Lesson Plan - Sewing A Hem

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Lesson Focus: Learning Area / Strand: Year Level: Implementation Date:

Sewing a hem Home Economics Fun with 9
Fabric Duration: 60 minutes

Curriculum Framework: Curriculum links (Strands/Content Descriptors):

Australian Curriculum - Investigate and make judgements, within a range of technologies
specialisations, on how technologies can be combined to create
designed solutions (ACTDEK047).

Prior knowledge of learners:

Students have previously learnt about the importance of classroom expectations and the importance of
safety in the sewing room and school kitchens. Students have been exposed to a number of components
of a sewing machine and learnt how to thread a machine.
Lesson objective/s
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
Sew a hem using the sewing machine.
Evidence of learning:
Students are to examine the teacher demonstrate the lesson task in order to show exactly how students
are required to complete the set task. Students will utilise the skills previously learnt to demonstrate their
current knowledge of fabric and sewing construction.
Classroom Management Strategies:
Teacher before class to set up whiteboard demonstrating the lesson objectives.
Teacher is to organise students quietly outside before class. Ensure all students have removed hats and
phones are away.
Students are required to line up outside of the classroom quietly with all necessary stationary before
entering the classroom.
Speak only when students are quiet and ready, address behaviour management issues quickly and
Utilise 1, 2, 3, eyes on me technique.

White board, white board markers, student handouts (sewing machine parts and threading a machine and
bobbin), sewing machine, thread, bobbin, scissors, ruler, pins, tailors chalk, iron.
Differentiation considerations:
Providing students with a visual demonstration will assist students with obtaining the correct technique.
Will utilise the assistance of a teacher aide when necessary for SEP students.
Classroom handouts will be given as a second visual for all students.
This also provides the opportunity for students who may be struggling to ask questions when necessary
to ensure that they receive the same outcome as all other students.
Lesson Before beginning the lesson, the educator should ensure that they have
Introduction enough resources for all students in the class.
Introducing the When the pre-service teacher arrives at the classroom before the students
topic they will choose to write the lesson objectives on the white board.
Engagement of the When the students arrive at the classroom for todays lesson they should be
learners instructed to line up quietly before the educator chooses to invite the students
into the classroom.
Once the students have entered the classroom and quietly taken their seats
they will be introduced to the lesson topic.
The teacher will introduce the learning goal to the students and instruct them
to copy these goals into their work booklets.
Lesson Body Once the students have finished copying the lesson goal into their work book
Delivering the the educator will discuss with the students as to what they will be completing
content through throughout the lesson.
specific strategies
Mark Roll
Activity 1 Begin demonstration of sewing a hem at the sewing machine.
Step 1 remind students to always have a set of scissors, fabric, pins, bin,
ruler, pencil/tailors chalk neatly beside their machine.
Step 2 collect calico
Step 3 remind students to rule a line at 1.5 cm and 3cm
Step 4 fold fabric to 1.5cm line then iron.
Step 5 fold fabric to 3cm line and iron.
Step 6 sew as close to the edge as possible using straight stitch.

Teacher will then instruct the students to form into pairs and begin setting up
their sewing machines ready to complete this task.

Move around the classroom providing assistance to students when necessary and
observe student behaviour. Address issues if necessary to ensure students remain
on task.

Lesson Conclusion To finalise this activity the students will then be instructed to ensure that they
Concluding have completed the correct close down procedure of the sewing machine.
activities Ensure the students have thoroughly cleaned their area before leaving. Check
Summarising the all sewing boxes at back of the classroom, ensure floor is tidy and students
lesson have correctly placed all machines away.
Evaluation / Reflection

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