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Annex 1 Annex 1

Group 1 - Activity: Name Game Group 2 Radio Broadcasting

Seven (7) descriptions were given to your group related to issues and The task of your group is to inform your listener pertaining to the
concerns on height and weight. The task of the group is to give a name issues and concerns on eyes, ears and skin.
for each description. Discuss among the members and agree for it.
Common Eye Problems
Name Description
Astigmatismimages are distorted because of the cornea (the clear
Failure to reach ones growth potential due to health outermost layer of the eye) or a lens that is not evenly or smoothly
problems and poor nutrition. curved.
Myopia or Nearsightednessa condition in which one can see close
Extreme thinness associated with acute starvation, objects clearly but objects farther away may appear blurry.
severe disease, or chronic unfavorable condition. Hyperopia or Farsightednessa condition in which one can see far
objects clearly but close objects may appear blurry.
There is a high consumption of fatty acid and sugar
Conjunctivitis (sore eyes)a common eye infection caused by bacteria
or virus.
Affected by Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR), a Common Ear Problems
condition in which a baby does not grow at a normal Cerumen Impactionrefers to the buildup of layers of earwax within the
rate inside the womb. ear canal to the point of blocking the canal and putting pressure to the
eardrum and often caused by misguided attempts to remove earwax.
A problem affected by the pituitary gland that cannot Swimmers Ear (External Otitis) an infection in the outer canal ear.
produce growth hormone Otitis Media an infection in the middle ear.
Common Skin Problems
Ailments experienced during infancy may cause growth
Sunburnrefers to prolonged exposure to the sun that caused damages
to the skin.
Short/Tall parents have a tendency to bear children Callusesare rough, thickened skin that develop because of constant
who are short/tall. and repeated pressure/friction.
Blisterssmall bubble on the skin filled with serum and caused by friction,
burning etc.
Dandruffshedding of dead skin cells from the scalp.
Low height-for-age Familial
Low weight-for-height Illnesses
High weight-for-height Hormonal

Annex 1 Annex 1
Group 3 Talk Show Group 4 Story Telling
The task of your group is to discuss the issues and concerns on body posture The task of your group is to tell a story concerning oral and
and spine disorder. dental issues.
Posturethe position in which someone holds their body when standing or Tastingthe taste bud is responsible in identifying taste of the
sitting. Good posture involves training your body to stand, walk, sit and lie in
positions where the least strain is placed on supporting muscles and ligaments food (sweet, salty or bitter)
during movement or weight-bearing activities Digestionthe process of breaking down food into substances
Poor Posturerefers to abnormal bent-back posture. that can be used by the body.
Oral and Dental Issues
Cavities-tooth decay
Gingivitis-inflammation of the gums (swollen, tender, and
bright red or purple gums).
Halitosis (bad breath)- unpleasant smell of the mouth
caused by bacteria from decayed food particles and poor
oral hygiene etc.
Proper Sitting Correct Lifting Position Periodontitis-inflammation of tissue around the teeth,
causing shrinkage of the gums.
Lordosis Kyphosis Scoliosis-sideways Malocclusion (sungki)-refers to the teeth that are not
(swayback) -is (hunchback)- curvature of the spine. aligned properly.
the backward is a more Different oral and dental issues and concerns can be corrected
curvature of extreme and prevented by proper care and different orthodontic
the lower spine forward procedures. The teeth, mouth, and gums should be given proper
curvature attention and care because any disorder or damage could cause
of the serious health issues. It is very important to brush the teeth, use
dental floss, mouthwash and consult a dentist at least once a
year for dental check-up.

