR140/ 100km area.
Intermediate: MR180/ 1000km area.
Advanced: MR200/ 10000km area.
Arcane: MR240/ Affects all heat sources.
Maintenance: 30 / 45 / 60 / 100 Daily.

Level 100
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 450 800 1200 1600
Req. Intelligence 15 16 17 18
Base: MR140 / 10km area.
Intermediate: MR150 / 25km area.
Advanced: MR160 / 50km area.
Arcane: MR180 / 150km area.
Maintenance: 90 / 100 / 105 / 110.

Book of Earth

Detect Minerals
Level 2
Action: Active
Type: Detection
NOTE: Maximum wind draft length is 10XMaximum wind draft width.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 20 60 100 140
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 10m area.
Intermediate: 50m area.
Advanced: 150m area.
Arcane: 500m area.
Maintenance: No.

Mineral Control
Level 6
Action: Active
Type: Effect, Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 60 100 140
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: Max Presence 30 / MR100.
Intermediate: Max Presence 60 / MR120.
Advanced: Max Presence 90 / MR130.
Arcane: Max Presence 120 / MR140.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15 Daily.

Weight Increment
Level 10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 120 200 320
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: +20Kg.
Intermediate: +120Kg.
Advanced: +200Kg.
Arcane: +300Kg.
Maintenance: 5 / 25 / 30 / 40 Daily.

Transform Mineral
Level 12
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 120 160
Req. Intelligence 6 8 11 13
Base: Max Presence 30 / Up to 10kg of mass.
Intermediate: Max Presence 50 / Up to 50kg of mass.
Advanced: Max Presence 70 / Up to 100kg of mass.
Arcane: Max Presence 90 / Up to 250km of mass.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 5 / 10.

Level 16
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 120 160
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: +20PhR / +3Fortitude.
Intermediate: +30PhR / +5Fortitude.
Advanced: +45PhR / +7Fortitude.
Arcane: +60PhR / +9Fortitude.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 Daily.

Stone Barrier
Level 20
Action: Active
Type: Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 160 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Damage Barrier 60 / 600 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: Damage Barrier 100 / 1600 Resistance Points.
Advanced: Damage Barrier 150 / 3000 Resistance Points.
Arcane: Damage Barrier 200 / 5000 Resistance Points.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Level 22
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
NOTE: If Movement is reduced to 0, each additional Movement reduction point inflicts an All Action Penalty
of -20.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120 / -50 Initiative, -2 Movement.
Intermediate: MR140 / -70 Initiative, -4 Movement.
Advanced: MR160 / -90 Initiative, -6 Movement.
Arcane: MR180 / -120 Initiative, -10 Movement.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Level 26
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: AT2.
Intermediate: AT4.
Advanced: AT6.
Arcane: AT8.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10 Daily.

Magnetic Shield
Level 30
Action: Passive
Type: Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 90 120 160
Req. Intelligence 6 8 11 14
Base: 300 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: 600 Resistance Points.
Advanced: 900 Resistance Points.
Arcane: 1200 Resistance Points.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 20.

Pass Through Solid Matter

Level 32
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 14
Base: Max Presence 100.
Intermediate: Max Presence 140.
Advanced: Max Presence 180.
Arcane: Max Presence 240.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10.

Earth Spike
Level 36
Action: Active
Type: Attack
NOTE: Cannot be used on targets flying above 10m from ground.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 150 200
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: 2 Spikes.
Intermediate: 4 Spikes.
Advanced: 6 Spikes.
Arcane: 8 Spikes.
Maintenance: No.

Level 40
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: +4 Breakage.
Intermediate: +8 Breakage.
Advanced: +12 Breakage.
Arcane: +15 Breakage.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Level 42
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR80 / 1 moth.
Intermediate: MR120 / 1 year.
Advanced: MR140 / 10 years.
Arcane: MR160 / 1 century.
Maintenance: No.

Magnetic Control
Level 46
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: -4Strength on objects/beings partially made of metal. If used to maneuver a weapon at distance, use
rules for Lesser Telekinesis.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 320
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 25m area / Str10.
Intermediate: 150m area / Str12.
Advanced: 350m area / Str13.
Arcane: 500m area / Str14.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Level 50
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 160 270 360 450
Req. Intelligence 7 9 12 15
Base: Forge 120.
Intermediate: Forge 180.
Advanced: Forge 240.
Arcane: Forge 280.
Maintenance: No.

Solid Body
Level 52
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Maximum Presence. Damage Barrier equal to double characters presence. Regardless of Strength
bonus, -2Movement.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: As described / AT6 / +1Str.
Intermediate: As described / AT8 / +2Str.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but cannot be armed except by physical attacks not based on energy / AT10 / +3Str.
Arcane: As Advanced, but physical attacks based on energy only inflict half damage / AT12 / +4Str.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20.

Level 56
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 15
Base: +500 Life Points.
Intermediate: +1200 Life Points.
Advanced: +2000 Life Points.
Arcane: +3000 Life Points.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Level 60
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 200 260 320
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 16
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR150.
Advanced: MR180.
Arcane: MR220.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 20 Daily.

Level 62
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 250 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: 10m length and 3m width / Constructions with Damage Barrier 40.
Intermediate: 25m length and 8m width / Constructions with Damage Barrier 60.
Advanced: 36m length and 12m width / Constructions with Damage Barrier 80.
Arcane: 48m length and 15m width / Constructions with Damage Barrier 100.
Maintenance: No.

Reverse Gravity
Level 66
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 240 280 320
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 25m area / 50m fall / MR120.
Intermediate: 50m area / 100m fall / MR140.
Advanced: 100m area / 200m fall / MR160.
Arcane: 150m area / 300m fall / MR180.
Maintenance: 40 / 50 / 60 / 65 Daily.

Mineral Creation
Level 70
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: Max Presence 40.
Intermediate: Max Presence 70.
Advanced: Max Presence 100.
Arcane: Max Presence 140.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Terrain Erudition
Level 72
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Grants +1 to a characteristic for each 25 Zeon sacrificed.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 270 360 450
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 15
Base: 500m area.
Intermediate: 3km area.
Advanced: 10km area.
Arcane: 15km area.
Maintenance: No.

Level 76
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 300 400
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: 500m area.
Intermediate: 3km area.
Advanced: 10km area.
Arcane: 15km area.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Gravity Destruction
Level 80
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 180 250 320 400
Req. Intelligence 9 12 15 17
Base: 20m area.
Intermediate: 50m area.
Advanced: 100m area.
Arcane: 150m area.
Maintenance: 20 / 25 / 35 / 40.

Create Golem
Level 82
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 350 500 700
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Level 1.
Intermediate: Level 3.
Advanced: Level 6.
Arcane: Level 10.
Maintenance: 50 / 70 / 100 / 140 Daily.

Gravity Increment
Level 86
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 240 280 320
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 2X weight / 100m area.
Intermediate: 3X weight / 200m area.
Advanced: 5X weight / 300m area.
Arcane: 10X weight / 400m area.
Maintenance: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 Daily.

Level 90
Action: Active
Type: Attack
NOTE: When casting Meteor roll a d10 for each meteor to calculate the time when the meteor strikes. Base
Damage for direct impact is 200 using either Impact or Fire AT.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 250 350 450
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 17
Base: 1 meteor.
Intermediate: 5 meteors.
Advanced: 10 meteors.
Arcane: 15 meteors.
Maintenance: No.

Gravity Control
Level 92
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Caster can also null gravity within the area.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 350 500 650 800
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: 100km area.
Intermediate: 750km area.
Advanced: 1500km area.
Arcane: 5000km area.
Maintenance: 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 Daily.

One With The Earth

Level 96
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 450 600 1000
Req. Intelligence 10 12 15 18
Base: MR140/ 100km area.
Intermediate: MR180/ 1000km area.
Advanced: MR200/ 10000km area.
Arcane: MR240/ Affects all minerals.
Maintenance: 30 / 45 / 60 / 100 Daily.

Atomic Control
Level 100
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 450 800 1200 1600
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: MR or PhR140 / 100m area.
Intermediate: MR or PhR160 / 250m area.
Advanced: MR or PhR200 / 500m area.
Arcane: MR or PhR240 / 1km area.
Maintenance: 45 / 80 / 120 / 160.

