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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 6 6.2 may, might, will

6.1 present perfect + for/since

1 Complete the sentences with may, might or will/ll.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1 Complete the table with the words and phrases A: I dont know whats wrong with me. Ive got a
headache and a sore throat. It 1 be
in the box.
ages a long time fieen years B: Yes, or it 2 just be a cold.
he was fieen I was little Monday
A: Do you think I should I call the healthcare
several hours yesterday 1990
helpline? They 3 tell me whats wrong.
for B: No, dont do that. They 4
be much too
A: But I feel terrible. My head really hurts!
I5 have a serious illness.
B: Or you 6 not. We 7 have
some cold medicine in the bathroom. Ill go and
since look Here, take this.
A: Thank you, I hope it helps!
B: Dont worry, Im sure you 8 feel much
better in the morning.

2 Underline the correct alternative.

1 I havent felt well for/since a long time.
2 Weve been here for/since 10 oclock.
3 Have you had your phone for/since more than a
4 She hasnt flown anywhere for/since the accident.
5 Theyve become much healthier for/since they
stopped eating sugar.
6 Has he heard anything for/since he sent in his
7 I havent run anywhere for/since years.
8 Has she been waiting for/since a long time?

3 Complete the sentences with the present perfect 2 Write the second sentence so that it has a similar
form of the verbs in brackets and for or since. meaning to the first.
1 They ve lived (live) in that house since 1990. 1 Theres a chance of rain.
2 We (be) here several It may/might rain.
2 Its possible that they will be late.
3 She (drive) the same car
They .
fieen years.
3 I predict rain.
4 He (work) at that shop
I think it .
he was fieen.
4 Were considering buying a van.
5 (you/see) Jill yesterday?
We .
6 We (not eat) hours.
5 Do I have permission to leave early?
7 I (not see) them
I was little.
6 Hes not sure about travelling to India.
8 (you/have) this headache He .
7 I predict a win for the government.
9 He (not visit) your parents
I think .
a long time.
8 She isnt certain about moving house.
She .

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6.3 seeing the doctor Consolidation

1 Put the words in the correct order to make 1 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences.
sentences and questions. 1 Weve been here since hours.
a) Doctor: this / like / how long / felt / you / have?
2 I havent seen her since she has been six!

b) Doctor: the / whats / matter? 3 How long you have had that cough?
4 Im sure he might win the competition!
c) Patient: feel / terrible / I / absolutely 5 She mays arrive later today.
6 You havent said anything since ages.
d) Patient: three / days / for
7 We didnt go there since we met.
e) Patient: got / Ive / throat / sore / a 8 My leg pains when I walk.

f) Doctor: exactly / problem / what / is / the? 2 Choose the correct answer, a), b) or c).
A: Good morning. So, 1 the matter?
g) Doctor: Hmm, / about / nothing / its / to / worry B: Im worried 2
A: Really? Whats 3
h) Doctor: look / I / can / have / a? B: He 4
been to one of our team meetings
i) Patient: course, / of / brushed / teeth / my / but / A: Really? And 6 he given good reasons for this?
I / havent / last night / since!
B: He says he 7
had other projects to deal with.
A: Well, thats true. He has 8 a lot of extra work
j) Doctor: home / go / rest / and / better / soon /
this month.
youll / feel
B: But he 9 taken extra time off to do that.
A: Hmm 10
you spoken to him about this?
2 Put the sentences in Exercise 1 in the correct order B: Not 11
the last meeting, no.
to make a conversation.
A: Well, he 12
just be overworked.
1 b 6 B: Or he 13 not like our meetings!
2 7 A: Im sure thats not the case. Would you like me to
3 8 talk to him?
4 9 A: That would be great! I think he 14 talk to you.
5 10 B: Fine. I 15 had a proper chat to him 16 he
got divorced.
1 a) what b) whats c) why
2 a) on b) in c) about
3 a) the b) a c) one
4 a) isnt b) hasnt c) has
5 a) since b) several c) for
6 a) has b) have c) did
7 a) was b) did c) has
8 a) has b) had c) did
9 a) has b) have c) didnt
10 a) has b) hasnt c) have
11 a) since b) for c) because
12 a) can b) might c) need
13 a) must b) may c) have to
14 a) will b) wont c) must
15 a) hasnt b) has c) havent
16 a) for b) since c) when

Pearson Education Limited 2016

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