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Vocabulary tests

Test 1 People, family and social life Test 2 Home

1 Circle the correct answer. 1 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
1 Which of the following words does NOT describe The first letter of each word is given.
marital status? 1 I couldnt see inside the flat because the
A single B lonely C divorced D married c_ were drawn.
2 People have got ten _ on their feet. 2 Theres no bath in the bathroom, only
A fingers B toes C elbows D knees a sh_.
3 Shes got long hair and she wears it in a _. 3 I need a really big new w_ the old one
A fringe B wavy C moustache D ponytail is too small for all my clothes.
4 Which of the following words is opposite in 4 I like sitting in a comfortable a_ in front
meaning to the remaining three? of a fire.
A gorgeous B ugly C beautiful D handsome 5 Weve got a new electric c_ in the
5 Which of the following words is opposite in kitchen. Its safer than the old gas one.
meaning to the remaining three? 6 We live on the tenth floor of a t_ block.
A overweight B fat C plump D skinny 7 His grandparents live in a lovely c_ in
6 Which of the following is not a kind of underwear? the countryside.
A pants B scarf C bra D boxer shorts 8 Theyve got a s_-d_ house and
7 Emilys very _. She understands how other they keep arguing with their neighbours.
people feel. 9 The flat has recently been renovated. Its in very
A relaxed B sensible C sensitive D reliable good c_.
8 Chris is quite _. He doesnt talk about his 10 The flat is fully f_, so you wont have to
personal life much. buy any furniture.
A gentle B reserved C polite D stubborn 11 Shes got a comfortable, r_ flat; theres
9 Lennys rather _. Sometimes he behaves like a lot of space.
a little child. 12 The flat is very conveniently l_, close to
A immature B impatient C sensible D shy shops and public transport.
10 Kittys very _. She goes out with her friends 13 Living in a tourist r_ can be tiring
almost every day. there are always tourists around.
A outgoing B talkative C quiet D sociable 14 The centre is too noisy for me, I prefer to live in
11 I respect _ people. I think its important to tell the s_.
the truth. 15 It is not fair to let your mother do all the
A responsible B patient C honest D ambitious h_: cleaning, washing up, ironing and on.
12 Which of the following words is negative in 16 When you live on your own, you have to pay the
meaning? r_.
A brave B generous C reliable D selfish 17 Our telephone b_ for last month is
13 I like Chris. Hes got a great _ of humour. enormous there must be a mistake.
A feeling B understanding C sense D feel 18 Jenny and her sister sh_ a room which is
14 If you go jogging you usually wear trainers and a _. not really big enough for the two of them.
A suit B swimsuit C tracksuit D uniform 19 Did you remember to l_the door?
15 Which of the following is not a kind of shoes? 20 Weve got the keys to our new flat! We can
A high heels B shorts C trainers D sandals m_ in next week!
15 TOTAL: 20

2 Complete the sentences with the missing prepositions.

1 Chris gets _ well with the people in his class.
2 Im looking _ to my eighteenth birthday.
3 Mary enjoys looking _ children.
4 They boy has run _ from home and the police
are looking for him.
5 Have you heard? Jane is going _ with Dave.
I dont know what she sees in him!



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Test 3 School Test 4 Work

1 Complete the sentences with the missing words. 1 Complete the table with the names of jobs.
The first letter of each word is given.
post 0 postman
1 After kindergarten, I went to p_ school.
farm 1
2 Mary went to an i_ secondary school,
which was rather expensive. library 2
3 Miss Harris is in the s_ with all the other law 3
teachers. science 4
4 Our c_ is too small and it gets very
crowded at lunchtime. engine 5
5 Tim is my c_. In fact, we sit together in politics 6
most lessons. hair 7
6 Peggys favourite subject is s_, especially music 8
7 I like maths; I enjoy solving p_. shop 9
8 My favourite subject is P_, because Im electricity 10
good at sports.
9 Ive lost a big f_with my art work in it.
10 Our history t_ is very interesting: it 2 Complete the sentences with the missing verbs.
contains a lot of photos and sources. 1 I would like to _ for the job of
11 Im going to g_ from university in six receptionist.
years time 2 If youre so tired, why dont you _ a day off?
12 Chris is going to t_ his final exams at 3 The workers decided to _ on strike.
university next year. 4 I think it is important to _ your job well.
13 If you f_ the driving test, you can retake 5 They _ really long hours.
it. 5
14 If I p_ all the exams, Im going to
celebrate for a week. 3 Circle the correct answer.
15 This school has the highest a_ standards 1 The money you receive every month for your
in the city. work is your
16 Students who ch_ in exams can expect A wages. B salary. C pension. D profit.
to find themselves in trouble.
2 A retired person receives a
17 If you m_ too many lessons, youll have
a lot of work to do on your own. A salary. B fee. C profit. D pension.
18 Miss Fitzwilliam is quite d_: she expects 3 If youre not happy with how much you earn, you
everyone to study hard. can ask for a pay
19 I dont see the point of learning things by A bonus. B higher. C wages. D rise.
h_ without understanding them!
4 When applying for a job, you may be asked for
20 Miss Tardy says she hasnt had the time to _ from previous employers.
m_ our tests. I hoped Id know my result
today. A qualifications B skills
C references D experience
5 After you have applied for a job, you may be
invited for a(n)
A conversation. B meeting.
C qualification. D interview.



Tests_hu.indd 33 09-07-24 9:37:36

Test 5 Food Test 6 Shopping and services

1 Circle the correct answer. 1 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
The first letter of each word is given.
1 Bread, pasta and rice are
A dairy products. C fats. 1 A shop that sells magazines, papers and cigarettes
B cereal products. D junk food. is called a n_.
2 Which of the following is not a vegetable? 2 A shop where you can buy medicine, toothpaste,
A cucumber C pear shampoo etc. is a ch_.
B cauliflower D sweetcorn 3 You can buy fruit and vegetables at a g_.
3 Which of the following is not a kind of meat? 4 A shop that sells notebooks, envelopes etc. is
A bacon B turkey C beef D herring called a s_.
5 A place where a mechanic will repair your car is
4 Which of the following is not a fruit?
A plum B apricot C radish D watermelon
6 A place where you can have your coat cleaned is
5 This bread is rather a d_.
A stale. B well-done. C strong. D mild.
7 A line of people waiting to buy something is
6 This wine is very called a q_.
A still. B spicy. C dry. D fresh. 8 A person who buys something in a shop is
7 I prefer ___ water. ac_.
A still B stale C sweet D rare 9 If you are not satisfied with a product or service,
8 We need a ___ of bread. you can make a c_.
A can B jar C bar D loaf 10 To return a product to a shop, you need to show
a r_.
9 Id like a big ___ of chocolate, please.
A bar B jar C packet D can 11 To get a r_ means to get your money
10 Can I have a ___ of cherry jam, please?
12 If a jacket f_ you, it is the right size.
A can B jar C carton D loaf
13 If a blouse and a skirt m_, they look
11 You can ___ water in a kettle. good together.
A cook B boil C bake D slice
14 If something is half price, it is fifty per cent
12 You can ___ a cake in the oven. o_.
A fry B melt C mix D bake 15 There is a special o_ on DVDs: two for
13 You can ___ tomatoes with a knife. the price of one.
A cook B stir C slice D mix 16 There is a thirty per cent d_ on all
14 I usually have lunch in the school T-shirts.
A bar. B canteen. C restaurant. D pub. 17 I need to get some money out of a cash
15 Before a meal you have to ___ the table. m_.
A lay B clear C do D wash up 18 Can I pay by c_ card here?
16 We sat down at the restaurant table and read the 19 You dont believe the man in this c_ is
A card. B dish. C bill. D menu. a real dentist, do you? Hes just an actor selling
17 The waiter recommended the ___ of the day.
20 A b_ name is a special name given to
A course B dish C menu D plate aproduct by the company that produces it.
18 We ordered starters, a main ___ and a dessert.
A meal B food C course D dish TOTAL: 20

19 We finished eating and asked the waiter to

bring us the
A tip. B bill. C receipt. D sum.
20 We thought the waiter was very nice, so we left
a big
A tip. B money. C bill. D cash.


