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Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery

hybrid locomotive based on ADVISOR

Guorui Zhang, Weirong Chen, Qi Li*

School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan Province, China

article info abstract

Article history: This paper presents a hybrid locomotive system which combines proton exchange mem-
Received 21 February 2017 brane fuel cell (PEMFC) as primary energy source for its advantages of high efficiency and
Received in revised form low emissions, and Pb acid battery as secondary energy storage (ESS) to supplement the
16 April 2017 output of FC during acceleration or whenever else needed and to absorb regenerative en-
Accepted 18 April 2017 ergy during braking. Advanced Vehicle Simulator (ADVISOR), a vehicle simulating soft-
Available online xxx ware, is secondly developed in this paper for the locomotive modeling and simulation. An
analysis of simulation is conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model. Then
Keywords: the power of FC, battery and motor are optimized by adopting bisection algorithm under
Fuel cell/battery hybrid locomotive certain constraints. It is confirmed that the dynamic performance and economy perfor-
ADVISOR mance are improved after optimization. An advanced energy management system is
System modeling extremely necessary to contribute the demand power of locomotive between energy
Bisection algorithm sources in a suitable way, therefore a fuzzy logic based control strategy is proposed for the
Fuzzy logic hybrid locomotive. With advantages of easy understanding, flexibility and capability to
deal with imprecise data, fuzzy logic methodology is suitable for the control of hybrid
locomotive. The simulation results demonstrate the superiority of fuzzy logic energy
management system in terms of dynamic and economy performance.
2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) emerges as one

Introduction of the most promising fuel cells to provide power due to its
higher energy density, lower working temperature, relatively
The increasing concerns on environmental pollution, global high efficiency and quick start-up [1e4]. D.D. Marquezini et al.
warming and depleting of fossil fuel spur further research in [5] present an improved calculation algorithm to simulate the
safety, environmental and renewable energy as alternative for dynamic and states of PEMFC operation. However, PEMFC's
the long-term survival of human beings. Among all the kinds slow dynamic response has become one of the key obstacles
of new renewable sources, hydrogen is of great importance in towards its large-scale application as the solo energy for the
the energy structure in the 21th century for the reasons that load demand fluctuation may cause the fuel starvation,
hydrogen is the most widely distributed source in the world. blooding, membrane drying problems, resulting in degrada-
As the best and most efficient way to make use of tion of FC lifetime [5e8].
hydrogen, many institutions all over the world have carried Therefore, the hybrid power system integrating PEMFC as
out extensive researches on fuel cell (FC). Particularly, the main power source and battery or ultra-capacitor or the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Q. Li).
0360-3199/ 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Zhang G, et al., Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery hybrid locomotive based on
ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
2 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 6

