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Becoming an Academic

Author: The First Year

Kathy B. Ewoldt
Heike Rdenauer
Kristin Withey

Tips for Peers Tips for Mentors/Professors

Form weekly writing group Share your process
Have accountability partner Help identify appropriate journals
Commit to writing group Explain scope & author guidelines
Tips for Students
participation Require journal submission in
Writing Log: Consecutive days
Phase out initial, experienced coursework
streak; date; begin time; end time;
leader Model constructive feedback
amount of time; more than 30
Build trust Teach peer feedback
days; location; what I worked on;
Take risks Model writing groups
how did it go; whats next;
Celebrate on anothers successes Require systematic literature
cumulative time.
review in coursework
Literature Matrix: Year; author;
title; research problem; sample;
variables; instruments;
procedures; conclusions; my
Write a lot; Experiment

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