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Test 7 Travelling and tourism Test 8 Culture and free time

1 Match the words from the box to the correct 1 Match the words from the box to the correct form
means of transport. of art.
check-in compartment flat tyre flight band chapter conductor exhibition interval
attendant harbour motorway platform voyage screenplay sculpture stage subtitles volume

1 ship _ _ music: _ _
2 plane _ _ literature: _ _
3 car _ _
4 train _ _ visual arts: _ _
8 theatre: _ _

2 Match the words to make correct collocations. film: _ _

1 single yy a agent 10
2 holiday yy b luggage
2 Circle the correct answer.
3 travel yy c hostel
4 youth yy d resort 1 The book has a very interesting
5 hand yy e room A plot. B bestseller. C volume. D fiction.
5 2 The main _ in The Chronicles of Narnia are
four children.
3 Complete the sentences with the missing verbs. A persons B chapters C characters
1 Were planning to spend a few days in Paris and D people
_ the sights. 3 Im reading the novel 1984 _ George Orwell.
2 Id like to _ a double room for two nights, A of B on C by D at
4 Jimi Hendrixs first album Are You Experienced?
3 If you dont hurry, well _ our flight.
was _ in 1967.
4 Could you please _ me the way to the bus
A published B released C shown D sold
5 Please _ on the bus now, were leaving in 5 In The Departed Leonardo di Caprio _ as
five minutes. police officer Billy Costigan.
6 Please _ your seat belts. A plays B acts C stars
7 Would you like to _ camping this D presents
summer? 6 John Constable painted _ of the English
7 countryside.
A portraits B still lifes C masterpieces
TOTAL: 20 D landscapes
7 Jane Austens novel Pride and Prejudice _
thestory of two sisters.
A tells B says C gives
D presents
8 The Lord of the Rings is _ in an imaginary
world called Middle-earth.
A placed B set C situated D based
9 Martin Scorseses film Goodfellas is _ on
atrue story.
A made B filmed C based D hot
10 A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was _ into
afilm in 2005.
A turned B adapted C based D made



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Test 9 Sport Test 10 Health

1 Complete the table with the names of 1 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
sportspeople. The first letter of each word is given.
Sport Sportsperson 1 Shes got a f_. Her temperature is
athletics 0 athlete 39degrees.
football 1 2 Be careful about what you eat so you dont get
tennis 2 f_ poisoning.
swimming 3 3 I t_ my ankle playing tennis. It hurts
sailing 4
4 Ive got a s_ throat. I cannot talk much.
cycling 5
5 There was a b_ man walking down the
road with a white stick.
2 Match the words to make correct collocations. 6 His sister is d_. She cannot walk and has
difficulty using her hands.
1 football yy a trunks
2 tennis yy b lift 7 He wont be able to walk for eight months.
3 swimming yy c rink Heneeds a w_.
4 ski yy d court 8 Id like to make an a_ to see Dr Walker,
5 skating yy e kit please.
5 9 They are going to t_ her with a new
drug. Perhaps it will help.
3 Complete the sentences with the missing verbs. 10 I hope a c_ for AIDS will be discovered
1 I _ swimming three times a week. soon.
2 Helen and Richard _ yoga in their free 10
3 Do you _ tennis? 2 Complete the sentences with the missing
4 We must _ todays match to qualify for prepositions.
the next round. 1 Ive got a terrible pain _ my chest.
5 My brother became very popular after he ____ 2 He died _ a heart attack.
two goals for his schools representation. 3 I think Im addicted _ chocolate! Its like
5 adrug.
4 Im allergic _ strawberries.
4 Complete the sentences with the missing words. 5 My aunt suffers _ insomnia.
The first letter of each word is given. 6 He recovered _ stomach cancer.
1 There were at least 20,000 s_ in the 7 They operated _ her a week ago. Shes much
stadium. better now.
2 The fans shouted rude words at the r_ 8 My grandmother walks, cycles and does yoga. Shes
because they disagreed with his decision. _ very good shape.
3 Paul works out at the g_ twice a week. 9/10 Im out _ shape. I should take _
4 The game ended in a d_ nobody won. asport.
5 Look how fast hes running! I think hes going to set 10
a new world r_.
5 TOTAL: 20



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Test 11 Nature and environment Test 12 Science and technology

1 Match the words from the box to the correct 1 Complete the table with the names of scientists.
animal category.
Discipline Person
ant butterfly deer hare pigeon snake science 0 scientist
stork tortoise biology 1
1 Mammals: _ _ mathematics 2
2 Birds: _ _ chemistry 3
3 Reptiles: _ _ physics 4
4 Insects: _ _ psychology 5
8 5

2 Match the words that have similar meaning. 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs from the
1 chilly yy a wet box.
2 rainy yy b hurricane
broke carried confirmed crashed deleted
3 foggy yy c hill discovered invented made observed
4 wind yy d cold switched
5 mountain yy e misty
5 1 Maria Skodowska-Curie _ polonium
and radium.
3 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
2 Alexander Bell _ the telephone.
The first letter of each word is given.
3 Dian Fossey _ gorillas in the mountain
1 The town of Pompeii was destroyed by a volcanic
forests of Rwanda.
2 When theres a f_, people die from lack of 4/5 Galileo _ out an experiment which
food. _ his hypothesis.
3 Earthquakes and tsunamis are natural d_. 6 It seems that we have _ an important
4 Air p_ is caused by smoke from factories, discovery.
car exhaust fumes, and aeroplanes. 7 I _ off the TV after the film had ended.
5 Many scientists believe that global warming is 8 Our washing machine _ down last night
caused by the g_ effect. and flooded the bathroom.
6 To help protect the environment, you can 9 My mothers computer _ yesterday: it
s_ your rubbish. stopped responding and I couldnt make it work.
7 If we do not protect rare animal species, they may
10 Oh no! Ive just _ an important file by
become e_.
3 Match the words to make correct collocations.
1 come yy a station
2 out of yy b programmer
3 space yy c space
4 computer yy d to the conclusion
5 outer yy e order



Tests_hu.indd 37 09-07-24 9:37:37

Grammar tests
Test 1 Present tenses

1 Use the words in brackets to make positive (+) and 3 Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets in
negative () sentences or questions (?) in Present the correct form. Use Present Simple or Present
Simple or Present Continuous. Continuous.
0 I dont like broccoli. (?) (Tom, spinach) My driving course 0 is going (go) well and, to my
Does Tom like spinach? surprise, I 1__ (enjoy) it very
1 I am learning Japanese. (?) (you, Chinese) much. Harry and Liz, who run the driving school
_____ in my area, 2__ (seem) very
professional. But what I like most about them is
2 Where do you come from? (+) (my father,
Germany) that they 3__ (feel) like friends
_____ rather than teachers. I know Im making a lot of
stupid mistakes (still!) but they keep saying: Dont
3 Are you talking on the phone? (+) (she, on Skype)
_____ worry. You 4__ (learn). Everybody
__ (need) to go through this stage.
4 We go to the cinema every week. (?) (he, often) They always 6__ (concentrate) on
the positive and 7__ (support) me
5 Ella gets up early on Saturdays. () (Bethany and in every way.
Alexia, on Sundays) Its great that Anna from my school
_____ 8
__ (do) the course with me.
5 At the moment we 9__
(practise) different driving manoeuvres. Anna
2 Circle the correct verb form. 10
__ (find) them really difficult but
0 This semester we are studying / study the Second
she 11__ (get) better and better.
World War.
I 12__ (think) we will both pass our
1 My mother is a doctor. And what is your father driving test in March.
doing / does your father do?
2 My two best friends are lawyers. But theyre not
working / dont work at the moment. TOTAL: 20
3 Most banks in my area are closing / close at 5.30
4 Bad news. The price of petrols going up / goes up
5 Do you speak / Are you speaking any other foreign
6 Hurry up! Were running / run late!