Annex 2
Answer Key Group 1
Annex 1 Role Cards

Familial - Short/Tall parents have a tendency

to bear children who are short/tall. Leader: Encourager:
Illnesses - Ailments experienced during _____________________ _____________________
infancy may cause growth problem.
Hormonal - A problem affected by the pituitary
gland that cannot produce growth hormone. Leads the group in Ensure everyone is
Congenital - Affected by Intrauterine Growth accomplishing the participating.
Restriction (IUGR), a condition in which a baby assigned task(s). Invites everyone to
does not grow at a normal rate inside the join in.
High weight-for-height - There is a high
consumption of fatty acid and sugar food.
Low height-for-age - Failure to reach ones
Time Keeper: Reporter:
growth potential due to health problems and
_____________________ _____________________
poor nutrition.
Low weight-for-height - Extreme thinness
associated with acute starvation, severe
Keeps an eye of the Shares the
disease, or chronic unfavorable condition. allotted time so that consolidated ideas
the assigned task will generated during the
be finished on or group
before time. discussion/brainstor

Annex 2
Annex 1
Rubrics Word/s Connect- Draw a line to connect the concepts in
column A with the related words in column B.
5- The 4- The 3-The 2- The 1- The
health health health health health Column A Column B
practices practices practices practices practices Oral Care food, medicine, drinks
are done are done are done are done are done Proper Nutrition mouth, teeth, gums
Good Posture running, jogging, walking
everyday five to six four times twice a once a
Physical Activity hand washing, bathing
times a a week week week Personal Hygiene pillow, blanket
week Rest and Sleep stance, sitting position

Annex 3
Annex 3
Group 2- Talk Show- The task of your group is to
Group 1- Talk Show-The task of your group is to give some enumerate some ways to ensure proper hygiene.
ways to ensure proper nutrition.
Good Personal Hygiene- helps protect your body from
Proper Nutrition- can be acquired when an individual eats a illnesses and boost your self-confidence allowing you to feel
variety of healthy food to get all the nutrients that the body good about yourself towards other.
needs in order to grow, develop and function properly. It also
gives the body the energy for the day and protection against

Annex 3 Annex 3

Group 3- TV Advertisement- The task of your group is Group 4- TV Advertisement- The task of your group is to make
to make a short TV advertisement that shows the a short TV advertisement on the effects of having enough rest and
importance of doing regular physical activity. sleep.
Regular Physical Activity or Exercise- helps your body Enough Rest and Sleep- sleeping eight to ten hours at night will
combat diseases for it improves muscular and help you feel refreshed and ready for the next days activities.
cardiovascular endurance and reduces stress and anxiety.
It also builds bones and muscles.

Annex 3 Annex 3

Group 5- Demonstration- The task of your group is to Group 6- Demonstration - The task of your group is to
demonstrate good posture while sitting, standing and lying demonstrate simple steps of proper oral care.
Proper Oral Care- gives you confidence especially in dealing with
Good Posture- helps your body to function efficiently for it others. It includes brushing teeth and gums daily, undergoing
prevents fatigue, muscular strain and back pain. It also regular dental checkup, and getting treatments such as fluoride
adds to your good physical appearance for it projects application, extraction, fillings, braces and other orthodontic
poise, confidence and dignity. procedures.

Annex 4 Annex 5
Role Cards
Classify each practice with the self-management skills that help
you develop and maintain healthy body. Write the letter of the
Leader: _____________________ Encourager: _____________________ correct answer.
a. Proper Nutrition d. Good Personal Hygiene
Leads the group in Ensure everyone is b. Regular physical activity e. Good Posture
accomplishing the assigned participating. c. Proper Oral Care f. Enough Rest and Sleep
task(s). Invites everyone to join in.
______1. Take a bath every day.
______2. Sit up straight and dont slouch.
Time Keeper: _____________________ Reporter: _____________________ ______3. Brush your teeth and floss every after meal.
______4. Avoid staying late at night. Sleep for eight to ten hours.
______5. Do a regular exercise to make your bones and muscle
Keeps an eye of the allotted Shares the consolidated ideas
time, so that the assigned tasks generated during the group
will be finished on or before the discussion/brainstorming. ______6. Eat a balanced diet. Avoid eating junk foods.

Answer Key
1. The different self-management skills include practicing and maintaining proper
nutrition, good personal hygiene, enough rest and sleep, regular physical
activity, good posture, and proper oral care.
2. Many health issues and concerns can be prevented from becoming serious
health problems if good self-management skills are practiced and developed.

