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Date: August 1, 2017

To: Ms. Madonna De Leon

Accounting Head

From: Wellyn Joyce Puerin

Medical Representative - Davao

Subject: Mothers Class Liquidation

Cycle 6

Cc : Mr. Ramon Golimlim

District Manager

Good Day.

Please be informed that Mothers Class in San Pedro Hospital, Davao City scheduled last June 17, 2017
was not push through by the assigned OB resident - Dr. Charmaine Martinez because they were busy
preparing for their upcoming activities in the hospital, however, the Mothers class for the month of
June was re- scheduled on July 8, 2017. I also informed my District Manager of the said concern. Thats
why I conducted my mothers class on July 8, 2017.

Should you have concerns, please let me know.

Thank you.

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