combination of both as energy storage system has been pro- continuous traction effort of 29 kN, marking a major break-
posed and applied to transportation fields widely. Hybrid through on rail transit field based on fuel cell [25,26].
vehicle system is a typical application and a vast amount of Energy management strategies based on optimization al-
research work have been done on this field, especially on the gorithms such as fuzzy logic, equivalent consumption mini-
energy management strategy which is responsible for energy mization are also proposed to achieve the increment on fuel
assignment between fuel cell system and energy storage economy [27e35]. Pablo Garcia et al. [27] and J.P. Torreglosa
system in order to maximize the performance while promot- et al. [28] propose a new configuration and an equivalent
ing the fuel economy [9e20]. consumption minimization for based energy management for
Liangfei Xu et al. [11] propose an adaptive control strategy hybrid fuel cell and battery tramway. Phatiphat Thounthong
exploited based on an equivalent consumption strategy et al. [30] compare linear proportional-integral (PI) and
(ECMS) for a fuel cell/battery powered city bus to fulfill the nonlinear flatness-based controllers for dc link stabilization
complex road condition, demonstrating that this approach for fuel cell/supercapacitor hybrid power plants. Qi Li et al. [32]
provides an improvement of fuel economy along with have presented an energy management strategy based on
robustness and ease of implementation. Jenn-Jiang Hwang power sharing strategy for a fuel cell/battery/supercapacitor
et al. [12] establish a hybrid power system for vehicle to study hybrid tramway. Qi Li et al. [34] also propose a power man-
the relationship between hybrid ratio and efficiency. M. agement strategy based on an adaptive droop control. This
Uzunoglu et al. [13] focus on a novel-wavelet-based load strategy also combines with a multi-mode strategy and an
sharing algorithm which makes use of wavelet transform's equivalent consumption minimization strategy to achieve
capability to analyze the non-stationary fluctuation signals adaptive control.
from dynamic systems. O. Erdinc et al. [14,15] propose a With the successful development of China's first PEMFC
wavelet based load sharing and fuzzy logic based control al- locomotive, as is shown in Fig. 1, it provides fundamental data
gorithm for hybrid vehicular power system, exhibiting for further research, modification and optimization of PEMFC
excellent performance. P. Thounthong et al. [16] present a locomotive [26]. Modeling, simulation, optimization and con-
fuel cell/supercapacitor hybrid system and focus on the trol described in this paper are based on this hybrid
innovative control law based on the flatness properties. locomotive.
Minjin Kim et al. [17] design a fuzzy control based engine
sizing optimizing method for a fuel cell/battery hybrid mini-
bus to improve the system efficiency and stability of power Modeling of hybrid locomotive based on
distribution. Liangfei Xu et al. [18] propose an optimal real- ADVISOR
time energy management strategy based on the Pon-
tryagin's Minimal Principal (PMP) targeting at minimizing The fuel cell/battery locomotive model established on
operation cost for a plug in PEM fuel cell city bus. A fuzzy logic ADVISOR is mainly comprised by the following parts: (1) FC; (2)
control is utilized to design energy management strategies battery; (3) DC/DC power converter; (4) traction motors; (5)
for fuel cell/battery and fuel cell/battery/supercapacitor EMS. Fig. 2 shows the topology of this hybrid locomotive.
hybrid vehicle system to enhance the fuel economy of vehicle FC is the primary energy source of the locomotive, which is
and increase the mileage of continuation of the journey [19]. actually an electrochemical reaction device whose reacting
Ya-Xiong et al. [20] develop a matlab/simulink model of full substance hydrogen and oxidant are supplied externally,
hybrid power system to simulate the efficacy of the proposed converting chemical energy into electricity. Without the lim-
time delay control (TDC) method and conducts experiment to itation of Carnot cycle, FC has a high conversion efficiency.
validate the performance. Saman Ahmadi et al. [21] present With the features of lower operation temperature, no emis-
five EMSs (OMC, FLC, ADVISOR's PTC, optimized OMC and sions and quick start-up, PEMFC is regarded as the most
optimized FLC approach) for fuel cell hybrid vehicle and suitable FC for locomotive. Due to the slow response dynamics
compare these EMSs in terms of fuel economy, SOC variation and limited output of FC, it is not appropriate for the usage of a
and system efficiency. sole FC system. Adding the ESS can help provide fast and
Fuel cell is also used in railway field. BNSF Railway Com-
pany in North America proposes a project of large hybrid
shunting locomotive in station which adopts a 250 kW PEMFC
as primary energy source and a lead-acid battery that allows a
transient power of 1 MW. East Japan Railway Company de-
votes to developing new energy locomotive by modifying a
prototype railcar based on a hybrid diesel-electric system. EU
countries such as English, Germany and Spain are also
vigorously carrying out research on fuel cell locomotive
[22e26]. Though, the studies on fuel cell locomotive in China
are relatively late, great progress has been made in recent
years. In 2013, China's first fuel cell locomotive, which is
developed independently through a 4-year study by South-
west Jiaotong University, employs a 150 kW fuel cell as trac-
tion power, two 120 kW permanent magnet synchronous
motors as traction motor with a design speed of 65 km/h and a Fig. 1 e Photograph of China's first hybrid locomotive.

Please cite this article in press as: Zhang G, et al., Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery hybrid locomotive based on
ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 6 3