Tests_hu.indd 38 09-07-24 9:37:37

Test 2 Past tenses; used to

4 They were punished because of their misbehaviour

1 Circle the correct verb form.
at school. THEY
0 When we arrived they nished / had nished / used _____
to nish their dinner. We were late again!
5 Suzanne walked into the room in the middle
1 Barbara used to go / had gone / was going shopping of their fight. WHEN
more often than she does now. _____
2 What exactly did you do / were you doing / did you 5
use to do when I called you yesterday?
3 I missed our History test because you didnt tell / 4 Some of the sentences below contain mistakes in
hadnt told / werent telling me about it. the highlighted parts. Correct the mistakes and
4 Nobody wanted to go out yesterday because it tick (4) the correct sentences.
rained / used to rain / was raining heavily. 0 We played Monopoly in the dining room when
5 On my way to the airport I suddenly remembered the lights went off.
that I left / had left / used to leave my passport at We were playing Monopoly
home. 00 I used to have much more time for going out with
6 On Monday morning I woke up / had woken up / my friends, now Im too busy with my children. 3
used to wake up with a splitting headache. 1 Margaret had a terrible stomach-ache yesterday
7 Our daughter took all her savings out of the piggy because she used to eat too much and too quickly.
bank and went / had gone / was going to the bank. _____
8 What songs had you sung / were you singing /
did you use to sing when you were in primary 2 When I arrived at Joans house to pick her up for
school? a ride to London, she was still getting ready.
3 There are now plenty of wonderful restaurants in
2 Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets in my town that didnt use to be around when I was
the correct form. Use Past Simple, Past Continuous a student.
or used to. _____
0 They decided (decide) to postpone their 4 While he worked as a freelance television producer,
honeymoon until the summer. he was offered a job at Good Morning America.
1 I was sure I __ (see) that woman
before but I couldnt remember when and where. 5 At that moment Paul had realized that his life
could change only if he wanted it to change.
2 The dog ate our lunch while we _____
__ (not watch). 6 Did you use to buy anything interesting in the
3 They __ (go) to the gym three sales last weekend?
times a week but now they dont have that much time. _____
4 Margaret __ (not realize) that
two people at the next table were watching her all
the time. 5 Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets in
5 When I __ (cycle) to school this the correct form. Use Past Simple, Past Continuous,
morning, I saw a dangerous accident involving Past Perfect or used to.
three cars. I dont exactly remember when it 0 happened
6 Her final presentation went very well although (happen) but I think I 1__
she __ (spend) only one hour (still/attend) my final year of school. One night I
preparing it the night before. 2
__ (have) a terrible dream and
6 I 3__ (wake up) sweating and
trembling in my bed. The dream was about a man
3 Rewrite the sentences so that the meaning stays (I can clearly remember his wrinkled face), who
the same. Use the words in capital letters. 4
__ (chase) me because he was
0 When I got up yesterday, I could see the snow. WAS sure that I 5__ (steal) his wallet.
When I got up yesterday, it was snowing. In my dream I tried to explain to the furious man
1 Steven graduated from University and then what 6__ (happen) to his wallet
worked for his fathers company. AFTER but he 7__ (not listen). It was a real
_____ nightmare! I dont have dreams like that any more
but the strangest thing about it all is that for many
2 It was my first time abroad. BEFORE years I 8__ (dream) about that
_____ wrinkled man every time I 9__ (do)
3 Jeans are much more popular now then before. USE something wrong.
_____ 9



Tests_hu.indd 39 09-07-24 9:37:37

Test 3 Perfect tenses (comparison with other tenses)

1 Complete the sentences using the words from 3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
thebox. Use Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect
ever yet just already for since never
0 Im sorry, Im late. I hope you havent been waiting
0 I have never seen anything like this before. (not wait) long.

1 Shes been working in the garden _ 1 I feel really tired. I____

9oclock. ____ (shop)
2 I havent spoken to him _ . for Christmas gifts all morning.
3 We havent played basketball _ years. 2 My favourite player ___
4 Have you _ been to New York? ____ (score)
7goals in 10 matches so far.
5 Good timing! Ive _ finished my
homework and I can go now. 3 Im afraid I____
6 Ive _ told you the answer. You werent ____ (forget)
listening! your surname.
4 Georgia ____
2 Circle the Present Perfect form that would be _____
appropriate in the situations below. (practise) yoga since she was 15 years old.
0 Youre mad because your sister dropped your
favourite mug. 5 We _____
How many times have I told / been telling you not _____
to touch it? (not hear) from Barbara since April. Have you?
1 You come home and see your brother covered 6 She doesnt know what to do she __
with paint.
Have you painted / been painting?
(lose) her passport and all her money.
2 Your talking with your friends about new books.
Have you read / been reading Paulo Coelhos latest 7 Do you know how long ___
book? _____
3 Youre explaining why you dont fancy going to the (go) out together?
cinema 7
Ive seen / been seeing this film three times this year.
4 Youre talking with your friend about your dance
Ive had / been having classes with her since March.
5 Youre discussing your favourite rock band.
Theyve played / been playing together since 2002.
6 Your classmates are asking you about your new
Ive had / been having them for over two months.
7 Youre gossiping about the best pupil in your class.
Hes written / been writing a five-page essay.
Thats far too long!
8 Youre mad because your friends phone is always
Ive tried / been trying to call her for more than an
hour. And shes still on the phone!


Tests_hu.indd 40 09-07-24 9:37:37

4 Find the mistakes in the sentences below. 5 Complete the dialogue with the verbs in
Crossthem out and write correct sentences. brackets. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous,
0 Mike has been asking me out three times. Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect
Mike has asked me out three times. Continuous.
Hannah: Liz, are you alright? 0 Is something bothering
1 I learn Spanish for two years. (something / bother) you?
_____ Liz: Yes No, I mean
Hannah: Oh, come on! I can see 1__
2 I think I have been giving you enough money. (you / cry). Your eyes are still wet. Whats the
$20 should be enough for a dress. matter?
_____ Liz: Its Its Tom. 2__ (We / get)
_____ married in July but Im not sure I really want to
do it Its that You see 3__
3 John has been crazy about football since most of (He / be) very rude to me recently. This week
his life. 4
__ (we / have) several
_____ arguments about our wedding arrangements.
_____ Hannah: Oh, Liz. Im sorry to hear that. But dont
you think you might be overreacting? Things like
4 How long do you smoke? that happen 5__ (everybody /
_____ seem) stressed out before the wedding. I remember
_____ 6
__ (I / argue) with Robert
almost every day before our big day. And Liz
5 Youve been saying enough! I dont want to listen 7
__ (I / know) Tom for a long
to it anymore. time and hes such a nice guy. Trust me. And stop
_____ analyzing everything!
_____ Liz: You might be right, Hannah. 8__
(I / think) about it too much recently. Id better
6 We havent seen any of our classmates since ages.
call Tom were choosing our wedding invitations
_____ today.
_____ 8

7 Youve eaten too much chocolate recently. I think TOTAL: 30

you should do something about it.
8 How many times has she been phoning me?


