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Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe shines at the 2017 Midlands

Agricultural Show
Evangelical Lutheran Church Zimbabwe (E.L.C.Z) Malaria Project believes that malaria is
both a root cause and a consequence of poverty. Due to that, the project has incorporated a
component of sustainable livelihoods in its implementation since 2012. Savings and lending
schemes are at the centre of all livelihood activities. Projects such as beekeeping, poultry
production, livestock rearing, vegetable value addition, basketry and many others have been
implemented with the hope of improving household income thus improving quality of life
and health as well. Communities have been producing a lot of products from their livelihood
activities but the market has been a problem. The 2017 Malaria Project work plan therefore
seeks to link community projects to the market and the Midlands Agricultural Show was such
an opportunity.

Figure 1: E.L.C.Z stand at the Midlands Agricultural Show: Photo credit Y.Muzezewa

Drawing exhibitors from all over the country, the Midlands Agricultural Show ran under the
theme Wealth through value addition. It took place in Gweru from 27 to 30 July 2017. The
E.L.C.Z Malaria Project booked for a space to showcase its products from different
community groups in both Gokwe North and Hwange districts. Most of the products were in
line with the theme as they reflected how simple products were added value to. From Gokwe
products such as baobab powder, peanuts, honey, dried vegetables, amarula nuts and many
other traditional foods were on the stand. From Hwange district, different kinds of baskets
were exhibited. Of interest to the crowds was how we use the vegetable solar dryer and the
honey solar extractor. These innovations were the centre of attraction at the stand.
Figure 2: Honey solar extractor on the left and vegetable solar dryer on the right. Photo credit Y.Muzezewa

Saturday was the busiest day. Although the stand was manned by four people, the crowd was
so huge that the team could not even get time to break for lunch. Interactions with the public
helped the project to identify areas of improvement and also areas of collaboration. There are
some individuals who indicated that they needed continuous supply of the value added

Figure 3: Some of the products at the ELCZ stand. Photo by Y.Muzezewa

E.L.C.Z Malaria Project shared the stand with Vashandiri centre which is a Church institution
specialising in technical skills training. At the stand Vashandiri showcased products from
their Home Decor, Travel and Tourism, Cosmetology and Computer and Life Skills.

Figure 4: Vashandiri Centre exhibition.

Because of its outstanding displays and lessons to the public, ELCZ won an award for the
best exhibitor in the social and health services category. The Chinese ambassador who was
the guest of honour had the chance to tour the ELCZ stand and was amazed by how the
project has added value to easily available products like the baobab fruit.

Figure 5: Mrs Y.Muzezewa the Malaria project coordinator explaining to the Chinese ambassador the health benefits of
baobab powder. Photo by V.Chirasha

It was with great honour that ELCZ received an award at the Midlands Agricultural Show.
The fact that it was ELCZs first time to exhibit at such shows yet managed to scoop a prize
was testimony enough that churches are able to excel in both the development and business
fields. According to the Malaria Project Coordinator, Mrs Muzezewa; Excellency and hard
work are virtues infused into the malaria project implementation plan. Scooping a prize is
testimony to that.

Figure 6: Presentation of the trophy by the guest of honour

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