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Should include the following items:

1. Cover page
UCSI University
Course of study
WJB301 Hubungan Ethnik
Assignment Title
Lecturers Name
Students name and matric number (id)

2. Table of contents
3. Introduction
4. Content
5. Conclusion
6. Bibliography

Compiling Bibliography

Reference for a book

Authors name followed by comma and followed by full stop

Date of publication (either in brackets of followed by full stop)
Title of book (either underlined or in italics) followed by full stop
Place of publication followed by colon
Name of publisher followed by full stop


Nazaruddin Hj. Mohd Jali, (2003). Malaysian Studies Nationhood and Citizenship. Kuala
Lumpur: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Reference for a journal article

Authors name followed by comma and initials followed by full stops.

Date of publication (either in brackets or followed by full stop).
Title of article followed by full stop. The title must not be underlined; it may be
within apostrophes but this is not necessary.
Title of journal ( either underlined or in italics).
Journal volume number/issue followed by the full stop.

Lynch, B.K. (2000) A context-adaptive model of programme evaluation. TESOL
Reference for a newspaper/magazine articles


Anwar has described English in Kenya as a language of communication with the outside
world and with foreigners within the country ( Straits Times, 14 July 2008)

Things to remember

Your assignment should not be less than six pages (excluding appendices).
It should be type-written
Font size 12
Font Times New Roman
Double spacing
A4 sized paper
Do not comb-bind
Completion of assignments

Due date for individual submission by Final Exam semester January-April 2017


Individual assignment topics given

No Items evaluated Marks Allocated

1 Relevance of content to topic 3%
2 Division of topics and subtopics 2%

3 Facts and presentation 10%

4 Coherence in elaboration 3%
5 Spelling and grammar 1%
6 Creativity 1%
7 Total 20/2 = 10%

Bincangkan SATU SAHAJA dari soalan-soalan berikut dengan jelas.

1. Huraikan bagaimana tolak ansur antara kaum telah mempercepatkan proses kemerdekaan Tanah
2. Huraikan bagaimana proses dan tindakan politik boleh memupuk hubungan etnik yang harmonis
di Malaysia.
3. Jelaskan sikap akomodatif yang wujud semasa penggubalan perlembagaan Malaysia.
4. Huraikan peranan dan kepentingan unsur-unsur tradisi dan kontrak sosial dalam konteks
hubungan etnik di Malaysia.
5. Huraikan peranan yang dimainkan oleh setiap golongan etnik di Malaysia dalam menuntut

Nota: Sila hantar tugasan di atas pada hari sebelum peperiksaan subjek berkenaan sebelum 6

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