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Christian Life High School Miss Waldron

Room H-103


This course is devoted to the production of the school yearbook and the development of general photogra-
phy, journalism, and design skills. Students should expect to learn all phases of yearbook production: layout,
photography, writing, editing, and publicity. Students will learn to use computers to produce the book and are
expected to be responsible, self motivated, and prompt in meeting deadlines.

1. Weekly Participation: 20 points possible per week This includes fol-
2 pocket folder
lowing classroom rules, contributing ideas during brainstorming sessions,
Flash Drive- 4 GB Minimum
and showing active involvement and interest in the class. You will not lose
Pen or pencil
points if you have an excused absence, unless there are excessive absences.
Digital Camera- 8 mega pixel
Points will be lost by: Not working on assignment, Excessive talking, and/
minimum with a minimum 4GB
SD card or Misbehavior.
*Bring supplies to class everyday! 2. Photo Friday: 20 photos will be due every Friday. This assignment will
be worth 20 points. They will be put in a specific folder on the Yearbook
drive that is labeled Photo Friday. Your name will be on the next folder,
BEHAVIOR followed by the date the assignment is due. I will grade you based on the
quality and quantity of photos turned in the folder that day. All Photos
EXPECTATIONS MUST be color corrected in Photoshop, and not be blurry or contain red
Students will be expected to follow eye.
the school rules as stated in the stu- 3. Advertisements: 25 points each. Each student will be required to obtain
dent handbook, including dress code 2 business ads for publication in the yearbook. One due quarter 1, One due
policies. quarter 2.
4. Deadlines/Writing Assignments: Points will vary. Each spread assigned
ATTENDANCE will contain a writing portion/portions. There will be a final deadline pre-
ceded by mini deadlines in which you will be graded on your progress.
The expectation is that you will be in
5. Additional design projects: Points will vary. Projects will be assigned
class, on time, every scheduled class day
throughout the year
working through the entire period. You *Assignments are to be turned in on the date due which will be listed on ev-
may not use the yearbook period as a ery assignment sheet you receive. With the exception of an excused absence,
time to makeup work for another class. each day late will result in 10 points off the assignment. (So, one week late
Activities (athletics, music, drama) that= 50% maximum)
require you to miss yearbook must be
cleared in advance. Students will be re-
sponsible for providing evidence that
Deadlines absolutely, positively must be met. There is no excuse for miss-
they are making progress towards their
ing a deadline due to an absence. If you will be absent, turn in your work
deadlines during any and all absences.
early or contact the Adviser immediately. Late work that results in missed
deadlines affects the yearbook financially and will negatively impact your
grade. Students who show consistent failure to meet deadlines will be asked
to drop the class.
1. No food, drink, or candy. Water is permitted when in a bottle with lid and cant be near computers.
2. Internet use is with teacher permission only and will be closely monitored. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING sites.
One offense will result in suspension of computer use, 0% participation for the day
3. No inappropriate conversations.
Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word
a gift. Ephesians 4:29
4. Stay in your assigned seat. No rolling in the chairs.
5. Be respectful to others.
6. Come to class prepared. Turn assignments on on time. (see above)
7. Be respectful with computer equipment.

The Yearbook Class requires a large degree of participation, responsibility, and maturity on the part of
the students. This is one class where success depends on everyone doing his/her job - if the picture is not taken or in-
formation isnt gathered or copy written, a deadline may be missed and that reflects on the entire staff.
A team effort is required and therefore, a cooperative, responsible attitude is essential. Additionally, students
must be problem solvers, they must be able to overcome the frustrations and setbacks inherent in production classes,
and they must be able to work effectively and efficiently with others, often without direct adult supervision.
You are expected to demonstrate a professional level of excellence in your work. All copy and layouts should be ready to
check on by all posted deadlines. Allow yourself plenty of time to rewrite copy, process photos, gather
scoreboards, etc.
Plan for unforeseen complications equipment malfunctioning, coaches being absent, students not identified
in pictures, etc. All of these cause delays, which result in fines being charged to the school, and a delay on the delivery
date of the yearbook. Therefore, it is your responsibility to manage your time wisely, both inside and outside of class,
to ensure that deadlines are met.
Due to the nature of this class, and the enormous responsibility placed on producing the yearbook, trust and reli-
ability are essential. We must be a working team. Human nature is such that some people do the bare minimum
to get by while others go above and beyond. It is not fair that both types of individuals that complete a deadline receive
the same grade if one puts in much more effort. Therefore, the Adviser will constantly watch to ensure that
everyone is doing their part. Any abuse of the freedoms, trust, and responsibility placed on students in this class
may result in a student being removed from the annual staff. The following can result in your removal from yearbook
staff for the rest for the year: constant bickering; being unable to get along with your classmates; damage to computers
or other equipment; theft; willfully not doing an assignment; or willfully disobeying the teacher.

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