Book of Essence

Natural Affinity
Level 2
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Maximum Presence affected.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: Affects natural animals.
Intermediate: Affects all natural beings.
Advanced: Affects both natural beings and being between worlds.
Arcane: All creatures including supernatural beings of high existential power.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15.

Detect Essence
Level 6
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 60 100 140
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 10m area / MR100.
Intermediate: 25m area / MR140.
Advanced: 50m area / MR160.
Arcane: 100m area / MR200.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15.

Communication Through Essence

Level 10
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: No maximum presence affected.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 70 100 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 10 13
Base: Can communicate with animals and plants.
Intermediate: Can communicate with all natural beings.
Advanced: Can communicate with both natural beings and beings between worlds.
Arcane: Can communicate with any class of being.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 20 / 25 Daily.

Natural Knowledge
Level 12
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Maximum Presence Affected.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 60 90 120
Req. Intelligence 6 9 10 13
Base: Analyzes base properties of an animal and plant.
Intermediate: Analyzes all properties of an animal and plant.
Advanced: Analyzes all properties of a natural race.
Arcane: Analyzes base properties and mystical or special powers of a natural being.
Maintenance: No.

Level 16
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 150
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 15
Base: 20% Life Points.
Intermediate: 40% Life Points.
Advanced: 60% Life Points.
Arcane: 80% Life Points.
Maintenance: No.

Soul Barrier
Level 20
Action: Active
Type: Shield
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 60 90 120
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Up to MR140.
Intermediate: Up to MR160.
Advanced: Up to MR200.
Arcane: Up to MR240.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15 Daily.

Share Senses
Level 22
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR or PsR 100 / Max Presence 100 / 1km distance.
Intermediate: MR or PsR 160 / Max Presence 160 / 10km distance.
Advanced: MR or PsR 200 / Max Presence 190 / 50km distance.
Arcane: MR or PsR 240 / Max Presence 220 / 150km distance.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Modify Essence
Level 26
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 100 140
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 12
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR160.
Advanced: MR180.
Arcane: MR200.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15.

Soul Poison
Level 30
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Poison Level 40.
Intermediate: Poison Level 50.
Advanced: Poison Level 60.
Arcane: Poison Level 70.
Maintenance: No.

Analyze Soul
Level 32
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 15
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR140.
Advanced: RM180.
Arcane: MR200.
Maintenance: No.

Acquire Natural Powers

Level 36
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 200 280 360
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 15
Base: +50DP.
Intermediate: +100DP.
Advanced: +150DP.
Arcane: +200DP.
Maintenance: 25 / 40 / 60 / 80 Daily.

Level 40
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 9 12 15
Base: 50m area.
Intermediate: 200m area.
Advanced: 500m area.
Arcane: 1km area.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 15 / 30.

Life Mind
Level 42
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR80 / 500m area.
Intermediate: MR120 / 1km area.
Advanced: MR140 / 2km area.
Arcane: MR160 / 3km area.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Alter Growth
Level 46
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
NOTE: No Max Presence Affected.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 140 180 240
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 16
Base: X2 Growth Rate Alteration / MR100.
Intermediate: X10 Growth Rate Alteration / MR120.
Advanced: X50 Growth Rate Alteration / MR140.
Arcane: X100 Growth Rate Alteration / MR160.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20 Daily.

Natural Imitation
Level 50
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Created Animals cannot be above Level 5.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 15
Base: 2 Levels.
Intermediate: 10 Levels.
Advanced: 20 Levels.
Arcane: 50 Levels.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Spiritual Form
Level 52
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Maximum Presence. Only obtains powers based on Casting Level as a Spiritual Being.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: The character is intangible to all matter and attacks not based on energy.
Intermediate: As Base, but the character is also unaffected by physical necessities.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but the character is also affected from spiritual invisibility.
Arcane: As Advanced, but the character also obtains interaction with the world.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20.

Natural Control
Level 56
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: MR80.
Intermediate: MR120.
Advanced: MR150.
Arcane: MR180.
Maintenance: 20 / 40 / 50 / 60 Daily.

State Induction
Level 60
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: MR100.
Intermediate: MR140.
Advanced: MR180.
Arcane: MR200.
Maintenance: No.

Return To The Flow

Level 62
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR160.
Advanced: MR180.
Arcane: MR220.
Maintenance: No.

Shield Area
Level 66
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: You can choose between shielding an Area with given radius OR make a Wall with double that radius.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 15
Base: 20m area / MR120.
Intermediate: 30m area / MR160.
Advanced: 40m area / MR180.
Arcane: 50m area / MR200.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Supernatural Control
Level 70
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 15
Base: MR100.
Intermediate: MR120.
Advanced: MR140.
Arcane: MR180.
Maintenance: 25 / 40 / 50 / 60 Daily.

Share Essence
Level 72
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: Max Presence 100 / MR120.
Intermediate: Max Presence 140 / MR140.
Advanced: Max Presence 200 / MR170.
Arcane: Max Presence 260 / MR200.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Transmigrate Soul
Level 76
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 180 240 300 540
Req. Intelligence 9 12 15 18
Base: MR100 / Max Presence 60.
Intermediate: MR140 / Max Presence 100.
Advanced: MR160 / Max Presence 140.
Arcane: MR200 / Max Presence 180.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Spiritual Existence
Level 80
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 500 1000 2500
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 17
Base: Up to 100DP of Disadvantages.
Intermediate: +100DP / Up to 100DP of Disadvantages.
Advanced: +200DP / Up to 200DP of Disadvantages.
Arcane: +300DP / Up to 200DP of Disadvantages.
Maintenance: No.

Spirit Creation
Level 82
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 350 500 700
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Level 1.
Intermediate: Level 3.
Advanced: Level 6.
Arcane: Level 10.
Maintenance: 50 / 70 / 100 / 140 Daily.

The Vital Essence

Level 86
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 400 500
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: MR100 / 1km distance.
Intermediate: MR120 / 5km distance.
Advanced: MR140 / 50km distance.
Arcane: MR160 / 150km distance.
Maintenance: No.

Level 90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 500 1000 2500
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 17
Base: 10km area.
Intermediate: 150km area.
Advanced: 350km area.
Arcane: 600km area.
Maintenance: No.

Life Dominion
Level 92
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 500 750 1000
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 18
Base: MR100 / 100km area.
Intermediate: MR130 / 500km area.
Advanced: MR160 / 1500km area.
Arcane: MR200 / 2500km area.
Maintenance: 60 / 75 / 85 / 100 Daily.

Level 96
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 400 500 600 700
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 18
Base: Max Presence 30 / 1 month.
Intermediate: Max Presence 60 / 1 year.
Advanced: Max Presence 120 / 10 years.
Arcane: Max Presence 150 / 1 century.
Maintenance: No.

Lord of The Souls

Level 100
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 600 800 1200 1500
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: MR120 / 100km area.
Intermediate: MR140 / 1000km area.
Advanced: MR180 / 2500km area.
Arcane: MR200 / 5000km area.
Maintenance: 120 / 160 / 240 / 300 Daily.

Book of Illusion

Illusory Sound
Level 2
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 50 90 120
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: MR100 / 20m area.
Intermediate: MR120 / 50m area.
Advanced: MR140 / 100m area.
Arcane: MR160 / 250m area.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10.

Illusory Smell
Level 6
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 50 90 120
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: MR100 / 20m area.
Intermediate: MR120 / 50m area.
Advanced: MR140 / 100m area.
Arcane: MR160 / 250m area.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10.

Illusory Touch
Level 10
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 50 90 120
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: MR100 / 20m area.
Intermediate: MR120 / 50m area.
Advanced: MR140 / 100m area.
Arcane: MR160 / 250m area.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10.

Visual Illusion
Level 12
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: No Maximum Presence Affected.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 70 100 130
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 12
Base: MR100 / 10m area.
Intermediate: MR120 / 25m area.
Advanced: MR140 / 50m area.
Arcane: MR160 / 100m area.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10.