When simulating, there are three GUI interfaces: inputs

Fuel Unidirection Motor- interface, simulation parameters interface and results inter-
Cell DC/DC Driver
DC/AC face, respectively showed as Figs. 3, 4 and 5.
System Convertor System
In locomotive inputs interface, locomotive parameters
such as drivetrain configuration, locomotive, energy storage,
wheel and transmission are set up. These parameters used in
simulation will be shown later.
In simulation interface, dozens of driving cycles are offered
for users to choose such as Urban Dynamometer Driving
Power Flow Schedule (UDDS) and Highway Fuel Economy Test (HWFET).
Energy Management System Signal Flow
User-defined driving cycle can also be embedded to ADVISOR
to simulate. Moreover, acceleration test and gradeability test
Fig. 2 e Topology of hybrid locomotive.
are provided to assess the acceleration performance and
climbing performance of the locomotive.
adequate peak power for locomotive to meet appropriate In results interface, a series of plots of profiles on the left side
driving cycle. In addition, ESS stores the regenerative energy provide a good estimate of how the locomotive perform on the
when braking and releases it when needed, improving effi- given drive cycle. Onthe othersideof the interface,customerscan
ciency of the whole locomotive. view the fuel consumption, gasoline equivalent, acceleration
Under a profound consideration, Pb acid battery is chosen results and gradeability results. Efficiency diagrams of every
as the ESS in this hybrid system to supplement the output of component can also displayed. According to all the results, per-
the FC needed during acceleration and cruising and whenever formances of the locomotive can be analyzed comprehensively.
needed. Pb acid battery has mature production technology, no
memory effect and lower cost. Besides, Pb acid battery has the Models of major components
characteristic of floating charge, which means the battery is
charging when its voltage is lower than the voltage of traction Dynamic model of locomotive
standard dc bus and recharging when in reverse. Thus there is The locomotive suffers several major forces when running:
no need to add a boost-type bidirectional DC/DC converter, climbing resistance, frictional resistance between wheel and
reducing the complexity of the whole system. tracks, acceleration resistance and air resistance.
Because of the soft output characteristic of FC, the DC/DC 8
converter is connected to the FC to raise the low voltage >
> F Fw Fr Fi Fa
< Fw 0:5rCAv2
delivered by the FC to the traction standard dc bus.
Fr mgCr cos b (1)
EMS is responsible for providing the power needed by >
> Fi mg sin b
optimizing the power generated by these two energy sources Fa Gd a
and regulating the recovery energy when regenerative
where F is the traction force, Fw the air resistance, Fr the
braking. This paper presents two kinds of EMS: power
frictional resistance between wheel and tracks, Fr the climb-
following energy management system and fuzzy logic energy
ing resistance, Fa the acceleration resistance, r is air density
management system.
(1.293 kg/m3), C is drag coefficient, A is cross-sectional area, v
FC/battery hybrid locomotive is an extremely complicated
is locomotive speed, m is locomotive weight, Cr is coefficient of
nonlinear-system which involves various subject areas,
rolling resistance, b is gradient of slope, Gd is inertial mass and
therefore it is of highly importance to establish a proper
a is acceleration speed.
locomotive model to test the performance [31e34]. In this
The upper section of this model is backward-facing simu-
paper, this model is established and simulated on the
lation where these forces are calculated according to their
secondly-developed software ADVISOR. After selecting the
formulas and are passed to the next part. The other half is
proper drive cycle, the dynamic performance and economic
forward-facing process.
performance is assessed according to the simulation results,
providing reference significance for the later optimization.
Model of traction motor
Fig. 7 shows the traction motor model whose functions are to
transfer the required torque and required speed into required
power for upper module in backward-facing process and to
ADVISOR (Advanced Vehicle SimulatOR), a vehicle simulation
transfer available power from upper module into available
software developed by American NREL (National Renewable
torque and speed for next module in forward-facing process.
Energy Laboratory) for the test and assessment of traditional
Taking comprehensive consideration of motor working prin-
vehicle, electric vehicle and hybrid vehicle, it combines
ciple, motor's control strategy and a large amount of test data,
backward- and forward-facing approaches creatively, the two
this motor's model is established based on motor's steady-
basic simulation approaches, to simulate and the detailed
state characteristic map and first order dynamic characteris-
information about ADVISOR can be found in Refs. [35,36].
tics. There are several major parts: motor speed estimator
Because ADVISOR is developed originally for vehicle simula-
module, enforce torque limit module, effect of inertia module,
tion, a secondary development in this paper is conducted
motor controller module, motor thermodynamic module and
based on the system architecture of fuel cell/battery hybrid
speed limit module.
vehicle to make it suitable for hybrid locomotive.

Please cite this article in press as: Zhang G, et al., Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery hybrid locomotive based on
ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
4 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 6

Fig. 3 e Locomotive inputs interface.

Fig. 4 e Simulation interface.

Please cite this article in press as: Zhang G, et al., Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery hybrid locomotive based on
ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 6 5

Fig. 5 e Results interface.

vehicle speed
req'd at end of
force req'd to overcome rolling
time step (m/s)
resistance (N)

tractive force and speed
force req'd to ascend required of tire and wheel
(N) (N), (m/s)

To Workspace2
Sum1 veh_spd_r
force req'd to overcome
To Workspace3
aerodynamic drag (N)

force req'd to accelerate (N)


Goto <vc> and

<wh>/tire slip model
tractive force and veh_force_a vehicle speed (m/s)
linear speed -K- mpha
achievable To Workspace4
(N) Demux1 veh_spd_a Goto <sdo><cyc>
(m/s) -> (mph)1
To Workspace5

Fig. 6 e Dynamic model of locomotive.