Tests_hu.indd 41 09-07-24 9:37:38

Test 4 The future

1 Use the words in brackets to make positive (+) and 3 Make conditional sentences using the verbs in
negative () sentences or questions(?) referring to brackets in the correct form. Use Zero, First or
the future. Second Conditional.
0 I wont tell you anything. 0 Youre offering your help with dinner preparations.
(?) (him, the truth) (thecooking)
Will you tell him the truth? Ill help you with the cooking.

1 My coach arrives in London at 5.15. 1 You can see black clouds in the sky.
(?) (you train, Glasgow) (rain)
_____ _____
2 Will France win the next football World Cup? 2 Youre supposed to pick somebody up at the
(+) (Spain, European Championships) airport tomorrow. You have not met this person
_____ before. Describe your clothes so that this person
3 Are you going to become a teacher when you grow can recognize you.
up? (+) (I, actress) (agreen coat)
_____ _____
4 Ill be seeing George on Monday morning. 3 Youre talking about your plans to emigrate to
(?) (you, on Saturday evening) another country.
_____ (Australia)
5 Were going to the cinema tonight.
() (Caroline, tomorrow) 4 Youre ordering food at a restaurant.
_____ (the chicken salad)
5 _____
5 Youre not sure about the finishing time of the
2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets
next lecture.
in their correct future form.
(what time)
0 Next Monday is (be) the twentieth. _____
1 Good luck with your driving test. 6 Youre curious about the person your sister is going
I__ (think) of you tomorrow. to a party with.
2 Helena __ (have) a baby in (who)
January. _____
3 Hurry up! The match __ (start) 6
in ten minutes.
4 My sister __ (study) medicine.
5 Im sure one day machines __
(replace) teachers.
6 I __ (do) everything I can to
help you. I promise.
7 Jim cant eat out with us tomorrow. He
__ (meet) his aunt for lunch.
8 This time next week we __
(sunbathe) in Florida.
9 You take a rest now, Mum. I __
(clean) the bathroom.


Tests_hu.indd 42 09-07-24 9:37:38

Test 5 Conditionals

1 Join the sentences below using if. Decide what 2 Put the jumbled words in the correct order to
type of conditional each sentence is. make conditional sentences.
yh y 0 I could speak English well. 0 a / more / would / if / had / we / on / we / money /
yy 1 Cathy has a problem. go / cruise
yy 2 The weather isnt good. If we had more money, we would go on a cruise.
yy 3 Im late again.
yy 4 She really wanted to succeed. 1 good / TV / DVD / there / on / usually / isnt / film
yy 5 I need to study all night. / watch / a / if / we / a
yy 6 Tom asked me to marry him. If there ____
yy 7 Becky takes up swimming regularly. _____
a My girlfriend will be angry with me.
2 it / wouldnt / about / I / anybody / you / I / were /
b Shed make more effort.
if / tell
c I would say yes. I _____
d She asks her parents for help.
e I drink a lot of coffee.
f Shell feel much better. _____
g They wont go out. 3 shares / brother / some/ Anna / her / with / she /
h Id get a better job. them / sweets / has / if
If Anna ____
0 If I could speak English well, Id get a better job.
Type 2 _____
1 _____
_____ 4 break / if / him / will / devastated / be / up / with /
he / you
Type _ He _____
2 _____ _____
_____ _____
Type _ 5 would /grades / studied / better / get / Ron / he /
harder / if / much
3 _____ If Ron _____
_____ _____
Type _ _____
4 _____ 6 tomorrow / I / you / will / see / if / call / dont / I /
on / school / you / at / Saturday
_____ I _____
Type _ _____
5 _____ _____
_____ 6
Type _

6 _____
Type _

7 _____
Type _


Tests_hu.indd 43 09-07-24 9:37:38

3 Circle the conditional sentence that would be 4 Make conditional sentences using the verbs in
appropriate in the situations below. brackets in the correct form. Use Zero, First or
0 Youre on the best volleyball team in your school. Second Conditional.
a If we won the championships, Id be very happy. 0 We _would stay_ (stay) longer if we had more
b If we win the championships, Ill be very happy. time.

1 The weather forecast for tomorrow is not very 1 If you __ (see) him with another
optimistic. girl, would you tell me the truth?
a If the weather is fine tomorrow, well go to the 2 She __ (be) very disappointed if
beach. nobody visits her in hospital.
b If the weather was fine tomorrow, wed go to the
beach. 3 Liz __ (not marry) him even if
he were the only man in the world.
2 Youre talking with your friend about someone you
met who fancies you a lot. 4 If you heat water to 100 C, it __
a If he asks me for my phone number, Ill give it (boil).
tohim. 5 I wont be able to go on a trip with you if I
b If he asked me for my phone number, Id give it __ (not get) a visa.
to him.
6 What would you do if you __
3 Youre talking about how you usually cope with (find) a wallet in the street?
a If I cant fall asleep, Ill just listen to music for 7 If you __ (press) this button,
awhile. additional information is displayed.
b If I cant fall asleep, I just listen to music for 8 If he __ (not come) until 11,
awhile. well leave without him.
4 Your sister borrowed your blouse without asking 8
your permission.
a If you do it again, Ill never lend you anything 5 Three sentences below contain mistakes. Find
again. them and rewrite the sentences in the correct way.
b If I you did it again, Id never lend you anything 0 I wouldnt be able to work out of town if I didnt
again. have a car. 3
5 Youre explaining why you cant go to a football 00 If I am taller, I would be a professional basketball
match with your friend. player.
a Ill go with you if I dont have to study for my If I was/were taller, I would be a professional
history test. basketball player.
b Id go with you if I didnt have to study for my
history test. 1 Thats strange if you dialled this number,
nobody answers.
6 Youre friend is taking the driving test for _____
2 My parents would be much happier if I still lived
a If he passes this time, Ill be very surprised.
with them.
b If he passed this time, Id be very surprised. _____
3 Will you miss me if I go away for three months?
4 Well wait for you in front of the cinema if well
manage to get the tickets first.
5 What would you take with you if there would be
a fire in your flat?
6 If theyre from Belgium, they can probably speak



Tests_hu.indd 44 09-07-24 9:37:38

Test 6 There is/It is

1 Circle the correct option. 3 Complete the gaps using there or it + be in the
0 It / There was very kind of you to help him. correct form and tense.