Detect Illusions
Level 16
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 160 200 240
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 12
Base: Affects Base Level Spells.
Intermediate: Affects Intermediate Level Spells.
Advanced: Affects Advanced Level Spells.
Arcane: Affects Arcane Level Spells.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 20 / 25.

Sweet Talk
Level 20
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 13
Base: +50 Leadership and Persuasion.
Intermediate: +80 Leadership and Persuasion.
Advanced: +100 Leadership and Persuasion.
Arcane: +120 Leadership and Persuasion.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15 Daily.

Alter Appearance
Level 22
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR160.
Advanced: MR200.
Arcane: MR240.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Illusory Invisibility
Level 26
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120 / Max Presence 140.
Intermediate: MR150 / Max Presence 200.
Advanced: MR180 / Max Presence 260.
Arcane: MR210 / Max Presence 320.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10.

Mirror Image
Level 30
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: MR120 / 5 Copies.
Intermediate: MR140 / 10 Copies.
Advanced: MR160 / 20 Copies.
Arcane: MR180 / 50 Copies.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Total Illusion
Level 32
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: No Max Presence.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR160.
Advanced: RM200.
Arcane: MR240.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10.

Level 36
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 70 90 120
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR160.
Advanced: MR180.
Arcane: MR200.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 5 / 10.

Create Illusory Being

Level 40
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: No Level restriction besides that of Casting Level.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 15
Base: MR120 / Level 2 / 20m area.
Intermediate: MR140 / Level 4 / 50m area.
Advanced: MR160 / Level 7 / 100m area.
Arcane: MR180 / Level 10 / 250m area.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10 Daily.

Resistance to Illusions
Level 42
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 14
Base: +20MR.
Intermediate: +40MR.
Advanced: +60MR.
Arcane: +80MR.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Detect Lie
Level 46
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 160 200
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 15
Base: MR or PsR120.
Intermediate: MR or PsR140.
Advanced: MR or PsR160.
Arcane: MR or PsR180.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 20 / 20 Daily.

Ghostly Illusion
Level 50
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: Created Animals cannot be above Level 5.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120 / Max Presence 60.
Intermediate: MR150 / Max Presence 80.
Advanced: MR180 / Max Presence 100.
Arcane: MR210 / Max Presence 120.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Distort Detection
Level 52
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 15
Base: MR120 / 10m area.
Intermediate: MR140 / 50m area.
Advanced: MR180 / 250m area.
Arcane: MR220 / 500m area.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Level 56
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 8 11 14 16
Base: MR100.
Intermediate: MR120.
Advanced: MR140.
Arcane: MR160.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20 Daily.

Destroy Illusions
Level 60
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 180 300 500
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 15
Base: Max Zeon 80.
Intermediate: Max Zeon 140.
Advanced: Max Zeon 200.
Arcane: Max Zeon 300.
Maintenance: No.

Ghostly Being
Level 62
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Has same area limitations of Create Illusory Being.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 150 200
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: MR120 / Level 2 / 20m area.
Intermediate: MR140 / Level 4 / 50m area.
Advanced: MR160 / Level 7 / 100m area.
Arcane: MR180 / Level 10 / 250m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20.

Level 66
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 140 200
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 14
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR160.
Advanced: MR180.
Arcane: MR200.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Ghostly Attack
Level 70
Action: Active
Type: Attack, Spiritual
NOTE: Caster may choose the Attack Type.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 140 220 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR140 / Damage 100.
Intermediate: MR160 / Damage 180.
Advanced: MR180 / Damage 250.
Arcane: MR200 / Damage 300.
Maintenance: No.

The Gift of Lying

Level 72
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 320
Req. Intelligence 8 10 14 16
Base: MR or PsR140.
Intermediate: MR or PsR160.
Advanced: MR or PsR180.
Arcane: MR or PsR220.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 35 Daily.

Illusory Life
Level 76
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 200 260 320
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 16
Base: MR or PsR140.
Intermediate: MR or PsR160.
Advanced: MR or PsR180.
Arcane: MR or PsR200.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 30 / 35, Daily.

Major Illusion
Level 80
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 350 500 700
Req. Intelligence 9 12 15 18
Base: MR120 / 1km area.
Intermediate: MR160 / 5km area.
Advanced: MR200 / 10km area.
Arcane: MR240 / 20km area.
Maintenance: 25 / 35 / 50 / 70 Daily.

Fix Illusion
Level 82
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 360 450 600
Req. Intelligence 9 12 15 18
Base: +1000 Zeon Maintenance.
Intermediate: +1500 Zeon Maintenance.
Advanced: +3000 Zeon Maintenance.
Arcane: +5000 Zeon Maintenance.
Maintenance: 50 / 70 / 100 / 140 Daily.

Illusion of The Senses

Level 86
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 250 300 350
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: MR or PsR120.
Intermediate: MR or PsR150.
Advanced: MR or PsR190.
Arcane: MR or PsR220.
Maintenance: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35.

Level 90
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: Psychic Detections can also work.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 300 400 500
Req. Intelligence 11 13 15 17
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR140.
Advanced: MR160.
Arcane: MR180.
Maintenance: 25 / 30 / 40 / 50 Daily.

Deceive Death
Level 92
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 500 800 1200 1500
Req. Intelligence 10 15 17 19
Base: Level 5.
Intermediate: Level 10.
Advanced: Level 15.
Arcane: Level 20.
Maintenance: 100 / 160 / 240 / 300 Daily.

World of Lies
Level 96
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 500 900 1400 2000
Req. Intelligence 13 15 17 19
Base: MR140 / 1 km area / 100 Levels to distribute.
Intermediate: MR180 / 100 km area / 500 Levels to distribute.
Advanced: MR220 / 1000 km area / 1500 Levels to distribute.
Arcane: MR260 / 10000 km area / 5000 Levels to distribute.
Maintenance: 50 / 90 / 140 / 200 Daily.

False Reality
Level 100
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 600 1000 2000 3000
Req. Intelligence 14 16 18 19
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR180.
Advanced: MR220.
Arcane: MR240.
Maintenance: No.

Book of Necromancy

Feel Death
Level 2
Action: Active
Type: Detection
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 60 90 120
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 12
Base: 100m area / MR 120.
Intermediate: 250m area / MR 140.
Advanced: 500m area / MR 160.
Arcane: 1km area / MR 180.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 /15

See The Great Beyond

Level 6
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Max Presence.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 60 90 120
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 12
Base: Allows seeing Spectral Beings.
Intermediate: Allows seeing Spectral Beings and souls waiting for The Call.
Advanced: Allows seeing all class of Spiritual Beings.
Arcane: Allows seeing all class of Spiritual Beings as well as anything of supernatural characteristics that is in
the ambient.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15.

Control Scavengers
Level 8
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Each creature must have Presence no higher than 20. 20 isnt the Combined total Presence.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 120 200 300
Req. Intelligence 6 8 11 13
Base: 10m area.
Intermediate: 150m area.
Advanced: 500m area.
Arcane: 2km area.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15.

Spectral Shield
Level 10
Action: Passive
Type: Shield
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 60 80 100
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: Max MR140.
Intermediate: Max MR180.
Advanced: Max MR220.
Arcane: Max MR260.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 15.

Drain Life
Level 12
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 140 230 320
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 14
Base: MR100.
Intermediate: MR140.
Advanced: MR180.
Arcane: MR240.
Maintenance: No.

Necromantic Detection
Level 16
Action: Active
Type: Detection
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: MR120 / 20m area.
Intermediate: MR160 / 50m area.
Advanced: MR200 / 100m area.
Arcane: MR240 / 150m area.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15.

Talk To The Dead

Level 18
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Level 4.
Intermediate: Level 8.
Advanced: Level 12.
Arcane: Level 16.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 5 / 5.

Necromantic Paralysis
Level 20
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 15
Base: 10m area / MR120.
Intermediate: 25m area / MR140.
Advanced: 50m area / MR160.
Arcane: 100m area / MR180.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Level 22
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: 50 Life Points.
Intermediate: 100 Life Points.
Advanced: 150 Life Points.
Arcane: 250 Life Points.
Maintenance: No.

Death Beam
Level 26
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Damage 80.
Intermediate: Damage 100.
Advanced: Damage 140.
Arcane: Damage 180.
Maintenance: No.

