Speakout Grammar Extra Pre-Intermediate Unit 5 PDF

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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 5 3 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences.

didnt go
5.1 past simple and past continuous 1 I wasnt going to work yesterday.

1 Underline the correct alternative.

2 She talked on her phone when she fell.
3 What you were doing when you met your
Last year, we 1went/were going on holiday to America. husband?
We 2flew/were flying to Florida and 3visited/were visiting
Disneyworld before going to Miami. While we 4 He was giving a presentation when I was first
stayed/were staying in Miami, we 5met/were meeting seeing him.
a great couple. They 6spent/were spending a year 5 They didnt do their work when the teacher
travelling around the USA. We 7talked/were talking
walked in.
all night and they 8told/were telling us about their
favourite American cities. We 9decided/were deciding 6 Gosh, youre wet! You didnt have a shower, were
to go to New Orleans with them. you?
So, we 10hired/were hiring a car and 11drove/ 7 I fell asleep when the phone rang.
were driving along the coast and through the 8 She was paying the taxi driver.
national forests. It 12was/was being a long journey,
so we 13stopped/were stopping at different places
on the way. When we 14were having/had a break in 5.2 verb patterns
Tallahassee, we 15saw/were seeing someone we knew.
It 16was/was being our neighbour from our village in 1 Are the verbs followed by -ing or infinitive with to?
England! What a coincidence! Tick the correct box. Two verbs can be followed by
either pattern.
Verb -ing infinitive
with to
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
1 The match (start) at 7.30 in the
evening. It (rain) as the players want
(come) into the stadium but it
(be) a great game. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
2 My father (drive) home late one the verbs in brackets.
night when he (hit) a tree. 1 I (expect/travel) to India next month.
3 I (like) the film a lot and 2 I (love/spend) time in exotic places.
I (see) it three times. 3 Ill try to (avoid/eat) very spicy food.
4 I (talk) to my friends online when 4 Amy (want/come) with me.
I (get) the message. 5 We (like/travel) together.
5 When the postman (arrive), 6 She has (decide/leave) her job.
I (look) at all the envelopes. 7 And I (finish/work) last month.
6 When the postman (arrive), 8 She (hope/get) another job when we
I (have) a shower. get back.
7 They (knock down) that building 9 We (need/get) visas first.
when they (find) the old coins.
8 He (break) his leg while he
(climb) in the mountains.

Pearson Education Limited 2016


5.3 asking for/giving directions Consolidation

1 Put the words in the correct order to make phrases 1 Choose the correct answer, a), b) or c).
for giving directions.
Tony 1 to work one day when it happened. He
1 along / go / road / main / the 2
in an office downtown. He liked 3 to
work by bike because it kept him fit. He decided
2 second / le / the / take 4
the new bike path. He went 5 the
High Street.
3 turning / the / past / go
Then he 6 to turn le onto the bike path.

4 you / front / of / in He 7
le when a lorry crossed in front of him.
Tony 8 time to think. He 9 himself onto
the road. The lorry 10 right over him!
5 reach / going / you / until / keep
Are you OK? 11 a passer-by.

2 Yeah, Im fine, Tony .

Complete the conversation with the phrases in
the box. I think you should go to hospital it 13 .

can you show me on the map Yes, maybe. Can you 14 ?

can you tell me the way to excuse me Sure. Its past the station, 15
. Ill take you there.
go along the High Street go straight along
is it far keep going until you reach 1 a) cycled b) was cycling c) cycles
turn right at the corner you cant miss it 2 a) was working b) works c) worked
3 a) to going b) going c) goes
A: 1 .
4 a) using b) to use c) used
B: Yes?
5 a) straightly b) straight c) along
A: 2 the City Museum?
6 a) signals b) was c) signalled
B: Um the City Museum oh yes! signalling
A: 3 ? 7 a) turned b) was turning c) turns
B: No, its only about ten minutes from here. 8 a) didnt have b) wasnt c) hasnt
A: Great! 4 ? 9 a) was throwing b) threw c) throws
B: Yes, of course. Let me see. 5 10 a) was passing b) passes c) passed
the High Street. 11 a) asking b) asks c) asked
A: Is this the High Street? 12 a) answered b) answers c) was
B: Yes, it is.
13 a) is far b) isnt close c) isnt far
A: So, I 6 ? 14 a) show the b) show me c) show the
B: Thats right. 7 . way the way way me
A: So, I need to go right? 15 a) on the le b) in the le c) on le
A: Yes, right. 8 the traffic
lights. The City Museum is on the le.
B: Thank you, very much.

Pearson Education Limited 2016

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