Please cite this article in press as: Zhang G, et al., Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery hybrid locomotive based on
ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
6 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 6

P_mc_in_r 1
motor speed estimator P_mc_in_1lim req'd motor
Demux Sum input power (W)
motor controller
torque and speed input power logic interface
enforce torque limit mc_pwr_in_r
req'd at rotor map(W)
(Nm), (rad/s) Saturation To Workspace9
effect of inertia
Demux (Nm)

To Workspace4
N-m drive torque
mc_spd_out_r per W input
To Workspace5

drive torque and

speed avail. at rotor
mc_ni_trq_out_a mc_trq_out_a (Nm), (rad/s)
2 Mux
available motor rotor drive torque mc_th_calc
input power (W) available (Nm)
mc_pwr_in_a mc_spd_out_a
Mux f(u) Qmc_gen
<sdo>1 Tmc mc_tmp
[v_prev] veh spd

[key_on] key ON? Qmc_clt mc_clt_th_pwr

From <vc>
mc tmp

Fig. 7 e Model of traction motor.

< hm f1 nm ; Tm management system and improving efficiency of the whole
T minTr ; Tmax lm =s lm (2) locomotive.
: m
Tmax f2 nm With complicated electrochemical reaction when charging
where hm is the motor efficiency, nm is the motor speed, f1 is and discharging, it is hard to develop a precise model. Among
the motor's efficiency map, f2 is the maximum output torque the four battery models in ADVISOR, namely RC model, Rint
characteristic map, Tr is the required torque, Tm is the output model, Fundamental Lead Acid Model and Neutral Network
torque, Tmax is the maximum torque, lm =s lm is the first model, Rint model in which battery is equivalent to a serial
order transfer function. ideal voltage source and resistance is presented in this paper
for its simplicity and less calculation, as Fig. 9 shows. This
Model of FC model is also can be found in Ref. [19].
PEMFC, core part of the locomotive, is a complicated gener- 8
0 t1 1,
ating set involving hydromechanics, thermodynamics and < Z
electrochemistry, thus it is difficult to model perfectly. In the >
> SOCt 1 SOCt  @ idtA Q
process of simulation, simplified models are often employed. t
Of all the simplified models embedded in ADVISOR, power-
where V and I are the terminal voltage and terminal current,
efficiency model that is also can be seen in Ref. [18], is cho-
VOC is the equivalent open-circuit voltage and R is internal
sen in that this model stresses on the relations among output
resistance. All the three variables can be calculated according
power, efficiency and heat emission and doesn't care about its
to SOC. Q is the maximum capacity.
interior operation condition. As Fig. 8 shows, input of this
model is demanded FC power distributed by energy control
Model of the whole locomotive
strategy and outputs are available power, fuel use and FC
Assembling all the models mentioned before forms the model
of the whole locomotive, laying foundation for the subse-
hFC PFC =mH2 LHVH2 (3) quence simulation and analysis (Fig. 10).

where hFC and mH2 are respectively the efficiency and

hydrogen consumption when the output power of FC isPFC ,
Simulation results and discussion based on
LHVH2 is the low heat value of hydrogen.
power following strategy (PFS)
Model of battery
Power following strategy for hybrid locomotive
Battery is taken as the second energy storage system of the
hybrid locomotive to assist the FC to provide adequate power
The basic idea of the power following EMS is to keep battery
to the load. In addition, the value of battery state of charge
SOC between the minimum value and the maximum value to
(SOC) provides vital signal for EMS. Precise estimation of SOC
achieve the highest charge efficiency. Aiming at the lowest
is also crucial for designing an appropriate energy
electricity consumption, this strategy limits the output power

Please cite this article in press as: Zhang G, et al., Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery hybrid locomotive based on
ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 6 7

1 Goto1
pwr net(w)
cum fuel use (gal)
pwr gross(w)1 fuel use
1 perf info FC ON?, EOem, MFex, Tex, O2ex

pwr req'd at fc fuel use 2

output (W) Texh EO emis
fuel cell fuel use and EO emis info
fc_pwr_out_r Mux
system <fc> Fuel Cell

fc_tstat -K- 3

gain pwr avail. to

driveline (W)
[coolant_temp] Switch3
From <vc> 1
fc_fuelcell_warmup_bool <sdo>1

Fig. 8 e Model of FC.