Raise Corpses
Level 28
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 180 300 450
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 15
Base: 100 Presence Points (Max Level 0).
Intermediate: 300 Presence Points (Max Level 1).
Advanced: 600 Presence Points (Max Level 2).
Arcane: 1000 Presence Points (Max Level 3).
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.

Dead Body
Level 30
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: While with negative life points, the character ignores penalties, including those inflicted by critical hits.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: Level 3.
Intermediate: Level 6.
Advanced: Level 12.
Arcane: Level 18.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.

Drain Magic
Level 32
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 140 220 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 15
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR180.
Advanced: MR220.
Arcane: MR260.
Maintenance: No.

Destroy Undead
Level 36
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 160 240 320
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 15
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR180.
Advanced: MR220.
Arcane: MR260.
Maintenance: No.

Drain Characteristics
Level 38
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 150 240 320
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 15
Base: MR 140.
Intermediate: MR 180.
Advanced: MR 220.
Arcane: MR 260.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Control The Dead

Level 40
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 140 180 250
Req. Intelligence 9 11 14 16
Base: MR120 / 20m area.
Intermediate: MR140 / 50m area.
Advanced: MR160 / 100m area.
Arcane: MR180 / 150m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 Daily.

Wither Life
Level 42
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 140 180 220
Req. Intelligence 9 12 14 16
Base: 10m area.
Intermediate: 20m area.
Advanced: 30m area.
Arcane: 50m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 Daily.

Necromantic Shield
Level 46
Action: Passive
Type: Shield
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 160 240 300
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 15
Base: 1000 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: 2000 Resistance Points.
Advanced: 3500 Resistance Points.
Arcane: 5000 Resistance Points.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 15.

Dominate Life
Level 48
Action: Passive
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 15
Base: MR100.
Intermediate: MR120.
Advanced: MR140.
Arcane: MR160.
Maintenance: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 Daily.

Vampire Stigma
Level 50
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: On Damage Accumulation Creatures divide inflicted damage by the Life Accumulation Multiple of the
creature to calculate how many Life Points are absorbed.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 15
Base: 20% Absorption.
Intermediate: 40% Absorption.
Advanced: 60% Absorption.
Arcane: 100% Absorption.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Spectral Form
Level 52
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: The caster is immaterial and can only be damaged by attacks capable of damaging energy.
Intermediate: As Base, but those who touch the caster must pass a MR or PhR against double the casters
Presence, and if they fail they suffer all action penalty and Lose Life points equal to half their failure level.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but the caster gains Life Points equal to the Life Points lost by people that come
into contact with him.
Arcane: As Advanced, but if people that come into contact fail their MR or PhR check by more than 40, they
instantly die.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Necromantic Modification
Level 56
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Cannot be cast on living beings.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 200 300 400
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 16
Base: 100DP.
Intermediate: 200DP.
Advanced: 300DP.
Arcane: 400DP.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40.

Summon The Dead

Level 58
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 140 160 180
Req. Intelligence 9 12 14 16
Base: Max Level 3.
Intermediate: Max Level 6.
Advanced: Max Level 9.
Arcane: Max Level 12.
Maintenance: No.

Raise Specters
Level 60
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 240 280 320
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Max number of spirits 1 / Max Total Presence 100.
Intermediate: Max number of spirits 2 / Max Total Presence 160.
Advanced: Max number of spirits 4 / Max Total Presence 220.
Arcane: Max number of spirits 6 / Max Total Presence 280.
Maintenance: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 Daily.

Drain Life Force

Level 62
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
NOTE: The Aging Effect applies only if the caster decides so.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 180 240 300 360
Req. Intelligence 9 12 15 18
Base: MR100.
Intermediate: MR130.
Advanced: MR160.
Arcane: MR190.
Maintenance: No.

Level 66
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 140 180 220
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: MR or PhR80.
Intermediate: MR or PhR100.
Advanced: MR or PhR120.
Arcane: MR or PhR140.
Maintenance: No.

Soul Beam
Level 68
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 260 380 500
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 16
Base: Damage 100.
Intermediate: Damage 200.
Advanced: Damage 300.
Arcane: Damage 400.
Maintenance: No.

Necromantic Chimera
Level 70
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 360 500 800
Req. Intelligence 9 12 15 17
Base: Level 2.
Intermediate: Level 6.
Advanced: Level 10.
Arcane: Level 13.
Maintenance: 50 / 80 / 100 / 160 Daily.

Life Perversion
Level 72
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 180 240 300 360
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 18
Base: MR or PhR 100
Intermediate: MR or PhR 140
Advanced: MR or PhR 180
Arcane: MR or PhR 220
Maintenance: No.

Level 76
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 360 450 540
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 18
Base: MR or PhR 100.
Intermediate: MR or PhR 140.
Advanced: MR or PhR 180.
Arcane: MR or PhR 220.
Maintenance: No.

Drain Souls
Level 78
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
NOTE: The caster can acquire powers and abilities as a being with Gnosis 30.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 240 280 320
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR140.
Advanced: MR160.
Arcane: MR180.
Maintenance: No.

Surpass Death
Level 80
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 500 1000 2500
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 17
Base: +100DP / Up to 100DP in Disadvantages.
Intermediate: +200DP / Up to 100DP in Disadvantages.
Advanced: +300DP / Up to 200DP in Disadvantages.
Arcane: +400DP / Up to 200DP in Disadvantages.
Maintenance: No.

True Rise
Level 82
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 350 500 800 1200
Req. Intelligence 9 12 14 16
Base: Max Level 3.
Intermediate: Max Level 6.
Advanced: Max Level 9.
Arcane: Max Level 12.
Maintenance: No.

Well of Life
Level 86
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 400 500 600
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 50m area.
Intermediate: 250m area.
Advanced: 500m area.
Arcane: 1km area.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.

Cursed Land
Level 88
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: People whose Gnosis is 5 points higher than their Nature are raised as Specters.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 350 600 900 1500
Req. Intelligence 9 12 14 16
Base: 1km area.
Intermediate: 10km area.
Advanced: 100km area.
Arcane: 1000km area.
Maintenance: 35 / 60 / 90 / 150.

Level 90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 400 500
Req. Intelligence 10 13 16 18
Base: Max Presence 60.
Intermediate: Max Presence 120.
Advanced: Max Presence 240.
Arcane: Max Presence 480.
Maintenance: No.

Raw Material
Level 92
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 350 500 900 1500
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: 1000 human bodies.
Intermediate: 10000 human bodies.
Advanced: 100000 human bodies.
Arcane: 1000000 human bodies.
Maintenance: No.

Lord of The Dead

Level 96
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 600 1000 2000
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: MR140 / 100km area.
Intermediate: MR160 / 1000 km area.
Advanced: MR180 / 10000 km area.
Arcane: MR200 / 100000 km area.
Maintenance: 30 / 60 / 100 / 200 Daily.

Come Back From The Dead

Level 98
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 400 800 1600 3200
Req. Intelligence 16 17 18 19
Base: Max Level 4 / up to one month since death.
Intermediate: Max Level 8 / up to one year since death.
Advanced: Max Level 12 / up to ten years since death.
Arcane: Max Level 16 / up to one century since death.
Maintenance: No.

The Awakening
Level 100
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: Only people whose Gnosis is 15 points higher than their Nature are raised as undead with their full
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 900 2000 3500 5000
Req. Intelligence 17 18 19 20
Base: Level 4.
Intermediate: Level 8.
Advanced: Level 12.
Arcane: Level 15.
Maintenance: 45 / 100 / 175 / 250 Daily.