1 It / There wont be enough time to change. My Blog

2 There isnt / arent any biscuits left. 0
Its the twenty eighth of December today
3 It / There was very sunny here yesterday. and Christmas is over. 1__
4 There is / are too much violence in the media. always such a wonderful time of the year
5 What day is it / there tomorrow? although 2__ so much
to do cleaning, cooking and shopping for
6 It / There is a good film on Channel 4 tonight.
food and presents. 3__
7 How many people was / were there watching the very easy to forget that what counts
match? is the true spirit of Christmas and not
8 Im afraid it / theres very far from the sea. all the preparations. The weather on
Christmas day was really good this year.
4 4
__ cold but sunny and
2 Find the mistakes in the sentences below. Rewrite
__ only a few clouds
the sentences in the correct way. in the sky. After breakfast we went for
a long walk and when we came back
0 Theres twenty to eleven already. 6
__ ameal waiting for
Its twenty to eleven already. us. 7__ delicious! My
mother had spent two days preparing
1 Help! Its a baby in the water. all the dishes. She always worries that
_____ 8
__ enough food for
_____ everybody and cooks too much. This year
__ ten of us altogether
2 How many pupils are in your class? but she cooked for at least twenty. My
_____ father jokes that 10__
_____ agood idea to tell Mum that only half of
the guests were coming!
3 You dont need to take your coat, theres very
warm today. add a comment
4 There has been several accidents on this road TOTAL: 20
5 Its a car outside the cinema. Its a Peugeot.
6 It was dark and late and it was nobody I could stop
and ask for directions.


Tests_hu.indd 45 09-07-24 9:37:38

Test 7 Passive

1 Circle the correct verb form (active or passive.)

Last night I 0 saw / was seen a fantastic film. It was called Into the Wild, and it 1 directed / was directed by Sean
Penn. It 2 tells / is told the true story of ayoung man named Christopher McCandless, who, after graduating from
college, went on a long, crazy adventure that landed him in the Alaskan wilderness. He 3 found / was found there an
abandoned bus that he used for shelter. The film has a tragic end McCandless 4 died / was died of starvation after
about four months of living in the wilderness.
Into the Wild 5 based / was based on a book by JonKrakauer, which 6 considers / is considered to be good and
accurate. Moreover, the film 7 features /
is featured wonderful music written by Pearl Jams Eddie Vedder.
This is simply one of those unique films that shouldnt 8 miss / be missed.

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets 3 Rewrite the sentences so that the meaning stays
in the correct form (active or passive.) the same, beginning as shown. Add a phrase with
0 To celebrate this occasion, a special exhibition by if necessary.
will be shown (show) at Windsor Castle next 0 Fire fighters rescued more than 50 people
month. yesterday. More than 50 people were rescued by
fire fighters yesterday.
1 The singer collapsed on the stage and
__ (take) to a local hospital. 1 I noticed that they hadnt cleaned my hotel room.
2 I looked back because I was sure that somebody I noticed that my hotel room __
__ (follow) me. _____

3 Please wait while your request 2 This week they are holding auditions for an
__ (process). exciting new show.
This week auditions ___
4 Im very sorry to inform you that the
recommended brochure __
(notproduce) yet. 3 Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet early on in
5 What type of goods can __ (sell) his literary career.
on the Net? Romeo and Juliet ___
6 Is it true that in 1724 Gabriel Fahrenheit
__ (invent) the first mercury 4 Will they allow us to change rooms if we dont get
thermometer? along with our roommates?
Will we ____
7 Most films and television programmes nowadays
__ (make) on location. _____?

8 I can assure you that our damaged TV set 5 Nobody has told me about the party.
__ (replace) at our cost by the I _____
end of next week. _____
8 6 Older children ignore my little brother.
My little brother ____


Tests_hu.indd 46 09-07-24 9:37:38

4 Rewrite the sentences using have sth done. 5 Correct the mistakes in the highlighted parts of
Keepthe same tense as in the original sentence. the sentences.
0 A decorator painted Nicks room. 0 The telephone bill must pay by the end of the
Nick had his room painted. month.
_must be paid_
1 A hygienist cleans my teeth between two and four
times a year. 1 We need have a new garage build, this one is too
_____ small for two cars.
2 You will be meeting at the airport by a bilingual
2 They will develop your photos by tomorrow.
local guide.
_____ _____
3 More and more people question the widely
3 Its cold because they are installing new windows accepted belief that Columbus was discovered
in our house. America.
_____ _____
_____ 4 Melissa is going to have pierced her ears on her
18th birthday.
4 A photographer is going to take a photo of Ruth.
_____ 5 When I called them they said that my computer
was still repaired.
5 They have serviced our car at the garage. _____
_____ 6 According to overnight figures, last nights
_____ X-Factor were watching by 8.5 million people.
6 If you cant see properly, an optician should test
your eyes. 6


Tests_hu.indd 47 09-07-24 9:37:38

Test 8 Modal verbs

1 Circle the correct modal verb. 3 Complete the sentences using verbs from the box
0 May / Could / Should you be so kind and send it and modal verbs must, might/may, may not/might
tome again? not and cant.

1 We mustnt / shouldnt / dont have to hurry. There think be rain be have remember earn
is plenty of time.
0 Youve been working all day.
2 You neednt / mustnt / couldnt touch this button You must be tired.
while the machine is working. Its dangerous!
3. In this country you cant / shouldnt / may not 1 He is arrogant, mean and selfish.
smoke in public places, its illegal. You ___ of marrying
4 In my opinion, you must / should / could stop this man!
being so pessimistic about everything.
2 They ___ a lot of
5 Tom is allergic to nuts so he couldnt / doesnt have money if they can afford acruise around the world.
to / mustnt eat peanut butter.
3 John ___ a computer
6 Should / Shall / Might we have a quick lunch before
going to the cinema? at home.
3 Hechats with me every night.
4 Last time I saw her 10 years ago.
2 Rewrite the sentences so that the meaning stays
the same. Use modal verbs and begin as shown. She ___ me.
0 Tom is quite a good skater. Just in case Ill tell her my name.
Tom can skate quite well. 5 If I were you, Id take an umbrella.
1 Its not necessary to speak French to get this job. It ___ in the afternoon.
You _____ 6 Oh, come on! Alice ___ 20.
_____. Shewent to school with Pete and he turned 30 in
2 Would you like me to take your coat to the January.
cleaners? 6
Shall _____
3 Its bad manners to eat with your mouth open.
People ____
4 Is it necessary for them to call you every day?
Do _____
5 Its illegal to talk on the phone while youre driving.
You _____
6 I think its good for children to learn to speak
another language.
Children ____
7 Emma learnt to speak when she was 3.
When Emma was 2, ___
8 Booking seats for this show isnt obligatory.
You _____


Tests_hu.indd 48 09-07-24 9:37:39

4 Some of the sentences below contain mistakes in 5 Complete the gaps using appropriate modal verbs.
the highlighted parts. Correct the mistakes and
tick (3) the correct sentences.
0 Might I use your phone to call my Mum? Im sure I often ask myself what skills are necessary
shes worried. to be a good writer. 0 Do you have to (you)
Could I use your phone to call my Mum? have a degree in literature or do a creative
Christopher has failed his driving test again!
writing course? Is it absolutely necessary?
He must feel terrible. Im really sorry for him. 3
Many people would probably say yes but
1 You mustnt go there with me if you dont want to. there are some who claim that you simply
But I would really appreciate it if you did. 1
__ learn how to write.
_____ You either have a talent for writing or not.
_____ And if you dont, you 2__
forget about a professional writing career
2 While it might not be the best phone, it still looks
great and is a good option if you want something as quickly as possible. This sort of advice
__ seem rather harsh
_____ but, on the other hand, I believe, people
__ go on hoping to become
successful writers if there are absolutely
3 They mustnt be out. They have small children and no grounds for it. Of course, everybody
always put them to bed around this time. 5
__ write stories or poems
in their free time but its probably best
_____ to accept the fact that for many of us it
4 The play was absolutely amazing. You should go 6
__ be a profession earning
and see it. fame and fortune. The good news though is
_____ that you 7__ sell books and
_____ have a large readership to enjoy writing.
5 Im not sure what kind of music they play. It must
be punk or perhaps pop.
6 I couldnt find a taxi, so I must walk all the way
home. 7
_____ TOTAL: 30