Goto <cs>1
max pack ess_max_chg_pwr
pwr (W)1
Goto <cs>2 enable_stop

Goto <sdo>, <cs> ess_pwr_out_a
SOC stop sim
algorithm To Workspace9
power req'd
into bus (W) power available
to bus (W)
Voc, Rint compute bus_voltage
Goto <mc>, <gc>, <sdo> ess_th_calc

Tess ess_mod_tmp
f(u) Qess_gen Tair ess_air_tmp
To Workspace8
limit power Qair ess_air_th_pwr
Goto <cs>

coul eff

Fig. 9 e Model of battery.

Fig. 10 e Model of the whole locomotive.

Please cite this article in press as: Zhang G, et al., Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery hybrid locomotive based on
ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
8 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 6

of FC at a set range and adjusts the output power with the dynamic model of the whole locomotive, as shown in Fig. 6. To
changes of demanded power to meet the dynamic re- satisfy the dynamic performance, three indicators, namely
quirements. There are four driving patterns and adopting the maximum speed, acceleration and gradeability are always
which pattern is determined by the demanded power of the selected to configure the power of PEMFC and battery. How-
locomotive and the value of SOC of battery. ever, the suffering forces to consider under these indicators
are different, as shown in equation (8).
(1) Battery driving mode 8
< Fvmax Fw Fr max speed
8 F Fw Fr Fa max accl speed (8)
< Pm Pr =hm : imax
Famax Fw Fr Fi max gradeability
PFC 0 (5)
: P P h
B m dc=ac
Pm maxFvmax ; Fimax ; Famax v=3600h (9)
where Pr is the demand power under certain condition and PFC
and PB are the out power of fuel cell power and battery, Pm is Since motor has to provide enough traction power, motor
the motor power. power are calculated as equation (9), in which h is the trans-
mission system efficiency. PEMFC is taken as the primary
(2) Fuel cell driving and battery charging mode power source, therefore PEMFC power is supposed to maintain
the maximum speed while battery system undertakes the rest
8   power difference. Finally, adopting the parameters in Table 1
< PFC Pm PB hdc=ac hDC
SOC* 0:5SOCh SOC to calculate, an 860 kW PEMFC, an array of 300 batteries and
:  l (6)
PB PC SOC  SOC* 0:5SOCh  SOCl a 1100 kW motor are determined.
On account of the different operation conditions and road
where SOC* is the expected SOC value, SOCh and SOCl are the
environment between vehicle and locomotive, the existing
set value of maximum and minimum SOC, PC is the regulation
drive cycles of ADVISOR such as Urban Dynamometer Driving
power of SOC, hDC is the efficiency of DC/DC converter.
Schedule (UDDS) and Highway Fuel Economy Test (HWFET)
are not suitable for performance evaluation of locomotive, so
(3) Fuel cell and battery combined driving mode
secondary development for drive cycle is necessary. The
8   hybrid locomotive has not developed successfully yet in
< PFC PB Pm hdc=ac hDC China, therefore the real state of driving is not determined. In
SOC* 0:5SOCh SOC l (7)
: this paper, an operating subway's driving cycle in Chengdu
China is selected and embedded to ADVISOR as the driving
(4) Regenerative mode cycle to evaluate the proposed hybrid locomotive's
When braking, the motor turns into power generation Compared with driving cycles of vehicle, the selected
mode, so the battery recovers generative energy and the fuel subway driving cycle presents the following characteristics:
cell system turns down [19].
(1) The subway has the fixed driving circuit, same driving
Simulation parameters of hybrid locomotive distance and fixed operating time every day;
(2) With no external disturbance such as traffic light during
The simulation parameters are all from China's first fuel cell driving, the road environment is relatively simple;
locomotive, as Table 1 shows. (3) The stations and stopping time are the same within a
The proposed configuration and EMS based on ADVISOR circulating route.
are evaluated by simulation results in Matlab/Simulink. All
the parameters in Table 1 are reset in the inputs interface of Fig. 11 represents the curve of drive cycle and Table 2
ADVISOR or in the .m file for simulation. PEMFC and battery, shows the concrete parameters of this driving cycle. The
as the power sources of the whole system, is responsible to route of Chengdu subway, crossing urban and rural areas,
provide enough power to meet the drive cycle requirement takes 1053 s. This route presents 8 stops and stopping time of
and their power has to be determined according to the each stop keeps between 40 and 60 s.

Table 1 e Simulation parameters of FC/battery hybrid locomotive.

Locomotive Gross weight 54t Cross-sectional area 7.28 m2
Center-height 1.8 Coefficient of rolling resistance 0.05
Wheel diameter 0.84 Drag coefficient 0.75
Wheel weight 320 kg Wheel base 6.2
Power of FC 860 kW Peak efficiency 60%
Battery Maximum discharge rate 5C Nominal voltage 12 V
Capacity 25 Ah Number 300
Motor Nominal power 1100 kW Peak efficiency 0.9

Please cite this article in press as: Zhang G, et al., Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery hybrid locomotive based on
ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 6 9

drive cycle 105

80 FC power+battery power
required power
s p e e d( k m / h)


power(kW )


20 0

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 time(s)

Fig. 13 e The total output power and required power of

Fig. 11 e Drive cycle of locomotive.