Annex 1 Annex 1
Group 1- Activity: Student Demo The task of the group is to Group 2 - Activity: Info Drive Making The task of the
demo the step by step procedure of height and weight appraisal. group is to make the public informed on the importance of
hearing test.
HEIGHT MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES How to take a hearing test? A hearing test often comprises
Let the student stand straight against the steel tape with of a number of different examinations which, when taken
feet and heels parallel together, buttocks, shoulders and together, can determine whether or not a person is suffering
back of head touching the wall. from hearing loss and to what extent. The hearing care
Place the ruler on top of the head. professional will normally start by asking you some
Record the data. questions relating to your hearing, such as how you
experience your hearing, if you have been subjected to loud
WEIGHT MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES noise or other incidents, if people in your family suffer from
Place the platform scale firmly on a level or flat surface. hearing loss or whether you hear better in one ear or the
Check the accuracy of the scale by bringing the sliding other.
lever or dial to zero. Make sure that the pointer is exactly Initial examination. The hearing care professional will start
at the middle. examine your ears with a special instrument called an
The use of standard weight is recommended to ensure otoscope. With this examination the hearing care
the accuracy of the scale while being used. Record the
professional can find out if there are any problems in the
ear canal or with the eardrum. Hearing test is essential to
determine the hearing function of an individual. An
Name Height (m) Weight (kg) audiologist is the expert to the procedure, they have
extensive training and skills to do the hearing test.

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Annex 1 Annex 1

Group 3 Activity Poem The task of your group is to Group 4 Activity Song The task of your group is to
create a poem containing the importance of good vision to create a song containing the importance of scoliosis test.
human. Use the information below in creating the poem. Use the information below in creating the song. You are free
Good vision is critical and essential in conducting activities to use any hymn/tempo/genre.
of daily living easily. It is important for language, and it Scoliosis testing usually begins with a history taking
affects developmental learning, communicating, working, and physical exam. This includes the forward-bending test
health and quality of life. It is very important to take care of (Adams forward bend test), a simple test in which the child
your eyesight. The human senses are our contact to the bends forward at the waist, arms hanging loosely and palms
environment. ... By far the most important organs touching, and the examiner looks for unevenness in the child's
of sense are our eyes. We perceive up to 80% of all back or ribs. A scoliometer (inclinometer) can be used to
impressions by means of our sight. And if other senses measure and estimate the rotation of the spinal curve.
such as taste or smell stop working, it's the eyes that best Early detection allows for early treatment, which is when the
protect us from danger. scoliosis is most correctable, so delaying treatment because
Vision screening is an efficient and cost-effective method the scoliosis went unnoticed is the cause of the increase
to identify children with visual impairment or eye conditions incidents of surgery.
that are likely to lead to vision loss so that a referral can be Indication of scoliosis
made to an appropriate eye care professional The head is not aligned to the center of the pelvis
(ophthalmologist) for further evaluation and treatment. If one of the shoulder blades is more prominent and
the rib cage and waist are uneven
One hip appears higher or is more prominent than
the other
The entire body is leaning to one side

Annex 1 Annex 1
Group 5 Activity Poster Making Group 6 Activity Slogan Making
The task of your group is to make a poster depicting the The task of your group is to make a slogan depicting the
importance of having a regular physical examination. importance of having regular dental examination.
A physical examination helps you determine the general Taking good care of your mouth, teeth and gums is a worthy
status of your health. The exam also gives you a chance to talk goal in and of itself. Good oral and dental hygiene can help
to them about any ongoing pain or symptoms that you are prevent bad breath, tooth decay and gum diseaseand can
experiencing or any other health concerns that you might have. It help you keep your teeth as you get older. It's because regular
also ensures that you stay in good health. It is a vital part of dental visits are essential for the maintenance of healthy teeth
preventive medicine for all people regardless of age, sex or and gums. And in between those examinations,
activity level. This is also a good way to assess the risk of future it's important that you work to keep your teeth and gums clean
medical problems. A thorough physical exam including checking
and healthy. If you need additional help, your dentist may even
the head and neck, abdominal area, hair, nails, and limbs. The
doctor will also listen to the heart and lungs. Laboratory tests: To suggest more frequent visits.
complete the physical examination, the doctor may draw blood,
urine, saliva and stool in order to run several laboratory tests.

