Hope - Nitha Fredy

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-Nitha Fredy
Meet me near the hotel just before Malavali in an hour and dont you dare do something
stupid, a manly voice spoke from the other end of the call.

Disha sighed heavily and glanced at Sakshi-her sister and the love of her life. Sakshi couldnt
stop fidgeting and the mere thought of her past made her paler. Her eyes were wet all the time,
making her look very anxious contrary to what she was.

Sakshi gathered her courage and a low voice emerged from her vocal cord, Dee.

She stopped there, watching her elder sister pretending to be strong as ever and managing the
situation single handedly. Disha got distracted from the first word her sister spoke in last two
days, she looked at the pale figure of her sister and her expectant eyes fell on Sakshi.

Dee, shall I come with you?, she felt obliged to ask this though every part of her wanted to be
100 miles away from that greedy dog her sister is about to meet.

No Sakshi, I will handle it. Just a few important things I need you to understand. Firstly be alert
and dont panic. Your number is on SOS, so if u happens to receive a text or call from my
number for help- GO AND TALK TO PAPA. And remember that I love you and everything will
be alright.

Saying this Disha choked and pulled her sister closer for a hug.

I will leave now. Bye.

Swiftly she grabbed her car keys from the table, double checked her pockets and left with a
strong emotion of pain and courage entwined together. Sitting in the drivers seat, she clutched
the steering anxiously. Uncertainty lay ahead of her path. She got 45 minutes left from the 1 hour
span he gave her. Driving through the busy lanes of Pune her mind drifted back to how things
drastically changed from last 3 days.
Disha and Sakshi had a strong emotional bond as sisters. Since childhood they were always there
for each other. It was when Disha hit puberty that she realized that she need her mother
desperately. Her mother was just a bed time story and few faded memories for her. Nobody was
willing to talk about their mother or explain them of her whereabouts. They lived with the fact
that their mother did something bad and had to abandon them with their father. Cooking up
stories about their mothers sad demise was a routine for the girls, first in high school and then in

They thought they were sorted and sober in spite of being raised by their dad alone. But Disha
was upset and stunned when she learnt that her sister tried to sell her diamond earring.

Sakshi, we need to talk. Do you mind telling me why you were trying to sell your earrings? You
are just 17 and what needs do you have to sell off your belongings? She spoke harshly and at
the top of her voice.

DeeIParag... thats all she said and broke down into a fit of tears. Disha sensed something
really bad happened and wondered who Parag was.

Calm down and tell me, you know that I will sort it out sweetie.

Dee...Parag was my boyfriend and he is trying to blackmail me. He is asking for money and
more money, she sobbed uncontrollably.

Firstly who is Parag? Tell me everything about him and secondly, what is he blackmailing you
with? If you want everything to be okay, you need to tell me the truth.

Sakshi confessed of having an affair with her facebook friend Parag Rao who hails from Goa.
And after a month or so, he persuaded Sakshi to meet him at a hotel. They got intimate and he
taped it. He is asking for money in return for the clip and Sakshi had already given him about
50K.That was the point when Disha realized things were going out of hand and she need to put
an end to it.

Reaching Malavali Disha saw a well built guy who seemed approximately 20-21 years old. He
was leaning with one hand on his car carrying a subtle attitude, having neither shame nor guilt
for his vice act. She wondered how her little sister can fall pray to such an elder boy. Parag
signaled her to get down of her luxurious car. She obliged and very cautiously walked towards
him gripping her phone tightly.

Ohhhooo! So you are covering up for your sister today? Hand me over the cash sweetheart.
Those two sentences were enough to prove how evil he is.

I want you to delete the clip now and never bother me again. This is the last time we are
providing you money but not anymore Parag. Next time if I receive a call from you, that will be
the last time you will be using your freedom to call someone. You threatened Sakshi because she
is nave, but here you are dealing with a Law student. Keep that in your mind.

Oh my God! I am trembling with fear. Listen up; I have dealt with many girls like you. Now
dont waste my time with your nattering and hand over the cash.

No I wont. Delete the clip first.

You dont deserve a gentlemans face to face talk, saying this he slapped Disha. That came as
a shock to her. Before she could react, she felt a sting on her hand. He used a blade to cut her
hand. She was bleeding; though it wasnt profuse it was enough to cause her pain.

He forced his hand to the bulge of her denim pocket, snatched the money all this while holding
her firmly on her upper arm, This game is not new to me, so let alone be over smart dont even
try to be smart.

She stood there alone, bleeding with a mark on her face. Emotions choked up; the confidence of
being a strong woman who stood up against all atrocities drowning. She controlled as long as she
could, then burst in tears. She held her submissive side responsible for this miserable position of
hers. She didnt move, just stood there weeping. Until then there were 4 missed calls on her
phone. Of the 4, one was of no significance and the rest were from Sakshi.

Disha felt the need for a face to face conversation. She drove back home, fearing about what she
will explain to her sister. That she has been bullied too? The one, who was supposed to protect
her sister and keep her safe, needs protection herself. She sank into a feeling of misery, pity and
fear. She grieved, not because of the pain, because she failed in fulfilling her promise to Sakshi.
Dee, did he delete it? Why didnt you answer my call? Why are you crying? Blood, Shit! What

Sakshi knew that her last ray of hope vanished into a dark tunnel. She knew that he hurt her sister
very badly. Sakshi had never seen her sister crying since adolescence. Her fear towards Parag
started growing into anger and rage.