Tests_hu.indd 49 09-07-24 9:37:40

Test 9 Countable and uncountable nouns, articles, quantifiers

1 Join the beginnings of sentences with the endings. 2 Circle the correct option.
Use a, an, the or nothing.
0 How much / How many time do we have?
Beginnings 1 She has a lot of friends but neither / none of them
yi y 0 Who is lives close to school.
yy 1 Ive got 2 Ive eaten too many / much junk food today.
yy 2 My mother always leaves
3 Anna and Gil are twins. Both of / All of them are
yy 3 Take a swim in very intelligent.
yy 4 I dont like
4 The only problem with him is that he asks
yy 5 She hopes to continue working as
too many / too much questions.
yy 6 Charles I lived in
yy 7 We need
5 I can meet you on Monday or Tuesday.
Either / Neither day is OK with me.
yy 8 Do you know how to get to
6 Before I had children I read a lot / a lot of books.
Endings 7 Both / Neither supermarket is open today.
a Dead Sea, where you cannot sink. 8 If I were you, I wouldnt spend so many / much
b Heathrow Airport from here? money on clothes.
c small gift for you.
9 Can I have a few / a little more wine, please?
d people who are always late.
e front door open. 10 Some / Some of our teachers have university degrees.
f double room for three nights. 5
g seventeenth century.
h actress in the future. 3 Four of the sentences below contain mistakes. Find
i fastest runner in the world? them and rewrite the sentences in the correctway.
0 The Pacific Ocean has many thousands of islands. 3
0 Who is the fastest runner in the world?
00 There are lots of time before the post office closes.
Theres lots of time before the post office closes.
1 _____
_____ 1 Neither of my parents was strict.
2 _____ _____
2 You shouldnt eat sweets before lunch.
3 _____
_____ _____
4 _____ 3 Some of people hate watching horror movies.
_____ _____
5 _____ _____
_____ 4 I think you left your towel in a bathroom.
6 _____
5 Im afraid there arent no tickets left.
7 _____ _____
_____ _____
8 _____ 6 Boys I met at the disco yesterday were good fun.
_____ _____
7 Most of the people at the concert were having
agood time.



Tests_hu.indd 50 09-07-24 9:37:40

Test 10 Indefinite pronouns

1 Circle the correct option. 3 Four of the sentences below contain mistakes.
0 Has _ seen Julia today? Find them and rewrite the sentences in the correct
a somebody b anybody c nobody way.
0 Did you meet anybody interesting at the party? 3
1 Please, listen to me! Ive got _ important to tell
you. 00 I cant go to the party. I havent got nothing to
a anything b everything c something wear.
I cant go to the party. I havent got anything to
2 There is no rush. _ wants to eat yet. wear.
a Somebody b Nobody c Anybody
1 Everything I do, I do it for you.
3 It was a terrible day, _ seemed to go right.
a something b anything c nothing
4 Leave me alone! I dont want to go _ now.
2 I wish I had anyone to trust.
a nowhere b anywhere c everywhere
5 Do you think you could do _ for me, please? _____
a something b anything c nothing
3 Everyone have to leave their passports at the
6 She must be very shy. She never says _. reception desk.
a anything b nothing c everything _____
3 _____

2 Complete the sentences with the correct 4 No one knew how to open the door.
indefinite pronouns. _____
0 Everything in this shop is very cheap.
5 Do you think we should bring anything for the
1 What would you like to do? _, I dont party?
mind. _____
2 Robert is not very sociable, he never goes _____
_. 6 The weather was awful last weekend, we didnt go
3 I was so disappointed when I realized I had nowhere.
_ to ask for help. _____
4 We had no friends, no money and _ _____
togo. 7 Im afraid there isnt something you can do to
5 _ left their bag on the bus. help us out.
6 I looked _ but I still couldnt find my
silver earring. _____
7 I dont fancy going to the cinema. Lets do
_ else. TOTAL: 20
8 They say that _ loves somebody.
Sowhat about me?
9 If you have _ else to do, how about
helping me with lunch?
10 We would like to move _ warm.


Tests_hu.indd 51 09-07-24 9:37:40

Test 11 Possessives

1 Circle the correct option. 3 Complete the gaps with correct possessive forms.
0 Dont eat this piece of cake. Its her / hers.
1 Steve is a good friend of me / mine.
2 My grandparents / grandparents garden is
beautiful. They take good care of it.
3 Toms and Nicks / Tom and Nicks school is very
close to the city centre.
O ne of 0 my earliest childhood
recollections is my aunt Joan. She
was _ mothers twin sister and a

4 I like their house better, our / ours seems much very good friend of 2_ . In 3_
smaller. childhood, they used to play with each other
5 Nobody knows the day of the meeting / all the time and shared everything they had.
the meetings day yet. My mums toys were not just 4_, but
6 Last weeks concert / The concert of last week was also 5_ sisters. But they were quite
really good.
selfish when it came to playing with other
7 This is all your / yours fault, not mine!
children. Dont touch it, its not 6_,
8 The annual policemens / policemens ball raised
its 7_! they kept saying. Auntie Joan
funds for disabled children.
told me these stories when my husband and
I had children of 8_ own. They dont
2 The sentences below contain mistakes. Find them look like us at all and we are often asked,
and rewrite the sentences in the correct way. Are they really 9_ children? We
0 Hazels dress is much more elegant than my. sometimes jokingly respond, No, of course,
Hazels dress is much more elegant than mine.
not. 10_ are much less naughty.
1 Ill see your daughter in about two weeks time.
_____ 10

2 At the films beginning she opened her bag of TOTAL: 20

popcorn and ate it all up.
3 My best friends boyfriend likes my hairstyle better
than hers.
4 Theirs dog looks remarkably similar to ours.
5 Is this your Nintendo DS? No, its Jacks and Mary.
6 Brother of Claire is younger than mine.


Tests_hu.indd 52 09-07-24 9:37:41

Test 12 Adjectives

1 Complete the sentences below using the 3 The sentences below contain mistakes. Find them
comparative and superlative forms of the and rewrite the sentences in the correct way.
adjectives in brackets. 0 Shes more interesting girl Ive talked to today.
0 Its the saddest (sad) story Ive ever read. Shes the most interesting girl Ive talked to
1 Nick lives 200 meters __ (far)
away from the school than I do. 1 Im much more busy today than yesterday.
2 Of all the children, Mark is __ _____
(bad). He causes so many problems. _____
3 I agree, your boyfriend is intelligent and caring. 2 Im afraid your qualifications are not enough good
But mine is definitely __ to get this job.
(handsome) than yours. _____
4 You look much __ (thin) than _____
you did when we last met.
3 Youre certainly more modest than he.
5 Oh, come on! Thats __ (weak) _____
argument Ive ever heard.
6 Thats __ (creative) idea so far.
4 How a stupid thing to do! I thought he was smarter
7 I have to leave a bit __ (early) than that.
today, Im in a hurry. _____
8 Who is __ (tall) person in your _____
5 They are so reliable people you can always
8 depend on them.
2 Rewrite the sentences so that the meaning stays _____
the same. Use the words in capital letters and _____
begin as shown.
6 Our younger daughter is much tidier as her older
0 Mark is too intelligent to compete with. (ENOUGH) brother.
I am not intelligent enough to compete with Mark.
1 Peter is more intelligent than David. (AS) _____
David is ____ 6
2 This dress was cheaper than all the others I tried TOTAL: 20
on. (OF)
This dress was ____
3 I didnt know your grandparents were so young.
I didnt know you had ___
4 The dress was not long enough to cover bruises on
my legs. (TOO)
The dress was ____
5 It was rude they didnt thank you. (OF)
How _____
6 Mr Brown and his wife are both very careful about
their diet. (AS)
Mr Brown is ____