Free Access: Level 1-10

Create Fire
Level 1-10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 110 130
Req. Intelligence 6 8 10 12
Base: 1 Intensity.
Intermediate: 3 Intensities.
Advanced: 6 Intensities.
Arcane: 9 Intensities.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 /15
Closed Path: Water

Move Objects
Level 1-10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 70 90 120
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 10kg.
Intermediate: 50kg.
Advanced: 100kg.
Arcane: 150kg.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 /15
Closed Path: Destruction, Earth

Level 1-10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 60 100 140
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: Max Presence 40.
Intermediate: Max Presence 80.
Advanced: Max Presence 120.
Arcane: Max Presence 140.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: -

Level 1-10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Does not allow reaching Inhuman Level in checks at lower casting levels.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 100 140
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: +50 Jump.
Intermediate: +100 Jump.
Advanced: +150 Jump/Allows reaching Inhuman in Jump checks.
Arcane: +200 Jump/Allows reaching Zen in Jump checks.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15
Closed Path: Earth

Create Music
Level 1-10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 10m area / Music 80.
Intermediate: 50m area / Music 120.
Advanced: 150m area / Music 180.
Arcane: 250m area / Music 240.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 5 / 10
Closed Path: Destruction

Level 1-10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 70 100 140
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: Lock Picking 80.
Intermediate: Lock Picking 140.
Advanced: Lock Picking 240.
Arcane: Lock Picking 280.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Destruction, Fire.

Level 1-10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 120 160
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: Sleight of Hand 120.
Intermediate: Sleight of Hand 140.
Advanced: Sleight of Hand 180.
Arcane: Sleight of Hand 240.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Destruction, Illusion.

Magic Detection
Level 1-10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 120 150
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 25m area / Magic Appraisal 140.
Intermediate: 100m area / Magic Appraisal 180.
Advanced: 200m area / Magic Appraisal 200.
Arcane: 300m area / Magic Appraisal 240.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10
Closed Path: Darkness.

Stop Fall
Level 1-10
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 160 240
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 50m fall / Max Presence 60.
Intermediate: 150m fall / Max Presence 160.
Advanced: 500m fall / Max Presence 240.
Arcane: Unlimited height fall / Max Presence 320.
Maintenance: 5 / 15 / 20 / 25
Closed Path: Earth.

Undo Writing
Level 1-10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 120 160
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 500 text characters / Max Presence 30.
Intermediate: 5000 text characters / Max Presence 60.
Advanced: 50000 text characters / Max Presence 90.
Arcane: 250000 text characters / Max Presence 120.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Creation.

Static Message
Level 1-10
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 70 120 180
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: Max 50 words.
Intermediate: Max 150 words.
Advanced: Max 250 words.
Arcane: Max 500 words.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 Daily
Closed Path: Destruction.

Change Color
Level 1-10
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: Max Presence 40 / MR100.
Intermediate: Max Presence 60 / MR120.
Advanced: Max Presence 80 / MR140.
Arcane: Max Presence 100 / MR160.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 5 / 10 Daily
Closed Path: Destruction.

Free Access: Level 10-20

Create Sounds
Level 10-20
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 50 120 160
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: At 50m.
Intermediate: At 200m.
Advanced: At 500m.
Arcane: At 1km.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20
Closed Path: Destruction

Recreate Image
Level 10-20
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 70 100 130
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: 1m2 Image.
Intermediate: 5m2 Image.
Advanced: 10m2 Image.
Arcane: 15m2 Image / The Image seems real so a Notice Check of Very Difficult or a Search check of Medium
is required to understand its not real.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 /15
Closed Path: Destruction

Level 10-20
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Can be cast on multiple objects as far as the Maximum Presence affected is equal to or below the
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 100 130
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: Max Presence 40.
Intermediate: Max Presence 60.
Advanced: Max Presence 90.
Arcane: Max Presence 120.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10 Daily
Closed Path: -

Breathe Liquids
Level 10-20
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 120 160
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: Max Presence 60.
Intermediate: Max Presence 100.
Advanced: Max Presence 200.
Arcane: Max Presence 320.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15 Daily
Closed Path: Earth, Fire

Level 10-20
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Does not allow reaching Inhuman Level in checks at lower casting levels.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 120 160
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: +50 Climb.
Intermediate: +100 Climb.
Advanced: +150 Climb / Can reach Inhuman levels in Climb checks.
Arcane: +200 Climb / Can reach Zen levels in Climb checks.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 5 / 10
Closed Path: Air

Level 10-20
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 120 180 240
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: 100m area.
Intermediate: 250m area.
Advanced: 500m area.
Arcane: 1km area.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 20 / 25 Daily
Closed Path: Fire

Slippery Area
Level 10-20
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 100 160 240
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: 5m area.
Intermediate: 25m area.
Advanced: 50m area.
Arcane: 100m area / Waking difficulty is increased to Very Hard, running to Impossible.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15
Closed Path: Fire

Level 10-20
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Max Presence 30.
Intermediate: Max Presence 50.
Advanced: Max Presence 70.
Arcane: Max Presence 90.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Destruction, Illusion

Pass Without Leaving Trace

Level 10-20
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: An Impossible Track check is required to find the traces.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 140 220 340
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: Max Presence 120.
Intermediate: Max Presence 180.
Advanced: Max Presence 240 / An Inhuman Track check is required to find the traces.
Arcane: Max Presence 320 / A Zen Track check is required to find the traces..
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 25 / 35 Daily
Closed Path: Light

Attract Minor Vermin

Level 10-20
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 80 140 180
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: Attracts 500 animals.
Intermediate: Attracts 10000 animals.
Advanced: Attracts 100000 animals.
Arcane: Attracts various millions animals.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 15
Closed Path: -

Infinite Bag
Level 10-20
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: X10 Capacity.
Intermediate: X30 Capacity.
Advanced: X40 Capacity.
Arcane: X50 Capacity.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15 Daily
Closed Path: -

Level 10-20
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Max Presence affected.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: Can reach Inhumanity in a determined Ability.
Intermediate: Can reach Inhumanity in all Abilities.
Advanced: Can reach Inhumanity in all Abilities and Zen in a determined Ability.
Arcane: Can reach Zen in all Abilities.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 15 Daily
Closed Path: -

Free Access: Level 20-30

Level 20-30
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 140 200 260
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: 100m area.
Intermediate: 250m area.
Advanced: At 500m area.
Arcane: At 1km area.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 20 / 30 Daily
Closed Path: Fire, Earth

Cause Fear
Level 20-30
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 5m area / MR100.
Intermediate: 15m area / MR120.
Advanced: 25m area / MR140.
Arcane: 50m area / MR160.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20
Closed Path: Light

Magical Protection
Level 20-30
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: AT2.
Intermediate: AT4.
Advanced: AT6.
Arcane: AT8.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15
Closed Path: Destruction

Magic Shield
Level 20-30
Action: Passive
Type: Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 120 180 240
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: 300 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: 1000 Resistance Points.
Advanced: 2000 Resistance Points.
Arcane: 3000 Resistance Points.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 20 / 25
Closed Path: Destruction

Level 20-30
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Halve Movement bonus beyond 12.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 160 200
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: +1Movement / +20 Initiative.
Intermediate: +2Movement / +40 Initiative.
Advanced: +4Movement / +60 Initiative.
Arcane: +6Movement / +80 Initiative.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15
Closed Path: Earth

Level 20-30
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 70 100 130
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR140.
Advanced: MR160.
Arcane: MR180.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15
Closed Path: Fire, Darkness

Level 20-30
Action: Active
Type: Effect/Attack
NOTE: Its affected only by Supernatural and Heat attacks.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 3m2 / 500 Life Points.
Intermediate: 6m2 / 750 Life Points.
Advanced: 9m2 / 1000 Life Points.
Arcane: 12m2 / 1500 Life Points / Trap with Strength12.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10
Closed Path: -

Understand Languages
Level 20-30
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No max Presence affected.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 160 200 240
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 15
Base: Affects basic languages, spoken and known by many people in all countries of the world.
Intermediate: Affects strange and unusual languages, spoken by minorities or no longer used in any society.
Advanced: Affects unique languages and completely forgotten languages.
Arcane: Affects all languages.
Maintenance: 20 / 35 / 40 / 50 Daily
Closed Path: -

Level 20-30
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No max Presence affected.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: Flight Value 4.
Intermediate: Flight Value 6.
Advanced: Flight Value 8.
Arcane: Flight Value 10.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15
Closed Path: Earth

Send Message
Level 20-30
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: The message can be in any language.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: 10km / 500 words.
Intermediate: 100km / 1000 words.
Advanced: 250km / 2500 words.
Arcane: 1000km / 5000 words.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: -