Annex 2
Role Cards

Leader: _____________________ Encourager: _____________________

Leads the group in accomplishing the Ensure everyone is participating.

assigned task(s). Invites everyone to join in.

Time Keeper: _____________________ Reporter: _____________________

Keeps an eye of the allotted time so Shares the consolidated ideas

that the assigned tasks will be generated during the group
finished on or before time. discussion/brainstorming.

Annex 3 Annex 3
The breast self-examination (BSE) is a method of examining the breast tissue The Testicular self-examination (TSE) is a method of checking the testicles for any
for any physical or visual changes. It is an early detection method for breast unusual lumps or bumps which can be the first sign of testicular cancer. Although
cancer. It is recommended that both men and women should perform a BSE testicular cancer is rare in teenage guys, overall it is the most common cancer in
once a month beginning at the age of 18. males between the ages of 15 and 35. It is important for boys to do TSE every
month to be familiar with the normal size and shape of the testicles, making it easier
to tell if something feels different or abnormal in the future.



Annex 1 Group 1
Game - Pictionary
Possible Answers
Directions: Community Health Professionals/Practitioners
1. The teacher will choose a student who is good
in drawing. 1. Physician/Doctor
2. The learner will draw image/picture related to 2. Nurse
the word/term given by the teacher. 3. Dentist
3. The rest of the class will guess the word/term. 4. Pharmacist
5. Midwife
Terms to be drawn: 6. Health workers
Health resources
1. Medicines
2. Doctor
Health facilities
1. School Clinic
2. Barangay Health Center

Group 2 Group 3
Possible Answers Possible Answers
Community Health Facilities Community Health Services
1. Clinic 1. Medical Care
2. Health Center 2. Pediatric Care
3. Hospital 3. Maternity Care
4. Pharmacy 4. Dental Care
5. Lying-in center 5. Pharmacy Care
6. Care for Senior Citizens and PWDs

Annex 2
Role Cards

Leader: _____________________ Encourager: _____________________

Leads the group in accomplishing the assigned Ensure everyone is participating.

task(s). Invites everyone to join in.

Time Keeper: _____________________ Reporter: _____________________

Keeps an eye on the allotted time so that the Shares the consolidated ideas generated
assigned tasks will be finished on or before during the group discussion/brainstorming.

Annex 1 Annex 1.1
Group Activity-Role Playing Rubrics for Group Activity
All the learners in their respective group will perform the corresponding Role Playing
topic assigned to them. Criteria
Group 1 Role Playing About Pupils Availing Health Services in the
School Well-presented, the message is
Group 2 Role Playing About Members of the Family Availing Health clearly communicated,
Services in the Community 5 all members participated
Group 3 Role Playing About Pupils Promoting the Use of Health actively
Resources and Facilities in the School
Group 4 Role Playing About Members of the Family Promoting the 4 Almost all participated actively
Use of Health and Facilities
Some members participated
Directions: 3
4. All the group leaders will draw lots to determine the actively
sequence of presentation. Did not follow rules/guidelines
5. Each group will be given three to five minutes to present in the presentation
their play. 2
of role play
6. Individual group will be graded based on the appropriate
rubrics. Not presented properly and
1 cooperation is not evident

Points Numerical Equivalent Verbal Description Annex 2
Role Cards

5 96-100 Excellent
Leader: ___________________ Encourager:
4 91-95 Very Satisfactory ____________________

3 86-90 Satisfactory Leads the group in

accomplishing the Ensure everyone is
assigned task(s) participating.
2 81-85 Good Invites everyone to join in.

1 75-80 Fair Time Keeper:_______________ Reporter: _____________________

Keeps an eye of the Shares the presented ideas

allotted time, so that the generated during the role
assigned tasks will be playing.
finished on or before time.


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