Tests_hu.indd 53 09-07-24 9:37:41

Test 13 Reported speech

1 Circle the correct option. 3 Read the text and rewrite all reported questions in
0 My father _ if I really wanted to study law. direct speech.
a said b asked c told

1 Lee _ that he wanted to join us for lunch.

a asked b said c told My forum
2 She was sorry for missing school and explained
that shed been ill the _ week. kikno writes:
a before b earlier c previous 11.05.2008 11:35

3 The teacher asked us _ talking. My last job interview was very stressful. The
a to stop b that we stop c stop interviewer first asked me if I had ever worked
4 Someone _ me that there had been a fire in my before. Then she was interested in why I had
building. left my previous job and how I had heard
a spoke b told c said about that vacancy. She also wanted to know
5 Does anybody know how far _ from the city how I saw myself in 10 years time. I dont quite
centre? understand why she asked if I was married. The
a we are b we were c are we next question, though, was the toughest she
wanted to know how much I expected to earn.
6 I told her _ take it personally but she still got
offended. I think she liked my answers because finally she
a dont b to not c not to wanted to know when I would be available to
start working.

2 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech, JOB INTERVIEWS

beginning as shown.
0 Ive done it myself.
Ella said that she had done it herself. 0 Have you ever worked before?
1 Can you do me a big favour? 1 _____
My girlfriend asked _____
2 Dont treat me like a child! 2 _____
His younger sister asked _____
3 _____
3 Did you come back early yesterday?
They wanted _____
4 _____
4 Our mother is teaching us how to cook and sew. _____
They said
_____ 5 _____
5 Try hitting the nail with a hammer. _____
My father told
_____ 6 _____
6 Ive baked my first chocolate cake today! _____
Claire said 6
7 We will do everything to help you with your move
next week.
Tom and Henry said
8 I dont have time to explain it to you right now.
The teacher told


Tests_hu.indd 54 09-07-24 9:37:41

4 Rewrite the questions below as indirect questions. 5 The sentences below contain mistakes in the
Use the words in brackets. highlighted parts. Correct the mistakes and
0 Where is the post office? (KNOW) rewrite the sentences in the correct way.
Do you know where the post office is? 0 Id like to know what have you done with my new
1 Where did I leave the house keys? (REMEMBER) what you have done
1 She told me she didnt need my help and that she
will do everything myself.
2 Does this bus go to the city centre? (TELL) _____
_____ 2 Do you think my father knows how much does the
_____? broken window cost?
3 How much have you paid for this jacket? (MIND)
_____ 3 Billy told me that I dont disturb him while he was
4 Can I smoke here? (ANYONE)
4 I honestly didnt remember how old is her
_____ grandmother.
_____? _____
5 Where were you at 10 p.m. last night? (CAN) 5 The shop assistant asked me do I have the receipt.
_____ _____
_____? 6 Cindy came and said me she spoke to her boss two
days ago.
6 What does she want for her birthday? (IDEA)
7 Are shops open on Boxing Day? (HAPPEN) TOTAL: 30


Tests_hu.indd 55 09-07-24 9:37:42

Test 14 Relative clauses

1 Circle the correct option. 3 Complete the gaps with the correct relative
0 My sister, _ lives in Canada, is an architect. pronouns. Add commas where necessary.
a which b who c whose

1 She didnt say a single word the whole time, _

was very rude.
a what b that c which
2 Do you know the man _ car was stolen?
a which b whose c who
his is a true story 0 , which was told
by my best friend Mike Douglas
__ father used to teach
3 Im afraid your certificate, _ was issued two in our school. It happened at the time
weeks ago, contains an error. 2
__ Mr Douglas was a trainee
a that b which c who
teacher and didnt quite know how to go
4 Shes going on holiday to Spain, _ her friends about teaching and maintaining discipline in
have been living for two years.
a where b when c which the classroom. Many pupils took advantage
5 Ive never known anybody _ is as dedicated to of his inexperience 3__ made
children as you. Mikes fathers life really hard. One day
a which b whose c who Robert 4__ was the naughtiest
6 Thats the button _ you hit when the alarm goes boy in Year 6, decided to play a practical
a what b who c that joke on poor Mr Douglas. When the teacher
3 left the ICT suite 5__ they were
having a Maths class, he asked everyone
2 Read the sentences below and decide where the
relative pronoun can be left out. Rewrite the to turn all desks and chairs upside down.
sentences without the pronoun or write cant be When Mr Douglas returned, all pupils were
left out. sitting on their chairs and working as if
0 The present that I bought for him was terribly nothing had happened. Mr Douglas stood
The present I bought for him was terribly speechless for a minute and then started
expensive. laughing. It was probably the situation
00 I dont like people who talk only about 6
__ helped him to relax and
can't be left out enjoy teaching more.

1 Have you seen the girl that Robert is dating?

2 Breckenridge, where we often go skiing, is a
Victorian town in the Colorado mountains.
3 She fell in love with the man who is now her
4 Is there anything that youd like to add?
5 I think I have met the person who I have always
wanted to meet.
6 I need something that will make me get back in
7 Where is the book which I was reading?


Tests_hu.indd 56 09-07-24 9:37:42

4 Rewrite the sentences below using relative clauses. 5 Read the sentences below and decide which are
0 Dominic is my best friend. (I have known Dominic correct (4) and which are incorrect (8). Rewrite
for five years.) the incorrect sentences in the correct way.
Dominic, who / whom Ive known for five years, is my 0 Whats the name of the city where the Olympic
best friend. Games were held in 1992? 3
00 It rained all the time on our honeymoon, what
1 Anna was late for school yesterday. (Anna is almost was terrible. 7
always on time.) It rained all the time on our honeymoon, which
_____ was terrible.
2 Whose are those socks? (The socks are lying on
1 The person, who lifestyle you dont like, is very
important in my life.
3 I had to go to the dentist. (The dentist removed
2 Our local pub, where we used to go every
one of my bad teeth.)
Saturday, has closed down.
4 The police are looking for the man. (The mans car
3 The performance that we saw last night was
has been damaged in a motor accident.)
absolutely brilliant.
5 My parents met in Paris. (My parents went on 4 The annual meeting, that we talked about
holiday to Paris.) yesterday, is cancelled.
_____ _____
6 They thought I was my Mums sister. (It made me 5 Thats the gold bracelet which I told you about.
laugh.) _____
6 Do you remember the name of the woman,
7 This is the window. (The window needs replacing.) which called me yesterday?
_____ _____
8 The new supermarket will be opened in May. 6
(Thenew supermarket is three times bigger than
Tesco in the city centre.) TOTAL: 30


