Coaching Observation Revised Practice Plan

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Girls JV Soccer Practice Plan

Coach: Dylan Spencer Date: 3/15/2017

Location: UNC Practice Field 6 Start Time: 4:00 p.m.
Number of Athletes: ~20 Duration: 90 Minutes

Equipment & Materials: 16 soccer balls, 32 flat cones, 8 blue pennies, 8 red pennies, 2 goals, 2 nets

Safety / Liability Concerns: Health related conditions, proper attire (cleats, shin guards, shorts), divots in the
grass, sprinkler heads

Practice Objective: To develop ball control and increase awareness of favorable attack opportunities.

Practice Schedule
5:00 5:12 Warm Up
5:12 5:25 Ball Control Dribbling Drill
5:25 5:35 Review & Expansion of Previous Skills: Technical
5:35 5:45 New Skill: 3v2 Identifying Numbers Advantage
5:45 6:00 Conditioning: Follow the Leader
6:00 6:20 8v8 Scrimmage
6:20 6:30 Cooldown & Wrap Up
Time: 5:00 5:12
Warm Up
Written Description: Set up a line of 5 cones that are approximately 5 yards apart from each other. Set
up 3 other lines of cones parallel to the first line around 10 yards from each other. Divide the team
into the 4 predetermined groups and place them at the first cone of each line. Demonstrate each
exercise first so the athletes understand what the exercise should look like.
Group 1: Alicia, Sara, Aiden, Joy
Group 2: Renee, Rebecca, Selena, Alexsis
Group 3: Bailey, Riley, Haylee, Liz
Group 4: Jordan, Gail, Gabby, Maria
Progression: Jog straight out -> Jog w/ hip out -> Jog w/ hip in -> Jog around partner -> Jog w/
shoulder charge -> Jog forward and backward -> Run across field -> Bounding -> Plant and cut.

X 10 yards X X X

5 yards

Communicate to Players: Warm up prevents injury, gradually increase intensity as you get more
warmed up.
Time: 5:12 5:25
Ball Control Dribbling Drill
Written Description: Staying in the same warm-up lines, instruct each player of each group to grab
one of the four middle cones in their line and place them in a line 2-3 feet apart in front of the first
cone of their line as shown below. Distribute soccer balls to each player. Demonstrate each dribbling
exercise so the athletes understand what to do and follow the slalom progression below. Players that
arent currently performing the exercise should be juggling while they wait. After finishing the slalom
drills, send the first athlete with their ball to the far cone tell them to set the ball aside for now. The
players will repeat the slalom progression and perform a layoff pass the first three times through. For
the remaining two times, instruct the player at the cone to pick up their ball and toss their ball to the
player that has just completed the slalom. The slaloming player will pass their ball to the player at the
far cone and then trap the ball that was thrown to them. Players switch to become the far player after
completing each slalom.
Slalom Progression: Extended Slalom:
Slalom cones both feet Pass and Layoff
Slalom right/left foot Trap out of the air
Roll dribble
Backwards roll dribble


Cues: Quick sharp touches, past defenders foot, how much green can you see? (head up)
Coach Comments:
Time: 5:25 5:35
Review & Expansion of Previous Skills: Technical Touches
Written description: Have the players find their own space with a ball in front of the coach. Review
the various technical touches that were introduced last session (toe taps, boxes, scissors, and rolls).
Following the progression, have the athletes perform each technical skill slowly for 30 seconds, then
for 30 more seconds at a moderate pace, and finally 20 seconds as fast as they can. Allow the athletes
to rest while the coach demonstrates the next skill and repeat the process for each skill. After
reviewing previous skills, expand on them by progressing to the 4 box and roll, 2 box and roll, and
scissor-roll-catch technical touches. Be sure to demonstrate slowly so the athletes can understand
how to properly execute the skill.
Progression: Toe Taps -> Boxes -> Rolls -> Scissors; 4 box and roll -> 2 box and roll -> scissor-roll-catch
Speed Progression: slow (30sec) -> moderate (30sec) -> all out (20sec)

Cues: box, box, roll, scissor, roll, catch, feather feet

Communicate to Players: compete with friends to see who can get the most touches, go so fast you
mess up (mistakes ok)
Coach Comments:
Time: 5:35 5:45
New Skill: 3v2 Identifying Numbers Advantage
Written Description: Split the players back into the groups they warmed up in and distribute one
player from group 4 to each of the other groups to make three groups and give each group two
pennies. Assign each group to a 15 x 15 yard box and instruct them to play 3v2 keep away. When the
ball goes out of bounds or is intercepted by a defender the player at fault switches with the senior
defender. After allowing them to play for 2 minutes, challenge the offensive players to find a way to
get around the defenders. Allow players to try and figure it out themselves for several minutes, then
demonstrate different how to exploit 2v1 situations and allow them to practice themselves.
Progression: 3v2 -> experiment getting around defenders -> attacking 2v1 situations

15 yards

15 yards

Key/Cues: Stretch the line, first touch to space, find numbers and attack it, identify 2v1s
Modifications: Implement minimum touches, restrict defensive pressure
Coach Comments:
Time: 5:45 6:00
Conditioning Follow the Leader
Written Description: Players will form groups of 3-4 and each group will have one ball. Each group will
form a line with the first person in line having a ball. The first person will dribble slow and controlled
while the rest of the group jogs behind them in a single file line. The person in back will make their
way up to the front on either side of the first player and call for a pass. The first person will pass the
ball and lead the rest of the line behind the player who received the ball who will continue to dribble
at a slow pace. Repeat the process for a total of 15 minutes. Add new progressions to keep drill
Progression: Side passes, leave ball and find a different groups ball on coachs whistle, players behind
the leader skip, hop, gallop, shuffle instead of running.


Pass and

Key/Cues: Controlled touches, pace yourselves, communicate

Coach Comments:
Time: 6:00 6:20
8v8 Scrimmage
Written Description: Split team into predefined teams listed below and instruct them to put on the
appropriate colored pennie. Using half the field, allow the athletes to play 8v8 and emphasize
identifying numbers advantages. If a team plays into a numbers disadvantage, freeze the game, bring
the ball back and get the players to identify a better area to send the ball to.

Blue Team: Alicia, Sara, Aiden, Joy, Bailey, Riley, Haylee, Liz
Red Team: Renee, Rebecca, Selena, Alexsis, Jordan, Gail, Gabby, Maria

Key/Cues: Look for numbers, press advantages

Communicate to players: Dont be afraid to lose the ball, attack with confidence, identify weak sides
of the field.

Time: 6:20 6:30

Cooldown & Wrap up
Written Description: Players jog 2 laps around the field at a relaxed pace to cooldown
Meeting: Discuss practice objectives, preview next practice objectives
Coach Comments:

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