After a week

Dee, please talk to me, Sakshi pleaded Disha.

Disha was reluctant and didnt speak a word. Its been a week since the encounter with Parag
took place and it shattered Disha to the core. She stopped attending college and was often found
sitting alone, ignoring Sakshi and her dad.

Disha spoke harshly, Sakshi please stop forcing me. I need some time.

Sakshi hugged her sister very securely and said, Dee I dont know what to say. I am sorry,
please forgive me.

Saying this Sakshi absentmindedly left the room. As soon as she stepped out of Dishas room her
phone rang. It was him-Parag. Her heart beat increased and her mouth went dry with a mixed
emotion of fear and anger.

Dee he is calling me again, Sakshi said with urgency in her tone and walked back to Disha.

She received the call, switched it to Loudspeaker and waited for him to speak.

Sakshi baby, missed me? Didnt your sister tell you how respectfully I treated her? I loved her
arrogance a lot, He spoke calmly and in a humiliatingly sarcastic tone.

What do you want now? I gave you all that you asked for. Please let me live in peace, please
Sakshi begged him.

Baby, dont be upset. Now listen, I told you that I loved your sisters arrogance right? I would
like to taste it now. Tell you sister to meet me, He laughed hysterically.
Both Sakshi and Disha were shocked at his audacity. Their eyes met and Dishas eyes were wet
with the tears which she tried to control.

You bastard, How dare you? I will complain against you to Police and then you can spend rest
of your life in jail.

His tone changed from sarcasm to serious rage, Shut up! Dont threaten me with all the police
and jail stuff. If I go in 100 times, I will be bailed out 100 times. Jail is my second home, now
dont waste my time and tell your sister to meet me at the same place where we had our
honeymoon. Tomorrow 11 AM.

Dishas eyes bulged out from her face. She was numb, her senses didnt work. She felt so
miserable about her situation. On one hand was her sisters life and on the other hand her own
virtue was at stake. She decided to do the same thing what every sane 20 year old would do.

With trembling lips Disha spoke, Enough is enough Sakshi; I am going to confess everything to

Sakshi immediately went on her knees and pleaded Disha, Dee please, please last time please
dee, please. Her persuasion increased and she cried her eyes out. She reminded Disha how their
Papa ignores Sakshi because she has a striking resemblance to their mother, and how he thinks
that Sakshi will ultimately bring shame to their family like their mother.

After Sakshi talked Disha into this, she handed over a piece of paper to Disha and said, Dee,
this is the address.

But this is an apartment; you met him at a hotel first time according to what you said. Disha
was losing her calm.

No we first met at his friends apartment and then later on at the hotel, Sakshis head was
bowed in shame and guilt.

Next day: 11.15 AM

You look irresistible in that dress honey, Parags lusty eyes were scanning Disha from head to
He slowly approached her like a leopard ready to feast on an innocent dear. He was so sure about
her submissive side that he didnt even bother to take any precaution to keep him safe. It was the
first time that he thought he hit jackpot. Both sisters are so gullible and weak and rich too, he
thought to himself and smirked.

He came close to her body and sufficiently close to her lips. And something hurt him hard on his
chest and he couldnt breathe. He choked and was immediately on his knees with pain. Disha
suspected him of being a chain smoker and she knew what to do to disarm him completely. It
was a risk she was adamant to take. She hit him hard between his ribs, exactly above his lungs.
Kicking on his testicles would have given him less pain.

I told you that you are dealing with a law student here, you jerk, Disha screamed. She lifted
her leg and kicked on his face with her 4 inch heel, hurting him so badly and he screamed in

She took a duct tape out of her handbag and tied him up like a mummy. His resistance was so
low that even a 7-year old could tackle him easily.

Now, sweetheart time for the blood bath, she

Her outrage was so dangerous that he thought she might kill him. Her eyes were red with rage
and revenge. She scanned the whole apartment and found what she needed. A knife in the
kitchen gave her soul a satisfactory smile.

She approached him, knelt down, cut his hand open in the same manner he did with her hand.
Though the cut was much deeper and he was bleeding profusely. She was cautious that she
wouldnt cut him deep enough that he would bleed to death. He kept pleading with his eyes to

You forced me to do this Parag; I am taking your mobile with me. Lets see how long you can
survive in your own blood and other body wastes, because I am locking you up. And yes after
you rescue from here, you will be locked up for lifetime. I know exactly what to do.

Her soul and body relaxed after many days, more than happy with her revenge. She locked him
in the apartment and kept the key safely. She made sure that he wouldnt get out of her tapes.
Disha was smart enough to take the evidence with her- The bloodstained knife. She wrapped it
up in her scarf and held the scarf in her hand cautious that it would not touch any of her
belongings. She turned off the GPS location of his mobile too.

Disha knew she reached her saturation point by being awake all night and desperately need a
coffee so that her mind would be alert and she would work on what to do next. She drove straight
to the Starbucks at Koregaon Park which was her favorite hangout place.

It was a 30 minute drive from the dreaded apartment. She parked her car and walked with grace
into Starbucks. Her handbag was on her left wrist and she held the scarf in her right very tightly.

She signaled to the guy behind the counter for her usual. She found a seat near window which
was hazy. And she sat in the Starbucks caf, sipping her coffee and staring out of the window.
The blood stained knife lay next to her handbag, covered with her blue silk scarf.

Her mind was racing to how exactly she could make him count for his sisters tears. And then
she smiled because she found the answer and it was brutal.

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