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What is aircraft maintenance?
Aircraft maintenance is the overhaul, repair, inspection or
modification of an aircraft or aircraft component. Maintenance may
include such task as ensuring compliance with Airworthiness
Directives or Service Bulletins.

Maintenance Levels;
1. Organizational maintenance
2. Intermediate maintenance
3. Depot level maintenance
1. Organizational Maintenance (O-LEVEL)

That maintenance that is the responsibility of and performed by a using

organization on its assigned equipment. Its phases normally consist of inspecting,
servicing, lubricating, and adjusting, as well as the replacing of parts, minor
assemblies, and subassemblies.
2. Intermediate Maintenance (I-LEVEL)

Maintenance (I-LEVEL) Intermediate Maintenance is work that is

performed in the centrally located facilities for the support of
operating activities within a designated geographical area, at a
particular base or station, or aboard aviation ships.
3. Depot Level Maintenance (D-LEVEL)

Deport level Maintenance is work that must be done in an industrial-

type facility. Such a facility may either be civilian, military, or both. If
the work is contracted out to a civilian facility, the type of work is still
depot maintenance.
Break down maintenance
Its implies that repairs are made after the equipment failed and can
not perform its normal function anymore.
Quite justified in small factories-Down times are non-critical and
repair costs are less than other type of maintenance.
-Financial justification for scheduling are not felt.
Disadvantages of Breakdown maintenance
Faster plant deterioration
More spoilt materials
Direct loss of profit
Excessive delay in production and reduces output
Breakdown generally accurse inappropriate times leading to poor and
hurried maintenance.
Preventive maintenance
The maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals or according
to prescribed criteria and intended to reduce the probability of failure
or the degradation of functioning and the effects are limited.

Reduces break down and there by down time
Increases plan life
Lower maintenance and repair costs
Predictive maintenance
Predictive maintenance is a set of activities that defect changes in the
physical condition of equipment in order to carry out the appropriate
maintenance work for maximising the service life of equipment
without increasing the risk of failure.
1. Condition-its depend on continuous or periodic condition monitoring
equipment to defect the signs of failure.

2. Statistical based predictive-depend on statistical data from the meticulous

recording of the stoppage of the in-plant items and components in order to
develop models for predictive failures.
Corrective maintenance
Remedial maintenance-Which is a set of activities that are performed
to eliminate the source of failure without interrupting the continuity
of the production process.
Deferred maintenance-Which is a set of corrective maintenance
activities that are not immediately initiated after the occurrence of a
failure but are delayed in such a way that will not affect the
production process.
Shutdown corrective maintenance-Which is a set of corrective
maintenance activities that are performed. When the production line
is in total stoppage situation.


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