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Mdulo 6 Mi mundo en otra lengua

Semana 4
Unidad VII. Traveling around

My job

Solve the crossword and check your answers. Please write the words in English.
Resuelve el crucigrama y comprueba tus respuestas. Por favor, escribe las palabras en ingls.

Vertical Horizontal
1. He builds houses 3. He is a person that works in the court
2. He flies airplanes 6. He works in a newspaper
4. She cares for patients 7. He is a person who looks after your teeth
5. He writes books 10. He drives trucks
8. He is a person who teaches
9. She dances in a theater
Mdulo 6 Mi mundo en otra lengua
Semana 4
Unidad VII. Traveling around

*Check your answers.

Comprueba tus respuestas.

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