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[ 20 marks ]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1 Rosli and his brother are listening to the ____________.

A television
B radio
C hand phone
D computer

2 Mr. Azua repaired my fathers car. Mr. Azua is a _______________.

A foreman
B plumber
C teacher
D mechanic

3 Puan Nora is _______________ on the bench under the tree.

A sitting
B playing
C looking
D running

4 Puan Aneesa waits for the bus at the __________ every morning.

A taxi stand
B bus stop
C bus station
D parking lot

5 I told my sister not to meddle ______ my belongings.

A up
B with
C through
D on

Choose the most suitable idiom.

6 Rashid ______________ and passed his exams with excellent results.

A cried over split milk.

B burnt the midnight oil.
C jumped on the bandwagon.
D killed two birds with one stone.

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Sharmila and Shalini are sisters. ________ (7) share their toys and play badminton

together every evening. They are very close ________ (8) they are four years apart. Being

the ________ (9) one, Sharmila often helps Shalini with her home and studies.

7 A. who
B. that
C. which
D. whose

8 A. but
B. since
C. however
D although

9. A. old
B. older
C. oldie
D. oldest

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

10. Amin is sad because his cat is missing.

A. nice
B. lucky
C. happy
D. unhappy

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11. A. Haniza went hiking up Mount Kinabalu last month!

B. haniza went hiking, up mount kinabalu last month.
C. Haniza went hiking up Mount Kinabalu last month.
D. Haniza went hiking up, Mount Kinabalu last month.

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Mr. Lim is a policeman. He is very ____ (12) person who is always looking to help those
in need. Yesterday, while he was _____ (13) the busy neighbourhood, he saw a blind man
trying to cross the road. Mr. Lim immediately parked his car and went to help _____ (14).
The man thanked him for his kindness. Mr. Lim was _____ (15) to do a good deed.

12. A. rich B. caring C. proud D. talkative

13. A. patrol B. patrols C. patrolled D. patrolling

14. A. it B. her C. him D. them

15. A. glad B. angry C. nervous D. unhappy

Question 16 to 20

Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Attention To All Basketball Team Members

Here are a few reminders for all members.

There will be no basketball training this Sunday, 23 April 2017, as the coach was
injured in a car accident.
Please bring RM5.00 on Saturday, 22 April 2017, to pay the basketball fund. Mr.
Yee will be collecting the fees.
The last date informing T-shirt size is Saturday, 22 April 2017.
Please get the application form to be a volunteer for the national basketball
championship from the captain.

Captain of the Basketball Team

16. How many reminders are there in the notice?

A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four

17. Who cannot attend the basketball training on Sunday, 23 April 2017?

A. A few basketball team members C. The coach of the basketball team

B. The teacher of the basketball team D. The captain of the basketball team

18. Who wrote the notice?

A. Noah B. The coach C. Mr Yee D. The Headmaster

19. What must the basketball members do on Saturday, 22 April 2017?

A. Visit the coach and pay RM5 for the basketball fund
B. Get the application forms to be volunteers and visit the coach
C. Inform T-shirt size and pay RM5 for the basketball fund
D. Get the application forms to be volunteers and inform T-shirt size

20. What must the member of the basketball tean do to become a volunteer for the national
basketball championship?

A. Pay RM5 C. Talk to Mr. Yee

B. Fill in the application form D. Inform T-shirt size


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