Contraceptive Protection
Level 20-30
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Max Presence 80.
Intermediate: Max Presence 180.
Advanced: Max Presence 260.
Arcane: Max Presence 380.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10 Daily
Closed Path: -

Close With Magic

Level 20-30
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Max Level of Difficulty.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 13
Base: +1 difficulty Level.
Intermediate: +2 difficulty Levels.
Advanced: +3 difficulty Levels.
Arcane: +4 difficulty Levels.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Destruction

Free Access: Level 30-40

True Close
Level 30-40
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 160 200 240
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 14
Base: Max Presence 20.
Intermediate: Max Presence 40.
Advanced: Max Presence 60.
Arcane: Max Presence 80.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15 Daily
Closed Path: -

Level 30-40
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Max Presence Affected.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 14
Base: Max Poison Level 30.
Intermediate: Max Poison Level 50.
Advanced: Max Poison Level 70.
Arcane: Max Poison Level 90.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Creation

Change of Outlook
Level 30-40
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 14
Base: MR100.
Intermediate: MR110.
Advanced: MR120.
Arcane: ME130.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily
Closed Path: Destruction

Alter Size
Level 30-40
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 140 180
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 14
Base: Alters Size 2 points / MR100.
Intermediate: Alters Size 4 points / MR120.
Advanced: Alters Size 6 points / MR140.
Arcane: Alters Size 8 points / MR160.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 20
Closed Path: Destruction

Invoke Aggressiveness
Level 30-40
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: Only MR check allowed.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 160 200
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 14
Base: 20m area / MR80.
Intermediate: 40m area / MR100.
Advanced: 60m area / MR120.
Arcane: 80m area / MR140.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15
Closed Path: Light

Eliminate Spells
Level 30-40
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 240 280
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 14
Base: Up to Zeon value 60.
Intermediate: Up to Zeon value 80.
Advanced: Up to Zeon value 100.
Arcane: Up to Zeon value 120.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Creation

Resistance to Pain
Level 30-40
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 14
Base: +50 Withstand Pain.
Intermediate: +100 Withstand Pain.
Advanced: +150 Withstand Pain / Can achieve Inhumanity in Withstand Pain checks.
Arcane: +200 Withstand Pain / Can achieve Zen in Withstand Pain checks.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily
Closed Path: Essence

Magic Beam
Level 30-40
Action: Active
Type: Attack
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 14
Base: Damage 40.
Intermediate: Damage 60.
Advanced: Damage 80.
Arcane: Damage 100.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Creation

Eliminate Dreams
Level 30-40
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
NOTE: If cast on a character in The Wake, that character is immediately banished to the real world.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 100 150 200
Req. Intelligence 6 9 11 14
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR160.
Advanced: MR200.
Arcane: MR240.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily
Closed Path: Light, Darkness

Extend Presence
Level 30-40
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 150 200 250
Req. Intelligence 7 10 12 15
Base: 5m.
Intermediate: 25m.
Advanced: 50m.
Arcane: 100m / The spell also creates copies of the objects brought by the character allowing him to use them
with his expanded presence.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 Daily
Closed Path: -

Heal Diseases
Level 30-40
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 140 200 300
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: Max Disease Level 30 / Max Presence 80.
Intermediate: Max Disease Level 50 / Max Presence 120.
Advanced: Max Disease Level 70 / Max Presence 180.
Arcane: Max Disease Level 100 / Max Presence 240.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: -

Sense Feelings
Level 30-40
Action: Active
Type: Detection
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 16
Base: 50m area / MR or PsR120.
Intermediate: 100m area / MR or PsR140.
Advanced: 250m area / MR or PsR160.
Arcane: 500m area / MR or PsR180.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10
Closed Path: None

Free Access: Level 40-50

Cancel Magic
Level 40-50
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 240 280
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: Max Zeon Value 60 / 10m area.
Intermediate: Max Zeon Value 100 / 25m area.
Advanced: Max Zeon Value 140 / 50m area.
Arcane: Max Zeon Value 180 / 100m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15
Closed Path: Creation

Level 40-50
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Max Presence Affected.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 140 180 240
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: 50kg / MR80.
Intermediate: 100kg / MR100.
Advanced: 250kg / MR120.
Arcane: 500kg / MR140.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Creation

Level 40-50
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 350 500 700
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 16
Base: The Curse only affects very concrete actions, like getting in love with someone or writing a poem for the
king and simply causes accidents that impede the character to fully accomplish what he wishes / MR120.
Intermediate: The Curse also affects generic actions, like getting in love, fight, helping others, it causes real bad
luck not allowing the target to reach his objective or in case of primary or secondary abilities, apply a -60
penalty each time he utilizes it / MR140.
Advanced: The Curse affects any action or condition and causes all classes of negative conditions to the target
(pain, bleeding, muteness) or, in case of cursing an ability, it causes a penalty of -80 each time its utilized /
Arcane: The Curse can have any level of complexity and cause major effects, including death to those that
operate within its bonds / MR180.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 35 Daily
Closed Path: -

Read Minds
Level 40-50
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 160 200 240
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: MR or PsR 80.
Intermediate: MR or PsR 120.
Advanced: MR or PsR 140.
Arcane: MR or PsR 180.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 20 / 25
Closed Path: Darkness

Alter Energy
Level 40-50
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
NOTE: This spell does not damage Elemental Beings, but alters their elemental nature.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 160 200 240
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: 10 Intensities / MR120.
Intermediate: 15 Intensities / MR140.
Advanced: 20 Intensities / MR160.
Arcane: 25 Intensities / MR180.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 20 / 25 Daily
Closed Path: Destruction

Send Dreams
Level 40-50
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: The dream shall be very vague and not explanatory, allowing only showing fragmented images,
unconnected phrases and sounds.
Intermediate: The dream shall be vague but will allow showing the dreamer sequences and places.
Advanced: The message shall be clear, transmitting a comprehensible message as well as images and sequences
created by the caster.
Arcane: The dreams shall be completely clear and hold a vague conscience as that of the caster, allowing the
dreamer to interact with them and make suppositions.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: -

Level 40-50
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 180 220
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: MR or PsR 120.
Intermediate: MR or PsR 140.
Advanced: MR or PsR 160.
Arcane: MR or PsR 180.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 Daily
Closed Path: Darkness

Cause Sickness
Level 40-50
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 140 200
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: Level 30 Disease.
Intermediate: Level 50 Disease.
Advanced: Level 70 Disease.
Arcane: Level 90 Disease.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Illusion, Water

Quick Transport
Level 40-50
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
NOTE: No Max Presence Affected. Does not allow transporting someone in an unnatural position like in the
middle of air.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 25m.
Intermediate: 100m.
Advanced: 200m.
Arcane: 350m.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Earth

Level 40-50
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: -2Movement / MR120.
Intermediate: -4Movement / MR140.
Advanced: -8Movement / MR160.
Arcane: -12Movement / MR180.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15
Closed Path: Air

Show The Invisible

Level 40-50
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 25m area / MR120.
Intermediate: 50m area / MR160.
Advanced: 100m area / MR200.
Arcane: 250m area / MR240.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10
Closed Path: Darkness

Absorb Information
Level 40-50
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Memorize checks to remember information acquired through this spell are reduced in difficulty by 2
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 180 320 500
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 16
Base: A short and not very complex book.
Intermediate: A big volume of great complexity.
Advanced: The equivalent of an encyclopedia.
Arcane: The knowledge of an entire library.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: -

Free Access: Level 50-60

Level 50-60
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 160 200
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 15
Base: MR100 / 5m area.
Intermediate: MR120 / 25m area.
Advanced: MR140 / 50m area.
Arcane: MR160 / 100m area.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 20 / 20
Closed Path: Creation, Light

Visualize Cartography
Level 50-60
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 15
Base: 25km area.
Intermediate: 100km area.
Advanced: 250km area.
Arcane: 1000km area.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Darkness

Level 50-60
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 15
Base: 5m area / MR120.
Intermediate: 25m area / MR140.
Advanced: 50m area / MR160.
Arcane: 100m area / MR180.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10
Closed Path: Creation

Inability to Speak
Level 50-60
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: 5m area / MR120.
Intermediate: 25m area / MR150.
Advanced: 50m area / MR190.
Arcane: 100m area / MR220.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10
Closed Path: Creation