Tests_hu.indd 57 09-07-24 9:37:43

Test 15 Linking words

1 Join the beginnings of sentences with the endings 2 Complete the sentences with the correct linking
using correct linking words. words.
Beginnings 0 They went shopping to Next and Gap.
g y 0 They kept talking
y 1 Please tidy up your room _ you go out.
yy 1 I didnt want to upset him 2 _ most people agreed with her, she was
yy 2 We wont know the match result only partially correct.
yy 3 Nobody visited him in hospital
3 Ill give you a ring _ I arrive in Krakw.
yy 4 We didnt study hard
yy 5 I didnt marry him 4 You can come with us _ stay here, I dont
yy 6 I wont give him any money mind.
5 Im sure theyll finish the report _ they
Endings start working on it now.
a The referee whistles the final. 6 Ill wait here _ he finishes talking to his
b We managed to pass our final exams. teacher.
c He was too young and irresponsible. 7 Dont watch this film _ you want to cry.
d I didnt tell him the truth.
e He promises to spend it wisely. 7
f They knew about his illness.
g I was trying to do my homework. 3 The sentences below contain mistakes. Find them
and rewrite the sentences in the correct way.
0 They kept talking while I was trying to do my 0 We decided to stay in although the weather was
homework. horrible.
We decided to stay in because the weather was
1 _____ horrible.
1 Ill do the washing up until everybody has finished
2 _____ eating.
2 She wanted to improve her English because she
3 _____ enrolled on an English course.
_____ _____
4 _____ 3 Your mother wont let you go out any more if you
come back on time.
_____ _____
5 _____ 4 Laura is very clever. Shes good at maths, biology,
_____ chemistry, languages.
6 _____
5 Can you look after my dogs until Im on holiday?
_____ _____
6 6 I stood there waiting but Kate was ready to go.
7 Because I didnt really like Tom, I agreed to go out
with him.



Tests_hu.indd 58 09-07-24 9:37:43

Test 16 Prepositions

1 Circle the correct option. 3 Complete the gaps with correct prepositions
0 We went in / at / to Rome for two weeks. or leave the gaps blank if a preposition is not
1 When I got o / out of / from the car, I couldnt
even walk.
2 We always have a big meal on / at / in Christmas

nna has always been my best friend.
3 I was sleeping peacefully, completely unaware
We met 0 at a concert 1_ Warsaw,
of / from / with the danger around me.
where we both studied law. It turned out
4 I cant talk to you right now. Ill call you back during
/ in / for about five minutes. that we belonged 2_ the same student
5 Fiona has always been very good in / at / from organisations and were interested 3_
languages. the same things. 4_ the beginning of our
6 I object from / to / at being filmed by security friendship we agreed 5_ each other about
cameras. almost everything. We believed 6_ the
7 My father was born in / at / on 27 May. same values and shared the same principles.
8 Our school is among / between / across the 7
_ that time I felt I had found my true
kindergarten and the post office.
soulmate. However, several years and many
life experiences later we realized that we were
2 The sentences below contain mistakes. Find them very different 8_ each other. We both
and rewrite the sentences in the correct way. succeeded 9_ life but in very different
0 Lets talk about it tomorrow in the morning or in ways I am a professional lawyer and Anna
lunchtime. takes care of her husband and five children.
Lets talk about it tomorrow in the morning or at
lunchtime. We both dreamed 10_ a happy life but we
have realized this dream in different ways.
1 Im very busy in the weekend but I can come on
2 Gill met me at the station and took me back to
home before going on to work. TOTAL: 20
3 What well do depends from the weather, lets
listen to the forecast.
4 It was very cold in this winter, especially at
5 This photograph reminds me about the time when
I was happily married to Jane.
6 Visitors can park across the main road or in one of
the car parks nearby.


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Test 17 Verb patterns

1 Circle the correct verb form. 3 Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the
0 I think you should consider _
for this job. following verbs: be, do, give, lead, meet, put, smoke,
a to apply b applying c apply stick, watch. Add an object where necessary.

1 Id love _ to your party but Im busy that night. Christie's Blog

a to come b coming c come
My mother has always been very
2 The teacher made me _ at the back of the class concerned about my health. Last year I
so I didnt disturb the others. promised her 0 to do something about
a to sit b sitting c sit it and decided 1__ a
3 His mother told _ crying. more healthy lifestyle. The first thing I
a him to stop b to stop c him stop did was to stop 2__ .
It was not easy though. I tried to avoid
4 I hope _ you again soon. 3
__ friends who smoked
a to see b seeing c see
but they seemed 4__
5 Thelma just cant stand _ food that has been everywhere I went. My girlfriend did a great
microwaved. job by helping 5__ to
a to eat b eating c to eat my decision. One day I was so desperate
6 Robert was homesick and missed _ in his own that I begged 6__ me
language. one cigarette but she refused. Some other
a to speak b speaking c to speak day she caught me with a cigarette in my
hand but didnt let 7__ it
into my mouth. It was all so embarrassing!
2 Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets in Ihavent been smoking for two months
the correct form. Add an object where necessary. now. I dont enjoy 8__
0 Which game did you like playing (play) the most? people smoke but I wouldnt like to join in.
add a comment
1 She loves __ (chat) with people
from all around the world.
2 He offered __ (give) me a lift
home, which I accepted. TOTAL: 20
3 They invited __ (eat) with them
but we had other arrangements.
4 Anna is upset because her parents didnt let
__ (stay) at the party longer.
5 I personally believe that you should
__ (do) what feels right.
6 The driver managed __ (not hit)
any of the people on the other side of the road.
7 I dont mind __ (cook) but
Iwouldnt choose it as a job.
8 I understand that you need __
(think) it over carefully.
9 One of my friends suggested __
(go) diving at the end of March.


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Test 18 Question tags

1 Circle the correct option. 3 Match the beginnings of sentences with correct
0 You are Toms sister, question tags.
a are you? b arent you? c isnt she? Beginnings
1 Robert goes swimming twice a week, k y 0 You are going with us,
yy 1 Its very cheap,
a isnt he? b doesnt he? c is he?
yy 2 Tom and Mary got married in May,
2 You wouldnt like to stay home on your own, yy 3 Your sister wasnt at home,
a would you? b do you? c wouldnt you? yy 4 Anns passed the exam,
3 There are some sweets on the dining table, yy 5 Your parents will give us a lift,
a arent they? b arent there? c isnt there? yy 6 Our teacher didnt tell us about it,
yy 7 The meeting wont last long,
4 She wont tell her parents about it, yy 8 Mrs Jones loves apples,
a wont she? b is she? c will she? yy 9 Theres a lot of traffic today,
5 You havent ironed my blue shirt, yy 10 Tims neighbours havent got a car,
a have you? b did you? c havent you? Question tags
6 She looks like a film star, a hasnt she? g doesnt she?
a doesnt she? b does she? c is she? b isnt there? h didnt they?
3 c was she? i will it?
d have they? j wont they?
2 Complete the sentences with correct question e isnt it? k arent you?
tags. f did she?
0 She went there with you, didnt she ?
0 You are going with us, arent you?
1 This fish isnt very tasty, ________ ?
2 Tom cant speak German, ________ ? 1 _____
3 Im overdressed, ________ ? 2 _____
4 Shes not a child any more, ________ ?
3 _____
5 It wont take that long, ________ ?
6 They were very tired after the journey, ________ ? 4 _____
7 Hell be all right, ________ ? 5 _____
8 Lets have chicken for lunch, ________ ?
6 _____
9 They went shopping yesterday, ________ ?
10 Tidy up your room now, ________ ? 7 _____
11 There hasnt been any rain this summer, 8 _____
________ ?
12 Nick prefers basketball to football, ________ ? 9 _____

10 _____



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