Faith in Society and Humanity

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Aljon Del Rosario SPDPR

A-432 Mrs. Alma V. Yutuc


As a part of society we are constantly living in an environment where there are

established norms. These very things taught us what we should do and what we

shouldnt. There was this line between what is disgusting and acceptable, line between

what is normal and unusual. There are some instances in the course of our lives that it

makes us feel bad whenever we do something that is deviant, something we ourselves

even question. The idea of being singled out creeps into us. That in some cases we

choose to avoid or dismiss the discussion of such thing. We feel very much

disappointed with why cant society understand us, and regard us wrong, damaged,

unusual or lost. We feel disappointed with ourselves. We blame the societys narrow

thinking of not being able to understand the very situation that we face, the very feeling

that we feel.

With this dilemma, there was this choice of being loved and being honest, and in most

instances we choose the former. We don't want to be rejected or be disgusted that's

why we adjust, we hide a piece of ourselves to conform with the expectations.

But we should never forget that these norms are shared ideals. These are constantly

evolving ideas shaped by the experiences of those before us. We have the very

capacity to shape them. Maybe we just need to be ourselves. We should not only
demand but also help society to understand us. For someone to truly know and

understand something is to be liberated from it. We liberate society by letting it

experience us, we need to recognize that society like us is not perfect, it is equally as

flawed as we are and everyone. That sometimes it fails, not because it chooses to fail, it

is just not perfect. As for that, we need to constantly remind our very brothers that what

is different is not always wrong. Maybe society cant understand us because we wont

allow it to. We are deeply covered with fear that we closed our doors. In turn, we blame

society for its failures to comprehend but we don't realize that maybe we are the very

reason why it cant. Because we wont allow it to. We need to give society a chance.

Those of us who understands should help those who cannot. We must have faith, and

that is faith in humanity; that one day, with us liberating it from it, society can finally


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