Heal Wounds
Level 50-60
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 140 180 220
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 16
Base: Life Points 40.
Intermediate: Life Points 80.
Advanced: Life Points 160.
Arcane: Life Points 320.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Destruction

Eliminate Fatigue
Level 50-60
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: 1 Fatigue point.
Intermediate: 3 Fatigue point.
Advanced: 5 Fatigue point.
Arcane: 7 Fatigue point.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Darkness

Magic Saddle
Level 50-60
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: The creature has Athleticism 200.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 140 180 220
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: Movement 10, 500 Life Points, Strength 10, Max Size 20
Intermediate: Movement 12, 1000 Life Points, Strength 12, Max Size 22
Advanced: Movement 14, 1500 Life Points, Strength 14, Max Size 24
Arcane: Movement 15, 2000 Life Points, Strength 15, Max Size 28
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20 Daily
Closed Path: Illusion

Walk on Walls
Level 50-60
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Max Presence Affected
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 15
Base: Can move up to with Movement equal to of Base Movement.
Intermediate: Can move up to with Movement equal to of Base Movement.
Advanced: Can move with full Movement.
Arcane: Can move or stand still with absolute control on any surface, such as a falling feather, a thread or
jumping from a drop of rain to another.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10
Closed Path: Water

Merge With Body

Level 50-60
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 90 120 150
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Max Presence 80.
Intermediate: Max Presence 180.
Advanced: Max Presence 280.
Arcane: Max Presence 320.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily
Closed Path: Destruction

Acid Cloud
Level 50-60
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 160 240 320
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 16
Base: PhR120 / 5m area / Flight Movement 6
Intermediate: PhR140 / 10m area / Flight Movement 8
Advanced: PhR160 / 20m area / Flight Movement 10
Arcane: PhR180 / 50m area / Flight Movement 12
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 25 / 35
Closed Path: Earth

Leave Unprotected
Level 50-60
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: -2AT / MR140.
Intermediate: -4AT / MR160.
Advanced: -6AT / MR180.
Arcane: -8AT / MR200.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15
Closed Path: Creation

Level 50-60
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 160 200
Req. Intelligence 8 10 12 14
Base: 10m area / MR80.
Intermediate: 25m area / MR100.
Advanced: 50m area / MR120.
Arcane: 100m area / MR140.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily
Closed Path: -

Free Access: Level 60-70

Increase Psychic Characteristics

Level 60-70
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Once a characteristic goes over 12, halve its increments.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 9 11 14 16
Base: +1 to the characteristic.
Intermediate: +3 to the characteristic.
Advanced: +5 to the characteristic.
Arcane: +7 to the characteristic.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20
Closed Path: Destruction

Minor Alteration
Level 60-70
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 160 240 320
Req. Intelligence 9 11 14 16
Base: Max Presence 30.
Intermediate: Max Presence 50.
Advanced: Max Presence 70.
Arcane: Max Presence 100.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20
Closed Path: Destruction

Create Emotion
Level 60-70
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 220 280
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: MR or PsR 120.
Intermediate: MR or PsR 140.
Advanced: MR or PsR 160.
Arcane: MR or PsR 180.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily
Closed Path: Illusion

Level 60-70
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 200 240 280
Req. Intelligence 8 9 13 16
Base: 10m area / MR80.
Intermediate: 25m area / MR100.
Advanced: 50m area / MR120.
Arcane: 100m area / MR140.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
Closed Path: Air

Increase Physical Characteristics

Level 60-70
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: Once a characteristic goes over 12, halve its increments.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 9 11 14 16
Base: +1 to the characteristic.
Intermediate: +3 to the characteristic.
Advanced: +5 to the characteristic.
Arcane: +7 to the characteristic.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 20
Closed Path: Destruction

Magical Weapon
Level 60-70
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Max Presence.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 200 240 280
Req. Intelligence 9 11 14 16
Base: +5 Quality.
Intermediate: +10 Quality.
Advanced: +15 Quality.
Arcane: +20 Quality.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily
Closed Path: Destruction

Level 60-70
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 9 11 14 16
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR140.
Advanced: MR160.
Arcane: MR180
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15
Closed Path: Creation

Body to Magic
Level 60-70
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Max Presence Affected.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 10 11 13 16
Base: Can only be damaged by attacks that can damage Energy.
Intermediate: As Base, but allows to move through anything material that cannot touch energy.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but gain +10MA.
Arcane: As Advanced, but all damage from magic effects and spells is halved.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20
Closed Path: Earth

Level 60-70
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: +20 to one Resistance.
Intermediate: +40 to one Resistance.
Advanced: +60 to one Resistance.
Arcane: +80 to one Resistance.
Maintenance: 20 / 20 / 25 / 30
Closed Path: Destruction

Level 60-70
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 160 200 240
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: MR or PsR120.
Intermediate: MR or PsR140.
Advanced: MR or PsR160.
Arcane: MR or PsR180.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Essence

Level 60-70
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 180 220
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: Max Presence 30 / Strength 8.
Intermediate: Max Presence 40 / Strength 10.
Advanced: Max Presence 50 / Strength 12.
Arcane: Max Presence 60 / Strength 14.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 15 Daily
Closed Path: Essence, Water

Level 60-70
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: No MR allowed.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 200 240 280
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: 1km area / Max Disease Level 20.
Intermediate: 5km area / Max Disease Level 40.
Advanced: 10km area / Max Disease Level 60.
Arcane: 25km area / Max Disease Level 80 / The DR for the disease is increased by +10.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Illusion

Free Access: Level 70-80

Level 70-80
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR140.
Advanced: MR180.
Arcane: MR220.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
Closed Path: Water

Levitation Sphere
Level 70-80
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 250 300
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: MR80 / 25m area.
Intermediate: MR100 / 150m area.
Advanced: MR120 / 250m area.
Arcane: MR140 / 350m area.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily
Closed Path: Earth, Water

Level 70-80
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 8 11 13 16
Base: Flight 8.
Intermediate: Flight 10.
Advanced: Flight 12.
Arcane: Flight 14.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 10
Closed Path: Earth

Level 70-80
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 160 200 240 280
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 16
Base: MR or PsR100.
Intermediate: MR or PsR120.
Advanced: MR or PsR140.
Arcane: MR or PsR160.
Maintenance: 20 / 20 / 25 / 30
Closed Path: -

Defensive Erudition
Level 70-80
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 160 200
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 16
Base: +20 Defensive Projection.
Intermediate: +30 Defensive Projection.
Advanced: +40 Defensive Projection.
Arcane: +50 Defensive Projection.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15
Closed Path: Destruction

Level 70-80
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Max Presence.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 160 200 240 280
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 16
Base: Notice against Impossible and Search against Absurd.
Intermediate: Notice against Inhuman and Search against Almost Impossible.
Advanced: Notice against Zen and Search against Impossible.
Arcane: Cannot be perceived with the sense of sight.
Maintenance: 20 / 20 / 25 / 30
Closed Path: Essence

Deflect Trajectory
Level 70-80
Action: Passive
Type: Effect / Defense
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 160 220 300
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 16
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR160.
Advanced: MR200.
Arcane: MR240.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Fire

Stall Spell
Level 70-80
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 250 300
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 16
Base: Max Zeon 80.
Intermediate: Max Zeon 120.
Advanced: Max Zeon 180.
Arcane: Max Zeon 240.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Air

Level 70-80
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 240 280 320
Req. Intelligence 9 11 14 16
Base: MR120 / 10m area.
Intermediate: MR140 / 25m area.
Advanced: MR160 / 50m area.
Arcane: MR180 / 100m area.
Maintenance: 40 / 50 / 60 / 65 Daily
Closed Path: -

Detection Mark
Level 70-80
Action: Active
Type: Effect / Spiritual
NOTE: No Max Presence Affected, but the Mark is effective within a maximum distance depending on casting
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 16
Base: MR120 / 10km.
Intermediate: MR140 / 100km.
Advanced: MR160 / 1000km.
Arcane: MR180 / Any distance.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20 Daily
Closed Path: Darkness