Table 2 e Concrete parameters of drive cycle.

Time (s) 1053 Max speed 80.12 Max accel 1.5 the pre-set minimum and maximum), reflecting the control
(km/h) (m/s2)
principals of the power following strategy.
Distance (km) 8.88 Ave speed 30.37 Max decel 1.56
Fig. 13 shows the curves of total output power provided by
(km/h) (m/s2)
Ave accel (m/s2) 0.53 Ave decel 0.44 Stop 324 FC and battery and required power of the locomotive. It is
(m/s2) times(s) concluded from this figure that the selected dynamical system
Stops 8 can satisfy the power requirement of the locomotive. There-
fore, the effectiveness and validity of the established model
are proved.
Simulation results and analysis based on power following
FC is the primary energy source that offers the most of
strategy (PFS)
required power, so the output power of FC is higher than
output power of battery on the whole, as is shown in Fig. 14.
After setting all the parameters, it is time to start to simulate.
Because of the slow dynamic response, it is impossible for FC
The simulation results are shown in Fig. 12. From Fig. 12(a) in
to change output power to give quick response to load fluc-
which the curves of required speed and actual speed of the
tuation and battery is responsible for suddenly changed
locomotive is presented, these two curves are in good agree-
power. Furthermore, battery absorbs regenerated power when
ment, namely that the actual speed can change in response to
braking so as to assist FC, playing a role of peak load shifting
the required speed, meeting the dynamic performance of the
and improving efficiency of the whole locomotive. What's
locomotive. Fig. 12(b) shows the SOC changes. Combining with
more, it is avoided to turn on or off the FC, helping to extend
Fig. 12(a), it can be concluded that when acceleration, battery
the life-span of FC.
discharges and SOC of battery lower and vise verse when
Fig. 15 shows the efficiency diagrams of major compo-
braking. SOC of battery is set initially to 0.7 and kept between
nents. Results show that FC always operates in a high-
0.6 and 0.8 in the whole process of simulation (0.6 and 0.8 are
efficiency region and other components also have high effi-
ciency, which are in agreement with their actual efficiency,
required speed
avalible speed
demonstrating that the established model can reflect actual
operation process of these components.
60 Tables 3 and 4 show the energy use of major parts in

power mode and regenerative mode. According to the effi-

ciency (see Tables 3 and 4) of major components, the effi-
ciency of the whole locomotive can be calculated as the
following formula:
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Aero Rolling
time(s) Eff overall 0:3736 (10)
Fuel in  ess strage
(a) Required speed and actual speed



power(kW )

0.67 0

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 FC output power
time(s) battery output power
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
(b) SOC of battery time(s)

Fig. 12 e Simulation results. Fig. 14 e Output power of FC and battery.

Please cite this article in press as: Zhang G, et al., Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery hybrid locomotive based on
ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
10 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 6

Fig. 15 e Efficiency of the major components of the locomotive.

economy performance. However, that if power of motor, FC,

Bisection method based optimization under PFS and battery can be optimized further should be studied to
reduce the required component sizes to lower the cost and
From the analysis of simulation results, the established model improve economy. The Matlab-based auto-size routine allows
is able to meet the needs of dynamic performance and to adjust components sizes and reevaluate the performance

Please cite this article in press as: Zhang G, et al., Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery hybrid locomotive based on
ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 6 11

Step 2: Setting the optimization constraints.

Table 3 e Energy of major components in power mode.
Step 3: Taking the average of upper and lower value to
Fuel in Fuel out Fuel loss Efficient simulate. If the constraints are satisfied, then the average
Fuel 0 643,104 e e value is taken as the new upper bounds. If not, the average
Fuel converter 643,104 340,589 302,515 0.5296 value is taken as the new lower bounds.
Energy storage 107,865 78,818 35,227 0.6819 Step 4: Iterating as step 3 until convergence.
Energy stored 6180 e
Motor 319,595 276,428 43,167 0.8649
In this paper, motor power, PEMFC power and battery
Wheel 265,378 261,099 4279 0.9839
Aero e e 7573 e number are the optimization variables. Their initial values are
Rolling e e 235,009 e the configured value in Table 1. To maintain the dynamic
performance, maximum gradeability and acceleration times
are taken as the constraints. Considering that a single accel-
eration speed cannot reflect the acceleration ability of the
Table 4 e Energy of major components in regenerative
locomotive comprehensively, acceleration times of three ac-
celeration processes, namely 0e80 km/h, 0e50 km/h and
Fuel in Fuel out Fuel loss Efficient 50e80 km/h are adopted to evaluate the acceleration perfor-
Motor 10,616 8053 2563 0.76 mance in this paper. The constrained values refers to simu-
Wheel 18,191 18,370 179 1.01 lation results of gradeability test and acceleration test under
Braking e e 7312 e the configuration before optimization. As for the upper and
lower bounds, they are set around the initial values of the
optimization variables.
criteria under certain constraints, which is adopted to opti-
mize the configuration of the locomotive in this paper.
Optimization results

Introduction of optimizing method

When all the parameters are set, the optimization routine is
running and there will be a figure providing a statue update.
The auto-size optimization method is based on bisection
The design variables, the constraints and the normalized
theory, a simple but effective way to solve optimization
objective are displayed, as Fig. 16 shows.
problem. The basic principles are as follows:
According to the results, the optimization is successful.
The power of motor, PEMFC and battery are all optimized.
Step 1: Setting the initial value optimization variables and
Adopt these optimized powers to simulate in ADVISOR and
their upper and lower bounds.
Fig. 17 shows the simulation results. Though the power of FC

Fig. 16 e Optimization results.

Please cite this article in press as: Zhang G, et al., Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery hybrid locomotive based on
ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
12 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 6

0.7 Table 6 shows the comparative results of economy and

dynamic performance before and after optimization under the
power following strategy (PFS). The fuel consumption and
0.66 gasoline equivalent both decrease by 5%, improving economy

0.65 performance of the locomotive. As for the dynamic perfor-

0.64 mance, Table 6 shows that the acceleration times from
0e80 km/h, 50e80 km/h and 0e50 km/h decrease in different
degrees, respectively by 9.2%, 11.5% and 4.8%, which also in-
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
time(s) dicates the improvement of dynamic performance. The gra-
deability at 36 km/h decreases from 14.7% to 8.9%. It seems
(a) SOC of battery
like that the ability to climb lower after optimization. How-
106 ever, the gradeablity of the locomotive is no more than 7%, so
the gradeability still satisfies the actual requirements despite
the decrease.
Combining all the results, here comes to the conclusion

0 that the optimized model has advantages over the original

model in terms of both dynamic and economy performance.

FC output power
battery output power
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Fuzzy logic based control strategy

(b) Output power of FC and battery

All the simulations and analysis before are on the basis of
Fig. 17 e Simulation results after optimization. power following energy management system. In this section,
an EMS based on the fuzzy logic theory is designed and
embedded to ADVISOR to simulate.
and motor decrease, the optimized model can still meet the
dynamic requirements of the locomotive. The battery SOC is Fuzzy logic theory
kept within a certain range and the required power is
distributed between fuel cell and battery. Due to the advantages such as no need to establish a precise
The efficiency of major parts before and after optimization model of controlled object, having the similar control process
is shown in Table 5. with human thinking mode and good robustness, fuzzy con-
Efficiency changes of major parts are so insignificant to be trol system has been implied to fields of automatic control
ignored. And efficiency of the whole locomotive improves by engineering, scientific research, signal processing and so on.
1.7% than original model. In this paper, fuzzy control is also employed to control the
energy flow of hybrid locomotive [14,17,19].
Fuzzy control system is realized by fuzzy controller which
Table 5 e Comparison of efficiency of major parts before is composed of these following parts: fuzzification interface,
and after optimization. reasoning machine, rule base, defuzzification interface. Fig. 18
shows the basic functional block diagram.
PFS before OP PFS after OP Increase
FC 0.5296 0.5270 0.47%
Design of fuzzy control system
Battery 0.6819 0.6881 0.9%
Motor 0.8649 0.8560 1%
Wheel 0.9839 0.9848 0.09% Fuzzy controller in this paper is designed by adopting Man-
Whole locomotive 0.3736 0.38 1.7% dani reasoning method and fuzzy module provided by Matlab/
Bold values represent percentage increase after OP.
The designed fuzzy controller takes demanded power of
the locomotive and SOC of battery as inputs and required
power for FC as the output. Demanded power when acceler-
Table 6 e Comparison of dynamic and economy ation is positive while negative when braking, resulting that
performance before and after optimization. domain of discourse of demanded power of the locomotive is
PFS PFS Increase [-1, 1] where includes 6 fuzzy subsets and linguistic variables
before after are [NS NM NB PS PM PB]. Besides, all the membership func-
OP OP tion of linguistic variables are trapezoidal distribution. Simi-
Fuel consumption (L/100 km) 3359.5 3191.6 5% larly, the domain of discourse of battery SOC is [0, 1] where
Gasoline equivalent 227.4 216 5% includes 3 fuzzy subsets and their responding linguistic vari-
Acceleration 0e80 km/h 26.2 23.8 9.2% ables are [L, M, H]. Their membership functions are respec-
time(s) 50e80 km/h 15.7 13.9 11.5%
tively trapezoidal distribution, triangular distribution and
0e50 km/h 10.5 10 4.8%
Gradeability at 36 km/h 14.7% 8.9% e
trapezoidal distribution. The domain of discourse of output is
[0, 1], including 6 subsets. Linguistic variables are [L0, L1, L2,
Bold values represent percentage increase after OP.
L3, L4, L5] whose membership functions are shown in Fig. 19.