Offensive Erudition
Level 70-80
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 120 160 200
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 16
Base: +20 Offensive Projection.
Intermediate: +30 Offensive Projection.
Advanced: +40 Offensive Projection.
Arcane: +50 Offensive Projection.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 / 15
Closed Path: Creation

Perfect Target
Level 70-80
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Max Presence affected.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 100 120 140
Req. Intelligence 9 11 13 16
Base: +40 Attack Ability.
Intermediate: +60 Attack Ability.
Advanced: +80 Attack Ability.
Arcane: +100 Attack Ability.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: -

Free Access: Level 80-90

Level 80-90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 250 320 400
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 17
Base: Max Presence 80.
Intermediate: Max Presence 100.
Advanced: Max Presence 120.
Arcane: Max Presence 140.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Creation

Natural Spell
Level 80-90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 350 420 480 540
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 17
Base: Max Zeon Value 100.
Intermediate: Max Zeon Value 140.
Advanced: Max Zeon Value 180.
Arcane: Max Zeon Value 220.
Maintenance: 70 / 85 / 100 / 110 Daily
Closed Path: -

Level 80-90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Max Presence Affected. Base Level casting only makes the target immune to aging effects.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 400 500 600
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 17
Base: Immunity to aging.
Intermediate: As Base, but also grants immunity to natural Poisons and Diseases.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but the character cannot die of bleeding-out or physical damage of natural origin.
Arcane: As Advanced, but the character can suffer any level of physical damage without dying unless he suffers
a lethal Critical on one of his vulnerable points. Note that he normally suffers action penalties due to damage.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily
Closed Path: Destruction

Eliminate Needs
Level 80-90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No Max Presence Affected. Base Level does not grant immunity to weather, but to fatigue.
Nevertheless it allows normally to spend Fatigue Points and penalties for low fatigue are ignored.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 360 420 480
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: As described.
Intermediate: As Base, but the character is also immune to natural climatic effects.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but the character is immune to all action penalties caused by natural effects.
Arcane: As Advanced, but the character recovers 1 Fatigue Point per turn.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 25 Daily
Closed Path: Essence

Steal Spell
Level 80-90
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 280 340 400
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Max Zeon Value 120 / MR120.
Intermediate: Max Zeon Value 180 / MR140.
Advanced: Max Zeon Value 240 / MR160.
Arcane: Max Zeon Value 300 / MR180.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: -

Level 80-90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 500 600 700 800
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 5m opening / 1000km distance / 500 Presence per day.
Intermediate: 15m opening / 5000km distance / 1000 Presence per day.
Advanced: 25m opening / 25000km distance / 2000 Presence per day.
Arcane: 50m opening / any distance / Any Presence per day.
Maintenance: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 Daily
Closed Path: -

Magic Prism
Level 80-90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 240 280 320
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 400 Zeon Points.
Intermediate: 800 Zeon Points.
Advanced: 1500 Zeon Points.
Arcane: 3000 Zeon Points.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20 Daily
Closed Path: Destruction

Level 80-90
Action: Active
Type: Detection
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 360 420 480
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 100km / MR120.
Intermediate: 1000km / MR140.
Advanced: 10000km / MR180.
Arcane: Any distance / MR220.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Darkness

Physical Immunity
Level 80-90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 240 280 320
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Max Presence 60.
Intermediate: Max Presence 80.
Advanced: Max Presence 100.
Arcane: Max Presence 120.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20 Daily
Closed Path: Essence

Spell Return
Level 80-90
Action: Passive
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 240 280
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Max Zeon Value 100.
Intermediate: Max Zeon Value 120.
Advanced: Max Zeon Value 140.
Arcane: Max Zeon Value 160.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: -

Prepare Spell
Level 80-90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 360 420
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Spells Max Zeon Value 100.
Intermediate: Spells Max Zeon Value 200.
Advanced: Spells Max Zeon Value 300.
Arcane: Spells Max Zeon Value 400.
Maintenance: 20 / 30 / 40 / 45 Daily
Closed Path: -

Level 80-90
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 480 560 640
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 50km / Max Presence 80.
Intermediate: 1000km / Max Presence 180.
Advanced: 5000km / Max Presence 240.
Arcane: 10000km / Max Presence 320.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: Earth

Free Access: Level 90-100

Eye of Time
Level 90-100
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No limits of stepping back and forth.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 400 500
Req. Intelligence 11 13 15 17
Base: 10 years.
Intermediate: 100 years.
Advanced: 1000 years.
Arcane: Any time lapse.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Closed Path: Darkness

Level 90-100
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 360 420 480
Req. Intelligence 11 13 15 17
Base: Affects spells in casting Base Level.
Intermediate: Affects spells in casting Intermediate Level.
Advanced: Affects spells in casting Advanced Level.
Arcane: Affects spells in casting Arcane Level.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: -

The Gift of Knowledge

Level 90-100
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: No more than +340 can be allocated to a single Intellectual Secondary Ability.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 400 500
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: +100 points.
Intermediate: +250 points.
Advanced: +400 points.
Arcane: +600 points.
Maintenance: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 Daily.
Closed Path: Destruction

Shield Against Powers

Level 90-100
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
NOTE: Not even the caster may use Powers anymore within the selected area.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 360 420 480
Req. Intelligence 11 13 15 17
Base: 50m area / Zeon 100 / Psychic Potential 140 / Ki Cost 8 / Summoning below 180.
Intermediate: 150m area / Zeon 150 / Psychic Potential 180 / Ki Cost 14 / Summoning below 240.
Advanced: 300m area / Zeon 200 / Psychic Potential 240 / Ki Cost 22 / Summoning below 280.
Arcane: 500m area / Zeon 250 / Psychic Potential 280 / Ki Cost 30 / Summoning below 320.
Maintenance: 30 / 40 / 45 / 50 Daily
Closed Path: Creation

Strengthen Magic
Level 90-100
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 360 480 600
Req. Intelligence 11 13 15 17
Base: +50 Zeon value to spells.
Intermediate: +100 Zeon value to spells.
Advanced: +150 Zeon value to spells.
Arcane: +250 Zeon value to spells.
Maintenance: 20 / 40 / 50 / 60 Daily
Closed Path: Destruction

Level 90-100
Action: Active
Type: Effect
NOTE: The conditioned spell will activate at the end of the turn its conditions are satisfied.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 400 500 600
Req. Intelligence 11 13 15 17
Base: Max Zeon 100.
Intermediate: Max Zeon 150.
Advanced: Max Zeon 200.
Arcane: Max Zeon 250.
Maintenance: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 Daily
Closed Path: -

Level 90-100
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
NOTE: When possessing Damage Accumulation beings, the caster suffers damage from energy damaging
effects equal to 1/10 of damage suffered by the creature, regardless of its damage multiplier.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 400 500 600
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR140.
Advanced: MR180.
Arcane: MR220.
Maintenance: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 Daily
Closed Path: -

Imitate Spells
Level 90-100
Action: Active
Type: Effect (variable)
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 360 420
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Max Zeon Value 100.
Intermediate: Max Zeon Value 150.
Advanced: Max Zeon Value 200.
Arcane: Max Zeon Value 250.
Maintenance: As per Imitated Spell
Closed Path: Destruction

Innate Magic
Level 90-100
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 400 500
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 25m area / +10 Zeon Value to Innate Magic.
Intermediate: 100m area / +20 Zeon Value to Innate Magic.
Advanced: 250m area / +30 Zeon Value to Innate Magic.
Arcane: 500m area / +40 Zeon Value to Innate Magic.
Maintenance: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 Daily
Closed Path: -

Link Maintenance
Level 90-100
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 150 200 250
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR140.
Advanced: MR160.
Arcane: MR180.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: -

The Magistrate
Level 90-100
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 450 600 800 1000
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: 50m Area / MR140.
Intermediate: 100m Area / MR180.
Advanced: 500m Area / MR220.
Arcane: 1km Area / MR260.
Maintenance: 45 / 60 / 80 / 100 Daily
Closed Path: -

Level 90-100
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 600 900 1200 1500
Req. Intelligence 12 15 17 19
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR170.
Advanced: MR200.
Arcane: MR240.
Maintenance: No
Closed Path: -

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