Please cite this article in press as: Zhang G, et al., Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery hybrid locomotive based on
ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 6 13

Fig. 18 e Functional block diagram of fuzzy control.

When designing rules of fuzzy controller, there are some

basic principles:

(1) Reduce dynamic load of FC as far as possible on condi-

tion that the dynamic requirements of the locomotive is
(2) Make battery undertake quick change of required power
and keep battery SOC between 0.6 and 0.8.

Fig. 20 and Table 7 show graph of inputs and output, dis-

playing corresponding relation of inputs and output more

Fig. 20 e Graph of inputs and output.

Table 7 e Rules of fuzzy control.

L L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
M L0 L0 L2 L3 L4 L5
H L0 L0 L0 L2 L3 L4

Modeling, simulation and analysis based on fuzzy logic

strategy (FLS)

The designed EMS based on fuzzy logic theory under the
environment of Matlab/Simulink is shown in Fig. 21.
Embed this model into original model as a replacement of
power following EMS model, as Fig. 22 shows. All the following
simulation is based on this model.

Simulation and analysis of results

When simulating, the power of FC, battery and motor are the
power optimized by using bisection algorithm. Thus, the
following discussions are between the optimized simulations
results of power following strategy and simulation results
based on fuzzy logic strategy.
As Fig. 23 shows, SOC of battery is kept in specialized
range. The state of FC is on all the time and its power change is
Fig. 19 e Membership functions of inputs and outputs gentle, resulting in a life prolongation of FC.
variables. More direct results can be seen in Table 8.

Please cite this article in press as: Zhang G, et al., Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery hybrid locomotive based on
ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
14 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 6

>= engine_on

Goto <fc>
0 Switch1
-K- generator pwr (W)

From <ess> Fuzzy Logic
Controller power req'd from energy storage (W)

power req'd by bus (W)

Fig. 21 e Model of fuzzy logic EMS.

Fig. 22 e Whole model based on fuzzy logic strategy.

From Table 8, efficiency of FC improves by 6.8%. Because of locomotive increases by 1%, therefore the performance of
the extremely high cost of FC, the improvement of efficiency is whole locomotive improves in a whole.
of great significance. Even though efficiency of battery, motor Table 9 shows the direct values of these criteria and the
and wheel decrease, it is so little to be ignored compared with decrease means the comparison between the results
the efficiency improvement of FC. Efficiency of the whole

Table 8 e Comparison of efficiency of major components.
PFS after OP FLS Increase

0.66 FC 0.5270 0.5622 6.8%

Battery 0.6881 0.6790 1.3%

Motor 0.8560 0.8537 0.27%
Wheel 0.9848 0.9838 0.1%
0.6 Whole locomotive 0.38 0.384 1%
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Bold values represent percentage increase of FLS compared with
PFS after OP.

(a) SOC of battery

Table 9 e Comparison of dynamic and economy
4 PFS FLS Decrease

2 after OP
Fuel consumption (L/100 km) 3191.6 3110.6 2.5%
Gasoline equivalent 216 210.6 2.5%
Acceleration time (s) 0e80 km/h 23.8 23.8 0
-6 FC output power
battery output power 50e80 km/h 13.9 16 15%
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0e50 km/h 10 7.7 33%
Gradeability at 36 km/h 8.9% 11.1% e
(b) Output power of FC and battery Bold values represent percentage decrease of FLS compared with
PFS after OP.
Fig. 23 e Simulation results of FLS.

Please cite this article in press as: Zhang G, et al., Modeling, optimization and control of a FC/battery hybrid locomotive based on
ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 6 15

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ADVISOR, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),

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